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Stat Priority Speed > Skill > Morale > HP

Required Parts Hare, Kestrel, Little Owl

 This build favors speed as its highest priority.
 Focuses on dealing high amounts of damage and efficient combos
 Aims to eliminate the enemy's main damage deal dealer (back-liner) immediately.
 With the ability "Dark Swoop", this build will be able to give attack priority to the fastest
enemy axie.
 This build focuses on dealing high amounts of damage and efficient combos.
 Backdoor Bird is very similar to Pure DD in terms of their kit.

Pure DD relies on high burst damage from the get-go to shatter the enemy's armor for
high-chance of winning.

Required parts:
Little Owl and Eggshell activate the abilities; Dark Swoop and Eggbomb. Without these parts,
Backdoor Bird will not be utilized.

Best Combo

Dark Swoop + Early Bird

Dark Swoop & Early Bird can be paired with Backdoor Bird.
Dark Swoop allows you to target the enemy's fastest enemy
which usually, is its damage dealing axie. Paired with Early
Bird, it can deal high damage to potentially eliminating your
enemy's axie.

Dark Swoop + Ill Omened + Headshot Combo

Requires 3 energy
This combo will surely render the enemy's damage dealer
useless. With this combo, you can target the fastest enemy and
apply a debuff that will prevent them from landing critical
strikes, along with disabling their horn cards which are their
damage abilities mostly.

Best Teammates For Backdoor Bird

Damage dealing axies with high speed like Beast, Bird, or Aqua
can work well with Backdoor Bird. Tank axies with high HP is
could be viable too given the low health Backdoor Bird has.

Backdoor Bird Weaknesses

Backdoor Bird is primarily weak against Frontline or Mid-lane
axies. This build has relatively low HP so if it gets eliminated
early, then it will be hard for you to bounce backsince your main
damage dealer will be knocked out


Required Parts Ronin, Imp

 RIMP beast triggers a combo which makes the axie an energy powerhouse.
 Ronin grants you a guaranteed critical strike paired with another card. Together with Imp
(returns 1 energy if landed a critical strike),
 The combo above will grant you high burst damage to potentially killing an enemy axie
in a single round while recovering energy at the same time.
 This build favors morale as its highest stat priority.
 This build centers on the ability Allergic Reaction which deals 130% damage against
debuffed targets.
 Terminator Build favors HP as its strongest attribute.

 The ability "Chomp" paired with another card, sets up a combo that allows you to get
past the enemy's armor and activate Allergic Reaction.
 Note that Dusk termi build is stronger than Reptile termi since it’s faster.
 This build works well if paired with axies who have debuff abilities.


Thorny Caterpillar, Tiny Turtle, & Lagging activate the abilities; Allergic Reaction,
Chomp, and Mystic Rush. Without these necessary parts, Idle Exploiter will not work.

Mystic Rush + Sticky Goo + Allergic Reaction combo

The applied debuff of the Chomp/Mystic Rush Combo will now trigger the 130%
damage bonus of Allergic Reaction. Paired with Sticky Goo, you can in turn reset the
stun effect if your shield breaks.

Termi Build works well if paired with axies who also have debuff abilities to
continuously trigger the Allergic Reaction effect.

Termi Build is more of a hybrid axie somewhere between the genes of Reptile, Aqua, and
Bug. Weaknesses of this build vary depending on the axie's genetic composition.
Dusk termi build is stronger than Reptile termi since its faster while Reptile termi is more
of a tank axie because of its reliable health stat.
Stat Priority HP > Morale > Speed > Skill
Required Parts Lagging, Thorny Caterpillar, Snail Shell, Tiny Turtle
 This build favors the ability "Allergic Reaction" which deals 130% damage against
targets that are debuffed.
 The ability "Chomp" paired with another card, sets up a combo that allows you to get
past the enemy's armor and activate Allergic Reaction.
 This build's card set was nerfed but still remains as one of the strongest build in the meta.
 Terminator Build favors HP as its strongest attribute.
 This build works well if paired with axies who have debuff abilities.


Thorny Caterpillar, Tiny Turtle, & Lagging activate the abilities; Allergic Reaction, Chomp, and
Mystic Rush. Without these parts, Idle Exploiter will not work.

Mystic Rush + Sticky Goo & Allergic Reaction Combo
Mystic Rush + Sticky Goo + Allergic Reaction

The applied debuff of the Chomp/Mystic Rush Combo will now trigger the
130% damage bonus of Allergic Reaction. Paired with Sticky Goo, you can in
turn reset the stun effect if your shield breaks.

Termi Build works well if paired with axies who also have debuff abilities to
continuously trigger the Allergic Reaction effect.

Termi Build is more of a hybrid axie somewhere between the genes of Reptile,
Aqua, and Bug. Weaknesses of this build vary depending on the axie's genetic


Stat Priority HP > Skill > Speed > Morale
Required Parts Serious, Pumpkin, Rose Bud

 What's different about this build is that the Plant will be the back-liner of your team.
 This build favors on healing abilities, especially with the Pumpkin + Rose bud combo.

 This team relies on surviving rounds and utilizing the Bloodmoon damage to kill off
enemy axies.
 This build aims to keep your Axie alive as much as possible until the blood moon rounds.
 Healing Plant Build favors HP as its strongest attribute.


With Healing Plant Build, the parts that are necessary for an Axie to have
are Pumpkin, Carrot, & Rosebud. Without these parts, Healing Plant will not
work and you will not be able to out live the enemy Axie during bloodmoon.

Sweet Party & Vegetal Bite Combo
October Treat + Vegetal Bite

This combo is good for keeping your energy up while sustaining your health by
playing defensively with high shield.

Shroom's Grace & Cleanse Scent Combo

Healing Aroma + October Treat

This combo will be the one to keep your Healing Plant alive in the late game up
until bloodmoon rounds. You use this combo to heal and play defensively with
tons of shield until you win the game.

Healing Plant Build is paired with ideally two aquas can make a decent
team. This team has decent speed and can deal huge burst damage followed by
the heals and support by your Healing Plant.

Since in this build your tank is in the backline, you should look out for your
front Axies because they will be the one to deal damage to your enemy. Make
sure to heal them when necessary.
Healing Plant Build is primarily weak against damage dealer Axies with
backdoor abilities. Damage Dealer Axies can potentially one-shot combo this
build especially with critical strikes if backdoor abilities are triggered.
Stat Priority HP > Speed > Skill > Morale
Required Parts Bumpy, Bone Sail, Cattail
This build mainly focuses on drawing cards and forcing
the enemy to waste combo cards through your massive
Even with the recent nerf of the Ivory Chop, this build is
still one of the best meta builds in the current season
because of its powerful reptile cards.
 Focuses on drawing cards and forcing the enemy to waste combo cards through your
massive shield

 Focuses on building up tons of shield to soak up damage and provide additional card
draws while you prepare your other axie's for powerful combos.

 This build is still one of the best meta builds in the current season because of its powerful
reptile cards.
 This build plays defensively by building up tons of shield and additional card draws.
 Bumpy Bone Sail Build favors HP as its strongest attribute.
With Bumpy Bone Sail Build, the parts that are
necessary for an axie to have are Bumpy, Cattail, &
Bone Sail. Bumpy, Cattail, and Bone Sail activate the
abilities; Overgrow Keratin, Cattail Slap, and Ivory
Chop. Without these parts, Bumpy Bone Sail Build will
not work.

Ivory Chop + Overgrow Keratin Combo

Ivory Chop + Overgrow Keratin
This combo provides tons of survivability for your Axie because of the Overgrow Keratin. It can
also provide additional card draws if the enemy is able to destroy your massive shield.

Ivory Chop + Critical Escape + Chomp Combo

Ivory Chop + Cattail Slap + Chomp
This combo can deal massive damage while providing additional card draws from Cattail
Slap and stun debuff from Chomp.

The Bumpy Bone Sail Build should be paired with another damage dealer Axie. Since you will
have a difficult time dealing with the enemy tank, most of the cards on this build has less than
100 damage, which can be problematic when dealing with tanky Plant axies.
Given its low speed, bumpy bone sail build can have a rough time facing against Mech, Bird, and
Aqua since you will only increase your shield with Overgrow Keratin after the enemy attacks.


Stat Priority Speed > Morale > Skill > HP

 Focuses on overwhelming your enemy with multiple cards that can strike 2 or more

 Focuses bursting down the enemies with high damaging multi hit cards and triggering
poison multiple times for additional damage.
 Extremely effective if you are also poison on your team since you will be able to trigger
it multiple times.

 This build plays offensively by overwhelming the enemy with multi hit cards.
 Furball Twin Tail Mech Build favors speed as its strongest attribute.

This build mainly focuses bursting down the enemies with high
damaging multi hit cards and triggering poison multiple times for
additional damage.
This build can be very expensive since there is not much Axies with this
build available in the Marketplace. Currently, there are only about 40
Axies in total with these exact parts.
With Furball Twin Tail Mech Build, the parts that are necessary for an
axie to have are Furball & Twin Tail. Furball and Twin Tail activate the
abilities; Juggling Balls and Twin Needle. Without these parts, Furball
Twin Tail Mech Build will not work.


Juggling Balls + Twin Needle Combo

Juggling Balls + Twin Needle

This is the main combo that you will be using when attacking Plant, Reptile, and Dusk axies
since both of them has an additional 15% damage due to class advantage.

Barb Strike + Juggling Balls + Twin Needle Combo

Barb Strike + Juggling Balls + Twin Needle

This combo will allow you to maximize the poison debuff from Barb Strike for massive damage
even on enemies with high shield.

The Furball Twin Tail Mech Build works best when paired with axies
that can apply poison. Since this build will be on doing multiple hit
attacks, you should have an axie that can apply poison to trigger it
multiple times for additional damage.

This build is weak against enemy axies with high speed. Since you are
going to have beast and bug parts, it is guaranteed that you will be
slower than Aquatic and Bird class axies. You should have a decent
tanky frontline to secure your combos later on the fight.


Stat Priority HP > Speed > Skill > Morale
Required Parts Parasite, Pincer
What's strong about Discard Bug is it stuns + discards
enemy abilities continuously rendering them unable to
make a move. Also, with third glance + sunder claw
combined, you can automatically discard 2 enemy cards
per round.
 This build usually consists of 3 bug Axies.
 It stuns + discards enemy abilities continuously rendering them unable to make a move.
 With third glance + sunder claw combined, you can automatically discard 2 enemy cards
per round.

 Discard Bug Build favors Morale as its strongest attribute.

This build usually consists of 3 bug Axies. What's strong
about Discard Bug is it stuns + discards enemy abilities
continuously rendering them unable to make a move.
Also, with Third Glance + Sunder Claw combined, you
can automatically discard 2 enemy cards per round.


With Discard Bug, the parts that are necessary for an
Axie to have are Pincer & Parasite. Pincer & Parasite activate the
abilities: Sunder Claw & Third Glance. Without these parts, Discard Bug will not work.


Sunder Claw & Third Glance Combo

Sunder Claw + Third Glance
This combo is commonly used by Bug class Axies. Its goal is to force the enemy discard all their
cards and rely on the 3 cards that they draw every start of the round. With this, it is almost
impossible to be comboed since they will discard unused cards.

Anesthetic Bait & Snail Shell Combo

Anesthetic Bait + Snail Shell
Anesthetic Bait and Snail Shell are two of the most powerful defensive cards in the game. With
this, you can stun an attacking Axie (Aquatic and Bird class for Anesthetic Bait) to immediately
shut down their combo. On top of that, both cards provides decent a shield and attack value.

Discard Bug can be paired with 3 bug cards with the same abilities. This team will then just
continuously discard the enemy's cards and provide them with stuns some Bug Axies have.


Since this build has a composition of 3 identical Axies namely all Bug types, the difficult part is
having no tank. You have to continuously rely on the Third Glance + Sunder Claw combo for the

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