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Extracting Relations from Text: From Word Sequences to Dependency Paths:

Introduction, Subsequence Kernels for Relation Extraction, A Dependency-Path Kernel for
Relation Extraction and Experimental Evaluation.
Mining Diagnostie Text Reports by Learning to Annotate Knowledge Roles:
Introduction, Domain Knowledge and Knowledge Roles, Frame Semantics and Semantic
Role Labeling, Leaming to Annotate Cases with Knowledge Roles and Evaluations
A Case Study in Natural Language Based Web Search:
InFact System Overview, The Experience.

Extracting semantic relationships between entities mentioned in text documents is an important task in
natural language processing. The various types of relationships that are discovered between mentions
of entities can provide useful structured information to a text mining system
Traditionally, the task specifies a predefined set of entity types and relation types that are deemed to
be relevant to a potential user and that are likely to occur in a particular text collection.

For example,

Relevant relation types range from social relationships to roles that people hold inside an
organization, to relations between organizations, to physical locations of people and
Information Extraction System shown below takes the raw text of a document as its input, and
generates a list of (entity, (rela tion, entity) tuples as its output.
For example, given a document that indicates that " the company Georgia-Pacific is located in

Atlanta. it might generate the tuple ({ORG: Georgia- Pa cific'] 'in' [LOC
Atlanta ']).

raw text
pos-tagged sentonces
(ist of lists of tupies)

sentence entity
segmentation detection

.sentences chunked sentences

(list of strings) (list of trees)

tokenization relation
tokenized sentences
(list of lists of stnngs)

part of speech relations

(hist of tuples)

Pipeline Architecturefor an Information Extraction System

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RSIT

Raw Stnctures Relationship Evauation
DatasetsS Datasets Extraction Resuts
Teperation Methods

3.1 Approaches to relation extraction

These approaches differ in terms ofthe kind oflinguistic information they use:

1. Subsequence Kernels for Relation Extraction

In this approach each potential relation is represented implicitly asa vector of features, where each
feature corresponds to a word sequence anchored at the two entities forming the relationship. A relation
extraction system is trained based on the subsequence kernel from. This kernel is further generalized so
hat words can be replaced with word classes, thus enabling the use of information coming from POs

tagging, named entity recognition, chunking, or Wordnet

2. A Dependency-Path Kernel for Relation Extraction

n the second approach the representation is centered on the shortest dependency path between the wo
entities in the dependency graph of the sentence. Because syntactic analysis is essential in this method, its
applicability is limited to domains where syntactic parsing gives reasonable accuracy.

Steps to take features for supervised learning in relations between two named entities is
*The sequence of
words between the two entities
*The part of speech tags of these words
*Bag of words between the two words .
Sentence 1: "Rajesh is the owner of the company called, Seeland. "
Sentence 2: "Reeta owns the black building called Heena"

From these two sentences, the vocabulary is as

follows, assuming stop-words (i.e., the, is, of, etc.) are
removed, and that you split the sentence into individual 1okens:

vocabulary = fowner, company, called, owns, black, building

By using the raw frequency of each word or any standard approach find the vectors related to a
Sentence 1:{1, 7, 1,0, 0, 0}
Sentence 2: {0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}

3.2 Subsequence Kernels for Relation Extraction

A sentence matches the rule if and only if it satisfies the word constrainis in the given order and respects
the respective word gaps. Implicil features are seguences ofwords anchored at the two entity names.
S = a Word sequence

e bought... <e>...

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT

A sentence matches the rule ifand onlyifit satisfies the word constraints in the given order and respee
the respective word gaps.
x =an example sentence, containing s as a subsequence
Google has bought video-sharing website YouTube in a controversial $1.6 billion deal.

81 82=3 84 8=0

Words in square brackets separated by |' indicate disjunctive lexical constraints, i.e., one ofthe given
words must match the sentence at that position. The mumbers in parentheses between adjacent constraints
indicate the maximum number of unconstrained words allowed between the two

"-(7)interaction(0) [between | of] (5) <P> 19) <P> (17)."

3.2.1 Capturing Relation Patterns with a String Kernel

A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is one of the supervised learning methods that analyze data and
recognize patterns. SVMs construct a separating hyperplane in a high-dimensionalfeature space,
aiming at maximizing the separability. SVMs express the hyperplan in the original space usinga
small set of training vectors, called the support vectors. For a givenfinite set of learning patterns,
the optimum separation hyperplane is the linear classifier with maximum margin between the
positive and the negative samples. This hyperplane maximizes the margin of separation.
Considering two pattern classes that are linearly separable, we can have a set of N training samples
where the desired response is di +1 for vectors belonging to the first class,
and di

=-1 for the training vectors in the second class.

to a hyperplane
After defining a weight vector w and a bias b, the margin ofseparation corresponds
is the one where the values for w and b
given by w xi +b 0. The optimal margin ofseparation

which means that w 'xi + b20 for di +1 and wTxi +


are those that best separate the classes,

and at
b <0for di -1. tries to find a hyperplane that separates positive from negative examples

the same time maximizes the separation (margin) between them. This type of max-margin separator

both iheoretically and empirically to provide good generalization performance

has been shown
unseen examples.
between the associated vetors with two relation
Computing the dot-produt (kernel)
common anchored subsequences between the
examples amounts to calculating the mumber of
the dynamic programming algorithm used in the
sentences This is done efficiently by modifying constrained to contain the two
common sparse subsequences
string kernel from to account onlyfor
protein-name tokens.

down by utilizing the following property of natural language

The feature space is further pruned
between two entity mentions, it generally does this
statements: when a sentence asserts a relationship
using one of the following four

the two entity mentions are simultaneously used to

Fore-Between: words before and between
express the relationship.
<Pl> with <P2>,' activation of <P]> by <P2>
Examples: interaction of the relationship. Examples:
words between the two entities are essentialfor asserting
IB] Between: only
P ] > interacts with <P2>,' "<PI> is activated by
the two entity mentions are simultaneously used to
words between and after
BA] Between-After:
express the relationship.

CSE Department,RNSIT
Prof. A N Ramya Shree,
'<PI> and <P2>
Examples: '<P]> <P2> complex, them. Examples: U.S. troops (a Role

the two entity mentions have no words benween

M Modifier:
Staff relation), Serbian general (Role: Citizen).
between proteins,
sufficient to capture most cases of interactions
While the first three patterns are
noun-noun or adjecinve-
is needed to account for variouS relationships expressed through
last pattern
noun comnpounds in the newspaper corpora. beween xl and xz,
"anchored" subsequences
K(xl,x2)= p(xl) o (x2) is the mumber ofcommon
weighted by their total gap.
sequences Jormed
at least one content word and to optionally ignore
Many relations require
exclusively ofstop words and punctuation signs. programming procedure
version of the dynamic
Kernel is computed efficiently by a generalized

A Generalized Subsequence Kernel
22 the set of
could be the set ofwords,
Let 21, 22, 2k be some disjoint feature spaces.I

POS tags, etc. vector

vectors, where a feature
x Xk be the set of all possible feature
Let 2x EI x 22 x
. .

in a sentence.
would be associated with each position between
denote the number ofcommon features
Given twofeature vectors x, y EXx, let c(x, y)
X and y.

lets, t be two sequences the

denote the length of s sl..s|s
= The sequence sf iji] is
the finite set2x, and let |s|
contiguous subsequence si..j of s.
Let i =
i) be a sequence of li| indices in s,
(il, . .
in ascending order.
in s as i in Ii+I.
W e define the length l(i) of theindexsequence

Similarly, j is a sequence of i| indices in

of allpossiblefeatures. We say that the sequence
Let U= 2I U22 U.. UZk be the set
2+Uis a (sparse) subsequence fs if there is a sequence of |u| indices i such that u, ESix , Jor

all k = 1, .. |u|.
I and n, c(Si, ti,) returns the
Let i andj be index'sequences of lengthn. For every k between

mumber of commonfeatures between s and t at positions is andjk. Ifc(Si,, ti, )

0for some k, there =

n between sfi] and ti]. On the other hand, if c(sik, tjk)

are no common feature sequences oflength

is greater than 1, this means that there is more

than one common feature that can be used position

the number of common feature

k to obtain a common feature sequence of length n. Consequently,
n between sfil and ii] given by
sequences oflength
For sparse sub sequences, this
We use à as a decaying factor hat penalizes longer subsequences.
means that wider gaps will be penalized more, which is exactly the desired behavior.

Kn(s,t, ) =
i:|i=n j:|il=n k=1

K'n with a definition like Kn,

To enable efficient computation of Kn, we use the auxiliary function

the only ditference being that it counts the length from the beginning of the
subsequence u to the end
of the srings s and t. Whereu <si] means that the preference ofS ov
Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT
(a Rol

K.(s, t.A) =

2 2 -i

Computation of subsequence kernel

Ko(s,t) = 1, for all s,t

K(8,t) = 0, if min(|s|, |t|) < i

K,(s,0) 0, for all i, s


K (s, ty) = AK; (s, t) +*K,-1(s,t) c(z,v)

K(s,t) = Ak, (8,t) + K (sz, t)
Kn(s,t) = 0, if min(|s|, 1e|) < n

Kr(,t) =
K.(6,t) +K-(6,t[l:j 1) -


Computation ofrelation kernel

The relation kernel computes the mumber ofcommonpauerns between two sentences s and t, where the
set of patterns is restricted to the four ypes as Jor between, between, between after and modifier
Therefore, the kernel rK(s. ) is expressed as the suim offour sub kernels: JbK(s. ) counting the number
of common fore-between patterns, bKs, 9for between patterns, bak(s. ) for between-after patterns
and mK{s. ) for modifer paterns. is used there as a
The symboll shorthand for indicatorfunction,
which is 1 if the argument is true, and0otherwise.

S= X2

t = Y2

Sentence segments

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT

TK(s,t) =fbk(s, t) + bK(s,t)-+ baK(8,t) + mk(s,t)

bK)=K(%b.)- 1,0n) dersn)-

foK(s,t) =
K(s,t) Kt,t), 1i, 1S, 1tJ<Dna

bK(s.t)= )bK,(6,), 1sigbax

baK (s,t) = K(6,) K , ) , 1si 18j, i+j< banar

mK(s,t) 1(s, 0)-1(t =0).c(z1.n) dra.

= = 2+2

Computation of relation kernel.

3.3 A
Dependency-Path Kernel for Relation Extraction

S= Protesters seized several pumping stations , holding 127 Shell workers


S,= Troops recently have

raided churches. warning ministers to stop preaching.

Sentences as
dependency graphs.
Protesters seized
Protesters seized stations
stauo seized

workers ACE entity

holding workers
Protesters seized
holding k Protesters seized stations
stations seized

All relevant words forma shortest path between the two entities in a graph structure where edges
correspond to relations between a word (head) amd its dependents. showsthefull dependency graphs

Prof. A NRamya Shree,CSE Department,RNSTT

for two sentencesfrom the ACE (Aulomated Content Extraction) newspaper corpus. In whichwords
are represented as nodes and word-word dependencies are represented as directed edges.

A subset of these word-word dependencies captures the predicate-argument relations present in the
sentence. Arguments are connected to their target predicates either directly through an are pointing
to the predicale (troops raided). or indirectly through a preposition or infnitve particle
'warning 1o stop). Other types of word-word dependencies account for modifer-head
relationships present in adjective-noun compounds ('several stations'), moun-noun compounds
(pumping stations), or adverb-verb constructions ('recently -raided).

Word-word dependencies are iypically categorized in nwo classes as follows:

ILocal Dependencies] These correspond to local predicate-argument (or head modifier)

constructions such as iroops raided, or
pumping stations.

Non-local Dependencies/ Long-distance dependencies arise due to variouslinguistic eonatructions

such as coordination, extraction, raising and control. Among non-local dependencies are 'troops
warning', or 'ministers > preaching'.

The Shortest Path Hypothesis

el entities mentioned in the same sentence such that they are observed to be in a
f and e2 are two
relationship R, then the contribution ofthe sentence dependency graph to establishing the relationship R(el,
e2) is almost excusively concentrated in the shortest path beween el and e2 in the undirected version of

the dependency graph.

fentities el and e2 are arguments of the same predicate, then the shortest path between them will pass
through the predicate, which may be connected directly to the two entities, or indirectly through
a common argument, then the
Ifel and e2 belong to diferent predicate-argument structures that share
shortest path will pass through this argument. This is the case with the shortest path benween 'stations' and
workers passing through protesters,' which is an argument common to both predicates 'holding' and


the ACE corpus for the two sentences

The paths corresponding to the four relation instances encoded in
given below. All these paths support the Located relationship.
Shortest Path representation of relations

Relation Instance Shortest Path in Undireted Dependency Graph

S1:protesters AT stations protesters + seined +stations
S:workers AT stations Workersholding protesters +seize stations|

Sa:troops AT churches troops raided + churches

S.ministers AT churches ministers + warning - troops raided churches|

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT

Relation examples

0) He hnd no regrets for his actions in Brcko.

his actions - in -Brcko

to capture an alleged
2)U.S. troops today acted for the first time vans parked in the|
war criminal, rushing from unmarked
northern Serb-dominated city of Bijeljina.

from parked - in + City

OOps rushing - -vans

JeisSiC created atnosphere of terror at the camp by KIng

| an

abusing and threatening the detainees.

detainees killing t - Jelisic > created - at c a m p

att camP
detainees abusing -Jelisic > created -
created+at camp
aetalnees threatning -Jelisic -
camP at
detainees killing by -+ created
at - camnp
abusing -> by > created
detainees > threatening > by > created - at camp

Mining knowledge from text documents can benefit from using the structured information that comes from
entity recogition and relation extraction. However, accurately extracting relationships between relevant
entities is dependent on the gramularity and reliability ofthe required linguistic analysis. in this chapter, we
presented two relation extraction kernels that differ in terms of the amount of linguistic information they use.

Learning with Dependency Paths

The shortest path between two entities in a dependency graph offers a very condensed representation of the
information needed to assess their relationship. A dependency path is represented as a sequence of words
interspersed with arrows that indicate the orientation of each dependency.
The set of features can then be defined as a Cartesian product over words and word classes, as ilhustrated in
Figure 3.6 for the dependency path between and 'station' in sentence ST. n this
protesteYs representation
sparse or contiguous subsequences of nodes along the lexicalized dependency path (i.e., path fragments) are
included as features simply by replacing the rest of the nodes with their corresponding generalizations
Examples offeaturesgeneraledare "protesters seized- stations," "Noun- Verb - Noun," "Person
seized Facility," or "Person Verb Facility." The total number of features generated by this
dependency path is 4 x Ix3 x I x4

protesters stations
NNS seized NNS
Noun x]xVBDx
H]x Noun

Feature generation from dependency path.

For verbs and nouns (amd their respective word classes) occurring along a dependency path we also use an
additional suffix ()'to indicate a negative polarity item. In the case ofverbs, this sufis is used when the verb
for an atached anexiliary) is modified by a negative polarity adverb such as 'not' or 'never. "Nouwsgetne
negative suffix whenever they are modified by negative determiners such as no." neither or
example, the p h r a s e "He never went to P a r i s " is associated with the dependency path

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT

kernel SVMs to avoid working explicitly with high-dimensional dependency path feature vectors.
the dot-product (i.e., kernel) between two relation examples amounts to calculating the number of common
features (i.e., paths) between the two examples. If x = x l , x 2 . . Am and y = yl.y2.yn are two relation examples,

where x denotes the set of word classes corresponding to position i, then the number of common features
between x andy is computed as,

K(x,y) =
1(m =
n) ||da,)

where cxi, yi) [ri n yil is the number of common word classes benween xi and yi. This is a

sinmple kernel,
whose computation takes Ofn) time. If the two paths have
different lengths, they correspond to different ways
of expressing a relationship for instance, they may pass through a different number of predicate argument
structures. Consequently, the kernel is defined to be 0 in this case.

Otherwise, it is the product of the umber of common word classes at each position in the two paths. As an
example, let us consider two instances of the Located relationship, and their corresponding dependency paths:

1.hisactionsin Brcko' (his actionsin-Brcko).

2. his arrival in Beijing' (his arrival in
- - -
Their representation sequence of sets of word classes is
as a
given by:
1.x = [xl x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7], where xl = {his, PRP, Person), x 2 { } , x3= {actions, NNS, Noun}, x4 =

. x S = fin, IN}, x6 = { } , x7 = {Brcko, NNP, Noun, Locationj

2. yyl y2 y3 yd y5yó y?]. where y!

y 5 = fin, INJ.y6 = { - y 7
his, PRP, Persont, y2
{Beijing, NNP, Noun. Location)

{-}. y3 =farrival, NN, Noun). y4 =

thekerneliscomputed as K(x. y) = 3 x]xl x] x 2 x I x3 = 18.

Interaction Extraction from AIMed

AIMed corpus, which has been usedfor uraining the protein interaction extraction systems. Ii consists of 225
Medline abstracts, of which 200 are known to describe interactions hetween human proteins, while the other
25 do not refer to any interuction. There are 4084 protein references and around 100 tagged interactions in
this dataset. The following systems are evaluated on the task of retrieving protein interactions from AIMed
(assuming gold standard proteins)

/Manual): Performance ofthe rule-based system.

ELCS-Extraction using Longest Common Subsequences]: 10-fold cross-validated results as a Precision
Recall (PR) graph.

/SSK: The subsequence kernel is trained and tested on the same splits as ELCS To have a fair comparison
with the other two systems, which use only lexical information, and not use any word classes.

/SPK: This is the shortest path dependency kermel, using the head-modifier dependencies extracted by
Collins' sytactic parser. The kernel is trained and tested on the same 10 splits as ELCS and SSK.

The training part of this dataset consists of 422 documents, with a separate set of 97 documents reserved for
testing. This version of the ACE corpus contains three types of annotations: coreference, named entities and
relations. There are fve types of entities - Person, Organization, Facility, Location, and Geo-Political Entity

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT

Part, Located, Near, and Social
which can participate in five general, top-level relations: Role,
here are 7,646 intra-sentential relations, ofwhich 6,156 are in the training data and 1,490 in the test a

90 Manual
ELCS *****





40 *.**"***a ***vtar


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Recall %)
Precision-Recall curves for protein interaction extractors.

Relation Extraction from ACE

The two kernels are also evaluated on the task of extracting top-level relations from the ACE corpus, the
version used for the September 2002 evahuation. The training part of this dataset consists
of 422 documents,
with a separate set of 97 documents reserved for testing. This version
of the ACE corpus contains three types
of annotations: coreference, named entities and relations. There are five types of entities - Perso,
Organization, Facility, Location, and Geo-Political Entity - which can participate in five general, top-level
relations: Role, Part, Located, Near, and Social. In total, there are 7,646 intra-sentential relations of which
6,156 are in the training data and 1,490 in the test data.

Precision and recall values are reported for the task of extracting the five top-level relations in the ACE
under two different scenarios:

1] This is the classic setting: one multi-class SVM is learned to discriminate among the five top-level classes
plhus one more class for the no-relation cases.

IS2 One binary SVM is trained for relation detection, meaning that all positive relation instances are
combined into one class. The thresholded output of this binary classifier is used as training data for a second
multi-class SVM, trained for relation classification.
The shortest-path dependency kernels outperform the dependency kernel from in both scenarios

Prof. A N Ramya Shree, CSE Department,RNSIT


Extraction Performance on ACE.

(Scenario) Method|Precision Recall F-measurel

(S1)K4 70.3 26.3 38.0
(S1) SSK 73.9 35.2 47.7
(S1) SPK-CCG 67.5 37.2 48.0
(S1) SPK-CFG 71.1 39.2 50.5
($2) K4 67.1 35.0 45.8
($2)SPK-CCG 63.7 41.4 50.2
($2) SPK-CFG 65.5 43.8 52.5

2. Mining Diagnostic Text Reports by Learning to Annotate Knowledge

combined from several areas, including NLP, knowledge
In theproposed approach, we have cases with knowledge
and machine learning to implement a learning framework for annotating
engineering, allow the collection of empirical
retrieval of cases on demand,
roles. The annotations facilitate the Several processing
and can be formalized with the help of an ontology to also permit reasoning.
steps were required to achieve the goal of case
documents into XML format
a) transform the an

(b) extract paragraphs belonging to cases

(c) perform part-of-speech tagging8
(d) perform syntactical parsing
(e) transform the results into XML representation for mamual

D construct features for the learming algorithm

g) implement an active learning strategy.

Domain Knowledge and Knowledge Roles

Knowledge: Domain knowledge is knowledge ofa specific, specialized discipline orfield,

in contrast
to general (or domain-independent) knowledge. The term is often used in reference to a more general
are ofien regarded as specialists or experts in their field.
with domain
discipline. People kowledge
describing a software engineer who has general knowledge of computer programming
Example, in
well as domain knowledge about developing programs for a particular industry.

.Our domain of interest is predictive maintenance in the field of power engineering, more specificaly,
the maintenance of insulation systems of high-voltage rotating electrical machines. Since in many
domains it is prohibitive to allow faults that could result in a breakdown of the system, components of
the system are periodically or continuously monitored to lookfor changes in the expected behavior, to
undertake predictive maintenance actions when necessary.
I n the domain ofpredictive maintenance, two parties are involved: the service provider (the company
that has the know-how io perform diagnostic procedures and recommend predictive maintenance
their business agreement, the
actions) and the customer (the operator of the machine). As part of

Prof. A NRamya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT

Service provider submits to the customer an official diagnostic report. Such a report
predefined structure template and is written syntactically correct ana parsimonious language
A report is
organized into many sections: summary, reason for the imspecion, aala of the inspo
machine, list of performed tests anddmeasurements, evaluations
ofmeasurement and test results, ow
assessment, and recommendations, as well as several attachments wilh graphical plots
of mumeri.
measurements or photographs nerical
of damaged parts. The goal of our project is to mine the lext documen.
Jor relevant pieces of kmowledge acquired during diagnostic problem solving siluations. nts

At 1.90(= 30kV), an insulation breakdown The measured bypass currents arein a

occurred on the
upper bar of the slot
at the slot exit on the NDE side. The N°18,|atively high range indicating a certain sur-
break-|face conductivity. This is due the fact that
down indicates that the bar insulation is se- the motor was stored in cold area before
nously weakened. This may be caused by it
in- was moved to the high voltage
tense discharges due to a malfunction of the where the temperature and humidity was
slot anti-corona protection. much
higher so that a certain degree ofcondensation
could ocur on the surface of the winding

Excerpts from two evaluations of isolation current measurements.

Domain Concepts
Domain concepts are needed to
capture the knowledge expressed in the
applications, such as text
categorization documents. In some text mining
to the domain that could
be used as indices
information retrieval, the goal is often to discover terms
for organizing or retrieving information.
Indeed, the excerpts of
given in the above figure contain several
of such
protection, conductivity, or winding. Still, usingdomain-specific terms: insulation, discharge, slot anti-corona
these terms as indices or
documents does not contribute to the keywords for representing the
purpose of our intended application, which is to
supports diagnostic problem solving. find knowledge that

1) The calculated insulating resistance values in the safe

2) Compared to the last examination, lower values operating area.
for the insulating
ascertained, due to dirtiness atthe surface. resistance

Two sentences with the same domain concept shown in boldface.

In both sentences, the domain

concept insulating resistance is found, but
the second sentence is
interesting,because it describes a possible cause
froma diagnostic point of view only
domain concepts are needed to for lower values. Thus, more than
capture the knowledge expressed in the documents. Our solution to this problem
is to label the text with semantic
annotations expressed in terms
of knowledge roles.
Knowledge roles are abstract names that refer to the role a domain
knowledge task. Such tasks are, for example, diagnosis, assessment, concept plays
reasoning about a
monitoring, or
planning. When describing
diagnosis task, knowledge roles like finding, symptom, fault, parameter, or
hypothesis would be used

1) The calculated insulating resistance values lay in the safe operating area.
2) Compared to the last examination, lower values for the
insulating resistance
were ascertained, due to dirtiness at the surface.

Two sentences with the same domain concept shown in boldface.

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT


Knowledge Role Text Phrase

Observed Object: insulating resistance
lower values
Symptom: dirtiness at the surface

Knowledge roles for sentence

Frame Semantics and Semantic

Role Labeling
that describes a
theory, a framne is a "script-like conceptual structure
Frame Semantics: In frame semantics this theory, the
or event and the participants
involved in it". Based on

particular type of situation, object, by annotating text

an online lexical resourcefor the English language
Berkeley Framenet Project' is creating units (pairs offa
from the 100 million words British National Corpus.
The structure of a frame contains lexical well as
different syntactic dependents),
roles played by
word with its meaning), frame elements (semantic
annotated sentences for all lexical units that evoke theframe.

Frame Evidence
to a claim orproposed course
Definition: TheSupport, a phenomenon or fact, lends support expressed.
Domain.of.Relevance may also be
action, the Proposition, where the
argument.n, attest.v, confirm.v, contradict.v, corroborate.v, demonstrate. v, dis-|
Lexical units: argue.v,evidence.v, evince.v, from.prep, imply.v, indicate.v, mean.v, prove.v, reveal.v.
Prove.v, evidence.n,
v, testify. v, verify.v
show.v, substantiate.v, suggest.

Frame Elements: or proposed course of action to which the

Proposition [PRP]h5 I5 a belier, claim,
Support lends validity. to a daim, or that
Support is a fact that lends epistemic support
Support [SUP] provides a reason for a course of action.

REVEALED IPRP Sone inflammation].
|And IsuP sample tested]

t says that Isup rotation of partners) does not DEMONSTRATE IPRP independence].

Information on the frame Evidence from FrameNet.

Semantic Role Labeling

Annotation of text with frames and roles in FrameNet has been performed manmually by trained linguists. An
effort to handle this task automatically is being carried out by research in semantic role labeling. After
acknowledging the success' of information extraction systems that try to fill in domain specific frame-and-slot
text independently of the domain was
templates, the need for semantic frames that can capture the meaning of
expressed. The semantic interpretation of text in terms of frames and roles would contribute to many
well statistical
applications,like question answering, information extraction, semantic dialogue systems, as as

machine translation or automatic text summarization, and finally also to text mining.

Frames and Roles for Annotating Cases

The meaning of a word cannot be understood without access to all the knowledge that relates to that word. A
semanticframe is therefore defined as a coherent structure ofrelated concepts, without knowledge ofall of them,
we do not have complete knowledge of one of them. Each word is assumed to evoke a particular frame. For
example, the frame Commercial Transaction is connected to words such as buy, sell, goods, and money.

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT

he problem is to determine which frames to look for, given that there are currenily more than
Jrames in FrameNet. The key are the lexical units related to each
frame, usually verbs. Starting with th
gets to the frames and then to the associated roles. We initially look for the most frequent ve
corpus, and by consulting several sources. we connect
every verb with aframe, and iy to map between sem
roles in aframe and
knowledge roles we are interested in. One could also use the roles of FrameNet, bu
linguistically biased, and as such are not understandable by domain users that will annotate they
instances for learning (a domain user would traini
directly know to annotale.

Some phrases annotated with the role Cause.

German Phrase English Translation Frequency

leitende Verschmutzungen
influences of pollution 10
conducting pollutions
lonisation in Klemmenbereich ionization in the
äussere Entladungen terminal area 3
external discharges

Ifor every sentence with the frame Evidence the text annotated with
can then be processed further with other text Symptom and Cause is extracted, this text
mining techniques for
directly available in any of the analyzed texts. For example, one couldderiving domain knowledge, which is not
the most get answers to questions like, which are
frequent symptoms and what causes can explain them; what problems (i.e., causes) do
in a specific type
of machine, etc. Thus, such an annotation with frames and roles preprocesses appear frequently
text by generating
very informative data for text mining, and it can also be used in the original form for
information retrieval.
Information Extraction
Information extraction
(IE), oflen regarded as a restricted form of natural language
research in text understanding, predates
mining, although today, IE is seen as one of the techniques contributing to text
purpose of TE is very similar to what we are trying to achieve with role annotation. In is
mining. The
advance what information is needed, and part of text is extracted to usually known in
fill in slots of a predefined template. An
example, is the job posting template, where, from job posting announcements in Usenet, text to fill slots like:
title, state, city, language, platform, ete. is extracted and stored in a
database for simpler querying and retrieval.
Learning to Annotate Cases with Knowledge Roles
1.Document Preparation

The documents are official diagnostic reports hierarchically structured in several sections and subsections,
written by using MS-Word. Extracting text from such documents, while preserving the content structure, is a
dificult task. A program has been written which that reads the XML document tree and for each section with a
specified label (from the document template) it extracts the pure text and stores it in a new XML document, as
the excerpt in below figure. Based on such an XML representation, we create sub corpora of text containing
measurement evaluations of the same ype, stored as paragraphs ofone to many sentences.

The part-of-speech (POS) tagger (Tree?Tagger4) that we used [26] is aprobabilistic tagger with parameter files
for tagging several languages: German, English. French, or Italian. The more problematic isue is that of words
marked with the stem <unknown>

Prof. A N Ramya Shree, CSE Department,RNSIT


er Corpus

ic Tagging Parsing

Tree Representation

Statistics and


8 Learning

The Learning Framework Architecture.

section title="Heasur ements">

subsect ion
measurement title-"Visual_Control">
<submeasurement title-*0verhang_ Support">
Die Wickelkopf absttzung AS und NS befand sich in einem
/evaluat ion>
</submeasur ement

Excerpt of the XML representation of the documents.

Their POS is usually correctly induced, brut we are

specifically interested in the stem information. The two
reasonsfor an sunknown> label are:

a) the word has been misspelled

b) the word is domain specific, and as such not seen during the training of the tagger.
On the positive side, selecting the words with the <unknown> label directly creates the list of domain specific
words, useful in creating a domain lexicon. Before trying to solve the problem ofproviding stems for words with
the label. one should determine whether the stemming
information substantially contributes to the further
processing of text. Since we could not know that in advance, we manually provided stems for all words labeled
as. Then, during the learning process we performed a set of experiments, where:

a) no stem information at all was used

b) all words had stem information (tagger + manually created list of stems).

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT

yntactical parsing is one of the most ortant steps in the learning framework since. the produced pars rec
input for the reation offeatures used for learning. Since we are interested getting qualitati
as n
results, three different parse. are used and they are: the Stanford parser (Klein 2005), the BitPar D
the str
Sleepy parser. What these parsers have in common is that they all are based on
r e grammars
(PCFG) trained on the same corpus of German, Negru7 (or its supersetTigerk abilistie
Stanford Parser The Stanford parser is an ambitious project that lackles lhe task of generating n
rees Jrom unlabeled parse
data independently of the language. For the moment, ne parser is
distributed win
parameter files for parsing English, German, and Chinese. We tested the parser on our data and noticnd
that the POS
tags were ofien erroneousBy induced (in the sentence wilh only 8 words
resulted in erroneous of), which th
parse trees. But, in those when the tagging
cases was
pejormed correctly,
parse trees were also correct.
trained in the part
Still, the parser could not parse long sentences, perhaps since it the
of the Negra corpus with sentences having up to 10 was
words. Tiying ihe parser with lono
English sentences instead, produced excellent results. We concluded that at this phase
the Stanford parser could not be used with our corpus of German sentences that
up to 18 words per sentence. contain an
average of
BitPar Parser This parser is composed of two parts, the
etc.).Published experimental results claim robustitsel and, the parameter
rules, lexicon, parser files (chart
sophisticated annotation and transformation performance, due to the use of
the parser is that its schemata for modeling grammars. Another
lexicon can be extended very
tags, their frequency ecounts in easily with triples of domain dependentadvantage
corpus, thus avoiding the
parsers. These tagging errors
damage the parse results, as
lagging errors bypical for unlexicalized
parser. Our critique for the described can be seen from the results of the
BitPar is that it
usually Stanford
other parsers and the
annotation of nodes
produces trees with more nodes than the
appropriate for creating features for learning. contains specialized linguistic information, not very
Sleepy Parser This parser has been
statistical parser like the specifically tuned for the German language, and while it is
others, it uses different annotation schemas and
functions (SB-subject, OC-clausal incorporates
between terms. In contrast to the two
object, MO-modifier, HD-head, etc) or long-distance grammatical
other parsers, it also has a dependencies
contributes to more accurate tagging resultshighly
POS tags [8], which tuned suffix
than the other
analyzer for guessing
domain-dependent words are not always correctly tagged. parsers, although some
very long sentences. Erroneous parsing is also
encountered for
4.Choosinga Parser
All the tested
parsers make errors during parsing. In the end, the
parser were speed and output criteria which we based our choice
the log value information. Sleepy was the fastest and haduponthe most
of the
expressing the likelihood of informative output (it prints
Choosing a parser upon these criteria instead the it labels most nodes with their
Our of accuracy of parsing could be grammatical
justification is that a metric to
measure the
accuracy of parsing on new data does regarded as inappropriate.
These parsers have all been trained not exist.
on the same
point where their results are almost the same. corpus, and at least the
two German
Thus, parsers tuned up to the
equal, and accuracy is not a criterion for
priori their expected accuracy in a new corpus should be
accuracy of the parse trees and their choosing one over the other. Given the
presumed difficulty of evalhuating the
similarity, we based the choice of parser
contributed most 1o our task, on the
qualities that
nanmely speedand informative output.

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE

se tree 5.Tree Representation
arandsing The bracketed parse tree and the stem information of tagging serve as inputfor the step of creating a tree dat
structure. The tree is composed of terminals (leaf nodes) and non-terminals (internal nodes), all of them known
istic as constituents ofthe tree. For export purposes as well as for performing exploration or annotation ofthe corpus.
the tree data structures are stored in XML Jormat, according to a schema defined in the TigerSearch 10 tool

The created tree, when visualized in Tiger Search, looks like the one shown in helow figure. The terminals are
labeled with their POS tags and contain the corresponding words and stems; the inside nodes are labeled with
their phrase types (NP, PP., etc.); and the branches have labels, too, corresponding to the grammatical functions
of the nodes.



Unregelnassagketen e au ene mer kortnuerichepanugseung hindeuten


Urregaimassigket d au sin richt me kantinuierich Spang-Steuenng n ica-Kopt-Breich ndeuten

Representation of a parsed tree in the TigerSearch tool.

6. Feature Creation

Features are created from the parse tree of a sentence. Afeature vector is created for every constituent of the
tree, containing some features unique 1o the constituent, some features common to all constituents of the
sentence, and some others calculated with respect to the target constituent (the predicate verb). In this
subsestion, we list thefeatures used in our system and give examplevahuesfor theleafnode Spannungssteuerung
of the parse tree in abovefigwe. fa sentence has several clauses where each verb evokes a frame, the feature
vectors are calculated for each evokedframe separately and all the vectors participate in the learning

To perform the manual annolation, the Salsa annotation tool (publicly available) is used. The Salsa annotation
tool reads the XML representation of a parse tree and displays it as shown in below figure. The user can add
frumes and roles as well as to attach them to a desired target verb. In the example of figure the target verb
hindeuten (point to) evokes the frame Evidence, and three of its roles have been assigned to constituenis of the
tree. Such an assignment can be easily performed using point-and-click. Afier this process, an element is added
to the XML representation ofthe sentence, containing information about the frame

Pref. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT


C one no ymore contuous seng d voage i n n g o hao s po

Annotation with roles with the Salsa tool.

8.Active Learning
Kesearch in IE has
indicated that using an active learning approach
advantages over other approaches for acquiring labels Jrom a human annotator
steps: of selecting instances for labeling. Ihe stralegy
consisis of the following
a) Divide the
corpus in clusters of sentences with
g7ven threshold, the same target verb. fa
group sentences with verbs cluster has fewer sentences
evoking the same frame into the same than a
b) Within each
cluster, group the sentences chuster
(or clauses) with the same
Select sentences from the parse subtree together.
largest groups of tlhe largest chusters and
d) Bootstrap
initialization: apply the labels present
them to the userfor annotation.
tree. assigned by the user to groups of with the same sentences
parse sub-
e) Train all the
unlabeled sentences. of committee on the labeled
instances; apply each trained
) Get a pool of instances classifier to the
where the
belonging to sentences from the next classifiers of the committee disagree and
largest chusters not yet manually present to the user the instances
g Repeat steps d)-) labeled.
afew times until a desired
accuracy of classification is
Steps a), b), c): In these achieved.
the intention steps, statistics about the
be selected.
of capturing its syntactical structure of the
underlying distribution, so that corpus are created, with
Step d): This step has been
representative instances for labeling can
regarded as applicable to our
corpus, due to the nature
of the text.
Ipp Im
Nutaustrittsbereich] wurden
In the INp stärkere
signs ofGlimmentladungsspuren]
area of slot erit stronger
PP Bei den corona festgestellt.
At the
Endkeilen] wurde [NP ein discharges were detected.
ausreichender Verkeildruck]
terminals' end a suficient festgestellt.
pp An der wedging pressure was
Schleifringbolofzenislipsolation) wurden Ip mechanische detected.
On the insulation
rings mechanical Beschädigungen] festgestellt.
pp Im Wickel kopfbereich] wurden
damages were detected.
In the
inding head area 8grosflächige
Decklackablätterungen] festgestellt.
ettensive chappings of the top
coating were
Examples of sentences with the
same structure.
Prof. A N Ramya Shree, CSE
for theframe Observation evoked by the verb, the assigned roles are in all cases: NP-Finding P
Observed Object. Thus, to bootstrup (Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed a
responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. lt contains Cascading Style Sheet- and JavaScript-based desig
templates for typography. forms, butons, navigation, and other interface components.)initialization, we assign
the same roles to sentences with the same sub-tree as the manualy labeled sentences.

Step e): The committee of classifiers consists ofa maximum entropy (MaxEnt) classifier from Mallet).
a Winnow classifierfrom SNoW, and a memory-based learner (MBL) from TiMBL. For the MBL, we
selected k=5 as the mumber of the nearest neighbors. The classification is performed as follows: if at
least two classifiers agree on a label, the label is accepted. Ifthere is disagreement, the cluster oflabels
from the five nearest neighbors is examined. f the cluster is not homogenous (i.e., it contains different
labels), the instance is inchuded in the set of instances to be presented to the user for maual labeling.

Step f): 1f one selects new sentencesfor manual annotation only based on the output ofthe
based classifier, the risk ofselecting outlier sentences is high. Thus, from the instances' set created by
the classifier, we select those belonging to large chusters not manuallylabeled yet.

A Case Study in Natural Language Based Web Search- InFact

InFact, a natural language search engine that combines the speed of keyword search with the power
of natural language processing. InFact performs clause level indering and offers a full spectrum of
functionality that ranges from Boolean keyword operators to lingisticpattern matching in real time,
which incude recognition of syntactic roles, such as subject/objet and semantic categories, such as

people and places. A user of our search can navigate and retrieve information based on an
understanding of actions, roles, and relationships. Informatjon retrieval on the Web today makes little
use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. Better understanding and increased search
power depend on better parameterization of text content in a search engine index.

InFact relies on a new approach to text parameterization that captures many inguistic attributes
ignored by standard inverted indices. Examples are syntactic categories (parts of speech). syntactical
roles (such as subject. objects, verbs, prepositional constraints, modifiers, etc.) and semantic
categories (such as people, places, monetary amounts, etc.). Correspondingly, at query time, there are
explicit or implicit search operators that can match, join, orfilter results based on this rich assortment
oftags. InFact has been the search behind the site (
Users of the site can perform keyword searches, navigate results by action themes, or enter explicit
semantic queries. An analysis of query logs demonstrates that all these non-standard information
discovery processes based on NLP have become increasingly popular over the frst six months of

InFact System Overview

InFact consists of an indexing and a search module. With reference to the given figure indexing
pertains to the processing flow on the bottom of the diagram. InFact models text as a complex
multivariate object usinga unique combination of deep parsing, linguistic normalization, and
efficient storage. The storage schema addresses the fundamental difficulty of reducing information
contained in parse trees into generalized data structures that can be queried dynamically.
ln addition, InFact handles the problem of linguistic variation by mapping complex linguistic
structures into semantic and syntactic equivalents. This representation supports dynamic relationship
and event search, information extraction and pattern matching from large document collections in
real time.

Prof. A N Ramya Shree, CSE Department,RNSIT

WEB BROWSER p a r s e r

g r a m m


sEARCH an o



owoLoocA OATO


InFact's Indexing
performs in order: 1) document
processing, 2) clause processing, and 3) linguistic normalization.
Document Processing
Thefirst step in document
converters, or optionally via search
is format conversion, which we handle
export conversion through native format
can convert 370
different input file types. Customized software from Stellant TM
(, which
recognized zones withineach document. Customized document parsers can process disparate styles and
may not be the basic unit document address the issue that a Web
of content, but it may consist of parsers sections page
relationships and metadata. separate with an
set of
For instance, a
blog post may contain blocks
of text with different dates and
automaticaly recognize variations from
style template, and segment topics.
a common
The challenge is to
match zones in the source
documents, the relevant section can be
so information in the index to
apply logicfor sentence splitting in displayed in response to a
query. Next,
unambiguously recognize sentencepreparation for clause processing.
delimiters and recognize Challenges here inchude the ability
unsuitable for deep parsing. Last, we extract regions such as lists or tables that
then entered in the index. morphological stems and compute frequency counts, which are are

Clause Processing
The indexing service takes the' output
of the sentencee
splitter and
sentence may consist of multiple clauses. Unlike traditional feeds it to a deep linguistic parser. A
distributions, InFact performs clause level models that store only term frequency
and grammatical constructs, indexing and captures syntactic category and
roles for each term,
relationships, and inter-clause links that enable it to understand
strong differentiator of our approach to events. One
information extraction is that we create these indices automatically,
without using predefined extraction rules, and
capture all information, not just predefined paterns. u r

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT

parser performs a full constituency and dependency analysis, extracting part-0f-speech (POS) tags nd
grammatical roles for all tokens in every clause. In the process, tokens undergo grammatical stemming d
an optional, additional level of tagging. Next, we capture inter-clause links, through:
1) explicit tagging ofconjunctions or pronouns that provide the link between the syntactic structures
for two adjacent clauses in the same sentence
2) pointing to the list ofannotated keywords in the antecedent and following sentence.
In addition, appositive clauses are recognized, split into separate clauses, and cross-referenced to the parent
clause. Each term in each clause is assigned a syntactic category or POS tag (e.g, noun, adjective, etc.) and
a grammatical role tag (eg. subject, object, etc.). InFact then tilizes these linguistic tags to extract
relationships that are normalized and stored in an index.

Linguistic Normalization
Normalization raules are applied at the syntactic, semamtic, or even pragmatic level Our approach to
coreferencing and anaphora resolution make use ofsyntactic agreement andlor binding theory constraints,
as well as modeling ofreferential distance, syntactic position, and head noun. Bindingtheory placessyntactic
restrictions on the possible coreference relationships between pronouns.
As part of the normalization process, transformational grammar applied to,map multiple surface structures
into an equivalent deep structure. A common example is the normalization ofa dependency structure
clause. At the more
involving a passive verb form into the active, and recognition of the deepsubjectof such
pragmatic level, we apply rules to normalize composite verb expressions, capture explicit and implicit
verbalize noun or in cases where they convey action sense in preference to the
negations, or to
governing verb ofa clause.

structure that usually does not lend itself to a
The output of a deep parser is a complex augmented tree
tractable indexing schema for cross-document search. Therefore, we have developed a set of rules for
into scalable data storage structure. In a dependency tree,
converting an augmented tree representation

every word in the sentence

is a modifier of exactly one other word (called its head), except the head word of
the sentence, which does not have a head. We use a list of tuples to specify a dependency tree with the
following format:
Antecedent [Atributes)
(Label Modifier Root POS Head-label Role
where: Label is aunique umericID; Modifier is a term in the sentence; Root is the root form (or category)
label is the ID of the term that modifier modifies; Role
of the modifier; POS is its lexical category; Head such subject, complement, etc;
specifies the type of dependency relationship
between head and modifier, as

Atributes is the list of semanticattributes that may be

Antecedent is the antecedent of the modifier;
associated with the modifier, e.g.. person's name, location, time, nmumber, date, etc. We model our storage
structures afier the general notion ofsubject-action-object
triplets, as shown in figure below.

Prof. A N Ramya Shree, CSE Department,RNSIT

Preponidonal Phrase

Subject Action Object

Subject Modifñer Action Modifier Object Modifer

The Subject-Action-Object indexing structure.

InFact stores the normalized

triplets into dedicated index structures that

optimized for efficient keyword search
optimized for efficient cross-document retrieval ofarbitrary classes of relationships or events
store document metadata and additional ancillary linguistic
by metadata constraints (e.g., author, date range), or by
variablesforfiliering ofsearch results
linguistic attributes (e.g, retrieve negated
actions, search subject modifier field in addition to primary subject in'a relationship search)
(optionally) superimposes annotations and taxonomical dependencies from a custom ontology or
knowledge base.
Unlike keyword search engines, InFact
employs a highly expressive query language (1QL or InFact Query
Language) that combines the power of grammatical roles with the flexibility of Boolean
operators, and
allows users to search for actions, entities,
relationships, and events. InFact represents the basic relationship
between two entities with an expression
of the kind: Subject Entity > Action Object Entity.
The arrows in the query refer to the
directionality of the action, which could be either uni-directional (as
above) or bi-directional.
F o r example, Entity 1Action Entity2 will retrieve all relationships
2, regardless of their roles as subject or object of the action. involving Entity and Entity l

Wildcards can be used for any grammatical role. For

instance, the query "*> eat > cake" will retrieve
a list
ofanybody or anything that eats a cake; and a query like "John> *> Jane" will retrieve a list
of all uni-directional relationships between John and Jane. InFact also supports the notion of entity
InFact comes with a generic ontology that includes [Location), [Person], [Organization). [Numeric) as
the four main branches. Entity types can be
organized hierarchically in a taxonomy
InFact query language, we can search for:

Any relationships involving an entity of interest

"George Bush <> * <> * " will retrieve any events involving "George Bush" as subject or onject

Relationships between two entities or entity types

query "China <> * <> Afghan* " will retrieve all relationships between the two couniries

Events involving one or more entities or types

Prof. A N Ramya Shree, CSE Department,RNSTIT



|country/ will retuurn all instances of the Pope visiting a country.



Events involvinga certain action type "Action types" are groups ofsemanticalylinked actions.

query "[Person) Communication> [Person]" will retrieve all events involving

communication between two people.

We can alsofilter search results by specifying document-level constraints, including:

Document meladata lags- lists of returned actions, relationships or events are restricted to documents
that contain the specified metadata vaues
Boolean keyword expressions - lists of returned actions, relationships or events are restricted to

documents that contain the specified Boolean keyword expressions.

InFact can also support synonyms and query expansion via custom ontologies. In this case, InFact will
node. The
automatically recognize the equivalence ofentities or actions that belong to the same ontology
InFact Query Language rests on a flexible Java Search API. The Java Search API allows us to
programmatically concatenate search operators, package and present them to the end user through a

simpler interface

Architecture and Deployment-Infact








Architectural oveview of InFact.

We designed both indexing and search as parallel distributed services. Above

deployment scenario, with an indexing service on the left and a search service figure shows a typical
on the
node in each of the diagrams would is a dual right. A typical
processor (e.g., 2.8+GHz Xeon 10) machine with
4GB of RAM and two 120GB drives

Prof. A N Ramya Shree, CSE Department,RNSIT

The ndexing Service (left) processes documents in parallel.
documents from external web servers. Multiple index workers can run on
n each node access
each node.
worker performs all he "Annotation Engine " analyses. Each
An index manager orchestrates the indexing process across
many index workers. Theresiesults
analyses are stored in temporary indices in the index workers. At configurable intervals, th
manager orchestrates the merging of all temporary indices into the partition index compone
partition index hosts the actual disk based indices used for searching nents
h e contents
of a document corpus are broken up into one or more subsets that are each stored.
a partition index. The system supports multiple partition indices: the exact number will depend
corpus size, number of queriesper second and desired response time.
ndices are queried in parallel and are heavily 10 bound. Partition indices are attached to the leat
of the Search Service on the right. In addition to storing results ina temporary index, index
workers can also store the raw
results of parsing in a Database Management System (DBMS).
The database is used almost
exclusively to restore a partition index in the event of index corruption.
Data storage
requirements on the DBMS range between 0.5 and 6x corpus size depending on which
recovery options for the InFact system are enabled.
n the portal, we currently need only four nodes to support a user community 100,000
against a corpus of several GB of international news of
articles, which are updated daily basis.
The Experience is the most authoritative online destination for those in need of both reliable
background information and breaking news's unique positioning enables it to reach both a
targeted and large diversified
The content
of the website is updated hourly, as 'events around the world
coverage of complicated issues.
develop. providing in depth
The breadth and depth of information on the site ensures a loyal repeat audience. This is
by's unique visibility in the mass media, which drives additional supplemented
T h e director of growth". John Pike, regularly provides commentary and analysis on space
and security issues to PBS, CNN,
MSNBC, Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC, NPR, and mumerous print and
online publications.
In powering this site, InFact
serves the
iformation search needs of a well-established user community
of100,000, consisting of news reporters, concerned citizens, subject matter experts, senior leaders, and
junior staf and interns

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT

ess so
ach ind 25

ts of al GlobalSecurity.orgtaucten tHomeLeans Travel eatured Sponsor

ts. A
Search I Histor I tela I Contacs
Io uL n Eact Saarch


D Tip: view facts involving blackhawk and: Combat ItsUsage/oparation Locations MHRare
oraenizatiens Monex
Document search resuts 1 20 of about 11,550: Page 1 of $78 Maxt

Sikorsky ^-20 [ntenational Black Haw
SkorskyS-70 Intematona Black Hawk. The Sikersky S-70 family of helicopters, designated the H-60 in
US miktary use htn - 15KB Cached

Drectos, operabona TestActivity,
& Evaluation .Fr98 Annual Report. Fro8 Annual Report. UH-60 BLACKHAWK.
Army ACAT IC Programéa. htmi 15KB -Cached

Results for the search keyword-Black Hawk

Usability Considerations
In deploying InFact on the site, our goal was to serve the information needs of a wide
community ofusers, the majority of which are accustomed to straightforward keyword search. Therefore, on this
site, by default, InFact acts as a keyword search engine. However, we also started experimenting with ways to
progressively migrate users awayfrom keyword search and towards natural language search or fuct seurch."

Analysis of Query Logs

We wish to quantify the relative popularity ofnatural language (Fact) search versus keyword search. In addition,
we wish to compare the relative success of alternative strategies we adopted to overcome usability issues. This
study oflog data reflects four ways users submit a natural language query to InFact:

1) they click on the Hat Search link.

2) they click on a keyword tip.

3) they click on an example in the Query Generator or Help page.

4) they attempt to type an explicit relationship orfact search using the IQL synta

Prof. A N Ramya Shree,CSE Department,RNSIT

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