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study("TD Sequential",overlay=true)





TD = close > close[4] ?nz(TD[1])+1:0

TS = close < close[4] ?nz(TS[1])+1:0

TDUp = TD - valuewhen(TD < TD[1], TD , 1 )

TDDn = TS - valuewhen(TS < TS[1], TS , 1 )


















// S/R Code By johan.gradin


// Sell Setup //


priceflip = barssince(close<close[4])

sellsetup = close>close[4] and priceflip

sell = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=9)

sellovershoot = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=13)

sellovershoot1 = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=14)

sellovershoot2 = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=15)

sellovershoot3 = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=16)


// Buy setup//

priceflip1 = barssince(close>close[4])

buysetup = close<close[4] and priceflip1

buy = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=9)

buyovershoot = barssince(priceflip1!=13) and buysetup

buyovershoot1 = barssince(priceflip1!=14) and buysetup

buyovershoot2 = barssince(priceflip1!=15) and buysetup

buyovershoot3 = barssince(priceflip1!=16) and buysetup


// TD lines //


TDbuyh = valuewhen(buy,high,0)

TDbuyl = valuewhen(buy,low,0)

TDsellh = valuewhen(sell,high,0)

TDselll = valuewhen(sell,low,0)


// Plots //


plot(SR?(TDbuyh ? TDbuyl: na):na,style=circles, linewidth=1, color=red)

plot(SR?(TDselll ? TDsellh : na):na,style=circles, linewidth=1, color=lime)

barcolor(Barcolor?(sell? #FF0000 : buy? #00FF00 : sellovershoot? #FF66A3 : sellovershoot1? #FF3385 :

sellovershoot2? #FF0066 : sellovershoot3? #CC0052 : buyovershoot? #D6FF5C : buyovershoot1?
#D1FF47 : buyovershoot2? #B8E62E : buyovershoot3? #8FB224 : na):na)
//Author - EstrellaBrillante

//Supertrend 1.0

study("Supertrend1 - Buy/Sell Signal 1", overlay = true)

Factor=input(3, minval=1,maxval = 100)

Pd=input(7, minval=1,maxval = 100)



TrendUp=close[1]>TrendUp[1]? max(Up,TrendUp[1]) : Up

TrendDown=close[1]<TrendDown[1]? min(Dn,TrendDown[1]) : Dn

Trend = close > TrendDown[1] ? 1: close< TrendUp[1]? -1: nz(Trend[1],1)

Tsl = Trend==1? TrendUp: TrendDown

linecolor = Trend == 1 ? green : red

plot(Tsl, color = linecolor , style = line , linewidth = 2,title = "SuperTrend")

plotshape(cross(close,Tsl) and close>Tsl , "Up Arrow", shape.triangleup,location.belowbar,green,0,0)

plotshape(cross(Tsl,close) and close<Tsl , "Down Arrow", shape.triangledown , location.abovebar,


//plot(Trend==1 and Trend[1]==-1,color = linecolor, style = circles, linewidth = 3,title="Trend")

plotarrow(Trend == 1 and Trend[1] == -1 ? Trend : na, title="Up Entry Arrow", colorup=lime,
maxheight=60, minheight=50, transp=0)

plotarrow(Trend == -1 and Trend[1] == 1 ? Trend : na, title="Down Entry Arrow", colordown=red,

maxheight=60, minheight=50, transp=0)



study(title="TD Sequential", shorttitle="TD Seq", overlay=true)

// This indicator implements a flexible rendition of TD Sequentials

// Reference: DeMark Indicators by Jason Perl


// TD Indicators:

// - TD Price Flips (TD Setup count = 1)

// - TD Setup count up (green #, above bar, green diamond if count > 'Setup: Bars')

// - TD Setup count down (red #, above bar, red diamond if count > 'Setup: Bars')

// - TD Sell Setup (red down arrow "setup", above bar)

// - TD Sell Setup perfected (yellow diamond, above bar), can be deferred

// - TD Buy Setup (green up arrow "setup", above bar)

// - TD Buy Setup perfected (yellow diamond, above bar), can be deferred

// - TD Setup Trend support (green dotted line)

// - TD Setup Trend resistance (red dotted line)

// - TD Countdown up (green circle, below bar)

// - TD Countdown down (red circle, below bar)

// - TD Sell Countdown qualify bar (blue circle "Q"),

// - TD Sell Countdown deferred (green cross, below bar)

// - TD Sell Countdown (red down arrow "countdown", below bar)

// - TD Buy Countdown qualify bar (blue circle "Q"),

// - TD Buy Countdown deferred (red cross, below bar)

// - TD Buy Countdown (green up arrow "countdown", below bar)

// - TD Countdown Recycling (white cross "R", below bar)

// Note: Only one aspect of recycling is implemented where,

// if Setup Up/Down Count == 2 * 'Setup: Bars', then the present Countdown is cancelled.

// Trend momentum has intensified.

// - TD Risk Level (blue step line)


// Alerts Conditions:

// "Sell Setup" - Trigger an alert for Sell Setups

// "Sell Setup Perfected" - Trigger an alert for Perfected Sell Setups

// "Buy Setup" - Trigger an alert for Buy Setups

// "Buy Setup Perfected" - Trigger an alert for Perfected Buy Setups

// "Sell Countdown" - Trigger an alert for Sell Countdowns

// "Buy Countdown" - Trigger an alert for Buy Countdowns

// "Countdown Recycle Up" - Trigger an alert for the Countdown Recycle condition, where price is
moving up

// "Countdown Recycle Down" - Trigger an alert for the Countdown Recycle condition, where price is
moving down


// "Parameters" and nomenclature:

// - "Price: Source", defines which bar price to use for price comparisions

// (close, hlc3, ohlc4, etc...). Traditionally, close.

// - TD Setups

// "Setup: Bars", the last Setup count (traditionally 9).

// In this code, called the Buy/Sell Setup event, e.g. the last price up count

// becomes the Sell Setup event.

// "Setup: Lookback bars", defines the previous bar to compare for counting (traditionally 4).

// "Setup: Include Equal Price", If enabled, allow >= or <= in price comparisons.

// Traditionally not used (default is disabled). Might be useful for intraday charts.

// "Setup: Perfected Lookback", defines the previous count to evaluate for a perfected setup

// (this count and the next). Traditionally 3, i.e compare count 6 and 7 to count 8 or count 9.

// See code below for details.

// "Setup: Show Count", show/hide setup numbers.

// Note: Buy/Sell Setup events are not affected by this setting. They are always shown.

// - TD Setup Trends (TDST)

// "Setup Trend: Extend",

// If disabled, only look back to the beginning of this Buy/Sell Setup event

// to find trends, low(support for Sell) or high(resistance for Buy)

// If enabled, look back beyond this Buy/Sell Setup event to the previous

// Setup event of the same kind. (This capability has limitations... see code).
// "Setup Trend: Show", show/hide trend lines

// - TD Countdowns

// "Countdown: Bars", the last Countdown count (traditionally 13).

// Called the Buy/Sell Countdown event in this code, i.e. the last up/down

// count becomes the Buy/Sell Countdown event.

// "Countdown: Lookback Bars", define previous bar to compare for counting (traditionally 2).

// "Countdown: Qualifier Bar", the bar in the Countdown sequence used to qualifiy the price

// of the Buy/Sell Countdown event (traditionally 8). If a countdown event doesn't

// qualify, it is marked with a "+" symbol and counting continues.

// Note: If the Qualifier Bar is set >= "Countdown: Lookback Bars",

// qualification is disabled. Countdown events are still determined, just not qualified.

// "Countdown: Aggressive", Use aggressive comparison. E.g. for Sell Countdown,

// instead of "Price: Source" >= high of "Countdown: Lookback Bars",

// use high >= high of "Countdown: Lookback Bars". Disabled by default.

// "Countdown: Show Count", show/hide countdown numbers. Countdown events are always

// - TD Risk Level

// "Risk Level: Show", Show/hide TD Risk Level for setups, countdowns and recycled countdowns.


// If you want more flexibility in the user interface for plotting, set PlotEditEnable = true


// Coding notes:

// - Variable names are hierarchical, to play nicely in a flat namespace.

// General layout of names: <Indicator><Function><Qualifier><...etc...>

// Ex) cntdwmCountUp -> <TD Countdown><counting for indicator><counting price moves up>

// - Variables that start with uppercase represent User input. Otherwise, lowercase. All variables

// are camelCase.

// - Plotting parameters are defined at the beginning of each indicator section to

// faciliate quick/easy alterations. All plots are at the end of the script.
// - To pull off the logic wizardy of TD Indicators in the Pine Script language,

// many series are created. The two basic patters are

// 1) Impulse series (booleans), used to capture events at specific bars

// 2) Stair-step series (integers), used to count impulses across multiple bars

//---- User inputs ---------------------------

PriceSource = input(title="Price: Source", type=source, defval=close)

SetupBars = input(title="Setup: Bars", type=integer, defval=9, minval=4, maxval=31)

SetupLookback = input(title="Setup: Lookback Bars", type=integer, defval=4, minval=1, maxval=14)

SetupEqualEnable = input(title="Setup: Include Equal Price", type=bool, defval=false)

SetupPerfLookback = input(title="Setup: Perfected Lookback", type=integer, defval=3, minval=1,


SetupShowCount = input(title="Setup: Show Count", type=bool, defval=true)

SetupTrendExtend = input(title="Setup Trend: Extend", type=bool, defval=false)

SetupTrendShow = input(title="Setup Trend: Show", type=bool, defval=true)

CntdwnBars = input(title="Countdown: Bars", type=integer, defval=13, minval=3, maxval=31)

CntdwnLookback = input(title="Countdown: Lookback Bars", type=integer, defval=2, minval=1,


CntdwnQualBar = input(title="Countdown: Qualifier Bar", type=integer, defval=8, minval=3, maxval=30)

CntdwnAggressive = input(title="Countdown: Aggressive", type=bool, defval=false)

CntdwnShowCount = input(title="Countdown: Show Count", type=bool, defval=true)

RiskLevelShow = input(title="Risk Level: Show", type=bool, defval=false)

Transp = input(title="Transparency", type=integer, defval=0, minval=0, maxval=100)

PlotEditEnable = false // show/hide some of the plots from Format window in the user interface.

//---- TD Price Flips ---------------------------

// Plot parameters

// Price Equal plot (pep). Uses plotshape()

pepColor=gray, pepLoc=location.belowbar,,

// Create impulse series of price action. Compare where price is greater/less/equal than prior price.

setupPriceUp = (PriceSource > PriceSource[SetupLookback])

setupPriceDown = (PriceSource < PriceSource[SetupLookback])

setupPriceEqual = (PriceSource == PriceSource[SetupLookback])

//---- TD Setups ---------------------------

// Plot parameters

// Setup Count plot (scp)

scpShowLast=144 // Plot char/shapes for previous # of bars, from right edge.

// Setup Count Up plot (scup), Setup Count Down plot (scdp). Uses plotchar()

scupColor=green, scupLoc=location.abovebar,

scdpColor=red, scdpLoc=location.abovebar,

// Setup Count Up/Down > Last plot (scuglp/scdglp). Uses plotshape()

scuglpColor=#00900080, scuglpLoc=location.abovebar,,

scuglpStyle=shape.diamond, scuglpText=""

scdglpColor=#F0000080, scdglpLoc=location.abovebar,,

scdglpStyle=shape.diamond, scdglpText=""

// Setup Sell plot (ssp), Setup Buy plot (sbp). Uses plotshape()

sspColor=#FF3333, sspLoc=location.abovebar, sspSize=size.normal, sspStyle=shape.arrowdown,


sbpColor=#33FF33, sbpLoc=location.abovebar, sbpSize=size.normal, sbpStyle=shape.arrowup,


// Setup Sell/Buy Perfected plot (sspp/sbpp). Uses plotshape()

ssppColor=#FFFF0080, ssppLoc=location.abovebar, ssppSize=size.small, ssppStyle=shape.diamond,

sbppColor=#FFFF0080, sbppLoc=location.abovebar, sbppSize=size.small, sbppStyle=shape.diamond,

// Look for the establishment of momentum by counting consecutive up/down price moves.

// Up/down counters are mutually exclusive; only one is actively counting, while the other is in reset.

// Equal price ticks are captured separately so that up/down ticks aren't active on the

// same bar. If equal price enabled,

// Then include equal price in the present up or down count

// Else ignore equal price and reset count when present

setupCountUp = na

setupCountUp := SetupEqualEnable ?

(setupPriceUp or (setupCountUp[1] and setupPriceEqual)) ? nz(setupCountUp[1])+1 : 0

setupPriceUp ? nz(setupCountUp[1])+1 : 0

setupCountDown = na

setupCountDown := SetupEqualEnable ?

(setupPriceDown or (setupCountDown[1] and setupPriceEqual)) ? nz(setupCountDown[1])+1 : 0

setupPriceDown ? nz(setupCountDown[1])+1 : 0

// Error check: make sure Setup Up and Down counts don't count on the same bar

// setupCountErrorCheck = setupCountUp and setupCountDown

// plotshape(setupCountErrorCheck, text="Setup Count Error", style=shape.flag, color=yellow,

location=location.abovebar, size=size.normal) // debug

// A Setup event is when up/down count == SetupBars

// Sell Setups are defined by up counts, Buy Setups by down counts.

setupSell = na

setupSell := setupCountUp==SetupBars ? valuewhen(setupCountUp==SetupBars, PriceSource, 0) : na

setupBuy = na

setupBuy := setupCountDown==SetupBars ? valuewhen(setupCountDown==SetupBars, PriceSource, 0) :


// Count bars between setups... used by other indicators

setupSellCount = barssince(setupSell)

setupBuyCount = barssince(setupBuy)

// Perfected Setups

// For each sell/buy setup, an additional evaluation is performed to determine if it is "perfected".

// This consists of looking back a few bars and determining if the setup event's price is

// higher(sell)/lower(buy) than the lookback bars price. If not, a retest of the lookback

// bars high/low price is likely.

// SetupPerfLookback (user input) defines which bars to use for perfection evaluation.

// Two bars are included in the evaluation: SetupPerfLookback AND SetupPerfLookback+1

// The evalution adheres to DeMark's original definiton where the bar before the setup event

// also qualifies a perfected setup, even if the setup event bar doesn't qualify.

// Example) Traditional settings: SetupBars=9, SetupPerfLookback=3,

// then a sell setup is perfected when

// ( (high(8) >= high(6)) and (high(8) >= high(7)) ) or // start evaluation

// ( (high(9) >= high(6)) and (high(9) >= high(7)) ) or

// ...

// ( (high(9+n) >= high(6)) and (high(9+n) >= high(7)) ) // continued eval

// where n counts past the setup event, on setupCountUp bars. The evalution

// continues until the logic evaluates true, or cancelled.

// Cancelation rules for perfection evaluation aren't clear...(?) So here's a liberal approach:

// - If a Setup event in the same direction appears, re-start

// - If a Setup event in the opposite direction appears, cancel

// To evaluate perfected setups, create additional series:

// - A perfect price series, used for comparision to the setup event price or beyond

// - A mask series which holds the decision logic of "perfected" or "deffered"

// After the mask is created, it overlays setup count series to plot visual indicators.

// For convenience, define const integer variables to translate the meaning of perfected/deffered

setupIsPerfected = 2

setupIsDeferred = 1

// Perfected Sell Setup events

// Get the price for which Sell Setup perfection is evaluated. Stair-step series.

setupSellPerfPrice = na

setupSellPerfPrice := setupCountUp==SetupBars ?

((valuewhen(setupCountUp==(SetupBars-SetupPerfLookback), high, 0) >=

valuewhen(setupCountUp==(SetupBars-SetupPerfLookback+1), high, 0)) ?

valuewhen(setupCountUp==(SetupBars-SetupPerfLookback), high, 0 ) :

valuewhen(setupCountUp==(SetupBars-SetupPerfLookback+1), high, 0 )

) : nz(setupSellPerfPrice[1])

//plot(setupSellPerfPrice, color=yellow, linewidth=2) // debug

// Create mask to hold "perfected" decisions. This is like a state-machine, where new inputs

// determine what to do next. The logic:

// First, cancellation

// - If a perfected event found, cancel (done)

// - If a Buy Setup event occurs, cancel. This Sell Setup trend is over.

// Second, start (or re-start) evaluation

// - If a new Setup Sell event is present, start. Compare SetupBars and (SetupBars-1) to perf price.

// If one of these bars passes, then set mask to perfected.

// Else, set mask to deferred and continue evaluaton.

// Third, continue evaluation

// - If mask is deffered, check any bar (count up or down) for perfection, until cancelation.

// - If a perfected Sell Setup event NOT found, then seamlessly roll into the next Sell Setup event.

setupSellPerfMask = na

setupSellPerfMask :=

((nz(setupSellPerfMask[1])>=setupIsPerfected) or (not na(setupBuy))) ? na :

setupCountUp==SetupBars ?

((valuewhen(setupCountUp==(SetupBars-1), high, 0) >= setupSellPerfPrice) or

(valuewhen(setupCountUp==SetupBars, high, 0) >= setupSellPerfPrice)) ?

setupIsPerfected : setupIsDeferred

na(setupSellPerfMask[1]) ? na :

high>=setupSellPerfPrice ? setupIsPerfected : setupSellPerfMask[1]

// Get the perfected bar for plotting later

setupSellPerf = setupSellPerfMask==setupIsPerfected ? PriceSource : na

// Perfected Buy Setup events

setupBuyPerfPrice = na

setupBuyPerfPrice := setupCountDown==SetupBars ?

((valuewhen(setupCountDown==(SetupBars-SetupPerfLookback), low, 0) <=

valuewhen(setupCountDown==(SetupBars-SetupPerfLookback+1), low, 0)) ?

valuewhen(setupCountDown==(SetupBars-SetupPerfLookback), low, 0 ) :

valuewhen(setupCountDown==(SetupBars-SetupPerfLookback+1), low, 0 )

) : nz(setupBuyPerfPrice[1])

//plot(setupBuyPerfPrice, color=yellow, linewidth=2) // debug

setupBuyPerfMask = na

setupBuyPerfMask :=

((nz(setupBuyPerfMask[1])>=setupIsPerfected) or (not na(setupSell))) ? na :

setupCountDown==SetupBars ?

((valuewhen(setupCountDown==(SetupBars-1), low, 0) <= setupBuyPerfPrice) or

(valuewhen(setupCountDown==SetupBars, low, 0) <= setupBuyPerfPrice)) ?

setupIsPerfected : setupIsDeferred

na(setupBuyPerfMask[1]) ? na :

low<=setupBuyPerfPrice ? setupIsPerfected : setupBuyPerfMask[1]

setupBuyPerf = setupBuyPerfMask==setupIsPerfected ? PriceSource : na

//---- TD Setup Trend (TDST) ---------------------------

// Plot parameters

// Setup Trend Support/Resistance plot (stsp/strp). Uses plot()

stspColor=#99FF99, stspStyle=circles, stspOffset=0 //=(1-SetupBars)

strpColor=#FF9999, strpStyle=circles, strpOffset=0 //=(1-SetupBars)

// Shading between support/resistance lines. Uses fill()

stpColorNormal=#00000000 // Support is below resistance (#00000000 = no color and transparent)

stpColorFlip =#20202040 // Support is above resistance, flipped

// TDSTs are support/resistance lines, i.e. the lowest/highest price since:

// 1) The beginning of this Setup (price flip, count==1), or

// 2) The previous Setup of the same trend, e.g. if a Sell Setup, then low(support) from previous Sell

// This option is enabled by user input "Setup Trend: Extend"

// Support is established at the beginning of (or prior to) a up/sell trend.

// Resistance is established at the beginning of (or prior to) a down/buy trend.

// Limitations of Extended Setup Trend:

// Cludgy coding... unable to properly extract setupSellCount from seris and hand it to

// the lowest() function as integer.

// if/else logic only allows for steps of "SetupBars" to look for lowest/highest,

// thus resolution is "chuncky".

// Stop at 10*SetupBars to avoid script consuming too much server juice... and rejected.

// TODO: Is there a better way to code extended trend lines?

setupTrendSupport = na

setupTrendSupport := setupSell ?

(SetupTrendExtend ? (

setupSellCount[1] <= SetupBars ? lowest(SetupBars) :

setupSellCount[1] <= 2*SetupBars ? lowest(2*SetupBars) :

setupSellCount[1] <= 3*SetupBars ? lowest(3*SetupBars) :

setupSellCount[1] <= 4*SetupBars ? lowest(4*SetupBars) :

setupSellCount[1] <= 5*SetupBars ? lowest(5*SetupBars) :

setupSellCount[1] <= 6*SetupBars ? lowest(6*SetupBars) :

setupSellCount[1] <= 7*SetupBars ? lowest(7*SetupBars) :

setupSellCount[1] <= 8*SetupBars ? lowest(8*SetupBars) :

setupSellCount[1] <= 9*SetupBars ? lowest(9*SetupBars) : lowest(10*SetupBars))

: lowest(SetupBars) )

: nz(setupTrendSupport[1])

setupTrendResist = na

setupTrendResist := setupBuy ?

(SetupTrendExtend ? (

setupBuyCount[1] <= SetupBars ? highest(SetupBars) :

setupBuyCount[1] <= 2*SetupBars ? highest(2*SetupBars) :

setupBuyCount[1] <= 3*SetupBars ? highest(3*SetupBars) :

setupBuyCount[1] <= 4*SetupBars ? highest(4*SetupBars) :

setupBuyCount[1] <= 5*SetupBars ? highest(5*SetupBars) :

setupBuyCount[1] <= 6*SetupBars ? highest(6*SetupBars) :

setupBuyCount[1] <= 7*SetupBars ? highest(7*SetupBars) :

setupBuyCount[1] <= 8*SetupBars ? highest(8*SetupBars) :

setupBuyCount[1] <= 9*SetupBars ? highest(9*SetupBars) : highest(10*SetupBars))

: highest(SetupBars))

: nz(setupTrendResist[1])

//---- TD Countdown ---------------------------

// Plot parameters

// Countdown Count Up/Down plot (ccup/ccdp). Uses plotshape()

ccupColor=green, ccupLoc=location.belowbar,, // no text

ccdpColor=red, ccdpLoc=location.belowbar,, // no text

// Countdown Last Count Up/Down plot (clcup/clcdp). Uses plotshape()

clcupColor=#33FF33, clcupLoc=location.belowbar,, // no


clcdpColor=#FF8333, clcdpLoc=location.belowbar,, // no


// Countdown Qualification Count plot (cqcp). Uses plotshape() ...only one defintion for both up/down

cqcpColor=#4444FF, cqcpLoc=location.belowbar,, cqcpStyle=shape.diamond,


// Countdown Count Recycle plot (cqcp). Uses plotshape() ...only one defintion for both up/down counts

ccrpColor=white, ccrpLoc=location.belowbar,, ccrpStyle=shape.cross, ccrpText="R"

// Countdown Sell/Buy Deferred plot (csdp/cbdp). Uses plotshape()

csdpColor=green, csdpLoc=location.belowbar,, csdpStyle=shape.cross, csdpText=""

cbdpColor=red, cbdpLoc=location.belowbar,, cbdpStyle=shape.cross, cbdpText=""

// Countdown Sell/Buy event plot (csp/cbp). Uses plotshape()

cspColor=#FF3333, cspLoc=location.belowbar, cspSize=size.normal, cspStyle=shape.arrowdown,


cbpColor=#33FF33, cbpLoc=location.belowbar, cbpSize=size.normal, cbpStyle=shape.arrowup,

// Countdown Sell/Buy Aggressive event plot (csap/cbap)... same as csp/cbp, except text



// Compare where price is greater/less than prior price

cntdwnPriceUp = CntdwnAggressive ? (high >= high[CntdwnLookback]) : (PriceSource >=


cntdwnPriceDown = CntdwnAggressive ? (low <= low[CntdwnLookback]) : (PriceSource <=


//plotshape(cntdwnPriceUp?true:na,, color=gray, location=location.belowbar,, transp=Transp) // debug

//plotshape(cntdwnPriceDown?true:na,, color=white, location=location.belowbar,, transp=Transp) // debug

// Determine Setup recycle events

cntdwnCountUpRecycle = na

cntdwnCountUpRecycle := (setupCountUp==(2*SetupBars)) ?
valuewhen((setupCountUp==(2*SetupBars)), PriceSource, 0) : na

cntdwnCountDownRecycle = na

cntdwnCountDownRecycle := (setupCountDown==(2*SetupBars)) ?
valuewhen((setupCountDown==(2*SetupBars)), PriceSource, 0) : na

// Count up/down price moves. Price moves don't have to be consecutive for TD Countdowns

// "na" means no counting, integer values (including zero) mean a count in progress

// If countdown cancellation rules appear, stop counting. Else,

// If a sell setup appears, start counting on this setup bar. Else,

// If previous value is counting, continue counting on this bar. Else... do nothing

cntdwnCountUp = na

// Note: One of the cancellation rules { stop counting at CntdwnBars, i.e.

(nz(cntdwnCountUp[1])>=CntdwnBars) }
// is removed from this construct. This facilitates "qualification" in the next step.

cntdwnCountUp := na(cntdwnPriceUp) ? cntdwnCountUp[1] :

((not na(setupBuy)) or (PriceSource<setupTrendSupport) or (not na(cntdwnCountUpRecycle))) ? na :

((not na(setupSell)) ? (cntdwnPriceUp ? 1 : 0) :

na(cntdwnCountUp[1]) ? na : (cntdwnPriceUp ? cntdwnCountUp[1]+1 : cntdwnCountUp[1])

// Convert stair-step values to impulse, i.e. only keep the initial price move

cntdwnCountUpImp = na

cntdwnCountUpImp := cntdwnPriceUp ? cntdwnCountUp : na

cntdwnCountDown = na

cntdwnCountDown := na(cntdwnPriceDown) ? cntdwnCountDown[1] :

((not na(setupSell)) or (PriceSource>setupTrendResist) or (not na(cntdwnCountDownRecycle))) ? na :

((not na(setupBuy)) ? (cntdwnPriceDown ? 1 : 0) :

na(cntdwnCountDown[1]) ? na : (cntdwnPriceDown ? cntdwnCountDown[1]+1 :


// plot(cntdwnCountDown, color=yellow, linewidth=2) // debug

cntdwnCountDownImp = na

cntdwnCountDownImp := cntdwnPriceDown ? cntdwnCountDown : na

// Qualification of Countdowns: The last Countdown price must be greater/less than the CntdwnQualBar

cntdwnIsQualified = 2 // value in qual mask series when countdown event is qualified

cntdwnIsDeferred = 1

cntdwnSellQualPrice = na

cntdwnSellQualMask = na

cntdwnSellQualMaskImp = na
cntdwnBuyQualPrice = na

cntdwnBuyQualMask = na

cntdwnBuyQualMaskImp = na

if (CntdwnQualBar < CntdwnBars)

// Get the price at CntdwnQualBar, create stair-step function of value

cntdwnSellQualPrice := cntdwnCountUpImp==CntdwnQualBar ?

valuewhen(cntdwnCountUpImp==CntdwnQualBar, PriceSource, 0) : nz(cntdwnSellQualPrice[1])

// Create mask series, a stair-step function that qualifies:

// If "count up price" > "qualify price", then set mask=cntdwnIsQualified.

// This is THE Sell Countdown event, qualified.

// If "count up price" <= "qualify price", then set mask=cntdwnIsDeferred.

// Still looked for qualified Sell Countdown event.

// Same routine as cntdwnCountUp... "na" means not qualifying. Integers mean qualifying in progress.

// If previous mask value is cntdwnIsQualified or count up is cancelled, stop qualifying. Else,

// If at CntdwnBars, start qualifying. Else,

// If previous mask is cntdwnIsDeferred, continue qualifying. Else, do nothing

cntdwnSellQualMask :=

(nz(cntdwnSellQualMask[1])>=cntdwnIsQualified) or na(cntdwnCountUp) ? na :

(cntdwnCountUpImp==CntdwnBars ?

(valuewhen(cntdwnCountUpImp==CntdwnBars, high, 0) >= cntdwnSellQualPrice ?

cntdwnIsQualified : cntdwnIsDeferred) :

(na(cntdwnSellQualMask[1]) ? na :

(cntdwnCountUpImp>CntdwnBars ?

(valuewhen(cntdwnCountUpImp>CntdwnBars, high, 0) >= cntdwnSellQualPrice ?

cntdwnIsQualified : cntdwnSellQualMask[1]) :


cntdwnBuyQualPrice := cntdwnCountDownImp==CntdwnQualBar ?
valuewhen(cntdwnCountDownImp==CntdwnQualBar, PriceSource, 0) : nz(cntdwnBuyQualPrice[1])

cntdwnBuyQualMask :=

(nz(cntdwnBuyQualMask[1])>=cntdwnIsQualified) or na(cntdwnCountDown) ? na :

(cntdwnCountDownImp==CntdwnBars ?

(valuewhen(cntdwnCountDownImp==CntdwnBars, low, 0) <= cntdwnBuyQualPrice ?

cntdwnIsQualified : cntdwnIsDeferred) :

(na(cntdwnBuyQualMask[1]) ? na :

(cntdwnCountDownImp>CntdwnBars ?

(valuewhen(cntdwnCountDownImp>CntdwnBars, low, 0) <= cntdwnBuyQualPrice ?

cntdwnIsQualified : cntdwnBuyQualMask[1]) :



cntdwnSellQualMask := cntdwnCountUp==CntdwnBars ? cntdwnIsQualified : na

cntdwnBuyQualMask := cntdwnCountDown==CntdwnBars ? cntdwnIsQualified : na

// Get the impulse version of the stair-step qualification mask

cntdwnSellQualMaskImp := cntdwnCountUpImp ? cntdwnSellQualMask : na

cntdwnBuyQualMaskImp := cntdwnCountDownImp ? cntdwnBuyQualMask : na

// plot(cntdwnSellQualPrice, style=line, linewidth=2, color=orange) // debug

// plot(cntdwnBuyQualPrice, style=line, linewidth=2, color=white) // debug

// A Sell/Buy Countdown event is when up/down count == CountdownBars

// Sell Countdowns are defined by up counts, Buy Countdowns by down counts...

cntdwnSell = na

cntdwnSellDefer = na

cntdwnSell := cntdwnSellQualMaskImp==cntdwnIsQualified ?

valuewhen(cntdwnSellQualMaskImp==cntdwnIsQualified, PriceSource, 0) : na

cntdwnSellDefer := cntdwnSellQualMaskImp==cntdwnIsDeferred ?
valuewhen(cntdwnSellQualMaskImp==cntdwnIsDeferred, PriceSource, 0) : na

cntdwnBuy = na

cntdwnBuyDefer = na

cntdwnBuy := cntdwnBuyQualMaskImp==cntdwnIsQualified ?

valuewhen(cntdwnBuyQualMaskImp==cntdwnIsQualified, PriceSource, 0) : na

cntdwnBuyDefer := cntdwnBuyQualMaskImp==cntdwnIsDeferred ?

valuewhen(cntdwnBuyQualMaskImp==cntdwnIsDeferred, PriceSource, 0) : na

// TD Risk Levels for setup and countdown

riskLevel = na, riskBar = na

//riskBar :=

// setupSell ? highest(SetupBars)

riskLevel :=

setupSell or cntdwnCountUpRecycle ? (highest(SetupBars)+valuewhen(high==highest(SetupBars), tr,

0)) :

setupBuy or cntdwnCountDownRecycle ? (lowest(SetupBars)-valuewhen(low==lowest(SetupBars), tr,

0)) :

cntdwnSell ? (highest(CntdwnBars)+valuewhen(high==highest(CntdwnBars), tr, 0)) :

cntdwnBuy ? (lowest(CntdwnBars)-valuewhen(low==lowest(CntdwnBars), tr, 0)) : nz(riskLevel[1], low)

//---- Alert conditions ---------------------------

alertcondition(setupSell, title="Sell Setup", message="Sell Setup")

alertcondition(setupSellPerf, title="Sell Setup Perfected", message="Sell Setup Perfected")

alertcondition(setupBuy, title="Buy Setup", message="Buy Setup")

alertcondition(setupBuyPerf, title="Buy Setup Perfected", message="Buy Setup Perfected")

alertcondition(cntdwnSell, title="Sell Countdown", message="Sell Countdown")

alertcondition(cntdwnBuy, title="Buy Countdown", message="Buy Countdown")

alertcondition(cntdwnCountUpRecycle, title="Countdown Recycle Up", message="Countdown Recycle

alertcondition(cntdwnCountDownRecycle, title="Countdown Recycle Down", message="Countdown
Recycle Down")

//---- Plot everything ---------------------------

// Background plots come first. Shapes that need to be on top are last.

// TDST (Support/Resistance)

// Use plot offset to move line back to beginning of Setup count...

stsp=plot(SetupTrendShow?setupTrendSupport:na, title="TDST Support", style=stspStyle,

color=stspColor, linewidth=2, offset=stspOffset)

strp=plot(SetupTrendShow?setupTrendResist:na, title="TDST Resistance", style=strpStyle,

color=strpColor, linewidth=2, offset=strpOffset)

// Shade area between support/resistance lines

fill(stsp, strp, title="TDST plot fill", color=(setupTrendSupport>setupTrendResist)?


// TD Risk Levels

plot(RiskLevelShow?riskLevel:na, title="TD Risk Level", style=stepline, color=teal, linewidth=2)

// Experimental plot... High visibility vertical lines on setup events

// setupEventColor = setupSell ? #FF2222A0 : (setupBuy ? #00FF0060 : #00000000)

// bgcolor(setupEventColor)

// Show where equal price bars occur, if enabled

plotshape(SetupEqualEnable?(setupPriceEqual?true:na):na, title="Equal Price Compare", style=pepStyle,

color=pepColor, location=pepLoc, size=pepSize, transp=Transp)

// Plot Countdown with numbers

// plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountUpImp<8?true:na):na, title="Countdowns Up <8",

style=ccupStyle, color=ccupColor, location=ccupLoc, size=ccupSize, transp=Transp,
// plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountUpImp==8?true:na):na, title="Countdown Up 8",
text="8", style=ccupStyle, color=ccupColor, location=ccupLoc, size=ccupSize, transp=Transp,

// plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountUpImp==9?true:na):na, title="Countdown Up 9",

text="9", style=ccupStyle, color=ccupColor, location=ccupLoc, size=ccupSize, transp=Transp,

// plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountUpImp==10?true:na):na, title="Countdown Up 10",

text="10", style=ccupStyle, color=ccupColor, location=ccupLoc, size=ccupSize, transp=Transp,

// plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountUpImp==11?true:na):na, title="Countdown Up 11",

text="11", style=ccupStyle, color=ccupColor, location=ccupLoc, size=ccupSize, transp=Transp,

// plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountUpImp==12?true:na):na, title="Countdown Up 12",

text="12", style=ccupStyle, color=ccupColor, location=ccupLoc, size=ccupSize, transp=Transp,

// plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountDownImp<8?true:na):na, title="Countdowns Down <8",

style=ccdpStyle, color=ccdpColor, location=ccdpLoc, size=ccdpSize, transp=Transp,

// plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountDownImp==8?true:na):na, title="Countdown Down 8",

text="8", style=ccdpStyle, color=ccdpColor, location=ccdpLoc, size=ccdpSize, transp=Transp,

// plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountDownImp==9?true:na):na, title="Countdown Down 9",

text="9", style=ccdpStyle, color=ccdpColor, location=ccdpLoc, size=ccdpSize, transp=Transp,

// plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountDownImp==10?true:na):na, title="Countdown Down

10", text="10", style=ccdpStyle, color=ccdpColor, location=ccdpLoc, size=ccdpSize, transp=Transp,

// plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountDownImp==11?true:na):na, title="Countdown Down

11", text="11", style=ccdpStyle, color=ccdpColor, location=ccdpLoc, size=ccdpSize, transp=Transp,

// plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountDownImp==12?true:na):na, title="Countdown Down

12", text="12", style=ccdpStyle, color=ccdpColor, location=ccdpLoc, size=ccdpSize, transp=Transp,

// Plot Countdown with shapes only

title="Countdowns Up < Last", style=ccupStyle, color=ccupColor, location=ccupLoc, size=ccupSize,
transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)


title="Countdowns Last Up", style=clcupStyle, color=clcupColor, location=clcupLoc, size=clcupSize,

transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)


title="Countdowns Down < Last", style=ccdpStyle, color=ccdpColor, location=ccdpLoc, size=ccdpSize,

transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)


title="Countdowns Last Down", style=clcdpStyle, color=clcdpColor, location=clcdpLoc, size=clcdpSize,

transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)

// Plot Countdown qualify bar


title="Countdown Qual Bar", text=cqcpText, style=cqcpStyle, color=cqcpColor, location=cqcpLoc,

size=cqcpSize, transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)

// Plot Countdown recycle

plotshape(CntdwnShowCount?(cntdwnCountUpRecycle or cntdwnCountDownRecycle):na,

title="Countdown Recycle", text=ccrpText, style=ccrpStyle, color=ccrpColor, location=ccrpLoc,

size=ccrpSize, transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)

// Plot setup buy/sell events

// Note: this code is placed here so that setup shapes are placed on top of countdown shapes

plotshape(setupSell, title="Sell Setup", text=sspText, style=sspStyle, color=sspColor, location=sspLoc,

size=sspSize, transp=Transp)

plotshape(setupBuy, title="Buy Setup", text=sbpText, style=sbpStyle, color=sbpColor, location=sbpLoc,

size=sbpSize, transp=Transp)

// Plot setup buy/sell perfected indicator

plotshape(setupSellPerf, title="Perfected Sell Setup", text=ssppText, style=ssppStyle, color=ssppColor,

location=ssppLoc, size=ssppSize, transp=Transp)

plotshape(setupBuyPerf, title="Perfected Buy Setup", text=sbppText, style=sbppStyle, color=sbppColor,

location=sbppLoc, size=sbppSize, transp=Transp)
// Plot Countdown Sell/Buy Deferred event

plotshape(cntdwnSellDefer, title="Sell Countdown Deferred", text=csdpText, style=csdpStyle,

color=csdpColor, location=csdpLoc, size=csdpSize, transp=Transp)

plotshape(cntdwnBuyDefer, title="Buy Countdown Deferred", text=cbdpText, style=cbdpStyle,

color=cbdpColor, location=cbdpLoc, size=cbdpSize, transp=Transp)

// Plot Countdown Sell/Buy event

plotshape(CntdwnAggressive?na:cntdwnSell, title="Sell Countdown", text=cspText, style=cspStyle,

color=cspColor, location=cspLoc, size=cspSize, transp=Transp)

plotshape(CntdwnAggressive?na:cntdwnBuy, title="Buy Countdown", text=cbpText, style=cbpStyle,

color=cbpColor, location=cbpLoc, size=cbpSize, transp=Transp)

plotshape(CntdwnAggressive?cntdwnSell:na, title="Aggressive Sell Countdown", text=csapText,

style=cspStyle, color=cspColor, location=cspLoc, size=cspSize, transp=Transp)

plotshape(CntdwnAggressive?cntdwnBuy:na, title="Aggressive Buy Countdown", text=cbapText,

style=cbpStyle, color=cbpColor, location=cbpLoc, size=cbpSize, transp=Transp)

// Setups, last

// Plot Setup up/down counts

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==1)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count Up 1",

char="1", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==2)and(2<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count Up

2", char="2", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==3)and(3<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count Up

3", char="3", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==4)and(4<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count Up

4", char="4", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==5)and(5<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count Up

5", char="5", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)
plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==6)and(6<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count Up
6", char="6", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==7)and(7<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count Up

7", char="7", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==8)and(8<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count Up

8", char="8", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==9)and(9<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count Up

9", char="9", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)

// For values > 9, use hexadecimal values since we can only plot one char

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==10)and(10<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Up 10", char="A", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==11)and(11<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Up 11", char="B", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==12)and(12<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Up 12", char="C", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==13)and(13<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Up 13", char="D", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp,

// plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==14)and(14<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Up 14", char="E", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp,

// plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp==15)and(15<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Up 15", char="F", color=scupColor, location=scupLoc, size=scupSize, transp=Transp,

plotshape(SetupShowCount?((setupCountUp>SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count Up > Last",

text=scuglpText, style=scuglpStyle, color=scuglpColor, location=scuglpLoc, size=scuglpSize,

transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==1)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count Down 1",

char="1", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)
plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==2)and(2<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count
Down 2", char="2", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,
editable=PlotEditEnable, show_last=scpShowLast)

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==3)and(3<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Down 3", char="3", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,
editable=PlotEditEnable, show_last=scpShowLast)

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==4)and(4<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Down 4", char="4", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,
editable=PlotEditEnable, show_last=scpShowLast)

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==5)and(5<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Down 5", char="5", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==6)and(6<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Down 6", char="6", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,
editable=PlotEditEnable, show_last=scpShowLast)

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==7)and(7<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Down 7", char="7", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==8)and(8<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Down 8", char="8", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,
editable=PlotEditEnable, show_last=scpShowLast)

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==9)and(9<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Down 9", char="9", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,

// For values > 9, use hexadecimal values since we can only plot one char

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==10)and(10<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Down 10", char="A", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==11)and(11<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Down 11", char="B", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==12)and(12<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Down 12", char="C", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,

plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==13)and(13<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count

Down 13", char="D", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,
// plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==14)and(14<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup
Count Down 14", char="E", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,

// plotchar(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown==15)and(15<=SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup
Count Down 15", char="F", color=scdpColor, location=scdpLoc, size=scdpSize, transp=Transp,

plotshape(SetupShowCount?((setupCountDown>SetupBars)?true:na):na, title="Setup Count Down >


text=scdglpText, style=scdglpStyle, color=scdglpColor, location=scdglpLoc, size=scdglpSize,

transp=Transp, editable=PlotEditEnable)

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