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Set it back!

by Tony Carr in Attacking, Practice plans

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Strikers often have to play with their backs to goal. Give your forwards the skills to be able to
shield the ball and then set it back to a supporting midfielder with this session.
What this session is about
1.  Forward passing from midfield.
2.  Strikers holding onto the ball.
3.  Strikers setting the ball back to supporting runners.
What to think about
Strikers must move around to create space to receive a pass to feet. However, once this pass
is made, a striker must ensure he controls the ball and uses his body to shield the ball from
Now the striker can get his head up and look for supporting runs from midfield, while he has
his back to goal.
Finally, the striker can now set the ball back to a midfielder who is now in an advanced
attacking position where he can combine with the striker to score goals.
Warm up Session Developments Game Situation

10 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 5

What you get your players to do
Mark out a pitch with a goal at one end and a 10-yard channel in the centre, as in the top
Split your players into two lines of midfielders. A midfielder makes a diagonal pass to one of
the strikers, in the centre channel, who controls the ball and then sets the ball back to the
Now the midfielder plays a through pass to the second striker who runs around the
flag/mannequin to shoot at goal.
The midfielder now becomes a striker for the next ball from the opposite line of midfielders.
Midfielders take turns to pass to either striker, receive a pass back, then pass forward to the
other striker.

The strikers now face opposition from defenders and have to hold the ball up, set it back then
turn to create a 3v2 overload.

Game situation
Use two teams and the same size area but remove the 10-yard centre channel.
The pitch is split into halves. Inside the white team’s defensive half are two defenders and
two strikers from the black team.
The rest of the outfield players are in the other half.
Start the practice with the white team attacking inside the black team’s defensive half of the
When the black team wins possession, it passes forward to its strikers. Now up to three black
players can support the forward pass and receive a set back pass from the strikers to score a
goal. No white defenders can run back and defend the counter attack.
Halfway through the game, swap restrictions on each team. The team which scores most
goals wins.
Two strikers play set-back passes in one half when their team mates win the ball in their
defensive half.

What to call out

Now use two teams and add another goal at the opposite end of the area.
Each team has two midfielders situated next to their goal. Their role is to pass a ball forward
and run to receive and help create a 3v2 overload.
The team also has four players that work in pairs and rotate from being forwards and
To start, the white midfielder passes to one of the strikers inside the centre channel (the
striker receives inside this area as it forces physical contact) and runs to receive a set-back
Now the game continues in a 3v2 situation, in which all players are free to use the entire pitch
to either score a goal or stop one being scored.
Offside rules apply. For the next attack, two new defenders and strikers enter the pitch and
the black team attacks.

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