Little's Law Example Question: Inventory Management

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Inventory Management

Little’s Law Example Question

A company makes digital cameras

▪ The process has 3 stages: manufacture, assembly and packaging
▪ 20 hours for 1 unit to pass from start to finish through the processes
▪ A work day is 10 hours
▪ Average output is 1000 cameras / day
▪ Current WIP levels are 3000 unit (for all 3 processes combined)
▪ Some consultants hired by the owner suggest that WIP should be reduced by 50%....

What do you think? L=λW

L = Level of WIP (Min. Qty of items in the system at any moment in time)
λ = Throughput Rate (Qty of items going through the system per time period)
W = Throughput Time (Average time an Item spends Inside the system)

Answer on next page

Course Handout
Inventory Management

λ = 1000 cameras / day
W = 2 days (20 hours / 10 hours in a day)
L = 1000 x 2
L = 2000 units

2000 units is the “minimum” WIP possible for this system to be functioning based on the
given process times and throughput rate. The extra 1000 WIP in existence must be waiting
between processes.

“Choosing” to cut WIP in half is not possible but a deliberate reduction in either throughput rate
(unlikely) or a reduction in throughput time (lead time reduction).

Course Handout

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