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Before I begin I would like to REMIND everyone who tries this, that I do not

recommend this method as it a very potent and direct way in cal

ling a succubus.
I always believe (from experience) that taking it slow is better. And if you have
no experience with the supernatural you may be overwhelmed and burn away
any talent you have. There are many ways in summoning a succubus, so choose with caution!!
Ok so now that the warning is out of the way lets get started.
Materials you need:
Candle (Any Color, any kind except tealights), Paper, Pen, and Needle
A place where you are alone and undisturbed, if you have children sleeping
Endure recommends 3am. I can concure to this. Its
not about the veil thinning
between realities. However I have noticed that if i go to bed say at 9pm and get up at
3am I am much more aware and keen to my surroundings, and find it easier to get into
a trance state
Conducting the ritual
: Make sure you are
in a comfortable position (preferably sitting). Clear your mind and start formulating what you want in
your mind.
You will start this letter by addressing Lillith. Now I will not elaborate on titles since
it is a matter of belief. However you should always address her with the highest
amount of respect. Never use words /sentences like:
I command you | Obey me | I order you | etc. Respect, respect, respect for example
Great Lillith, I seek your blessing, I ask a favor of you if it please you, etc
Right your thoughts to paper. This is NOT a essay so no need to watch out for
grammar or spelling. Write what you are thinking. The first few sentences will be
normal but try to let go and write what you really want from your heart. Do not think
about it,
just write. Repeat things you want as many times as you want. There is no set
limit as how much you should write. Only when you feel that all your wishes have
been expressed in full then its time to end the letter by once again addressing Lilith
and thanking her for considering your request.
End the letter with the following sentence:
“All these words are my hearts desire, I mean them truthfully and swear to them in
name and blood.”
Sign the paper in your full birth name and then prick your finger with the
needle and
let one drop of blood soak into the paper.
NOTE: I cannot stress enough how important it is to really want this to work. If you
are doing this just for the sake of seeing what happens then DON‟T. Intent is
After you have finished with
your letter, lay it in front of the candle and begin to
meditate. Take your time and concentrate on everything you wrote. Focus your desire
on the letter. Once you feel you are ready then say the following

Lillith, please receive this offering. I give it
truthfully and willingly.“
Burn the paper without folding it. While it is burning say:
“May the light of this candle burn brightly and guide your daughter to me”.
: Make sure you leave the candle burning for at least another 30
minutes. Relax yours
elf and clear your mind.
Things to expect:
The effect can be (and mostly is) immediate. You will feel small
gusts of cold air brush your cheeks. A tingling on your skin that feels as if your hairs
have been gently touched. Depending on how sincere you where and your overall
ability you might feel a tightness in your chest as if your breast is pinched. It is
PARAMOUNT that you let this happen without breaking your meditation. You will
feel aroused and your breathing will become faster.
At some stage your arousal will become so strong that you will loose concentration.
If that is the case then say the following
” I thank you daughter of Lillith for coming to me. I welcome you into my life and into
my dreams and ask all other spirits, demons and
entities who
have been attracted to
my ritual to begone and leave in peace.”
Blow out the candle and then go to bed.
If you felt something during the ritual you will feel it starting up again. Relax, lay on
your back and let it happen. How far you take it depends on ho
w far you can relax. It
will be different then being with a real women. You will not see her, nor will you feel
her skin or body. She however can touch you and interact with you.
Do not push it. If you feel that you cannot experience more then just her touching you
then accept it and anticipate your next encounter.
to be continued..

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