In Vitro Two-Body Wear of Three Veneering Resins

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In vitro two-body wear of three veneering resins

Louisa I. Gallegos, D.D.S., M.S.D.,* and Jack I. Nicholls, Ph.D.*’

University of Washington, School of Dentistry, Seattle, Wash.

W ear of the hard dental tissues is common and

increaseswith increasing age. Excessive tooth wear can
Table I. Pin and plate combinations tested
Pin specimens
occur on teeth that are in malocclusion, exposed to Plate
abrasive foodstuffs or bruxism, and in associationwith specimens Isosit-N Dentacolor Visio Gem
xerostomia.’ Cleaning of teeth may lead to wear if Enamel 5’ 5 5
improper techniques and excessively abrasive materials Gold 5 5 5
are used.* Wear of the hard dental tissues can be Porcelain 5 5 5
Isosit-N 5
categorized in the three divisions of physiologic causes,
Dentacolor 5
pathologic causes,and toothbrush and dentifrice abra- Visio Gem 5
sion causes.
Remedial treatment usually involves restoration or *Denotes five tests run for each pin/plate combination.
replacement of the dental tissueswith one of the many
available restorative materials. Missing teeth require
replacement by fixed or removable restorations.
The wear properties of the restorative material veneering material to be more abrasion-resistant than
against other restorative materials and tooth structure Pyroplast veneering material.
must influence selectionof a particular modality. Several The Taber (Taber Instrument Co., North Tonowan-
restorative materials may be combined in the restored da, N.Y.) abraser was used by Tillitson et al.” to show
dentition. wear characteristicsof commonly useddental materials
Uneven wear occurs in function and will precipitate and by Lugassy and Greener14to compare wear resis-
loss of vertical dimension, loss of centric occlusion, tance of filled and unfilled resins. A machine simulating
proximal wear, tilting of teeth, development of interfer- jaw movementswas usedby Mahalich et a1.3to evaluate
ences, and periodontal involvement.3 Loss of stability various combinationsof gold, acrylic resin (poly[methyl-
and retention of removable prostheseswith attendant methacrylate]), porcelain, and enamel.
pain and involvement of the supporting mucosa and An apparatus to produce wear under sliding condi-
underlying bone is also common.3 tions was developed by Harrison.” Smalley and Nich-
Myerson using sets of opposing denture teeth in a 011s,‘~using similar equipment, evaluated various
machine that simulated chewing to measurevolume loss materials in combination and against each other.
with time, found that more wear occurred when acrylic This investigation compared the relative wear resis-
resin opposed acrylic resin than when acrylic resin tance of Visio Gem (ESPE/Premier, Norristown, Pa.),
opposed porcelain. Cornell et a1.5found that the least Dentacolor (Kulzer, Inc., Irvine, Calif.), and Isosit-N
wear occurred when acrylic resin teeth opposedacrylic (Ivoclar, Schaan, Leichtenstein) veneering materials
resin teeth and that wear of acrylic resin against acrylic against porcelain (Vita VMK-68, Unitek Corp., Mon-
resin was comparable to porcelain against porcelain. rovia, Calif.), type III gold (Firmilay, J.F. Jelenko,
Several different types of apparatus have been devel- Armonk, N.Y.), human enamel, and compositerestor-
oped to evaluate abrasion and wear of natural teeth and ative materials. The number of specimenstestedin each
various restorative materials usedin dentistry.6y” Staffa- category along with test combinationsare given in Table
nou et al.‘* studied resistance to toothbrush abrasion I. The three resin products investigated for abrasion-
(using Crest [Proctor and Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio] resistanceare given in Table II.
toothpaste as an abrasive) by Isosit (Aderer-Degussa, All resin specimenswere polymerized according to the
Inc., Long Island City, N.Y.) veneering material, Pyro- manufacturers’ instructions. Specimensof human tooth
plast (Williams Gold Refining Co., Inc., Buffalo, N.Y.) enamel prepared from the facial surfaces of recently
veneering material, and porcelain, and found the Isosit extracted anterior teeth were stored in distilled water
and removed only during preparation.
The wear-testing device described by Smalley and
*Private practice, Denver, Colo. Nicholls16and usedin this study is capable of producing
**Professor, Restorative Dentistry. measurabletwo-body wear and allowed five pairs of pin



Table II. Physical properties of the resins tested

Isosit-N Dentacolor Visio Gem

Filler type Hydrophobic SiO* Pyrogenic SiOz 0.04 Agglomerated SiO,

0.01 to 0.04 pm pm prepolymerized particles less than
prepolymerized 0.01 pm
Percent filler 39% By weight total 72% Total by weight 40% By weight total
inorganic filler 51% Inorganic by inorganic filler
Resin type Urethane Multifunctional Tricyclicodecan
Dimethacrylate methacrylic ester dimethacxyloxy-
Cure method Heat and pressure Blue light Blue light plus 15
minute blue light
and vacuum
Cure depth Unlimited 3.5 mm 5 to 10 mm
Compressive strength 250 MPa (36,250 psi) 350 MPa (50,800 psi) 450 MPa (63,000 psi)

Table III. Means and standard deviations of wear loss data (in brn)
Plate specimens

Porcelain Enamel Gold Resin

Pin suecimens x SD 57 SD x SD T7 SD

Dentacolor 272.6’ 78.0 43.5 64.6 33.3 22.3 38.7 27.1

Visio Gem 123.2 20.0 3.1 2.5 6.8 6.1 4.2 2.2
Isosit-N 1009.4t 168.1 40.2 23.4 27.1 13.4 54.4 6.8

*Wear loss after 96 hours.

tWear loss after 7 Ihours.

and plate specimens to wear simultaneously. Reciprocal the required static load necessary to produce the desired
sliding contact ‘was continuous, and contact stress (the contact stress could be determined. The second measure-
lower limit of biting stress”) was maintained constant at ments followed the abrasion test. Amount of pin wear
0.30 kg/mm2 while the specimens were continually was represented as the difference between the first and
bathed in 37” C distilled water. second measurements.
Wear was determined by direct measurement of the Pin specimens were made from each of the three
mounted pin specimens using an X-Y table with digital polymeric veneering materials. Initially these specimens
readout micrometers having an accuracy of 0.001 mm. were prepared oversized to provide excess for machining
Measurement of specimens was accomplished in the to final dimensions. Specimens of Isosit-N material were
following manner. A mounted pin specimen, once made in specially designed aluminum forms. Dentacolor
removed from the wear testing device, was placed on the and Visio Gem specimens were prepared from resin that
X-Y table beneath a x40 microscope. The specimens had been placed in glass tubing and light-cured in their
were placed in a jig that ensured accurate and reproduc- individual units. The rough specimens were machined to
ible replacement. This allowed the measuring device to a diameter of 1 f 0.20 mm in an engineering lathe and
be zeroed at a fixed location for each measurement. cut to 6 mm lengths. Water spray was used during
Actual measurement of wear was made by aligning the machining to prevent heat buildup, drying of specimens,
cross hairs of the microscope with the worn end of the and clogging of the rotating diamond disk used for
pin specimen. Wear data were recorded at the two machining.
lateral borders (the worn edge) of the resin pin. All Plate specimens were prepared from human tooth
measurements were read three times. (System measure- enamel, a type III gold casting alloy, the resin materials
ment error was * 0.004 mm.) studied, and a vacuum-fired veneering porcelain fused to
Measurements were recorded twice during each test. a ceramometal alloy. Human enamel specimens were
The first measurements were recorded after a wear-in prepared from the facial surfaces of maxillary central
period to establish baseline data. The diameter of the pin and lateral incisors by using a diamond bur in an
specimen was also measured at this time and used to air-driven, contra-angle handpiece with water spray.
calculate the circular area of its worn face from which Gold specimens were made from wax patterns that were




Fig. 1. Wear loss against porcelain.



Fig. 2. Wear loss against enamel.

sprued, invested, and cast in a manner similar to that grit) were used, and final polishing was achieved with
described by Shillingburg et a1.18Porcelain specimens alumina polishing powders of decreasing particle size
were made’8 by applying body porcelain to an opaqued (15 to 5, 1, and 0.06 pm). Porcelain specimens were
cast ceramometal alloy and firing in a vacuum furnace finished to No. 600 grit and glazed. All specimens were
(Ultra-Mat, Unitek). then stored in room temperature distilled water.
Contacting surfaces of the pin and plate specimen In preparation for wear-testing, specimens were pot-
were faced and polished by using standard metallo- ted into their respective mounting blocks with self-curing
graphic methods.19 The specimens were held in specially acrylic resin (Duralay, Reliance Dental Mfg. Co.,
made jigs to ensure that the finished surface would be Worth, Ill.).
perpendicular to the applied load. Wet silicon carbide Five specimens of each material combination were
abrasives of decreasing grit size (Nos. 240,320,400,600 tested (Table I). A standard 96-hour test period was




3 50 T


Fig. 3. Wear loss against gold.




Fig. 4. Wear loss against like resins.

maintained for a.11combinationsexcept Isosit-N material yses were performed, and the Student-Newman-Keuls
against porcelai:n (Table III). procedure was usedto determine statistical significance.
Resinsin squarebrackets in Table IV belongto the same
RESULTS statistical subset.
Means and standard deviations for wear loss of the
pin specimensare shown in Table III. The wear loss DISCUSSION
data in graphic forms are shown in Figs. 1 through 4. When opposedto porcelain, Isosit-N material showed
Each figure indicates the pin wear lossfor a single plate the most wear of the three materials studied. In a
material. toothbrush abrasion study, l2 Isosit material demonstrat-
Table IV showsthe statistical grouping of the wear ed half the abrasion lossof Pyroplast material. Another
loss. A one-way analysis of variance was obtained toothbrush study2’ reported mean volume loss
separately for each plate material. Four statistical anal- (ml X lo-‘) of 79 f 25 for Namilon (H. D. Justi Co.,



Fig. 5. SEM of plate wear for like resins. A, Isosit-N; B, Dentacolor; C, Visio Gem.
(Magnification x200.)

Table IV. Statistical analysis of wear data Isosit-N, Biolon (L.D. Caulk Co., Milford, Del.), and
Visio Gem veneering materials and found the lossof the
Plate Statistical subsets
glaze and Biolon material to be similar. Additionally,
Porcelain [Visio Gem], [Isosit-N], [Dentacolor] Isosit-N lost more material than did Visio Gem. After
Enamel [Visio Gem, Isosit-N, Dentacolor] wear-testing, the filler concentration was estimatedto be
Gold [visio Gem], [Isosit-N, Dentacolor]
Resin [Visio Gem], [Isosit-N], [Dentacolor] 30% for Isosit-N and 40% for Visio Gem materials.
Sandrik et al.*l concluded that dentifrice abrasion may
Square brackets enclose materials with the same wear loss not be a function of filler content but a complex
(p 7 0.05). phenomenon involving monomer-polymer conversion
and easeof filler removal.
Nathanson et al.** found the wear of Isosit material
Buffalo, N.Y.) material, 46 t- 13 for Myerson’s (Aus- after 18 months to be the least of three resins placed in
tenal Dental Products, Chicago, Ill.) special crown and Macaca monkeys. Whitman et al.23studied Isosit, Bio-
fixed partial dentures material, 10 + 3 for Isosit (Ivo- form (Dentsply, New York, N.Y.), and IPN (Dentsply)
clar) inlay and onlay material, 11 f 4 for Dentacolor materials. Wear was generatedby a stainlesssteelpin in
(Kulzer, Inc.) material, and 11 +- 3 for Visio Gem a pin and disk apparatus. The results suggestthat IPN
(ESPE-Premier) material. In a further study, Sandrik et and Isosit denture teeth wore lessthan Bioform denture
al.*l investigated the wear loss of Visio Gem glaze, teeth.



The results obxained by Smalley and NichollP using was abraded against Isosit-N material, the grinding
Isosit powder and liquid did not show the wear loss of noises during testing were louder than for the other
Isosit material against porcelain to be as great as that materials. The pin samples were easily broken during
found in this study, which used Isosit N (a premixed testing; thus testing had to be repeated until a set was
material). tested successfully.
The wear-in period of Isosit-N material against Visio Gem material is cured under vacuum, which
porcelain required only 1 hour in comparison with the prevents oxygen from inhibiting the polymerization
72- to 144-hour time period required for the other pin process. Ruyter** found that diffusion of oxygen into the
samples against porcelain. It became apparent during exposed surface of the resin could inhibit the polymer-
this wear period that Isosit-N material was wearing ization to a depth of 5 to 100 pm, dependent on the rate
rapidly, thus the final wear measurements were taken of initiation and the viscosity of the resin. A study
after only 7 hours of testing (Table III). comparing the use of vacuum curing versus no vacuum
Phillips* showed Visio Gem material to be superior to for Visio Gem material found that values of diametral
a microfill, a conventional composite, and a dental tensile strength, density, and microhardness were signif-
amalgam in a two-body wear test against enamel and icantly increased with vacuum curing.29 Visio Gem
dentin. Sandrick* concluded that Visio Gem material material obtained a mirrorlike surface with minute
was comparable to a microfill and a posterior composite scratches when abraded against gold, enamel, and Visio
and three times Ibetter than a methylmethyacrylate. Gem material. This is indicative of its hard surface and
Lambrechts and Vanherle24 postulated that an opti- relates to the model of a hard surface abrading another
mal bond may not exist between the organic filler hard surface.25
(prepolymerized filler) and the resin matrix. Incomplete It is evident that wear is a complex phenomenon. It is
bonding can be explained by regarding the heat-cured dependent not only on filler type and filler concentration
organic filler particle as densely cross-linked polymer but also on the resin type, method of cure, polymeriza-
particles containing microfine inorganic particles. As a tion conversion, filler-matrix bond, physical and
result of the cross-linked structure and the size of the mechanical properties, and reactivity in the oral environ-
monomer molecules, a diffusion of the monomer mole- ment.
cules into the organic filler particles could be slow. Few
monomer molecules will be able to reach and react with CONCLUSIONS
the remaining double bonds in the heat-cured filler. This Three polymeric veneering materials were wear-
could limit the number of bonds formed resulting in a tested under two-body conditions with reciprocal sliding
reduced bond strength. This type of filler exists in contact in 37” distilled water. The following conclusions
Dentacolor and Isosit-N materials, but not in Visio Gem can be made from this study.
material (Table II). 1. A significant difference in wear loss was found for
Hard, smooth materials such as enamel tend to polish all three products against porcelain, with Isosit-N mate-
the surfaces they abrade. 25When one composite abrades rial showing the greatest wear loss and Visio Gem
another composite, the filler wears the matrix preferen- material the least.
tially. This results in a “plucking” effect in which the 2. No difference in wear loss was found for the three
unworn filler particles can be removed entirely. resins against enamel.
SEM photographs of the abraded plate samples of like 3. Visio Gem material showed significantly less wear
resin materials .in contact reveal a difference in groove than Dentacolor or Isosit materials against gold.
depth among three materials (Fig. 5). The grooves 4. A significant difference in wear loss was found for
follow the direction of movement of the pins. The groove all three products against like resins, with Isosit-N
depth is the greatest for Isosit-N material, intermediate material showing the greatest wear loss and Visio Gem
for Dentacolor material, and the least for Visio Gem material the least.
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The effect of enamel etchant on the solubility of

three calcium hydroxide bases
H. W. Titus, D.D.S., M.A.,* R. N. Draheim, D.D.S.,* and A. J. Murrey, D.D.S., M.S.**
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Dental School, San Antonio, Tex.

C alcium hydroxide bases are often placed under

restorative materials because they are easily manipulated
the dentin does not dissolve in the etching solution,
impairing its function of protecting the cut dentin from
and thought to have beneficial effects. A more recent use the acid-etch. This study compared the solubility of three
is as a lining to protect the dentin while acid-etching cavity bases in 37% phosphoric acid etchant, simulating
enamel before placing composite restorations.‘-4 Acid clinical procedures under controlled laboratory tech-
etching of enamel improves the retention of resin resto- niques.
rations and reduces marginal leakage.5s6 It is highly
desirable that the calcium hydroxide lining material over MATERIAL AND METHODS
The bases tested were Life Fast Set (Kerr/Sybron,
Romulus, Mich.), Dycal Advanced Formula II (L.D.
*Assistant Professor, Division of Operative Dentistry. Caulk, Milford, Del.), and NuCap (Coe Laboratories,
**Associate Professor, Division of Operative Dentistry. Inc., Chicago, Ill.). All of the materials consist of two


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