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NSE - National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.


NCFM Model Test Paper

Macroeconomics for Financial Markets Module

Maximum Marks: 100 Test Duration: 120 minutes Pass Marks: 60 Time Left: 359:20 minutes

The Forward Markets Commission (FMC) regulates ______ markets.   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) equity
Q1 (b) cash
(c) finance
(d) commodities
(e) I am not attempting the question
Governments raise resources mostly using ______.   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) incentives
Q2 (b) coersion
(c) dictats
(d) taxes
(e) I am not attempting the question
_______ is a measure of the extent to which the creation of money in the banking system causes the growth in the
money supply to exceed growth in the monetary base.   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) Cash multiplier

Q3 (b) Money multiplier
(c) Finance multiplier
(d) Income multiplier
(e) I am not attempting the question
The overall _______ for a country in a given year is the sum of the surplus/ deficits of current and capital accounts.
  [ 2 Marks ]

(a) Balance on revenue account

Q4 (b) Balance on capital account
(c) Balance of Payments
(d) Balance of recurring account
(e) I am not attempting the question
"When interest rates go down, prices of fixed interest bonds ?"   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) Remain unchanged

Q5 (b) Go down
(c) Go up
(d) I am not attempting the question
"Resources are scarce, while human wants are _______. "   [ 1 Mark ]

Q6 (a) unlimited
(b) limited
(c) I am not attempting the question
A well functioning legal and a stable political system is essential for markets to operate efficiently.   [ 1 Mark ]

Q7 (a) FALSE
(b) TRUE
(c) I am not attempting the question
"_______ directly adds to production capacity in the host country and, other things remaining the same, contributes
to capital formation and employment generation in the host country."   [ 2 Marks ]
(a) Greenfield ECP

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(b) Greenfield FPI

(c) Greenfield ECB
(d) Greenfield FDI
(e) I am not attempting the question
The ________ is measured at regular intervals and changes in the index are an indicator of the average price
movement of a fixed basket of goods and services (that represent the entire economy).   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) inflation index

Q9 (b) stock price index
(c) deflation index
(d) price index
(e) I am not attempting the question
Usages of commodities as the medium of exchange in the early days and measure of value correspond to what we
presently call ______.   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) Cash'
Q10 (b) Exchange'
(c) ?Money?
(d) Coins'
(e) I am not attempting the question
Share capital is a source of funds for commercial banks.   [ 1 Mark ]

Q11 (a) TRUE

(c) I am not attempting the question
_______ are instruments used by foreign investors not registered with the Indian regulators for taking an exposure in
the domestic market.   [ 3 Marks ]

(a) International Notes (INs)

Q12 (b) Participatory notes (PNs)
(c) Credit Notes (CNs)
(d) Promissory Notes (PNs)
(e) I am not attempting the question
"__________ tells us about what determines level of output in an economy, how are employment and prices
determined; how money supply affects rate of interest"   [ 2 Marks ]

Q13 (a) Macroeconomics

(b) Microeconomics
(c) I am not attempting the question
"The Reserve Bank of India was established on April 1, 1935 under the _______, which was passed in the year 1934. "
  [ 1 Mark ]

(a) Reserve Bank of India Act

Q14 (b) Bank of India Act
(c) Finance Act
(d) Banking Regulator Act
(e) I am not attempting the question
Using GDP estimates at ______ prices helps us eliminate the effects of price level changes on the GDP.   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) minimum
Q15 (b) fluctuating
(c) maximum
(d) constant
(e) I am not attempting the question
The wholesale price inflation is also called the ______ inflation   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) advanced
(b) basic
(c) headline

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(d) timeline
(e) I am not attempting the question
"________ expenditure involves routine government expenditure, which does not create any asset for the
government. "   [ 3 Marks ]

(a) Recurring
Q17 (b) Capital
(c) Depreciation
(d) Revenue
(e) I am not attempting the question
Commercial banks through their fractional reserve system also help create _____ in the economy.   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) buffer
Q18 (b) money
(c) liquidity
(d) positivity
(e) I am not attempting the question
"When a country sells its domestically produced goods and services abroad, the country is said to be ______. "   [ 1
Mark ]

Q19 (a) ?exporting?

(b) importing'
(c) I am not attempting the question
The issuer of Currency in India is the ________.   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) IRDA
Q20 (b) SEBI
(c) FMC
(d) RBI
(e) I am not attempting the question
"Trade among developed countries could not be explained by absolute advantage. To explain this, David Ricardo
propounded the law of _______."   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) recovarable advantage

Q21 (b) relative advantage
(c) theoritical advantage
(d) comparitive advantage
(e) I am not attempting the question
The essence of ________ is to explore ways to optimize the use of scare resources and to organize the society in a
way that leads to the most efficient use of those resources.   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) Maths
Q22 (b) History
(c) Economics
(d) Geography
(e) I am not attempting the question
______ implies adjusted for inflation.   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) """Positive"""
Q23 (b) """Unreal"""
(c) ?Real?
(d) """Negative"""
(e) I am not attempting the question
"While _______ price inflation is more popular in India, the Consumer Price Index is a popular measure in developed
nations like USA, UK. "   [ 3 Marks ]

Q24 (a) food

(b) consumer
(c) market

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(d) wholesale
(e) I am not attempting the question
"While wheat becomes an ingredient for producing the bread, the oven is only a tool to produce it. Such goods are
called _____ Goods."   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) Producing
Q25 (b) Revenue
(c) Production
(d) Capital
(e) I am not attempting the question
Every business enterprise involves _____.   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) risk
Q26 (b) assured profits
(c) sure losses
(d) windfall gains
(e) I am not attempting the question
A paper currency note does not have any intrinsic value or value of its own. Such type of money is called ______.   [
2 Marks ]

(a) """cash money"""

Q27 (b) """flat money"""
(c) ?fiat money?
(d) "real money"""
(e) I am not attempting the question
"There have however been exceptions, when there have been sustained decline in the price level of goods and
services. This phenomenon is called ______. "   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) counter inflation

Q28 (b) inflation
(c) hyper-inflation
(d) deflation
(e) I am not attempting the question
Gift tax is an example of ______.   [ 2 Marks ]

Q29 (a) Direct tax

(b) Indirect tax
(c) I am not attempting the question
Capital goods tend to have a ______ lifetime.   [ 2 Marks ]

Q30 (a) finite

(b) infinite
(c) I am not attempting the question
The financial market for securities with maturities of less than one year is known as _______.   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) derivatives market

Q31 (b) cash market
(c) money market
(d) Rupee market
(e) I am not attempting the question
"In economics, the resources which are used to produce goods and services are called _______. "   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) ?factors of products?

Q32 (b) ?factors of production?
(c) ?factors of productivity?
(d) ?factors of produce?
(e) I am not attempting the question

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_____ are sales and purchases of government securities or bonds.   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) IMOs
Q33 (b) SMOs
(c) OMOs
(d) LMOs
(e) I am not attempting the question
_____ is the rate at which the central bank offers refinance to the commercial banks.   [ 3 Marks ]

(a) Level rate

Q34 (b) Interest rate
(c) Duration
(d) Bank rate
(e) I am not attempting the question
_______ receipts include tax and non-tax revenue received by the government.   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) Fiscal
Q35 (b) Revenue
(c) Internal
(d) External
(e) I am not attempting the question
M1 + time deposits with the banking system =   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) M3
Q36 (b) M2
(c) M1
(d) M4
(e) I am not attempting the question
"By taxing the income of the rich at a much higher rate than the income of the poor, the government attempts to
reduce income inequality."   [ 1 Mark ]

Q37 (a) TRUE

(c) I am not attempting the question
"Under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the RBI has been vested with extensive powers of supervision and control
over banks."   [ 1 Mark ]

Q38 (a) TRUE

(c) I am not attempting the question
A country is said to be running a positive trade balance when its exports ______ its imports.   [ 1 Mark ]

Q39 (a) exceed

(b) is less than
(c) I am not attempting the question
____ is conventionally thought of in terms of branch plant or subsidiary company operations that are controlled by
parent companies based in another country.   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) FDI
Q40 (b) FPI
(c) ECB
(d) ECP
(e) I am not attempting the question
"No single commodity will give us correct picture of the general price increase in the economy. So, we must create a
______ by taking into account either all the commodities in the economy or a basket of sufficiently large number of
commodities that broadly represent the economy. "   [ 1 Mark ]
(a) deflation index
(b) stock price index
(c) price index

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(d) inflation index

(e) I am not attempting the question
_______ typically refers to the use of borrowed funds to increase returns on any given investment.   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) """Float"""
Q42 (b) """Deleverage"""
(c) """Margins"""
(d) ?Leverage?
(e) I am not attempting the question
______ is a comprehensive measure of a country's overall economic output.   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) GDP
Q43 (b) ADP
(c) MDP
(d) LDP
(e) I am not attempting the question
M1 + saving deposits with Post office savings banks =   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) M5
Q44 (b) M3
(c) M4
(d) M2
(e) I am not attempting the question
One of the important characteristics of the financial markets is that it is a source of _______.   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) zero risk

Q45 (b) systemic risk
(c) known risk
(d) absolute risk
(e) I am not attempting the question
Household savings is composed of both _______ and _______ savings.   [ 3 Marks ]

(a) "real, financial"

Q46 (b) "financial, physical"
(c) "cash, real"
(d) "liquid, physical"
(e) I am not attempting the question
"Labour, capital and land are considered to be __________. "   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) ?factors of production?

Q47 (b) ?factors of products?
(c) ?factors of productivity?
(d) ?factors of produce?
(e) I am not attempting the question
Demand-pull inflation simply means that aggregate demand has been _______ above what the economy is capable of
producing in the short run.   [ 3 Marks ]

(a) pushed'
Q48 (b) ?pulled?
(c) transcended'
(d) shot'
(e) I am not attempting the question
The ________ measures economic activity by adding all the incomes received by all the producers of output.   [ 3
Marks ]

Q49 (a) expenditure approach'

(b) ?income approach?
(c) I am not attempting the question

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The Inflation at any given time is measured by computing the percentage changes in the _______ at that point of
time over the index prevailing one year previously.   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) price index

Q50 (b) stock price index
(c) deflation index
(d) inflation index
(e) I am not attempting the question
The insurance sector regulator in India is the ______.   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) IRDA
Q51 (b) FMC
(c) SEBI
(d) RBI
(e) I am not attempting the question
"To know whether there has been a genuine increase in economic activity and by how much, GDP measures need to
be taken at _____ prices (that is, the price level of a particular year). "   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) maximum
Q52 (b) fluctuating
(c) constant
(d) minimum
(e) I am not attempting the question
_______means that the country is buying goods and services that have been produced abroad.   [ 1 Mark ]

Q53 (a) Exporting

(b) Importing
(c) I am not attempting the question
"The ______ revenue of the Union Government includes administrative receipts, net contribution of public sector
undertakings including railways, posts, currency and mint and other revenues."   [ 2 Marks ]

Q54 (a) tax

(b) non-tax
(c) I am not attempting the question
Inflation is the _____ of price increase.   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) difference
Q55 (b) rate
(c) sum
(d) dispersion
(e) I am not attempting the question
A ______ system will only work only if two persons can be found whose disposable possessions mutually suit each
other's wants.   [ 1 Mark ]

(a) payout
Q56 (b) trade
(c) transfer
(d) barter
(e) I am not attempting the question
FDI stands for ______.   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) Foreign Derived Income

Q57 (b) Foreign direct investment
(c) Foreign Derivatives Investment
(d) Foreign Disposable Investment
(e) I am not attempting the question
_______ expenditure results in creation of assets in the economy.   [ 3 Marks ]
(a) Depreciation

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(b) Revenue
(c) Capital
(d) Recurring
(e) I am not attempting the question
______ analyzes and studies decisions of individual economic agents and how they interact in specific markets and
allocate their limited resources to optimize their own wellbeing.   [ 2 Marks ]

Q59 (a) Macroeconomics

(b) Microeconomics
(c) I am not attempting the question
"A _____ refers to a situation when an unusually large number of depositors rush in to withdraw their deposits,
fearing that the bank may fail."   [ 2 Marks ]

(a) bank run

Q60 (b) bank fall
(c) bank slowdown
(d) bank implosion
(e) I am not attempting the question


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