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The Lesbian and Gay Quarterly Journal at UCSD

- - - - - - - - - D e c e m b e r 1985-
· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,__


see story on

page 3

Gays and Adoption ... page 5
Love and Lust. .. page 6
Sappho Speaks
December, 1985

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Sappho Speaks
December, 1985

a particular social role , and sometimes it and more pertinent due to the exclusion
is a dangerous and despised one" (p. of gays and gay struggles from
279). mainstream art, literature, and history
In pre-Christian times, philosophical books. Our folklore is hidden, the
by Sharon Moxon and spiritual aspects of life were definitions are obscured, and the names
Of course, many gay people never
actually display these symbols commonly the charge of the gay people of our gay ancestors are lost.
The pink triangle. the lambda, the
themselves, because they are closeted or who functioned as shamans, healers, and It was not until the advent of
color lavender, the words bulldyke and
view their lifestyle as a strictly private advisors. Says Albert Bell, San Diego Christianity and the witch-hunts, forced
faggott, key chains and colored
matter, or for some other reason they gay activist, "Where heterosexuals were morality, and oppression that were
hankies ... these are all symbols of the gay
don't feel the need to use this form of the raisers of crops and children, brought with it that gays were forced to
lifestyle. They transmit a myriad of
expression. Yet, these people still know homosexuals were the raisers of go underground and live in secret, our
meanings from one gay person to
the meaning of the signals and pick up culture." historians tell us. At the time when gays
another, relaying information which is a
the message from others. There are also An example of tribal communities in began to be persecuted, we brought our
part of the underground gay network
the most blatant, extremist gays who which gays held special offices is in the symbols into the closet with us, and they
that keeps our sub-culture alive . We use
hold and preserve the most non- cultures of Native Americans. Grahn still remain, giving us a link to our
them as a kind of code language, a way of
conformist of the traditions for us, explores these at length in her book (p. ancient heritage, just as Christians
passing along information and
symbolizing our identities. The symbols reminding us of our connection to that 51-72), discussing tribal values, customs,
we use often come from the ancient past, large underground network of roles, and the offices and realities of Gay
and often have a much deeper communication and understanding. Native Americans.
significance than to broadcast "I'm One Aside from the astrological symbols Grahn describes this culture as being
Too-." for male or female linked together, the known above all for its emphasis on
most widely used and recognized gay balance and harmony, and that there is
symbols are the pink triangle, the much to indicate that the spiritual heart
The sub-culture
lambda, and the Amazon labrynth, of the ancient Indian Way was Gay
which are often worn as buttons or leadership including both sexes.
The need for a system of codes to jewelery, or used as logos. Gay In Gay American History, Edwin T. adopted the symbol of the fish during
identify other gay people is a reality. symbolism also includes styles of dress, Denig reports that a white man wrote of religious perseq1tion.
Unlike other American sub-cultures, In Another Mother Tongue, Judy
such as wearing lavender, tattoos, the Crow Indians in 1850, "Strange
members of the gay community are not colored hankies, or single earrings, or country, this, where males assume the Grahn examines the gay symbols and
immediately recognizable by sight. Since capturing a certain look, such as gender words which are in use today, and traces
dress and perform the duties of females,
our culture is not one of ethnic heritage, ambiguity, the 'castro clone', or the while women turn men and mate with them back through history. The roots of
we don't share common physical 'leather queen'. these symbols were often spiritual and
their own sex" (p. 308).
characteristics. We are also different in
Gay n-e s s is a Is o re fl e ct e d i n Historian Sue-Ellen Jacobs also . powerful.
that we are not raised within our sub-
mannerisms and the use of slang. Says studied written records from the last few
culture, which limits our access to role Lavender, 9r purple, is a special color
centuries for references to Gay people in
models, positive feelings about our Judy Grahn, in Another Mother for gay culture. It has often been used as
American Indian tribes ("Berdache: A
identity, peer support, and cultural Tongue, "Gay people of all social strata an identification in titles and slogans,
Brief Review of the Literature,"
information. Because of our isolation develop intricate codes and language such as "The Lavender Menace," a
inflections that operate within ordinary- Colorado Anthropologist l ( 1968): 25-
within the non-gay world, we have a group of lesbians during the early
40). Out of ninety-nine tribes with
need to find and have contact with others sounding language patterns to convey women's rights movement, and
information that members of the Gay recorded material, there were references
who are like us, others who have gone "Lavender Jane Loves Women," the title
to Gay culture in eighty-eight, with
through the same 'coming out' process culture can understand"(p. 24). Our Alix Dobkin album, and used as a
slang includes such terms as "lover," or twenty including specific references to
and who view the world in a similar way, color for jackets of gay-oriented books
"forward" instead of "straight" when lesbianism.
others who have the same thoughts and and for T-shirts bearing other gay
desires, and face the same oppression. giving directions in a car, or phrases like Jacobs lists the exact offices held by slogans. ·
Since homosexuality still carries a "a friend of Dorothy's," "safe sex," or Gay persons in twenty-one tribes,
Says Grahn, "The connections
stigma, we are often forced to do our "one of the family," or the revelation of presenting a cross section of the
between purple and ancient Gay stories
searching in a secretive way. the knowledge of gay literature, art, functions, especially those of cross-
and traditions indicate that it has
locations, public figures, or current dressing people who take on the work,
The first step in entering the gay considerably more significance than
events. Different sectors of the gay dress, and social position of the opposite
community is meeting another gay simply a mixture of 'female red' and
community also include additional sex while establishing sexual and even
person, but finding this first link can be 'male blue' colors," she says, "It has
symbols in their culture, such as goddess marital bonds with their own sex. In
difficult. Most people living in our meaning from the tribal civilizations that
imagery, women's music, sports, twelve of the twenty-one tribes Jacobs
society know some small fact about gay preceded and underlie our modern world
politics, or high fashion, and exclude sites with regard to Gay functions, Gay
life, whether it is knowing someone gay, and has a place in the shamanic sciences
others. transvestites were the medicine people or
knowing the name of a gay organization, and arts that prevailed in the long,
The use of one symbol alone does not shamans of the tribe. In others, they were
hot-line, or publication, reading a gay woman-centered ages of human history
essential for high spiritual ceremonies,
novel, or being aware of a gay reveai much about the wearer. Rather, it before this primarily patriarchal era.
neighborhood, bar, or coffee house. is the whole composition of dress, funerals, or served as oracle.
"Purple represents, brings about, and
Those of us who want to know more manner, action, and attitude that lets the Edward Carpenter, author of
i!i present during radical transformation
look further into what we know. Our object carry it's meaning. The most Intermediate Types Among Primitive
from one state of being to another.
first friend or lover usually acts as an telling of signals is that certain eye Folk: A Study in Social Evolution,
Purple appears at twilight and at
invaluable source of information about contact- held just a moment too long- reports that records indicate that having
predawn. It stands at the gate between
our new world. From there, it is easy to that lets us know we have found one of a Gay nature and undertaking cross-
the land of the material flesh in one
discover the resources that are available. our own kind. dressing created a pool of initiates from
world and the land of the spirit soul in
In metropolitan areas, we can usually which certain priesthoods of shamans
another and is present in the envelope of
find many interest groups, respected drew their apprentices (p. 18).
The origin of gay symbols energy that surrounds the body, usually
business organizations, social outlets, Grahn summarizes the study of Gay called the 'aura' (p.6-7).
literature, and publications, and we soon Native Americans with the idea that
According to gay historians, such as · In the modern witchcraft tradition,
learn what to look for to identify things, overall, the collected accounts indicate
Judy Grahn and Arthur Evans, gay , purple represents power. It is also a color
places, and people as gay. Our subtle that high status was accorded to Gays in
people were not always outcasts from used in religious ceremonies, and has
ways of identifying one another are what these cultures.
society and did not need to hide their been associated with ancient royalty.
link us together as a network, support Other such tribal communities Adqs Grahn, "The claim Gay culture has
system, and community. · providing for similar social offices for . to the color purple is not a recent
gays include the Celts and Faries. Grahn innovation. In truth, it is of remotest
indicates that homosexuality was an antiquity, with connections reaching
integral part of most cultures in pre- back as far as human memory can recall,
Symbols as identification Christian and pre-patriarchal times. into times before recorded history, even
In those times, when our own culture into the shamanistic times of so-called
With our need for secrecy, and things allowed us our own set of functions and Stone Age People with their occult
such as anti-gay jokes and slogans gently systems of values, we also developed our interpretations of the color spectrum.
but constantly reminding us of this need, own cultural symbols. Many of these And even if no other Gay trait has lasted
many gays have resorted to the use of symbols are what we use today as our through the ages of history to identify
logos or other small items as means of identities or form underground codes or emblems, and they have Gayness, purple alone would be a clear
communication. The use of gay symbols networks. Grahn, in Another Mother significance remaining from those statement of the antiquity of Gay
is a subtle way of making that needed Tongue, and Evans, in Witchcrafr and ancient times, though we are often culture" (p. 7).
initial contact with other gay people the Gay Coun1ercu/1ure, explore our unaware of their origination or meaning. Another color used as an identifying
within a hostile society. We learn to ancient heritage and the idea that gays Most people who recognize these mark for gays, especially during the late
make ourselves constantly aware of any and lesbians were once respected symbols as part of gay culture do not '50s, was green . Derived from a
signals or suggestions of gayness in our members of society and that there were know why we use them . where they came children's often repeated saying, anyone
worlds. Wearing the emblems, using the places in their communities held open from, or what they really mean . This is who wore green on Thursday was
correct slang, and going to gay gathering especially for them . Even today, writes due to our tradition of secrecy- of automatically a 'queer' or a 'fairy.'
places are ways of identifying others and Grahn , "Because Gay people often go passing along information mouth-to- Grahn traces this combination back to
discovering positive role models on the first, taking the risks, breaking through mouth; of the need to hide our identities. the early Fairies which inhabited the
way toward building healthy identities the veil and walls that lie in the frontier As history has progressed, our need to
for ourselves. zone of ideas and ways of being. we fulfill identify others as gay has become more continued on page 4
Sappho Speaks
December, 1985

continued.from page 3
death. Gay people wear this symbol
today, upside-down, to express the
solidarity among all gay people in our
need to find other gay people is not
driven solely by the desire for sexual
relationships. Gay people also share
change in how we see ourselves and our
relationship to the world.

war against the oppression of gays, or of similar lifestyles, development of Difference as Power
aritish Isles prior to 58 B.C. . Green was any group of people by another . personal identities, ways of viewing the
the primary color worn by the Faries, world and it's values, philosophies, and A problem with having most of our
who also frequently held pagan religious Beyond identification politics, and shared experiences which cultural communication occur
rites on Thursdays (p . 76-79). provide for similar backgrounds. It is the underground or through symbolism is
Though tattoos are not gay symbols in These symbols have become more need to relate with people who can that we are not visible as a community to
the same sense that the lambda or the than just a way to label something gay. understand us, people who experience people who are not part of that
color lavender are , they are incorporated They embody a common web of the same emotions and thoughts, that community. We basically don't look any
into our culture, especially lesbian information, of myths and values and urges us to expand our social circles to different, so we go unnoticed. Non-gays
culture, and are a symbol of something ways of living, that have themselves include other gay people. may think there are none or few of us in
daring and strong. Tattoos were used to become part of gay culture, of what it As each separate cultural item carries their environment, or that we all fit into a
mark ancient lesbians and witches for means to be gay. Some, like the pink with it it's own symbolism, a means is stereotypical description, while walking
sacred reasons, as part of the pagan triangle, are consciously charged with provided for the expression of diversity right past us without even noticing.
tradition. This custom was taken significance on their own. Perhaps among gays. Not only do they reveal Invisibility is interpreted as non-
underground, and used as evidence of somewhere in our deep subconscious, or homosexuality, but also political views, existence. This also inhibits some gay
witchcraft during the witch trials. 'race memory,' we know instinctively lifestyle differences, spirituality, people from locating others like them, or
Persecutors called these body markings what they mean and have emotional ties personal inter-relationship preferences, from identifying role models. It also
spots left by 'the devil.' Many tribal to them. At least, we develop these ties group membership, hobbies, sexuality, gives a sense of isolation within a largely
people believe that tattoos help the gods through contact with other gay people, and general interests. Wearing a logo unaware mainstream culture. Lesbian
to claim their own children, to recognize as part of learning what it means to be from an organization, for example, comedian Ivy Bottini relates that if one
them after death as one of their own, and gay, by listening to gay stories, sharing implies a whole set of philosophies which day all gay people · woke up with a
to welcome the spirit into the other gay art and literature, and coming to come from the activities of the group lavender dot on their foreheads,
domain (Grahn, p. 94). understand what it is that ties us that displays the symbol. Pink triangles homophobia would virtually disappear
A more recently acquired symbol fr together, the common experiences, and bandanas both signify gayness, but because there are so many o( us. Non-
the pink triangle. This symbol was usec. insights, and philosophies that make us the triangle shows a desire to fight gays would find that people they love
in the concentration camps in Nazi alike . oppression, or at least the and respect are gay.
Germany to mark the homosexuals, The gay lifestyle is more than just acknowledgement of this , where the However, when some gays discover
some 250 thousand which were put to loving members of one's own sex. The bandana is just plain sexuality. A gay oppression and the need for secrecy,
woman wearing an Amazon labrynth they attempt to just fit in with
gives a different impression from one mainstream society rather than the gay
wearing a lambda, as the labrynth sub-culture. Yet, if one truly does
signifies a stronger sense of matriarchal identify with aspects of gay culture and
heritage, the power of women, and is gives these things up, then giving up a
more of a feminist-first philosophy than part of one's identity, or of a group's, is a
the lambda, which signifies gayness as loss of power, both in terms of self-worth
the upmost concern. and in the struggle to be free of
To be gay is not the norm. This we all oppression.
have in common: we are different. We Another phenomenon is that aspects
have all gone through a largely similar or symbols of a sub-culture are often
set of feelings and processes to discover adopted by the mainstream culture,
and accept ourselves, and we are bonded which dilutes the significance of the item
very closely by our shared process of for the sub-culture. This has happened
forming a positive sense of identity as a with 'breakdancing,' which has lost its
gay person. special meaning to the black youths of
The realization or acceptence of "I am harlem now that people everywhere are
gay" is usually followed by "What is practicing it. It is no longer their
gay?" , or a period of exploring specialty; it is just another trend. For
everything that symboli ze s.. homo- gays , this has happened with the wearing
sexuality. Initially, we look for role of a single earring, painter's pants,
models. We become familiar with bomber jackets, and lumberjack shirts
prominent figures or styles which and boots. We have also lost the disco,
represent gayness. We also tend to cross-dressing (gender ambiguity or 'the
explore our heritage. For some, androgynous look' has appeared in all
especially for women, this exploration the fashion magazines), and even the
extends back into pre- patriarchal times. color lavender to mainstream,
For others, discovering gay people and heterosexual culture.
ga y accomplishments in the last few Our heritage and history are vital
centuries, or even decades, is enough. sources of power. Just as we have been
In our search for identity, we come to reclaiming words that describe us, such
share activities, literature , role models, as Dyke and Fag, and turning the
and processes. These provide us with negative power they give others into a
similar backgrounds and sets of positive power for ourselves, we have a
experiences. This sets the precedent for lot to gain from reclaiming our legends
similar ways of viewing the world. Our and ancient ways of living. We can look
connection to one another reinforces back to our roots and build positive
this , as we share information and learn identities for ourselves from the
from each other. We develop a common knowledge of strong role models and of
awareness surrounding issues which the significant contributions gays have
affect us, often leading to sociological ·o r made to the world, as individuals and as
political activism. a group.
Our views are set apart by our position Once we have done this and can
in society. We have crossed the establish peace and balance within
boundary of our society's definition of ourselves, we can work toward creating
our sex and broken a major taboo. We an environment where we don't have to
have admitted that we are part of a group hide, where our differences . are
of people which American culture has recognized and valued, where its not
called "queer, perverted, fags, dykes, quite so painful to accept and share our
lezzies, pansies, dieseldykes , homos," all identities as lesbians and gay men.
terms with negative connotations. Doing
this, we have examined and questioned
one of the strongest, most deeply This article was inspired by the work
~: . .\tf:{8· >:::, }' •::: ingrai ned assumptions: that we will be of Jud y Grahn, from whose book,
LAMBJ?A: $?re.e;k letter used ro symb9ll ze ga yness, ~e,aning unity in the face of heterosex ual , that we will get ma rried . A n other Mo ther Tongue: Gay Words,
oppresswn . , Whe n we found tha t thi s was not true for Gay Wo rlds, much of the information
us, it was ea sy to a lso ques ti o n every was draw n. I encou ra ge you to read
LESBIAN! F ro~ the Isle of Greece, horhe of t he p,o et Sappho, who wrote o th er ass um ptio n and decide its va lidit y Another Mothe r Tongue( Beac on Press,
love poemfo}<> ~omen. · for ouselves: what is masculine or Boston, 1984), whi ch is a n important
fe minine, what is appropria te behavior, asset to Gay cultu re, not o nly for
what makes someone a 'good person', reclaiming o u r past, b ut a lso as a to ol for
QUEER: Label assigned by majnstream to groups' or ideas different from their what is fair and just in society, etc.
own. building a bette r future, one of st re ngth ,
Questioning each belief we hold causes a unity, knowledge, and acceptance.
Sappho Speaks
December, 1985

In the Courts: Lesbian and Gay Custody Battles

by Sue Rochman l . In _preparing for a custody hearing individuals involved. She, as did
Homosexuals ... Parents... for many you should also prepare a case for Roberta Bennett, pointed out that to a
these words still remain a contradiction visitation rights (weekend s, summer , large extent the outcome is based on the
in terms. Thus many homosexuals and etc. ) in the event custody is denied. judge and that a judge's personal
heterosexuals are concerned about how 2. The judge will have to find more than convictions can, in the end , decide
homosexuality affects the legal a parent's homosexuality to deny whether you win or lose .
procedures surrounding child custody visitation- including overnight stays. Questions from the audience
and adoption. Aware of this fact, the 3. The client must inform their attorney following the panel discussion showed
Fifteenth Annual Conference on of every thing that took place between personal concern for how the courts
Women and the Law held a panel the ex-spouses so that there are no perceive single women, single lesbians,
discussion specifically on Lesbian and_ surprises during cross examination. and lesbian couples when the issue 1s
Gay Custody and Adoption Saturday, 4 . The lawyer must know the adoption.
October 27; a discussion that addressed relationship of the child to both parents. On the issue of single women
both the personal, emotional situation 5. If the client currently has a live-in adopting, it was discussed that when
along with the legal dimensions of the lover the lawyer must know every thing women give up their children for
issue. about the lover's lifestyle and politics- adoption they also choose what type of
The panel was composed of Roberta once again so that there are no surprises family they would like their child to go
Bennett,. a private attorney in L.A. for the attorney during cross- to . Thus it is difficult for women who are
specializing in family law, particularly examination. themselves single mothers to rationalize
lesbian and gay custody suits; Stephen 6. The lawyer must know if the children giving their child to a single parent. They
Lachs, a Los Angeles Superior Court know about, and how they feel about, perceive a stable home as one with a
Judge, head of the fami_ly division and a their parent's homosexuality mother and a father.
prominent gay activist for the past 15 Stephen Lachs was able to provide the Panelists seemed to agree that there
years; Sharon Young, a psychologist and judicial perspective in these matters. He are pros and cons to the idea of two
professor at S DS U; and Gloria Allred, stressed that the courts role was not to women presenting themselves as a
an attorney specializing in civil law who ~pprove or disapprove of homo- couple desiring to adopt. Whether it can
is well known for handling cases . sexuality, but to determine what is in the be a positive or negative factor depends
involving lesbian and gay rights. best interest of the child. Overall, in his on the judge's. attitude and on how the
Although each panelist addressed a opinion, the courts in L.A. are acting case is progressing. While in some
different aspect of custody or adoption responsibly in this position and are not instances it could be a sign of
procedures they were in agreement that weighing homosexuality as a larger permanence and stability, it could work
all custod:9 cases, whether i·nvolving factor than any other. against the case, for, as Gloria Allred
parents who are gay or straight, have Sharon Young, who has herself been pointed out, l'probably nothing is seen as
similar problems. Due to the no-fault involved as an expert witness in many more radical than two women together."
divorce settlement in California, where custody cases, spoke on the need for
no person need be placed as the person there to be three expert witnesses in these
responsible for the divorce types of cases.
(incompatibility being . enough of a Firstly , a therapist is required for the Lesbian and Gay Child Custody and Adoption
reason), child custody cases are often lesbian or gay person seeking custody as
used by ex-spouses as a form of it can be an emotionally draining
retaliation. Thus, most judges view all situation that turns into a personal
custody cases as "undesirable". attack on their homosexuality by their
For this reason much effort is made by ex-spouse and her / his attorney. Lesbian Rights Project
the attorneys on both sides to have Secondly, an academician or research 1370 Mission Street, 4th Floor
custody determined in the conciliation person aligned with lesbian and gay San Francisco, Cal. 94103
court- a court designed especially for rights is necessary to relate the history of (415) 621--0674 ·
this purpose. Here the case is heard by an homosexuality. In addition, this expert Legal representation, briefs and nationwide referrals.
expert in custody matters rather than a should discuss a study conducted by
judge. Only about 5% of custody cases Richard Green that compared children
remain unresolved after conciliation Lesbian Mothers National Defense Fund
raised by homosexual parents and
court and go on to a judge's courtroom. heterosexual parents which shows that P.O.Box 21567
The custody cases discussed by the there is no difference between the groups Seattle, Washington 98111
panel. involved divorces between a in their academic or emotional (206) 325-2643
woman and a man, with one partner now development or in their perceptions of Financial assistance, expert-witness and legal referrals.
coming out as lesbian or gay. According their own sexuality.
to Roberta Bennett, in those instances Thirdly, an evaluator is needed to Books and Pamphlets
when a trial does occur, "Your chances evaluate the child's relationship to both Gay Parent Support Packet
are as good as the judge who happens to parents. This should be an individual
hear the case," She went on to explain, National Gay Task Force
who is not aligned with lesbian and gay
"Homosexuality is only one factor the 80 Fifth Ave. number 1601
issues and who perhaps is not gay. Their
judge will look at regarding custody or interest should be in discovering what is New York, New York 10011
visitation rights. In California, a parent's best for the child. (212) 741-5800
homosexuality is not grounds in and of Includes questions for gay and lesbian parents considering custody,
itself to refuse custody. But this does not Gloria Allred, in relating experiences checklist for lawyers, preparation for expert witnesses.
mean the court cannot consider it-they of some of the trials she has been Lesbian Mother Litigation Manual
will." involved in, emphasized that as a Donna J. Hitchens, 1982.
She went on to explain that these cases prospective work field lesbian and gay Includes bibliography for lesbian mothers and gµy fathers. Available
usually involve a high number of expert rights is one of great interest. But she through the Lesbian Rights Project.
witnesses due to the need to "educate stressed that attorneys who take on such Lesbian Mothers and Their Children:An Annotated Bibliography of Legal
your judge on homosexuality and a cases "better do them right ." For
homosexual lifestyle." Some points she ultimately they are affecting the entire and Psychological Materials .
homosexual community and not just the 2nd edition; D. Hitchens and A. Thomas, Eds. June 1982
stressed were:
Available through the lesbian Rights Project.
Mothers on Trial: Women and Child Custody
Phyllis Chesler, 1985
Comprehensive historical analysis with case histories.
Considering Parenthood; A Workbook for Lesbians
Cheri Pies, Spinsters Ink 1985
Includes a section on legal issues in donor insemination.
Custody Cases and Expert Witnesses: a manual for attorneys
Melvin G .Goldzband , Law & Business, Inc., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich ,

Prepared by: Sharon Young, PhD Psychologist

l 129Torrey Pines Road , no.8
La Jolla , Calif. 92037
(619) 454-9009
Sappho Speaks
December, 1985

Love and Lust

••• zn the age of AIDS

Compiled by Russell Lewis Gay men are at more or less risk

Sex and Al OS are both things that depending on what sexual practices they
gay men have to deal with in their lives., engage in. Low-risk sexual practices,
In addition to going against societally those which do not involve the exchange
prescribed sex roles, gay men have to of body fluids, are a means of reducing
deal with the same basic complicated the risk of HTLV-lll transmission.
issues surrounding sex, love, lust, and But AIDS is obviously not the only
relationships that everyone has to deal factor in having sex. In expressing
with. himself sexually, a gay man not only
AIDS and sex between men are not in takes into consideration his risk level,
the same category. AIDS is a disease. but also what kind of sex he wants, how
Homosexuality is not. Sex is something much he wants, and what the overall role
men do together for reasons of intimacy, of sex is in his life. Each person finds his
love, lust, compulsiveness and fun. own balance of maximum gratification,
AIDS is a disease whose probable viral minimum risk.
agent, HTLV-111, can unfortunately be The gay men on these pages talk of
transmitted through the exchange of their histories, their relationships, their
bodily fluids during sex. sex lives, their fears and ideals. In doing
Al OS fits into the equation of sex and so, they give us insight into the
love because of the epidemiological fact complicated factors at work in the lives
that gay men are in the highest risk of gay men living at risk in the age of
group. AIDS.

know, it's not really in the forefront of couple of years, and then I stopped for

Tom my mind.
It has happened where I've come
across a person who wanted to do unsafe
David good five or six years ago. I stopped the
first time because I kept getting venereal
diseases. It was just too sleazy, although
stuff. I went to Michael's down in La I also think that feeling was connected
Tom is a 21 year-old Communication David is a 38 year-old writer and
Jolla, and these two men came over and with the sense that it was an escape and
major at UCSD. He grew up in Orange started talking to me, and so we ended up
intellectual who came out of the New
that it was too easy. It was easy to avoid
County, which he describes as 'l(feless.' Left.
going back to their hotel. They were trying to relate to people. You just kind
Tom is interested in pursuing a creative from Chicago. This guy John, he would of have-sex instead.
career, perhaps in live theatre. He 'would As gay liberation was picking up
·rather-not be stuck in an office building
have wanted to have anal sex with me,
steam, there was the sense that to enjoy
But, I've had series of relationships
me being the passive partner. I said 'no, I for most of the seventies. None of them
in downtown San Diego.' would rather not.' In turn, I had anal sex your sexuality was a liberatory move,
were monogamous. The first one lasted
with him, him being the passive partner. that this was an uptight society, a work
for a number of years, then the next one
Okay, they list the categories: safe sex, At the time, I didn't really think about it, ethic society, and one of the advantages
lasted for a ye_ar. Then there were shorter
possibly safe sex, unsafe sex. I've read you know. So, in that instance, yes, we gay people had is that since -we were
ones, a few months at a time. Then there
the pamphlets and things. I feel my exchanged bodily fluids. So, I outside of it in some ways, we could sort
were a couple that lasted about a year
sexual practices fall between safe sex to guess .. . OK, let me put it this way. I've of enjoy ourselves more. Hedonism was
again. During those times I wasn't that
possibly safe sex. Generally I don't have had relatively few partners. In the past almost a political imperative. At the
promiscuous. If I had someone I liked
anal sex. Usually, I basically practice year I've been more safe; it's been more beginning of gay liberation, I think a lot
who I was seeing regularly, that made a
safe sex. I don't exchange body fluids . I in my mind to be safe since the AIDS of people really felt that. There was
big difference.
enjoy touching. I really get off on that. I scare really started. something very positive about that
The second time I stopped going to the
really enjoy touching, hugging, kissing. The next day after I had sex with that feeling, but it did tend to degenerate into
baths, I more clearly I felt it had gotten
That, almost in itself--that's really guy, I just felt shitty. You know, the compulsive behavior.
satisfying to me. I pretty much fall into to the point where it was escape from
basic guilt: I'm a sleaze. I sleep around. I When I first started going to the baths,
involvement. I forced myself to look for
the safe sex category, anyway. It's not a didn't know this person; I slept with this I felt very positive about it. I think this is
people more in other places and to sort
conscious decision on my part. You person. All I did that day was sleep. I a common experience for gay men -
know, I don't say to myself 'you're going of try to get involved with those people.
slept like five hours during the middle of they'd been alienated growing up, they'd
to practice safe se;xual habits this evening been kind of estranged from people- Ifs hard for me to r~ally remember all
the day. The guilt was more about the
when you're with this person.', You this chronology, but I think it was after

:" fact that I had slept around, than that I and here was this situation where you
were almost operating on an animal my second bathhouse era that I started
had had unsafe sex with him.
level, of just getting warmth and contact hanging out with different Black sailors
I ''\. But, guilt's a funny thing. It comes and
from other people, which was in direct and going out with them. Although I
"-, goes. It left eventually. I stewed on it for
opposition to what you felt about didn't go out with any of them for more
,,\. a few days and got it out of my system. I
yourself, that you couldn't touch anyone than a few months, they were very, very
~------~ "-~aid 'I can't do anything. about it.' That
else, that you were this weirdo. There likeable for the most part, and it was
-~@c)AI ""-'\. continued on page 8 was something very positive about being exciting to feel I could relate to people
who were so different from me. I had a

t~ ~4f1
able to do that. It was a way of really
overcoming a basic level of alienation. I tremendous admiration for them in a lot
didn't like sex for years when I first of ways, because their lives were so
shitty, but at least they didn't complain. I

M\,9/ -- ~I"
1.,17i7,,rir.-r ·
1 ,·
T 1
... ,, • •
started having it. It was just too weird. I
didn't know what I was doing. I was too
much in my head. I was too alienated
from my body, and I was probably too
always felt I complained too much, when
in fact I had a lot of advantages which
these people didn't have. They may have
complained to each other, and there may
:I ' :: guilty. One of the ways that I finally sort
~~, i O ._; of overcame all of that was just by doing have been some kind of weird macho
reasons why they didn't complain to me,

it enough, so that it ju~t became more
comfortable and more pleasurable. I but basically they just seemed
..~'nV't:'n mean, it took me a lo_n g time to enjoy determined to have a good time, you
rrf:!~<:!.ilf-tt~ f1 I :,'_,·n 1QJ ;·'1 c . •
t .~

.. sex. That was true of a lot of people too. I know, to just maximize their pleasures
t 1 1 1
think people grow up alienated anyway, and do the shit work they had to do and
c-,·r tn,,/ i ;,.9 0 i~~~!~; -' and then if they were .gay before gay get it over with. At the tirrie, it seemed
liberation they couldn't talk about it and very admirable that people could be that
I~o..11J CI'.;Pr~911u;1<_Y,
ncl~ m - ;:'.., '
they were super-alienated. way, because most intellectuals tend to
c om2<; - ~: There were two major periods when I inflict self-torture and be morose and
CLOSE A _ went to the baths. I went to the baths for dwell on various unsatisfied aspects of
, r,r.r, Af'y 1-r.1 ::.9 '.:.' se 1 _.
their lives. I do tht less than I used to.
T .• tJ/v J\r,vffii~ _,:..,_~~ '. __Lrt_ {· ., a couple of years, then I stopped for a
couple of years, then I went back for a continued on page 8
Sappho Speaks
December, 1985

mechanics of organizing a n orgasm or I run into. I very definitely still find

Steve ejaculation sometimes ove rwhelms the

experience itself. Quite frankly , I can
manipulate my penis better than anyone
Chuck people who want to do things that aren't
But,my problem really came, and still
else I kn ow because I've had more revolves around , revealing to a partner
S teve, 22, an occasional media student at experience with it than anyone else. The Chuck is a 23-year-old Sociology major
UCS D, grew up in the San Diego area. at UCS D who gre w up in the Los that I' m 'int o safe sex' and 'yes, I'm
one thi_ng I abso lutely ca nno t provide fo r willing to d o th is and not that.' If you
He has aspirations to bohemianism and, A ngeles area. He describes himself as an
mys elf is comp a nio nship a nd the asp iring guppie (gay y uppie), but has meet someone or yo u're having dinner
not surprisingly, his dream is to own a
warmth that a nother human bod y a nd with someo ne, it's not something that
co.flee h o-u se / pe ifo rma n ee I g a !le r_r ' doubts that his incom e will match his
another person can provide. I've had aspirations. His dream is to own a you want to talk about. And then when
space. some wonderful orgasmic se x. It's t he things spontaneously happen later on,
'condo with a white picket fen ce '.
exception, and if I had to choose one or . you don't want to stop in the middle and
the other, I would rather have the say, 'Well, I'm going to do this, here's
What has happened in recent times is I take AIDS very seriously. It's
companionable sort. In fact, to me why, and all that.' It's a really difficult
that since my awareness of AIDS has something that I've accepted as
absolute heaven is to lie there with an thing. Someone wants to fuck you or
increased , my sexual behaviors have erection all night pressed against my love something that's going to exist- you
wants you to fuck them-a lot of times
changed. There's been a real shift in this and sleep ever so peacefully. Some of my know , like we accept nuclear weapons. they really don't understand and take it
calendar year- I couldn't exactly date it best experiences have been like that. It's one more danger in my life. When the as an insult if you're in the qiiddle of sex
to any incident or anything- to a greater epidemic first started, it was a hard thing r
and say, 'Well, don't want to fuck you
emphasis on the whole body sensual One thing that bothered me about for me to get used to, that this was going
doing one night stands is that you are because I might get AIDS, or give you
experience of sex rather than just on the to be something that I was goiqg to have
incredibly intimate in the physical sense AIDS.' It sort of cools down the whole
genital experience. to worry about, that friends were going
with a person who is virtually a stranger experience.
It would have been easier to fall into to have to worry about. It threw a big
when you wake up in the morning. It's I think that safe sex techniques are the
the traditional trap-I think it's almost a scare into me.
very awkward to have been that
juvenile '"trap-of · genital fixation if · it
physically intimate without knowing
were not for AIDS. It's something that is
one of many juvenile characteristics that them.
were formerly in the forefront of gay For a lot of people I know, the one
male life. Those characteristics include, night siand is the rule, b~cause once
along with genital fixation, constant they've been to bed with each other, that
promiscuity as a way of life, strong awkward strange intimacy is there and
emphasis on looks and youth and beauty they'd rather not deal with it because it is
and your partner as an object rather than uncomfortable. I've done that myself,
a person. All these things ere pretty where I no longer see the person I might
much'the logical result of the attitude·s of have genuinely grown to like if I ever had
the gays in the seventies-of coming out, a chance to know them.
of liberation, of sex as being an end unto I'm redefining intimacy for myself. I
itself. Theie attitudes coming to the hope I can break away from those
forefront basically meant a gay man definitions that society has provided for
c~mld be a thirteen year old boy in a intimacy, that intimacy is physical
world of thirteen year old boys. Just ownership as shown by penile entry.
· bigger boys with bigger toys. That's basically what the societal
J n the eighties, we're concerned with definition is--it's a possessive sort of
restraint on the part of a person, of thing. When I initially discovered what answer, but I think there are a lot of
dealing with the person as a person There's a connection that I feel AIDS was all about, more th~njust ·this people in the gay community-at least
rather than as an object, because not all between the power aspect of sex and mysterious cancer gay people had come I've encountered a lot-who don't
of the satisfaction that we'll derive from genital fixation- the penis as tool, sex as up with,' when they finally began to necessarily know anything about safe
that person is simply going to be the. an act rather than an experience. An act realize that it was sexually transmitted, it sex techniques or don't seem to care. I
physical sensations that their body as an just struck me so hard that I could go out think it really requires a lot of effort to
is something that can be bought or sold
object can provide. In lieu of an intense ·and possibly accidently have sex with implement safe sex, but I think it's
or negotiated for after some fashion in
physical sensation, you might have to fill someone who was in the incubation important.
some currency, whereas pure experience
it in with maybe some emotions. So , can only exist as a product of period. It was a really scary thought that I think I've come to a turning point,
what has happened generally is that I'm interaction-it's a synergistic sort of I would die from it. though, in regards to safe sex. I think
not inclined to go out and just look for thing. We've been raised in this culture in At the point when I really got to know Rock Hudson has something to do with
someone to have sex with. general to seek after the bought about AIDS, I said 'Oh, my god, I'll it. Because, really, I never have known
If I were to add up all the men that I've experience: the relationship as never have sex with another human anyone who has come down with AIDS.
dated, as well as the ones that I've merchandise, as goods. We're not being again.' For.about five months after All of a sudden seeing a face, thinking
fucked, or vice versa, then I've probably capitalists, we're consumerists more that I didn't have sex .Sex wasn't worth 'that person has AIDS,' and then having
had more .men this year than I've had in than anything else. Our sense of values is death, arid having sex to me meant a him die brings a lot of thought into it. I
previous years, except that they've been based entirely on the massive strong possibility of death. It was almost think it will bring a lot of thought into it
more personal relationships . In the past, consumption of goods. like an equation: Sex equals death. It for a lot of people who ha've sort of been
I've found myself in bed with a good was easy enough to abstain with that ignoring the problem in their own lives,
number of strangers. I remember finding In a lot of cases, the relationships that who've been saying, 'Well, maybe I'll
kind of information.
out the last name of one of my 'friends' you see in pornography, gay take the chance this once.' I mean, I
pornography as well , portray There were a lot of things we know
on a letter I saw on his desk as I was now that we didn't know then. We didn't think that's sort of what I've been saying.
leaving the second time we'd dated-the humiliation and submission as a part of I look back on it later and find myself
the sexual experience, and, on the flip know anything about safe sex
second time we'd been to bed, of course. techniques. We thought everyone who saying, 'My god, why did I take that risk?
Whereas I used to kind of proudly state side, domination and hostility or One thing that really pisses the hell out
degradation. had sex with a carrier would get it. Now
that I always went to bed on the first they're saying that IO to 20 percent of of me is being in a bar and hearing
date, that I was just selective about If I'm honest in analyzing my roles and those .who are exposed to the virus will someone say, 'Oh, he's a slut. I see him
whom I dated, nowadays I've gone out my positions , and what goes on in my g9 on to develop the full syndrome. This walk · out of here three or four times a
on dates and courted men that I've never mind and where the pleasures are is a huge difference from thinking that if week. I wouldn't do anything with him,
even been to bed with. derived in sexual situations , they all you had sex with someone who had been god knows he's probably got AIDS.' He
I've been -least satisfied in those exposed then you were going to die-'the might be having safe sex seven times a
situations where there was an . intense continued on page 8 bullet's been fired, I'm gone.' And, after week.As far as I'm concerned, the person
focus on orgasm as a goal. The· sheer it became known that blood and semen having unsafe sex once a .week is in more
were the carriers of this and that you danger. Likewise, someone who says,
probably didn't get it by kissing ~Oh, he goes to the baths.' Big deal-! He
someone, it became a lot easier for me to may have safe sex in the baths all the
accept. I mean, I really like kissing and. time. That's the number one thing that
cuddling and would find that hard to really burns me up about all this, that we
give up. I would much rather have the have the sluts ap.d they're going to come
opportunity to be intimate with someone down with AIDS, and then there are us
and modify my behavior than not be the angels over here and we don't really
· intimate at all. have sex with that many people, so we're
I don't say I'm perfect in this regard . . going to be OK. Of course, they don't
There have been exceptions to my , really know how ·many people their
having safe sex. Looking back, that was · partner has had sex with or is having sex
stupid. It's happened more recently, as with.
well. It's usually been a situation when I have a lot of problem with the one
I've had a little too much to drink or night stand and yet that seems such a
when I haven't thought about what I'm product of our culture. Everyone seems
doing too carefully. I don't know. Part of to say, 'I don't want that,' and yet
it is that pressure form other people that continued on page 8
Sappho Speaks
December, 1985

cont. from page 6

David cont. from page 6
Steve cont. from page 7 Chuck cont. from page 7

night I had set out with the thought in 1!1Y What I found out from the Navy men somehow touch on those issues. As far as everybody's doing it, including me. I feel
mind 'I'm going to go home with was that I had to have more in common the thrust into another man, when sexual that there's a trap there. I feel, without
some~ne, to have sex with someon~.' with these people than just us liking each frenzy begins to take over and I begin being so vague and nebulous and 1960s,
And I achieved my goal. I guess that m other. That was what I found out from that 'it's in the system.' It's the way the
pounding away, sometimes th_e
itself kind of scared me. If l want to do the guy I was with for two years, a gay scene is set up . I mean, our leading
expression of joy or p~easure _on this
that, I can. Any night of the week I can younger Black guy. I was very close to social outlet is bars. That's been my
other man's face is so akm to pam that I
say, 'Well, I want to go out and have sex him. I was his first lover. We had very social outlet for the last couple of years.
don't really know what I'm doing and I
with someone.' That bothers me because good times together, we had very good That's something I'm looking at
don't care. It registers, but I don't really
I feel that the sexual side of my sex. But, it just became very clear that changing.
think of it in the judgement sense: 'ls this
personality is not that pervasive .. It our needs were 'just too different to There are things I like about the scene.
man in pain?' It's just the experience of
bothers me that in the gay community sustain ourselves. His needs had a lot to I like meeting men who are a few years
frenzy that goes on and it becomes an
sex becomes such a major part of the do with financial security, and my needs older than I am, for example. But, I've
impetus to drive even further and get
lifestyle. I have a big conflict with that, have a lot to do with intellectual found that no real relationships have
deeper and want to be longer and bigger.
because I don't feel that's like me. advancement. I don't do what most developed for me out of people I've met
It's just this real strange trip.
I came out about a year and a half ago. people do. I don't like to go to bars.I at the bars. A relationship is in the front
don't like to socialize that much, except On the flip side, the first time I ever got of my mind, so why do I still go?
All this time I'm sitting there thinking,
with my own frien.ds, who J just sort of fucked, it was a significant milestone. Something that happens to me is
'Wow, I'm really 'attracted to men'--
talk to a lot. I'm very concerned with When I got into bed with this man, he decide to go somewhere 'to have a drink
coming out was finally acting on those
being a writer, which is a solitary wasted verv little time in throwing me on or two.' and pretty soon there's someone
impulses, finally having sex with a man. l
occupation. I think it's unlikely that I'll my back ;nd making his penetration. who looks interesting and pretty soon we
walked around for so long thinking 'I'm
find someone I'm con;ipatible with on all Having been the first time, it was in some get to talking and one thing leads to
the only gay person in the entire world,'
levels and kind of settle down. Frankly, I ways very frightening, but at the same another. There are very seldom nights
thinking I'm relatively alone. But after a
just think I'm an exceptional person, and time the fear was exciting. It was , when I say, 'I'm going out and meet
while I got past that and realized 'Wow,
there aren't that many exceptional certainly an imcomparable experience, someone for sex,' or 'I'm going to go out
there's a lot of us out there.' Just finally
people around. And the ones that are and the sense of being pinned on my and meet someone as Mr. Right.' But,
fessing up to myself and saying this is the
around, I don't tend to be that sexually back was very ... there's something about there must be that sort of expectation
way it is. I used to walk around thinking,
attracted to. the absolute release of not being able to somewhere that that's going to happen.
'Wow, this is really weird; I'm a freak.'
In this situation, you compartmental- act, and therefore not having the
You know, you listen to what everyone I would like to have a lover, but how
ize your needs. You look to your friends responsibility for any actions .. .it was
has told you all these years about does one go about doing that? If you
for intellectual needs, you look to some very gratifying. Maybe there's that sense
hom·o sexuals and you think 'Wow, I want an education, you go to school. If
people for affection needs, some people of being a victim of circumstance that
must be weird and I can't live my whole vou want to get a job, you look at the
for sexual needs. You just sort of don't was being played out in a great intensity
life like this because it's really scary and ~ant ads. If you want to get an
expect one lover to fulfill that spectrum that was satisfying.
I'll never get married and have children apartment, you check the listings. If you
of needs. I think that's the way I used to I'm dating someone now that I've been
and Oh, my god, and na na na .. .' But want to buy a car, you go to a car
be and I got out of it to some extent, but seeing on and off for the past eleven
then you figure, 'Hey, this is me and I can dealership. Where do you go to get a
th~n I got back to the point where it months. Sexual activity came slowly. It
live with myself this way, because this is lover? There isn't some lover dealership
didn't seem possible to find that one was really kind of nice, because we'd
who I am.' · somewhere. Maybe it's because of the
person. walk along in public and just be kind of kind of world we live in, where there's
I would like a relationship with I have a feeling I would probably test
someone. For me, something like a thrilled when we'd hold hands ... some- supposedly someplace to ·go to get
positive on that test. I assume most gay
soulmate--someone you just know so thing new. As we've gotten to know each anything: you know, that we think that 'a
men of my generation would who were at
well that you feel just so totally other, each time we've seen each other, lover' is going to come from the same
all sexually active for the last ten years.
comfortable with that you can share the ~e've gotten more sexual. So, right now kind of source.
In some senses, I engage in safe ~ex. I
rest of your life with--seems ideal. I f~el he seems to really want me to-and I Two people that I know met at a bar
don't get fucked. I haven't maybe for a
like there's someone out there, you would very much like to-fuck him. We and have been together for four years.
year. But, I don't totally engage in sa~e
know. But I don't know if that's realistic haven't gone that far yet, we've had some You know, you think maybe that could
sex. I swallow cum. If my partner 1s
or not. That's the big question. wonderful experiences togeth~r, and I happen to me. Maybe it could. Maybe it
worried about it or talks about AIDS I
Sex is great. It's pretty fun: it's feel very good sexually with him. It's the will. Maybe it won't. But, there's always
suggest to them to assume I'm positive
enjoyable. I repressed my sexuality for synergy of our desire-you know, you the thought in the back of my mind,
and act accordingly. In fact, they should
so long that once I discovered it, it was can read the signals and the ways the 'maybe it could.' And, it's funny, you can
assume that everybody's positive, which
wonderful--'Wow, it would be great to bodies press together. It excites me to always trick yourself, especially after a
I think is what you really have to do. I try
do this all the time!' But other things get push toward that a little bit more each few drinks. I think on occasion I have
to eat well and take various vitamins that
in the way, like AIDS and guilt. For time. tricked myself into saying, 'Well, maybe
are good for the immune system. But,
myself, even though having sex all the what can you do? I mean, you just have My real awareness of AI OS increased this is the right one,' or 'This one has that
time would be ideal, I can't live that way. to try to keep yourself in reasonable so dramatically when I saw Theater possibility.'
It's ideal in one sense, but the other health. . . Rhinoceros do their AIDS Show in San I was in love once, and the person I
ideal--of the person you're going to meet But, ··I like oral sex too much to give 1t Diego earlier this year. I wrote a piece on was in love with was just coming out. He
and have a stable relationship with--also up. I feel like if I have to give it up, it's it for Sappho Speaks ("Rhino," Marc~, cared about me a great deal. I don't
gets in the way. I guess the ultimate ideal sort of not worth it. I think I made the 1985, p 4). At the same time, a pu?hc know whether he could understand the
would be to be in a long term decision that this was the level of risk figure in the local gay community, idea of being in love at that· point. I
relationship with someone that you're so that I was willing to live with. I think I someone that I knew by sight, John mean, we did have a relationship. We
satisfied with in all aspects that you don't live with a lot less risk than a lot of gay Ciaccio, was diagnosed with AI OS. I had a relationship that basically lasted a
have to go outside. I guess otherwise it's men live with, probably somewhere in whole summer. It was a very special
was scared because it didn't seem
like trying to go out and fill those empty the middle. I was glad when I found out time, and very special for both of us. We
impossible anymore. It's a_ really
sp~ces. And it doesn't work, but if you about P.l DS that I had stopped going to cried a lot when he had to leave. It wasn't
frightening thing to really consider the
had all of that in one person that you felt the baths. I don't do poppers anymore, as if he didn't care for me. He would
number of men who have actually been
all these emotions about, that's the which I used to like, although I had sort come down to San Diego every chance
exposed to the virus they believe is
ultimate ideal. That would be just of stopped that before AI OS too. he had. I guess that's the only time I can
responsible for causii:ig AIDS. Maybe
incredible. That would be great! OK, Obviously I don't want to die, or I look back in retrospect and say I was in
I've only had twenty-five or. thirty
where do we buy this person? You know? wouldn't be taking any precautions. I _ love. I don't ever think I ever felt I was
partners, but of those thirty I can thi?k
It's confusing, man. I don't sit around all like being alive. It's pleasant and all that, head over heals in love and in retrospect
of one who used to go to the baths qmte
the time and think about all these things but it's also a real drag. I mean, it takes said l wasn't. I don't fool myself to that
often maybe two years before I knew
because it's so confusing. But I think an enormous amount of energy to live degree, and therefore I do have this idea,
him. I can think of another who used to
you've got to kind of decipher them with any ·sort of dignity in this society. l don't know how founded it is, but I do
go occasionally and probably had on the
sometime in your life to have a There. are a lot of pressures to have this idea that I'll know when the
order of one to two hundred partners. I
semblance of order and sanity. compromise what you want to do with right person comes along within a couple
can think of another. .. I mean it goes on
When I came out, I didn't know AIDS your time, what you want to say. The of weeks of being with him.
and on. I started figuring that the
existed. Through the media, I began to assumption that people have is. that When AIDS was first happening,
chances of my having been exposed were
hear about 'this mysterious disease that everyone is straight and the same. They so good that I have a responsibility to everyone said that it would make
is killing homosexual men.' It was like, lay that asumption on you all the time mvself for my own physical well-being, everyone re-think their sexual attitudes
'Whoa, gotta find out more about this.' and you have the choice of asserting to- any partners l encounter not to and romance and all of this stuff, and I
Most of what I know I've read and I've yourself against it or acquiescing to it. don't think that's happened. I think there
transmit what I may have, and to
heard from others, from the media. You The kinds of jobs this society has to offer encourage their good health and well- was a brief period of time when this thing
know, l read Life magazine. Right now, suck. It's very hard to do anything being. That's what safe sex is, saying 'We first came about when everyone grabbed
all I can say is I'm aware of it. It creeps up creative and get paid for it. Even within are all potential carriers and we have to the first person in sight and made them
now and then, it's in the back of my the realm of creative work, there's a their lover. There was a lot of that going
realize that,' and not 'We want to have
mind. I can't live in mortal fear of it. It's narrow range of what commodities sell on . And about ix months later there
safe sex so that we don't get AIDS.' I
not healthy to live in such fear of things. I and what's acceptable, and to go against were a lot of divorces. That's not a re-
own condoms now.
mean, I could get freaked out that I that is very hard. Another twenty or examination of your sexual attitudes.
When l get sick now. it can scare the That's panic and wanting someone at
might get tuberculosis, or something. thirty years of it doesn't seem like the
AIDS is like any other disease; it just greatest prospect in the world. 1 just hell out of me , when I think of 'what does home with you every night not worrying
happens to live and breed in my want to be able to keep writing for as this mean?' During periods of well- about diseases. AIDS is not something
community. being, I think, 'How nice, how very nice.' to base a relationship on.
long as possible.
Sappho Speaks
December, 1985

The Beach Area Community Clinic provides a screening program for The BACC offers its services to help eliminate sexually transmitted
gay males which tests for sexually transmitted diseases, The screening diseases within the San Diego gay community. This clinic has had a
program also incorporates screening questions and examinations sexually transmitted disease program in operation for many years, and has
designed to uncover any signs of AIDS. The screening session provides a seen many gay males. As a result, it has developed an honest and sensitive
opportunity for discussion of the issue of AIDS and the relative risks of rapport with the gay male population in this community. The BACC is
sexual practices. In addition, Gay Male Screening personnel can provide staffed with a professional group of doctors, nurse practitioners, screeners
clear explanations of the present state of knowledge on AIDS. and counselors experienced in working with gay males.
Examinations and tests consist of the following: This is a comprehensive and low cost screening program, conducted by
persons sensitive to the needs of the gay male community.
I. A genital exam Call 488-0644 for an appointment.
2. A rectal and prostate exam
3. Urinalysis
4. Gonorrhea cultures
5. Syphilis blood test
6. Hepatitis B Vaccination Screen
7. Complete blood count
8. Medical history
9. Stool culture for ova and parasites
IO. Rectal gram stain
11 .. Lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes) exam

The cost is $55. In most medical settings, the lab costs alone would be
well over $100, plus the cost of an office visit. Thus, this is an inexpensive
screening program. c.ommun1rv
3705 m1ss1on BLVD.
SAn DIEGO. CA. 92109

Health Center Tackles AIDS

UCSD's Health Center started the within a homophobic culture.
academic year with a new challenge--to Dr. Daigneault, a physician at the
deal with the hysteria surrounding the Health Center, discussed the Health
AIDS crisis. They have chosen a novel Center's role. Besides the education
approach, an approach which has programs they have put into effect, they
largely been ignored by many other are also attempting to deal with various
health and government officials, yet one student needs. Much of this need is met
which is perhaps the most effective. The simply by increasing the sensitivity of the
Health Center has decided to initiate an Health Center's staff, and by providing a
education program designed to dispel source of reliable information for
many of the myths and fears about students.
AIDS, as well as to inform the "high Dr. Diagneault indicated that those
risk" groups on how they can minimize students who have personal health
their chances of coptracting AIDS. They concerns about AIDS , yet are concerned
presented OI)e of their first projects on with issues of confidentiality, need not
Oct. 22 by sponsoring a "Symposium on worry. He strongly emphasized that all
Al DS", which was attended by medical records are strictly confidential,
approximately fifty people. The purpose and he noted the harsh legal
of this initial program was to inform the ramifications of breaking that
general student population about Al DS: confidentiality . Furthermore, no
how it is being dealt with in San Diego notation will be indicated in the student's
and at UCSD, and to inform students file regarding AIDS if that student is
about how the disease is transmitted seeking advice or has questions
and, perhaps more importantly, how it is regarding Al DS. It seemed of great
not transmitted. Present at the importance to Dr. Daigneault, and the
:,ymposium were representatives from rest of the Health Center staff, that they
the San Diego AIDS Project, The create a comfortable and confidential
LJCSD Health Center, l:JCSD's atmosphere where students can openly
Counseling and Psychological discuss their health concerns without
Services,and the Owen Clinic, which being stigmatized. categorized, or
provides medical services for A IDS morally judged by the Health Center
patients. Staff.
Evident in the discussion were the Although the Health Center has
variety of roles played by the various decided not to provide the HTL V - 11 I
speakers. Dr. Steve Brady, a staff antibody test, they are prepared to
psychologist with Counseling and discuss the pros and cons for those who
i--'sychological Services, discussed the are thinking of having the test done .
impact that Al OS has had on the gay Those who want the antibody test will be
community, both in the form of the referred to San Diego County Public
greater amount of stigmatism that gay Health Clinic, where the testing is
people face beca use of the initial provi ded with strict confidentia lit y.
fallacious assumption that Al DS was a The Hea lth Center has made avai lab le
gay di sease, and with the ways gay educational pamphlets about A l DS.
peo ple have learned to deal wit h the fear There are also a variety of resources
of A IDS among themselves. One of Dr. available both on campus and in San
Brady's key roles at UCSD ha s been to Diego. For more information, stude nts
work with gay and lesbian students. He can call the Health Center, the Lesbian
noted that AIDS has become a greater and Gay Organi,ation at CSD (452-
concern for gay students who are 4297), or the San Diego AIDS Project
attempting to integrate their sex uality (54]-0300).
Sappho Speaks
December, 1985

announcements followed by a discussion of the German Turnvereins, which community, as well as being a positive
Gay Youth dealing with gay related issues. After the
discussion there usually is an informal
flourished in this country in the last half
of the 19th Century.
contribution to the San Diego
community at large.
social, which may meet at the beach, Although men's choruses later In a most generous gesture, the Gay
Alliance Denny's , a member's house, a movie, or
at Studio 9.
suffered a decline in popularity, there
has been a revival going on in America
Men's Chorus of Los Angeles staged a
benefit kickoff concert on behalf of the
Many gay youths in San Diego may G YA has a 24-hour information line, for several years, with some exciting new San Diego group in August, in
ask the question, "What is there to do in which is (619) 233-9309. The recorded results. Not the least of these has been Balboa Park's Casa del Prado Theater.
San Diego for those under 21 ?" Most of message may run a little long, but it the formation of several gay men's The presentation of portions of their
the gay organizations, clubs, and provides access to a great resource of choruses around the country. The spring concert, "In The Mood," was met
activities are geared toward the 21 and information on current gay related earliest organizations were founded in with overwhelming approval by an
older crowd. Studio 9 and Trax, both 18 activities and organizations in San San Francisco and New York, followed enthusiastic audience, and audition lists
and over dance clubs, may satisfy the Diego. G YA also now owns one of the by others in most major cities coast to were nearly filled that night with the
interests of those who can fit into the largest collections of gay literature in coast. names of those interested in joining the
Cliche scene, but what other alternatives San Diego. For those who have With the support of the San Diego local chorus. In the end, 57 men were
are there for gay youth? Gay Youth questions and may want to write, the lesbian and gay community and some accepted into membership , and
Alliance has answered this question for address is: extra special help from the Gay Men's rehearsals began soon thereafter.
many gay youth in San Diego. Chorus of Los Angeles, the dream of a Music Director Ken Caton has chosen
After two years of growing pains, the GYA P.O. Box 83022 San Diego, Ca. men's chorus in San Diego is now a an ambitious program for the opening
Gay Youth Alliance is now becoming a 92138 reality. A group of friends and lovers has concert, scheduled for the end of
very active part of San Diego's gay worked hard since last spring to bring January 1986. Selections run the
community. Phil Rector, PhD, and this organization into being. Those spectrum from classical to Americana,
Frank Shine, a longtime facilitator at the
Men's Center, are the original adult
Gay Men's involved had felt very strongly for some
time that the talent was here in San
pop, and show tunes. This diversity of
musical styles indicates the intent of the
coordinators of the group. They are now Diego for a superb choral ensemble. The group to explore all facets of the choral
becoming less involved, while
encouraging members of the group to
Chorus result of these efforts is now the San
Diego Men's Chorus.
Prior to the January concert, the
take on greater leadership roles. With its The San Diego Men's Chorus, having
The San Diego Men's Chorus has chorus may be heard caroling at the new
new steering committee and begun as an idea among friends and
established itself primarily as a musical Horton Plaza Shopping Center from 7-8
implementation of more specific lovers last spring, is now a reality. The
organization with the goal of challenging pm, December 5 and 19, and on Sunday,
committees, G YA is now making good first performance by the chorus will be the musical potential of its members. December 15, from 4-5 pm. Further
progress. G YA attracts youth from late January 1986, with details to be However, the chorus recognized the information on the date and location of
many different areas and backgrounds announced. potential for being an uplifting and the first concert will be published in
such as local high schools, colleges, and The sound of a men's chorus is unifying force within the lesbian and gay upcoming issues of the local gay press.
the Navy. The ages range anywhere from certainly nothing new to American
16 to 24. The group has its meetings audiences. It was part of the standard
every other Friday, which begin at 7:30
p. m. They are held at the Lesbian and
musical fare of the first decades of this
century. Opportunities to participate in
Gay Community Center located at the men's choruses came not only from
corner of 5th and Robinson between the colleges and universities, but also from
Brass Rail and Video Plus. The meeting businesses, civic organizations, and
_u s u a l l y b e g i n s ~ i t h g e n e r a I ethnic societies, such as the mannerchor
HOTTEST Or Just Interestecf in Reading Sappho Speaks?

DANCE BAR For a meagre $2 you can have one of the hottest gay
FOR WOMEN student newspapers in the country delivered to your
doorstep. That's a full year (3 issues) of hard-hitting
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B-023 H-6
La Jolla, Calif.
$2 Cover Friday 92037
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Sappho Speaks
December 1985

one, l wonder how successful she is. barriers and draw-out isolationists we sexual preference or not to have one at

LETTERS · Doesn't she 'bond' as much as men?

Don't we all? As a political scientist, I
speak social scientist-ese. As a feminist, I
learn more about ourselves, as well as
about others. Maybe in that wa y we will
all move closer to being witches, and we
I'd like to see the sharp line of division
between homosexuals and heterosexuals
will learn the right spell to cast on (which I attribute to the general San
speak feminist-ese. As a radical, I speak
"Witches" Marxist-ese. Aren't these as
patriarchy and those 'inoffensive blobs'
known as men.
Diego conservativism) broken down. I'd
like to see bisexuality more widely
exclusionary as sports talk and jargon
Tess Colby recognized, and more widely accepted by
employed among lesbians and gays?
and Women Where do we draw the line between
both groups.
criticizing bonding for its patriarchal M.E. H.

Dear Editor:
nature and justifying it out of self-
defense? "Witches"
"Bitchy Witch Power," Debbie
At one point Mukuteit steps out on a
Gay Study
Mikuteit's article of last June is one of
the more original approaches to limb and states "lesbian witchery is the and Men
feminism I've ever read. When I first height of lesbianism and is completely As part of a President's
read it, I didn't take it seriously. Who not involved in male bonding that is in Dear Editor: Undergraduate Fellowship project and a
could? She seemed to rant about witches wanting to be men. So it is not the Your June issue of Sappho Speaks Special Study in Sociology, Russell
and feelings and nonsensical, impossible lesbians who want to be men but the caught me by surprise. Information Lewis and Sharon Moxon are
notions about men-both gay and straight and other non-witch women about my gender, that I had never conducting research on Gay
straight - and women-"witches", who do (where 'witch' implies feminist)." known before, confronted me in Debbie organizations on California college
lesbians and straight. But then I shared Does she believe that Phyllis Schlafely Mikuteit's piece, ~'Bitchy Witch Power." campuses.
some passages with some friends, wants to be a man? That woman is the Until now, I have never known that Through interviews, observations,
particularly Valerie Solanas' definition most non-witch, and the least male simply by accident of birth, l am surveys, and other data, we will study
of a man, '' a biological accident ... an woman I can imagine. Not that her genetically inferior, a pervert, how lesbians and gay men work
incomplete female, a walking abortion." aggressive femininity makes her any less emotionally limited, an unresponsive together, the role of gay/ lesbian student
This was a quote I had particularly masculine; rather, her obvious lump and a bore. Nor did I realize that organizations in students' lives and in the
enjoyed, yet my friends found no humor homophobia drives away any tendencies Ms. Mikuteit had a notion as to my body university community, and the structure
in it at all (nor, needless to say, any she might have toward being a man. Yet cleanliness. I can assure her that I smell and politics of these organizations.
truth). A male friend was offended by the Schlafely is uniquely involved in the fresh as a daisy. Furthermore, it is The goal of the project is to prepare a
whole idea, and scoffed at the concept of male bonding process, by not only written that males are "walking descriptive analysis of lesbian and gay
'male bonding.' A female friend agreed condoning it, but also engendering and abortions". Well, I suppose the "Great student organizations which we plan to
with the overall message, but she nurturing it. Without it, she is lost. Mother"must be keeping us around for distribute · to state colleges and
resented the violent tone in that one some reason. universities · as an academic and
Perhaps Mikuteit implies that only a
exquisitely worded passage. It really is not fair to target a part of informational resource and as a
life void of male influences will be
Why are people so scared of words? humanity for all the sins of our fathers networking tool.
completely free from male bonding and
Mikuteit, l believe, answers that patriarchy. I have no problem with and mothers. Perhaps it could be We feel that this project is valuable not
question perfectly throughout her gender isolation, but is that a solution to suggested that Sappho Speaks readers only from an academic standpoint, but
article. We are all too busy doing the problem, or an ignorance of it? Will read the horrid lethargy of words that also in terms of self-definition by
'business' or structuring our lives so as to witchery bring about change? Mikuteit struck the Jewish folk prior to World lesbians and gay men. Your
leave a mark in history. We read words, suggests areas in which we can work for War I I. Lurid accounts of the physical, participation is extremely important for
but we don't feel them. We analyze when change, mostly from within ourselves ~In emotional, and intellectual deficiencies an accurate representation of gay
we should live and empathize. We define addition to certain holistic methods, she of a people are the characteristics of student life.
when we should create. · suggests reading and discussing issues sadly distorted minds. Let's not sink into If you are a gay/ lesbian student,
which face us as feminists and as people. an abyss of hatred. Let's work together faculty or alumnus, please call us at (619)
Mikuteit's mystical language shadows
She encourages us to overcome our fears for a better world. Do your best and l (a 452-2023, 235-6558, or write to Gay
her message. She forces the reader to
of words which connote different straight male) will do mine. Student Groups as a Social and Political
look beyond mere words and understand
!ifestyles, to redefine them and to Sincerely, Force, Sappho Publications, B-023-H6,
the message as one potential witch to
l;Jnderstand them. I agree. As we destroy James Tackett La Jolla, CA, 92037. We will be glad to
another, for although she claims to he
send you a copy of our initial survey, or ·
further discuss the project with you.
Your input is absolutely essential.

Acceptance Editors:
Russell Lewis, Sharon Moxon-Benton
Dear Editor,
I am from Richmond, VA, which is Contributors and Production Staff:
, the only Democratic city in Virginia. I Rick Pollock, Sue Rochman, Janet
am a liberal--quite close to radical-- Benton, Wendy Todd, Milford Chang,
person. I am and have been pretty well Karen Pickens, Carlos Nelson, John,
acquainted with the gay crowd in Sharon Moxon-Benton, Russell Lewis,
Richmond, and I have friends in the gay Wayne Fabert, Elisa Soho
crowd in San Diego.
My friends in Richmond are liberal Sapphu Speaks functions as a forum for
too. When I went to a bar, unattatched discussion. Everyone is welcome and
We touch, and ffeer as I was, I didn't really think about which encouraged to submit art. fiction.
a spark of joy, sex I might go home with. Usually it was
a male, but sometines it was a female. In
articles. photographs. or letters. and to
participate in production. Sappho
but though our sk_in meets the crowd I associated with, there were a
large percentage of bisexuals (mostly
Speaks does not discriminate on the
basis of sexual orientation. sex. race.
our ~yes do not female). There were also people who
called themselves gay, but sometimes
religious affiliation. political affiliation.
physical disability. age or creed.
and you turn away. you saw them go home with someone of
the opposite sex as well.
Sappho Speak .\ is an officially
In my short term of acquaintance with
recognized campus paper of the
San Diego, I have noticed a general lack
University of California. San Diego. and
of bisexuals here. There seems to be a
We kiss, and I f~cl sharp line of division between the
is fund ed by student fee s and advertising
heterosexuals and homosexuals. They
a surge of love don't often interrelate , and to a
The opm10n and views contained in
but though our lips touch, newcomer like me, this appears to be a
mild form of mutual phobia. When this (name of media) do not represent those
o-µr souls do not situation exists , bisexuals are outsiders.
They occupy the line of division that is so
of the ASUCSD, the Regents, and / or
the University of California.
and you turn away. rarely crossed by the other two groups.
They might be looked upon as wierd ,
" not knowing their sexual preference." Send submi ss ion s to :
The truth is , bisexuals are the most open- Sappho Speaks
minded of the three groups. They accept B--023-H6
Karen Lynn Pickens the beauty of both sexes, and also La Jolla, Calif.
recognize the right of people to make a 92037

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