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Surface Area: 33,8 1000 sq km ** * : IMF (World Economic Outlook) *** : IMF (DoTS & WEO)

Population: 3,6 Millions of inhabitants - 2009 (estimates after 2008) * ** : World Bank (World Development Indicatotrs)

Current GDP: 3,9 Billions of euros - 2009 (estimates after 2008) * **** : Trade-to-GDP ratio = (Exports + Imports) / GDP

GDP per capita: 1.085,8 Euros - 2009 (estimates after 2008) *

2006 2007 2008 2009
Exports-to-GDP ratio: 23,9 % (2009) *** Real GDP growth (%, estimates after 2008) * 4,8 3,0 7,8 -6,5
Imports-to-GDP ratio: 70,9 % (2009) *** Inflation rate (%, estimates after 2008) * 12,7 12,4 12,7 0,0
Trade-to-GDP ratio: 94,8 % (2009) **** Current account balance (% of GDP, estimates after 2008) * -11,4 -15,3 -16,3 -7,9
Agriculture, value 1989 1999 2008 10,9%
added (% of GDP) 27,9%
36,5% 14,7%
Industry, value added
(% of GDP) 53,1%

Services, value added

(% of GDP) 19,0% 74,5%
Source: World Bank (World Development Indicators)

Billions of euros Imports Exports Balance Billions of euros Imports Exports Balance
4,3 1,7
5,0 1,8
4,0 3,4 1,6 1,5
3,0 1,4 1,2
2,0 1,3 1,4 1,2
0,9 1,0
1,0 1,0 0,8
0,7 0,7 0,7
0,0 0,8
-1,0 0,6
-2,0 0,4
-3,0 -2,1 -1,8 0,2
-4,0 -2,9 0,0
2007 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009
Source: IMF (Direction of Trade Statistics - DoTS) Source: Eurostat, Statistical Regime 4

% OF THE WORLD (excluding Intra-EU Trade) 2007 2008 2009 % OF TOTAL EXTRA-EU27 2007 2008 2009
Imports 0,0% 0,1% 0,0% Imports 0,1% 0,0% 0,0%
Exports 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Exports 0,1% 0,1% 0,1%
Millions of euros Source: Eurostat, statistical regime 4 Imports Exports Balance
400,0 347
350,0 316
177 173 163
200,0 151 157 153
127 125 135 135
100,0 32 30
50,0 4
-24 -29
Agricultural products Fuels and mining products Chemicals Machinery and transport Textiles & Clothing Other Products
SITC Rev. 3: Agricultural products: 0, 1, 2, 4, excl. 27, excl. 28; Fuels and mining products: 3, 27, 28, 68; Chemicals: 5; Machinery and transport equipment: 7; Textiles & Clothing: 65, 84


Billions of euros Imports Exports Balance Billions of euros Imports Exports Balance
0,6 0,5 0,6 1,2
0,5 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5
0,1 0,0
0,0 0,2
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
-0,1 0,0
2007 2008 2009 2006 2007 2008
Source: World Trade Organisation Source: Eurostat (NewCronos)

% OF THE WORLD (excluding Intra-EU Trade) 2007 2008 2009 % OF TOTAL EXTRA-EU27 2006 2007 2008
Imports 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Imports - - -
Exports 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Exports - - -


Billions of euros Inflows Outflows Balance Billions of euros Inward Stocks Outward Stocks Balance
1,2 1,2

1,0 1,0

0,8 0,8

0,6 0,6

0,4 0,4

0,2 0,2
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
0,0 0,0
2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008
Source: Eurostat (NewCronos) Source: Eurostat (NewCronos)

DG TRADE 15 September 2010

MOLDOVA 15-Sep-10


1. Evolution of the EU's Trade Balance with Moldova
2. Evolution of the Moldova's Trade Balance


3. EU Trade with Main Partners
4. Moldova's Trade with Main Partners


Sitc Rev3, Sections and Product Grouping

5. European Union, Trade with the World and Moldova, by Sitc Section
6. European Union Imports, by Product Grouping
7. European Union Exports, by Product Grouping
8. Rank of Moldova in European Union Trade

Harmonized System, Sections

9. EU Trade with the World and EU Trade with Moldova (2009)

European Union, Trade with Moldova millions of euro, %

Share of total Share of total

Variation Variation
Period Imports EU Imports Exports EU Exports Balance Trade
(%, y-o-y) (%, y-o-y)
(%) (%)

2005 435 -16,3 0,0 1.080 18,0 0,1 645 1.514

2006 514 18,3 0,0 1.183 9,6 0,1 669 1.698
2007 727 41,4 0,1 1.494 26,2 0,1 767 2.221
2008 748 2,9 0,0 1.708 14,3 0,1 960 2.456
2009 515 -31,1 0,0 1.230 -28,0 0,1 714 1.745
2009Q1 149 - 0,0 269 - 0,1 120 418
2009Q2 115 - 0,0 301 - 0,1 187 416
2009Q3 121 - 0,0 312 - 0,1 192 433
2009Q4 131 - 0,0 347 - 0,1 216 478
2010Q1 125 -16,6 0,0 289 7,5 0,1 165 414
2010Q2 126 9,8 0,0 391 29,9 0,1 265 517
2010Q3 - - - - - - - -
2010Q4 - - - - - - - -
Average annual growth (2005-2009) 4,3 3,3 3,6

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Imports Exports Balance

European Union, Trade with the World millions of euro, %

Variation Variation
Period Imports Exports Balance Trade
(%, y-o-y) (%, y-o-y)

2005 1.179.569 14,8 1.052.720 10,5 -126.849 2.232.289

2006 1.352.787 14,7 1.160.101 10,2 -192.686 2.512.887
2007 1.433.402 6,0 1.240.541 6,9 -192.861 2.673.942
2008 1.564.946 9,2 1.309.818 5,6 -255.128 2.874.764
2009 1.199.288 -23,4 1.094.229 -16,5 -105.059 2.293.517
2009Q1 303.604 - 255.507 - -48.097 559.112
2009Q2 286.689 - 267.654 - -19.034 554.343
2009Q3 297.689 - 273.670 - -24.019 571.359
2009Q4 311.306 - 297.397 - -13.909 608.703
2010Q1 331.949 9,3 294.612 15,3 -37.336 626.561
2010Q2 371.113 29,4 335.756 25,4 -35.357 706.870
2010Q3 - - - - - -
2010Q4 - - - - - -
Average annual growth (2005-2009) 0,4 1,0 0,7





2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Imports Exports Balance

Source: EUROSTAT (Comext, Statistical regime 4) TRADE A2 - CG/MP

World excluding Intra-EU27 trade; European Union: 27 members. 15-Sep-10

MOLDOVA, Trade with the European Union millions of euro, %

EU Share of EU Share of
Variation Variation
Period Imports total Imports Exports total Exports Balance Trade
(%, y-o-y) (%, y-o-y)
(%) (%)

2005 840 35,1 45,5 329 2,2 38,7 -511 1.170

2006 1.302 55,0 46,9 467 41,8 47,3 -835 1.769
2007 1.644 26,3 48,6 662 41,7 51,6 -982 2.306
2008 1.879 14,3 43,7 680 2,8 48,8 -1.198 2.559
2009 1.354 -27,9 49,6 469 -31,1 50,6 -885 1.823
2009Q1 296 - 51,8 136 - 56,1 -160 432
2009Q2 332 - 53,2 104 - 50,0 -228 436
2009Q3 344 - 51,8 110 - 49,4 -234 454
2009Q4 382 - 43,8 119 - 46,9 -263 501
2010Q1 - - - - - - - -
2010Q2 - - - - - - - -
2010Q3 - - - - - - - -
2010Q4 - - - - - - - -
Average annual growth (2005-2009) 12,7 9,2 14,7








2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Imports Exports Balance

MOLDOVA, Trade with the World millions of euro, %

Variation Variation
Period Imports Exports Balance Trade
(%, y-o-y) (%, y-o-y)

2005 1.848 30,6 851 7,7 -997 2.698

2006 2.774 50,1 988 16,1 -1.786 3.762
2007 3.383 22,0 1.282 29,8 -2.101 4.665
2008 4.300 27,1 1.394 8,7 -2.906 5.695
2009 2.730 -36,5 927 -33,5 -1.804 3.657
2009Q1 571 - 242 - -329 813
2009Q2 623 - 208 - -415 831
2009Q3 664 - 223 - -441 887
2009Q4 872 - 253 - -618 1.125
2010Q1 - - - - - -
2010Q2 - - - - - -
2010Q3 - - - - - -
2010Q4 - - - - - -
Average annual growth (2005-2009) 10,3 2,2 16,0

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Imports Exports Balance

Source: IMF (DoTS) TRADE A2 - CG/MP

The Major Imports Partners The Major Exports Partners The Major Trade Partners
Rk Partners Mio euro % Rk Partners Mio euro % Rk Partners Mio euro %
Extra EU27 1.199.288,0 100,0% Extra EU27 1.094.228,9 100,0% Extra EU27 2.293.516,9 100,0%
1 China 214.749,3 17,9% 1 United States 204.467,7 18,7% 1 United States 364.001,7 15,9%
2 United States 159.534,0 13,3% 2 Switzerland 88.291,9 8,1% 2 China 296.381,9 12,9%
3 Russia 115.279,7 9,6% 3 China 81.632,6 7,5% 3 Russia 180.760,7 7,9%
4 Switzerland 73.753,5 6,1% 4 Russia 65.481,0 6,0% 4 Switzerland 162.045,4 7,1%
5 Norway 68.651,5 5,7% 5 Turkey 43.780,5 4,0% 5 Norway 106.166,7 4,6%
6 Japan 55.842,9 4,7% 6 Norway 37.515,3 3,4% 6 Japan 91.789,7 4,0%
7 Turkey 36.086,0 3,0% 7 Japan 35.946,8 3,3% 7 Turkey 79.866,5 3,5%
8 South Korea 32.074,9 2,7% 8 India 27.486,3 2,5% 8 South Korea 53.592,9 2,3%
9 Brazil 25.678,0 2,1% 9 United Arab Emirate 25.032,0 2,3% 9 India 52.873,2 2,3%
10 India 25.386,8 2,1% 10 Canada 22.428,5 2,0% 10 Brazil 47.234,0 2,1%
11 Libya 19.995,8 1,7% 11 Australia 21.784,0 2,0% 11 Canada 40.205,4 1,8%
12 Canada 17.776,8 1,5% 12 Brazil 21.555,9 2,0% 12 Singapore 35.019,8 1,5%
13 Taiwan 17.550,9 1,5% 13 South Korea 21.518,0 2,0% 13 Algeria 32.011,4 1,4%
14 Algeria 17.355,6 1,4% 14 Singapore 20.425,4 1,9% 14 South Africa 30.976,6 1,4%
15 South Africa 14.927,0 1,2% 15 Hong Kong 19.624,9 1,8% 15 Saudi Arabia 30.488,0 1,3%
16 Malaysia 14.646,8 1,2% 16 Saudi Arabia 19.498,7 1,8% 16 Australia 29.863,4 1,3%
17 Singapore 14.594,5 1,2% 17 South Africa 16.049,6 1,5% 17 Hong Kong 29.178,0 1,3%
18 Thailand 14.277,8 1,2% 18 Mexico 15.868,9 1,5% 18 United Arab Emirate 28.819,4 1,3%
19 Indonesia 11.642,8 1,0% 19 Algeria 14.655,8 1,3% 19 Taiwan 27.551,8 1,2%
20 Saudi Arabia 10.989,3 0,9% 20 Ukraine 13.902,5 1,3% 20 Libya 26.466,7 1,2%
21 Nigeria 10.452,7 0,9% 21 Egypt 12.624,8 1,2% 21 Mexico 25.747,7 1,1%
22 Kazakhstan 10.322,7 0,9% 22 Morocco 11.910,8 1,1% 22 Malaysia 24.337,7 1,1%
23 Mexico 9.878,8 0,8% 23 Israel 11.463,9 1,0% 23 Thailand 21.918,0 1,0%
24 Hong Kong 9.553,1 0,8% 24 Croatia 10.734,9 1,0% 24 Ukraine 21.774,9 0,9%
25 Israel 8.852,8 0,7% 25 Iran 10.354,2 0,9% 25 Israel 20.316,6 0,9%
26 Iran 8.475,1 0,7% 26 Taiwan 10.000,9 0,9% 26 Nigeria 19.604,9 0,9%
27 Argentina 8.186,6 0,7% 27 Malaysia 9.690,8 0,9% 27 Iran 18.829,2 0,8%
28 Australia 8.079,4 0,7% 28 Nigeria 9.152,2 0,8% 28 Egypt 18.737,1 0,8%
29 Tunisia 7.890,7 0,7% 29 Tunisia 8.931,4 0,8% 29 Morocco 18.421,1 0,8%
30 Ukraine 7.872,5 0,7% 30 Thailand 7.640,2 0,7% 30 Indonesia 16.900,2 0,7%
31 Vietnam 7.774,8 0,6% 31 Serbia 6.586,3 0,6% 31 Tunisia 16.822,1 0,7%
32 Chile 7.445,1 0,6% 32 Libya 6.470,9 0,6% 32 Kazakhstan 15.703,6 0,7%
33 Azerbaijan 7.297,3 0,6% 33 Kazakhstan 5.380,9 0,5% 33 Croatia 15.120,6 0,7%
34 Morocco 6.510,3 0,5% 34 Qatar 5.312,5 0,5% 34 Argentina 12.937,0 0,6%
35 Egypt 6.112,4 0,5% 35 Indonesia 5.257,4 0,5% 35 Chile 11.956,8 0,5%
36 Iraq 5.920,2 0,5% 36 Angola 5.186,8 0,5% 36 Vietnam 11.531,5 0,5%
37 Bangladesh 5.812,6 0,5% 37 Belarus 4.987,5 0,5% 37 Angola 10.103,0 0,4%
38 Angola 4.916,2 0,4% 38 Argentina 4.750,4 0,4% 38 Serbia 9.796,9 0,4%
39 Croatia 4.385,7 0,4% 39 Chile 4.511,7 0,4% 39 Azerbaijan 8.901,4 0,4%
40 Colombia 3.965,2 0,3% 40 Lebanon 4.187,7 0,4% 40 Iraq 8.580,1 0,4%
41 Venezuela 3.862,3 0,3% 41 Vietnam 3.756,6 0,3% 41 Qatar 8.514,6 0,4%
42 Philippines 3.821,9 0,3% 42 Kuwait 3.708,4 0,3% 42 Venezuela 7.548,0 0,3%
43 United Arab Emirate 3.787,3 0,3% 43 Venezuela 3.685,7 0,3% 43 Belarus 7.539,2 0,3%
44 Pakistan 3.318,0 0,3% 44 Pakistan 3.611,9 0,3% 44 Colombia 7.267,2 0,3%
45 Serbia 3.210,6 0,3% 45 Gibraltar 3.393,7 0,3% 45 Pakistan 6.929,9 0,3%
46 Qatar 3.202,2 0,3% 46 Colombia 3.301,9 0,3% 46 Bangladesh 6.816,4 0,3%
47 Peru 3.170,7 0,3% 47 Syria 3.062,6 0,3% 47 Philippines 6.780,6 0,3%
48 Ivory Coast 3.055,5 0,3% 48 Philippines 2.958,7 0,3% 48 Kuwait 6.554,0 0,3%
49 Kuwait 2.845,6 0,2% 49 Bosnia-Herzegovina 2.940,1 0,3% 49 Syria 5.371,2 0,2%
50 Costa Rica 2.784,0 0,2% 50 Iraq 2.659,9 0,2% 50 New Zealand 4.827,9 0,2%
81 Moldova 515,4 0,0% 65 Moldova 1.229,7 0,1% 74 Moldova 1.745,0 0,1%

EU Imports from … EU Exports to … Imports + Exports

Partner regions Mio euro % Partner regions Mio euro % Partner regions Mio euro %
ACP 53.732,6 4,5% ACP 57.316,8 5,2% ACP 111.049,4 4,8%
Andean Community 9.253,2 0,8% Andean Community 6.047,6 0,6% Andean Community 15.300,8 0,7%
ASEAN 67.845,1 5,7% ASEAN 50.199,6 4,6% ASEAN 118.044,8 5,1%
BRIC 381.093,9 31,8% BRIC 196.155,9 17,9% BRIC 577.249,8 25,2%
CACM 4.578,1 0,4% CACM 4.211,4 0,4% CACM 8.789,6 0,4%
Candidate Countries 41.661,2 3,5% Candidate Countries 56.590,2 5,2% Candidate Countries 98.251,3 4,3%
CIS 145.474,6 12,1% CIS 96.059,4 8,8% CIS 241.534,0 10,5%
EFTA 145.592,9 12,1% EFTA 128.180,0 11,7% EFTA 273.772,9 11,9%
Latin American Coun 71.134,2 5,9% Latin American Coun 63.566,2 5,8% Latin American Coun 134.700,4 5,9%
MEDA (excl EU and T 49.469,4 4,1% MEDA (excl EU and T 69.488,9 6,4% MEDA (excl EU and T 118.958,2 5,2%
Mercosur 35.144,4 2,9% Mercosur 27.220,2 2,5% Mercosur 62.364,6 2,7%
NAFTA 187.189,6 15,6% NAFTA 242.765,1 22,2% NAFTA 429.954,7 18,7%

EFTA: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland; Candidates: Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Turkey; Andean Community: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru;
CIS: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova Republic of, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan;
CACM: Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama; Mercosur: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay; NAFTA: Canada, Mexico, United States;
Latin America Countries: CACM, Mercosur, ANCOM, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela; BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India, China;
ASEAN: Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam;
ACP: 79 countries; MEDA (excl EU & Turkey): Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia.

Source: EUROSTAT (Comext, Statistical regime 4) DG TRADE

European Union: 27 members. 15-Sep-10
The Major Imports Partners The Major Export Partners The Major Trade Partners
Rk Partners Mio euro % Rk Partners Mio euro % Rk Partners Mio euro %
World (all countrie 2.730,4 100,0% World (all countrie 926,9 100,0% World (all countrie 3.657,2 100,0%
1 EU27 1.353,6 49,6% 1 EU27 469,0 50,6% 1 EU27 1.822,6 49,8%
2 Ukraine 545,5 20,0% 2 Russia 218,4 23,6% 2 Russia 607,5 16,6%
3 Russia 389,1 14,3% 3 Turkey 57,1 6,2% 3 Ukraine 579,4 15,8%
4 Belarus 119,4 4,4% 4 Belarus 50,1 5,4% 4 Belarus 169,5 4,6%
5 Turkey 92,6 3,4% 5 Ukraine 33,9 3,7% 5 Turkey 149,7 4,1%
6 Kazakhstan 73,4 2,7% 6 Kazakhstan 19,0 2,1% 6 Kazakhstan 92,4 2,5%
7 China 44,4 1,6% 7 Brazil 10,5 1,1% 7 China 46,1 1,3%
8 United States 21,3 0,8% 8 United States 5,7 0,6% 8 United States 26,9 0,7%
9 Switzerland 14,9 0,5% 9 Syria 5,3 0,6% 9 Brazil 25,0 0,7%
10 Brazil 14,5 0,5% 10 Panama 4,0 0,4% 10 Switzerland 16,8 0,5%
11 South Korea 9,3 0,3% 11 Morocco 3,6 0,4% 11 South Korea 10,9 0,3%
12 Israel 6,4 0,2% 12 Jordan 3,5 0,4% 12 Japan 8,9 0,2%
13 Japan 5,7 0,2% 13 Azerbaijan 3,5 0,4% 13 Israel 7,6 0,2%
14 India 4,7 0,2% 14 Japan 3,2 0,3% 14 India 7,6 0,2%
15 Egypt 4,6 0,2% 15 United Arab Emirate 3,0 0,3% 15 Syria 5,7 0,2%
16 Norway 3,7 0,1% 16 India 2,9 0,3% 16 Egypt 5,5 0,2%
17 Hong Kong 3,4 0,1% 17 Croatia 2,6 0,3% 17 Norway 4,5 0,1%
18 Argentina 2,4 0,1% 18 Albania 2,4 0,3% 18 Panama 4,0 0,1%
19 Canada 1,8 0,1% 19 Seychelles 2,2 0,2% 19 Jordan 3,9 0,1%
20 Uzbekistan 1,3 0,0% 20 Uzbekistan 2,1 0,2% 20 Hong Kong 3,7 0,1%
21 Swaziland 1,3 0,0% 21 Georgia 2,0 0,2% 21 Azerbaijan 3,7 0,1%
22 Ivory Coast 1,1 0,0% 22 Kyrgyz Republic 2,0 0,2% 22 Morocco 3,7 0,1%
23 Armenia 1,0 0,0% 23 Switzerland 1,9 0,2% 23 United Arab Emirate 3,6 0,1%
24 Sri Lanka 1,0 0,0% 24 Lebanon 1,7 0,2% 24 Uzbekistan 3,4 0,1%
25 Bosnia-Herzegovina 0,8 0,0% 25 China 1,7 0,2% 25 Croatia 3,4 0,1%
26 Croatia 0,7 0,0% 26 South Korea 1,6 0,2% 26 Canada 3,0 0,1%
27 Singapore 0,6 0,0% 27 Armenia 1,3 0,1% 27 Georgia 2,5 0,1%
28 Gibraltar 0,6 0,0% 28 Israel 1,2 0,1% 28 Kyrgyz Republic 2,4 0,1%
29 United Arab Emirate 0,6 0,0% 29 Canada 1,2 0,1% 29 Argentina 2,4 0,1%
30 Iran 0,5 0,0% 30 Indonesia 1,1 0,1% 30 Albania 2,4 0,1%
31 Georgia 0,5 0,0% 31 Egypt 0,9 0,1% 31 Armenia 2,3 0,1%
32 Kyrgyz Republic 0,5 0,0% 32 Norway 0,8 0,1% 32 Seychelles 2,2 0,1%
33 Syria 0,4 0,0% 33 Turkmenistan 0,6 0,1% 33 Lebanon 2,1 0,1%
34 Lebanon 0,4 0,0% 34 Angola 0,5 0,1% 34 Swaziland 1,6 0,0%
35 Uruguay 0,4 0,0% 35 Hong Kong 0,4 0,0% 35 Indonesia 1,2 0,0%
36 Chile 0,4 0,0% 36 Tadjikistan 0,4 0,0% 36 Ivory Coast 1,1 0,0%
37 Mexico 0,4 0,0% 37 Sao Tome and Princ 0,3 0,0% 37 Sri Lanka 1,0 0,0%
38 Thailand 0,3 0,0% 38 Libya 0,3 0,0% 38 Gibraltar 0,8 0,0%
39 Jordan 0,3 0,0% 39 Swaziland 0,3 0,0% 39 Bosnia-Herzegovina 0,8 0,0%
40 Pakistan 0,3 0,0% 40 Australia 0,3 0,0% 40 Singapore 0,6 0,0%
41 Bangladesh 0,3 0,0% 41 Congo, Republic of 0,3 0,0% 41 Turkmenistan 0,6 0,0%
42 Saudi Arabia 0,2 0,0% 42 Gibraltar 0,2 0,0% 42 Angola 0,5 0,0%
43 Azerbaijan 0,2 0,0% 43 Macao 0,2 0,0% 43 Iran 0,5 0,0%
44 Malaysia 0,2 0,0% 44 Malaysia 0,2 0,0% 44 Tadjikistan 0,5 0,0%
45 FYR Macedonia 0,2 0,0% 45 Ecuador 0,2 0,0% 45 Uruguay 0,4 0,0%
46 Tadjikistan 0,1 0,0% 46 Sudan 0,2 0,0% 46 Chile 0,4 0,0%
47 Costa Rica 0,1 0,0% 47 Mongolia 0,1 0,0% 47 Thailand 0,4 0,0%
48 New Zealand 0,1 0,0% 48 FYR Macedonia 0,1 0,0% 48 Australia 0,4 0,0%
49 Australia 0,1 0,0% 49 Pakistan 0,1 0,0% 49 Pakistan 0,4 0,0%
50 Mongolia 0,1 0,0% 50 New Zealand 0,0 0,0% 50 Mexico 0,4 0,0%

Moldova's Imports from … Moldova's Exports to … Moldova's Trade with…

Partner regions Mio euro % Partner regions Mio euro % Partner regions Mio euro %
ACP 2,6 0,1% ACP 3,8 0,4% ACP 6,4 0,2%
Andean Community 0,1 0,0% Andean Community 0,2 0,0% Andean Community 0,3 0,0%
ASEAN 1,3 0,0% ASEAN 1,3 0,1% ASEAN 2,6 0,1%
BRIC 452,7 16,6% BRIC 233,4 25,2% BRIC 686,2 18,8%
CACM 0,2 0,0% CACM 4,0 0,4% CACM 4,1 0,1%
Candidate Countries 93,5 3,4% Candidate Countries 59,9 6,5% Candidate Countries 153,3 4,2%
CIS 1.131,1 41,4% CIS 333,1 35,9% CIS 1.464,2 40,0%
EFTA 18,7 0,7% EFTA 2,7 0,3% EFTA 21,3 0,6%
Latin American Coun 18,3 0,7% Latin American Coun 14,7 1,6% Latin American Coun 33,0 0,9%
MEDA (excl EU and T 12,2 0,4% MEDA (excl EU and T 16,4 1,8% MEDA (excl EU and T 28,5 0,8%
Mercosur 17,3 0,6% Mercosur 10,5 1,1% Mercosur 27,8 0,8%
NAFTA 23,5 0,9% NAFTA 6,9 0,7% NAFTA 30,4 0,8%

EFTA: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland; Candidates: Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Turkey; Andean Community: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru;
CIS: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova Republic of, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan;
CACM: Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama; Mercosur: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay; NAFTA: Canada, Mexico, United States;
Latin America Countries: CACM, Mercosur, ANCOM, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela; BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India, China;
ASEAN: Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam;
ACP: 79 countries; MEDA (excl EU & Turkey): Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia.


European Union: 27 members. 15-Sep-10
European Union, Imports from the World European Union, Imports from... Moldova
Value Value Share of
SITC Share of SITC Share of
SITC Sections (millions of SITC Sections (Millions of total EU
Codes Total (%) Codes Total (%)
euro) euro) Imports

SITC T TOTAL 1.199.288 100,0% SITC T TOTAL 515 100,0% 0,0%

SITC 7 Machinery and transport equipment 341.969 28,5% SITC 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 196 38,1% 0,1%
SITC 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 290.108 24,2% SITC 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 92 17,9% 0,1%
SITC 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 177.245 14,8% SITC 0 Food and live animals 72 13,9% 0,1%
SITC 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 113.166 9,4% SITC 2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 46 8,9% 0,1%
SITC 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 102.364 8,5% SITC 7 Machinery and transport equipment 30 5,9% 0,0%
SITC 0 Food and live animals 66.182 5,5% SITC 4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 25 4,9% 0,5%
SITC 2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 41.281 3,4% SITC 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 22 4,2% 0,0%
SITC 9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e. 38.226 3,2% SITC 1 Beverages and tobacco 19 3,6% 0,4%
SITC 4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 5.456 0,5% SITC 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 4 0,7% 0,0%
SITC 1 Beverages and tobacco 4.822 0,4% SITC 9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e. 2 0,4% 0,0%
Other 18.469 Other 7

European Union, Imports from the World European Union, Imports from... Moldova

SITC 2 3,2% 0,5% 1,4%
SITC 3 3,6%
SITC 0 4,2%
5,5% SITC 4
SITC 7 4,9%

8,5% 5,9%


14,8% 24,2%

European Union, Exports to the World European Union, Exports to... Moldova
Value Value Share of
SITC Share of SITC Share of
SITC Sections (millions of SITC Sections (millions of total EU
Codes Total (%) Codes Total (%)
euro) euro) Exports

SITC T TOTAL 1.094.229 100,0% SITC T TOTAL 1.230 100,0% 0,1%

SITC 7 Machinery and transport equipment 453.418 41,4% SITC 7 Machinery and transport equipment 347 28,2% 0,1%
SITC 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 183.464 16,8% SITC 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 233 19,0% 0,2%
SITC 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 136.933 12,5% SITC 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 177 14,4% 0,1%
SITC 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 117.152 10,7% SITC 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 152 12,4% 0,1%
SITC 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 57.181 5,2% SITC 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 140 11,4% 0,2%
SITC 0 Food and live animals 42.506 3,9% SITC 0 Food and live animals 87 7,1% 0,2%
SITC 9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e. 38.167 3,5% SITC 2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 30 2,4% 0,1%
SITC 2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 24.989 2,3% SITC 9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e. 18 1,4% 0,0%
SITC 1 Beverages and tobacco 17.458 1,6% SITC 1 Beverages and tobacco 15 1,3% 0,1%
SITC 4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 2.583 0,2% SITC 4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 2 0,1% 0,1%
Other 20.378 Other 29

European Union, Exports to the World European Union, Exports to... Moldova

1Other SITCOther
4 SITC 9 14
1,9% SITC 2 1,3% 2,4%
SITC 92,3% 1,6% 1,4% 0,1%
3,5% SITC 0
3,9% 7,1%

41,4% 11,4%


12,5% SITC 6


Source: EUROSTAT (Comext, Statistical regime 4) DG TRADE

World excluding Intra-EU trade and European Union: 27 members. 15-Sep-10
European Union, Imports from... Moldova
2005 2007 2009 Share of
SITC Rev.3
total EU
Product Groups
Millions euro % Millions euro % Millions euro % Imports

0000 - Total 434,8 100,0% 727,1 100,0% 515,4 100,0% 0,0%

1000 - Primary products 113,3 26,0% 225,8 31,1% 183,2 35,6% 0,0%
1100 - Agricultural products 96,3 22,1% 150,4 20,7% 151,1 29,3% 0,2%
1200 - Fuels and mining products 17,0 3,9% 75,5 10,4% 32,1 6,2% 0,0%

2000 - Manufactures 306,6 70,5% 495,8 68,2% 322,8 62,6% 0,0%

2100 - Iron and steel 40,1 9,2% 147,8 20,3% 33,1 6,4% 0,2%
2200 - Chemicals 2,2 0,5% 3,5 0,5% 3,8 0,7% 0,0%
2300 - Other semi-manufactures 15,2 3,5% 42,9 5,9% 21,9 4,3% 0,0%
2400 - Machinery and transport equipment 64,7 14,9% 17,9 2,5% 30,5 5,9% 0,0%
2410 - Office and telecommunication equipment 1,7 0,4% 1,7 0,2% 3,1 0,6% 0,0%
2420 - Transport equipment 52,9 12,2% 6,1 0,8% 3,1 0,6% 0,0%
2430 - Other machinery 10,2 2,3% 10,1 1,4% 24,2 4,7% 0,0%
2500 - Textiles 33,6 7,7% 39,5 5,4% 37,2 7,2% 0,2%
2600 - Clothing 94,4 21,7% 147,3 20,3% 126,1 24,5% 0,2%
2700 - Other manufactures 56,5 13,0% 97,1 13,4% 70,2 13,6% 0,1%

3000 - Other products 9,1 2,1% 2,4 0,3% 2,0 0,4% 0,0%

European Union, Imports from... Moldova

1100 - Agricultural products
1200 - Fuels and mining products
25% 2100 - Iron and steel
20% 2200 - Chemicals
15% 2300 - Other semi-manufactures
10% 2400 - Machinery and transport equipment
2500 - Textiles
2600 - Clothing
2700 - Other manufactures
2005 2007 2009

European Union, Imports from the World

SITC Rev.3 2005 2007 2009

Product Groups
Millions euro % Millions euro % Millions euro %

0000 - Total 1.179.569,0 100,0% 1.433.401,6 100,0% 1.199.288,0 100,0%

1000 - Primary products 413.413,5 35,0% 528.325,7 36,9% 429.479,1 35,8%

1100 - Agricultural products 91.509,1 7,8% 109.685,3 7,7% 97.876,6 8,2%
1200 - Fuels and mining products 321.904,4 27,3% 418.640,4 29,2% 331.602,6 27,6%

2000 - Manufactures 739.990,2 62,7% 873.781,5 61,0% 712.612,8 59,4%

2100 - Iron and steel 22.395,3 1,9% 42.139,2 2,9% 17.661,3 1,5%
2200 - Chemicals 96.443,5 8,2% 120.698,7 8,4% 102.363,9 8,5%
2300 - Other semi-manufactures 63.317,5 5,4% 79.422,4 5,5% 58.273,5 4,9%
2400 - Machinery and transport equipment 378.709,2 32,1% 418.731,1 29,2% 341.969,1 28,5%
2410 - Office and telecommunication equipment 163.303,6 13,8% 175.447,5 12,2% 143.003,3 11,9%
2420 - Transport equipment 98.289,4 8,3% 101.759,1 7,1% 82.983,5 6,9%
2430 - Other machinery 117.116,1 9,9% 141.524,5 9,9% 115.982,3 9,7%
2500 - Textiles 17.328,6 1,5% 20.026,0 1,4% 15.601,1 1,3%
2600 - Clothing 52.778,4 4,5% 61.843,8 4,3% 59.053,3 4,9%
2700 - Other manufactures 109.017,7 9,2% 130.920,5 9,1% 117.690,6 9,8%

3000 - Other products 26.228,0 2,2% 31.297,7 2,2% 38.727,2 3,2%

European Union, Imports from the World

1100 - Agricultural products
1200 - Fuels and mining products
25% 2100 - Iron and steel
20% 2200 - Chemicals
15% 2300 - Other semi-manufactures
10% 2400 - Machinery and transport equipment
2500 - Textiles
2600 - Clothing
2700 - Other manufactures
2005 2007 2009

SITC Rev. 3: 1000 - Primary products: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 68; 1100 - Agricultural products: 0, 1, 2, 4, excl. 27, excl. 28; 1200 - Fuels and mining products: 3, 27, 28, 68; 2000 – Manufactures: 5, 6, 7, 8, excl. 68, excl. 891; 2100 - Iron and steel: 67; 2200 – Chemicals: 5; 2300 - Other semi-
manufactures: 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 69; 2400 - Machinery and transport equipment: 7; 2410 - Office and telecommunication equipment: 75, 76, 776; 2420 - Transport equipment: 78, 79, 713, 7783; 2430 - Other machinery: 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, excl. 713, excl. 776, excl. 7783; 2500 –
Textiles: 65; 2600 – Clothing: 84; 2700 - Other manufactures: 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, excl. 891;3000 - Other products: 9, 891.

Source: EUROSTAT (Comext, Statistical regime 4) DG TRADE

World excluding Intra-EU trade and European Union: 27 members. 15-Sep-10
European Union, Exports to... Moldova
Share of
SITC Rev.3 2005 2007 2009 total EU
Product Groups Exports
Millions euro % Millions euro % Millions euro %
0000 - Total 1.079,5 100,0% 1.493,9 100,0% 1.229,7 100,0% 0,1%

1000 - Primary products 248,5 23,0% 328,2 22,0% 284,0 23,1% 0,2%
1100 - Agricultural products 123,7 11,5% 133,7 9,0% 127,2 10,3% 0,2%
1200 - Fuels and mining products 124,8 11,6% 194,4 13,0% 156,8 12,7% 0,2%

2000 - Manufactures 819,1 75,9% 1.152,9 77,2% 898,8 73,1% 0,1%

2100 - Iron and steel 6,8 0,6% 10,2 0,7% 9,8 0,8% 0,0%
2200 - Chemicals 127,9 11,8% 179,5 12,0% 176,6 14,4% 0,1%
2300 - Other semi-manufactures 125,1 11,6% 194,8 13,0% 120,8 9,8% 0,1%
2400 - Machinery and transport equipment 344,5 31,9% 487,4 32,6% 346,6 28,2% 0,1%
2410 - Office and telecommunication equipment 89,5 8,3% 86,1 5,8% 55,3 4,5% 0,1%
2420 - Transport equipment 127,7 11,8% 194,1 13,0% 127,5 10,4% 0,1%
2430 - Other machinery 127,2 11,8% 207,3 13,9% 163,7 13,3% 0,1%
2500 - Textiles 93,2 8,6% 104,6 7,0% 92,9 7,6% 0,7%
2600 - Clothing 31,7 2,9% 50,5 3,4% 41,7 3,4% 0,3%
2700 - Other manufactures 89,9 8,3% 126,0 8,4% 110,2 9,0% 0,1%

3000 - Other products 10,0 0,9% 10,2 0,7% 18,0 1,5% 0,0%

European Union, Exports to... Moldova

1100 - Agricultural products
1200 - Fuels and mining products
25% 2100 - Iron and steel
20% 2200 - Chemicals
15% 2300 - Other semi-manufactures
10% 2400 - Machinery and transport equipment
2500 - Textiles
2600 - Clothing
2700 - Other manufactures
2005 2007 2009

European Union, Exports to the World

SITC Rev.3 2005 2007 2009

Product Groups
Millions euro % Millions euro % Millions euro %

0000 - Total 1.052.719,5 100,0% 1.240.540,6 100,0% 1.094.228,9 100,0%

1000 - Primary products 135.179,8 12,8% 177.901,8 14,3% 158.755,8 14,5%

1100 - Agricultural products 67.553,3 6,4% 80.070,8 6,5% 76.785,9 7,0%
1200 - Fuels and mining products 67.626,6 6,4% 97.831,0 7,9% 81.970,0 7,5%

2000 - Manufactures 886.036,5 84,2% 1.029.530,2 83,0% 875.245,0 80,0%

2100 - Iron and steel 30.976,6 2,9% 38.215,7 3,1% 28.822,1 2,6%
2200 - Chemicals 164.852,5 15,7% 197.917,2 16,0% 183.463,9 16,8%
2300 - Other semi-manufactures 86.672,8 8,2% 100.686,0 8,1% 80.701,6 7,4%
2400 - Machinery and transport equipment 470.323,2 44,7% 543.165,6 43,8% 453.417,8 41,4%
2410 - Office and telecommunication equipment 94.006,5 8,9% 86.398,9 7,0% 64.548,5 5,9%
2420 - Transport equipment 162.616,9 15,4% 184.750,9 14,9% 145.481,1 13,3%
2430 - Other machinery 210.975,7 20,0% 268.909,9 21,7% 240.101,1 21,9%
2500 - Textiles 16.441,2 1,6% 17.371,8 1,4% 13.059,1 1,2%
2600 - Clothing 15.396,6 1,5% 18.186,0 1,5% 15.152,1 1,4%
2700 - Other manufactures 101.040,1 9,6% 113.680,1 9,2% 100.232,3 9,2%

3000 - Other products 31.685,4 3,0% 33.114,1 2,7% 39.849,8 3,6%

European Union, Exports to the World

45% 1100 - Agricultural products
40% 1200 - Fuels and mining products
35% 2100 - Iron and steel
30% 2200 - Chemicals
2300 - Other semi-manufactures
15% 2400 - Machinery and transport equipment
10% 2500 - Textiles
5% 2600 - Clothing
2700 - Other manufactures
2005 2007 2009

SITC Rev. 3: 1000 - Primary products: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 68; 1100 - Agricultural products: 0, 1, 2, 4, excl. 27, excl. 28; 1200 - Fuels and mining products: 3, 27, 28, 68; 2000 – Manufactures: 5, 6, 7, 8, excl. 68, excl. 891; 2100 - Iron and steel: 67; 2200 – Chemicals: 5; 2300 - Other semi-
manufactures: 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 69; 2400 - Machinery and transport equipment: 7; 2410 - Office and telecommunication equipment: 75, 76, 776; 2420 - Transport equipment: 78, 79, 713, 7783; 2430 - Other machinery: 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, excl. 713, excl. 776, excl. 7783; 2500 –
Textiles: 65; 2600 – Clothing: 84; 2700 - Other manufactures: 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, excl. 891;3000 - Other products: 9, 891.

Source: EUROSTAT (Comext, Statistical regime 4) DG TRADE

World excluding Intra-EU trade and European Union: 27 members. 15-Sep-10
EU Imports EU Exports EU Balance
Share of Share of
SITC Rev.3 Millions Share in Millions Share in Millions
Rank total EU Rank total EU
Product Groups of euro Total of euro Total of euro
Imports Exports

TOTAL 81 515,4 100,0% 0,0% 65 1.229,7 100,0% 0,1% 714,3

1000 - Primary products 93 183,2 35,6% 0,0% 58 284,0 23,1% 0,2% 100,7
1100 - Agricultural products 67 151,1 29,3% 0,2% 68 127,2 10,3% 0,2% -23,9
1110 - Food 63 148,4 28,8% 0,2% 72 107,4 8,7% 0,2% -41,0
1111 - Fish 143 0,0 0,0% 39 8,1 0,7% 0,3% 8,1
1112 - Other food products and live animals 52 148,4 28,8% 0,2% 73 99,3 8,1% 0,2% -49,1
1120 - Raw materials 95 2,7 0,5% 0,0% 58 19,9 1,6% 0,1% 17,1
1200 - Fuels and mining products 86 32,1 6,2% 0,0% 48 156,8 12,7% 0,2% 124,6
1210 - Ores and other minerals 73 10,3 2,0% 0,1% 50 6,7 0,5% 0,1% -3,6
1220 - Fuels 62 21,8 4,2% 0,0% 39 140,2 11,4% 0,2% 118,4
1221 - Petroleum and petroleum products 73 2,9 0,6% 0,0% 37 138,9 11,3% 0,3% 136,1
1222 - Other fuels 30 18,9 3,7% 0,0% 42 1,3 0,1% 0,0% -17,6
1230 - Non ferrous metals 86 0,1 0,0% 0,0% 61 9,9 0,8% 0,1% 9,8
2000 - Manufactures 55 322,8 62,6% 0,0% 64 898,8 73,1% 0,1% 576,0
2100 - Iron and steel 36 33,1 6,4% 0,2% 87 9,8 0,8% 0,0% -23,3
2200 - Chemicals 87 3,8 0,7% 0,0% 62 176,6 14,4% 0,1% 172,8
2210 - Pharmaceuticals 53 0,8 0,1% 0,0% 73 58,2 4,7% 0,1% 57,4
2220 - Plastics 54 0,9 0,2% 0,0% 52 39,4 3,2% 0,2% 38,5
2230 - Other chemicals 90 2,1 0,4% 0,0% 64 79,0 6,4% 0,1% 76,9
2300 - Other semi-manufactures 63 21,9 4,3% 0,0% 61 120,8 9,8% 0,1% 98,9
2400 - Machinery and transport equipment 68 30,5 5,9% 0,0% 78 346,6 28,2% 0,1% 316,2
2410 - Office and telecommunication equipment 61 3,1 0,6% 0,0% 69 55,3 4,5% 0,1% 52,1
2411 - Electronic data processing and office equipment 53 1,2 0,2% 0,0% 71 17,3 1,4% 0,1% 16,1
2412 - Telecommunications equipment 68 1,9 0,4% 0,0% 68 35,5 2,9% 0,1% 33,5
2413 - Integrated circuits and electronic components 86 0,0 0,0% 0,0% 52 2,5 0,2% 0,0% 2,5
2420 - Transport equipment 82 3,1 0,6% 0,0% 71 127,5 10,4% 0,1% 124,4
2421 - Automotive products 65 1,1 0,2% 0,0% 54 115,3 9,4% 0,1% 114,2
2422 - Other transport equipment 81 2,0 0,4% 0,0% 116 12,2 1,0% 0,0% 10,2
2430 - Other machinery 52 24,2 4,7% 0,0% 79 163,7 13,3% 0,1% 139,5
2431 - Power generating machinery 81 0,6 0,1% 0,0% 127 3,2 0,3% 0,0% 2,6
2432 - Non electrical machinery 60 5,2 1,0% 0,0% 88 73,1 5,9% 0,0% 67,9
2433 - Electrical machinery 39 18,4 3,6% 0,0% 56 87,4 7,1% 0,2% 69,0
2500 - Textiles 30 37,2 7,2% 0,2% 30 92,9 7,6% 0,7% 55,7
2600 - Clothing 27 126,1 24,5% 0,2% 38 41,7 3,4% 0,3% -84,3
2700 - Other manufactures 44 70,2 13,6% 0,1% 63 110,2 9,0% 0,1% 39,9
2710 - Personal and household goods 30 54,9 10,7% 0,2% 45 30,3 2,5% 0,2% -24,5
2720 - Scientific and controlling instruments 57 3,1 0,6% 0,0% 73 21,7 1,8% 0,1% 18,6
2730 - Miscellaneous manufactures 50 12,3 2,4% 0,0% 66 58,1 4,7% 0,1% 45,9
3000 - Other products 97 2,0 0,4% 0,0% 68 18,0 1,5% 0,0% 16,0

EU Trade with... Moldova



200 177
millions of euro

151 157
150 127 125 121 126
99 93
100 70
33 37 42 40
50 32 30
22 18 16
10 4 2

-50 -24 -23

-100 -84


1100 - Agricultural 1200 - Fuels and 2100 - Iron and 2200 - Chemicals 2300 - Other semi- 2400 - Machinery 2500 - Textiles 2600 - Clothing 2700 - Other 3000 - Other
products mining products steel manufactures and transport manufactures products
Imports Exports Balance

1000 - Primary products: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 68; 1100 - Agricultural products: 0, 1, 2, 4, excl. 27, excl. 28; 1110 - Food: 0, 1, 4, 22; 1111 - Fish: 03; 1112 - Other food products and live animals: 0, 1, 4, 22, excl. 03; 1120 - Raw materials: 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29; 1200 - Fuels and mining products: 3, 27, 28, 68; 1210 - Ores and other
minerals: 27, 28; 1220 - Fuels: 3; 1221 - Petroleum and petroleum products:33; 1222 - Other fuels: 3 excl. 33; 1230 - Non ferrous metals: 68.

2000 - Manufactures: 5, 6, 7, 8, excl. 68, excl. 891; 2100 - Iron and steel: 67; 2200 - Chemicals: 5; 2210 - Pharmaceuticals: 54; 2220 - Plastics: 57, 58; 2230 - Other chemicals: 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59; 2300 - Other semi-manufactures: 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 69; 2400 - Machinery and transport equipment: 7; 2410 - Office and
telecommunication equipment: 75, 76, 776; 2411 - Electronic data processing and office equipment: 75; 2412 - Telecommunications equipment: 76; 2413 - Integrated circuits and electronic components: 776; 2420 - Transport equipment: 78, 79, 713, 7783; 2421 - Automotive products: 781, 782, 783, 784, 7132, 7783;
2422 - Other transport equipment: 79, 713, 785, 786, excl. 7132; 2430 - Other machinery: 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, excl. 713, excl. 776, excl. 7783; 2431 - Power generating machinery: 71, excl. 713; 2432 - Non electrical machinery: 72, 73, 74; 2433 - Electrical machinery: 77, excl. 776, excl. 7783; 2500 - Textiles: 65; 2600 - Clothing:
84; 2700 - Other manufactures: 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, excl. 891;2710 - Personal and household goods : 82, 83, 85; 2720 - Scientific and controlling instruments:87; 2730 - Miscellaneous manufactures: 81, 88, 89, excl. 891

3000 - Other products: 9, 891.

Source: EUROSTAT (Comext, Statistical regime 4) DG TRADE

Share by products in EU 27 Total Trade excluding Intra-EU trade. 15-Sep-10
(Ranking by Trade Flows in 2009)

EU Imports from… EU Exports to… EU Balance with …

Moldova Moldova

TDC Sections World Share of TDC Sections World Share of TDC Sections World Moldova
Millions Share of Millions Share of
total EU total EU
of euro Total of euro Total
Imports Exports

TOTAL 1.199.288 515 100,0% 0,0% TOTAL 1.094.229 1.230 100,0% 0,1% TOTAL -105.059 714

TDC 11 74.925 164 31,8% 0,2% TDC 16 320.474 227 18,5% 0,1% TDC 16 53.109 199
TDC 02 33.515 71 13,8% 0,2% TDC 11 30.370 146 11,9% 0,5% TDC 06 72.931 140
TDC 04 32.833 53 10,3% 0,2% TDC 05 60.969 143 11,6% 0,2% TDC 17 53.893 133
TDC 15 60.661 44 8,6% 0,1% TDC 06 178.852 142 11,5% 0,1% TDC 05 -244.905 115
TDC 12 14.420 40 7,7% 0,3% TDC 17 140.437 136 11,1% 0,1% TDC 07 11.135 63
TDC 05 305.873 28 5,4% 0,0% TDC 07 42.007 68 5,6% 0,2% TDC 18 7.035 28
TDC 16 267.365 28 5,3% 0,0% TDC 15 76.528 61 4,9% 0,1% TDC 01 -4.033 27
TDC 03 5.635 25 4,9% 0,5% TDC 04 39.507 58 4,7% 0,1% TDC 20 -14.289 27
TDC 20 32.744 15 2,9% 0,0% TDC 20 18.455 42 3,4% 0,2% TDC 10 10.777 25
TDC 08 9.524 14 2,8% 0,2% TDC 02 14.728 37 3,0% 0,3% TDC 15 15.868 16
TDC 13 8.657 10 2,0% 0,1% TDC 18 52.339 31 2,5% 0,1% TDC 09 -765 16
TDC 07 30.871 6 1,1% 0,0% TDC 10 23.983 28 2,3% 0,1% TDC 13 4.944 11
TDC 10 13.206 3 0,6% 0,0% TDC 01 13.735 27 2,2% 0,2% TDC 08 -1.226 6
TDC 18 45.304 3 0,6% 0,0% TDC 13 13.601 21 1,7% 0,2% TDC 04 6.674 5
TDC 17 86.543 3 0,6% 0,0% TDC 08 8.298 20 1,7% 0,2% TDC 14 -3.187 2
TDC 09 8.557 2 0,5% 0,0% TDC 09 7.793 18 1,5% 0,2% TDC 21 1.058 2
TDC 06 105.921 2 0,4% 0,0% TDC 12 5.247 11 0,9% 0,2% TDC 19 1.325 1
TDC 21 16.615 2 0,3% 0,0% TDC 21 17.673 4 0,3% 0,0% TDC 11 -44.555 -18
TDC 01 17.768 0 0,0% 0,0% TDC 03 2.743 2 0,2% 0,1% TDC 03 -2.892 -23
TDC 14 27.513 0 0,0% 0,0% TDC 14 24.326 2 0,2% 0,0% TDC 12 -9.172 -29
TDC 19 839 0 TDC 19 2.164 1 0,0% 0,0% TDC 02 -18.787 -34

TDC sections (Harmonized System):

TDC 01 Ch.01-05 Live animals; animal products TDC 11 Ch.50-63 Textiles and textile articles
TDC 02 Ch.06-14 Vegetable products TDC 12 Ch. 64-67 Footwear, headgear, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking-sticks…
TDC 03 Ch.15 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products… TDC 13 Ch.68-70 Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar material…
TDC 04 Ch.16-24 Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco... TDC 14 Ch.71 Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones…
TDC 05 Ch.25-27 Mineral Products TDC 15 Ch.72-83 Base metals and articles of base metal
TDC 06 Ch.28-38 Products of the chemical or allied industries TDC 16 Ch.84-85 Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment…
TDC 07 Ch.39-40 Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof TDC 17 Ch.86-89 Vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated transport equipment
TDC 08 Ch.41-43 Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins and articles thereof… TDC 18 Ch.90-92 Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision…
TDC 09 Ch.44-46 Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; cork and articles of cork… TDC 19 Ch. 93 Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof
TDC 10 Ch.47-49 Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; paper or paperboard… TDC 20 Ch.94-96 Miscellaneous manufactured articles
TDC 21 Ch.97 Works of art, collectors’ pieces and antiques

Source: EUROSTAT (Comext, Statistical regime 4) DG TRADE

World excluding Intra-EU trade and European Union: 27 members. 15-Sep-10

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