Local Researcheeeeeee

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Local rrl The educators wanted to postpone the opening of

classes in August due to unfavorable situations

The DepEd can look around the world to learn the which is caused by the lack of assurance from the
best practices and adopt quick, cost-effective ways government and resources for the new normal
to local conditions to both address the student- learning.
departure problem and the possibility of school
disruption. Some contingency moves such as asian rrl
subsidized selling of inexpensive Android-based
budget tablets to needy students and trimming down Apart from the economic impact of the pandemic,
regular course content to keep more students in the the education sector has been greatly impacted with
school system in the uncertain period merit a close the closure of schools, resulting in disruption of
learning; dismissal of teachers, as well as intensified
look. Indeed, some local governments like Makati,
digital, rural-urban and gender divides. In addition,
Manila and Quezon City are already adopting their the teachers have been exposed to tremendous stress
own programs such as providing free and affordable to adapt to new platforms, teaching methods and
tablets and laptops to teachers and students in need. workloads to ensure that students are not lagging.
Though the governments’ claim to be encouraging
https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/08/02/opinion/co and providing the necessary support and the use of
lumnists/covid-19-turns-into-an-education- digital tools to ensure that teaching and learning are
crisis/748968/ not affected, in most of the countries here in the
Asia-Pacific, the public education system has poor
The Deped and some local governments provided infrastructures, the teachers and students have
low-cost materials to donate and offer to those who insufficient access to online platforms, teachers
are unfortunate to precede and continue learning. have not been adequately trained in the use of
technology, and students - particularly in the rural
areas - do not have access to internet in most cases
and to computers to some extent.
local rrl

Teachers highlighted the failure of the government https://www.worldsofeducation.org/en/woe_homep

to conduct mass testing, the lack of contact tracing age/woe_detail/16768/%E2%80%9Cthe-impact-of-
teams in communities, and the shortage of health covid-19-on-society-in-the-asia-pacific-region
care workers who can provide assistance to schools. %E2%80%9D-by-masaki-okajima
They raised these issues to press for the further
postponement of school openings. They were joined
by legislators and local leaders who are worried that The teachers and students share struggles in
DepEd will be overwhelmed with an unmanageable adapting the new normal phase where Asia-Pacific
crisis if it continues to insist on opening schools in is at disadvantage due to insufficient access to the
August. resources and platforms. The educators has been
During several Congress and Senate hearings in the under stress for being uncovered by the unfamiliar
past three months, lawmakers expressed concern change.
about the readiness of the Department of Education
(DepEd) in transitioning to a blended type of rrs asian
learning, which would entail continuous training,
This quantitative study examined the Mainland
procurement of new learning materials, and
China and Hong Kong students’ studying abroad
installation of broadband connections.
expectations after the pandemic. Among the 2,739
respondents, 84 percent showed no interest in
studying abroad after the pandemic. For those
respondents who will still pursue further degrees
abroad, Asian regions and countries, especially
Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan, are listed in the top
five, in addition to the US and the UK. While the
Pandemic has significantly decreased international
student mobility, it is also shifting the mobility flow
of international students, and East Asian countries
and regions are facing more opportunities in the
increasingly competitive higher education sector for
International students. This article also indicates the
current global health crisis would intensify social
and economic inequalities across different higher
education systems when some countries fail to
maintain the scale of international learning because
of different economic recovery paces in the
COVID-19 era.


The study shows that large percent of students are

disinterested in learning overseas after COVID-19
where East Asian countries sees opportunity for
above average education after the recovery from the

rrl asian

The study found that one out of five respondents

said that their children had lost interest in school or
are demotivated, while cost was also found to be the
biggest factor contributing to the issue. One in two
respondents said that they struggled paying for
tuition fees while 50 percent found it difficult to
provide pocket money for their kids. 


Parents of the students have been struggling to

provide tuition and money for their children yet
uninterested kid addends the struggle.

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