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Valumat outc Analysrs

OaidatioY -Numbet-
Otidahon Numlpe o ny elemunt in an
Compound is detinad as no t elactoons
ost'or 9aingd by,he ekomant duung
tS Convesio from foue State
tany panticulan Compound t i s
iven PPSitive Sgn whan electvpns
dun d given,Megative Si9n if
electyons Qo Gai ned.:
In Case of Tonic compound ON Sogo s
a l chagige lbut in Case Gt Covalnt
Compowndit ShowS Hupothetic al
Cho9e +t
STa Sta

Kulaasas aBSigning Oidatign Numbet:-

I n fso2/Puea Stati ON e each and
ev ety Stat S z t o
tg Mg,Na, O, N ,etc
4) Ln ozonides COs) tha O'N 9t0ygen
Ln Combined stalo
iS always1) wi hout any KO3
ON of (F) Stable
0N= 1 reapaide and upeioudes a
only oS S-block lmants
Cara CaPO
NasAl Lt Be Mg Ca Oztdo Stalbl
ONof(F= -1)P
iS alw ys (-2): Na H Ba Sr Penoide
O N ct Oyge
Ot2e K Ro C Superoxide SEalble

Mao, H0 Na O * Ooida tion numlbe ot Hydroqen dopends

whih it
is en tha elomQnt wiTh
Dn peMOido ion 0 N 0f 0ygen Combinns
-1)' pt0Oudo ian () Metol >NaH, NaßH4 ,CaHa, LiALH,
Eg Ha050.O S7O, NaO ,ete

Hud.7oge Non-Met
CON +1 ONH3, Pha HS ,etc
a) In Sup etOido, ion (O) tho 0N
OF 6y9en is (2)
K Oxidation et Sulphust in
Sulphide -2 ON -2
I n compounds itn FuosAtnL 9- HS, CuS, FeS, NHHS
Ougen Shows poSitive O N Hald
Oida tim No of Halogen

, FaF
Metals S alw ays
ON of AQkali * Summation of ON of a elanmants is
+1) Zeto iy case of çonPons o r is
Cal t h not dhai9e on iOn iin
Cae of ions
merals Is
ON Cf ALKalina Eatth
aluwas (t2) 1 Detumine tha ON f h elhmant
9, r , Ka wndoi ngd in fha foWow ing Case
*Ihe maximum N h a t any K MnO
Can Showis tho no 0f elcT7ons
in its Valoncg Sho
ctoons O Nof Mn + 7

i SO b-2 L= t6
JRa Meral s- bUook
koL torth M O Nof S =
OT0 a miuy
nEn Ca7oon omi ii) KaC O4 2+-8 O -tb
Orernnp) ye en am -oulock O N of Cr-+6
LDnreinfalogen eemt
ns np NirToen am? y +S iv) KaC ON dr -/4
O of+ Cr O =+6
* h minimwm ON 9f any elmant
is gfve by- Mga2 0 O Nd ef -14 +S
Nor FoR 1min CoN) -(no of e in Oute
METALS Shall v(NH),O PO,N »(NH,) Po .
I-8 --3
oTkon m
3 t 3 t -12 o
N Tro9e amuu
Oy9en Fomi
vi)LtgNa, ADFa
Hodoge ram t-8) O N 0f AS + =
Vin) ASO4
N 0f A
= +2 Egr C8 O ONof Os 8
So 2x b -0 Ru Q4 ON of Ru +8 =

ix) BSO,)3
O Nof 3= +3 Xe COH)
Pen xaniC Acid
0N 9f Sulphun -A -4 0 ONof Xe -+%
a) Detinmi the
inthafoouoin9 Compounds- A) Pen xandlo
O:N Ot Xe +8
Lon XeO%
Ha SOs d1-6 0
Nof - +4 v HS2 Os Peroxy dt slphuc acid Marshalls
HSOD 2 Acid J
SO-O-S-O-H Sulphusi =r6
ON of S rb
O 0-2

HhsCoOS Aidmono Suwprustc aciol

iv) HSC PeOxr vi) Cr Os, Chomium peioride
H-0S:O-0FHON 6 Buttf
Ia highgs
ou 0S, O:N knoun is
K Gnd
Xe (+8) 3h0uT O
A v e n a g g O x i d a H m N u m o t
Non-Stoichiomotuc Compounds
F o i e Otde
ComPounds in which, atoms aL not
FeO calud non- 8toidhigmetma Compounds
Fe,O Feei-oeo
Avet age UN 9N Fg0, Fe, n , et
Avenaae ON=ral Ghozge- Calculati tha ONof Fe in
lotal no 0taums Avenage ON = 2 = t 20o
na e**

O-93 93 has ee
Caloulata tha ) of Fe în Fe,O,
3(100- 0 0 7 J00- - 200xu
Fe.OFe,O Fe oo 13
1e2 Fe
y00 33 33 Thus o f Fe
o f Fe
-Total (Fe)
A Ca.leuIato the / of Sn" in Sn O
Calaulatt ha. () of Po" tn P'bs +8x E2) O - +400
Pumbie Orda 4 A4T Sn

O Avenage ON 6
t200 8
PO+P60, Po,O 42t200-2 36 -

of P l00 3333 +1: 8

7 f 1 Sn4 80%
5) CaleuIato tha in diyidual,
ON f Ifhybudi sation
thon ha. On as duf fewnt
Naa S2 Og w0
Sulphu in in Stactce bondiny Method iS moAL EN as ThmoS 8-chr"k
% S-char xEN
8 S 7 E pJonahorn
ONof 1 S =

N ONof2S S =+6 E N uoid be

NoO S Aveiage ONN= +2
S O-Na
O Na0
Calqulati tha îndzutdual oN sf
Stuctuo-Bonding Mehod: Sulphu1.
Ín Na 4O
Na O-S-S*S*S -o Na

In tho Cage ot Coyalant Bond

I f atomS/ elamants a diffant hun

N u ®Na
Th nQGaHve change S9/ven
elamnt O
th mOU eLctno nQ9ahve hu 2 Sulphusts tS NN Avehage *S
i ntho bond , +O ON
2 Sulphu®Ls
Eg- Let A
(A)be thon
moto eloctro nagahve -*| Avehage oN
han (B) Hnfor
for ON NH, NOs
|NH ,NO3
4-6 -0

T S 0 N ON et NProge
ON of A,8,C,D,t in
ii)+ooth ha elomonts aste Same, 8) Ca.leulato. the
e n Chck fo D+2
o ihem
hybidi Satiav E N
OTdo ef
Tf hybmdi Sation a Sama, than Ne
NO ON of ofiAa, t 1 ,
and gafng
of, Ca, Joose,dolD OridationAnd Roduction
)6 mo mine
0 mo Jos of,elctronS, PTOduct
ON Of (CJ.) in inal Oxi dah0m
9oin 0t O N t O2 2NO
Oxfdarov /No
JoSS 9t 2 NH N2t3H
Y X LoSS OF elactaan S calWg d oxidahon,
PGain3 S i n whan an elemant dooses (e)
6 ) C . + 10e c0rs'OC tho ON inGO aços incuqse in
0e O N i8 also caWod. 0xidaion
Loo8eg LEO Loosing of Elecnon is Qxfdatian
SPnca CI
on uining (e onS.
T P OduCT 9fKxnI (DPO Raduction
oe 1o baan
OC Must oe o e a i d, oss ef O
t aande (C), SCl2 must have gain t eloctronS
OCT ed 1 Ghain ef is callod SQduc tion
Kn L te balon ca Sina uwhn i S 9auned 0N
Cha qe, CL thoPOduct muust
e 2c0 Oduct doc.aaco deC.S0ase in ON
be C 2CJ° u s tho n IO:- CalWa d d u c tian
aduc fion
C2 dCI*+I0e
OxPd ahion
accompon feol
Thus h diffetont ON, 9f(C.L) * Oxdatign is always
by Roduction -
in h PTQduct foSimadd aL
(+S) ond. C-1)
S0dahon Halk RxnRan
> Ra,duchon Ha
mola of
1) 1moJo of Ha Nooses
2moJos oj NaH
cton3,,thon o , O a T i O with
olowTng elactrong eténmine inal 0 N of
Ougen whicn ot TN, TOUOwing
PoddS iSlasa poSSTolo:- Inus 1moe loose Lomo las ofes"S

N H ON of Nttroqen inhol (-2)

Ansuet: a,b,G,d
Ha A 4a Possi%l
uoo N Looses lo molb
On N Nooses Smolas 9t
N N * + Se Final Stau M
HS tb Thus th n a l ON of N s (t-3)
4) moJes sf NaSaOs Jooses mqh3
21oduct T
Suphut -b Spo88PbJa
9t eloctronS, doteiming tha fAna
N 9t ulphu
SO H,SO4, HaSO, H Oa Thus Lmoa 9Na SO doose 2moks
+6 of dhctron (ON Of S)n Aveage
Sinco i in (t6) ON. n ay. (4) Sinco Pn ong modo of Na2pO hod
C 2 SulphuS atom S, 0nly 0n
eJoctoon s lost byCach Sulphu
1modo. KMnO 9aing $moles hus
t Detn ming. tha finak
O'N 9t Mn S S* +e , husho fnal N

KMnO Mn +Se Mnt

Thus the sinal ON of Ozidising.Ra.ducing Agents
Mn is (+2) The.
Ouidising Agent qluwausitsel
OThtS and edu
in it aducos itSel, it 9aYns i) HSRaduing Raagent
ectoans ieR SuduLOS its PN
* Raduung agents O
in) Pbo, 0idising Raagent
Suduc otf ,uöhidetOuou iv) HNO Oidising RaaGent
t Se i e it JooseS ellctTon
Ond in Gu aCOS ItS ON
vKCh,0 0zidising Raagent
Deteiminaian.sf OioiSingodu.cingAges
v) PogO, Acts a Both Oxidising,Raduting R
L¥ any elamat is Pou%ent in its, vi) KT > Raducaing Raagent
maximum ON, hon' h i ComPownd
behaves as oXidSin9 0gent
vii H,C Acti as Both
T f anu elsmnt fs OseTt in its vauo @f 0'N hsn i t Mox ON
Max N Qxidising Raagent
ac os SQduunq q9enT Min ON Rduung Raage
a fhg ON 8 Somuhto.Oct
inter mad HCOg In spite ot having th
Thon Tnat Compoura Gan Ha PO4 max ON hoSe elomoTtS/
ooth oxidfSing a s we. as Suducin Compounds dot S0act as
SO4 s 0orsrng agents
a gents
5Idontify wha hon Th 0LL bofh 0y acids

ven CompoundsT HNOg,but

6). HNO2,
HNO, behav e as
Can act as oidising 0r Suoiucn9 thit7o9en a SAduung
SLagent:- ooTh COxidiSin9 asuwelL
agent ExpJbin- N of N - + 3
KMn04 Oxtdrsing Reagent > min-6 HNOO

N HIVO30 Nof N=*

Max =S
Ln HNO ,N is po Sent in(+SS) Oxidised as weUl as sa ducad in the
0Trda Hon t a o ' , ie tts moximum SLaG thon
boTh n d Qxfodahan
and. i t Cuntact
acPs Ouy Oxidf Sin9 agent Eg- Ha,O2 + Ha O
P 2HgO +Oq
Radu cthm
+3 0fdation 's tata tt can înegaue H,02 dsp1opoth on ates/
a uoel a daLaS e its O asand N
t u s acts as both oxidi'sSin9 2) X2 +OH X+Ox xHalogen
well Os Nducung S0agent Ccodd,d: Jute) +S
Radoa ReactiomS Xt, OH X+XOs Medium
Chot, conc:)
A Jeachon in. ghih both ofdation
as o eL a s Ldurchon 1S inyowweo P+OH PH+HPO
iS Known a JUdox SLOCHOn, in
Suçh eachian looth oXidi_in9 A)S+OH S+0,-2
UQung s00gentS a l PHOINt
7 F2 Cqun't Shoy dispro potination
y CA)* to action ExPlafn

) JaoSune a Pa,t from (0) N C a n shou

ON e (-1) ug,
yA + 8 yA +aB-Redox nm yly 1 ne 9ative its O;N and
it cant i n l a S e
Dfs pzopor tinatiom Ro. actian h n a i t does hot
Show dispToPohnanor
duspropoti natio-
It is a Specai ype of Radox net
of h
wh?chdisproPotHination foulowng does
StQach0n in which the Same ComP 8) dhow
behoves boTh Oxjdising , Joducng
Sagent A Single olemnt gets
HCIO basic Mediwm: Add ugu udd no t
CO HCLC Molgcules Such witi 0y genandHO
tuwicTM no. ef OR ion onths
Can n Wase dec o3e oPPoSite Side
T ON Thus tr Can
h o s dsPro P o a T o r 3) Add. u nd. no et Htiom on the
AOxO Sid daffici ent with Hydrogen
I f any elomunt iSpJusent in its, o anc tha chge adding appopro
minfmum ov maximum Q Nhi no ef elactrons on th appTopr a
that Compoumd uw i l net Shouw SYde
ASPYopohdnaion suaCtion
1) Balance tha folouing sing half
BaJancing Hador Ronchon OacHon me thod:
HlOHHao Spectator ions r e sen9 pF
Audic Medium>(Ht/H,o) «
Basic Mediwm -LOH"/H2O)or

Balancing Hal-Ko.achon 2S20

1) balanco all otha atomS ercept i in) H3 +2H-2
(o) and (H) H2S S+2H*+2e
2 Add Hl OH based en madium
iv) No NH e -4H+VO IH t3H,o
AcidicAdd H.0, on 9ide whicn is Oy gen NO3+9H+3e NHst 3H,0
deffici ent and toicoha no e9t
H ion on oPPo Sidle Co,0 _Ct3
H,8 > S r2H +2e
4HO +12-t 3H3et HNO NO +2 Ha0
X 2
+6e 2C73 +7H2O 3H3 38 t
b +
Co0 +l4 H bH be 2HNo 2NO +4R20
0 Ost2HT +2e"
Op+2H +2e 3H,S +2HNO% 2NO+3S +4 H
vii) HaO Ha O 2-40 2H0 ii) KMnO, t Ha Ca CO4 Ka0+ MnO+CO2
+3 +2
HO +2H +2e 0
to KMn
n S
OustHaC2 O K0+ Mn O+Cô
vii FeS. Fe 0, t aO2
4 S02 +22H+22e e akMnOa Haa 4 R20 +2 Mn0 +CO,NO
e Sa +ll HaO Fe,Oa +h SO,+22Ht+228 +SHaO
xHNO HNO KMn O4+SH2C20, K0 t2MnO +l0COTSH,0
2H2e NO HNO2 + R2O
HNOat 2Ht +2e HNO,tH20 in FeSOyt+ K,CrO,+HSO4> Fe(SO)tCa,Cso,)a
2Rad A4 Actcli c " K 8O4
x)CIs o C70+IO Fe SO,+K, C O4 t HaSO Fe (so), +A, (S04),
Ca Ca O
On t3 Ot+13H,0+21e
t 13H0 +21e 1 nx3=6 +Ka S o + Ho
Co Is+ 2bOH C0,+3 Io t13M,0+21e 6 FeSo, t+ K2 C30,HS04 3Fe,CSo4)s + C7aCSo,
Balanco. tho foowing ful0 saoctiorn:- +Ka. SO +7 Hað0
HaS +HNO, St NO 6Fe SOA +KaCz,0 +7 HaSO, * 3Fe Cso,),4Cx,6o,)s
+K2S04+7 H0
Boalon ad E
KOH in) 2AJt aCA 2AJ. CA
i Col +
Ha + xt
K CrOy +
KIO4 + Ha0 4gms AL 6x3s S gms
oTtit0a +KOH k , Ca 0, t KLO + Ho

Fotom o ho aoove eAomls, tS

oCoLt2t H,O -iO KOH K,CrO, tb KIO S4Hao doatt tmat Atom Weight is dividec lby
anumbe aund this n o 18 Knowy
&Colgt 2+H0t1o KOH 2KCaQ, +bkO,+S4H,O a n-faCtaU' h e 9enn al dafinition
O Evivalon t weght i s thL Ma hoo
lo its
Eviyalnt Werght (CE): ofgtomicmouo Cuit weght
n-fac to
9vtvalant Weftht of any SubstoncQ ou
nt is t h wegh, whichcombings
OS SOP Nace S 1 99 Hydrogpn, n-factor
Couugen or 35S g of CiJoaine
* nco ModaqulaAtomic wt isfa. wt
2MgO 9r ong mo Gt Subs taunc
18 alw ays Gal ulaled sur
gm m -factoS
of Mg 24 Onl mo do oF he SubS tanco

aO, t
Calculatiam of'n-factoa
) Zn +H2S0, ~n
ogmS et a ComPouund dopendls
6S h gm n-acto
m H 6S 43m
uPon tho natHA af hin a Substanca
a given
uwhidh it is Showing
9Qoc tion
AoPA ,Rachucins Aqent
HCa O +HC,O 6Na,0 + Ha30g NaS0 t Ho
H lon
abs07 bS H tcnS, Acfdity =2
2 Con ralea)e vaia ble
gPo)3 H,0
Hene n-tacto7 Gt a SinGJe substane
Cases V
wi be, dutteuntinOuFreun wt AcidPty no et H
duul le which tS eV vaUonT
no otmohs
a SubS tana iS Vasu alole
CaoH) +HCI CaloH)CL + H2O
n factov 1
It is deftnid foot base and is detimad CaCoH) +dHCA CaC2 2H,0
-nfactor =
no et moles ot (OHJion 9fven by
NaCo2 +2HC0 2NaC COt+ HaO
no 9t moles,et CH*) ion t a n uP Acidf ty=
by On mols OF base
Actdlity +'n factor
aNa HGT22-1
Na SO +2 Cat2 HO
E Base MWe
Basi ci
1 NoOH Na OH M1
It is dafinad fon acds Ond is dafirao
Co 3 2COH)
Co) M/2
NHL OH NH OH no 9t mok ot Hion given up by
On modo G}Ocrd 0Y
NaC +H,O, Actolt-1 2) no ot OH on takon up by imole
1mp Ja Obsorbs iH* 9acid
Basiaty Basicfty of HPo,dsens R3salts ef HPO
n-factoa ) HPO, +NaOH
PO, +2Na0H
Na HPO, +HaO E=M/1
Naa HPO4. ++2H0,E M/2
Hg PO4 +3MOR, Na PO4 3H0, E=M/3
H + C E -M/1
9 HCJ Q H t + QO
E =M2
)Ha dO 8) CO+ alOH) Ca COs t H0sEco 2
H+ HPO2 basictty -L NOt+2NaOH
2NaNOg3 t Ha0
E 9 HPo. -M/2
4. HaPO3 2HT + HPos Bas fc?ty
HaPO 3Ht + P04 Basicity - l0)NH,CI tNaOOH NHOH +NaCI (o7)
NH,CU rNaOH NHat Na Cl + H0
r) Bosuc Acid BCOH) Bas/city=1 Bàsic?ty of NH, CA= 1
BCOH)a,tH0BCOH) +H* 1) Ca leuat tho n-facton sf SocI
Leuwis Acfd. in tho 9iven uaChon
OCQ2+NaOH Na SO tNoaCd
-Ha PO2 -O-P-H1 Actoke Hydryan OC 4Na OH Na,S0gtaNaC +2H0
Srructuoa/ 'n- factor 4 4 NaOH o7iS 40H
-o-?-0)& Actd e wsed u ao

basiy H Hycl 7ogev EW MW

H PO Choege
-O- P -O-H)
ions a wel as salts
Tt i8, doffnod fo91
3 Ad C
wncn q9A NhT Undei 90in9 odidation
O1 Lduc ion
- 3
Lons Ca CPo - Mb

Eton M
Chasge on i0n
Na, Po +BaCl2 NaC& +8a,Po,)
Na3 PO, +3daCA, t NaC& Baz CPo,)
E M/2 3 n-1
HTE M/1 /3
a E /1, PO * hor BPnany_Com?ounda 9t the
AL toam Az By 5 we ave
) SaltES

Esalt M Wsad
lotal +ve -'ve chançe on Salt n - 2x3 -6S+
Eg Al2 SO) =>

AQ6O), - ML =S42

Na +CA EM/1
Ma SO, E M/2 1 b . =S*
A PO > A* Po =M/3 EAC+Eso,
E M/1
7EALso) EA+Es:
e9vivalant weiqht ot tauin

n-fac 6 elament 8 a
ABa /Asb
A B/ AB n-fac2 1E9 Wt 0f H 1
SaJts Ew of 25 S
wt o C
AL by n-Fac' Ly Eg
3 1) EnE,E gmS Egvivalnt Weisht ct Ouidising,Raducing
2EHC Ey+E ms Aent
3) E+E 8S9ms ChangebS Ozidation no
Foat 1mous of
a Su tanQ
ENa so, -ENt +Es2t9ms
1) Egvivalont weight of a mita Ofde 1n-factod £ (in oN) x(no of atoms)
iS 0 , calcula tha, evivalont
wight, Ot tho metalOnd also its 2) No et(e)S Jost or Gainad oy 1mous
Chdoude, Sulpnala, nitHaL, phosphal F a Subst an OA 0zdisng Agent
RARaducing Agent
EM,o Emead - g m s t4gms = 2gmS Egwt o t = Malwt a f OAIRA
OA/RA Chongein ON| e"gainad or dost
Ent 2+ 35 s -47 S3ms
EM-60 Etts 2 t A8 60 gmS E9- MnO, Mn a-facto

MNO EMtENo 12+6 2-+h 9mS
EPoy E+EPs12t32 44 9mS 9mS TEwt ot(Mn O) - M , 0N MMod
2) 1gm 9t motalnjtnatg, ave O86gm
e m ta Suphao.s Cal ailale the Se+MnO4+8H Mnt+ AH2O
evivalwnt weht o Metal n-factor EWt Mw mo thood
M (NOg)z Ma CSo4)x
1gm O%6Gm List ot impontant DA, RA
Egvi valinQ ot
(MNOa) Es of(M, (S0, )x)
OxidiSi ng Agents
E 62 ThuL
E+4% 1) KMnO Oxidsing a9ent in alL
"n'= 5 Acidic Di-nromac
Acicdi c Mn O >
) BaSi c ChTomat e
K MnOn'
KMnO, Basic Stabi y
BAN Neutoal MhOn'-3
fac a) k CrQ Pottassium Chaomate
K C1, Opottasium Di Chromal Ka CrO, BasicC3n 3x1-3 ,
K, C,0, Aetdic Co CC,CzS0,)
HaOa HOHyd7oger,
H Paoi I2 -22
n- 3x2 =63n':6 PossfbbProducts
5HN0a >
Nitric Acid
1Ln,oasic madium KCva Op wil NH,T n 8 7.
not act ad 0Udising, agent
beccuSe Lt,i8 wnsta lola, in basie PNO n : 4 ossible
madum Ond Conyents inte ahromatü Procucts
NOp No n3
balaunang Th Lachan
n' 1 NOJ

Rudox QOH +(C7>04 2C7 09+H20 Ro.clu.cing Agents

Exstanca Ac?drc BasPc
CO De-Ch7omate T0.Nof Co-tb
CnTo nate
1 HO Hydsogen Petoxidle
H o n - 1x2 -2j -

Co,0-2 H
tybm betw en
ehtomota and a) KI Pottasiwm
Yellouo dt chomra
in diff medtum . n-2 : n- k3
a) HaC2 Ozac Acad Evi Giuen Mass., Ewt ML
xola 1a EMaSS nfact
no of moda
E m m
CO HOy EM MuDnfot
mx n'tactod
(CooH)2 E no ef mole x 'n' factor LMass
4) NaaSOs icsuWphaltr Siven
1E-N XVCin4) Voluma
a **4x 2 2 GiveV
Na S,0s C
let ra-thionate 1M N- E='n factor x Malaity
-2%=1 V
NNoT mali ty
Naoncy his is dafinad fo elomunts N-Mxnac tor M-Mo lonity

Eu A:L
1 No ef mi e Nx VCinmu)D

1 Cal culat Nov mali ty to The folouing

284, Emg /2, EAR **l3, mL
ete )41 gmS 9t H,S0, iñ

(N)= M x 4 n facto = 2

ha no 9t
It is.dufinud as 320 2 0 HSO4
Ps epyiyaluncg 9+ Subs tanc&
en t Pet TL OF Sodution N=Mx 'n' -
2/s O4N
fN no VCin
at eg staSule
Sul i) t4 gmS of a (OH), in l0o m
M -x
thlO =1 DiJuin
MW V Ca+4
CoH), 22 -

N = Mx'n' =2N
Novmaluty in »1 Na YN
0t acidi c
ii) 316,9m KMnQ, in SoomL
So u hiom
) Fil in tha blanks

M 3t6x 2 O4 O:3M HPo 0-9 N

I /2 i) 2N KCo,04 02 M
KIMn, in acidkc medium 5. iin 2moles of Ha0 4 e molos
KMhO MHo n'=S iv) 30 e of AL, (S0,), -

N Mx'n' = 2N H POL n N M Xx n - O x8 =09N

) K, CTa0 n' -6 N:Mx n 2-Mxb M-0 2M
i)63 gmis et Oraltc Açtd di hydhatr u) E nx n-2x 2 4
a0-nxb ->n =$
in do0mL oSoduign iv) A(So), =>n':b >

Oxalkic Acid HaC2 O 2Hao Calclat weight ef dacG

Di hudlnat noTma solution
Mu 126 in 20 mL ef LES
factot 2 n-factor
- Mx'n m
N 26/0e x2 O S N MW 9
Lat2 m on 3 m =2x10x 4
Semi Nozma 2): /2 eg,
of 8uteiniL
NoTma CN),1
Penti Normal,
Normal (Ns eg éf 6odutp
soduto in L
i mass of rC7, O, 0 0189 16 mg
nti s): is
Deci NoSmaL io) lio of soJute in iL
of 80lut in 1u
fodlouwing v) Ba(MnO) MnO
4) Calcaulati me in the 4ON n21S 10
0mq G NaOH
Semi molat HOa FeeO Fe,0s
O nR 3 x3 - 1
i Omd,of AON /3 np/3x2 -13
1 mii moo3 HCL 20/13
iv)O49 gms of H28 vi) Fe,0 Fe0
i) me 20-xn =L 13 n 14
) me Nxn'i V x2x 20 20 vi Fe, AON
nR 0 93xoS
np 3xoS =IS
0 465
ii) me SxI = S +2

Vii) Fe So Fe(SOA), nR1x 1 1

iv) meg O yl0eex 2 0 A0N=1 n 2x 1 2

)Caleula tha n fac ix) Pbo PloO2

Of boh(P)
in fheRaactant
th A ON 2
folowing +200/43 +3
Fe0 Fe,Os
AO N-a
S n 2 AN np169

-3 xi) NHa Na n' 3x2

HNO NH,INO n no =8 4 ON 3
n nP O adox

xii) CaOCcl,-C0
Feo Fe,03 /2x
A0 N- 1
np 1x&-& np a X2 9
xiv SO HaSO nk n\P 2 Sn CO 2u2 n O +Co
40N 2x1-2
xv) FeS A-2xt- 4 nfactor ot nC204
Fec- AON- n 1xt=* +2
h -
ND HO +Co*
vi) Fe S Fe,O +SO +NO dic
2X6= 12
n (ix )+ 2) n of FeS= 1s
n-factoas ot Hg, CCN), -

KviFe CC 1X1=
Fer Cos*+ No Rlo foH Ocalatu Lon:
2Xh= 12

nfactor e No- 9f Change in has

Net n fac oFeCCN) -6 F-M/61 Oxxalato Lon Catom ONOtmutal duSed
Compownd Cif any O

EN Cyaniclo ion ( e Na, C2O 2 *c atoms, Na doeß,not chonge

n factor - tSON

V C Ig > Cr O2+IO.
2) HCO Na,C,Oacks c. acid., RA
RA 4catom3
nfac of Col5 t n22adtdr-
xix) Fe O4 Ix Fe,O +CO beiHCO Na,CO4
3 FeC. O,
Rec: Agent
nfac of FeC204 n-IC
How many (m sf O 2M
Law o Eg.vivalence- a LAu
wi th SOmL
Ked acidhed kMmc
M acidfe-

Accogung to Law Gf EgvivalnQ, in n'S

Ouny hgmi cal Saction, gual egvivalencQ +KMnO.
each &Lactoynt wi, Saact,
as w eR a eual e9vivoaloncg 9t
each PToduçt wiL be pv odu.cod jie
evivaainca, OF each and' p y
compouwnd wiAI be Cual
How manyY molsot acidufied KiMnCO
aL SeusLd o Xiduse 1 mcl.
D+E (Unbalancod) OF Feiou Ozalate
hn we Say
of D=eg of E KMn Q , n'ot eC, O 21-2
o t A eofB-e of C e
C of KMno, C of heCa0
Thee is no nud ot balan cing Ths 3XI
eguotion whio SolVing theProalemm us O 6 molei 0f M4 w ILGursiod
USing e9vi valo nt cort copt
Hou many molos et acidifted kKMgO,
Rulas sf Ozidsng Agent
a LTOd to OcfdiSe d0 m o s ainu these Oxidisej othus
KIMnO, + Ki +Ha. SO ous'
Fe +2 Salt i c Salt

-1 e o u s Sulphali For wprate

ea 9 k MaO, e of kKI Mohsdalt {NH) Lonu cxidisokke a t n
x x 6 n1
4mols ot KMn O, aa 0 FeC Fe0
Fe C0,
Cu Cu P 5 Hoo manymolos ot
6 OXi dise K,Co,a
Rumlaoub Peambic 090
Cuprou upnc
Sn2 Sn , etc ALGusQd 12
Hg n of K,Cr, O =6, 'n of moos of SnC,O
Mercun ou
e of KaCT20 SnaO4 2t2 =h
e 0t SnCaoO
ite Salt a i Salt X =
4x2 2
Tnus &mols of KCs,O4 a
2 UHuîved
6) How many mq Jes. et Acidi fied
> CO aL, Q9iSLd eOxidise_a 3ampl KMnO.
Oxa lattn -2 Cazbon -di-oxioll Containing lo moJos Oft KL20mowa
OtH a040 gmS
, 9t Fe So4
4 Paudict the n ' factor ef the foWo wing &0 mole of 2FeCO, 3Sn C, O
n of KMn O, = , n'ef KI = 1
NaC20 MgC0 in) Sn CO n' ot. KMin
H O2-O, f Feso,
2, n'of FeSo% 1
n2 2 n-22 n of Fe C 0 3SnC2O4 0 2 1+6 = i8
iFeCo), v) Na, C0, 2 FeC0, eg, ot KMn 0, e KL D +ey Feso,t4FeG°, 3KE
274+2 &x (p+(20 x2) +(1% X30)+2
aadu n & + 8 + 08 +4 122

KI >Henc, 122 moles of Kiin O, Ge 29

Oz disina 39ent oxidt Tes I 1, How many (mL) ef decimolast KCz20
a0 90uiJud t SAact ComPlptely
So m ,Semi Soluhidn
Of Salt
Heha e have
oh7s aalt-1 nof 272 e 9T KaC20a es of NH4 and
e Ofmo h Ssalt
=e NV,= Na V,,N-MS ot kMn O4
e of Na H4 2
thus from oAe two euanons we
7 have
e ez o t kMnO4 LAcidic]
otKCo, Op =

Q SO9u tad NV NaV2 >n?M, V, = n MaV2

Henco Al:bT mL o K O,
K x Vi =SX3 X V2
SSm er acidihed KMnQ4 Saacs
Com pt elu with s'h m9, Of Ha2
Vetemin& T h Normau: V
KMnOA Solutnan
of Mn O4 , n'of 0, 2
)An erlomant (A)in comPownd ABD hab
me of MnO me HO
1 t is Oxidised
NXV OX1Cahon nwmket (-in) he
NX28 0 2-0:2 byC204, in acid,madium In

N O 008 we sed foSt 3:36 x1O molas8

OO OABD Tha , nQw 0 N ef A ate
M x Oxidation wile
a3 G n-3
3-n +n

9Volume(V VmLof 0M KG ; S e sf Cr,0,= e, of ABD Ley mols x'n

negdudtoS Compdus OxidaiOn 3X L XL03 3a6 Xexn
acfcdfC in 3
6 8 9 N, H 9t ABD
m&du um ThVodumg 9 t 0 3M
KMnO4 ncaded jo SamL ovida ign
AON Hm no et
ef A
New 0xidation no - 3-n
11 V
bS72 V
d) Non
.(ON). 6fA â-
Ttnaton *Evivalnca Point (E?) Tt is h
ot Point qt which evivalon of
coss ot doten minahon
he poWn with he
fitr t becom eual o epvivalsnc
uvkno Qnt Tathgn
C.on Of titTa
hulo of Soduthgn, ef Known Concantrahn at EP-
ts Known as TLtsiånon 1E e of Tit rant -
ze9 of iLthat ej
x&oution whose Concot Statigrm i_ N Na Va2 7 Foz EPP
Known iS Callad stan daiol Solution 2 moasxn; = mols xn,
Ihay a Of,uoo tyPes:
) Psumay Standaid aoluhon Haagent *Indicatest I t is an oaf lony Sybstane
n i OCon be açcuiall Jy w,eYghid
and fhu doution rggd not tor
CpmPiutjon af
hoidoa ak Sout h
RLachon by changing
be stqnd audi Zed lbefos Ue Lts Codou
Eg- alfC Acd , KaÇ9a C4, A9NOss
CuSO4 Mohas Salt.etc Actd-Babe litaatian
)Secomd aiy Standaid 9ouhion: hope
Gant be accuiale dy ,weigh t+1aion in which acid and base
and AQc e be Standaids ed a c with each othAT ator knowun
beFo& Use Osacid- bose fitsati an' hi S
EgNaOH, KOH, HC& , KMnd,, etc titratian
TLt iatt ouhon Con s i8ting
ot p pt-fEe of acid: éy otbase
Subst ana g
be tt iallo S
Known as T ale and ndit Calula voduma of 02 M CaCOH
StakUn in pea ka1 Ad
Souign wgui to nut vais a
80mpuo Contauning O 86S9 of HC
Qnd O aASg e HSo
ofCaCo),= O26S of CHCA tHaSQ,
O:24x 2 a) ch +oH" Ci + Co
o2x2 xKV n 1x2 -2
fac f C =2%2
1 S mL 2+2
112 2
Radox itaatian )
B1,+ OH B B7O
nfachin dispro2ohiaaion Raactiom n-SX2-1Q


tNaOH NaH,Po, t PHa LOx2 EwtM - 2ML

2 of Br
at, +1eNa OH NH,Po +4Pm TLtnahon in which oxidising agen
n 12
Ond Sduung 09ent s i a t uOi
Cach OThg iS known S RLdox
7 4 2NaOH 1 2 0 2 Na HPO t4 PH Tit iaian, tosn This at evi Point
ONaOH -303 Nath PO, +PH3
TE ep of OA ée of RAJ
Inho 2Pt
2 48 Pemanganata Tt saham. (Mna,)
lbmo Ja O 4e tronste
Hene ey t of MD n pemangarnte itraigm, Mn0, is
used Os ojcising agent, genuta
FoT dispropohi natio n acidic madium;and acid used
iS di& H2804
n nnfac fo oxiclarion
+la n fac oT Jaoudhi 1 In Pemanganata titaaton Hcl, HN
acid Why: Ha02 H +2e
Caunt be uhed as

femangana in
0 HO So So+ 2HT+2e
i n Case of HCL i n t o G 2 qnd Calulat yaluma of Semimolal acdi fhed
Oxidi Se
wiu p e u m a n g a n a piu not
KMnO4 &oluthia 0wSLd &oxidiSe
Q ayailaole fo titSian O 3O4 g oF FeS Fe Fer2

Cey of KMnO,=e FeSO
eOT e q
In Case ot HNO,LE,it8 wi
Ln fac S2 n fac
The titsjatqs agenT,Und
yey good OXidu Sina, LoiW not
Mo anu
- mL
novtc a the tit sta
t i t rand
oe oxidiSed y the
Sample Containing
penanganau titjation,Mnq dS99t FebotHOis dissoved in

t self act as self indlicato0r wate nd dil HsP4 is Oddnd

sinc and vouumgS made 1 , 2SmL
M2 a u sQd om L
9t hi S Solution O
ink/ lople Codoun lesS OO4 M KMno souin tor Complae
Oxidaion Fin h
0 Fe S0tH2O
in ha S a p Ja L t had imPHuties
Oxald5 e gor feciou Salt CMW of FeSq: +H40 at3)

et thea oe 9mS9t eSO+HaOin

Mno +gH*+Se" M +4Ho Sam pla. n'of Fesd=i , ut :
e Sam
Fet2 Fer2 Fes + e Fe Fe3

s dSSo Svedin du
Ca0 C10 CO t2e aince gmS of hiS
m N
N - Cq eg Jar thr be oF CaCo H in
egot he Sompla, honco
Va L 2
me. ofeSo, +Ha0 =me of KNn0 ey of Ca CoH)) mo lk3 x °n x2
y 1
n'=S AcPdic med
NV NaV2xV, eOf Na OH N, V, 0= 3 x 1 O 3 x O-2
5 xip 1000
8 e of HCL= N= S Sox2 =2Sxio
d+3X2 = t8x8 Hena
aSxIo = 0 3x10 + => 22 xIO 3
ot FeàO *H20 AtXR x L9O4 8-161 =

7 puou tyot Sam?a= x l00 2x3t x10AO

-4 of FeSo HO -96/
puty of sample = 16-28
4 59 Sampla. o CaCoH) ig dissoJved
in Om Ot OSN,
HCI SoJuhons Dichaomai taatian
HCL is ba ck itrolid
wih 0 3N NaOH md !OmL ot Ka Cr0 act as Oxi disin9 madium in
NaOH , Ued fO This PuiPo8e acidic modium ony Cd HaSoL
Thon adhg. 1, Put Ty
Ca COH)2 în tho
Diphany & Qmmi@
inducato which o@comes, b Juo
iS ed,as M
Sampl gt ven
CodouT Tpm Pink at end oF ef
Here ainta Tho 0 to uSed fo7 ,tho a t i o n
Ihis S
at e P t ohages ; Ferou t ,Oxala te aalt, H202, KL,
e of HCI, -
eq o NoOH Moh7s &alE etc
+ e9 of CalOH)L
+ tH,O hus, o O0 t
H b e
Ca given, thenco
*Fe 2- - O O18t
+e A+I6 A+ 24
So+H0 &CO 2+2H t.
So+2H+2e 2
mixtutUot AO
Samplc containing
a d LAOs has weighT d:29.
LAO mqos Of K2T0 e ot A0 +e of 4,0, =
es ot K2C7, O
Tf i t takes 0 O1S (
T thaSamplo Complote 5 [22-x\x 8 OOISX6, reg- rmol in
To Orfdse_,Tha,
f OO187
in toLA QA fomodhen CalcwJati
mods At16 At48 'ot Ka,%

o LACT s CalcJate On SoJy»ng foT (A+16) we get

atomiC weght et LAJ
A+l6 104-8 or 26 2, thus
A 2 3m e At of A =A
Atomicwt ef A : 8 o7 I0:2
aIodimataic and lodo matcuc Ttcatan
A+l6 aA +48
Componds Contai ning Ioclt na a miudy
AO AO4 in by Comp 7he USedd in, titrati on ; it i8 a Pa1t ef
Tom Ao t 07DmS ofA Sta dox tittation
A+l6 n odi metguc titrahion Loding is
A,0 oy Comp aring ha Wsed as Roduing Aqent dijucty
o Ot 0toma o fA In lodo mtoic itraion Iodine S
A &CA2-) Producad by Supction Gtits iodidk
3A +48 ion with oxidising agent
21 A
2 3I. whaeas n th
Io +S +6 1. +3HO
+312 +Na l ot L2 s o4eneuahon,
t- 'n fac +Or
2 Na0 Na,£0 t N a l 2
nx2 HyPo n- 2x2 Sadium tetrathionali I 2
':2 n'-1 n2 Na,S,O, +2Nal ©

I n thwse titsta hans Statch ,

is useod for epn co of Io, =e
as an indicator as I toms Staoch- fo Cn - e of L2 e Nag0Of L
adsor?tjontiom ComP . which Dut
.ofIO e Of Na,s2
o b u i Codo aund ouShatge Sing tha n ' factor f
I fn
Gf iEs blua Codou gives hi idea both tha 0actigm aL not Same
about end Point
e of IO
6) An a9eous aluhon, containing 0-19
6) ef moles o+L2 X notI2
KIOA CMW 2l4). und Oun ecoss of nof 1Og
KI wad açidifted using, HC
Tn bet aad2 ConSued AS_mL 1 nI, 7x0:Lx oom
et thio Suuphat, , thon. Calcula Ra
Modaity Gt Sodiwm thiosulphate
SoWuti'on houghTh Spvivaluna pan ticipath ng

3T+3H20 -0 may be ditfent ut the no

K2 =1O mo das PuSticipating Wi eyal
Here L2 on Product s 3hou ng
uis is a d rau laç R es fo
COncpt whon *nfactor
Spopo tfonafTM ach on han co a Som Comp0wnd n too JWactiOns
n T n2 =
T Pn Tan , în Yin - O:
ntn 2
M =7 M) Ho,
+oT Tha9acttor cM
mo Aas
e of L e9f Na, SO MMi2

I V Mx V, x*n xa-4 112 x

n of No,O 1
1 Ve, l1:2 xMI, Stnu nwhan OA2, RA
M 0 06 M Mx'n = M M-N
Thus ,the Conwnt rahign et Na3 Thus we
Wsed was 06 M VoSbxN
Volume Stength of H,O 1 20mL of
(N acfd fied kMnO fpr Complute
an, ha
The Stungth_is darn oted by (y) and 12 Oxd ation hgn calqul Voduml
is doffndd as vq lumg in tse of n d
Molai ty ,NpTmadi ty Souhon
y9fn gas PTOducod, at ST P by Stwngth o t HO2
hduspTo pohionahim ot a ha H,0a
RSasent fn 1L of tha Solu tioM mCp of H202 me ot kMnO4
N2 V2 - N, X 2 0
accor ding te tha esuation- N, V,

Mx°n'= /gl->M=16
H02 Can) 2H,Oa) +Oacs) NH.O

ERalahiom betutan Malanty/Nonmakty_and lolu ma Strengh Val Sfrength =I:2x M 6

Let L of HaO 3ouhion have1 N-O125 N,

M : O 0625M
modan ty M, noT mal ty having
Ihus we O+VV
S gi ven
teantngelabeling of Oeaum Total Wt 9fHSQ, =i01gm$Labing
Oe Jaumn is obtained Jving
oy dissoand
S O 4 d a l i tion AJTeody hesent
thisdiSSd S0sca) iS KnouUn
On Kaachon with Ha0
H2SoL + SO3 > H2S.O Ohum IO1gms I094.
freeS0 Oeoum L FOTmation Hactd nOSS GfLuaiA
Pexcontage dabgling,, Ot OJaum iS Ihoe a 2upes
awauS I 9Qatin han lo0 nd
uLD Ond hajd WalTi,ofwW Soft wat
Wal Which
the no tnaun J00 indiçal Sutient fopum oi , Soap Procuco
wao ho9d S Set
Qumoumt.oF Watin i th dhich walo does not Produ
SUTfIu eent foaum is CaWad hastd
OSouum ?s ,a,m îxtuga, of fHoo S0g wal
waln and didQ Sulphusuc Ocid
* Haid na3S of ,wan iS due To, bicavbonali,
Calculati /o offoa SO în lo1/ 0f Sulphais nd ohdosidas of
Tn gena any Palyvalont ion Ca,Mg:
oWeum Sam Plo can
ProduQ haidnass
tn 1gm 2 mole
Oleum ample Hated naSS i8 9t hwotupes
AD0t 1009m i)lempTY naidno3S t s duo t
1 Rahio SaltS C a 0nd Magna _iumbiCatbonate
HOSo H2S©4 ii) repmanont HandnaSS: It, is duLO
/2 SuyphaOs and Chuddos of Sul phatis
and Magne sium
Methods st kumoval ofHahdness
otuho MqSO4 +Na2C03 NaSO
CaCu2 TNa20s 2 Nac +
lempa ay Hoidness Deg00 of HancdngSS
By looiling the watin the mot al
down ants e Milkon Lppm) I t iS
Casbenati Pslcipita a special
Concentation wun it whiCh jS ued whon
MaCHC03)2 A MaCO+H20t CO souti iS, PSaSeNt in niqliqiole amount
Ca CHCOs)2 ACOa +H20tCO inh solu tion and it is,detined aS.
weqht of soWullLPLSEVT,in pen m Win
By Claks Procass Patt by weght 0f Solui on
Jn This method 9wen haid walet ?Pm hate x o wsouhm Wure twseivent
Sampta i8 tQa id Wifh CaO or Wso Lutiom Wscieent
CaCOH), which con ve1tS Soubla
oi Casbo nals inlo im Solu lal S expwssed in
Hand noSS Ot watDand
Catbonal) temS, of CaCOa dufined as
t 9 CaCOa PAA ent of in 109
CaCHCOs) t CaO
Ca GHC0g)2 t CaCOa+ HaO Hatd waloi Sdmple
Mg CHCos)a
CaloH),7 CaCOaltH,O
t+ Ca0 MoC0a +CaCOatHO 1) 1 kg ot hand walpi Samplls contains,
Q00 molos 9F Mq SO4
2Eamanont Handness- dogo 0t haid nass of wasU
)Washing Soola Meth od kgof havd waloi
1o°gmS O 0o02 molu) of MaS0,
OgmS Amo sF MgS0,
Na, CO Washing Soda
1kq 10°q 10" moks ot MgSO, CaClzeah
dmol of la So SO4)
Hardrl d40 pprmntems of
NaCO +Mg0 MaCO, +
Na S0,
1 1
Na CO3 +CaCA CaCogt 2NaC
Ratio 1 1
O0 =
00ems otal malasof Na Co, 0
XIO molas
HaxdnabS = al0oppm Lintem$ ot CaCOg)
Detenminatian of oa vaidap Chlonne
A hand walSanplo. Contains O,001a* omho given SampWa Ot Blegching
9t MgsO4. nd O00111, 9t, Powdon
CaCOCalwate dagsus of haid ness
ofwalN as we t s molls 0f Weight ,ot avajablo Cndomng uwhan
Saple ot bleoching Poodos S tualic
Na2OsJOGUA 9 TG Songve
hahdnesS from 1kg of Salt with di te,acid,o C0 iS Known1
as avi Jalblo chloina
0 0012of M980,O o 0 I of CaC
O9mSs O 0012g of Mg So,0.0o 9ofCaCda CaOCtHS0, CaSO, + H20 +CU
29 9 i g304, ' of CaCJ CaO CutdH CL .CaC& 2t H0 +CU
moo3 ot Mgso, CaCU, eac h
e O Mg So re of Ca cia
x 2
Method cB Determina tion st Aiaia ble Chlerinc
Ln Lun? Free hlo nina
McaC aO Hordns 0ppm CaOCl +CO CaC.Os +CL
CL +KI KC& + T +aNal
I tNa,S O Na, S,O,
Let the molamts f hypo be (M 1 et AC =
5S x 2 1
QnditS Vodumë V mL):
eT h be (W) gmS Of BJahing
Pow dei qiven coeff
Com paring the Hous ro use n-facto7' to7
> in epn i anda HO
but Sine M LNaaS,0a O Chack tho S1o da ot HaO2
O0O i f used OA-
MXV XIOT* mok 2H +2e
Na, SzO
/ f Avaidabls =
Wcd x 100
ChuonnL weech
and WeA, MY XIO® X *| i t sed as
HH O2 de 0

avaj Jabal
/f 3:SS x Mx V VmL

S S g Sam PuL e bduching Pow ol d pnly andd ony if it showbs

S SPended n HaQ and tSuai Ous po
in di' HSO4 and JaJ
exCAs KI; Bbeia ted Linus
80mL 9 hyr O2M
SO u t n Cal aulat / pf ayantabla
Chdon na inhe Sampli of Use foctor based on
not onCo Tolo
Lching powoloi in

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