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The diagram illustrates the process of monitoring and labeling shellfish so that it is prepared for the

international market.

In the beginning, fishermen use GPS location devices on their boats in order to catch shellfish. This
device is automatically sending signals to the satellite so that workers in Santiago can monitor the catch.
The next stage would be labeling, where the shellfish catch is labeled with a barcode. This is done in
order that the shellfish is certified, which makes it eligible for the market.

After this, shellfish is sent to the processing plant, so that the final product is made and prepared for
shipping. Now that shellfish’s quality is checked and verified for consumption, the final stage can begin.
Finally, the transportation system, consisting of trucks and planes, is used to make the shellfish available
on both local and international markets.

Through this process, shellfish after the catch undergoes labeling, processing, and transportation, so as
to be sure its safe for final use by consumers all around the world.

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