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A sustainable community manages its human,evironmental, and financial capital to mee
t  immediate demands while also assuring adequate resources for future generations.

A sustainable community uses its resources to address immediate demands while also 
maintaining appropriate resources for future generations. 
It aims to improve the quality of life for all of its citizens while also preserving nature's ab
ility to operate over time by reducing waste, eliminating pollution, increasing efficiency, a
nd developing local resources to help the local economy thrive. 
In a sustainable community, decision-making is based on a vibrant civic life 
and the sharing of knowledge among residents. 

A sustainable community is similar to a biological system in which human, natural, and 
economic elements are interrelated and mutually beneficial.

Many economic sectors offer potentially significant employment opportunities that are c
onsistent with more sustainable patterns of development. 


A sustainable community uses its resources to meet current needs while ensuring that
adequate resources are available for future generations. It seeks a better quality of life
for all its residents while maintaining nature’s ability to function over time by minimizing
waste, preventing pollution, promoting efficiency and developing local resources to
revitalize the local economy. Decision-making in a sustainable community stems from a
rich civic life and shared information among community members. A sustainable
community resembles a living system in which human, natural and economic elements
are interdependent and draw strength from each other.
It's a community where people from all walks of life feel welcome and protected, where 
everyone has a seat at the decision-making table, and where wealth is shared.

It adopts a long-term approach, concentrating on anticipating and responding to current 
and future change.

A sustainable community considers and serves numerous human needs, rather than foc
using on one at the expense of the others. 
Infrastructure that has been redesigned and improved, knowledge-based services, envir
onmental technologies, better management and use of natural resources, and tourism a
re all fertile ground for private sector investment, supportive government policies, and e
xpanded training. 

Some of the most promising job opportunities are as follows:

• Upgrading the efficiency of energy use in buildings, products, and transportation


• Adopting and implementing sustainable forestry, fisheries, soil, and watershed

management practices

• Expanded delivery and use of information technologies

• Sustainable tourism activities centred around areas of environmental, cultural, and

historic significance

• Recycling and remanufacturing of solid and hazardous waste into marketable products

• Accelerated and expanded development of marine and freshwater aquaculture

• Adding value to fish, agricultural, and forest products

• Developing, manufacturing, and marketing products, services, and technologies that

reduce environmental burdens

• Designing energy-efficient and people-friendly cities

Achieving sustainable community development necessitates a focus on long-term empl
oyment and economic demand management (EDM). 

Turning "waste" into resources (e.g., recycling); improving energy and material efficienc
y; shifting to a greater reliance on renewable energy sources; increasing community self
-reliance (e.g., food and energy production); and sustainable management of natural res
ources are all examples of sustainable employment (e.g., community forestry). 

EDM shifts our economic development focus away from the traditional concern of increa
sing growth and toward reducing social reliance on economic growth.
The world's population is constantly growing. In order to accommodate everyone, we m
ust construct modern, sustainable cities. 

To survive and prosper, we need new, intelligent urban planning that creates safe, affor
dable, and resilient cities with green and culturally inspiring living environments.

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