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So u tfon And CoWgothve ropehthes

* Asolution is a homogeneous mixtuss

OF oU, mOII. Sulostancos in which
individual ComPonents wiQ Woo8
iiidonhts ond Cait pbe Sepanateid
in Quo form oy Simple methods
8enctay Propasol loy
in SoQyent and
genc odulwi loe, Ph0ent in
Smal amount whida'solveent
Is PAsentinJaygen amournt
Concontration_ lumS
Concontation leims
Vouma Rlated Maxs Rolated
Temp Dpendont) CTem Lndpen dent)
l o y Volume 1 oy Mass
2) wt: loy Volume 2) Mo Frachon
Molartty Modaity
ANoxmalsty 4) Paonts pet mi lon (ppm)
- ** --
encotage by Voluma - Pencantage Wefgnt ly Voluma
(V/v) * I t is upusend as (. wlv)
*it ts uPa Sentr das
tim i S doinud
* WV conantaation is definad as tha
V/Vcon cont a
Voume of. Soluit PaSert weignt,ot 80uds piLsent Tn OmL of
T thus the 8oluti on, thuus num iCaMy we
pe loOmL Of Sodutions have:
u m c fcaly we have:

/V/V Vsad x lo00 w/v hodutaxl00

Vsolutiorn Vsodution
Calculat tha ma%3,of wator in an
1 Vsduhion -
Vsaht t Voluent a9epuS SOWui n Of din8ity, 12 9/mnL
many mL ot etnanol Should and has Concant S1ation30/:/v
1) How tho voum 9t given Sampla fS
pe addodt in 2SQ mL Ofwal7 I00 mL
fe obtpin a Spdutigrn Containing
%0l. V/V. of sodvent? /v Wsa xloo á0 sa.
So kua -
00 -/ Soyent T> hoaui. å0gms
Let mL of eThano be addiol d M > M- dx V 2xI00 =

Thuus Vsaduts 7Vsaduhion 25 0toc 109m s

Vsohen ASo -
Thu wsluthon wsoluta +Wsodvent
Sx= ASO+Xx
A 125 - 0 gmS
l- bS mL hus nass ot Wafe PUsent iS 409ms
Molais 4Pencantage oy Mass
SupHLSetecl oy M) I t is p send as ( w/uw)
t is aS, TW no of
Motay, is dtjed * It,i_ dajine d as he werght ot
umeu Galy wee
oWute POSet pe 1o0gms 9f
SOdunon ,thuus olu Hon, thuus mathemah cal we
have- have
i t is also /w/w salute
M Lsalute xIOO
Vcn) t Souhon 9iven aS: Wsolu tion
M 1Wsodahon Wsu +Waalvent
MWte Vmu
A) moWes of; uJucose aL, dissodvd
a309 9f Usaa ,is dissodved in Sufidien a t s if donsty of
wo te pro datCO
wati WV2L 9f Sqluho is IS9. m
Detesmie': i) : WV i) Moda»ity Th Cacul a )W/V i).Wfw
and ii) Molardty
Uiucose CHaO, MW 1SO

w/v nxM xl00 S X80 x Igo4S+u

ma -

NH C0 NH M bo) Vimu)

20x 0 2S M i) wsadu hon dx V S A2000

0aSM /4(Molar)
w/v i)M- aSM
Q Mo Fnachiom Wsado X100-
0 Wjw
* I t is dpnoted b the
Rathio, 0f no
IEis dainacd a
Qf SulstanCg T6 urea
OF moucs Thus fod
TOTal no 0t moUOS,
a Sulbstand wehaye

Ksues Ysulki
Y1Tpral 8 . w/w
6)An ageous 0ution Cotajns
Foot o SeJutfon we have _KoH if dunsi Ty Ot Saluion S
2 9ImL hon Calcul alt
1Xo kalur )koH i) wlv n) Mouaity
ohutit YLgal vont Let Us Consid1 100 mL ef &ample
dXV = 12Sq

Xsodvent Lsaduent 7W/w usdu X100> &

2 s
sahat, t salvent Wsouhm
>Whodute 3S gma
- and
e L0, 1
M J000 6 2S M
5a09 ot Uco is dissodyed S6
of waiM Vetetming
Pn 4S9
7/w 0 6250 - 1 4 t
SM oL F achon 6t O625+361
wat e1 Wo and
Ralathican loehocun Concontyathians Mosadhs (m)-
Modeuty and wlv I t is dafiud as he no otmoas ot
Soufe Phasent pei Ckg) otSodvent, tnus
X0OXMOxlQ wmch ically w enave:
MW Vshon LM)
m- lsolue
MLx wE Ckg )sadvent
/1000 a wlw and Modatty
Henco Ue have
wlwD Lwsalute x IO0 saute /M x lal t
M 1Ox wlv Wsolu than
L8oJu te x sadueat
x LOed

Muotute LWsodvent/i00g MWsoute

a) wlv and . wlw- mxsadeat
wV wsede x IO0 x sadunia-
Vsalhon Wsoduhon 1 w/w -
1O x saat
a i u t e 00y asaluia
uoluton Lh o
n tion.
/w Densi ota a sQlution
tCalauWatt tha Moaity whose
Of 1-2 molal wua dunsity
Hena oud e hove ha alaf n 1S 12 9m mL
12 moNad k Sodvent 2x 60q Uea
iwlv= / w jw x
d U0a
in 029 i2mool st
Ms =D2 mL
d 2
hus uye have m-02x 10oo 3:2.1
0 8
M 12 4 XIOo - 1440= 134 M
1072 072
j0t2 321 l00o ML .

S 2 13IS 34 M
1200 -254M
M 2. 12M
betw ean M wlw, d:
M: 1O x/wlv 1 w/V-53-8
1M 1O x /wl M-lox/ Lohixol , MsoQ te Msolut
Ro Natian betwean Mm, d wlw- = S38 44 8
c 2

m-log0 xM DRutim. Eahmula:

O00 xd-MxMolue
Rakaion be hoeen m,2 On cilution alu Cons tont,
Vowmeindeac@s , MaJavty docciaco,
Tm- ksoslute x10002 M LV solYouti MVs *
nai =Const
we have:
Aslyent Msadvent
Mols0-2, 7ochomal l în Ben zene, is
M,V MaVe
-- it, density ouhon is Faglml, wal Should be addtadin
than CalNulat 9) How much
nm,M,WlW,1w/V 00 ml G} Semimo a
TG ma ka it doomola d
HCI Solutn0n
Kso a 0syent2,
Msvent 3xb 78 0 8 MV= MaV2
Soóx L XSoota)

Henc& 0 L should be addeol

V, M-"/v 200
6M 0OmL
MaatusGMixt Nacs SM

Ma,Vs Calcua the Connt rahcontounNLS
tho foQUouoing,itTh hon
M.,V, of
a mixed
MxtuO ain
her M,VtMaLr Mas DNatJ 209 x
200 0 O:2 M
V,Va Vs
CMgr] 3 -
O'45 M
V, tV2tVs
iCA] I2S M
Find the moiau ty cf Ths SCSulhn LCU

mxu whn aM ct dOomL

HC& eex2 t 2x.3cox3 tceASA3
anda,5M t OmL HCQ aL
4 8S M
3x300 6 M Sufte
12) o0m MNac & and,oom, oj
O 3M NaNCs aC mixad t 9 h Calcu Vapoun PscsSue-
Con n+Ta tia sf o,ci N
4vapoathon, Conden Sahon
asL cuosel
Lrva VaPoui PHALSL
nkod with
, jour
wihit, in odn To do this itincuaa)
jaa of EvapbINa tian
hese moo. culas have
Molaculo moo kE han on KE, Whan.evapo tahion takes puhco ina
and ovAComa FOA Ç JOsed Contaune, h L IS no
evapoTate oSS, in
matte, but evaPo 7a tion
s alho aCCom Runied by Condensahom

*Spontangous Convetion, of liqu d Condons athion

at t-0, O nuy evaoa fon
olaculoL PLSent
af tha SuUIfaCR takas Placo , JlmdO
InTG vaPou iS knou as Vapouns(voo * at =t. both evapo ahom
eyapo a tion and Condon 8q hon
Placo, the Na e eva
Eactoa Afestng Exagozahan ) emaunS ConStant as
no eat factor, canchange iE
Tempenatuta n acJeAd Cont
She emP at tez ) EvopP condiwd, vapour
Co eiSt
Natwu ot Liuc Rate This ebm is dynam ic in
k natuea
FoA bto mok

Asua of fh x SA
Flouw of dy air oy e the Sface j
d y Oj has ,ten dany re absop
moiSTW. beCom Satu ralid Timw
eSS etid oy The vapou *P Vacut KrussuL of puru ugud A
Sume d n The Condi i ú S o P n h a l u s u of A
dung miC eui ubiMuwn a oveE, ThO, ot ony Pu
SUTra& GUgud i as cueiLc Vapcu} PUZS e deud
CCnTau C iS khowv Va Pou dsendS Cnly, aMd, tnu n temptotue
PSSSW antd is dunð,ted by nd tiis
L Case Gt wato, Vapous PORSu S Calcultd epeiment aly
knoun 9eous tehsicn
* VapouN PSOSSL F Ony y u i d
Vapou does met dapend uon Cumont
Ocy of igud, Valuml 0r S a p e f
vessel OSi Ze 9tContai
- V?ofH.o
Factoas Affecting Vapou ouLL
Ihe easie t
Natut ot Ligud
Endo kpke Toith 1 in T o&Lak the
J E henm.c FOA, mo SL
Vapcu PSSUL iSTne maximum vall mo h
tem peLaTuL
at he Given
PaSi a a , PIHSSuL
CatH Ot
Vapeut duSSuL

incieaus ayte his valug Chax)

Then Vapot 9e Condenseo, H0 Ha0 CaHOH-CaHrOHH
Panrial, PUESuL
i9ud wi VapouSe unh H bond Stong H-bon d weak
max ValuL PPIS otound
a)a uud 9efs Va iSea ente Ho CH,cH
molaculattOMO Can
f he inte
n evap. H O , CHgOH, HOH, C H ,CHs , ete
oe eaSP OVE, GoMs a
also inLaCO
Non -Volaha Substancas Thse ase
the vapou SUW Sulostances nat haVe o ten con4
O,Voapo 9u Sation, i e P° -O
Arrange heollouoing
Onde Saroust PHESSUUL:
inguasing fn
Roids a a aSSumed ta be non-
Volatida in natwe

GHOH, CH.OH , CH. OH Utaa- NH2CoNH2 MW -bo

CA CH OH n ucese Ha O MW -180
CH,OH Sucaose - Cia Ha O
M = 342
wh emEnatuHA :
ve fsaOH97oup
H-bondi ng osSib a nd honco On ineaSing lenm? a tu2, KE oft
Th COsTLC dn sf Va?ouwi lSQRSUHA molo.cuos inca co cw,to hich
wi be attracion loe tuw ean mOh Culas docsucCOs
and lapout ASULL inGtwasLS
1<<? Vapour rassue 1emp
Vapout tESSuC Clausiu -CNa?Quon Eguahan
FoA bto mo daculhs
CJasSHcahan G Substanco: Vaniation of V? w ith lempeiatua
Vodahide Qustan AHyap
cus have
have ixed
fixed dT RT
vapout PUISuSLO
Nagour Yaussu OnN
Calculat the
amouwnt ofwal 0uid
SatuaUL a vesse o Volu
at 0OK, given VapouH
0 K.
wotn a t 0
a00 K is 38'to
At SaturodId max atm
0 t m

Te stal
aCnvP-4 d T 9Nope of /T PV nRN.
RT In. Vp. V L x82 nx0 o82 *300
9.Taph RS N2
n CvP-AH +k \fm RT fos
RT Hao
thus at two tem
we háve

SnP - AH K
i) gms of WonSitToduced
inhe aboye vessey CiniiaWy empy
An Pa RT
AH +k
those tuwo
Calcula Cmount e walii
Which wiW yorou 3e
n P,- An Pa
Sn(( 4 gm of H0o

A TVapouised x100 60
Concogt sf BHb Point De min
ha pornt at whiçh 00 fist daop of PPstna
vapo'w is prmed th h Vagbuo Kai'&ed
Point at which the hiut dnop ot noebm
CaWO d Bubbla between
uid VaposiseS i8 -nRT PN,-PV 9,va
h Point at which dajt dstoP 9t.
iouid VgPosy ses q7 tho poin a Q) Tcons
hich th fiouF dHop oft vgPou DP
Condonses iS OsKnown vew roinT
Va? y
ebm between the i u dano Vapour
vapousi Phase exist betwén Bubbl
Point and peuw Point
Befoe BP enlu iguid, eaist3,af te Condy for gass) Vap)
apow CTsts
PV-nRT sat cmst Tempea tuoe
PV-k, Iy=k Rac.tangulaz Hyoetboda
lop-P- ony Va?ouy
L zuiol
Lrafo=2stha 3ooma containi ot SL, qaSS
with pSHOSSLOO , to0tosc Q tTdnst
Tem-T to a ve)sed of OL, calla0 now
P.V, n,RT PessuA PV Pa V
TOpx S apx
in he
4) Caloulao tha nuuo pasSu
9ven SPtuation:
lem i8 Cons tant Cage T V?ef qlu fion Containinq
V: lo non-No Na ti le Solui-Koults aw

Li9uid Liwd Soluta3) Solvent(A)
VoNah l
V- Boo 10T7 V-Sv Natueo Non-Vplahla
PhySicalSt Solid Lurd
Ih PasSuL Sh Smains so Vapoy Zeio
To as fhe SubstancoiS,ShL Malns la- w w/Mw 2
n Liuud phab and VP dees ino Modo sac ./nats
dopend on ' volume GCo0tain
Solute (8)
5Calculai psuisute in given Situahion PAR V?of So
Pof Ain Sol

. SoJvent(A)
-? Raaufs Lau
VPokwat So Tosr For 9a93 Va?augu PaassufL ofany vodatida camponan
P,V, Va in ho oution is dioQCtUy Pso?otional
The mauo facion GF tho ComponarnT
D Ne in he sE uhon
+V P 2190 +SO
Vapauo epssusa sta elution containing
non- vouahda soute , isavy
ecauAL olvent amdts
dtly-ProPohiama he mela 7 - 1
+rac hon dvent
atls -
but osSubs inO
P k1 k
hus we have
y L Staight linethoo oigin
also =|-Zg ng

-a Tmad a dow etiyof

VaPour (russrs

K X- - Ralatinq Lowetng Xg
ot Va paur Pruaauna LRLve

* - (l-a) Loweing of 6 09tUoa is addoo in 49 oF

Vopouo iusSu LLVP wte at toun tempenafusasif.
VP tuA
gt u L uol@iathat temPeng
RLVP 8 S00 m qt H9 Thon Col clare
VP of Deuhon
ii) RLVP
7, -- LvP iv XA, delution
v meloliy ot
No by Routs Law-
usead0/bo: 0S 3molks

ZnxP Roults La YlH
TPao 2 x 300 SOmm ef 9
Smales llucese oT ASO
gms ucoie iS Seucacl
o -SOmm et Ho
dissve nan
)20gms yelahle polue
inSb 9m
Ben zen Pu
i P e t mm Benzeng
at mi
ivXa S/6, a Y6
Ond P nseJufat iSme
tH H thon Calculato Ja masS
t e Jute
molalty- Ben zena OOmm of Hq
Ben 1SOmm,ot H
Hou,many 9910m8,ot Lluco8e Bensena meJos
Shouk loedussqweoin T8O,9m
ot HO te eoduco iES Va pöuN &y Keults haw
phasura 20
= op xleenzena
MW et lucese- 18o
O TLaucore : +
so lute MW
Mumue 30gms hu w e have
2MW 21a
6o-HQ =A = 30
9) 0gmS t a non veJati h i8 dtssebueo
at J0OC *
in 3b0, qms ot wat^i
1 MW 4 SgmsS
i8 ST0'mm ot Ra tha Callate
tho MW of o t e Case_Vapaun rGOSSUSO ot, Seluhp
Con tauning Vela hlo
whan Vafeun, rsuLSUIL_ Of ubstae s s u

oecem eual tG CtEINa pJ &eluhon

tha phanern a i8 known AS boilng
Solvent (A) Solute(B)
lempeatuste aFwhich, VP= eatennul hiquud
pussuu isknaw boaiin9 Paint State kigud Velands
Natoo Velgh
that in
Ngrma. Beiing Pcinrt is VP:
uhich Peut1atm; Moos
GFuwaten 8 looC
Maleyacthon: anaLe Aelnarle
Qinc boiung fint

at 100c PHhe 7ummotH v

a A be rno vs ai u thon b, thus
jas ofodn
O) A Colculat the
2males RoOmm 3mo p o ?aSSUIL
PSoo mm Otha 'Douho
R Intensfye
aouti Ovn AC t)/2 380 mm ot Hg
es loetw ean la, P
11) If, doly thon, Bmado, t mateuals
1P2> >PB has voahle
MOTe vo doahla
A ot Hg)and,
a S o m m otH9) ifvhassuIA
oF b

1 m m at' Ha
- hen callcudote
P 2+P +Routs haug
420 = O0Xe +Soo-a) %0Xa +So- =

A 4/is
agaue PoO8SUAQ, Ot foo, ve da ti e corPoruns
AB O 800 mm and SOO mm of
AA H9 O peci vey; moyaj masS gt A,BB
UA S0, 200;, Colculal Vr et a
elu tion eotounedd by mixing:
Egua mass,ot. B
KO meJos of A,B
at dams be t a Kon
14) A
I ntheSet up.
Shou initiaW
LTOT So n 3 th
O 8 molas ef B
SSOmm Hg mol OTA

VP thn iS
SSOmm whon 1, mos
300x SOp x2 mela Ofgt s addec te it
vapa PWLSUSQ oUn
SAO 340mm S6Omm' of Hq Calculate Pa,?o
Inhal l, Mg 3 . Xa e
aa takas
i?) hon eual molel Thus by Koults Law
3ookToo = 400 mm or P Pa a +P% 3 SSo lat 3P
wo ve atila
1ar3R- 2200-0
Va Pau
ComponNts Su
IS Given by
by whon 1L moHa melo is added:,
a1, a 4 a AIS
P-S3-3XB) atm
Col culat PA,P°s S6o Pa +473/5

When Xp- P4 2300 -

Thus Pa-S3atm
P- 3 octm PA Heommef, P- boormmof Hs
IS A auoo;uB euhon, contaun inç By Raoul s how
igid A CMw- 128) bh 7 6y
weight haS Vapou
Amm it Va Pouu PDLSWL
p a l iS,iSS mm thon A,bin Ji9ui id pase
bhgms A n= O S
1O0gmS Now by Daltrns lauw br liguid phase-
3b gmS Ho n=
o+0 S 2S a a x er als o
Nouw by Roults hauw -

4S PaxS + ex24 Similasly
wehave Pror-
lOSmm ot Ha toom
but Xat Xe =1
DetetumAghion af mola £9hachgn in Va?ouz
hase (Jtons kauu v Kaalts kau
het ybe mole fNacion
be ME
A in
ofOf8 in 1 H-
Vapol ?has,4
vapou Phase 16 Thoa 0dutign mac oT
TwG Vedah o SubStance A, B 3
Jiven ta- 100 mmet Hg, Pa- ISOmmet Ho
moNeS, Ylg 7ð m
and a calCulate
in i9uu
1 Calculata tho moa fzachian ot Benzen
ha moX
e puon it hey
and i tOmL
i n . va POuSI Pknase ot VP120 Toor and
h Now by,Raculks _P(Benzend)- ISo Jorr an dl
w e have
PCToluona) SOTo7r Also
la calutate, ME in va powi phaJe.

130 mm of Hg 1 0 T S 1 S
Daltons Law
KaoulTS kaw Deltbns
fohuene XTx P Kaoults
yax 13o -2x 6
- Xlz = a x
Mate VelatRle XVls
, X8 iguiol
Pa la Ma/tntls- Gasecus

Pele 8 Twe velahJo. Jiguic ebey Rabul ts

kau,at a CoNtoun tempenatoQ
Sfoundthot VOPOI",PSOSuUG
&Ox3 of Seluhon is Ö0.m.m et Hg
iS 0 4S Qnd.
mals fvachiom e
t0 b in 9a$eou
Paae apec vely
thon caliul ae 7-T AfC1-,
and Pa
- O4 O s g
3tragnt tine
Xa 1

er400 a Ka-Pas - 400 -(

2 VP v Min vapausi p hase

7 4Sx400 b5 x A--

Simidar dy Vania i n

aph et cutve
Mom p nad tus
2t6 92 mm
PB 628 S8 mm
Va?aus sSuha V ME gaph -O

VPMF in State-
yp V: MF(kgea) to A 1
StTaight Line
9) Sot the 9 naph beto e0n 74
aSSum, That hg Lane>o
On Ya made C ony = m>O
SGUuh on iS
Xe LalA t(I-a)
P a

odse by altns haw v. Kaoults ha w

A ugui d
C i va?oud
D ew peint
a ph Emy vapouo

>T, y e LI, o) Male Taction atet Cmdonsaian

Lgu cd
Stagnt unl
mla m >o, c=1-La CondonSo te
Son A+ Soln(A+8)
y= Or?ginol oluh
* Second Contun YALa
iS dud te- ho vafau i n 200- x2
CEnta vnT Li u Pe XVLs
YaA 0 3, Y 13 0*
*whon fho ama Step i8aHY edl For hust condansate
On n d on tha m Ve Na tila
SuosTona k09PSetting con veiteol XA
inte VaPaust CmqSa
in 99u anh fy)
which hon CondonSes, th iS
iS h oasC Cncept oehind PCCondunste 1) TaXa te

tractional dis tilahn 20px3 + 3ogx

2+0 mm Gt H
h iS mad 9t w
velai a.
Su bStancas A, 8 PComGi Sn) + 3cpx
2mods A =roC mm
20p x b
3 3 malus , B- 3OO mm 220mm ot H¢+40
- bo mm et H
Colculate malg. fsaction ot
A,8 in vapou phase in ooiginal

i) Calculat mel Frachon ot

A,bin hsuf Con dan Sates
vapou pha&e 3S
Ln Onginal seuhan
*When this psNQCSS iS cascueo A- atoracion B -B
wndn thcLmi9
On and on ThHO
mighE a t a c t i On

Sa Whi,ch CrokO
O CondonI S Sepesa ted Sroko
OmA Heat Rau're

Concopt o Erachonal Dish lahion

W i t h the hal t fvachianal dish Watn
Omix t u L , GF tuwo Vdats Jiquols h-tracthior
is Sepeated
TOT mg d
I t js aPPli calb Ssutiom
fo iodaal thGe eatvelveal
Qnd opPucab da Oy je
ixtu mixtuL uht nafu
has 1Idoa SeJuhon-
in yeua ti da na tul jie
duFene in Boung Pint hon which eIuusKaeultg haw
at aU em? and, En ntratiC
Vacu Phosf wi aw ayS be O Knaun OS Ido. uh n
ih in h omponanWhiceh
S me VGJat

On tra oasis ot inteactn aft

X ,4Vis, 4mis j EJutianS
Cossifed ie Tu
CaTo Gerie A ,tm
d u 2 u hoy s()
V O, ,

1(A A) ( ) r
a), aFoaIO n An
AVmu O
For any u thaY
A Dn.O
MIGof uho 13 aua
sponta LGLLL

guhoms hich o6 lh u Nephve De.iahO

aye nLI
Mu tusU. at u tOrS whioh A- ntøiat hGvu
S St bOYnqen 1an AA |B-Bnteiac fm
this aLSuww that FOA a
aymes Sam wse euibnsShqu nuh Ve
daviatin froY Kobu)ts Lou fbo
HsH bir pF
CHOH OH HomoJogtru& P<TaXa +Yeka aTaka, h 4
C H Br A Vmin40 1Smixo
AHmx 4 0 Aamix 0
Nan- 1doal E ution
*ucheu horns dont feWouw ChJoTotoom t Ait
Kaouls Law e
1astPake.soared C -ÖC

C H-band
Compaund Containing Pebihve De viatim
X= CI,B7 u tion inwhich,A-b inTeacnon
e hon
trong Wate CHO) S wea Kosu tnan A-A, B-BJFO A
i l Shou?,pGSihve dav iati om
Acid Stron9 oom Katut's, kaw
HCLO4,HhSO4,H Br/ Acicbs For Suchh D6 lu tions:-
A Vmix 20 ASmix >0

AHmix >0 AGmix <0

Tolaal &olutior
Negatve Devua E A L cases inwhich H-bond biuaksS
1with H-bond
H-bond +1wh ut
Max boiJing Afte mi King omly Vandoiuoa fo7caS oeak) ex s
Ps Hzeotrope
Leaa valu osln Idaale utfou
oS? Pve Deyia tfon
Beiling Print
Mn DofFg
ASelu tion which baibsat constant Azeotrope
temenatw iS Knaunm as
tèotoP e%
*HzeoopiC M ixULhave samL Max vaug. o
Compe Sihon in iau d, vapout
Ceqahe Poepenhes
dwendsCruy uon no Ct AU
kauoTehn ThL
nd aFinoupen don,rom
atusg Cf SG te
knawn ds " ah ve Prcnhe
St S Nac 60gm rea

Letha RLVP ot4 The cantaunc8 H,B,C CGuahve Pvey&ies

cor7g ec Ka tye koweting er Va?bur YsusAn CRL vP)
Wath o n i s EJeva hon in bC i n peint
3) DepsASigh An 0LE ng
L y 2) ) AOsmehc KsuSSuTO.

AJ celaahve PoPehes ae intetdoti

ie by knouwing The vau Tny,
ona ethGUS Can be Calculatec
Ln Comt
A O/1s YLg thus * AlL celrahve Pocpe ti es dypend on he
a)-e) RLVP)a RLv?)
Cendationet Celiqative Prepethe
fy Na C& s a Sthong
e l a u h o l yt e -
lhg se lu hon shtulol boe cli du te
S e d u t e Shtwlc be non - ve Jahde
Na C Na t Cd-
RLVPA 7 Ceicatiye foeperies ae olse kncun
9ate3tF asdmoC1atic PrCyeties
Vant Heff Facter Ci) (a) ALOSo, 2A+3Sq
is fac ta kos in te account fe
fer 2aK
3aX a Ut
no 9 t paitics aft1 aBSESiati
1 disseSia Hom
L No-at aihclos attea asos ldisse
No otpaNticlo before assosi/d so
Thus in genenal fs dsss8 iahon we
ha ve
Case I Dssediahion +n- nsmdaculas
(i) Na Cl » Nat +C whe tetal no
n> otatoms/mdecukes
i n rgduct
-ax a a(1 +) whn Yi=nj

L U+x)Y
Code Assebiahon
h degs00 Gt duSSoCiotiom
Ci) MgC - Mq* +2C0 24 A2
a-ax a- ad /2
a - Ox
2a aCi+x)
TL Q1-/2) I -
L E2x) Lnca 2
who K dega ot dissesiahion to dim1iScdion whan X I|=

whon o=l Nac

Lmaxc nin) /2 -
() 1Sum isa tian Kelative kower ing gt hpeun ussua RLVP)-
O-ad a-% L =1
L Lmin 3 Pa-la la
A Vant HetfE
n genos1al for aSeSioaion
wehave P
n no st molocudose natl L+1
fL(-')* eombini19 PA-Pa a
Ne theraSseBiahol /dssasianon
Ne therOS Javatian in bing PGint
Nosn CWicahive
Novma CoNigaive hrop
wnen L # 1 Wative Prp
Abnormal. Calligaive Por Huagram which y SS Ent S
alenoma C Talor fy 9t, vaiiOLS phasel Gf a
ngimal CP d
wdl Given,
pOSSWLL Qnd tmpeTqUUL|
iS KnawN S phase uagram
L ema NNlute
aonoomal MM )solute * 1upa 9Gint qukss tha Peint af
theea hases' eist
-KC Noomal MM: 74S
Honomo MM E 4S
At nooma teiing Point iquio ond
gas a in eom
Phase ram ot Walwr , Ar Non vad soute B)

aliua d am
gad AT-8P T8P
eavahm in
4 SSmm nng Pan
hpls pon TeP
NOTmal EntaoPy
Saliol Boi ing
T oin tF
Normas FOZinq oint ASsabuhm
so Junon
On adding Non vedahdo selu ASAHae
VPat T
inre O Sedvent, t h Slen foT ooth ASn
SUvent daCS0acab Sinco2j
and 4Ssalvent,
AH S Sam as prmy SGuvent
aPetises Sinco so ute in nen-volati le
wen VP dac Suacas , wkt Bilng
incwa co3Sinco ASavent>ASaln >AH > AHL
1 T r > Tp ekvation in
boiing Pan
s o n a d ing Aom velahla ropenties
eute and Qn q cei9 e YOpeies
th us (3 P) T Oend on me Wal ty .
rooHonal cons+

l8r m1: 4 (Kkm * ha numeiica vaua ot k St

be daten mingd r e m n taWy
ATB Lx K,x m and Va1ies en dutent sedyent

LVant Hoff -ac tor ,m>melali ty

O00x 4Hap
Moa culas
o t Solvent
Ala eleva, hon in beiinq Melal
iS Constant k own aS
xKp a 0T also knouUN
elvahn ,ConStat R: 31when AHin J
ouuOSCOPIC Constants R2. whn 4H in Calomes

xWhen L1, m-1 a) Calaulat

hat t
(k) of wato f tts Jpteent
Vapoui Sa hon is S4O Cal9
ATae k thus wedefina
K as K RxLM 2x(313Y_xK
lO0Ox AH 000 x(54oxK)
Hence i s dotned aa elevaujioon
in o i n g Peint Of 1 nmGdal
1(Ko)A O 52 K-Imo
Unit A) Calclato thebeiJing,print or g
Unit of ant Hoff factor Vnit less Ouhi no f a i n d
0m, ot GJucesen
by du SSalving
DimenSion -Less Ka ho
ot a t e ; t a ke T (k%)Mp - 0SZ K-k9imo
LAT C ] Cx] Lm S
IX°S2 x dee
K k x Mo.los_ 4T i xkg x m = x

Wtug) int
3 k oC Eleuhon
CK] Klvin- ka /mo
TTaP tAr lol3'
Ase luno Cetans
lwetMg Colcaia Mela
SG ute havinq
mass ot g non voloh Ja
Vant Hetf tac 9x h
On d iuSLO al aldalz whiese o0 9m dssGUVing
a oGung nt c t Uun
i SQO gm t wgfe P10dicog
O euio haVing boung Point
100 gm &euncn OS2'C, (k4p =o S2
AT: IOS2- loO S 2
S8 gm . A T - LXk x m 4x0 S2x m
gm Soln mMg A S
S4 Gm Wate 4x0 S2 4xOS2 te

Tctas avanan in BP lava tion in B Molahy -2SJ

2 - 12S 20/moss

95 - MO =26x 2 16gm Imal

AOCe ( 2xL + 3xtL +
DepHWLSIO in F2ing rint
h a tempOiatu at wh ich odd
3 01C und i u d Phases aL in egom
S Knaw O8
FSzinG Oint
BP t T
1O3 oi'C lem ahsa at uwhich y?et GYd
OeCm egua VPGf uuC
AH>o S
LT Eing aint Dlion
sahon ASp AH
Amt of Wate T Ssalvent FasA Pin
Heahng AmtAmt
Coolin ot icaT
ve JatiU,
Sadid T TT
Te a >s luhon phun non
imPuyuts iS, Cddid ha,PaSi hi cls
h hO Aeuion, moveFat * ATm AT =L xkxm
Quau hon we tay to
, tus
itie nq hepap h cas KE iS a Comstqnt fen sedvent
tho So u t addhd knauun as moda dupsWSSion Constunt
ma Kos iE eugh dus
u To UhiCh
Which itiS aUSo Knawn as Cy&scopic Constant
we wtL N
ut00 haNe te 9oducoM
tempeauS mey, uwhichn hus 1 Ke Kx (Te) xMaant
has d u Qd hofIEIN9 O00 X AHfsion
+A dd on o
1 Kor ot uoate= 86 k-kq mo
kan otwalG= 0 S2 k-kg Imod
Soute afe
nly Se luthon, S)Calulai ho faapking Pintokwin9,
SoLuho n
be Wunionobtcunad buusse
Soid QE9m Gt NazSOL havin dogog oof

AeTE dissoSioti on +SJ: in 200 gm of

No SO, 2na +S04 C

L2C1K) = 1to
i4l LX KXm A-mne
i 4b L
given = 75/ 3 ase AT lb 1hus we
na ve LUseaI, LNac& 2
1 AT.CBA) , T, LB>A)
41: LX Kp X_
S X 86 x 28x O e d S iv Al X L T
42 20
Te T-4T -(0- 4S8fc . Osmohic Yos&L
aTsoln) -4 S DRfuston Membtan

an 2 Solutre causs in C,j

C Ca Sodvent eaS in C2,

A CC7C) Moy emont, o

db) Censicde tugo ui ons Souhion Saent Pahhcl
OIm NaC&, Bo u tign B .O Im
Uua s +thon pswLdict tha Ovdlen
Osmasis Membyane
RL VP AT Semi miahlo
iv 4T
Son 1 SoIn 2 On Jy Soluent movemun t,
RLV? %8 NaC Na +Cl (CCa) C C
ne olute movemont
* Speual tupe ot mambilan Osmotic rGssaa:
advent anhcl o o LE,iS kn
OS SemiPeimiao mimbrang Extsa huclnostahic PssuSL
Animal mümbtang, Lu2 -eCN)
Gvet SOuian cnigh Con contahn
duL te tha peno mïna
S KnouM aUS OSmethic ESmeRiS
ntpneous meyeonf oF PseSSuSe
SOven t panticlaS om Sotvent In.coose in haiqn
Sid t SJu ian Si da Y foo

T hig connT yaion iS Kn (C) C Denshy

Ous OsmesiS3 1 4P-gh
Diffsian CsmosiS
Osmohc PrSuHL
Aplicabla byall Applicablh omly for
SCud, uwd and SeunionS 2ston Nocho nge in hoight
Gases MOSS=M
due to G3mosis
Movenmunt ot ootn Movemenf ot ony
Soui, Jalvenr mg
unons8 Soduent A
No 7o ot SPM Spm(Semi -

eami alol knO PussuA a PPlied veu

Soluhont Sido Wvet the
Memb)iSamut hanomenaa.a omsiS is known
Cant be sppped a mo tiC PUSSUSL
*Can be eve sed
o sopPed
mgt Extoa Pussuue duue
to Pis ton
Sodvent 1X: LXC RT K, CFe(CN). L l* 4K
R- 0 O821 Latm mal T- Soo k, C: I+4 4
K-LCRT Axxx Sop -lb tbabm
Seluion1 o uh'an 2
C CC2)
LOsmohc Ra3SuA 4) Any Conboxy uc acid in
Ben zen
d) Calclat omshic pa88u of the 2 CH CoOH-(CH CoOH
fain9 seuhons
)02 M 9uceRe 3on at 30o DimiSahon due H-bond
Sodn gt 12tC -H-O
K CFeCN)] , x= 7S/
CH o -H CH Dim
A) 2 CH3COOH &0dunonin Ben:enl o -H O
hus ho L 1-
K/2 =1
)L A: c RT 0-2xL
S atm we ha ve LCRT

2M: Oxwly = \OXx

M be 2
= SM
R-5 at
Ll - - CRT S L y 4e6 28) Osmotic p3OsSSu
3Duhan ' f of,5,
KCOat C, iS lb bam atm
I66.66 atm Callcutal degIAO oft dissosiohon ot KCL
M 1Ox1W
t4S aliten] CRT
LCRT 2-/RT , ORT -
Lx 1 3ee
6 4-aRT 2 2 -

o3) RT
r u t - Crut RT n K
r KC KC kt +C O4

C-C C C 2 ti2 y 3Sam

O4 T

+X 8
Ravetue OSmasiS
=7 =

tha pHUSSuU. applied eve Se duhon
9) 00m ot a Seuuhon having
iS mxed
idsgLaU han the eaecttl
n o n POSSWL xan me hç PSUSSHL, hon mevérent
wth 0mL of a su h n n8Viny ot Sedueht ulholas takes Plac
menC P SUHG 49t m at XT C Oum high COnicntqi n te Uew
detenmink fhC inal mo tic
PWS SWL GF SGUUthon CoTationie in sLVrUSE
00m L: 00mL >1:3 Ta to- k9R0 ,Puninca tian of wa
De salnati on af Sea watti
2 0'S
Rral op Li pont Types ot Soluhan-
1Fina OP 3Sa tm
h e 0u thoce tu pes ot e LuionS-
a L SOUuhor
1) 1Soton C
meHC Munkncon 1OX N- So
Whicn have
PSASS e s ie MW MW
Mqluco se = Ox/ WL = Lg
for 1Soton ic
seluhons aw Soluh onS
2) Hypeton iç
M =isO
tions a Solu hons å1) O O MSoluhon ot NaSo, SSsoro
3 Hypen tonic, D&lu
Smehic JASSWL OOIM doku hon df 9lcsse
having hgh 9t Sam tempeNatOA Caluat
he CuSSo Siati on of
ho PhongmLnG ot Shmnking and
Swd n 9 a o oase d On This Na,o4
LC=L2C2 >
Swelling -

Gain of Fluid -

Hypen toni c OGe

Shank ng -

Loss ot Fluol- Hypo tun i d

Na, S0 N a t t0*
20) S./, W/v Seution @t an un knoum
oute S So ton iC wtn C 2co
6 wIV sounionot GucG3e
detenm ing moWat m ass e #he LNa5 IS
un knouWY S e u t e j asSume ha -07SS
3e JuWa to be a non eluctTolyte
I4pes ot eluhons *Any Soud wjll lpe solubde in wa te
whn two Solkdu i t t hydta thn enonqy suluasecl
i n Solid Sutiuent enouGh to oveN COmL
1 d homo geyLOusy tho Jathc
CSL mixed aege thao
n awoy
thy teim
Ih, ennqy taloased duning th
Brass, bronze, etc hudona hon procSS,9t, a Subo tane
SKnouwUn a hyd1a tipn enwiqy HE)
Substutim al
tho enNG Y Swias ed dutny tt
fovma hion th Comp dund S
kn own as Jathce ehongy CLE)
tHTn t grom S
HE LE SoSuble
HELE Insouble
Intensial Cdff. Si~e) FoctekS affechng Solubity
) Notua otoute and Salvent, it
tom Eoapea in gaRs
J K ie, wibe soJub i in
VXU n d non psiaN i n non psdas
)acdudinuuud foTm Soid. disseJved
4 u O te a ) lempetatus
qund ha amCUuntt Soo
dssouvecd in 10O 9, t Q O Endo hg mic oubity iemP
torm a Satuied Ouion ese it itis
S Knun, s oubiuuty af Exo Thimic Sowbi ty
The s a t TemP
3a0ubu tyaf
bae in Liuds ot Na
and (Aa)a Coluloatrn
Henays Law t no 9t mo N2 in ,
i u d at a OSSOved i O nou Gtwuten
oub u ty ot, 9p in
9iven tempeiafwrg
a t 21 kand Satrn suU
fhI gaZSuSA
Pro otionp ho dASSolv
u E S ed

onhip, posuu ut f s 8ouhion

KX Pnhol? ofN=uK
XMal. Foachan GFqas in

P P- R
S ont kndun By DoaU tons haw
wh eysy> 4xIO nous t be
s Henys onSTant
4xI0 no otmoiotN
Sama. unit as PIWBSUU
R Dffsunt qahes haue ditfeunt Ry 4xIo mous
kValuu tod a qiven qas vau eL
whan dodvent ia chanded
india cs w th int S e otem GTap faahal.
han YercsSu ot 9o
lem XSolubidity y m I J mo ongin

Hiqht is tha vauug TGt K

ka TL
o sJowet IS iES3 Soubiih Slege tan&
Henys Constant for Solubidiy
LimitahonS GE Hn2sS Lauy
ToTALAX tfeAB Sing hay,dont
Psussu ot 9as is not 9ehigh, mx ne betution is jeme dd
2 lempea tuoL hou ld not be eelo thws
Cas, Should ngt be highdy
Ou lol waT
A) nas Shouldd ngt unda19 any *Qina epal vapoust PeUSS LEW is
Lacion in ThL Sod vn
higho than SubShtu ent cnm/onuns
Amicahm ot Henmu's Lauo b nq ent iSew eud And
The nmixul oi L easi dy Chalp ing
odubiuuty, 9t CO in in impulities m
Aua hc re, ejsts cold, eut fom)
wate, duL te CLow tem?eNatue a
RA S douo ain aRT , P= LaRT
mus we
ncuac Soubiuuty moHL have
2iS PJWSeN + _i f
hps iin aquaic e
1 La
WA xMa
mmisibule igids Detciminaton of RLVP bu Ostwalcl- lWalke
These type ot euid, do nst mixtewit
Cachn h and i wsed han dy airS aSed peyei a
seeiq imPusihe dom orqani C SEuno hedky au absov6S

mixecl in OS wet meist+ ay with ectra

+hn O Guucs L PuSw hiS iS t e basic idec
Such wau hat thoy dant oen i nd thiS ?O COS S
miX OT a we howe
Comss Cut, The
yar Dehydrahng Agent
hen Oy uY anc 0B
Souhigm Jcese Weight
iSO 2Pclya) xWt Josgain t gain
Soyent Soluion

Pa- VPet Soiyent

wt Jss o (hkina P=O) thus
wtJess) Seluhion SoSyent -T3 k
aTP (VPotSo)
Whanit Suachas APa ka-O

Whon it A GLaches B: ai7 PASodven+)

Pa-Y ehudpa ting,agent albsodbs the its
meis tuo rom aid,CivnGA aS\ng
Own weight) and e t s TV
Ou u t 0gin as dy ai
RLVP-a - (P-Pa
- +P RLVP P-P Ka-ky
k P's K
k atky KCty) ka-y)
RL VP fov his
COs e
RLYP1 føo his Case
SGute, ond upte 03UVe
Ved ting t VOs 2 g0nS weght Ond. e.3
Agen 6 weght nTn

oent Shm
we Jss -gms
At A) A, 7 Va?u
At PusuO Vese1 Ves. 2 Vesel 3
PhK -O han c?, áolute r t . Xahert, VP
A 8 7om A tO B
4PPa-ol-|a -P% Cond
VP -
thus P'-Pny Pa-aky
Ves pins wt a i r oose, mois tus.
Thou RLVP P-a K
Vesel 3 o wE ains moistuio
RLVP9/1tb7 thigcae
w I t aiY
aa) y Ou, is SJou Jy, ASed. fhao o doe wt ta air caming in shud
thaoo. qJuipn3 ot ueNE roye, Mosu HOLSu than h a
Concont nahons Gi,C2 Cach V Pot the
co tauni
COtaining NoCC nonvo lohd) a

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