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Difference Between Vernier Caliper and Micrometer

Vernier calipers (vernier callipers) and Micrometers (Micrometer screw gauges) are
both used to measure distances too small to be measured using a metre rule with a
least count of 1 mm. The main difference between vernier caliper and micrometer is
that the vernier caliper uses two sliding scales with different spacings between
markings on each scale while a micrometer makes use of a screw to translate
small distances moved by its jaws to larger distances along the marked scale.

What is 7QC Tools ?

Cause-and-effect diagram (also called Ishikawa or fishbone diagrams): Identifies many
possible causes for an effect or problem and sorts ideas into useful categories.

Check sheet: A structured, prepared form for collecting and analyzing data; a generic tool
that can be adapted for a wide variety of purposes.

Control chart: Graph used to study how a process changes over time. Comparing current
data to historical control limits leads to conclusions about whether the process variation is
consistent (in control) or is unpredictable (out of control, affected by special causes of

Histogram: The most commonly used graph for showing frequency distributions, or how
often each different value in a set of data occurs.

Pareto chart: A bar graph that shows which factors are more significant.

Scatter diagram: Graphs pairs of numerical data, one variable on each axis, to look for a

Stratification: A technique that separates data gathered from a variety of sources so that
patterns can be seen (some lists replace stratification

Question 3. What Is The Difference Between Quality Assurance And Quality Control?
Answer :
Quality Assurance :

○ It is a Assurance activity,emphasizing on the standards and procedures to

be followed while developing an application
○ It is a Preventive action taken before hand to ensure the product that
developed are defect free
○ It is a systematic action necessary to provide enough confidence that a
product or service will satisfy the given requirements for quality.
Quality Control :

○ It is a Corrective action
○ Inspection if the developed application follows the standards and
procedures by using the checklists.

○ Question 4. What Are The Quality Principles?

Answer :
There are 8 quality principles such as

○ Customer focus
○ Leadership,
○ Involvement of people,
○ process approach,
○ System approach to management
○ Continual improvement
○ Factual approach to decision making,
○ Mutually beneficial supplier relationship

Question 5. What Are Six Mandatory Quality Procedures?

Answer :
○ Control of documents
○ Control of records
○ Control of Production Equipment, tools and CNC programs
○ Control of Non-conforming products
○ Preventive Action
○ Corrective Action

Question 6. What Is Meant By Risk? How You Can Avoid The Risks?
Answer :
Risk can be anything that leads to failure / defect / error in the application or process.
We can avoid risk by applying a proper risk matrix in the process. Risk Matrix shows
the controls within application systems used to reduce the identified risk, and in what
segment of the application those risks exist.
Team members are leaving from the organization in the middle of the project is the
risk for the Manager.For that he can take preventive action by asking for the bond from
the employee or can have the countable backups in the project.

Question 7. What Does 6 Sigma Represent?

Answer :
Meaning 99.999997% perfect; only 3.4 defects in a million.

Question 8. Quality Control Is Reactive In Approach?

Answer :
Quality Control is not reactive in approach quality is built into the product right from
the design stage, and SPC charts indicate before the process goes out of control such
that we can take the corrective action before defective products are produced.

Question 9. What Is An Usl In A Control Chart?

Answer :
upper Specification Limit

Question 10. What Are The Quality Characteristics Of Iso 9126?

Answer :

○ Functionality: Functions that satisfy the specified requirements.

○ Reliability: A set of attributes that are capable of software maintenance
under specified conditions.
○ Usability: A set of attributes that is capable of effort bearing on an
individual's performance.
○ Efficiency: A set of attributes that are capable of balancing the
relationship between performance of software and the resources used.
○ Maintainability: A set of attributes that are capable of bearing the effort
required for specific modifications.
○ Portability: A set of attributes that are capable of bearing on the ability of
the software to be transferred to another environment.
Question 11. What Are The Changes In A Company When It Receives Iso 9001
Answer :

○ Quality being part of every day operations, is the internal impact.

○ Quality becomes a part of setting and managing the objectives, practices.
○ The open up of operations to customer audits, is the external impact.
○ Procedures and record-keeping improve dramatically.
○ The implementation of these standards will obviously take the work to
keep audits and the appropriate follow-ups fluent.

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