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When you click on adaptive.air on your desktop, the first screen is the login Screen as
shown below


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1. ‘Username’ - The examinee is required to enter his/her username in the textbox

2. ‘Password’ - The examinee is required to enter his/her password in the textbox
3. ‘LOGIN’ – Then the examinee should click on ‘Login’ button.
4. ‘EXIT’ - The examinee should click on ‘EXIT’ only if he wants to exit from the
exam at this stage .

5. ‘Forgot Password’ - In case the candidate doesn’t remember his/her password;

s/he should click on this.
If the examinee clicks on ‘Forgot Password’ then he is shown this screen.

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The examinee can change his password here.

1. ‘Username’ – This is the username of the examinee whose password is to be

2. ‘Invigilator Key’ - The invigilator is supposed to enter his key without which the
examinee can’t change his password.
3 ‘New password’ – The examinee should enter his new password here.
4 ‘Confirm New password’ – The examinee should re-enter his new password
5 ‘Save’ – Then the examinee should click on ‘Save’ to get his password changed.

If password is changed successfully then the examinee can continue with his
exam otherwise a suitable message is displayed.

6 ‘Exit’ – If the examinee is not interested in changing his password then he should
click here.
The next screen is the instructions screen which would have general instructions pertaining
to the system.

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1. Instructions – These are the instructions pertaining to the exam.

2. Symbols – These are the symbols (and their meanings) used in the exam.
3. ‘Enter Key’ - The examinee should enter his/her correct key in the textbox provided.
4. ‘FILL PREFERENCE LIST’ - Then the examinee should click on ‘FILL
If the examinee has entered correct key and then clicked on ‘FILL PREFERENCE
LIST’ then he would be taken to the Preference Screen wherein he would be able to
decide the order in which he wants to answer different sections of the exam.
5. ‘EXIT’ – The examinee should click on ‘EXIT’ only if he wants to exit from the
Here the examinee would be able to decide the order in which he wants to answer different
sections of the exam. The order of the first two sections cannot be changed. These are
‘Aptitude’ and ‘IT Fundamentals’ in that order.
The examinee is supposed to allot distinct numbers (positive integers) to various sections
indicating their ordering. The numbers should start from 3 and go on to ‘N’ where ‘N’ is
total number of sections.
For e.g.: If the examinee wants to do sections – ‘Operating System’, ’Programming in C’ and
‘Data Structures’ in that order (after the first 2 sections) then he should assign numbers the
following way :-
Programming in C - 4
Operating System -3
Data Structures – 5

1 – Instructions – These are the instructions on how to fill the preference sheet.
2 – Preference Order – Fill in the preference order here.
3 - ‘Start Exam’ – After filling preference order properly the examinee should click on this
to start the exam.
4 - ‘EXIT’ - The examinee should click on ‘EXIT’ only if he wants to exit from the exam.


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1. Time Left – This shows the time left (in minutes) for the exam to end.

2. Completed Sections - This shows the name of the sections completed by the

3. Section Name – This shows the name of the current section.

4. SAVE ANSWER - The examinee can click on this to save the current answer and
move to the next question.

NOTE: In order to move to the next question the examinee must answer the
question currently on his screen, i.e. he cannot skip any question. In addition,
once a question is answered the examinee cannot come back to it.

5. COMPLETED EXAM - The examinee can click on this to end his exam. Please
do click on this button ONLY IF YOU ARE SURE for finishing the exam . Once
clicked on this button there is no option for relogin to the exam system .

6. View Instructions – The examinee can click on this to view instructions again.
However time for the exam won’t stop.

7. Photograph – This shows the photograph of the candidate.

8. Username – This shows the username of the examinee.

Once user clicks ‘COMPLETED EXAM’ or his time expires; he would be taken to the last


1. ‘CLOSE’ - Here the user is supposed to click on ‘Close’ to close the application.

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