09.01.22 - SR - Star Co-Sc (Model-B & C) - Jee - Main - CTM-15 - QP

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Sec: SR.

IIT _*CO-SC(MODEL-B&C) Date: 09-01-22

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 300

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:


PHYSICS: PT-1 & PT-15 Syllabus only

CHEMISTRY: PT-1 & PT-15 Syllabus only

MATHEMATICS: PT-1 & PT-15 Syllabus only

Narayana IIT Academy 09-01-22_SR.IIT _*CO SC(MODEL-B&C)_ JEE-MAIN_CTM-15_Q’P
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
1. A hollow smooth tube of mass 2m is lying at rest on a smooth horizontal surface
between two smooth parallel vertical walls as shown in the figure. A small smooth ball
of mass m moving with velocity u enters into the tube. [All observations are to be made
w.r.t ground] Maximum KE of the tube is

mu 2 mu 2 mu 2 2
A) B) C) D) mu 2
36 18 9 9

2. One of the surfaces of a biconvex lens of focal length +10 cm is silvered as shown in the
figure . The radius of curvature of silvered surface is 10 cm. It is found that the speed of
43   
the image as seen from the ground frame at the instant shown in figure is  m / s .
 49 

What should be the value of  ?

A) 20 B) 8 C) 16 D) 4

3. A spherical ball of density  and radius 0.003 m is dropped into a big tube containing a
viscous fluid. Viscosity of the fluid  1.260 N .m2 .s and its density  L   / 2  1260 kg .m 2 .
Find its terminal speed in cm/s. (g= acceleration due to gravity  10 ms 2 )

A) 4 B) 6 C) 2 D) 8

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Narayana IIT Academy 09-01-22_SR.IIT _*CO SC(MODEL-B&C)_ JEE-MAIN_CTM-15_Q’P
4. A massless cylindrical container of base area 100 cm2 contains a solid of volume V =
500 cm3 of specific gravity 2. The container is floating in another cylindrical container
of base area 1000 cm2 . If the solid is shifted from container 1 to 2, the height through
which the liquid level decreases by

A) 0.5 cm B) 1cm C) 2cm D) 0.25 cm

5. The peripheral velocity of a point on the equator of a planet is 0 v due to rotation of the
planet about its own axis. The effect of rotation of the planet makes the weight of a body
at the equator to half of the weight at the poles .What is the escape velocity of polar
particle in terms of v0?

A) v0 B) 2v0 C) 3v0 D) 4v0

6. Pressure variation due a sonic wave propagating along positive x –direction is given by
the equation P( x)  P0 sin[2 (vt  x)] . One end of an open organ pipe is closed by a cap
and held at rest with its axis parallel to x –axis and the open end at the origin. What
should be the maximum value of frictional force required between the cap and the pipe
so that pipe will remain closed. Given P0  2  103 N / m 2 and cross sectional area of the
tube is equal to 5 104 m 2 . (Assume formation of standing waves ).
A) 1N B) 2N C) 4N D) 4 ×103 N
7. Two ideal solenoids of same dimensions one is air cored with 600 turns while other is
Aluminium cored with 200 turns(relative permeability of Aluminium is 3) are connected
in a circuit as shown in the figure. The switch S is closed at t = 0. Find the ratio of
potential difference across air-cored solenoid to that of Aluminium cored solenoid at any
time t.

A) 3 B) 1 C) D) 9

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8. AB is long frictionless horizontal surface. One end of an ideal spring of spring constant
K is attached to a black of mass m, which is being moved left with constant velocity v,
and the another end is free. Another block of mass 2m id given a velocity 3v towards the
spring. Work done by external agent in moving m with constant velocity v in ling time
will be :

A) 5mv 2 B) 8mv 2 C) 8mv 2 D) 5mv 2

9. A particle is describing simple harmonic motion. If its speeds are v1 and v2 when the
displacements from the mean position are y1 and y2 respectively, then its time period is

y12  y22 v12  v22 v12  v22 y12  y22

A) 2 2 2 B) 2 2 2 C) 2 2 2 D) 2 2 2
v1  v2 y1  y2 y1  y2 v2  v1

10. Consider a system of four identical uncharged infinite metal plates marked P, Q, R and S
arranged as shown. The key is now closed what is potential difference between plates Q
and S in steady state

A) 10 V B) 5 V C) 8 V D) 12 V
11. PQ is an infinite current carrying conductor. AB and CD are smooth conducting rods on
which a conductor EF moves with constant velocity V as shown. The force along the
direction of velocity needed to maintain constant speed of EF is (No gravity is there)

V   0 IV  b  
2 2 2
1  0 IV  b   1   IV  b   V   IV b 
C)  0 ln   

A)  ln    B)  0 ln    D)  ln   
VR  2  a  R  2  a  R  2  a  R  2  a  

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12. Two loudspeakers are emitting sound waves of same wavelength  with an initial phase

difference of . At what minimum distance approximately from O on line AB will one
hear a maxima

100 25
A) 25  B) C) 50 D)
15 3

13. An electron and a proton are separated by a large distance. The electron starts
approaching the proton with energy 2 eV. The proton captures the electron and forms a
hydrogen atoms in first excited state. The resulting photon is incident on a
photosensitive metal of threshold wavelength 4600Å. The maximum KE of the emitted
photoelectron is

A) 2.4 eV B) 2.7 eV C) 2.9 eV D) 5.4 eV

14. In a cube, the edge is measured using Vernier calliper scale i.e., (9 divisions of the main
scale is equal to 10 divisions of Vernier scale and 1 main scale division is 1 mm). The
main scale division reading is 10 and 1 division of Vernier scale was found to be
coinciding with the main scale. The mass of the cube is 2.736 g. Calculate the density in
g/cm3 upto appropriate significant figures.

A) 2.656g/cm3 B) 2.78 g/cm3 C) 2.66 g/cm3 D) 4.22 g/cm3

15. A closed organ pipe of radius r1 and an open organ pipe of radius r2 and having same
length ‘L’ resonate when exited with a given tuning fork. Closed organ pipe and open
organ pipe resonates in fundamental mode, then

A) 1.2(r2  r1 )  L B) r2  r1  L C) r2  2r1  2.5L D) 2r2  2r1  2.5L

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Narayana IIT Academy 09-01-22_SR.IIT _*CO SC(MODEL-B&C)_ JEE-MAIN_CTM-15_Q’P
16. A beam of light has two wavelengths 3100 A0 and 4133 Ao with a total intensity of 12.8
W / m 2 equally distributed between the two wavelengths. The beam falls normally on an
area of a clean metallic surface of work function 3.1 eV. Assume that there is no loss of
energy by reflection and that each energetically capable photon ejects one electron. How
many electrons will emit per second from the unit face area?
A) 2 1019 B) 1019 C) 1018 D) 2 1018
17. A certain storm cloud has a potential of 1.00 108 volt relative to a tree. If, during a
lighting storm, 50 C of charge is transferred through this potential difference and 1.00%
of energy released is absorbed by the sap of tree, how much maximum sap (liquid) in the
tree can be boiled away? (Assume the sap as water initially at 300 C . Water has a specific
heat of 4200 J / kg 0 C , a boiling point of 1000 C and a latent heat of vaporization of
2.206 106 J / kg )

A) 2000 kg B) 200 kg C) 20 kg D) 2 kg
18. A beam of unpolarised light falls on a system of 6 polaroids, which are arranged in
succession such that each Polaroid is turned through 300 with respect to the preceding
one. The percentage of incident intensity that passes through the system will be
approximately :
A) 100% B) 50% C) 30% D) 12%
19. Light of wavelength 587.5 nm illumintates a slit with 0.75 mm. At what approximate
distance from the slit should a screen be placed if the first minimum in the diffraction
pattern is to be 0.85from the central maximum?

A) 2 m B) 10 m C) 1.1 m D) 2.2 m

20. Consider the circuit shown below, I s is a constant current source, meaning that no matter
what device is connected between points A and B, the current provided by the constant
current source is always equal to I s . Connect an ideal voltmeter between A and B.
Determine the voltage reading.

1) 2I, R B) 0 C) I, R D) I, R/2

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Narayana IIT Academy 09-01-22_SR.IIT _*CO SC(MODEL-B&C)_ JEE-MAIN_CTM-15_Q’P
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has
more than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer any 5
only out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
21. A liquid flows at the rate of 1/4200 kg/s through a tube and is heated by a heater
dissipating 25 W. The inflow and outflow liquid temperatures are 25ºC and 30ºC
respectively. When the rate of flow is increased to 1/2100 kg/s and the rate of heating to
30 W, the inflow and outflow temperatures are unaltered. If the rate of loss of heat from
the tube is 5z watt, then find z.

22. An electron is shot into one end of a solenoid. As it enters the uniform magnetic field
with in the solenoid, its speed is 800 m/s and its velocity vector makes an angle of 30o
with the central axis of the solenoid. The solenoid carries 4.0 A current and has 8000
turns along its length. Find number of revolutions made by the electron with in the
solenoid by the time it emerges from the solenoid’s opposite end. (Use charge to mass
ratio for electron  3  1011 C / kg ). Fill your answer of y if total number of revolutions
is  106 .

23. In the circuit shown, the potential difference between points A and B is 50n V. Then n is

24. An equi-molar mixture of a mono atomic and diatomic gas is subjected to continuous
1 1
expansion such that dQ  dU  dW . The equation of the process in terms of the
3 2
variable P & V is PV 11/ x =constant. Then the value of x is _____.

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Narayana IIT Academy 09-01-22_SR.IIT _*CO SC(MODEL-B&C)_ JEE-MAIN_CTM-15_Q’P
25. A uniform rod of length 1, cross sectional area A  A  1 density  , Young’s modulus

Y, Coefficient of linear expansion  lying on a smooth horizontal floor is heated

uniformly through a temperature rise T . The elastic strain energy stored in the rod is
YA T  . The value of n is _____

26. A thin conducting wire in the shape of a ‘figure of eight’ is situated with its circular
loops in two planes making an angle of 120o with each other. If the current in the loop is
I and the radius is R, the magnetic induction at a point of intersection P of the two axes
N 0 I
of the loops is . Find N.
48 R

27. The height of a candle flame is 5 cm. A lens produces an image of this flame 15cm high
on a screen. The candle is then moved over a distance 1.5 cm away from the lens and a
sharp image of the flame 10cm high is obtained after shifting the screen. Determine the
focal length of the lens

28. Consider a solid state cube of uniform volume charge density. If V is electrostatic
potential at one of the corners of cube then the potential at the centre of cube is  V .
Determine the value of  .

29. A solenoid of inductance 50 mH and resistance 10  is connected to a battery of 6V. The

time elapsed before the current acquires half of its steady state value is (n 103 / 2) . Find
value of n (take ln 2 = 0.7 )

30. Neon-23 undergoes beta decay in the following way :

10 Ne 23 11 Na 23  1 e 0  v

Atomic masses of Ne and 23 Na are 22.9945u and 22.9898u respectively. Determine the

minimum KE of  -particle in MeV (1u  931.5MeV / c 2 )

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Narayana IIT Academy 09-01-22_SR.IIT _*CO SC(MODEL-B&C)_ JEE-MAIN_CTM-15_Q’P
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
31. The number of stereo isomers possible for a compound of the molecular formula
CH 3  CH  CH  CH (OH ) Me is

A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 3

32. Which of the following carbocation is most stable

CH 3 C2 H 5
| |
A) CH 3  C  B) C2 H 5  C 
| |
CH 3 C2 H 5

CH 3 C2 H 5
| |
C) CH 3  C  D) C2 H 5  C 
| |

33. CH 2  CH  C  CH on reaction with 1 mole DBr gives

A) CH 2  CH  CBr  CHD B) CH 2 Br  CHD  C  CH

C) DCH 2  CHBr  C  CH D) CH 2  CH  CD  CHBr

34. Identify incorrect reactivity order for ArSN reaction.


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35. Phenol + Neutral FeCl3 

 Violet complex is

B)  ( PhO )6 Fe 
A) [( PhO ) 6 Fe]3

C) ( PhO)3 Fe D)


The product ‘S’ is

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A) B)

C) D)

37. When diethyl cadmium (C2 H 5 )2 Cd is treated with acetyl chloride CH 3COCl , the main
product is

A) Acetone B) Methyl ethyl ketone

C) Diethyl ketone D) Acetaldehyde

38. At 0o C the density of nitrogen at 1 atm is 1.25 Kg / m3 . The nitrogen which occupied
1500 cm3 at STP was compressed at 0o C to 575 atm and the gas volume was observed to
be 5.00 cm3 , in violation of Boyle’s law. What was the final density of this non ideal gas
in Kg / m3

A) 250 B) 300 C) 325 D) 375

39. A2  2 A K1  1010 s 1 forward

K 1  1010 M 1S 1 reverse

A  C  AC K 2  1010 M 1S 1

Rate =
[ A]
A) K2[ A][C ] B) K 2 [ A]1/2 C C) K 2 A.C D) K 2
[C ]1/2

40. Which is not a state function

A) Heat capacity B) Enthalpy

C) Gibbs free energy D) Entropy

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Narayana IIT Academy 09-01-22_SR.IIT _*CO SC(MODEL-B&C)_ JEE-MAIN_CTM-15_Q’P
41. In the preparation of quick lime from the lime stone, the reaction is
CaCO3 ( s)  CaO( s)  CO2 ( g )

Experiments carried out between 850o C and 950o C led to a set of K p values fitting an
empinical equation log K p  10 
Where T is absolute temperature. If the reaction is carried out in quiet air what
temperature would be predicted from this equation for complete decomposition of lime
A) 1200o C B) 1103o C C) 1027 o C D) 927 o C
42. Calculate silver ion concentration in a solution prepared by shaking solid Ag 2 S with
saturated H 2 S (0.1M ) in 0.10 M H 3O  until equilibrium established.

A) 1.5  1015 B) 1.5 1016 C) 1.0 1015 D) 1.5 1016

For H2S Ksp for Ag2S=10-49


43. 0
EMnO  / Mn  1.51V

/ Mn 2  1.23V

Find EMnO / MnO2 .


A) 1.74 V B) 3.33 V C) 1.94 V D) 1.70V

44. The solution to the schrodinger equation for an electron in the ground state of H atom is
 1s  e  r / a0
a 3

r = distance from nucleus a0  0.529 Ao . The probability of finding electron at any point in

space is proportional to   .

The maximum probability of finding electron in the 1s orbital of hydrogen occurs

A) r  2 a0 B) r  C) r  a0 D) r  4a0

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45. The solubility of N 2 in water is 2.4 104 g in 100 g H 2O at 20o C , when the pressure of

nitrogen over the solution is 1.2 atm. Calculate the solubility at that temperature when
nitrogen pressure is 10 atm.

A) 1 mg B) 1.8 mg C) 2 mg D) 2.2 mg

46. Given below are two statements

Statement I : Cr 2 is reducing and Mn3 oxidizing even through both have d 4
Statement II : Cr 2 is reducing as its configuration changes from d 4 to d 3 , the latter
having half filled t2 g level. Mn3 is oxidizing as its configuration changes from Mn3 to
Mn 2 which has half filled d 5 .

In the light of above statements choose the most appropriate answer from the options
given below.
1) Statement I is true but Statement II is false.

2) Both Statement I and statement II are false.

3) Statement I is false but Statement II is true.

4) Both statement I and Statement II are true.

47. In column I the comparision of 1 E values of A and B are given and in column II, the
elements A and B are listed. Match them.

Column I Column II
a) IE1, of A is more that of B P) Be B
b) I1  , of A is less than that of B q) B C
c) I 3 of A is greater than that of B r) C N
d) I 3 of A is lesser than that of B s) N O

A) a-p,r, b-q,s, c-p,s, d-q,r B) a-q,r, b-p,s, c-p,s, d-q,r

C) a-q,r, b-p,s, c-q,s, d-p,r D) a-p,s, b-q,r, c-p,r, d-q,s

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48. A 0.025 M solution of a monobasic acid had a freezing point of 0.060o C . K a of the acid
is (take K f H 2O  2.0 )

A) 1.25 103 B) 2.00 103 C) 2.5 103 D) 3.0 103

49. de Broglie wavelength of two particles A and B are plotted against where v is the
potential on the particles which of the following relation is correct about the mass of the

A) mA  mB B) mA  mB C) mA  mB D) mA  mB
50. a KIO3  b KI  c H 2 SO4  d KI 3  e K 2 SO4  f H 2O

In the balanced equation, a, b. c values are

A) 2, 8, 3 B) 3, 8, 1 C) 2, 8, 3 D) 1, 8, 3

This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has
more than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer any 5
only out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
51. How many are ortho, para directing groups when attached to benzene ring.

OH ,  OCOR, , COCl ,  NO, CH 2Cl , ,

CF3 ,  SO3 H ,  COOR,  NHCOR,  OR


How many deuterium atoms present in the compound D.

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53. A compound ‘Y’ with molecular mass 180 is acylated with CH 3COCl to get a compound
with molecular mass 390. The number of hydroxy groups present per molecule of the
compound ‘Y’ is

54. The work function of some metals is listed below. The number of metals which will
show photoelectric effect when light of 300 nm wavelength falls on the metal is

Metal Li Na K Mg Cu Ag Fe Pt w

Ev 2.4 2.3 2.2 3.7 4.8 4.3 4.7 6.3 4.75

55. A solution of 10 g of nonionic solute in 100 g of benzene freezes at 4.2oC. The

molecular weight of the solute is
Kf benzene = 5.12

F P of benzene = 5.2o C
56. For the reaction at 298 K,
2A  B 

H  100 KJ and S  0.050 KJ / K .

Assuming H and S to be constant over the temperature range, at what temperature

will the reaction become spontaneous. ( Express answer in Kelvin).
57. OH   in 1 M NaOCN solution is K a for HOCN  1 104

K w H 2O  1  10 14 .

If answer is x  106 what is x.

58. Standard Gibbs free energy for the reaction
Zn  Cu 2 
 Zn 2  Cu
EZn / Zn2
 0.76V 0
ECu 2
/ Cu
 0.34V if answer is  x KJ what is x?

59. Iodate ion IO3 oxidises SO32 to SO42 in acidic medium. If 100 ml of solution containing
2.14 g of KIO3 react with 60 ml of 0.5 M Na2 SO4 solution, the final oxidation state of
iodine is +x. Value of x is .
60. In a solution mole fraction of Benzene = 0.6 M.F of Toluene = 0.4
PBenzene  300 Tor 6
PToulene  800 Torr .

What is total pressure of liquid mixture.

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This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.

61. If A(z1), B(z2), C(z3) are the vertices of an equilateral triangle in the argandplane then
 z2  z3  2 z1 
arg  
 z2  z3 
 2 
A) 0 B) C) D)
3 3 2

x2 y 2
62. The normal at one end of latus rectum of ellipse   1 passes through one end of
a 2 b2
minor axis then the eccentricity of ellipse is
1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2
 5 1   5 1   5 3 1  5 3 
A)   B)   C)   D)  
 2   2   2   2 

63. Locus of the mid points of the chords of the hyperbola x2  y 2  a2 that touch the
parabola y 2  4ax is

(A) x2  x  a   y3 (B) y 2  x  a   x3 (C) x3  x  a   y 2 (D) y3  x  a   x2

64. Two circles of radii r1 and r2 (r1  r2 ) touch each other externally. Then the radius of circle
which touches both of them externally and also their direct common tangent is

r1r2 r1  r2 r1  r2
A) B) r1r2 C) D)
 
r1  r2 2 2

65. Vertices of a variable triangle are (3,4),  5cos  ,5sin   and  5sin  , 5cos   . Then locus of
its orthocentre is
A)  x  y  1   x  y  7   100 B)  x  y  1   x  y  1  100
2 2 2 2

C)  x  y  7    x  y  1  100 D)  x  y  7    x  y  1  100
2 2 2 2

66. The complete set of values of ' a ' for which the point  a, a 2  , a  R lies inside the triangle
formed by the lines x  y  2  0 , x  y  2 and x  axis is
A)  2, 2  B)  1,1 C)  0, 2  D)  2, 0 

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2 2 2
67. If a , b, c are unit vectors then ab  bc  ca does not exceed

A) 6 B) 7 C) 8 D) 9

68. The distance of the point (1, - 2, 3 ) from the plane x – y + z = 13 measured parallel to
x y z
the line 2  3   6 is

A) 7 B) 1 C) 49 D) 2

x 2 y 3 z x 1 y  4 z 1
69. If the lines   and   are coplanar then k is
1 1 k k 2 1

A) 0 or  3 B) 3 C) 1 D) 2
2n 2n
 a  x  100   b  x  101
r r
70. If r r and ak  K k  n, then bn equals
r 0 r 0 cn

A) 2n  2n1  1 B) 2n  2n  1 C) 2n  2n  1 2  1
D) 2

71. If ax 2  2bx  3c  0 has imaginary roots and  a  b , then

A) c  0 B) c  0 C) c  0 D) c  0

72. If a , b, c are in G.P., then the equations ax 2  2bx  c  0 and dx 2  2ex  f  0 have a common

root. Then d , e , f are in

a b c

A) A.P B) G.P C) H.P D) A.G.P

73. Domain of f(x) = sin x  16  x 2 is

A) [0,  ] B) [-4,4] C) [4,  ] D) [4,  ]  [0,  ]

g  x  f a   g a  f  x 
74. If f(a) = 2, f1 (a) = 1, g(a) =  1, g1(a) =  2 then Lt =
x a x  a

A) –5 B) 3 C) –3 D) 5

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 a

 ,  x0
sin x
 (1 sin x )

f  x   b , x0
75.  tan 2 x
is continuous at x=0 then
 e tan 3 x
, x0

2 2 2
A) a  , b  e2 3 B) a  e2 3 , b  C) a  , b  R D) none
3 3 3

76. f ''  x   f  x  , where f  x  is a continuous double differentiable function and g  x   f '  x  .

2 2
 x   x 
If F  x    f      g    and F(5) = 5 then F(10)
  2    2 

A) 5 B) 10 C) 50 D) 0

77. Equation of normal to the curve y = (1+x)y + sin-1(sin2x) at x = 0

A) x + y = 1 B) x – y = 1 C) – x + y = 1 D) x  y  1

78. The minimum value of x 2  y 2 when 3x  4 y  15 is

A) B) 3 C) 4 D) 3

dy x 2  y 2  1
79. The solution of the differential equation  satisfying y 1  1 represents
dx 2 xy

A) a hyperbola B) a circle C) an ellipse D) a parabola

(2 x  1)
80.  (x 2
 4 x  1)3/ 2
dx =

x3 x
A) C B) C
( x 2  4 x  1)1/2 ( x  4 x  1)1/ 2

x2 1
C) C D) C
( x 2  4 x  1)1/2 ( x  4 x  1)1/ 2

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This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has
more than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer any 5
only out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
81.  (x 6  x 4  x 2 ) 2x 4  3x 2  6 dx = (2x 4  3x 2  6) n /2 + c then the value of k/n is


f ( x)  sin x dx 

82. If f ( x)  x  sin x , then 2 1

 0

83. If z1  2 , z2  3 , z3  4 and z1  z2  z3  5 then 4 z2 z3  9 z3 z1  16 z1 z2 =

84. Minimum distance between the curves y 2  4 x  8 y  40  0 and x 2  8 x  4 y  40  0

for all x  R then the sum f 

9x 1   2   1995 
85. If f  x    f   .........  f  is
9 3
 1996   1996   1996 

Cos x
86.  1 + ex dx =


87. The area enclosed by the region represented by the equation  x    y   2 , is A square
units, then  is.......([.] denotes G.I.F)

88. If a, b, c, d are distinct integers in AP such that d  a 2  b2  c2 then a + b + c + d is

 1 1

89. The number of irrational terms in the expansion of  5 3  2 4  is
 

90. If a , b , c three vectors of magnitude 3,1, 2 such that a   a  c   3b  0 if  is the angle

between a and c then cos2  =

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