SOAL USBN English Conversation Kelas 9

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SOAL USBN English Conversation Kelas 9

1. Sushi, the thousand-year-old Japanese delicacy, started small in the United States, in a handful of
restaurants in big cities. Today, sushi consumption in America is 50% greater than it was ten years ago
and not just in restaurants. Sushi is also sold at concession stands in sports stadiums, university dining
halls, and in supermarkets throughout the country.

This paragraph best supports the statement that . . . .

a. sushi is now a fast food as popular as hot dogs, burgers, and fries.
b. more sushi is sold in restaurants than in supermarkets.
c. Americans are more adventurous eaters than they were in the past.
d. sushi wasn’t always widely available in the United States.

2. Ratatouille is a dish that has grown in popularity over the last few years. It features eggplant,
zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, and garlic chopped, mixed, sautéed, and finally, cooked slowly over low
heat. As the vegetables cook slowly, they make their own broth, which may be extended with a little
tomato paste. The name ratatouille comes from the French word touiller, meaning to stir or mix together.

Which of the following is the correct order of steps for making ratatouille?
a. chop vegetables, add tomato paste, stir or mix together
b. mix the vegetables together, sauté them, and add tomato paste
c. cook the vegetables slowly, mix them together, add tomato paste
d. add tomato paste to extend the broth and cook slowly over low heat

3. Native American art often incorporates a language of abstract visual symbols. The artist gives a poetic
message to the viewer, communicating the beauty of an idea, either by using religious symbols or a
design from nature such as rain on leaves or sunshine on water. The idea communicated may even be
purely whimsical, in which case the artist might start out with symbols developed from a bird’s tracks or
a child’s toy.

The main idea of the passage is that Native American art . . . .

a. is purely poetic and dreamlike.
b. is usually abstract, although it can also be poetic and beautiful.
c. communicates the beauty of ideas through the use of symbols.
d. is sometimes purely whimsical.

This passage is for number 4 - 7

Daylilies are a beautiful perennial flower that can brighten up any yard or landscape. They are
tolerant of drought and flooding, immune to heat stress, and grow well in full sun or light shade. They are
the perfect choice for just about any soil or climate condition. Different varieties of daylilies can be in bloom
from late spring until autumn. Individual flowers last only one day, but each plant produces many buds, and
many varieties have more than one flowering period. Daylilies grow best in soil that is slightly acidic, and
they prefer either direct sunshine or light shade. The best time to plant them is in the early fall or early
spring, but they are hardy enough to endure planting or transplanting at almost any time of year.They should
be planted 18 to 24 inches apart, and the bulb should be no deeper than one inch below the soil’s surface.
4. According to the passage, what soil is best for daylilies?
a. slightly neutral
b. slightly acidic
c. any soil
d. moist soil
5. You could infer from this passage that these flowers are called daylilies because . . .
a. they only bloom in the daytime.
b. the blooms last for one day.
c. they look like real lilies, but aren’t.
d.Charles Day developed the hybrid.
6. How deep should daylilies be planted, according to the passage?
a. 18 to 24 inches
b. one inch or more
c. one inch or less
d. any depth works
7. The underlined word perennial, as used in this passage, most nearly means . . .
a. it blooms once.
b. it blooms every year.
c. it is always popular.
d. it is part of the lily genus.

This text is for number 8-12

The crystal clear, blue water and the magnificent sun make the Caribbean island of Saint
Maarten a favorite vacation spot, one that is popular with North Americans during their winter
holidays from December through March, as well as with South Americans and Europeans from April
through August. The French and Dutch settled on the island in the 1600s, and to this day, the island
is divided between the two of them. The French capital is Marigot; the Dutch capital is Philipsburg.

Tourists soon discover that St. Maarten has an intriguing history. Ancient artifacts found on
the island date back to the Stone Age, 6,000 years ago! Tourists also learn that 1,200 years ago the
Arawak Indians inhabited all the islands of the West Indies and were a peaceful people living under
the guidance of their chiefs. Three hundred years after the Arawaks first arrived on St. Maarten, in
the 1300s, they were defeated and forced to abandon the island by a hostile tribe of Indians
originating in South America. This new tribe was called the Carib. The Caribbean Sea was named
after them. Unlike the Arawaks, they had no permanent chiefs or leaders, except in times of strife.
And they were extremely warlike. Worse, they were cannibalistic, eating the enemy warriors they
captured. In fact, the very word cannibal comes from the Spanish name for the Carib Indians. The
Spanish arrived in the fifteenth century and, unfortunately, they carried diseases to which the
Indians had no immunity. Many Indians succumbed to common European illnesses; others died from
the hard labor forced upon them.

8. One can infer from the text that the Stone Age people lived on St. Maarten around the year . . .

a. 6000 b.c. b. 4000 b.c. c. 800 a.d. d. 1300 a.d.

9. Which of the following is NOT true about the Carib Indians?
a. The sea was named after them.
b. They were peaceful fishermen, hunters, and farmers.
c. They ate human flesh.
d. They settled after defeating the Arawak Indians.
10. According to the text, the Carib Indians were finally defeated by . . .
a. sickness and forced labor.
b. the more aggressive Arawak tribe.
c. the Dutch West India Company.
d. the French explorers.
11. One can infer from the text that the underlined word strife means . . .
a. cannibalism.
b. war.
c. duty-free.
d. chief.
12. According to the article, present-day St. Maarten . . .
a. belongs to the Spanish.
b. is independent.
c. is shared by the French and the Dutch.
d. is part of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

13. In the summer, the Northern Hemisphere is slanted toward the sun, making the days longer and
warmer than in winter. The first day of summer, June 21, is called summer solstice and is also the
longest day of the year. However, June 21 marks the beginning of winter in the Southern Hemisphere,
when that hemisphere is tilted away from the sun.

According to the passage, when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is ________ in the
Southern Hemisphere.

a. spring b. summer c. autumn d. Winter

14. Authentic Dhurrie rugs are hand woven in India. Today, they are usually made of wool, but they are
descendants of cotton floor and bed coverings. In fact, the name Dhurrie comes from the Indian word
dari, which means threads of cotton. The rugs are noted for their soft colors, their varieties of design,
and they make a stunning focal point for any living room or dining room.

Which of the following is the most likely intended audience for the passage?
a. people studying traditional Indian culture
b. people who are studying Indian domestic customs
c. people learning to operate a rug loom
d. people who enjoy interior decorating
This article is for questions number 15 - 18

Celebrating Christmas and welcoming the New Year 2017, the province of North Sulawesi
will come alive with a whole range of festivities for the whole month of December when the North
Sulawesi Christmas Festival take place from 1st to 31st December 2016, centered in the province’s
capital city, Manado.

As a special treat, the Christmas festival will be highlighted with an international concert
at MegamasManado on 4th December 2016. Initially the concert would feature the Australian pop
group Air Supply, however the group had to cancel the show since the vocalist Russel Hitchcock was
reportedly ill and unable to perform. Instead, Shane Filan of the legendary boyband Westlife will be
performing for the concert. The concert will also feature Indonesian Pop Singer Diva, Ruth
Sahanaya, and the young pop star Angel Pieterz. What makes it even more special, the concert will
be free of charge!

The festival will kick off on 1 December 2016 with the Christmas Market at Marina Plaza
Manado that will last to the end of the year. At Marina Plaza there will also be the Christmas Dance
on 11 December, Christmas Bands on 16-17 December, Vocal Group Competitions on 16 December,
and Masamper Traditional Art Competition on 22 December. At the Manado Town Square Mall,
there will be Christmas Choirs on 9-10 December, Christmas Chess on 7-8 December, and Santa
Claus and Christmas Angels Parade on 24 December 2016. At the Megamas Manado, there will also
be the Fashion on the Street Competition on 10 December.

The festival will also feature Christmas Ornaments Competitions, Christmas Tree
Competitions, Decorated Floats Parade down the major streets of Manado on 17 December, Christmas
Theater Competition, Traditional Bamboo & Kolintang Music Competition, National Christmas
Service, and Old & New Night on the last eve of the year (31st December).The series of events in the
festival is presented by the Province of North Sulawesi in collaboration with the city of Manado. The
festival aims to attract more national and international tourists to visit Manado and North Sulawesi as
well as presenting a new alternative to spend Christmas holiday with not only amazing natural and
cultural attractions but also exciting events.

15. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for this article?
a. Westlife Shane Filan Concert and North Sulawesi Christmas Festival in December 2016
b. The Manado People Celebrate the Born of Jesus Christ in December 2016
c. December in Manado : North Sulawesi Christmas Festival and Celebrating New Year
d. The Biggest Christmas Concert in North Sulawesi with the International Singer

16. What are the correct order for the events, according to the article?
a. concert, christmas market, christmas choirs
b. christmas market, concert, parade
c. christmas chess, christmas choirs, christmas dance
d. concert, christmas chess, christmas dance

17. According to the article, one reason that the pop group Air Supply has to cancel their show is..
a. they have another schedule at that time
b. one of their member is sick
c. they don’t have many fans in Manado
d. there is a problem with the sponsor
18. What is the best definition for the underlined word kick off as it is used in the third paragraph of the
a. will be held
b. to resume strike
d. will start

The following article is for number 19-21’

What a Thanksgiving season we have here!

No, you didn’t read it wrongly. Our Thanksgiving is not celebrated on just one day. How is
that? My hometown, Manado, is located inside one of the regencies in North Sulawesi
province called Minahasa where people are mostly farmers. Rice farmers, to be precise.

That is why the majority of people here are Minahasa people, even though we have people
from other parts of the province in town. As rice farmers, people wait for the rice harvest
before celebrating Thanksgiving and it can happen more than one time in a year.

That is how we celebrate Thanksgiving, more than once.

Yes, our Thanksgiving is different than the one in other countries. We not only have a
different history but also a different way to do it. The reason for our Thanksgiving is to
celebrate the rice harvest every year. Since the harvest times are not the same for all areas,
we can have Thanksgiving celebrations almost all year long. Therefore, we don’t have
Thanksgiving Day down here. What we have is a Thanksgiving Season. Usually it happens
around June / July though some parts of the province may have it after the New Year.

19. The author’s purpose in this article is to . . .

a. explain the meaning of thanksgiving
b. retell the history of Minahasa people
c. inform the time of thanksgiving celebration
d. entertain the reader with thanksgiving story

20. Based on the information in the article, which of the following best describes Thanksgiving
Celebration in North Sulawesi?
a. It is celebrated once a year in all of the areas
b. Each area celebrates in different time every year
c. People always celebrate it in the mid of the year
d. Minahasa people is the only tribe in North Sulawesi

21. What is the tone of this article?

a. informative b. angry c. sad d. Humorous

The article below is for number 22 - 26

Celebrating Christmas and New Year is a common thing we celebrate every year. But
have you ever heard of a tradition to wrap-up those two big celebrations? We have that kind of
tradition here in Minahasa. I am talking about a dominant tribe in North Sulawesi – Indonesia.
In Minahasa and some other places around Manado & Bitung,  we celebrate Christmas on
December 25th & 26th (we call it the 1st & 2nd part of Christmas celebration). So is with New
Year, it’s celebrated on January 1st & 2nd. Normally, we visit our relatives, friends, and
neighbors on those dates. In some other places, they do not have any further celebration
afterward. But for Minahasan people, it’s a little bit different.
The fact is, we have a unique tradition called kuncikan. Kuncikan is an Indonesian
word (kunci: key, kuncikan: to lock / to end up / to wrap up) . The meaning of that word is
not so familiar to the rest of Indonesian people since it’s just mostly used by Minahasan people
to refer to the closing celebration of Christmas and New Year. Though in some areas they
celebrate it every Sunday during the month of January, but generally, we celebrate it by the 4th
Sunday or the last Sunday of January.
There is no official date for kuncikan. In some places, they hold kuncikan tradition
every Sunday in January by riding on ‘bendi’, which is traditional two-wheeled carriage pulled
by a horse, and visiting relatives & friends. It’s quite interesting since the main road traffic is
dominated by bendi and along the roadside people are watching the passing bendis.
When I was a little child, I used to join the kuncikan celebration by riding on a truck,
packed with other children in the village, and brought some rotten eggs. Wondering what those
rotten eggs were for? Well, we call it our ‘war equipment’. This is how it works: on that day,
children would collect as many rotten eggs as possible & spare a sum of money to pay for their
ride on the truck for a back-and-fourth route. It used to be a harvesting day for truck drivers!
There could be around 20 children in one truck and a single back-and-fourth route last in about
20 minutes. It was just a short route to some neighbor villages.
The riding started in the afternoon, some times around 2p.m. When the truck started to
move, we started to sing joyous songs until we passed some other trucks from different
direction (of course, the same purpose trucks for children to enjoy this fun thing),
aaannnnddd…let the rotten eggs war begin!! Don’t try to imagine the smell on our heads &
clothes when we got home after that!!
There is another unique way to celebrate kuncikan. In Manado, kuncikan is celebrated
through a figura carnival. That’s quite fun to watch since you can see people put on weird-
looking attire and make-up on their faces. An old lady in High School uniform, a grown-up man
in Elementary School uniform, female wearing male’s attire and vice versa, any humorous idea
they could think of will be performed on that carnival.
Figura carnival has been an annual tradition in Manado. Allegedly, it’s a Portuguese
tradition that has been adapted in accordance with the local culture here.

22. A good title for this article is . . .

a. Christmas & New Year Celebration: Wrap Up Traditon or “Kuncikan”
b. The Way of Minahasa People Celebrate Christmas and New Year
c. The History of Kuncikan Celebration in North Sulawesi
d. The philosophy and the definition of the word “kuncikan”
23. According to the article, the meaning of the word “kuncikan” is . . .
a. to start
b. to continue
c. to wrap up
d. to close

24. Which of the following is NOT in the article ?

a. People usually celebrate kuncikan in the last Sunday of January
b. All the people are having rotten eggs war in kuncikan day
c. Manado people celebrate kuncikan by doing figura carnival
d. Figura carnival is an adaptation from Portuguese tradition
25. According to the article, “bendi” is. . .
a.a truck with four wheels
b. a four wheeled carriage with engine
c. a two wheeled wagon pulled the horse
d. a two wheeled carriage pulled by a horse
26. The word that has the same meaning of underlined word vice versa, as used in the passage is. . .
a. conversely
b. opposite
c. synonym

The text below is for number 27-30

The New International Conventions and Exhibitions Venue

Manado is the capital of the province of North Sulawesi and the second largest city on
the island of sulawesi after Makassar. This city is one of a kind in Indonesia with its stunning
underwater landscape and great mountain panorama. The local people are known for their
warm hospitality as well as for the mouth-watering cuisine and unique authentic culture. In the
last two decades, tourism activities have grown significantly. The city has expanded its
attractions not only to draw mainstream tourists, but also utilizes its natural splendors as a
backdrop for meetings and conventions that come complete with improed access roads and
expanded airport. In 2008, Manado hosted the World Ocean Conference, a prestigious
international event that confirmed Manado not only as a world class diving destination but also
as the center for marine science research. The event also marks Manado as one of Indonesia’s
MICE destinations.
Get Around
There are taxis available, which are best taken from the hotels. The 'mikrolet' mini buses are
your best bet. They have fixed routes and are not as crowded and are better organized
compared to those in Jakarta.
Get There
You can reach Manado by airplanes with many major airlines goes to Manado. The Sam
Ratulangi International Airport of Manado is able to receive wide-bodied aircrafts. Domestically,
there are daily flights to Manado from Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali, Makassar, Papua and Balikpapan.
27. What is the main idea of second paragraph?
a. The Taxes in Manado c. Public transportation in Jakarta
b. Public transportation in Manado d. Jakarta is more crowded than Manado

28. Which statement is NOT true about North Sulawesi based on the first paragraph?
a. Manado takes the second place as a largest city in East Indonesia
b. In these 20 years, the tourism activities grow hugely
c. Manado could be underwater activities research place
d. Manado could hold the marine event in 2008
29. The word “mainstream” (paragraph 1) has a closest meaning to?
a. flow c. normal
b. important d. Useful

30. “This city is one of a kind in Indonesia with its stunning underwater landscape”, the underlined word
refers to…………..
a. Manado c. Bunaken
b. WOC d. Sea marine research

Read the text and fill in the blank space. This text is for number 31-35
Manado is the capital of the North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia and it has (31)……. to have
been resided since XVI century and was called "Wenang". Later, in 1623 the name was changed into
"Manado". Geographical location and position of North Sulawesi is in most northern region of the
country, and directly adjacent to the Pacific Ocean.
The people of North Sulawesi can be (32)…………. into four groups; Minahasa, Bolaang
Mongondow, Gorontalo (now become the province of Gorontalo) and the Sangir Talaud. A majority
of the population belong to the Minahasa people, with a language much like Philippine. The
Minahasans historically and culturally has strong ties to the Philippines due to its geographical
location which allow movement of people and languages, their dialects are related to that of filipino
languages. There is also a large group of Chinese in the city. The entire city was wiped out during an
earthquake in 1844, and was built up from scratch by the Dutch, after this it was known as one of
the prettiest towns in all of South East Asia. This is maybe not true today, but Manado is still nice and
clean and the populations here have some of the highest living standard in Indonesia.
Portuguese traders were the first Western to come in contact with the people of North
Sulawesi in 16th century, notably, the Minahasans were very welcoming to the western, especially
the Dutch whom they asks during the mid-17th (33)……………. to expelled the Spaniards out of North
Sulawesi. From the beginning of the Dutch occupation in 1679 until the independence of Indonesia
in 1945, the Dutch monopolized the spice trade and governed North Sulawesi.
North Sulawesi is a land of magnificent coral reefs protecting, mountains and active
volcanoes, reminding the islanders and the world of the potential power of one of the earth's most
awesome forces. It is a land of vast (34)………… plantations fringed along the coastline, which is why
the area is also known as "Bumi Nyiur Melambai" (The Land of Waving Coconut Palms).
Manado has no large attractions by itself, except for an interesting museum and an old
Buddhist temple from the 19th century, the oldest of it's kind in eastern Indonesia. A colorful festival
is held here every February. The city are also full of monuments in memory of Minahasian and
Indonesian heroes. Manado is a great starting point for expeditions to the beautiful (35) …………….. in
this region, and has several good facilities for visitors, like hotels, resort accommodation, restaurants
and entertainment. This part of Indonesia is famous for it's brilliant diving conditions, and divers
from all over the world come here. The most famous spot is the corral reefs around Bunaken Island,
a marine reserve just a short boat trip from Manado. You can also take a diving course here. The
reserve consists of Manado Tua, a volcano that can be seen from Manado, Nain and the Mantehage
islands, Siladen Island and Bunaken Island. Another attraction is the lovely Lake Tondano (altitude
600 m), south east of the city. This is a very popular area for hiking and Sunday picnics among the
local population.
31. a. approximately c. arranged
b. estimated d. Degreed

32. a. identified c. Classified

b. multiplied d. Specified

33. a. years c. Decade

b. age d. Century

34. a. coconut c. Nutmeg

b. clove d. Chili

35. a. landscape c. Tourism

b. portrait d. Destination

This text is for number 36-40

Manado Culture Tour Packages

Day 01 : Arrival – Manado city sightseeing tour (LD).

Upon arrive at Sam Ratulangi airport Manado, meeting service, then city tour for visiting: Second
World War monument, Traditional local market, Ban Hin Kiong Temple the oldest Chinese
temple, North Sulawesi Museum, Great Moslem Masque, the great Jesus Blessing statue,
Merciful building then transfer to hotel. Lunch and Dinner at the local restaurant, back to the
hotel, free program.
Day 02 : Minahasa Highland Tour (BLD).
After breakfast at hotel, drive to Tinoor highland with its panorama (Manado city, Manado bay,
Bunaken island as the background). Next destination to Tomohon, a windy and cool city, famous
for its flowers; Woloan where the people make traditional houses of Minahasan; Totemboan
Tourism Village with a panoramic of Tondano and Bitung City. Lake Linow the sulfur and color
changing lake, Japanese caves build during the second world war at Kawangkoan; Pulutan village
where the people make pottery in a traditional way, Tondano lake with its goldfish farming. Lunch
and Dinner at the local restaurant, back to the hotel, free program.
Day 03 : Manado Culture – Animal Safary (BLD).
After breakfast at hotel, starting tour for visit the oldest archaeological site Sawangan -
Aermadidi, where you can see the Minahasan Ancient stone grave style called Waruga. After that
continue the tour to visit Bitung for Naemundung Animal Collection, you will enjoy the particular
Sulawesi’s animal, such as tarsier spectrum, pig deer, snake, crocodile, hornbills, and some kind of
birds. Lunch and Dinner at the local restaurant, back to the hotel, free program.

Day 04 : Manado – Airport (B).

Buffet Breakfast at hotel, check out then leaving to Sam Ratulangi airport to catch your flight to
the next destination.

36. The purpose of the text is…………..

a. To describe about Minahasan Tourism Destination
b. To inform the costumer about the schedule
c. To advertise the schedule
d. To explain about the culture.

37. From the second paragraph, we can conclude that…………………

a. Manado city, Manado Bay and Bunaken will be the first destinations
b. Woloan is the city that full of flower.
c. We can see the view of Tondano and Bitung by hiking to Totemboan Tourism Village
d. Pulutan Village will be the last destination

38. Which statement is a TRUE statement from third paragraph?

a. Tourist will stay in the hotel which is in Sawangan
b.. Naemundung is a particular animal from North Sulawesi
c. Waruga was the place to bury people’s dead body.
d. Minahasan people keep using Waruga.

39. In your opinion, who will hold this activity?

a. Tourism Department in Minahasa
b. Travel Agency
c. Tourists
d. Local people who want to have their trip.

40. Where can you find this kind of text?

a. Costumer service c. Newspaper
b. Magazine d. Facilities brochure

Please read the questions and give your best answer.

41. There are always so many things that we have to do and prepare for traveling. As you prepare for
travel abroad, you may begin to overwhelmed by all the things to remember. Now, please list 10
important things that you have to prepare and do before you start your overseas travel.

42. Nowadays, people tend to give more attention to the rituals or tradition of a celebration rather
than the meaning and the purpose of it. Do you agree/disagree with this statement? Tell your
opinion about the statement above in 100 words approximately.

43. Choose one of natural attraction places in North Sulawesi and write a short description about that
place in 120 words approximately (include the features and qualities of that place).

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