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1. (some) tricks n (một số) mẹo
2. craft kit n bộ dụng cụ làm thủ công
3. beads n hạt chuỗi
4. buttons n cúc áo
5. (take all my) savings n (tiêu hết) tiền tiết kiệm
6. folk songs n nhạc dân ca
7. improve = boost=enhance v cải thiện
improvement (of sth) n sự cải thiện
8. melody; melodies n giai điệu
9. (Conan) comics n truyện tranh (Conan)
10. tools n công cụ; dụng cụ
11. pet training n huấn luyện thú cưng
1. DIY=Do it yourself abr Tự làm
2. satisfy sb satisfaction satisfied vn làm ai đó hài lòng, mãn nguyện sự
3. sports activities: yoga, mountain adj hài lòng
yoga, đạp xe leo núi, trượt ván
4. surf (the Internet) v lướt (mạng Internet)
5. a volunteer for the community n tình nguyện viên vì cộng đồng
6. social (problems) socialize (with adj v (các vấn nạn) xã hội hòa đồng (với ai
7. total (leisure time) totally n adj
adj đó) xãcộng
tổng hội (thời gian giải trí) một cách
8. data nadv tổngliệu
dữ quát
9. annual averages an average day n adj bình quân hàng năm trung bình một
10. statistic n ngày
thống kê
11. make origami v xếp giấy
1. (be) hooked on sth adj rất thích cgđ
2. addict addicted to sth addictive n adj người nghiện nghiện cgđ
3. ripe fruit adj có
cây gây
4. virtual (garden) virtually adj (khu vườn) ảo
5. have (harmful) effects on sb/sth vadv mộtảnh
có cách ảo [không
hưởng có hại thật]
đến ai đó/cgđ
6. rely on = depend on/upon sth v phụ thuộc vào cgđ
7. prefer A (to B) preference vn thích A (hơn B) sự yêu thích
8. get out of (the house/office) v đi ra khỏi (nhà/ văn phòng)
9. exist existence vn tồn tại
10. seem to be … happen to be … v sự tồn tại
dường như là …
11. ban = forbid = prohibit v cấm
1. positive/ negative side adj mặt tích cực/ tiêu cực
2. do harm to your body n adj làm hại đến cơ thể bạn có hại đối với
3. solution = measure =proposal nadv cơ thể
giải bạn
4. besides = in addition adv thêm vào đó là …
5. eye-tiredness n sự mỏi mắt
6. get irritated easily v dễ nổi cáu; cáu gắt
7. conclude sth conclusion vn kết luận cgđ sự kết luận
8. summarize sth summary vn tóm tắt cgđ sự tóm tắt
9. strange (to sb) strangeness adj n lạ lẫm (đối với ai đó) sự lạ lẫm
10. (update) antivirus software n ngườinhật)
(cập lạ phần mềm diệt vi-rút
11. pronounce (a word) pronunciation vn phát âm (một từ) sự phát âm
1. decide (to do sth) adj quyết định (làm cgđ)
decision n sự quyết định
decisive adj quyết đoán
decisiveness n sự quyết đoán
2. organize sth v tổ chức cgđ
organized adj có tổ chức
organization n tổ chức
organizer n nhà tổ chức
3. advertise sth v quảng cáo cgd
advertiser n nhà quảng cáo
advertising n sự quảng cáo
advertisement n mẫu quảng cáo
4. in isolation pre một cách riêng biệt
isolate v cô lập
isolated adj cách biệt; cô lập

GERUNDS: Danh động từ

I. FORMATION (Cách thành lập)
Danh động từ (gerund) được thành lập bằng cách thêm ING sau động từ thường.
Ex: to go - going; to think - thinking; to read - reading
II. USES (cách dùng)
1. Subject (Danh động từ làm chủ ngữ)
Ex: Going to the cinema is fun
Reading book is my hobby
2. Stand after a preposition (Đứng sau giới từ)
Ex: I am thinking about going camping in the mountain.
She is afraid of going there.
Một số động từ và tính từ có giới từ theo sau bởi danh động từ.
To look forward to (trông mong); surprised at (ngạc nhiên); busy (bận rộn); to insist on (khăng khăng,
nài nỉ); tobe interested in (thích thú).
3. Object (Danh động từ làm tân ngữ sau một số động từ)
Ex: He likes swimming.
I have finished doing my homework.
Một số động từ được theo sau bởi danh động từ:
To finish, to prevent (ngăn cản), to avoid (tránh), to delay (hoãn lại), to enjoy, to deny (chối bỏ), to
dislike, to consider (cân nhắc), to imagine (tưởng tượng), to risk (liều lĩnh), to support (ủng hộ), to
suggest (đề nghị), to quit (từ bỏ).
1. Sau một số động từ chúng ta dùng hình thức nguyên thể có 'To" (To infinitive). Chúng ta cũng
có thể đặt "not" trước "to inf" để chỉ nghĩa phủ định.
Verbs Meaning  Examples
(Động từ) (nghĩa tiếng Việt) (Ví dụ)
S + V + to infinitive
afford có đủ tiền, thời gian I can’t afford to buy that car
agree đồng ý Everybody agree to help you.
appear dường như  
arrange sắp xếp I will arrage to meet you some day.
attempt cố gắng He attempts to study hard this semester
begin bắt đầu The train begins to start at 6.00
care thích  
choose chọn  
consent chấp thuận  
decide quyết định We decided to buy that house
determine quyết định  
fail không làm được She failed to get the contract
forget quên Don’t forget to send me a letter
happen tình cờ  
hesitate do dự  
hope hi vọng I hope to see you again
love yêu  
manage xoay sở được He managed to get out of the car.
neglect lờ đi  
offer cống hiến  
prepare chuẩn bị  
pretend giả vờ She pretend to be my friend
promise hứa I promise to help you
propose đề nghị  
refuse từ chối They refused to pay extra salary
regret hối tiếc I regret to tell her that
remember nhớ I remember to lock the door
seem dường như  
start bắt đầu  
swear thề  
try cố gắng Try to work harder.
S + V + O + to infinitive - Một số động từ thường có Object đi kèm
ask yêu cầu I ask my brother to help me with homework.
advise khuyên The doctor advises patients to give up smoking
allow cho phép My father allows me to go to the theater tonight.
bear chịu đựng  
beg van xin  
cause gây ra  
command ra lệnh  
compel bắt buộc  
encourage khuyến khích Uniforms encourage students to be confident.
expect mong đợi  
forbid cấm  
force cưỡng bức  
get bắt làm  
hate ghét  
help giúp đỡ Hoa helps me (to) do the housework.
instruct chỉ dạy  
intend định  
invite mời John invited me to take part in his party.
leave giao cho  
like thích  
mean định  
need cần  
oblige bắt buộc  
order ra lệnh  
permit cho phép My father permits me to go to the theater tonight.
persuade thuyết phục  
prefer thích hơn  
press ép, vắt  
recommend giới thiệu  
request thỉnh cầu  
remind nhắc nhở  
teach dạy  
tell nói, bảo  
tempt xúi giục  
trouble gây phiền  
want muốn My mother wants me to be a teacher
warn cảnh báo  
wish muốn  
2. Sau một số động từ chúng ta sử dụng danh động từ (Gerund): hình thức thêm "ing". Chúng ta
cũng có thể đặt "not" trước "gerund" để chỉ nghĩa phủ định.
Verbs Meaning Examples
(Động từ) (nghĩa tiếng (Ví dụ)
S + V + Gerund
admit thừa nhận  
advise khuyên  
allow cho phép He is allowed sitting here
anticipate dự đoán  
appreciate đánh giá cao  
avoid tránh We start early to avoid getting traffic jam.
confess thú nhận  
consider xem xét  
delay trì hoãn  
deny chối He denied stealing the money
detest ghê tởm  
dislike không thích  
enjoy thích thú We enjoy watching cartoons.
escape trốn khỏi  
excuse tha lỗi  
face đối diện  
fancy muốn Fancy seeing you here
finish làm xong I have finished doing the test
give up từ bỏ He has given up smoking
imagine tưởng tượng  
involve đòi hỏi phải  
justify chưng tỏ  
keep on tiếp tục The bus keeps on running
leave off ngưng  
mention đề cập  
mind phiền lòng  
miss bỏ lỡ  
permit cho phép  
postpone trì hoãn  
practice thực hành You should practice speaking English everyday.
put off trì hoãn  
quit bỏ  
recommend đề nghị  
resent phật lòng  
resist khăng khăng  
resume lại tiếp tục  
risk liều lĩnh  
save cứu khỏi  
tolerate chấp nhận  
suggest đề nghị They suggest going to the beach.
recollect hồi tưởng  
pardon tha thứ  
can’t resit không cưỡng nổi  
can’t stand không chịu nổi I can’t stand laughing
can’t help không nhịn nổi I can’t help laughing
understand hiểu  
Gerund dùng sau tất cả các giới từ và một số cụm từ sau
be worth xứng đáng It’s worth buying. (Đáng để mua)
it’s no use vô ích It’s no use teaching her. (Dạy cô ấy chỉ có vô ích)
it’s no good vô ích  
there’s no không  
be used to quen với I am used to stay up late (tôi quen thức khuya)
get used to trở nên quen  
look forward mong ngóng I am looking forward to seeing you soon
in addition to thêm vào  
object to phản đối Everyone objects to building a new hotel here
confess to thú nhận Fred confessed to stealing the jewels
be opposed to phản kháng  
take to bắt đầu quen He took to dinking. (Anh ta nhiễm thói quen uống  rượu)
face up to chấp nhận  
đương đầu
admit to thú nhận  
3. Một số động từ dùng với cả "to inf" và "gerund" (ing -form). Nghĩa của chúng sẽ khác nhau.
Verbs To inf/ V- Meaning Examples
(Động t ing (nghĩa tiếng Việt) (Ví dụ)
remembe V-ing Chỉ hành động đã xảy ra rồ I don’t remember posting the letter.
r i (tôi không nhớ là đã gửi thư rồi)
remembe to inf Chỉ hành động chưa xảy ra I must remember to post the letter.
r (Tôi phải nhớ gửi lá thư - chưa gửi)
mean V-ing có nghĩa là Having a party tonight will mean workingextra hard t
to inf có ý định I mean to work harder
propose V-ing đề nghị I propose waiting till the police get here
to inf có ý định I propose to start tomorrow
go on V-ing vẫn tiếp tục cùng đề tài He went on talking about his accident
to inf tiếp tục nhưng đề tài khác He went on to talk about his accident
stop V-ing ngừng việc đang làm She stopped singing (cô ấy ngừng hát)
to ngừng để làm việc khác She stopped to sing (cô ấy ngừng để  hát)
try V-ing chỉ sự thử nghiệm I’ve got a terrible headache. I tried taking
an aspirin but it didn’t help.
to chỉ sự cố gắng I was very tired. I tried to keep my eyes open but I co
inf uldn’t
like V-ing Chỉ ý nghĩa tổng quát I don’t like waking up so early as this.
hate (Tôi không thích dậy sớm)
like to inf chỉ hành động cá biệt dịp n I don’t like to wake him up so early as this
hate ày (Tôi không muốn đánh thức anh ấy dậy sớm
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in
each group.
1. A. flat B. hat C. casual D. equal
2. A. question B. location C. nation D. animation
3. A. design B. side C. picnic D. advice
4. A. gum B. hunt C. tunnel D. tunic
5. A. learned B. needed C. guided D. wanted

II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the others in
each group.
6. A. hotel B. swallow C. improve D. survive
7. A. eventual B. devastate C. admirable D. different
8. A. brother B. machine C. mother D. beauty
9. A. decorate B. family C. festival D. tradition
10. A. blanket B. invite C. replace D. exchange

III. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
11. She ______ working with children.
A. would like B. adores C. would love D. wants
12. Speech is the fastest method of ______ between people.
A. communicate B. communicates C. communicated D. communication
13. Do you mind ______? I’m feeling pretty tired.
A. driving B. drives C. drove D. driven
14. I had a really ______ dream last night.
A. important B. fantastic C. weird D. light
15. The technology has enabled development of an online ______ library.
A. virtual B. real C. funny D. fast
16. I like ______ up as soon as I finish eating.
A. wash B. to wash C. washes D. washed
17. I’m trying ______ Chinese though it’s very difficult.
A. learn B. learning C. learnt D. to learn
18. We should stop ______ because it is harmful to our health.
A. smoke B. smokes C. smoking D. to smoke
19. John isn’t here. Try ______ his home number.
A. phoning B. to phone C. phones D. phoned
20. Did you remember ______ that letter for me?
A. post B. to post C. posting D. posted
21. They enjoy _____ on Sundays.
A. garden B. gardened C. gardening D. gardens
22. I love the people in my village. They are so ________ and hospitable.
A. friendly B. vast C. slow D. inconvenient
23. For lunch I had _____ sandwich and _____apple.
A. an – a B. an – an C. the – a D. a – an
24. Among the ________, the Tay people have the largest population.
A. majorities  B. ethenic minorities C. groups D. ethenic cultures
25. Most ethnic minority peoples are good_______ farming techniques.
A. of B. in C. on D. at
26. We________ there tomorrow.
A. will come B. came C. comes D. have come
27. The US is a __________ country with over 80 ethnic groups.
A. multi-cultural B. bi-lingual C. rich D. Ethnic
28. Tommy feels like ___________ football.
A. playing B. to play C. plays D. to playing
29. So many people nowadays are _______ computers and mobile phones. They use them a lot.
A. addicted to B. bored with C. worried about D. afraid of
30. The volunteers have to work much ________ usual to save the dying animals from the forest fìre.
A. as hard as   B. more hard than C. harder than D. the hardest

IV. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
31. She has the most ____adorable________ two- year old girl. (ADORE)
32. He’s ______addicted______ to computer games. (ADDICT)
33. The ideal candidate will be an effective ___communication_________. (COMMUNICATE)
34. The best films are those which transcend national or ______cultural_____ barriers. (CULTURE)
35. Her time at collage was the most ______eventful______ period of her life. (EVENT)
36. All terrorist crime is ____detested________, whoever the victims. (DETEST)
37. Couples strolled _______leisurely _____ along the beach. (LEISURE)
38. She listens to classical music for _____relaxation_______. (RELAX)
39. You haven’t yet given us a __satisfying__________ explanation. (SATISFY)
40. The ______social______ party has been in office for almost ten years. (SOCIETY)

V. Complete the following sentences with the correct form (ing- form or to- infinitive) of the
verbs in brackets.
41. I couldn’t possibly afford (eat) _____eating_______ in that restaurant.
42. The college principal promised (look) ____to look________ into the matter.
43. They built a wall to avoid soil (be) _______being_____ washed away.
44. He flatly refused (discuss) ____to discuss________ the matter.
45. Would you mind (explain) _______explaining_____ that again?
46. I was beginning (think) ____to think/ thingking________ you’d never come.
47. I enjoy (play) ____playing________ tennis and squash.
48. We’ve decided (not go) __not to go__________ away after all.
49. I didn’t fancy ( swim) ___swimming_________ in that water.
50. We’re considering (buy) ____buying________ a new car.
VI. Read the following text and use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks.
arrange invented later first on
instead from was crossword horizontal
Arthur Wynne’s first crossword puzzle was initially called word- cross and was diamond-
shaped. The name (51) ____later switched to dropped, and the name became (52) ____crossword___.
Wynne based his crossword puzzle (53) ___on____ a similar but much older game played in
ancient Pompeii that translated (54) ____from___ Latin to English was called Magic Squares. In
Magic Squares, the player is given a group of words and has to (55) __arrange_________ them on a
grid so that the words read the same way across and down.
A crossword puzzle is very similar, except (56) _____instead______ of being given the words
the player is given clues.
Arthur Wynne added other innovations to the crossword puzzle. While the first puzzle was
diamond- shaped, he later invented (57) __horizontal_________ and vertical shaped puzzles; and
Wynne (58) _____invented_____ the use of adding blank black squares to a crossword puzzle.
The crossword puzzle in a British publication (59) _____was______ published in Pearson’s
Magazine in February 1922. The (60) ___first________ New York Times crossword was published on
February 1, 1930.

VII. Read the following text and decide which answer best fits each numbered blank.
Although computers can be used as a tool to spread awareness about problems in the
environment, they cause (61) ___________ of environmental problems themselves. Pollution caused
by the production of computer (62) ___________, as well as from the cleaning agents used to clean
computers, is (63) ___________ great hazard to the environment and the people that live in it. People
leave (64) ___________ computers on nonstop resulting in a lot of energy consumption and enormous
amounts of paper are (65) ___________ used daily to print out electronically stored data. It causes
health problems as well as (66) ___________ problems and is in urgent need of treatment. Use
computer only when needed. If we all shut (67) ___________ our computers at night the energy
savings could light the Eiffel Tower 24 hours a day for 720 years. The increased (68) ___________ of
computers in the workplace has brought about the development of a number of health concerns. Many
individuals who (69) ___________ at a computer report a high level of job-related complaints and
symptoms, including ocular discomfort, muscular strain and stress. The (70) ___________ of
discomfort appears to increase with the amount of computer use.
61. A. a lot B. lot C. many D. much
62. A. software B. hardware C. glassware D. footwear
63. A. a B. an C. the D. x
64. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs
65. A. be B. to be C. being D. been
66. A. economic B. economy C. economics D. economize
67. A. up B. down C. on D. under
68. A. used B. to use C. to be used D. use
69. A. working B. work C. works D. to works
70. A. area B. range C. level D. size
VIII. Read the following text and complete the statements below.
Sport is one of the UK’s most popular leisure activities, with two- thirds of all adults taking part
in one or more sporting activities. Sadly, this is not true for children and young adults. Of all sporting
activities, walking is by far the most popular for men and women of all ages. While men tend to
dominate golf and “cue sport” such as snooker and billiards, women generally prefer swimming, keep-
fit classes and yoga. The UK claims to be among the top five most successful nations in world sport.
UK sportsmen and sportswomen hold over 50 world titles in a variety of sports, such as professional
boxing, modern pentathlon, rowing, snooker, squash and motorcycle sports. The Government’s view is
that sport is an important component of regeneration and can have a beneficial effect in helping the
development of run- down areas.
71. Two- thirds of all adults taking part in ______.
A. one sporting activities B. many sporting activities
C. one or more sporting activities D. no sporting activities
72. Among sporting activities, walking is the most popular for ______.
A. children B. men and women
C. young adults D. men only
73. Women generally like ______.
A. golf B. keep- fit class
C. “cue sports” D. swimming, keep-fit classes and yoga
74. UK sportsmen and sportswomen hold over 50 world titles in ______.
A. a variety B. “cue sports”
C. motorcycle sports D. keep- fit classes
75. The Government’s view is that sport can have a beneficial effect in helping the development of
A. running activities B. neglected areas
C. prosperous areas D. remote areas

IX. Finish each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same.
76. I don’t want to go to work this morning.
=> I don’t feel like ___going to work this morning______________
77. Dave said that “Let’s go to the movies”.
=> Dave suggested ___going to the movies________________
78. It’s not a good idea to drive in the heavy rain.
=> It’s better to avoid ___driving in the heavy rain________
79. Her explanation was so complicated that I couldn’t understand anything.
=> Her explanation was too_____complicated for me to understand________
80. She felt very sleepy, so she went to bed early.
=> She went ______to bed early because she felt very sleepy.___________
81. Phillips’ mother gave him a bicycle for his birthday.
=> Phillips was____given a bicycle for his birthday by his mother.___________
82. The flight to London lasted seven hours.
=> It took ____seven hours to fly to London___________________
83. It is not easy to train horses.
=> Horses are___easy to train_______________________
84. The red car was more beautiful than the blue car.
=> The blue___car is not as beautiful as the red car_____________________________
85. You can buy many kinds of tax free goods before getting on the plane.
=> Many kinds of goods ____can be bought free tax before getting on the plane.____________

X. Rearrange the given words or phrases to make meaningful sentences.

86. to share/ others/ Joe/ a book/ experiences/ wrote/ his/ with.
=> ____Joe wrote a book to share his experiences with others______________
87. occurred/ department/ responsibility/ The/ for/ what/ denies.
=> ___The department denies responsibility for what occurred._________
88. soil/ to avoid/ washed away/ They/ a wall/ built/ being.
=> ________They built a wall to avoid soil being washed away__________________
89. expecting/ any news/ three weeks/ After/ had stopped/ we/ to hear.
=> __We had stopped expecting to hear any news after three weeks._______
90. the keys/ remember/ here/ correctly, / you/ on your way/ supposed/ If/ I were/ to collect.
=> ___ If i remember correctly, you were supposed to collect the keys on your ways here _____

XI. Find ONE mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.
91. I detest to have to get up when it’s dark outside. => having
92. We can’t afford to taking a long holiday. => taking
93. Do you fancy to come on a day trip to Bath next Saturday? => coming
94. Would you mind to open the window? => opening
95. Why are they encouraged to learning English? => to learn
96. I prefer read comics in my free time. => to read
97. Mai enjoys to make crafts, especially cloth dolls. => making
98. For some people, training pets are hard work. => is
99. How many leisure time did the people in Viet Nam have on an average day? => much
100. I often try to finish my homework before to watch TV. => watching
I. rewrite :- Like = love = enjoy = adore = be interested in = be fond of = be keen on = be
hooked on + Ving; - dislike = hate = detest + Ving.
1. I like making crafts especially bracelet.
-> I am fond .of making crafts especially bracelet.........................................................
-> I enjoy........ making crafts especially bracelet..................................................................
-> I love ..... making crafts especially bracelet....................................................................................
2. Minh doesn't like making models because it is very boring.
-> Minh hates.... making models because it is very boring...........................................................
-> Minh detests … making models because it is very boring …………………..…………………….
3. My brother likes making pottery because it is a creative activity.
-> My brother love making pottery because it is a creative activity
-> My brother is hooked..... making pottery because it is a creative activity
4. Do you fancy skate boarding in the park this Sunday?
-> Are you ……keen on skate boarding in the park this Sunday?…………………..
5. we enjoy doing gardening because it is very relaxing.
-> We are keen …on doing gardening because it is very relaxing ………...............
->We like...... doing gardening because it is very relaxing
6. I like carving wood best because it makes me patient very much.
-> I am hooked up…… carving wood best because it makes me patient very much …………..
-> My ...hobby is carving wood best because it makes me patient very much
-> I fancy … carving wood best because it makes me patient very much ………….
7. Ngoc hates sitting at the computer for too long.
-> Ngoc dislikes …… sitting at the computer for too long ………….
-> Ngoc detests… sitting at the computer for too long …………..
-> Ngọc isn’t ………interested in sitting at the computer for too long …….…………………..
II. Complete sentences with the correct form of to Verb or Ving:
1. Nina spends(walk)……walking ………to school every day.
2. I fancy ( listen)……listening….to music every night.
3. They don’t mind (visit)……visiting……us often.
4. Will they resume (come) coming tomorrow?
5. Don’t worry, she suggests (come)…coming…on time.
6. Tom finishes (work) …working……every day.
7. I practise (make) …making….cookies twice a week .
8. Nam promises (visit)…to visit…..Ha Noi next month.
9. He mentions (meet) …meeting….her tomorrow?
10. He can’t stand (tell)……telling…us funny stories.
11. On the way to the office, he stopped ( buy ) to buy a newspaper.
12. He forgot ( turn on) turning on all the lights before going out.
13. Mai detests ( get) getting up early on Sundays
14. They are keen on ( make) making and ( eat) eating good food.
III. Pronunciation:
Print, breakfast, brown, present, prize, brick, bring, prepare, problem, bridge, price, branch, principal,
broken, bracelet, promise, brother, practice, bread, apricot, princess, broccoli, president, brush, brought,
procession, programme, pronounce, Britain, precious,…..
/br/ /pr/
Breakfast, brown, brick, bring, bridge, branch, print
broken, bracelet, brother, bread, broccoli, brush,
brought, Britain

IV. Fill each blank with a word/ phrase in the box.

melodies, leisure time, making crafts, games, doing,

skateboarding, leisure activities, the most, comics, reading

1 Nick has just bought a CD of Vietnamese folk songs and he thinks he’ll enjoy listening to the
2. While Nick was learning Japanese, he liked ____comic____ Doraemon.
3. My friends gave me some interesting short stories on my birthday because they know that I like
4. Tam lives near the coast of Da Nang so he likes playing beach __making craft______ with his
friends after school.
5. Hobbies such as collecting stamps or_____games______ are very interesting.
6. How much _____leisure time________ do people in the US have on average day?
7. Minh hates _____skateboarding________ the same thing every day.
8. What are the three activities that pupil in Viet Nam do _____the most_____ in their free time?.
9. How much time a day do you spend on _____doing______, Phuc?.
10 Which activity do you like best, football, badminton or_________leisure acitivities_____?

V. Read the following passage, and choose the best answer for each blank.
Leisure in Britain
The British spend their free time in different ways. People generally use it to relax. But many people
also (1) ___do_____ voluntary work, especially for charities.
People spend a lot of their free time in the home, where the (2) _most___ popular leisure activity is
watching television, the average viewing time being 25 hours a week. People often (3)__record____
programs on video so that they can watch later, and video recorders are also used (4) _for_____
watching videos hired from a video rental shop. Reading is also a favourite way of spending leisure
time. The British spend a lot of time reading newspapers and magazines.
In the summer gardening is popular, and in winter it is often replaced by “ do-it-yourself”,
(5)___where_____people spend their time improving or repairing their homes. Many people have pets
to look after: taking the dog for a daily walk is a regular routine.
The extra leisure time (6) __available___ at the weekends means that some leisure activities,
many of them to do with sport, normally (7)____take_____place only then. Traditional spectator sports
include football, cricket, horse racing, motor racing and motor cycle racing. Popular forms of (8)
__exercise____ are swimming, tennis, ice-skating or roller skating, cycling, climbing, and hill or
country walking.
Families often have a “ day out” at the weekend, especially in summer, with a (9) __visit_____ to
a local event such as a festival, fair or show. Young people especially go to clubs and discos, while
people of all (10) ___ages_____ go to the theatre, the cinema, art exhibitions and concerts.
1. A. make B. do C. play D. go
2. A. many B. more C. much D. most
3. A. record B. scan C. print D. power
4. A. with B. for C. on D. about
5. A. what B. why C. when D. while
6. A. available B. probable C. abundant D. exclusive
7. A. drag B. bring C. carry D. take
8. A. strength B. exercise C. athletics D. presentation
9. A. voyage B. journey C. visit D. road
10. A. ages B. numbers C. years D. groups

VI. Read and answer

In this week’s programme we’ll share with you some cool ways to hang out with your best friends after
a busy week at school. Basically you can hang out indoors. If you like staying indoors, ask your
parents if you can invite one or two friends over. Make some popcorn! Watch a movie! It’s more
comfortable than going to a cinema! Or if you’re feeling creative, you can make crafts together. You’ll
feel satisfied once you finish something. If you fancy being outdoors, play some sports together.
Football, badminton, biking... you name it! Or it can simply be a relaxing walk in the park. All these
activities are good for your physical health. Do you prefer something more exciting? Go downtown
and to do some people watch. It’s fun. If you like something more organised, go to cultural centres,
libraries, and museums. Educate yourself while having fun!
1. What is the topic of the paragraph?
…… The topic of this week’s programme is hanging out with your friends.…………………………
2. What are two mains ways does the programme suggest youcan hang out with your friends
……… There are 2 main ways: hanging out indoors and outdoors………………
3. How do you feel when you watch a movie at home?
………It’s more comfortable than going to a cinema………………………
4. Which outdoor activities can you take part in?
………outdoor activities we can take part in are football, badminton, biking or simply a relaxing walk
in the park.……………………
5. Where should you go if you like something more organised?
………We should go to cultural centres, libraries and museums……………………
V. Read the following passage, and fill the correct answer for each blank.

Secondly Moreover Firstly however therefore

I think that the best leisure activity for teenagers is playing sports……(1)…Firsly….., they can
find friends who have the same interests……(2)…Secondly.., physical activities are a good way to
relieve stress and reduce depression……(3)…Moreover.., sports can help develop teamwork and
leadership skills that may be very necessary for their future jobs. Their parents should give advice on
choosing a suitable leisure activity;……(4)…therefore……, teenagers themselves will make the final

VI. Read the conversation and answer the questions.

Hoa : Well, everybody……….What shall we do today? Any idea?
Mary: I’m not sure…. It depends on the weather. Is it sunny outside?
Hoa: Just a minute……oh, it’s raining again.
Mai: Oh, no! I don’t want another boring day like yesterday. Is there anything interesting we can go
and see?
Mark: I know what we can do. I’ll have a look at the guide book. I’m sure we can find some ideas in
Mary: All right. Where is the guide book?
Mark: It’s there. On the shelf.
Mary: Let’s see… well , there’s the Museum of Country Life.
How about that?
Hoa : Is there anything more exciting?
Mary: Well. There’s Aqua World. It’s Sea Life centre.
Hoa: Yes, that sounds better. Why don’t we go there?
Mai: Ok then, if you like.
Mark: Shall I phone them to see what time it opens?
May: Good idea! So everybody’s happy, then.


1. How many people are there altogether?

………There are three people.………………………………………
2. Can they do some leisure activities outside today? / Why (not)?
………No, they can’t because it is raining…………………………………
3. Did they have an exciting day yesterday?
…………No, they didn’t………………………………
4. Is there anything interesting they can go and see?
…………Yes, there are………………………………………
5. What will they do at last?
…………They will visit Aqua World.…………………………………………
1. expect sth v mong đợi
expectation n sự mong đợi; kỳ vọng
2. load # unload (the rice) v tải lên # tải xuống (gạo)
3. ride – rode – ridden v cưỡi; chạy
4. go herding the buffaloes v đi chăn trâu
5. explore sth v khám phá cgđ sự khám
exploration n phá
explorer n người khám phá; nhà thám hiểm
6. transport sth v vận chuyển
transportation n sự vận chuyển
7. harvest rice v thu hoạch lúa mùa thu
harvest time n hoạch
8. feed – fed – fed (a cat) v cho (mèo) ăn
9. collect (water) v đi gánh (nước)
10. nomadic (life) adj (cuộc sống) du mục dân du mục
the nomads n
11. vast (fields) adj (những cánh đồng) mênh mông
1. hay n cỏ khô
2. a pole n cái sào, cái cộc
3. block the view v cản tầm nhìn
4. in full bloom pre nở rộ
5. blow – blew – blown v (gió) thổi
6. offer opportunity/chance v tạo cơ hội cho ai đó
7. (have easy) access to sth n (có được) sự tiếp cận đến cgđ (dễ dàng)
8. convenient # inconvenient adj n tiện lợi # bất tiện
9. facilities n sự tiện
các lợithiết
trang # sự bị
tiện gồm phòng ốc, thiết bị,
10. (city/ country) folk n …)
người (thành thị/ nông thôn)
11. donate sth donation donor vnn quyên góp cgđ sự quyên góp người quyên
1. stay + adjective v góp ở + trạng thái nào đó
stay slim giữ dáng
stay healthy giữ gìn sức khỏe
2. score = mark =grade n điểm số
3. urban area # rural area n khu đô thị # vùng nông thôn
4. optimists optimistic n adj người lạc quan lạc quan
5. densely populated adv dân cư dày đặc
dense population adj
6. (good) at calculus n (giỏi) về việc tính toán
7. remote area mountainous area n vùng sâu vùng xa vùng miền núi

8. human = human beings n nhân loại; con người

9. shout out loud v la thật lớn
10. disturb sb disturbance vn làm phiền; quấy nhiễu ai đó sự làm phiền; sự
quấy nhiễu
11. pick (blackberries) v hái (trái berry đen)
1. free (time) adj v (thời gian) rảnh
free sb phóng thích; trả tự do cho ai đó sự
freedom tự do
2. home-made products n các sản phẩm tự làm
3. local (villagers) adj n (người dân) địa phương
the locals người bản địa
4. dig (holes) v đào (lỗ; hố)
5. forgettable # unforgettable adj dễ quên # không thể quên
6. excite sb v adj làm cho ai đó hào hứng, phấn khích hào
excited; exciting n hứng; phấn khích
excitement sự hào hứng; phấn khích
7. urban (area) adj v (khu) đô thị đô thị
urbanize n hóa
urbanization sự đô thị hóa
8. discover sth a vn khám phá ra cgđ sự
discovery khám phá
9. attitude (of a person) n thái độ (của 1 người nào đó)
10. cattle # castle n gia súc # lâu đài
11. pastures = grasslands n đồng cỏ
1. a ger = circular tent n lều tròn
2. (the temperature) drops to 10C v (nhiệt độ) hạ xuống 10C
3. put up # take down (a tent) v dựng # dở (trại)
4. surround (the house) surroundings vn bao quanh (nhà)
5. (do) household chores n những thứ nhà
(làm) việc xung quanh
6. (be) brave bravery adj n dũng cảm
7. similar (to sth) adj sự dũng
tương tựcảm
(với cgđ)
similarity n sự giống nhau; tương đồng
8. provide sb with sth provide sth for v v n cung cấp cho ai đó với cgđ cung cấp cgđ cho
9. electrical appliances n ai đó bị (đồ dùng) điện
10. earthen house n nhà [bằng] đất
11. (inner) peace n adj sự yên bình (nội tâm); hòa bình (bầu không
1. furniture furnished nadv khí)
adj đồ nộibình
được trang bị đầy đủ (tiện nghi)
2. skills n kỹ năng
skillful (players) adj (vận động viên) giỏi kỹ thuật
skilled (workers) adj (công nhân) lành nghề
(play) skillfully adv (chơi) một cách điêu luyện
3. According to a survey pre theo một cuộc khảo sát
4. (unemployment) rate n tỉ lệ (thất nghiệp)
5. bike along the river pre đạp xe dọc theo dòng song
6. equip with sth vn trang bị với cgđ thiết
equipment bị
7. experience sth vn trải nghiệm cgđ
experiences kinh nghiệm; sự trải nghiệm
1. Phân biệt tính từ ngắn & tính từ dài:
Tính từ ngắn (Short adjectives)
(Ký hiệu trong bài này là: S-adj)
- Là tính từ có một âm tiết
Ví dụ:
- red, long, short, hard,....
Tính từ dài (Long adjectives)
(Ký hiệu trong bài này là: L-adj)
- Là tính từ có từ 2 âm tiết trở lên
Ví dụ:
- beautiful, friendly, humorous, ....
2. Trạng từ ngắn & Trạng từ dài:
Trạng từ ngắn (Short adverbs)
(Ký hiệu trong bài này là: S-adv)
- Là trạng từ có một âm tiết
Ví dụ:
- hard, fast, near, far, right, wrong, ...
Trạng từ dài (Long adverbs)
(Ký hiệu trong bài này là: L-adv)
- Là trạng từ có 2 âm tiết trở lên.
Ví dụ:
- quickly, interestingly, tiredly, ...
1. So sánh bằng với tính từ và trạng từ:
Cấu trúc:
S1 + V + as + adj/adv + as + S2 + auxiliary V
S1 + V + as + adj/ adv + as + O/ N/ pronoun
Ví dụ:
- She is as tall as I am = She is as tall as me. (Cô ấy cao bằng tôi.)
- He runs as quickly as I do = He runs as quickly as me. (Anh ấy chạy nhanh như tôi.)
- Your dress is as long as my dress = Your dress is as long as mine. (Váy của bạn dài bằng váy của tôi.)
2. So sánh hơn với tính từ và trạng từ.
* So sánh hơn với tính từ ngắn và trạng từ ngắn:
Cấu trúc:
S1 + S-adj + er/ S-adv- er + than + S2 + Axiliary V
S1 + S-adj + er/ S-adv- er + than + O/ N/ Pronoun
Trong đó: S-adj-er: là tính từ ngắn thêm đuôi "er"
S-adv-er: là trạng từ ngắn thêm đuôi "er"
S1: Chủ ngữ 1 (Đối tượng được so sánh)
S2: Chủ ngữ 2 (Đối tượng dùng để so sánh với đối tượng 1)
Axiliary V: trợ động từ
O (object): tân ngữ
N (noun): danh từ
Pronoun: đại từ
Ví dụ:
- This book is thicker than that one. (Cuốn sách này dày hơn cuốn sách kia.)
- They work harder than I do. = They work harder than me. (Họ làm việc chăm chỉ hơn tôi.)
* So sánh hơn với tính từ dài và trạng từ dài:
Cấu trúc:
S1 + more + L-adj/ L-adv + than + S2 + Axiliary V
S1 + more + L-adj/ L-adv + than + O/ N/ Pronoun
Trong đó: L-adj: tính từ dài
L-adv: trạng từ dài
Ví dụ:
- He is more intelligent than I am. = He is more intelligent than me. (Anh ấy thông minh hơn tôi.)
- My friend did the test more carefully than I did. = My friend did the test more carefully than me.
(Bạn tôi làm bài kiểm tra cẩn thận hơn tôi.)
3. So sánh hơn nhất đối với tính từ và trạng từ.
+ So sánh hơn nhất đối với tính từ ngắn và trạng từ ngắn:
Cấu trúc:
S + V + the + S-adj-est/ S-adv-est
Ví dụ:
- It is the darkest time in my life. (Đó là khoảng thời gian tăm tối nhất trong cuộc đời tôi.)
- He runs the fastest in my class. (Anh ấy chạy nhanh nhất lớp tôi.)
+ So sánh hơn nhất đối với tính từ dài và trạng từ dài:
Cấu trúc:
S + V + the + most + L-adj/ L-adv
Ví dụ:
- She is the most beautiful girl I've ever met. (Cô ấy là cô gái xinh nhất mà tôi từng gặp.)
- He drives the most carelessly among us. (Anh ấy ấy lái xe ẩu nhất trong số chúng tôi.)
+ Một số tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng có tận cùng là "y, le, ow, er" khi sử dụng ở so sánh hơn hay
so sánh hơn nhất nó áp dụng cấu trúc so sánh hơn của tính từ ngắn.
Tính từ   So sánh hơn   So sánh hơn nhất
Happy -> happier -> the happiest
Simple -> simpler -> the simplest
Narrow -> narrower -> the narrowest
Clever -> cleverer -> the cleverest
Ví dụ:
- Now they are happier than they were before. (Bây giờ họ hạnh phúc hơn trước kia.)
Ta thấy "happy" là một tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng khi sử dụng so sánh hơn, ta sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh
hơn của tính từ ngắn.
+ Một số tính từ và trạng từ biến đổi đặc biệt khi sử dụng so sánh hơn và so sánh hơn nhất.
Tính từ/ Trạng từ    So sánh hơn   So sánh hơn nhất
Good/ well -> better -> the best
Bad/ badly -> worse -> the worst
Much/ many -> more -> the most
a little/ little -> less -> the least
far -> farther/ further -> the farthest/ furthest
1. Cấu trúc so sánh "....càng ngày càng ..."
* Đối với tính từ ngắn và trạng từ ngắn
S-adj-er/ S-adv-er and S-adj-er/ S-adv-er
Ví dụ:
- My sister is taller and taller. (Em gái tôi càng ngày càng cao.)
- He works harder and harder. (Anh ấy làm việc càng ngày càng chăm chỉ.)
* Đối với tính từ dài và trạng từ dài
More and more + L-adj/ L-adv
Ví dụ:
- The film is more and more interesting. (Bộ phim càng ngày càng thú vị.)
- He ran more and more slowly at the end of the race. (Anh ấy chạy càng ngày càng chậm ở phần cuối
cuộc đua.)
2. Cấu trúc so sánh "càng .... càng..."
* Đối với tính từ ngắn và trạng từ ngắn:
The + S-adj-er/ S-adv-er + S + V, the + S-adj-er/ S-adv-er + S + V
Ví dụ:
- The cooler it is, the better I feel. (Trời càng mát mẻ, tôi càng cảm thấy dễ chịu).
- The harder he works, the higher salary he gets.
* Đối với tính từ dài và trạng từ dài
The + more + L-adj/ L-adv + S + V, the + more + L-adj/ L-adv + S + V
Ví dụ:
- The more carefully he studies, the more confident he feels. (Anh ấy càng học cẩn thận, anh ấy càng
thấy tự tin.)
Số lần (half/ twice/ three times/...) + many/much/ adj/ adv+ as + O/ N/ Pronoun
Ví dụ:
- She works twice as hard as me. (Cô ấy làm việc chăm chỉ gấp 2 lần tôi.)
- This road is three times as long as that one. (Con đường này dài gấp 3 lần con đường kia.)
I. Viết dạng so sánh hơn và so sánh hơn nhất của các tính từ và trạng từ sau:
Tính từ/ Trạng từ So sánh hơn So sánh hơn nhất
1. beautiful  …more beautiful…   …the most beautiful………
2. hot   …hotter……   ……the hottest………
3. crazy   ……crazier……   …the craziest…………
4. slowly   ……slowlier……   ……the slowliest………
5. few   ……fewer……   ………fewest…………
6. little   ………less………   …the least
7. bad   …………worse…………   ……the worst………
8. good   ………better……………   ……the best…………
9. attractive   ……more attractive………   ……the most attractive………
10. big   ……bigger……   …the biggest………
II.Chọn đáp án đúng để điền vào chỗ trống trong các câu sau.
1. She is ....................................... singer I’ve ever met.
A. worse                     B. bad                         C. the worst               D. badly
2. Mary is ................................ responsible as Peter.
A. more                      B. the most          C. much                      D. as
3. It is ................................. in the city than it is in the country.
A. noisily                   B. more noisier     C. noisier                    D. noisy
4. She sings ……….. among the singers I have known.
A. the most beautiful   B. the more beautiful C. the most beautifully  D. the more beautifully
5. She is ............................................. student in my class.
A. most hard-working   B. more hard-working C. the most hard-working   D. as hard-working
6. The English test was .................................... than I thought it would be.
A. the easier              B. more easy           C. easiest                   D. easier
7. English is thought to be .................................... than Math.
A. harder                    B. the more hard         C. hardest                  D. the hardest
8. Jupiter is ....................................... planet in the solar system.
A. the biggest            B. the bigger                C. bigger                    D. biggest
9. She runs …................................… in my class.
A. the slowest           B. the most slow        C. the slowly              D. the most slowly
10. My house is ............................................... hers.
A. cheap than            B. cheaper                 C. more cheap than     D. cheaper than
11. Her office is .......................................... away than mine.
A. father                     B . more far              C. farther                   D. farer
12. Tom is ................................................... than David.
A. handsome                B. the more handsome  C. more handsome      D. the most handsome
13. He did the test ……...............................….. I did.
A. as bad as               B. badder than        C. more badly than     D. worse than
14. A boat is ......................................... than a plane.
A. slower                   B. slowest                    C. more slow             D. more slower
15. My new sofa is ................................... than the old one.
A. more comfortable     B. comfortably          C. more comfortabler D. comfortable
16. My sister dances …….......................….. than me.
A. gooder                   B. weller                C. better                     D. more good
17. My bedroom is ............................ room in my house.
A. tidier than                B. the tidiest              C. the most tidy            D. more tidier
18. This road is ....................................... than that road.
A. narrower               B. narrow                   C. the most narrow     D. more narrower
19. He drives ……..................................... his brother.
A. more careful than      B. more carefully C. more carefully than  D. as careful as
20. It was ...................................................... day of the year.
A. the colder             B. the coldest            C. coldest                   D. colder
III.Điền vào chỗ trống dạng so sánh đúng của từ trong ngoặc.
1. He is (clever) ………the cleverest……………. student in my group. 
2. She can’t stay (long) ……longer……………….than 30 minutes.
3. It’s (good) ………the best……………. holiday I’ve had.
4. Well, the place looks (clean) ……cleaner……………….now.
5. The red shirt is better but it’s (expensive) ………more expensive……………. than the white one. 
6. I’ll try to finish the job (quick).………more quickly…………….
7. Being a firefighter is (dangerous) ……more dangerous………………. than being a builder.
8. Lan sings ( sweet ) ……more sweetly…………..than Hoa
9. This is (exciting) ………the most exciting……………. film I’ve ever seen.
10. He runs ( fast )………the fastest………….of all.
11. My Tam is one of (popular) ……the most popular………………. singers in my country.
12. Which planet is (close) ……the closest………………. to the Sun?
13. Carol sings as (beautiful) ……beautiful as……… Mary, but Cindy sings the (beautiful) …………
most beautifully…….
14. The weather this summer is even (hot) ………hotter……………. than last summer.
15. Your accent is ( bad ) …………worse………..than mine.
16. Hot dogs are (good) …………better………….than hamburgers. 
17. They live in a (big) ……bigger……… house, but Fred lives in a (big) ……the biggest…. one.
18. French is considered to be (difficult) …more difficult……….than English, but Chinese is the
(difficult)  ……most difficult…….language.
IV.Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi.
1. Her old house is bigger than her new one.
-> Her new house…is not as big as her old one.……….…..............
2. No one in my class is taller than Peter.
-> Peter …………is the tallest in my class
3. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.
-> The white dress ……is not as expensive as the black one.……………………….........
4. According to me, English is easier than Maths.
-> According to me, Maths ……is not as easy as English
5. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.
-> Mary …is the most intelligent in my group..………………………..............
6. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.
-> The Nile ……is the longest river in the world
7. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
-> No mountain ……is as high as Mount Everest………..............…………...
8. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl.
-> She is ……the prettiest girl I have ever met……………..............………..
9. He works much. He feels tired.
-> The more ………he works, the more tired he feels……………………..............………
10. This computer works better than that one.
-> That computer ……is not as good as this one...............……………..
 11. The apartment is big. The rent is high.
->  The bigger ……the apartment is, the higher the rent is……………..............….
12. We set off soon. We will arrive soon.
-> The sooner ……we set off, the sooner we will arrive…………………..............……
13. The joke is good. The laughter is loud.
-> The better ……the joke, the louder the laughter………………................
14. She gets fat. She feels tired.
-> The fatter ……she is, the more tired she feels………………..............
15. As he gets older, he wants to travel less.
-> The older ……he gets, the less he wants to travel………………………..............
6. The children are excited with the difficult games.
-> The more ……difficult the games are, the more excited the children are……………..............…
17. People drive fast. Many accidents happen.
->  The faster ……people drive………………..............
18. I meet him much. I hate him much
->  The more ……I meet him, the more I hate hime……………..............……
19. My boss works better when he is pressed for time,
->  The less …time my boss has, the better he works………..............
20. As he has much money, he wants to spend much.
->  The more ……money he has, the more the wants to spend….………………..............…
21. If you read many books, you will have much knowledge.
 -> The more …books you read, the more knowledge you will have…………………..............
22. He speaks too much and people feel bored.
->  The more ……he speaks, the more bored people feel……………………….................…
I/ Choose the word having the underlined part pronounced differently in  each line
1. A. flag B. glad C. blame D. clap
2. A. click  B. glide C. climb D. blind
3. A. clothing B. blond C. globe D. slogan
4. A. club B. blunt C. fluffy D. glucose
5. A. bloom B. gloom C. flood D. scooter
6. A. loud                      B. amount                   C. found                     D. you
7. A. car                       B. carry                   C. corn             D. city
8. A. now                       B. show                     C. borrow           D. slow
9. A. ahead                    B. capitalist   C. also           D. important
10. A. peace               B. meat               C. instead         D. leader
II/ Match the word to its meaning

1c 2j 3a 4i 5b 6g 7d 8f 9h 10e
III/ Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences (1 pt)
1. Nam helps his parents ………………the rice onto the ox-drawn cart. 
A. load  B. collect  C. dry  D. ride
2. In Emma’s opinion, city life is more ………………than country life. 
A. friendly  B. exciting  C. natural  D. peaceful
3. The sky is………………here in the countryside because there are no buildings to block the view.
A. tidy  B. close  C. dense  D. vast
4. Look! Some children are ………………the buffaloes.
A. picking  B. playing  C. driving  D. herding
5. Viet plays the guitar ………………than Phong does.
A. more goodly  B. more well  C. better  D. gooder
6. Medical help is …………easily obtained in remote areas than in towns. 
A. more  B. fewer  C. less  D. higher
7. Today Peter gets up ………………than he did yesterday.
A. earlier B. more early  C. more earlily  D. more earlier
8. He seems to be ………………than we thought.
A. more quick  B. more quickly  C. quicklier  D. quicker
9. The wind is blowing ………………than it did last night.
A. stronger  B. more strongly C. stronglier  D. more stronger
10. Is living in the city ………………than living in the country? 
A. more convenient  B. most convenient C. as convenient  D. so convenient
IV/ Fill each blank with ONE suitable word to finish the passage
         Life in the countryside is a bit slower than life in the city. It isn’t as exciting  as life in the city.
But (1) …in…general people work hard – they work in the fields, in the garden, in the woods etc. They
grow vegetables, cultivate crops and raise (2) …cattle……(cows, horses, buffaloes,…).
Some people even have vineyards and fruits orchards.
       There is a ton of work to be done on the farm-milk cows, taking (3) …care……of livestock,
mucking out, ploughing fields, sowing seeds, fertilizing, harvesting,…It is said that a farmer works
from (4)…morning…to sunset. People use farm machinery and drive tractors. 
         Children can freely play outdoors. In rural area people (5)…look after……each other better.
There are no skyscrapers in the countryside. People’s home may be (6) …near……a farmhouse or a
            People sniff air that is definitely cleaner than air in the cities. There is also (7) …no……
violence and vandalism. The traffic isn’t as dense as in the  cities. There (8) …are……no rush hours.
Furthermore, it isn’t as noisy as it is in cities.
         People living in the countryside can enjoy the green scenery. They can enjoy the nature. They
can (9) …listen to…birds chirping, deer stopping in a clearing in wood. Besides, people can eat fresh
home-grown (10) …vegetables……and fruit. It seems that life in the countryside is not that
stressful. Altogether that must have a positive effect on their health.
V/ Complete the sentences with a suitable comparative form of the words provided
1. Towns are ……bigger…………than villages. (big) 
2. A sofa is ……more comfortable…………than a chair. (comfortable) 
3. Does an ox run ……slower…………than a horse? (slow)
4. Laura sings ……better…………than her sister. (good) 
5. My house is ……farther…………from the river than Nam’s house. (far) 
6. Minh plays the flutes ……worse…………than Quang. (bad) 
7. Traffic in the city is always ……busier…………than that in the countryside. (busy)
8. This year the farmers work ……harder…………than they did last year. (hard) 
9. Villages are ……quieter…………than towns. (quiet)
10. I think people in this area live ……happier…………than those in other areas. (happy)
VI/ Each of the following sentences contains a mistake. Underline it and write the correct answer
in the space provided
1. Today we play more badly than we did yesterday, so we need to practise more.
………more badly → worse……………………………………
2. I have never seen a most colourful kite than this one.
………most colourful → more colourful………………..……
3. Maria and her sister talked loud than the other guests.
………loud → more loudly…………………………………………
4. John ran more fastly than all other competitors in the race.
………more fastly → faster ……………………………………
5. Please speak clearer because I hardly understand the instructions.
………clearer → more clearly……………………………………………
VII/ Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the following passage
My parents are farmers. They work very (1)…………………….on the paddy fields. They
usually get (2)………………………very early in the morning. After (3)………………..breakfast, they
feed the buffaloes, pigs, chicken, ducks and they (4)…………………….the eggs. From about eight,
they work on the fields. They (5)……………….rice but their main (6)………………….is vegetables.
Form eleven thirty to one thirty, they rest and have lunch. They continue to work until five in the
afternoon they come back home. My mother (7)…………………….the animals again while my father
(8)…………………the buffalo shed and the chicken coop. They usually finish their work at about six
thirty. Twice a week, my mother (9)……………………the vegetables and eggs to the town market to
sell them then she often buys the things we need for our daily life. She also (10)……………………me
a small present each time.
1. A. hard                    B. hardly                    C. harder                     D. hardest
2. A. on                       B. off                         C. up                           D. in
3. A. to have               B. having                    C. have                        D. had
4. A. take                    B. see                          C. have                        D. collect
5. A. plant                   B. water                      C. grow                       D. cut
6. A. period                 B. crop                        C. time                        D. harvest
7. A. leads                   B. feeds                       C. gives                    D. calls
8. A. cleans                 B. washes                    C. polishes                   D. clears
9. A. makes                 B. takes                       C. carries                     D. brings
10. A. buying              B. buys                        C. to buy                     D. bought
VIII/ Read the text and answer the questions below
Last week, Nick and some of his classmates went to the countryside. They went to visit a farm
of Nick’s uncle.
They left early in the morning and went there by bus. Nick’s uncle, Mr. Brown met them at the
bus stop and took them to his farm. On the way, Uncle Brown showed them the field of wheat and
vegetables where some tractors were running up and down, ploughing and breaking soil, distributing
manure and planting potatoes.
After lunch, they all went for a walk. In the large yard of the farm, they saw some farm
machines. Among them is the biggest machine which is called a combine harvester. They were told
that this machine can cut and thresh corn at the same time.
In the afternoon, they went to the place where cattle such as horses, sheep and cows were raised.
They were very excited to see how cows were milked by the workers there. Uncle Brown also spoke
about many interesting things in the countryside. After having some fruits and cakes, they said
goodbye and went home.
1. How did Peter and his classmates go to Uncle Brown?
………They went there by bus……………………………………………………
2. What does his uncle grow on his farm?
………He grows wheat, vegetables and potatoes……..…………………………
3. What can a tractor do?
………It can plough and break soil, distribute manure and plant potatoes………
4. What is typical of a combine harvester?
………A combine harvester can cut and thresh corn at the same time…………
5. Which kinds of cattle are raised in Uncle Brown’s farm?
………The cattle such as horses, sheep and cows are raised in Uncle Brow’s farm………
IX/ Use the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. (Use 2-5 words in total)
1. Mr. Quynh is the happiest person in the village. (than)
=> No one in the village … is happier than ….…..Mr. Quynh.
2. Life in the countryside isn’t as stressful as life in the city. (more) 
=> Life in the city …… is more stressful than ………………….... life in the countryside. 
3. This is the largest kite I’ve ever seen. (larger) 
=> I’ve never ……… seen a larger kite than ………..……………this.
4. Phong was a quicker walker than his friends. (quickly)
=> Phong ………… walked more quickly than ….………his friends.
5. Houses in the city are much more expensive than those in the countryside. (much)
=> Houses in the countryside …… are much cheaper than ……those in the city.
X/ Use the following suggestions to write passages about city and country life with comparative
forms of adjectives
-Cities/ big/ life/ exciting//. Public transport/ good//.But/ life/ stressful//. People/ busy/ run/ one place/
-Life/ country/ may/ boring/ but / people/ close/ nature/ air/ clean//. People/ have/ relaxed/ lifestyle//.
But/ there/ nothing bad/ have/ nothing/ do/ all day//.

Cities are usually much bigger and life is more exciting there. Public transport is also better. But life
can be more stressful. People are otten busier running from one place to the other. Life in the country
may be more boring but people are closer to nature and the air is cleaner. People have a more
relaxed lifestyle. But there is nothing worse than having nothing to do all day.
1. cultural groups n nhóm văn hóa
2. ethnic groups n nhóm thiểu số
3. curious (about sth/sb) adj tò mò (về cgđ) sự tò mò
curiosity n
4. account for = make up (50%) v chiếm (50%)
5. minority # majority n thiểu số # đa số
6. regions (in the north) n các khu vực (phía bắc)
7. the south n miền nam
southern provinces adj các tỉnh phía nam
8. customs # costumes n phong tục tập quán # trang phục
9. peoples n các dân tộc
10. open-air market n khu chợ (ngoài trời)
11. stilt-house n nhà sàn
1. five-colored sticky rice n xôi ngũ sắc
2. terraced fields n ruộng bậc thang
3. religions n adj tôn giáo
4. World Heritage Sites n (cácdản
Di nhóm)
Văn tôn
Thế giới
5. discriminate (against sth/sb) vn phân biệt (đối với cgđ/ ai đó) sự phân biệt; kỳ
6. (be) recognized by (UNESCO) v thị
được công nhận bởi (UNESCO)
7. exhibit (sth) exhibition vn triển lãm cgđ buổi triển lãm
8. (Museum of) ethnology n (Bảo tang) Dân tộc học
9. architect nn kiến trúc sư kiến trúc
10. important # significant adj (điểm thu hút) [về mặt] kiến trúc
quan trọng
11. play (an important) role in sth v đóng vai trò (quan trọng) trong cgđ
1. a boarding school n trường nội trú
2. waterwheel n bánh xe [đẩy] nước
3. The communal house n Nhà Rong
4. poems poets poetry nnn bài thơ nhà thơ thơ
5. specialties n các đặc sản
6. poultry n gia cầm
7. bamboo items n các sản phẩm làm từ tre
8. unique (products) adj các sản phẩm độc đáo
9. ornaments n trang sức
10. side by side prep cạnh nhau
11. worship (one’s) ancestors v thờ cúng tổ tiên
1. alternating songs n các bài hát đối đáp
2. represent (the elements of life) a vn tượng trưng (cho yếu tố cuộc sống) người đại
3. create harmony (between heaven v diệnsự hài hòa (giữa trời và đất)
4. turmeric (extract) n (chiết xuất) nghệ
5. shredded (coconut) n (dừa) nạo rồi
6. soak sticky rice n nếp ngâm
7. steam v hấp
8. recipe n công thức nấu ăn
9. education standards n chất lượng giáo dục
10. establish (good relations) vn thiết lập (mối quan hệ tốt đẹp) sự thiết lập
11. diverse (cultures) diversity (of adj n (văn hóa) đa dạng
1. Central Highlands n sự đangNguyên
Trung dạng (của cá nền văn hóa)
2. columns n cột
3. beams n đòn tay, xà (bắt ngang)
4. the peaks n trên đỉnh (cao nhất)
5. elaborate (buildings) n (công trình) phức tạp [đòi hỏi sự công phu và tỉ
6. receiving guests n mỉ]đón khác; tiếp khách
7. festivity n các hoạt động lễ hội
8. semi-nomadic life n cuộc sống bán du mục
9. situate = locate in a place v tọa lạc ở một nơi nào đó
10. preserve sth preservation vnn bảo tổn cgđ sự bảo tồn
11. present (time) adj n nhà [hoạt
(thời điểm)động]
hiện bảo tồn quà
tại món
1. (coconut) plantation adj
n n hiệnđiền
đồn diện;(dừa)
có mặt sự hiện diện
2. floating markets n chợ nổi [trên song]
3. fruit orchards n vườn cây ăn trái
4. sculpture n điêu khắc
5. spiritual life n đời sống tinh thần
6. spoil – spoilt – spoilt v làm hư hại
=ruin =destroy
I) Một số dạng câu hỏi trong tiếng Anh
Khi là câu hỏi thì chúng ta đặt trợ động từ lên đầu câu hay nói chính xác hơn là đảo trợ động từ
(auxiliary verbs) lên trước chủ từ.
Đối với câu chỉ có động từ thường ở thì hiện tại đơn (Simple Present) ta dùng thêm trợ động từ "do"
hoặc "does". Sau đây là một số dạng câu hỏi thường gặp:
a) Câu hỏi Yes/ No (Yes/ No Questions)
trợ động từ (be, do, does, did) + chủ ngữ (S) + động tử +...?
Câu hỏi dạng Yes/ No Questions tức Câu hỏi Yes/ No, bởi vì với dạng câu hỏi này chỉ đòi hỏi trả lời
Yes hoăc No.
Yes, s + trợ động từ/ to be.
No, s + trợ động từ/ to be + not.
Ex: Isn't Trang going to school today?
Hôm nay Trang không đi học phải không?
Yes, she is.
Vâng, đúng vậy.
Was Trinh sick yesterday?
Hôm qua Trinh bị bệnh phải không?
No, she was not.
Không, cô ấy không bị bệnh.
b) Câu hỏi lấy thông tin (information question)
Khi chúng ta cần hỏi rõ ràng hơn và có câu trả lời cụ thể hơn ta dùng câu hỏi với các từ hỏi.
Ngoài câu hỏi How many (hỏi về số lượng)/ How much (hỏi về giá cả), trong tiếng Anh còn có một
loạt từ hỏi nữa và các từ hỏi này đều bắt đầu bằng chữ Wh-. Các từ hỏi Wh- bao gồm: What (gì, cái
gì), Which (nào, cái nào), Who (ai), Whom (ai), Whose (của ai), Why (tại sao, vì sao), Where (đâu, ở
đâu), When (khi nào, bao giờ).
Để viết câu hỏi với từ để hỏi ta chỉ cần nhớ đơn giản như sau:
Đã là câu hỏi dĩ nhiên sẽ có sự đảo giữa chủ từ và trợ động từ, nếu trong câu không có trợ động từ ta
dùng thêm do/ does (tùy theo chủ ngữ và thì câu câu).
Từ để hỏi luôn luôn đứng đầu câu hỏi. Như vậy cấu trúc một câu hỏi có từ để hỏi là:
Từ để hỏi + trợ động từ + chủ ngữ +...?
Ex: What is this? Cái gì đây? hoặc Đấy là cái gì?
Where do you live? Anh sống ở đâu?
When do you see him? Anh gặp hắn khi nào?
What are you doing? Anh đang làm gì thế?
Why does she like him? Tại sao cô ta thích anh ta?
1) Who hoặc What: câu hỏi chủ ngữ
Đây là câu hỏi khi muốn biết chủ ngữ hay chủ thể của hành động.
Who/ What + động từ (V) +...?
Ex: What happened last night? Chuyện gì đã xảy ra vào tối qua?
Who opened the door? Ai đã mở cửa?
2) Whom hoặc What: câu hỏi tân ngữ
Đây là các câu hỏi dùng khi muôn biết tân ngữ hay đối tượng tác động của hành động.
Whom/ What + trợ động từ (do/ did/ does) + s + V +...?
Lưu ý: Trong tiếng Anh viết bắt buộc phải dùng whom mặc dù trong tiếng Anh nói có thể dùng who
thay cho whom trong mẫu câu trên.
Ex: What did Trang buy at the store? Trang đã mua gi ở cửa hàng?
Whom does Lan know from the UK?
Lan biết ai từ Vương Quốc Anh?
3) When, Where, How và Why: Câu hỏi bổ ngữ
Dùng khi muốn biết nơi chốn, thời gian, lý do, cách thức của hành động.
When/ Where/ Why/ How + trợ động từ (be, do, does, did) + s + V + bổ ngữ (+ tân ngữ)?
Ex: How did Trang get to school today?
Làm thế nào mà Trang đã đến được trường vào hôm nay?
When did he move to Ha Noi?
Khi nào cậu ấy chuyển đến Hà Nội?
Đối với câu hỏi Why, chúng ta có thể dùng Because (vì, bởi vì) để trả lời.
Ex: Why do you like computer? Tại sao anh thích máy tính?
Because it's very wonderful. Bởi vì nó rất tuyệt vời.
Why does he go to his office late? Tạo sao anh ta đến cơ quan trễ? Because he gets up late. Vì anh ta
dậy trễ.
Các em cần chú ý:
1) Câu hỏi với Who, Whom, Whose
Who và Whom đều dùng để hỏi ai, người nào, nhưng Who dùng thay cho người, giữ nhiệm vụ chủ từ
trong câu, còn Whom giữ nhiệm vụ túc từ cùa động từ theo sau.
Ex: Who can answer that question? (Who là chủ từ của động từ can)
Ai có thể trả lời câu hỏi đó?
Whom do you meet this morning? (Whom là túc từ của meet)
Anh gặp ai sáng nay?
Lưu ý:
Trong văn nói người ta có thể dùng who trong cả hai trường hợp chủ từ và túc từ.
Ex: Who(m) do they help this morning?
Họ giúp ai sáng nay?
Động từ trong câu hỏi với who ở dạng xác định. Ngược lại động từ trong câu hỏi với whom phải ở
dạng nghi vấn:
Ex: Who is going to Ha Noi with Trang?
Ai đang đi Hà Nội cùng với Trang vậy?
With whom is she going to London?
(= Who(m) did she go to Ha Noi with?)
Cô ta đang đi Hà Nội cùng với ai vậy?
Whose là hình thức sở hữu của who. Nó được dùng để hỏi "của ai".
Ex: Whose is this umbrella? Cái ô này của ai?
It's mine. Của tôi.
Whose có thể được dùng như một tính từ nghi vấn. Khi ấy theo sau whose phải có một danh từ.
Ex: Whose pen are you using? Bạn đang dùng cây bút của ai đấy?
Whose books are they reading? Họ đang đọc quyển sách của ai?
2) Câu hỏi với What, Which
What và Which đều có nghĩa chung là "cái gì, cái nào". Tuy vậy which có một số giới hạn.
Người nghe phải chọn trong giới hạn ấy để trả lời. Câu hỏi với what thì không có giới hạn. Người nghe
có quyền trả lời theo ý thích của mình.
Ex: What do you often have for breakfast?
Bạn thường ăn điểm tâm bằng gì?
Which will you have, tea or coffee?
Anh muốn dùng gì, trà hay cà phê?
What và which còn có thể là một tính từ nghi vấn. Khi sử dụng tính từ nghi vấn phải dùng với một
danh từ. Cách dùng giống như trường hợp whose nêu trên.
Ex: What colour do you like?
Ban thích màu gì?
Which way to the station, please?
Cho hỏi đường nào đi đến ga ạ?
Which có thể dùng để nói về người. Khi ấy nó có nghĩa "người nào, ai".
Ex: Which of you can't do this exercise?
Em nào (trong số các em) không làm được bài tập này?
Which boys can answer all the questions?
Những cậu nào có thể trả lời tất cả các câu hỏi?
Lưu ý:
Who is that man? - He's Mr. John Barnes. (Hỏi về tên)
What is he? - He's a teacher. (Hỏi về nghề nghiệp)
What is he like? - He's tall, dark, and handsome. (Hỏi về dáng dấp)
What's he like as a pianist? - Oh, he's not very good. (Hỏi về công việc làm)
c) Câu hỏi phủ định (Negative Questions)
Negative Question là câu hỏi phủ định, có nghĩa là câu hỏi có động từ viết ở thể phủ định tức có thêm
not sau trợ động từ.
Chúng ta dùng câu hỏi phủ định trong các trường hợp sau:
1) Để chỉ sự ngạc nhiên;
Aren't you crazy? Why do you do that?
Anh có điên không? Sao anh làm điều đó?
2) Là một lời cảm thán.
Doesn't that dress look nice!
Cái áo này đẹp quá!
Như vậy bản thân câu này không phải là câu hỏi nhưng được viết dưới dạng câu hỏi.
Khi trông chờ người nghe đồng ý với mình.
Trong các câu hỏi này chữ not chỉ được dùng để diễn tả ý nghĩa câu, đừng dịch nó là không.
Người ta còn dùng Why với câu hỏi phủ định để nói lên một lời đề nghị hay một lời khuyên.
Ex: Why don't you lock the door?
Sao anh không khóa cửa? Why don't we go out for a meal?
Sao chúng ta không đi ăn một bữa nhỉ?
Why don't you go to bed early?
Sao anh không đi ngủ sớm?
II) Giới thiệu về mạo từ (Articles)
1) Định nghĩa: Mạo từ là từ đứng trước danh từ và cho biết danh từ ấy đề cập đến một đối tượng xác
định hay không xác định.
Chúng ta dừng "the" khi danh từ chỉ đối tượng được cả người nói 1 người nghe biết rõ đối tượng nào
đó. Ngược lại khi dùng mạo từ bất định "a/ an", người nói đề cập đến một đối tượng chung hoặc chưa
xác định được: Mạo từ trong tiếng Anh chỉ gồm ba từ và được phân chia như sau:
Mạo từ xác định (Denfinite article): the Mạo từ bất định (Indefinite article): a/ an
Mạo từ không phải là một loại từ riêng biệt, chúng ta có thể xem nó như một bộ phận của tính từ dùng
để bổ nghĩa - chỉ đơn vị (cái, con chiếc).
I. Pronunciation
Ancestor, skill, scholarship, display, costume, sky, instead, basket, speech, first, space, skateboarding, crisp,
station, school, task, spell, spend, disconnect, sport, discourage, speak, stone, stamp, best, jacket, spicy, stand,
ask, scan, storm, spring, spill ….
/sk/ /sp/ /st/
Skill, scholarship, sky, Display, speech, space, Ancestor, costume,
skateboarding, task, crisp, spell, spend, sport, instead, basket, first,
disconnect, discourage, speak, spicy, spring, station, stone, stamp, best
jacket, ask, scan, sprill

II. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in the box.
Collection language typical writing system
crafts festivals speciality ethnic minorities
1. The Yao people use ideograms of Chinese origin to write their __language_______.
2. The Museum of Ethnology has a huge __collection_______ of items of cultural importance from
different ethnic groups in Viet Nam.
3. The Thai have their own language, and they also have their own __writing system_______.
4. If you are interested in ethnic minority culture, you should really go to one of the __festivals______
in the northern mountainous regions.
5. The Viet people have many traditional __crafts_______: weaving, carpentry, embroidery ... and
their products are famous everywhere.
6. The schools in this region have done much to help children of __ethnic minorities_______.
7. Mua sap is a ___typical______ dance of Muong people in the North West.
8. Five-coloured sticky rice is a ___speciality______ in many parts of Viet Nam. 
III. Insert a question word to complete each of the following questions.
- ___Who__ of your parents will go to the meeting?
- My mother will.
-  ___Which______ colour is the Symbol of luck for the Hoa people?
- Red (is).
- ____How long_____ is a ‘long house’ of the Ede people?
- About 150 metres long.
- ____Who_____ plays a more important role in a Giarai family?
- Women (do).
- ___When______ is the Hoa Ban Festival of the Thai people held?
- In Lunar February.
- ___Where______ do the Odu people live?
- Mainly in Nghe An Province.
-  ___How far______ is it from the centre to the Museum of Ethnology?
- 15 about seven kilometres.
- ___How much______ is this khan pieu (shawl)?
- Sorry, it's not for sale. 
IV. Fill each blank with ‘a’, ‘an’, or ‘the’ to complete the following passage.
Y Moan was the greatest pop singer of the Ede ethnic group in Dak Lak Province. He was born in
1957 and died in 2010. He was called ‘(1) __the_______ singer of the great woods’. He
is famous for singing songs about (2) ___the______ Central Highlands and the ethnic people there. In
addition, he made (3) __an_______ important contribution, through his singing
and his own songs, to making the Central Highlands well-known to millions of people both inside and
outside (4) __the_______ country. He not only sang but also composed songs about the Central
Highlands. He received (5) __a____ lot of prizes and awards for his achievements in music. In 2010 he
was given the title ‘People's Artist’, (6) ___the______ highest honour by the State for artists. 
V. Read each of the following lists of four words and choose one word that does not belong in each list.
1. A. Hmong B. Sedang C. Bahnar D. Vietnamese
2. A. Costom B. skirt C. blouse D. shawl
3. A.that B. which C. what
4. A. ethnic B. minority C. religious D. festive
6. A. sticky rice B. thin soup C. Piza D. pho
7. A. sky building B. stilt house C. cottage D. country house
8. A. worship B. ancestor C. incense D. workshop
VI. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. No one is able to explain the ________ of the old customs.
A. beginning   B. origin          C. reason D. idea
2. There are always regional ________ in every country.
A. differs         B different      C. differences D. differently
3. ________ of your two sisters is studying in Australia?
A. Who           B. What           C. Which D. When
4. Although there are cultural _ between ethnic groups, they still keep the identity of their own culture.
A. changes       B. exchanges   C. relations D. relationship
5. The 54 ethnic peoples of Viet Nam are ________, but they live peacefully.
A. diverse        B. similar         C. unlike D. likely
6. Which ________ of our country would you most like to live in?
A. place           B section         C. part D. set
7. Most ethnic minority peoples are good ________ farming techniques
A. at    B. for   C. to D. on
Chaul Chnam Thmey is the biggest ________ of the Khmer people.
A. Festival      B. ceremony    C. practice  D. tradtion
VII. Fill each blank with a suitable word to complêt the passage.
Hoang Ngoc Linh is a member of the Tay ethnic group in a mountainous (1) __region____ in
Bac Giang Province. She was bom in 2003, and she goes to Cam Dan Lower Secondary School. In her
class there are several students from other ethnic (2) __groups________ such as the
Nung, the Cao Lan (Sanchay) and all of them get on very well. Like her classmates, she prefers to wear
(3) _the______ Kinh's clothes, and she wears a uniform when she goes to school. Linh loves to (4)
__watch___ cartoons on TV and to play with her dolls. She can speak some words of the Tay (5)
__language_____. At school, she is popular with her teachers and friends as she is a nice girl. She is
good at maths and English. Her dream is to become (6) __an___ English teacher when she grows up.
VIII. Read the passage and make questions basing on the answers

Make questions
1. In the north. -> Where is the small village?
2. A Tay family -> Who is living in the house?……………………………..
3. Three children -> How many children do they have?………………………….
4. Yes. They stay at home to look after the house. -> Do the grandparets stay at home?….
5. Twice a week. -> How oftens does Mrs Pha go shopping?…………….
6. It is about 15 kilometers. -> How far is Vabg’s boarding school? / How far is the town?……..
7. At the weekend. -> When does Vang go home every week? / When does Vang go
8. They live happily. -> How do they live?………………………………….
9. No. They like living in their stilt house. -> Would they like to live in a modern flat in the city? /
Would they like to live in the city?…………
IX. Read the text and do the task
Five-coloured sticky rice is an important traditional dish of many ethnic minorities in the northern
mountainous regions. People call the dish five- coloured sticky rice because it has five colours: red,
yellow, green, purple and white. The things that create the colours are not chemicals but natural roots
and leaves. The five colours of the dish represent five elements of life according to Vietnamese
beliefs: yellow is earth, red is fire, green is plants, white is metal, and purple or black is water. People
believe that these five elements create harmony between heaven and earth. Five-coloured sticky rice is
usually made and enjoyed at Tet, in festivals and ceremonies, on special occasions, and whenever the
family has guests.
T/ F
- 1 ___T______ Five- colour sticky rice is a traditional dish.
- 2___F______ Five-sticky rice is made with chemical.
- 3 ___T______ The colour represent the elements of life.
- 4 ___F______ These elements create harmony between people.
- 5 ___F______ This rice is only made when there are guests.
1. What is the prize of this BTS schoolbag?
-> How much is .....this BTS schoolbag .................................................................................?
2. How much does this CD of EXO band cost?
-> What is … the prize of this CD of EXO band…………………………………………….………?
3. How much is the beautiful shawl of the Thai women?
-> How much does…… the beautiful shawl of the Thai women cost……………………………….?
4. How long have Ha Nhi people lived in Lai Chau?
-> When …did Ha Nhi people live in Lai Chau………………………………………………….?
5. Why do some ethnic people build the communal house?
-> What is ……the reason that ethnic people build the communal house………………………?
6. When did you buy these costumes of Bahnar?
-> How long……have you bought these costumes of Bahnar………………………………….?
7. What did you buy two cinema tickets for?
-> Why did ……you buy two cinema tickets……………………………............... …………..?
8. Would you mind opening all the windows?
-> Could you ……open all the windows………………………………………………………..?
9. Who do these beautiful ornaments belong to?
-> Whose .......beatiful ornaments are these...................................................................................?
10. Will you show me the differences between two pictures?
-> Would you mind ……showing me the differences between two pictures……………………?
11. Whose costumes are these?
-> Who do …these costumes belong to………………………………………………………….?
12. How about going to the Thai people’s village?
-> Why don’t we ……go to the Thai people’s village…………………………………………?
13. What is the distance between your house and your school?
-> How far……is it from your house to your school……………………………………………?
14. What is your job?
-> What ……do you do…………………………………………………….…………………….?
15. Do they visit the tribal villages in Sa Pa?
-> They ……visit the tribal villages, don’t they………………………………………………….?
16. They can cook five-colour sticky rice in this festival, can’t they?
-> Can ……they cook five-colour sticky rice in this festival……………………………………?
17. How high is the Mount Everest ?
-> What is……the height of the Mount Everest…………………………………………………?
18. How long has Tung visited The Central Highland?
-> When ……did Tung visit The Central Highland………………………………………………?
19. What is length of the Red River?
-> How long …is the Red River…………………………………………………………………..?
20. How far is it from Lai Chau province to Ha Giang province?
-> What is ……the distance between Lai Chau province and Ha Giang province………………?
Ex 1. Vocabulary – Write the words
1 (n) /ˈænsestə(r)/ ông cha, tổ tiên
2 (adj) /ˈbeɪsɪk/ cơ bản
3 (adj) /ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd/ tinh vi, phức tạp
4 (n) /ˈkɒstjuːm/ trang phục
5 (adj) /ˈkjʊəriəs/ tò mò, muốn tìm hiểu
6 (n) /ˈkʌstəm/ tập quán, phong tục
7 (adj) /daɪˈvɜːs/ đa dạng
8 (n) /daɪˈvɜːsəti/ sự đa dạng, phong phú
9 (adj) /ˈeθnɪk/ (thuộc) dân tộc
10 (n) /ˈeθnɪk ɡruːp/ (nhóm) dân tộc
11 (n) /ˈeθnɪk maɪˈnɒrəti người dân tộc thiểu số
12 (v) /ˈɡæðə(r)/ thu thập, hái lượm
13 (n) /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ di sản
14 (v) /hʌnt/ săn bắt
15 (adj) /ˌɪnsɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ không quan trọng, không ý nghĩa
16 (n) /məˈdʒɒrəti/ đa số
17 (n) /maɪˈnɒrəti/ thiểu số
18 (adj) /ˌmʌltiˈkʌltʃərəl/ đa văn hóa
19 (v) /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ công nhận, xác nhận
20 (n) /ʃɔːl/ khăn quàng
21 (n) /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/ đặc sản
22 (n) /stɪlt haʊs/ nhà sàn
23 (n) /ˈterəst fiːld/ ruộng bậc thang
24 (n) /trəˈdɪʃn/ truyền thống
25 (adj) /juˈniːk/ độc nhất, độc đáo
26 (n) /ˈwɔːtəwiːl/ cối xay nước

Ex 2. Fill in each blank of the passage with the correct word/phrase fr om the box.
a tour ethnic groups little bridges information

research cultural heritage stilt house display area

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology in Ha Noi offers an insight into 54 different ethnic groups of
Viet Nam in an effort to preserve (1)__cultural heritage_____. The museum is full of
(2)__information_______ about traditional Vietnamese ways of life of all the Vietnamese (3)___ethnic
The display hall shows everyday objects representing each ethnic group, a
(4)_______research_____ center, a library and an auditorium. Its indoor exhibition area provides you
(5)_____stilt house___________ which includes the Viet, Muong, Tay, Thai, H’Mong, Yao, Khmer,
Cham, and Hoa ethnic groups.
The outdoor (6)_____display area_______ presents a variety of Vietnamese homes including a
Tay (7)____little bridges________ and a Viet house, each separated by a small stream and reached via
(8)_____a tour______. The museum is suitable for children, and all documents and signs are translated
into English and French.
Ex 3. Complete the passage with the words given in the box.
ethnic for villages dress valleys

home at with provide their

The villages surrounding Sa Pa are (1)_______home______ to several of Vietnam’s 54 ethnic
minority groups, each with their own distinctive (2)_______dress______, customs and dialects. These
tribes can all be seen (3)______at_______ the weekend market in Sa Pa town to trade
(4)____with_______ one another. Apart from its fascinating (5)___ethnic_____ diversity, Sa Pa is also
famous (6)____for______ its trekking. With Vietnam’s highest peak, Mt. Fansipan (3,143m) only 9km
away the (7)_____valleys______ and mountains (8)____provide_______ the perfect backdrop for
some great treks. Some of the (9)______villages____ now have local stays where you can stay
overnight with a family in (10)______their_______ traditional home.
Ex 4. Read the passage, make questions for the underlined words of the following answers.
In 2006, the house of a local family in Dong Van District, Ha Giang Province was chosen for
the background of the film “The Story of Pao”. From distance, the house looks beautiful as a painting.
Bushes of wild but beautiful flowers in blossom in the right and an old learning cherry blossom tree at
the gate create a romantic scene for the house. The film is about the life of a Hmong girl named Pao.
She was raised by her stepmother because her real mother left her when she was a little. One day, her
stepmother died in an accident, and she began to look for her birth mother.
1. When was the house chosen for the background of the film?
The house was chosen for the background of the film in 2006.
2. where is the house?
The house is in Dong Van District, Ha Giang Province.
3. what is the film about?
The film is about the life of a Hmong girl named Pao.
4Why was she raised by her stepmother?
She was raised by her stepmother because her real mother left her when she was little.
4. When did she begin to look for her birth mother?
She began to look for her birth mother when her stepmother died in an accident.
Ex 5. Make a questions for the underlined words of these answers.
1. How many inhabitants does the Ha Nhi ethnic group have?
The Ha Nhi ethnic group has about 12,500 inhabitants.
2. Where do they live?
They live in the provinces of Lai Chau and Lao Cai.
3. Whom/ Who do the Ha Nhi mainly worship?
The Ha Nhi mainly worship their ancestors.
4. How do they live on?
They live on rice cultivation of burnt-over land or terraced fields.
5. What do they use to work in the fields?
They use ploughs and harrows pulled by oxen and buffaloes to work in the fields.
6. Where are the gardens?
The gardens are often close to their houses.
Ex. Fill in each blank with one suitable WH word
1. …What ………is the weather like today? – It’s fine.
2. …How far………… it from here to your home? – Two kilometers.
3. Can your hear those people? ……What……..are they talking about? – About taxes.
4. …Whose………car is it? – It is Mr. Brown’s.
5. ……Why…….didn’t you go to work yesterday? – Because I was sick.
6. We have got two shirts of the same kind. …Which………one would you like? – I’d like the
white one.
7. Do you remember……where.…and …when……Uncle Ho was born? – He was born in Nghe An
8. …….How many…………cats does she raise? – She raises twenty.
9. …How…………..long are you going to study here? – For at least two courses.
10. Do you know……how……….fast that plane is flying? – I am not sure.
11. ………When……did the accident happen? – At 3 p.m.
12. ………How often……… you visit your grandparents? – Once a month.
13. I want two stamps and an envelope. ……How much…………does it cost? – It is 50 p.
14. I go to school by bike. …………How…….do you get there? – On foot.
15. ……Where………does Nam work? – In Hai Phong.
16. By…whom……………was Hamlet written? – By Shakespeare.
17. ……Who………….does English belong to? – It belongs to those who use it.
18. ……How deep………….is the river? – It is 2.5 meters deep.
19. ……How old…………was Isaac Newton when he died? – He was 85.
20. ……How much…………….water does an elephant drink a day? – Two liters.
Ex 7. Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.
1. My sister often goes to_______________ by bus.
A. city B. a city C. the city D. cities
2. Have you visited______________ ?
A. London University C. University of London
B. the London University D. the University London
3. The view along_______________ is breathtaking.
A. Pacific Coast C. Coast of pacific
B. the Pacific coast D. the Coast Pacific
4. They went skiing in________________ last winter.
A. Alps C. Mountain of Alps
B. Alps Mountains D. the Alps
5. Those tourists took a boat trip on______________.
A. Mekong River C. River Mekong
B. the Mekong River D. River of Mekong
6. Many of people are interested in climbing______________.
A. Mount Everest C. the Everest mountain
B. the Mount Everest D. the mountain Everest
7. Four of them rowed a boat around______________.
A. Great Lakes C. the Great Lakes
B. the Lakes Great D. Lakes of Great
8. ______________ natural resources may be used up someday.
A. World B. World’s C. The world D. The world’s
Ex 8. Fill in the blanks with a, an, the or 
1. Jason’s father bought him_____a_______ bike that he wanted for his birthday
2. ___The___ Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from________ France to_____the____
United states.
3. Rita is studying___________ English and___________ Math this semester.
4. _______The___ judge asked_____the______ witness to tell_______the_____ truth.
5. Please give me ………a …. cup of  coffee with __cream and___ sugar.
6. _______The___ big books on____the_______ table are for my history class.
7. My____________ car is four years old, and it still runs well.
8. There are only_______a____ few seats for_____________ tonight’s musical.
9. _______The_______ chair that you are sitting in is broken.
10. _____The________ Civil War was fought in _______The__ United States between 1861 and
11. John and Marcy went to ______ school yesterday.
12. ____________Lake Erie is one of the five great Lakes in North America.
13. On our trip to Spain, we crossed_____the__________ Atlantic Ocean.
14. What did you eat for_____________ breakfast this morning?
15. Louie played________ basketball and________ baseball at the boys’ Club
16. While we were in______________ Alaska, we saw an Eskimo village.
17. Phil can’t go to the movies because he has to write____an______ essay.
18. David attend______________ Princeton University.
19. Mel’s mother is in_______the____ hospital, so we went to visit her last night.
20. Last night there was _____a________ bird singing outside
Ex 9. Fill in a, an, the or X if necessary
1. ...................... youngest boy has just started going ............ school.
a. the/ x b. a/ x c. x/ the d . an/ x
2........................ eldest boy is at ............... college.
a. The /the b .An/ the c. The /x d. a/ the
3. She lives in ................... top floor of an old house.
a. an b . any c. a d, the
4. She had .............. very bad night, she didn’t sleep .............. wish.
a. a/ a b, an/ a c. a / an d. an/ an
5. ............ person suffering from................... shock should not be given anything to drink.
a. An/ the b. A/ x c. A / the d. A/ any
6. You’ll get .,............ shock if you touch ............. live wire with that screwdriver.
a. a/ a b. an/ a c . an/ the d. the/ the
7. Mr Smith is .............. old customer and ............ honest man.
a. the/ an b. an / the c. an/ an d. the/ the
8. Do you go to ............... prison to visit him?
a. the b. x c. a d. an
9. On ................... Sundays my father stays in bed, reading................. Sunday papers.
a. the/ the b. a/ the c , x/the d. the/a
10. My mother goes to .................... church in ................. morning.
a. the/ x b. the/ the c. x/ the d. a church/ a.
11. And in .................... afternoon goes to visit .................. friends.
a. the/ any b. the/x c. an/ an d. the/ the
12. I have ............ little money left, let’s have dinner in ............ restaurant.
a. some/ the b. a / the c. the/ a d. a / a
13. ............... man is .............. reasoning animal.
a. x/ a b. the/ a c. x/ an d. a/ the
14. Like many women, she loves .............. tea parties and ............. gossip
a. some/ the b.x/x c . a lot of/ the d. x/ a
15. I am on night duty. When you go to ................ bed , I go to .............. work.
a. a/ the b. x/ x c. a/ x d. the/ x
Ex 1. Chọn 1 từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác.
1. A. wanted B. washed C. decided D. needed
2. A. beds B. months C. walks D. books
3. A. pictures B. watches C. washes D. brushes
4. A. homework B. brother C. open D. judo
Ex 2. Điền từ vào chỗ trống với must hay have/ has to.
1. Vietnamese children .........have to...... wear uniform when they go to school.
2. Last night my sister was ill. We ..........had to/ must...... call the doctor.
3. I have bad toothache. I ......must........... make an appoinment with the dentist.
4. I don’t want to .........have to...................... wait in a queue for ages.
5. She ....has to............... work on Saturday morning.
6. When you come to California, you ......must...... come and see us soon.
7. This is a terrible party. We ....must........ go home.
8. If there are no taxis we’ll ......have to...... walk.
9. Daniel ......must...... go to the bank. He hasn’t any money.
10. You really ....must/ have to........ hurry up, Vicky. We don’t want to be late.
Ex 3. Điền vào chỗ trống với mustn’t hay don’t/ doesn’t have to.
1. They ...........don’t have to................. work on Saturday
2. Visitors .........mustn’t................ feed the animal.
3. Tim ..........don’t have to....................... wear uniform at school
4. You .....mustn’t....................... touch that switch. It’s very dangerous.
5. Don’t make so much noise. We .........mustn’t................. wake the baby.
6. There is a lift in the building, so I ..........don’t have to............... climb the stairs.
7. Staff ........mustn’t.......................... smoke when serving customers.
8. Sally is extremely rich. She ......don’t have to...... work.
9. I don’t want anyone to know about our plan. You ......mustn’t...... tell anyone.
10. You ....don’t have to........ be a good player to enjoy a game of tennis.
Ex 4.Dùng ought to hay ought not to để viết lời khuyên:
1. Minh looks very tired. (go to bed late)
Minh ought not to go to bed late.
2. My parents are going to visit France. (learn a few French words)
They ought to learn a few French words
3. It’s eight o’clock. Helen is still sleeping. (get up earlier)
Helen ought to get up earlier
4. There is traffic jam and the people are rushing forward. (drive like that)
They ought not to drive like that
5. Nam is going to have final exam tomorrow morning. He is playing computer games now. (play
computer games – learn the lessons)
Nam ought not to play computer games, he ought to learn the lesson
6. The speed limit is 30 mph, but Catherine is driving 50 mph. (drive so fast)
He ought not to drive so fast.
7. The street is too narrow. It’s always full of vehicles. (they/ widen this street)
They ought to widen this street.
8. I’m bored. I need a change. (go away for a few days)
I ought to go away for a few days.
Ex 5.Viết câu sử dụng “used to” or “didn’t use to”
1. My father gave up smoking two years ago. He (smoke)...........used to smoke........ a packet of
cigarettes a day.
2. There (be)..........used to be......... a movie theater here but it closed a long time ago.
3. Mr. An (not drink).......didn’t use to drink............ coffee when he was young but he likes it now.
4. Peter (have)......used to have............. a motorbike, but last month he sold it and bought a car.
5. I (not like).........didn’t use to like.......... her but we are best friends now.
6. They came to live in the city last year. They (live)..........used to live......... in a small village in the
7. My sister (play)...........used to play........ tennis a lot but she doesn’t play very often now.
8. When I was a child I (not study)..........did not use to study......... hard.
Ex 6.Chia động từ trong ngoặc (có dạng khẳng định và phủ định)
1. It stopped raining, so I (take)...........took........................ off my raincoat.
2. The novel wasn’t very interesting. I (enjoy).........didn’t enjoy........................... it very much.
3. We went to Kate’s house but she (be).......wasn’t..... at home
4. She was in a hurry, so she (have).....didn’t have....... time to phone you.
5. The story was very funny but nobody (laugh)......laughed......
6. Tom was very hungry. He (eat).....ate....... like a horse.
7. The room was so cold, therefore we (sleep).....didn’t sleep....... well.
8. It was hard work carrying the bags. They (be)....were........ very heavy.
9. The window was open and a bird (fly)......flew...... into the room.
10. It was very hot, so I (turn).....turned....... on the air-conditioner.
Ex VII. Chia động từ trong ngoặc:
1. Lisa (not go)..........did not go....................... to work yesterday. She wasn’t feeling well.
2. It (not/ rain)...........does not rain................... very much in summer.
3. Most people (learn)........learn...................... to swim when they are child.
4. Listen to those people. What language (they/ talk)...........are they talking.......................?
5. The moon (go)....................goes........... round the earth in about 27 days.
6. Wolfgang A. Mozart (write)............wrote.................. more than 600 pieces of music.
7. We used (live) live............ in a small village, but now we (live) in London.
8. That bag looks heavy. I (help).......will help........... you with it.
9. It’s her birthday. She (have).........will have................ a meal with her friends.
10. The letter (come)..........came.................... a few days ago.
Ex VIII. Chọn đáp án đúng.
1. My dad doesn’t mind…………… my mom from work every day.
A. pick up B. picked up C. picking up D. picks up
2. Using computers too much may have harmful effects …….. your minds and bodies.
A. on B. to C. with D. onto
3. I love the people in my village. They are so………………… and hospitable.
A. friendly B. vast C. slow D. inconvenient
4. The ……………………..…… people in the village are very friendly.
A. ethnic minority B. majorities C. ethnic minorities D. ethnic cultures.
5. Can you speak English ……………… .My English is not good.
A. slow B. more slowly C. quickly D. more quickly
6. Viet Nam is …………. Multicultural country with 54 ethnic groups.
A. a B. an C. the D. A and C
7.Which ethnic groups has the largest population in Viet Nam?
A. Kinh B. Muong C. Tay D. Hmong
8.The Lao are one of ……………… many Thai- speaking peoples.
A. the B. a C. an D. A and C
Ex 9:
1. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements that follow are True (T) or False (F)
In my opinion, using the computer as your hobby can be harmful to both your health and your
social life. Firstly, sitting all day in front of the computer can cause health problems such as eye-
tiredness and obesity. Secondly, you may get irritated easily. Besides, if you use the computer too
much, you will not have time for our family and friends. In short, computers should only be used for a
limited time.
1. Using the computer too much can make your eyes tired. 1. ……T…...

2. We still can spend a lot of time with our family and friends. 2. ……F…...
3. According to the writer, we can use the computer for a long time. 3. ……F…....
4. Computers should only be used for a limited time. 4 ……T…....
2. Read the passage carefully. (1point)
I live in a village by Mekong River. Every day, like most of my friends, I walk to school. It is three
kilometers away. After class, I often help my mother to collect water from the river and feed the
chickens. At the weekend, the villagers often gather at the community hall where there is a TV. The
adults watch TV, but more often they talk about their farm work and exchange news. The children run
around, playing games and shouting merrily. Laughter is heard everywhere.
My father sometimes takes me to the market town nearby where he sells our home products like
vegetables, fruits, eggs… He then buys me an ice cream and lets me take a ride on the electric train in
the town square. I love those trips.
On starry nights, Children lie on the grass, looking at the sky and daring each other to find the Milky
Way. We dream of faraway places.

Answer the following questions.

1/ Does the boy like riding on the electric train in the town square?
à……Yes, he does………………………………….…………
2/ What do the children do on starry nights?
à……they lie on the grass, looking at the sky and daring each other to find the Milky Way.…
3/ Do you like to live in the countryside or in the city? Why?
à……I like to live in the countryside because it is peaceful and people are friendly……
Question 10.1.Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one
1. Tea is cheaper than coffee.
F Coffee .…is not as cheap as tea………………….……………
2. I adore listening to music every day.
F I enjoy …… listening to music every day ……….….……….
3. The red car is more expensive than the black one.
F The black car ….…is not as expensive as the red one.……….……….
4. No one in my group is more intelligent than Long.
F Long …is the most intelligent in my group
5. Son Tung M-TP performs the song “Chung ta khong thuoc ve nhau” very beautifully.
FThe song “Chung ta khong thuoc ve nhau”…is performed beautifully by Son Tung M-TP…………
2. Write a short paragraph (70-80 words) giving your opinion about life in the countryside:
You can use these clue questions:
What is your opinion about the life in the countryside?
How are the people, landscape, weather or air?
How is the life there?
How is the food..?
What activities can you do there?
Some people say that they like living in the country, the others like living in the city. In my point of
view, I presser living in the countryside for a number of benefits. First of all, it is a quiet and peaceful
place. There are a lot of plant species so the air and the food are fresh and clean, we can enjoy a
healthy natural condition without worrying much about enronmental pollution. We are free to admire
the breathtaking landscapes such as huge meadows, peaceful hills or forests. We can also enjoy
walking in the forest and picking mushrooms or hunting. Second, there aren’t any huge blocks of flats,
modern skyscrapers and bothersome traffic jams in the countryside so the air is not polluted. There is
no water pollution, either. Moreover, living in the countryside is cheaper than it is in the city, so you
can buy many things at lower prices. The other positive side is the safety. In the rural area the crime
rate is much lower. There aren’t a lot of housebreaks of burglary and robbery. In the countryside
people usually and keep eyes on neihgbour’s estates. They always react when something strange is
happening. Finally, most of the villagers are friendly and hospitable. They are always willing to help
each other. Moreover, people in the cities are very susceptible to stress because of pollution, the
pressure of work, competitions, ect. In summary, living in the countryside has many advantages
because of fresh air, clean food, specially the people’s friendliness and hospitality.
1. customs n phong tục [tập quán]
2. tradition n truyền thống
traditional (festivals) adj (các lễ hội) truyền thống
traditionally adv một cách truyền thống
3. pass down (through generations) v truyền lại (cho thế hệ sau)
4. 7 p.m sharp adj 7 giờ đúng
5. lunar (month/ year) adj (tháng/ năm) âm lịch
6. mention sth v đề cập cgđ
7. table manners n quy tắc tại bàn ăn
8. knife, forks n dao, nĩa
9. do (mini) presentations v làm thuyết trình (mini)
10. spot on = totally correct v chính xác
11. explain sth v giải thích cgđ
explanation of sth n sự giải thích của cgđ
1. similar (with/ to sb/ ad giống, tương tự với ai đó, cgđ sự
sth) similarity j giống nhau; sự tương tự
2. a compliment n một sự khen ngợi

3. wordship v thờ cúng (ông bà tổ tiên)

4. stand in a row v đứng thành hàng

5. strict ad nghiêm khắc

strictly (follow) j (tuân thủ) một cách nghiêm khắc
6. spread – spread – vad lan rộng
7. offspring n con cái

8. take (your hat) off v cởi nón ra

9. be obliged to do sth ad phải có trách nhiệm làm gì đó trách

obligation j nhiệm
10. prong n đầu nĩa; mấy thanh nhọn

11. (fruit) tray n khay; mâm (trái cây)

1. mat n chiếu

2. cutlery n bộ dao ăn

3. appetizer = first n món khai vị món chính

starters main n món tráng miệng
4. host/ n gia chủ; chủ nhà

5. your palm n lòng bàn tay của bạn

6. place your knife v để dao của bạn hướng lên/ hướng
downwards xuống

7. break off (a small v bẻ nhỏ (1 mẫu bánh mì nhỏ)

piece of bread)
8. celebrate sth a v tổ chức kỷ niệm cgđ lễ hội
celebration n
9. grilled (chicken) n (thịt gà) nướng [quay]

10. sense of belonging n cảm giác thân thuộc

11. express sth v thể hiện cgđ

1. spirit n tinh thần

spiritual (tradition) ad (truyền thống) tinh thần
2. wealthy (life) nj cuộc sống giàu có

3. (public) gatherings n buổi nhóm họp (cộng đồng)

4. social unity n sự đoàn kết xã hội

5. reunite sth reunion v hợp nhất, thống nhất cgđ sự đoàn tụ;
n sự thống nhất
6. conical hats n nón lá

7. reflect = mirror sth v phản ánh cgđ sự phản ánh

reflection n
8. typical dance n điệu nhảy đặc trưng

9. monks # nuns n tu sỹ nam # tu sỹ nữ

1. Chúng ta dùng "should" với động từ nguyên mẫu (do, go...):
I should do a lot of homework tonight.
Dùng "should" giống nhau cho tất cả các ngôi:
I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they should come.
2. Thể phủ định là "shouldn't":
You shouldn't work all day.
They shouldn't spend so much money.
3. Chúng ta dùng "I should" hoặc "we should" để đề nghị những điều tốt chúng ta nên làm:
I should go home. It's midnight.
We should invite them to our wedding.
Chúng ta dùng "I" hoặc "we shouldn't" để nói về những viêc̣ không nên làm vì chúng không có
lợi cho chúng ta:
I shouldn't eat so much food.
Chúng ta dùng "should/ shouldn't" để đưa ra lời khuyên:
You should look for a better place to eat.
You shouldn't swim in this river.
"Should" được dùng có tác dụng không mạnh mẽ bằng "must" hoặc "have to". Hãy so sánh:
You should drink more milk. (It's a good idea.)
"You must drink more milk," said the doctor. (It's very important.)
4. Chúng ta sử dụng dạng câu hỏi "should I/ we ...?" để xin lời khuyên:
What should I say to Fred?
I need a new passport. Where should I go?
5. Chúng ta có thể nói "I think we should", "I don't think you should" v.v... khi đưa ra ý kiến:
I think we should get two tickets.
I don't think you should believe everything he says.
Chúng ta thường không nói: I think you shouldn't
6. Chúng ta có thể sử dụng "do you think I should ...?" để xin lời khuyên:
Tom hasn't replied to my letter. Do you think I should phone him?
What do you think I should send Alisa for her birthday?
Ngữ pháp mở rộng:
Diễn tả sự bắt buộc (obligation) và lời khuyên (advice): MUST, SHOULD, HAVE TO
MUST + V: được dùng để diễn tả sự bắt buộc xuất phát từ bản thân người nói
Ví dụ: I must do homework today so that I can be totally free tomorrow.
* Lưu ý: khi diễn tả sự bắt buộc trong quá khứ, must dùng thay thế bằng had to + V, didn't have
to + V
Ví dụ: I had to wear uniform when I was a pupil at primary school.
* Lưu ý: Mustn't + V: diễn tả sự ngăn cấm
Ví dụ: You mustn't smoke in hospital.
HAVE TO / DON'T HAVE TO + V: diễn tả sự bắt buộc xuất phát từ nhân tố bên ngoài. Lưu ý have
to không phải là modal verb nên động từ phải chia theo chủ ngữ.
Ví dụ: Chilren have to wear uniform to school.
My mom doesn't have to work on Sunday.
* Lưu ý: có thể dùng have got to + V, need to + V, be supposed to V với ý nghĩa tương đương.
* Lưu ý: ở thể phủ định, bên cạnh don't have to + V, don't need to + V còn có thể dùng needn't + V.
Trong trường hợp này, needn't hoạt động như một modal verb và không cần chia theo chủ ngữ.
Ví dụ: She needn't attend this English course because she did her MBA course in Australia.
OUGHT TO + V: diễn tả sự cần thiết phải thực hiện hành động
Ví dụ: You ought to report to her at work.
* Lưu ý: OUGHT TO thường không dùng ở dạng phủ định.
SHOULD / SHOULDN'T + V: diễn tả lời khuyên
Ví dụ: You shouldn't overspend, or you will be in debt.
You should take his advice.
SHOULD HAVE P2 / SHOULDN'T HAVE P2: diễn tả hành động lẽ ra nên được thực hiện trong
quá khứ nhưng đã không được thực hiện (à điều kiện không thật).
Ví dụ: You should have thanked her for her help. (but you didn't thank her).
NEED HAVE P2 / NEEDN'T HAVE P2: diễn tả hành động lẽ ra cần được thực hiện trong quá khứ
nhưng đã không được thực hiện (à điều kiện không thật).
Ví dụ: You need have brought your raincoat. It is raining now (you didn't bring your raincoat).
* Lưu ý: phân biệt didn't need to và needn't have P2: didn't need to diễn tả việc bạn biết là
không cần làm và bạn có thể lựa chọn làm hoặc không làm; needn't have P2 diễn tả việc bạn
không biết là bạn không cần làm nhưng bạn đã làm.
Ví dụ: We didn't need to work overtime yesterday because we still had a lot of time for our project.
We needn't have taken so much food for our picnic. There was a very good cafeteria there.
OUGHT TO HAVE P2: diễn tả hành động lẽ ra phải được thực hiện trong quá khứ nhưng đã không
được thực hiện (à điều kiện không thật).
Ví dụ: You ought to have done your homework yesterday (but you didn't do it).
1. Odd one out.
1. A. celebration B. festival C. book D. holiday
2. A. meeting B. seeing C. visiting D. reunion
3. A. worship B. remember C. celebrate D. remind
4. A. ancestor B. father C. mother D. sister
5. A. boiled chicken B. spaghetti C. spring rolls D. sticky rice
2. Complete the table with appropriate verbs and nouns.
 Verbs Nouns
1. perform Performance
Reunite 2. reunion
Celebrate 3. celebration
4. preserve Preservation
5. process Procession
sing 6. singer
7. comment Commemoration
8. worship Worship
9. organize Organization
act 10. action, activity, actor,
3. Complete the sentences with the following words.
biggest world moon cakes celebration ancestors
money made traditional reunion local
1. The celebration of 1000 years of Thang Long was strongly impressive.
2. Quan ho singing has been recognized as a world heritage.
3. In Vietnam, Tet is known as an occasion for family reunion .
4. The local people often perform a welcome dance when having visitors at the Cham Tower.
5. Vietnamese people often show their respect to their ancestors .
6. Tet is the biggest festival in Vietnam.
7. Banh chung is made of sticky rice, pork, green beans, and wrapped in green leaves.
8. Spring roll is one of the traditional foods in Vietnam.
9. At Mid-Autumn Festival, children can dance, sing and enjoy mooncakes .
10. Children often receive lucky money during the first days of Tet.
4. Choose the best answer A, B, C, D to complete the sentences.
1. Pizza is a traditional dish.
A. Italian B. Italia C. Italis D. Italion
2.Glastonbury Festival is a festival in England.
A. modern B. famous C. family D. famulus
3. The Toronto International Film Festival is a film festival each September in Toronto, Ontario,
A. held B. hold C. perform D. shown
4. Festival has _______ millions of people from around the world each year.
A. attract B. held C. gathered D. collect
5. Vu Lan Festival is an occasion for showing to parents, ancestors.
A. reunion B. soul C. mind D. gratitude
6. On festival days, there are many people coming to land to find the belief, wishing for luck
and fortune.
A. Buddhist B. Buddhism C. Buddha D. Buddhistic
7. The Yen Tu festival is organized since the 10 lunar month and for three spring months.
A. occurred B. happened C. longed D. lasted
8. According to the M'Nong's custom, the New Rice is usually held in the evening.
A. occasion B. ceremony C. holiday D. vacation
5. Choose the best answer A, B, C, D to complete the sentences.
1. a lot of troubles of the past year, people tend to forget them and hope for a better
upcoming year.
A. although B. despite C. even though D. because
2. Tet holiday is for people to visit their relatives and join festivals, everybody needs to well dress.
A. therefore B. if C. because D. when
3. Most children love Tet they can also receive lucky
A. moreover B. while C. because D. therefore
4. Tet is a long holiday. , it is the largest festival in
A. therefore B. moreover C. while D. if
5. Long couldn't buy ticket. , he cannot return home for Tet.
A. so B. because C. therefore D. if
6. Spring comes, it's also time to celebrate many festivals.
A. while B. when C. because D. although
7. We celebrate our traditional festival each year, it's very costly.
A. although B. despite C. in spite of D. therefore
8. I was very lucky to participate in the White Nights I was in Russia.
A. when B. if C. moreover D. therefore
9. Mai has been living 10 km away from Huong Pagoda, she has never been to
Huong Pagoda Festival.
A. in spite of B. despite of C. although D. despite
10. the romantic beauty of the land with mountain inside
the city, Da Nang attracts a great number of tourists each year.
A. although B. if C. thanks to D. because
6. Fill each blank with an appreciate word or phrase in the box.
a) Passage A
ancient landscapes choose terraced ethnic along
Many visitors (1) choose to visit the stone plateau of Ha Giang. There are many
beautiful and amazing (2) landscapes with the zigzag mountainous path (3) along the edges of
mountains, the (4) ancient mountainous town beside the market of the people in (5) ethnic
group in the cloud and fog. Ha Giang is also beautiful for plum and peach flowers blossom as well as
the colorful (6) terraced field.
b) Passage B
destination island animals knownof beach
Phu Quoc is newly (1) known as the biggest tourism (2) destination in Vietnam with the
peaceful white sand (3)beach from North to South along with the 99 mountains and hills and
plentiful plants and (4) animals . Being compared to the sunshine heaven, Phu Quoc is
always the perfect (5)island for the people who love discovering and experiencing the dreaming beauty
(6) of the nature.

7. Connect each pair of sentences with an appreciate conjunctive adverb in the box to make
compound sentences.
however therefore moreover because although when
1. The tickets are very expensive. There are many people buying the tickets.
The tickets are very expensive; however, there are many people buying the tickets___________
2. Tet is the greatest festival in Vietnam. Vietnamese people love Tet.
Tet is the greatest festival in Vietnam; therefore, Vietnamese people love Tet_______________
3. Children wear their new clothes on the first days of Tet. They can also receive lucky money.
Children wear their new clothes on the first days of Tet because They can also receive lucky money
4. Children like Mid-Autumn Festival very much. They can sing, dance, and eat moon cakes.
Children like Mid-Autumn Festival very much; moreover, They can sing, dance, and eat moon cakes
5. She isn't a Buddhist. She eats as a vegetarian.
Although she isn't a Buddhist, she eats as a vegetarian
6. She wants to enjoy the Tomatoes Festival in Spain. She is at the age of 20.
She wants to enjoy the Tomatoes Festival in Spain when she is at the age of 20.
1. Read the text and answer the questions.
Vu Lan Festival
Being the second largest annual traditional festival of Vietnam right after Tet Holiday, Vu Lan is widely
celebrated throughout the country - among businesses, families, and other institutions. This festival takes place
on the 15th day of the seventh month in Lunar Calendar.
The festival is originated from a legend. A Buddha's disciple named Muc Kien Lien saw that his mother
was suffering from hell's tortures. Following Buddha’s advice, on the seventh full moon of the year, Muc Kien
Lien gathered monks and devotees and pray with them for his mother's relieve. Hence, this festival is to express
gratitude and appreciation towards ones parents (especially mothers) and also help ancestors' lost souls find
their way back to earth.
On this day, people visit pagodas and temples to worship ghosts and hungry spirits through offering food,
clothes and other items, and releasing animals like birds or fish. Apart from that, they give presents and flowers
to their parents to show their appreciation and gratitude.

1. What is the topic of the above text?
It is about Vu Lan festival
2. What is considered as the second largest annual traditional festival of Vietnam right after Tet
It is Vu Lan
3. When does Vu Lan Festival take place?
It takes place on the 15th day of the seventh month in Luna Calendar.
4. What did Buddha's disciple named Muc Kien Lien see?
He saw his mother was suffering from hell’s tortures.
5. Following Buddha's advice, what did Muc Kien Lien do on the seventh full moon the year?
, Muc Kien Lien gathered monks and devotees and pray with them for his mother's relieve
6. Is this festival to express gratitude and appreciation towards ones’ parents (especially mothers)?
Yes, it is______________________________________________________________________
7. How does this festival help ancestors' lost souls?
It helps they find their way back to earth.____________________________________________
8. Where do people often visit on Vu Lan Festival?
people visit pagodas and temples
9. To worship ghosts and hungry spirits, what do people often do?
People worship ghosts and hungry spirits through offering food, clothes and other items, and releasing animals
like birds or fish
10. To whom do they give presents and flowers to show their appreciation and gratitude?
they give presents and flowers to their parents to show their appreciation and gratitude.
2. Read the text and answer the following questions.
Yen Tu Festival
The Yen Tu festival is organized since the 10th lunar month and lasted for three spring months. After
ceremonies are held in the base of the mountain, there are thousands of people to Dong pagoda built on the
peak of Yen Tu. The way to Yen Tu peak is tortuous curling under the ancient trees, through the forest of
bamboo, etc.
With the average time of 3 hours climbing, people will come to Dong pagoda. Coming to the Dong pagoda,
people would feel relief like coming to the magical land.
There are many pagodas, towers, etc. on the way to the Yen Tu peak. They are hidden under the ancient
trees, or right in the clear part of the space, in the cloud like the fairy tale. Moreover, when coming to Yen Tu,
visitors feel like coming to the Heaven's gate to raise the cloud. The East side is Ha Long Bay with thousands
of islet like the chain of pearl. The South part is Haiphong city with the Da Bach, Bach Dang Rivers like the
silks. The West part is the rich delta of Hai Duong province, Bac Ninh province. And the North part is full of
mountains. All could encourage a pride and excitement in the happiness of the conqueror.
On festival days, there are many people coming to the Buddhist land to find belief, and wish for luck and
fortune. Somebody come to show the respect for the ancestor or just come to witness the beauty and peaceful
atmosphere. Many oversea Vietnamese come to Yen Tu to find the humanity values. There are also many
foreign visitors knowing Yen Tu to be the religious, historical and ecological destination of tourism.
1. What is the topic of the above text?
A. Dong pagoda B. Yen Tu peak C. Buddhist land D. Yen Tu festival
2. When is the Yen Tu festival celebrated? (on Lunar calendar)
A. January B. August C. September D. October
3. Where do people go after participating in ceremonies held in the base of the mountain?
A. Dong pagoda B. Dong temple C. mountain D. Yen Tu pagoda
4. How long do people spend climbing to Dong pagoda on average?
A. 1 hour B. 1 hour a haft C. 2 hours D. 3 hours
5. What will you can see on the way to the Yen Tu peak?
A. pagoda B. towers C. A&B D. nothing
6. What is on the East side of the Yen Tu peak?
A. Hai Phong B. Ha Long Bay C. Hai Duong D. Bac Ninh
7. What is on the North part of the Yen Tu peak?
A. mountains B. thousands of islet C. silks D. Bach Dang river
8. What do people often do on festival days?
A. find the belief B. wish for luck C. wish for fortune D. All are true
3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. How long does the Yen Tu festival often last?
It often lasts for three spring months_______________________________________________
2. What does the word "they" on line 7 replace for?
They are pagodas
3. What can be encouraged in the happiness of the conqueror when he comes to the Yen Tu peak?
All could encourage a pride and excitement in the happiness of the conqueror.
4.What do many oversea Vietnamese do when coming to Yen Tu?
Many oversea Vietnamese come to Yen Tu to find the humanity values.
5. What is Yen Tu considered by many foreign visitors?
1. Rewrite the sentences by using the words given.
Besides 1. Vietnamese people often clean out their homes before the New Year. They hope to get
rid of the past year's bad luck.
Vietnamese people often clean out their homes before the New Year because they hope
to get rid of the past year's bad luck.
However 2. To be lucky in the New Year, people often buy new clothes. They get a fresh haircut.
To be lucky in the New Year, people often buy new clothes. Besides, they get a fresh
Because 3. We spend about four days to prepare for Tet. We think we need more time.
Although we spend about four days to prepare for Tet, we think we need more time.
Although 4. Mai feels strongly excited about the amazing atmosphere on the festival. She
sometimes feels it too noisy.
Although Mai feels strongly excited about the amazing atmosphere on the festival, she
sometimes feels it too noisy.
Although 5. Nga is cleaning her house. Her mother is preparing some traditional foods.
Nga is cleaning her house however her mother is preparing some traditional foods.
2. Reorder the sentences.
1. meet/ most/ to/ families/ gifts/ exchange/ have/ traditional/ and/ a/ meal.
Most families have a traditional meal and meet to exchange gifts.
2. homes/ decorated/ are/ apricot/ with/ peach/ blossom/,/ ,and/ blossom/ kumquat.
Homes are decorated with apricot, peach blossom and kumquat blossom.
3. not/ children/ are/ fight/ encouraged/ during/ to/ or/ cry/ Tet.
Children are encouraged not to cry or fight during Tet.
4. many/ new year's tree/ families/ front/ plant/ a/ house/ in/ of/ the.
Many families plant a new year's tree in front of the house
5. after/ meal,/ the/ the/ family/ people/ many/ local/ Vietnamese/ pagoda/ attend/ ancestors/ to/
After the family meal, many Vietnamese people attend the local pagoda to worship ancestors.
6. Glastonbury/ the/ an/ is/ Festival/ exciting/ festival/ music.
The Glastonbury festival is an exciting music festival
7. hope/ Vietnamese/ people/ that/ person/ the/ first/ to/ enter/ their/ generous/ house/ is/ a/ kind-
hearted/ and.
Vietnamese people hope that the first to enter their house is a kind-hearted and generous person.
8. festival/ people/ before/ a/, /prepare/ to/ their/ decorate/ house/ flowers/ with/ colorful.
People prepare to decorate their house with colorful flowers before a festival.
2. Combine two sentences.
1. The bus arrived. We were talking. (when)
The bus arrived when we were talking.
2. We missed the bus. We were so late. (because)
We missed the bus because we were so late.
3. The hare was sleeping. The tortoise was running. (while)
The hare was sleeping while the tortoise was running.
4. Tam worked very hard. Her stepmother wasn't satisfied. (although)
Although Tam worked very hard, her stepmother wasn’t satisfied.
5. The festival costs too much money. We won't celebrate the festival. (if)
If the festival costs too much money, we won’t celebrate it.
3. Make questions for the bold words.
Ex: 0. Moon cake is a typical cake in Mid-Autumn Festival.
What is a typical cake in Mid-Autumn Festival?
1. Mid-Autumn Festival is known as a festival for children.
What is known as a festival for children?
2. The Mid-Autumn festival is celebrated on the 15th day on the 8th lunar month.
When is the Mid-Autumn festival celebrated?
3.Traffic jam often happens here because there are so many vehicles on the street at rush hour and the
road is so narrow.
Why does the traffic jam often happen here?
4. Yen Tu Festival is so fantastic and meaningful.
How is Yen Tu Festival?
5. New-rice Festival is often held in Vietnam annually.
How often is New-rice Festival often held?
6. People often organize Hoa Ban Festival in Spring. 
When do people often organize Hoa Ban Festival?
1. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. strike B. stripe C. sprite D. spring
2. A. food B. book C. goods D. cook
3. A. custom B. bus C. cushion D. custard
4. A. puzzle /ˈpʌz. l/ ə
B. pizza /ˈpiːt.sə/ C. dizzy /ˈdɪz.i/  D. buzzer
5. A. taboo /təˈbuː/ B. bamboo /bæmˈbuː/ C. candle /ˈkæn.d l/  D. captain

2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose main stress is places differently from
the rest.
1. A. invitation B. celebration C. tradition D. information
2. A. custom B. invite C. greeting D. manner
3. A. happen B. finish C. preserve D. practice
4. A. England B. Australia C. America D. Japan
5. A. interesting B. surprising C. exciting D. embarrassing
1. Choose the correct answer to complete these sentences.
1. is a day for students to express their love and esteem to their teachers.
A. Teacher's day B. Children's day C. Women's day
2. Vietnamese people always eat at the Mid-Autumn festival.
A. Chung cakes B. birthday cakes C. moon cakes
3. Tet holiday is a special occasion for especially people living far from hometown.
A. a family gathering B. a family reunion
C. a family party
4. Children receive from adults on the first days of Lunar New Year.
A. good money B. new money C. lucky money
5. In tradition, often do household chores and take care of children while go to
work for earning money in Vietnam.
A. men/women B. women/men C. woman/man
6. Vietnamese people often live in which normally consists of more than three
generations in a roof.
A. an extended family B. a nuclear family C. a typical family
7. Giving gifts at Christmas is not in Vietnam.
A. a popular occasion B. a good chance C. an original tradition
8. is a celebration to show respect and esteem to the elderly.
A. Longevity B. Birthday C. Wishing
9. In Vietnam, a smile is like a silent to reply when getting a praise.
A. "sorry" B. "thank you C. "excuse”
10. When meeting adults who are older than you, you should greet them by .
A. saying hello B. bowing slightly C. smile
3. Write the correct form of the verbs.
1. Worshipping (take) is taken place regularly on particular days, such as festivals and the
death day of the ancestor.
2. "Banh Chung" (be) is a traditional and irreplaceable cake of Vietnamese people in the Tet
3. The convention of giving "li xi (have) has its roots in the folklore about the ogre called
4. Adults (give) give red lucky pockets to children as a token of luck and best wishes.
5. South Koreans prefer (do) to do business with people with whom they have a personal
6. Thais generally (use) use first rather than surnames, with the honorific title Khun
before the name.
7. Traditionally, children (live) will live with their parents until marriage.
8. The extended family (provide) provides both emotional and financial support.
9. The British (exchange) exchange gifts between family members and close friends for
birthdays and Christmas.
10. It is the custom for Polish (applaud) applauding when the plane (land) lands.
4. Give the correct form of words in the brackets.
1. There is a custom of giving presents at Christmas. (customary)
2. It is customary to celebrate the elders' birthday for longevity wishing. (custom)
3. In America, fish and chips is a traditional dish. (tradition)
4. There is a custom that children leave teeth under their pillow for the tooth fairy in many
Western cultures (cultural)
5. According to the tradition, wedding celebration can involve five parties in some parts of
the Middle East. (celebrate)
6. Japanese children cover their tummy button when they hear thunder. (Japan)
7. Customs and traditions of a country are different from those of others. (differ)
8. Follow the tradition of giving gifts when being invited to a house for meals, parties and
celebrations. (invitation)
II. Connect each pair of sentences, using the conjunction or conjunctive adverb given in
1. The weather in India is rather hot all year round. You shouldn’t wear shorts or sleeveless shirts
when visiting a pagoda. (but)
The weather in India is rather hot all year round butYou shouldn’t wear shorts or sleeveless shirts
when visiting a pagoda
]2. Lim Festival is the festival of “Quan Ho” singing. It is also space for various folk games.
Lim Festival is the festival of “Quan Ho” singing; moreover, It is also space for various folk games.
3. People believe that the first person who visits their home during Tet holiday may determine their
fortune for the whole year. The person who sweeps the floor on the first three days of this festive
occasion might sweep away the wealth. (however)
People believe that the first person who visits their home during Tet holiday may determine their
fortune for the whole year; however, The person who sweeps the floor on the first three days of this
festive occasion might sweep away the wealth.
4. Lion dances are held when opening a new company, or connecting an activity. These dances are
believed to bring good luck and prosperity and drive away evil. (because)
Lion dances are held when opening a new company, or connecting an activity Because these dances
are believed to bring good luck and prosperity and drive away evil.
5. You come and visit a Chinese family. You should bear in mind not to give an odd number of
presents. Odd numbers are considered unlucky in China. (if; because)
If You come and visit a Chinese family. You should bear in mind not to give an odd number of
presents. Odd numbers are considered unlucky in China.
VII. Combine the sentences to complete the sentences, using the words in brackets.
1. The building is very old. He lives there. (where)
The building where he lives is very old.
2. I will tell you something. You didn’t know it before. (which)
I will tell you something which you didn’t know before.
3. I’ll never forget the day. I met you then. (when)
I’ll never forget the day when I met you
4. It was cold. However, Tom still went swimming. (although)
Although it was cold, Tom still went swimming
5. John is very sad. He fails the final exam. (because)
John is very sad because he fails the final exam.
6. He never left the house. He had been born there. (where)
He never left the house where he had been born.
7. I met the man. He works in a bank. (who)
I met the man who works in a bank
8. Here are the letters. They arrived this morning. (which)
Here are the letters which arrived this morning.
9. My grandfather is very old. He is still young at heart. (although)
Although my grandfather is very old he is still young at heart.
10. Tom gets a lot of money. He works hard. (because)
Tom gets a lot of money because he works hard.
II. Combine each pair of sentences to make one sentence, using the words given in brackets.
1. Lang Lieu couldn’t buy any special food. He was very poor. (because)
Lang Lieu couldn’t buy any special food because he was very poor.
2. During Tet, Vietnamese people buy all kinds of sweets. They make Chung cakes as well. (so)
During Tet, Vietnamese people buy all kinds of sweets so They make Chung cakes.
3. The Hung King Temple Festival was a local festival. It has become a public holiday in Viet Nam
since 2007. (however)
The Hung King Temple Festival was a local festival; however, It has become a public holiday in Viet
Nam since 2007.
4. At the Mid-Autumn Festival, kids can sing, dance, and enjoy mooncakes. Every child likes it very
much. (therefore)
At the Mid-Autumn Festival, kids can sing, dance, and enjoy mooncakes; therefore, Every child likes it
very much
5. The water is highly polluted. We cannot swim in this part of the river. (because)
We cannot swim in this part of the river because the water is highly polluted.
6. Mr. Minh is admired. He dedicates all his life to protecting environment. (since)
Mr. Minh is admired since He dedicates all his life to protecting environment
7. Give me a ring. You’ll hear some news. (when)
Give me a ring when You’ll hear some news
8. The TV program will end. I’ll do my homework. (after)
The TV program will end after I’ll do my homework
9. I’ll go to work. I’ll have a bath. (before)
I’ll have a bath before I go to work.
10. She’ll in Paris. She’ll visit friends. (while)
While she is in Paris, she’ll visit friends.
II. Read and complete the passage with words in the box.
spring kept celebrate traditional
Because Therefore served However

Tet is the biggest festival in Vietnam. To (1) .........celebrate................ Tet, Vietnamese people
make many tasty (2) .........traditional................ foods. The most important food includes Chung cakes,
sausages, boiled chicken, (3) ..............spring........... rolls, and sticky rice. Chung cake is made of sticky
rice, pork, green beans, and other spices, wrapped in green leaves; (4) ..........therefore............... this
cake needs a lot of preparation. This cake can be (5) ...........kept.............. for a long time, even though
the weather is often humid during Tet. Other significant foods that cannot be missed to worship the
ancestors are sausages, spring rolls, and sticky rice. (6) .......because.................. sausages are difficult to
make, people often buy them from famous suppliers. (7) .......however.................., sticky rice and
spring rolls are easier to prepare and must be (8) ............served............. immediately after they are
cooked, so they are often made at home.
III. Rewrite the sentences using “should/ shouldn’t”.
1. Don’t touch this switch.
 This switch shouldn’t be touch.
2. It isn’t a good idea for you to put so much salt in the soup.
 You shouldn’t put so much salt in the soup.
3. It isn’t a good idea for you to drink so much alcohol.
 You shouldn’t drink so much alcohol............................................
4. Don’t trip over the step into the kitchen.
 You shouldn’t step into the kitchen.
5. You can’t park here because it’s a restricted area.
 You shouldn’t park here because it is a restricted area.
6. Why didn’t they tell me about these changes earlier?
 I should have been told about these changes earlier.......................
7. Don’t lean against the newly-painted wall.
 You shouldn’t lean against the newly-painted wall.
8. Don’t smoke too many cigarettes.
 You shouldn’t smoke too many cigarettes.....................................
9. Children are advised to go to bed early.
 Children should go to bed early. ...................................................
10. You had better not to stay up late.
 You shouldn’t stay up late..............................................................
1. festivals n lễ hội
festive (season) adj (mùa) lễ hội
festivity n các hoạt động lễ hội
2. (a grand) opening ceremony n buổi lễ khai trương (lớn)
3. oriental adj (đêm) phương đông
(night) n định hướng
4. royal court music adj nhã nhạc cung đình
royalty n hoàng gia
5. regret sth v hối tiếc (vì đã làm gì đó)
regretful adj đáng tiếc
6. swing v đu đưa
7. recommend sth v khuyến nghị; khuyên dùng
recommendation n sự khuyến nghị
8. anniversary n lễ kỷ niệm
9. carnival n buổi diễu hành trên phố
10. procession n đám rước
11. ride – rode – ridden sth v cưỡi, chạy cgđ
a rider n người cưỡi, người chạy (xe đạp, …)
1. pray for good fortune v cầu nguyện sự may mắn

2. preserve sth v bảo tồn cgđ sự bảo tồn người bảo tồn
preservation n
3. ritual n lễ nghi

4. commemorate sth/ sb v tưởng nhớ cgđ/ ai đó

5. (show) respect respect n (thể hiện) sự kính trọng tôn trọng

sth v cgđ/ ai đó đáng kính # bất kính
6. (thanks to) technology n (nhờ vào) công nghệ (vấn đề) công
technological ad nghệ kỹ thuật viên
7. offering of incense v thắp nhang

8. confuse v làm bối rối; làm cho khó hiểu sự rối

confusion n rắm
9. companion n sự đồng hành; bạn bầu bạn

10. memorize sth memorial v ghi nhớ cgđ

(experience) memory ad (trải nghiệm) đáng nhớ sự ghi nhớ;
11. otherwise = if not ad kỷ
không thì
1. float lantern n đèn hoa đăng

2. invade sth invaders v xâm lăng cgđ kẻ xâm lăng

3. essential = necessary ad cần thiết
4. defeat sb v đánh bại ai đó

5. courage = bravery n sự dũng cảm

6. starting line # finish n vạch xuất phát # vạch đích

7. bamboo archway n cổng bằng tre

8. rice flake n cốm

9. offerings n đồ cúng dường

10. emperor = king n nhà vua

11. annually = every year ad hàng năm; thường niên

1. overseas = abroad ad nước ngoài
2. (beautiful) scenery n cảnh đẹp

3. Saint Gióng n Thánh Gióng

4. mythical hero n anh hung thần thoại

5. a giant n người khổng lồ

6. defend sb from sb v bảo vệ ai đó từ ai đó sự đề phòng

defense n
7. impress sb impressive v gây ấn tượng cho ai đó thật ấn tượng
impression ad sự ấn tượng
8. ancient (town) ad (phố) cổ
9. magic magical n phép thuật màu nhiệm nhà ảo thuật
magician ad
10. chanting of a hymn n hát thánh ca

11. feature = consist of v bao gồm

Phân loại theo cấu trúc ngữ pháp
1) Simple sentences (câu đơn)
- Là câu chỉ có một mệnh đề độc lập.
Ex: Trang plays the piano. Trang chơi đàn piano.
- Câu đơn không phải là câu ngắn mà nó chỉ thể hiện một ý chính.
Ex: There are my books. Đây là những quyển sách của tôi.
- Một câu đơn có thể có nhiều hơn một chủ ngữ.
Ex: Nam and Khang are playing football.
Nam và Khang đang chơi bóng đá.
- Một câu đơn có thể có nhiều động từ.
Ex: Trang ate peanuts and drank coffee.
Trang đã ăn đậu phộng và uống cà phè.
2) Compound sentences (câu ghép)
- Là câu chứa từ hai mệnh đề độc lập trở lên, diễn tả các ý chính có tầm quan trọng ngang nhau.
- Chúng ta sử dụng các cách sau để nối hai mệnh đề:
2.1)   sử dụng dấu chấm phẩy (;)
Ex: I met David yesterday; he’s just come out of hospital.
Hôm qua tôi gặp David; anh ta vừa ra khỏi bệnh viện.
2.2) sử dụng dấu phẩy (,) và một liên từ đẳng lập (and, but, so, yet)
Ex: The bus was very crowded, so I had to stand all the way.
Xe buýt rất đông người vì vậy tôi đã đứng suốt đoạn đường.
He loves her, but she doesn’t love him.
Anh ấy yêu cô ấy nhưng cô ấy thì không.
2.3) sử dụng dấu chấm phẩy (;) và một trạng từ nối tiếp — từ chuyển tiếp
(however, therefore, nevertheless, moreover, otherwise,...) và theo sau đó là dấu phẩy (,).
Ex: The bus was very crowded; therefore, I had to stand all the way.
Xe buýt rất đông người vì thế tôi đã đứng suốt đoạn đường.
Complex sentences (Câu phức)
- Là câu chứa một mệnh đề độc lập và một hay nhiều mệnh đề phụ thuộc. Mệnh đề phụ thuộc có thể
bắt đầu bằng liên từ phụ thuộc hoặc đại quan hệ (như when, while, because, although/even though
hoặc if Nếu mệnh đề phụ thuộc đứng trước mệnh đề độc lập thì trước mệnh đề độc lập phải có dấu
phẩy (,).
Ex: Because the bus was crowded, I had to stand all the way.
Bởi vì xe buýt rất đông người, tôi đã đứng suốt đoạn đường.
While the elephants are racing, people cheer to encourage them.
Trong khi những chú voi đang chạy đua, mọi người cổ vũ để khuyến khích chúng.
Trong câu trên có một mệnh đề độc lập - “I had to stand all the way”, “people cheer to encourage
them” và một mệnh đề phụ thuộc “the bus was crowded”, “the elephants are racing”.
Còn nếu mệnh đề độc lập đứng trước mệnh đề phụ thuộc thì trước mệnh đề phụ thuộc không có dấu
phẩy (,).
Ex: I had to stand all the way because the bus was crowded.
Tôi đã đứng suốt đoạn đường bởi vì xe buýt rất đông người.
People cheer to encourage the elephants while they are racing.
Mọi người cổ vũ để khuyến khích những chú voi trong khi chúng đang chạy đua.
Các câu trên có một mệnh đề độc lập “I had to stand all the way, People cheer to encourage the
elephants” và mệnh đề phụ thuộc “the bus was crowded, they are racing”.
- Câu phức sử dụng liên từ phụ thuộc (after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than,
that, though, till, until, when, where, whether, while,...) đế nối các vế của câu.
Ex: We left before he arrived.
Chúng ta đã rời khỏi trước khi cậu ấy đến.
I. Choose the best answer.
1. A. ceremony B. festival C. reunion D. oriental
2. A. jam B. cake C. fashion D. grand
3. A. festival B. music C. wrestle D. swing
4. A. recommend B. ceremony C. processor D. oriental
5. A. carnival B. tradition C. alive D. library
6. A. instruments B. others C. basic D. groups
7. A. rice B. carnival C. companion D. invade
8. A. emperor B. commemorate C. incense D. procession
9. A. showed B. learned C. lived D. discriminated
10. A. command B. carnival C. archway D. anniversary
II. Fill in each blank with one word from the box below. (There are more words than blanks)
impressive regretful folk
carnival defeat display
1. Quan Ho is a kind of Vietnamese …………folk……….music.
2. People waited for hours to see the firework……display…………………….
3. It’s one of the most …..…impressive……………performances I’ve watched. Amazing!
4. The ritual is held to commemorate the ………defeat……………of the young but brave emperor.
5. I wish one dry, I could join the ……carnival………….in Rio, Brazil. I want to dress in colourful
clothes and dance.
ritual anniversary ancestors
clasp specialities scenery
1. My mother andmy uncle often ……clasp………….hands and wish good luck when they meet on
the first day of the year.
2. In India, it takes several days to complete the wedding …anniversary………………….
3. They held celebrations to mark the …ritual……………..of Mozart’s death.
4. tet is an occasion for Vietnamese people to worship their………ancestors…………….
5. There is a ceremony of offering incense and ………specialities……………….such as Chung cakes,
Day cakes and five- fruit trays to the Kings.

III. Choose the corect answer to complete each sentence.

1. …………….they were very poor, they made many tasty foods on Tet.
A. Otherwise B. As C. Even though D. If
2. Children like Tet …………..they can wear new clothes and receive lucky money.
A. because B. so C. therefore D. while
3. A new filtration system has been installed to treat the waste, ………….the lake is no longer polluted.
A. so B. however C. because D. as
4. Festival are very costly, …………..they are cultural significant.
A. or B. and C. so D. but
5. I had to go to school that day, ………….I couldn’t join the ritual.
A. or B. but C. and D. therefore
6. Festivals can be dangerous; ……………., they may affect the environment.
A. and B. moreover C. nevertheless D. but
7. In Vietnam, ………you have a generous and kind- hearted first person to enter the house, you will
have a successful year ahead.
A. unless B. if C. even though D. while
8. ………….the Rock festival was loud and wild, many people enjoyed it.
A. But B. When C. Although D. However
9. The Mid-Autumn festival is the time for kids to sing, dance, and enjoy moon cakes;
…………………., every child likes it very much.
A. however B. therefore C. moreover D. nevertheless
10. My brother loves playing football, …………….he doesn’t like playing volleyball.
A. and B. but C. so D. therefore
11. Saint Giong was unable to talk , smile, or walk .. …………he was three years old.
A. if B. because C. while D. even though
12. …….. spring comes, many Vietnames villages prepare for anew season.
A. while B. when C. Neverthless D. however
13. ………He has been living 15km away from Nha Trang, He has never been to the Nha Trang
A. Because B. if C. although D. However
14. The Nha Trang Sea Festival is famous for the impressive street carnival; ……. , it has attracted
thounsands of foreign visitors.
A. otherwise B. therefore C. morever D. while
15. We do not have carnivals in Viet Nam; …. , we have many traditional festival.
A. neverthless B. while C. although D. because

IV. Reading
Shortcoming of Festivals.
Although there are many interesting things people can get from the festivala, there are also
some disadvantages.
The first thing is that it is normally very costly to celebrate a festival. Due to the fact that most
festival aim to preserve and develop the traditional cultural heritages, the government is willing to
spend a lot of money on this occasion. Besides, during the festival, most people do not work and only
spend money on preparing food and buying expensive gifts for their ralatives and friends. That’s also a
reason why it is said that a festival is often costly.
The second disadvantages is unsafe during a festival. It is estimated that there are hundred
accidents during a festival, particularly road accidents. There are many dangerous festivals like cow-
racing, elephant racing which may be very dangerous for people, especially for children. Moreover, in
some fetival, when rushing to join the events, people may also cause other people to get hurt.
The last disadvantage is festivals may affect the environment seriously. People tend to throw away
waste cans or bottles after a festival. Furthermore, trees along the roadsides may be damaged by the
aprticipants. Noise pollution is result from the noise of the performances and the noise from the

1. Answer the following questions.

1. How many disadvantages are there in the above passage?
……There are three…………………………………
2. What is the purpose of most festival?
It is to preserve and develop the traditional cultural heritages.
3. Do people often work during a festival?
No, they don’t.
4. Are there any accidents during a festival?
Yes, there are
5. Is cow- racing considered to be safe?
No, it isn’t.

2. Read the text again and tick True (T) or False (F).
1. It is cheap to hold a festival. F
2. The government is willingto take a lot of money to celebrate a festival. F
3. During a festival, people often prepare food and buy expensive gifts for strange people. F
4. People may be hurt when they participate in a festival. T
5. Environment is seriously affectedly by a festival. T
6. A festival may cause noise pollution. T
I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined
1. A. sound B. cloud C. found D. favourite
2. A. tool B. noon C. door D. school
3. A. crafts B. comics C. streets D. stamps
4. A. mention B. question C. action D. education
5. A. community B. computer C. museum D. custom
6. A. minority B. ethnic C. tradition D. religion
7. A. education B. question C. pollution D. collection
8. A. populated B. loaded C. harvested D. lived
9. A. fields B. flowers C. lemons D. parks
10. A. looked B. cooked C. naked D. booked
11. A. talked B. played C. asked D. liked
12. A. worked B. stopped C. watched D. wanted
13. A.days B. says C. stays D. wants
14. A. waited B. mended C. worked D. wanted
15. A. promises B. misses C. surprises D. goes
16. A. goes B. faces C. misses D. places
17. A. naked B. looked C. booked D. walked
18. A. asks B. plays C. breaths D. hopes
19. A. kissed B. helped C. forced D. raised
20. A. books B. floors C. combs D. drums
I.Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.
(Hoàn thành các câu với should hoặc shouldn’t)
1. You _____SHOULD_____ respect old people.
2. According to tradition, you _______SHOULDN’T___ sweep the floor on the first day of Tet.
3. Children ____SHOULD______ take things from adults with both hands.
4. You _____SHOULDN’T_____ wear shorts when going to the pagoda.
5. You____SHOULD______ bring a gift when you visit someone’s house.
6. Your sister is chewing and taking at the same time. You__SHOULDN’T____ do that .It’s not very
7. Your brother is noisy at the pagoda. You___SHOULD_______ be quiet in here.
8. Your foreign friend has been invited to dinner in a Vietnamese house. After taking food from the
plate, you______SHOULD____ put it into your bowl before eating.
9. You don’t know what to do when going into a Japanese house. You _____SHOULD_____ take off
your shoes at the entrance.
10. You have been invited to dinner with a British family. You____SHOULD______ arrive on time.
II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of “have to”.
(Hoàn thành các câu với hình thức đúng của have to )
1. My mother says that I ____HAVE TO______ be home by 9 p.m.
2. We ____HAVE TO______ go now because our dad is waiting for us.
3. She ____HAVE TO______ wear that costume because it’s the family tradition.
4. In the past, men ___HAVE TO_______ wear Ao Dai, but today they __DON’T HAVE TO___
wear it.
5. Before leaving the dinner table, _____DOES_____ your son _____HAVE TO_____ ask for
6. We_____DON’T HAVE TO_____ go to school today because it was raining heavily.
I.Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.
1. You should ____________ information about a custom or tradition.
A. finds B. found C. finding D. find
2. A custom is something that has become an ____________ way of doing things.
A. to be accept B. to accept C. accepting D. accepted
3. In the UK, there are lots of customs for table manners. For example, we ____________ use a knife
and fork at dinner.
A. have to B. are having C. has to D. having to
4.In Viet Nam, you____________ use only the first name to address people older than you.
A. should B. must C. shouldn’t D. have to
5. At the Mid-Autumn Festival ,kids can sing, dance, and enjoy moon-cakes ; ____________, every
child likes it very much.
A. However B. Moreover C. Because D. Therefore
6. In 2010, Ha Noi____________ its 1000 anniversary.
A. celebrated B. commemorated C. worshipped D. remembered
7. Tet is an occasion for family____________ in Viet Nam.
A. visitings B. Meeting C. reunions D. seeings
8. ____________ spring comes, many Vietnamese villages prepare for a new festival season.
A. While B. When C. Nevertheless D. However
9.The ____________ of quan ho singing has been recognized as a world heritage.
A. preservation B. procession C. performance D. song
10. ____________ spring comes, many Vietnamese villages prepare for a new festival season.
A. While B. When C. Nevertheless D. However
11.In Viet Nam, you____________ use only the first name to address people older than you.
A. should B. must C. shouldn’t D. have to
12.When the ____________ arrives at the Cam Tower, the dancers perform a welcome dance in front
of the tower.
A. Procession B. crowd C. parade D. dancer.
13.People burn incense to show respect to their ____________ during Tet.
A. relatives B. ancestors C. friends D. neighbors
14.The Le Mat Festival ____________ the founding of the village.
A. worships B. commemorates C. performs D.preserves
15. Saint Giong was unable to talk, smile, or walk____________ he was three years old.
A. If B. because C. while D. even though
II.Choose the best answer A, B, C , or D to complete the sentences.
1. Are you interested …………… playing badminton after class?
A. in B. with C. on D. for
2. “What …………… going to Hanoi tomorrow?”
A. about B. to C. in D. for
3. Hoa works very …………… so she always gets good marks.
A. badly B. good C. hardly D. hard
4. This school …………… in 1997.
A. built B. built C. has built D. was built
5. Of all my friends, Hoa is ……………
A. the tallest B. the most tallest C. taller D. more taller
6. Would you mind if I …………… a photo?
A. take B. took C. would take D. am going to take
7. Do you collect stamps or other things? – Yes, I am a stamp ……………
A. collecting B. collector C. collect D. collection
8. It is very dangerous …………… in the polluted environment.
A. to live B. lives C. living D. live
9. Our …………… resources are limited so we should recycle all used things.
A. nature B. natural C. naturing D. naturally
10. His car is the same color …………… muy uncle’s.
A. alike B. as C. like D. to
III. Give the correct form of the following verbs:
1.Peter ____played________ football yesterday. (play)

2. When I came, the whole family was having____ dinner around a big dining table. (have)
3. Children should______take things from adults with both hands. (take)
4. My father and I ___get__ up at 5 o’clock every morning. (get)
5. They ___are learning_______ English at the moment. (learn)
6.We ____have gone______ to Hung King Festival since last Sunday. (go)
7. Before leaving the dinner table, ___Does___your son ____have to____ ask for permission? (have to)
8.When I __came____ ,the whole family was having dinner around a big dining table. (come)
9. While I ____was watching_the performance, I met one of my old friends. (watch)
10.Nam ___played______ football yesterday. (play)
11. You should___buy____ the blue sweater. It suits you better than the red one. (buy)

12. My father ___gets___ up at 5 o’clock every morning. (get)

13. She _____is learning______ English at the moment. ( learn)
14.He _____has gone________ to Hung King Festival since last Sunday. (go)
15. Before leaving the dinner table, __Do____You __have to___ ask for permission? (have to)
V. Combine each pair of sentences to make one sentence, using the words given in brackets
1. At the Autumn Festival children carry beautiful lanterns. It’s a memorable childhood experience.(SO)
… At the Autumn Festival children carry beautiful lanterns SO It’s a memorable childhood experience..…
2. During Tet ,Vietnamse people buy all kinds of sweets. They make chung cakes as well.(AND)
… During Tet ,Vietnamse people buy all kinds of sweets AND They make chung cakes as well …
IV. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
Cutlery : đũa generations: thế hệ wrap: gói
Worshipping; thờ cúng host: chủ nhà respect: tôn trọng
1 .We should ____RESPECT________our customs and traditions.
2. A lot of countries in the world have the tradition of _____WORSHIPPING_______ their ancestors.
3. You shouldn’t _____WRAP_______ a gift in black or white paper.
4. In a lot of countries, the ____HOST_____ usually invites everybody to start eating.
5. In Viet Nam, the _____CUTLERY_______ we mostly use is chopsticks.
6. For____GENERATIONS________, my family has visited this pagoda.
Question I. Choose the correct word for each blank in the following passage. ( 3.0 points)
Spring is a time when there are many festivals in our country. Among them, Hoa Ban Festival is the
most beautiful and interesting and it takes place in Lai Chau. It is typical of the (1)…CUSTOM…life
of the Thai people. In the second lunar month of the year, when it (2) GETS……..warmer and hoa ban
- a kind of beautiful flower in the northwest mountainous area - blossoms, Hoa Ban Festival is (3)……
CELEBRATED.. This is a great time for everyone, (4) …ESPECIALLY… for boys and girls. The boy
picks the most beautiful flower and gives it to his girlfriend. This is not only a time for love but also
for the Thai people to (5)…LOOK……..for good crops, for happiness, and express their special thanks
to the Gods and (6) …ANCESTORS... The festival is always full of songs and prayers.
1. A .minor B. cultural C. custom D. festival
2. A. gets B. goes C. comes D. runs
3. A. seen B. arranged C. observed D. celebrated
4. A. largely B. especially C. generally D. typically
5. A. ask B. look C. pray D. call
6. A. fathers B. relatives C. families D. ancestors
Question II. Read and complete the passage with words in the box.
Celebrate Traditional Therefore served
Tet is the biggest festival in Vietnam. To (1) ……celebrate………..Tet, Vietnamese people make
many tasty (2)…traditional…..….foods. The most important food includes Chung cakes, sausages,
boiled chicken, spring rolls, and sticky rice. Chung cake is made of sticky rice, pork, green beans, and
other spices, wrapped in green leaves; (3)…therefore….….., this cake needs a lot of preparation . This
cake can be kept for a long time, even though the weather is often humid during Tet. Other significant
foods that cannot be missed to worship the ancestors are sausages, spring rolls, and sticky rice.
Because sausages are difficult to make, people often buy them from famous suppliers. However, sticky
rice and spring rolls are easier to prepare and must be (4)…served……..immediately after they are
cooked, so they are often made at home.
Question III.Read the fairy tale Cinderella and do the tasks below.
Once upon a time there was a young girl called Cinderella. Cinderella was living happily with her
family when her mother died. Her father married an evil widow with two daughters. Cinderella’s
stepmother and two stepsisters mistreated her. She had to wear old clothes and work hard while the
sisters wore fancy clothes and had fun. A good witch helped Cinderella. She turned Cinderella’s old
dress into a beautiful gown. Cinderella went to a party and a handsome prince politely invited her to
dance with him. He fell in love with her and wanted to find out who she was. Cinderella left the party
in a hurry and didn’t tell the prince her name. but she left a glass slipper, and the prince used that to
find her. They got married and lived happily ever after.
1. Answer true (T) or false (F).
True False
a. Cinderella was living happily with her family when her mother died. v
b. Her father married a kind woman. v
c. Her stepmother and two stepsisters were very kind to her. v
d. The prince got married to the girl who fitted the left glass slipper. v
2. Answer the questions.
1. What did Cinderella’s father do when his wife died?
… Her father married an evil widow with two daughters …………
2. How did Cinderella’s stepmother and two stepsisters treat her?
……They mistreated her ………………………………
3. Who turned Cinderella’s old clothes into a beautiful gown?
…… A good witch …………………
4. What did the prince use to find Cinderella?
………… a glass slipper …..…………………………
5. What happened in the end?
…… Cinderella and The prince got married and lived happily ever after ………………………
Question VI. Identify a mistake in each sentence and correct it.
1.In Australia, you mustn’t to comment on a person’s accent.
2.In my family, children has to get permission before leaving the dining table.
3.When I came, the whole family is having dinner around a big dining table.

4.Lang Lieu couldn’t buy any special food while he was very poor.
Question VII. Identify a mistake in each sentence and correct it.
1. When you visit a temple in Thailand, you has to follow some important customs.
2. People should wear short shorts and tank tops. This is disrespectful
3. People can wear sandals, but these have to has a strap around the back.
4.People should to lower their voice inside the temple.
5.Women have avoid touching monks.
……………………to avoid………………………………………………………………..…
Question VII. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences
1. stamps/ a child/ Minh/ since/ collected/ was/ has/ he
2. tomorrow/ can/ not/ we/ somewhere/ I/ so/ working/ go/ am
3. back/ in/ months/ England/ going/ two/ are/ to / they.
4. information/ entertainment/ also/ is/ TV/ only/ but/ not/ bringing
5. struggle/ on/ always/ nature/ life/ is/ the/ farm/ with/ a
Question IX. Rewrite the sentence without changing the meaning
1. Keeping the environment clean is very important.
2. They will show the time machine to the public when they finish it.
3. They have given her a bunch of flowers.
A bunch of …FLOWERS HAS BEEN GIVEN TO HER.…………………..
4. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.
5. This textbook has sixteen units.
6. It’s three years since I last spoke to her.
I haven’t …....SPOKEN TO HER FOR THREE YEARS.………………………………
7. Tam doesn’t type as fast as she used to.
Tam used …....…TO TYPE FASTER THAN HE DOES NOW.……………..
1. reply a message v trả lời tin nhắn
a reply n sự trả lời
2. (do some Internet) research (on sth) n tìm kiếm trên Internet về cgđ
a researcher n nhà nghiên cứu
3. fables n truyện ngụ ngôn
4. legends n truyền thuyết
legendary adj đáng nể; huyền thoại
5. folk tales n truyện cổ tích; truyện dân gian
6. (main) characters n nhân vật (chính)
7. give birth to (a bag of 100 eggs) v sanh ra (1 túi 100 trứng)
8. (teach) a moral lesson n (dạy) một bài học đạo đức
9. fairy n tiên
10. a spoken form n dạng nói
# a written form # dạng viết
11. genre n thể loại
1. plot n cốt truyện
2. climax n cao trào (của câu truyện)
3. stepmother/ stepfather mother-in- nn mẹ kế/ cha kế
4. get married to sb v mẹ hôn
kết chồng/
vớimẹ vợ
ai đó
5. woodcutter n tiều phu [người đốn củi]
6. prince # princess n hoàng tử # công chúa
7. Buddha nnn Đức Phật Đạo Phật Phật tử
8. knight n hiệp sỹ
9. a giant n adj người khổng lồ công trình khổng lồ
10. witch n phù thủy
11. evil = wicked n quỷ dữ; cái ác
1. greed n adj sự tham lam tham lam
2. a mean woman adj một phụ nữ bủn xỉn; keo kiệt
3. a hare = a rabbit n con thỏ
4. orge /ˈəʊɡə(r)/ n người khổng lồ ăn thịt người
5. a fierce dog adj con chó hung tợn
6. a brave knight adj n hiệp sỹ dũng cảm sự dũng cảm
7. cunning adj xảo quyệt
8. cruel to sb adj ác độc; tàn ác với ai đó
9. (a beautiful) gown n đầm dạ hội (thật đẹp)
10. serve sb vnn phục vụ ai đó người hầu; đầy tớ
11. spin v dịch vụ;
xoay sựquay
tròn; phụctròn
1. roar with anger v gầm lên giận dữ
2. a succession of actions n tuần tự của hành động
3. merry = happy merrily = happily adj vui vẻ
4. claw nadv một cách
móng vuốtvui vẻ
5. granny, grandpa n bà, ông [nội, ngoại]
6. leave sb a fortune v để lại cho ai đó gia sản
7. swap sth for sth v đổi cgđ lấy cgđ
8. Once upon a time phr ngày xửa ngày xưa
9. an enemy n kẻ thù
10. capture a picture capture a man data vvn chụp tấm hình
11. rescue sb vn bắt giam
cứu ai đóngười đàn
đội cứu hộông sự đánh cắp
1. roar with anger v gầm lên giận dữ
2. a succession of actions n tuần tự của hành động
3. merry = happy merrily = happily adj vui vẻ
4. claw nadv một cách
móng vuốtvui vẻ
5. granny, grandpa n bà, ông [nội, ngoại]
6. leave sb a fortune v để lại cho ai đó gia sản
7. swap sth for sth v đổi cgđ lấy cgđ
8. Once upon a time phr ngày xửa ngày xưa
9. an enemy n kẻ thù
10. capture a picture capture a man data vvn chụp tấm hình
11. rescue sb vn bắt giam
cứu ai đóngười đàn
đội cứu hộông sự đánh cắp
1. reach (a tower) v đến được (một cái tháp)
2. (take a big) fiery breath n khè lửa
3. a spindle n con suốt (để xe chỉ)
4. chant a magic spell v đọc câu thần chú
5. a curse n lời nguyền
6. distinguish sth from sth v phân biệt cgđ với cgđ
7. (express) emotions emotional n adj (bày tỏ) cảm xúc (giây phút) xúc
8. sprite nadv độngtính; ma quỷ
9. instruct sth instruction instructor vnn chỉ dạy; hướng dẫn
10. (drop) litter v sự chỉrác
(vứt) dạy; sự hướng dẫn
11. (bring) a flashlight n (mang theo) đèn pin
1. appreciate sb appreciation vn trân trọng; cảm kích ai đó sự trân
2. gratitude n trọng;
sự biếtsựơncảm kích
3. hungry spirits n những linh hồn đói khát
4. set off (the firework) set off for vv châm ngòi (pháo bông) khởi hành đi
5. Parents’ Appreciation Day n Luân Đôn
Ngày Vu Lan báo hiếu
6. take place = occur =happen v diễn ra
7. perform (various religious rituals) v thực hành (các nghi lễ tôn giáo khác
8. release animals v nhau)
thả con vật (=phóng sanh động vật)
9. show their love towards sb v bày tỏ tình yêu thương của họ đối với
10. pass away = die v ai đó qua đời; chết
11. dress code n chuẩn ăn mặc
1. (cause) offence n (gây) mích lòng; sự phản đối; sự xúc
2. queue (in a line) in a queue v phạm xếp hàng trong hàng
3. apologize (for sth) an apology vn xin lỗi (vì cgđ) sự xin lỗi
4. rather (strange) adv khá là (lạ lẫm)
5. politics n adj chính trị
6. behave vn n n (vấn
cư đề)ứng
xử; chính
xử trị chính trị gia
II. THEORY hành vi; lối ứng xử chủ nghĩa hành vi
Động từ "to be" ở thì quá khứ đơn có hai dạng là "was" và "were".
1. Khẳng định:
S + was/ were
Trong đó: S (subject): chủ ngữ
S = I/ He/ She/ It (số ít) + was
S = We/ You/ They (số nhiều) + were
Ví dụ:
- I was at my friend's house yesterday morning. (Tôi đã ở nhà bạn tôi sang hôm qua.)
- They were in London on their summer holiday last year. (Họ ở Luân Đôn vào kỳ nghỉ hè năm ngoái.)
2. Phủ định:
S + was/ were + not
Đối với câu phủ định ta chỉ cần thêm "not" vào sau động từ "to be".
- was not = wasn't
- were not = weren't
Ví dụ:
- She wasn't very happy last night because of having lost money. (Tối qua cô ấy không vui vì mất tiền)
- We weren't at home yesterday. (Hôm qua chúng tôi không ở nhà.)
3. Câu hỏi:
Were/ Was + S?
Trả lời: Yes, I/ he/ she/ it + was. – No, I/ he/ she/ it + wasn't.
Yes, we/ you/ they + were. – No, we/ you/ they + weren't.
Câu hỏi ta chỉ cần đảo động từ "to be" lên trước chủ ngữ.
Ví dụ:
- Was she tired of hearing her customer's complaint yesterday? (Cô ấy có bị mệt vì nghe khách hàng
phàn nàn ngày hôm qua không?)
Yes, she was./ No, she wasn't. (Có, cô ấy có./ Không, cô ấy không.)
- Were they at work yesterday? (Hôm qua họ có làm việc không?)
Yes, they were./ No, they weren't. (Có, họ có./ Không, họ không.)
1. Khẳng định:
S + V-ed
Trong đó: S: Chủ ngữ
V-ed: Động từ chia thì quá khứ đơn (theo qui tắc hoặc bất qui tắc)
Ví dụ:
- We studied English last night. (Tối qua chúng tôi đã học tiếng Anh.)
- He met his old friend near his house yesterday. (Anh ấy đã gặp người bạn cũ của mình ngay gần nhà
ngày hôm qua.)
2. Phủ định:
S + did not + V (nguyên thể)
Trong thì quá khứ đơn câu phủ định ta mượn trợ động từ "did + not" (viết tắt là "didn't), động từ theo
sau ở dạng nguyên thể.)
Ví dụ:
- He didn't come to school last week. (Tuần trước cậu ta không đến trường.)
- We didn't see him at the cinema last night. (Chúng tôi không trông thấy anh ta tại rạp chiếu phim tối
hôm qua.)
3. Câu hỏi:
Did + S + V(nguyên thể)?
Trong thì quá khứ đơn với câu hỏi ta mượn trợ động từ "did" đảo lên trước chủ ngữ, động từ theo sau ở
dạng nguyên thể.
Ví dụ:
- Did you visit Ho Chi Minh Museum with your class last weekend? (Bạn có đi thăm bảo tàng Hồ Chí
Minh với lớp của bạn cuối tuần trước hay không?)
Yes, I did./ No, I didn't. (Có, mình có./ Không, mình không.)
- Did he miss the train yesterday? (Cậu ta có lỡ chuyến tàu ngày hôm qua hay không?)
Yes, he did./ No, he didn't. (Có, cậu ta có./ Không, cậu ta không.)
Dùng để diễn tả một hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ:
- They went to the concert last night. (Họ đã tới rạp hát tối hôm qua.)
Ta thấy "tối hôm qua" là một mốc thời gian trong quá khứ. Hành động "tới nhà hát" đã xảy ra tối hôm
qua và kết thúc rồi nên ta sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn.
- The plane took off two hours ago. (Máy bay đã cất cánh cách đây 2 giờ.)
Ta thấy "cách đây 2 giờ" là thời gian trong quá khứ và việc "máy bay cất cánh" đã xảy ra nên ta sử
dụng thì quá khứ đơn.
Trong câu có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong quá khứ:
- yesterday (hôm qua)
- last night/ last week/ last month/ last year: tối qua/ tuần trước/ tháng trước/ năm ngoái
- ago: Cách đây. (two hours ago: cách đây 2 giờ/ two weeks ago: cách đây 2 ngày ...)
- when: khi (trong câu kể)
1. Ta thêm "-ed" vào sau động từ:
- Thông thường ta thêm "ed" vào sau động từ.
- Ví du: watch – watched               turn – turned           want – wanted
* Chú ý khi thêm đuôi "-ed" vào sau động từ.
+ Động từ tận cùng là "e" -> ta chỉ cần cộng thêm "d".
Ví dụ: type – typed                  smile – smiled           agree – agreed
+ Động từ có MỘT âm tiết, tận cùng là MỘT phụ âm, trước phụ âm là MỘT nguyên âm -> ta nhân đôi
phụ âm cuối rồi thêm "-ed".
Ví dụ: stop – stopped                  shop – shopped           tap – tapped
NGOẠI LỆ: commit – committed         travel – travelled            prefer - preferred
+ Động từ tận cùng là "y":
- Nếu trước "y" là MỘT nguyên âm (a, e, i, o, u) ta cộng thêm "ed".
Ví dụ: play – played                      stay - stayed
- Nếu trước "y" là phụ âm (còn lại) ta đổi "y" thành "i + ed".
Ví dụ: study – studied                      cry - cried
9. Your friend (be) at your house last weekend?
10. They (not be) excited about the film last night.
THÌ QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN (Past continuous tense)
1. Khẳng định:
S + was/were + V-ing
Trong đó: S (subject): chủ ngữ
V-ing: động từ thêm "–ing"
- S = I/ He/ She/ It + was
- S = We/ You/ They + were
Ví dụ:
- She was cooking dinner at 5 p.m yesterday. (Cô ấy đang nấu bữa tối vào lúc 5h chiều hôm qua)
- They were playing badminton when I came yesterday. (Họ đang chơi cầu lông khi tôi đến ngày hôm
2. Phủ định:
S + wasn't/ weren't + V-ing
Câu phủ định tả chỉ cần thêm "not" ngay sau "to be".
- was not = wasn't
- were not = weren't
Ví dụ:
- He wasn't working when his boss came yesterday.
- We weren't watching TV at 9 p.m yesterday.
3. Câu hỏi:
Was/ Were + S + V-ing?
Trả lời: Yes, I/ he/ she/ it + was. – No, I/ he/ she/ it + wasn't.
Yes, we/ you/ they + were. – No, we/ you/ they + weren't.
Câu hỏi ta chỉ cần đảo "to be" lên trước chủ ngữ.
Ví dụ:
- Was your mother going to the market at 7 a.m yesterday?
Yes, she was./ No, she wasn't.
- Were they staying with you when I called you yesterday?
Yes, they were./ No, they weren't.
1. Dùng để diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ:
- At 12 o'clock yesterday, we were having lunch. (Vào lúc 12h ngày hôm qua, chúng tôi đang ăn trưa.)
Ta thấy "lúc 12h ngày hôm qua" là một giờ cụ thể trong quá khứ, vào tại thời điểm này thì việc "ăn
trưa" đang diễn ra nên ta sử dụng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn.
- At this time 2 days ago, I was travelling in America. (Vào thời gian này cách đây 2 ngày, tôi đang du
lịch bên Mỹ.)
Ta thấy "vào thời gian này cách đây 2 ngày" là một thời gian cụ thể trong quá khứ, vào thời điểm này
thì việc "du lịch" đang diễn ra nên ta sử dụng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn.
2. Dùng để diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra thì một hành động khác xen vào.
- Hành động đang xảy ra chia thì quá khứ tiếp diễn, hành động xen vào chia thì quá khứ đơn.
Ví dụ:
- He was chatting with his friend when his mother came into the room. (Cậu ta đang tán gẫu với bạn
khi mẹ cậu ta vào phòng.)
Ta thấy có hai hành động đều xảy ra trong quá khứ: "tán gẫu với bạn" và "mẹ vào phòng". Vào thời
điểm đó hành động "tán gẫu với bạn" đang diễn ra thì bị xen ngang bởi hành động "mẹ vào phòng".
Vậy hành động đang diễn ra ta sẽ chia thì quá khứ tiếp diễn.
- They were working when we got there. (Họ đang làm việc khi chúng tôi tới đó.)
Ta thấy hành động "làm việc" đang diễn ra và hành động "chúng tôi đến" xen vào. Hai hành động này
đều xảy ra trong quá khứ.
3. Diễn tả hai hành động đồng thời xảy ra tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ, trong câu có "while".
Tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ khi có 2 hành động đồng thời đang diễn ra sẽ chia cả hai hành động
đó ở thì quá khứ tiếp diễn.
Ví dụ:
- My mother was cooking lunch while my father was cleaning the floor at 10 am yesterday. (Mẹ tôi
đang nấu ăn trong khi bố tôi đang lau nhà lúc 10h sang hôm qua.)
- I was studying English while my brother was listening to music last night. (Tôi đang học tiếng Anh
trong khi anh trai tôi đang nghe nhạc tối hôm qua.)
1. (Someone) dies. v (ai đó) chết. (Ai đó)
(Someone is) dead. the adj chết.
death (of fish) n sự chết (của cá)
2. pollute (the environment) v làm ôn nhiễm (môi trường)
pollution (of the air) n sự ô nhiễm (không khí)
pollutants n chất gây ô nhiễm
polluted (area) adj (khu vực) bị ô nhiễm
3. poison sth/ sb v đầu độc cgđ/ ai đó
(dump) poison (into the river) poisonous n (xả) chất độc (vào sông ngòi) (hóa chất)
(chemicals) adj độc hại
4. aquatic (animals) adj (động vật) sống dưới nưới
5. sneeze v hắt hơi
6. come up with (an idea) v nảy ra (một ý tưởng)
7. environment environmental n môi trường
(problems) environmentally- adj (vấn nạn) môi trường thân thiện
friendly environmentalist adv môi trường nhà môi trường học
8. (make/ give) a presentation n (làm/ trình bày) bài thuyết trình trình bày cgđ
present sth v tặng (quà)
present (a gift) v
9. illustrate sth v minh họa cgđ sự minh
illustration n họa
illustrator n người vẽ tranh minh họa
10. make (sth/sb) + verb v
…make the fish die. …làm cho cá chết.
make (sth/sb) + adjective v
…make him stressed. …làm cho ảnh bị căng thẳng.
11. visual pollution n sự ô nhiễm hình ảnh
light pollution sự ô nhiễm ánh sáng
radioactive pollution sự ô nhiễm phóng xạ
thermal pollution sự ô nhiễm nhiệt
1. contain v chứa đựng vật chứa
container n
2. in harmful amount pre trong mức có hại
3. radiation radioactive n chất/ tia phóng xạ (mây)
(clouds) racdioactivity adj phóng xạ sự phóng xạ
4. contaminate sth = spoil/poison sth v làm ô nhiễm cgđ sự gây ô
contamination of sth n nhiễm
contaminant n chất gây ô nhiễm

5. destroy (the atmosphere) destruction (of v tàn phá; phá hủy cgđ sự tàn
sth) destructive (power) n phá (của cgđ) (sức) phá
6. (advertising) billboards ad
n hủy
bảng (quảng cáo)
7. shop signs n biển hiệu

8. breathe (in/out the air) breathing problems v hít vào thở ra (không khí)
=respiratory issues breath ad vấn đề hô hấp
9. (air)
birth defects nj hơidạng
dị thở; bẩm
sự hítsinh

10. expose to radiation v phơi nhiễm phóng xạ

11. fine sb heavily v phạt ai đó thật nặng

1. science n khoa học

scientific (studies) scientists ad (nghiên cứu) khoa học nhà
2. medicine nj ykhoa
tế; yhọc
medicinal (herbs) medical (treatment) ad (thảo mộc) làm thuốc (điều
3. (tiny) species nj trị) y tếloài (bé nhỏ)

4. reduce sth reduction (of sth) v giảm cgđ

n sự sụt giảm cgđ
5. (be) aware of sth ad nhận thức về cgđ
(raise) awareness of sth j (nâng cao) nhận thực về
6. behavior patterns n cgđ sinh hoạt;

7. measure (the loudness) v đo lường (sự ồn)

8. decibel /ˈdesɪbel/ n đề-si-bel (dB)

9. temporary # permanent (hearing loss) n mất đi thính lực (tạm thời #

vĩnh viễn)
10. high blood pressure n cao huyết áp

11. symptoms (of a disease) n triệu chứng (của căn bệnh)

1. buzzing n tiếng vo ve; tiếng ù ù

2. effects (of noise pollution) n ảnh hưởng (của ô nhiễm tiếng ồn)
3. industry n nền công nghiệp
industrial (waste) adj (rác thải) công nghiệp
industrialize v công nghiệp hóa
industrialization n sự công nghiệp hóa
4. sewage (from households) n nước thải (từ các hộ gia đình)
5. pesticide, herbicide, insecticide n thuốc trừ sâu, cỏ, côn trùng
6. point source n điểm khởi nguồn
7. lead to = result in = cause sth v dẫn đến; gây ra cgđ
8. outbreaks (of cholera) n sự bùng nổ (của bệnh dịch tả)
9. power stations n các trạm năng lượng
10. cool (their equipment) heat up v làm mát (thiết bị của họ) làm nóng
(the water) v lên (nước)
11. (due to) the discharge of (cold water) n (do) việc chưa xử lý (nước lạnh)
1. reserves v,n dự trữ
reservoirs n hồ dự trữ (nước)
2. have dramatic effects v có ảnh hưởng to lớn

3. survive vn sóng sót; sinh tồn

survival survivor n sự sống sót; sự sinh tồn người sống sót
4. do harm to sth n gây hại cho cgđ
be harmful to sth harm sth adj
5. algae nv tảo
algal bloom adj sự bùng nổ tảo
6. resident = habitant n cư dân

7. flood flooded area n lũ lụt

adj vùng ngập lụt
8. global warming n sự ấm lên toàn cầu

9. earplugs n đồ bịt tai

10. Minister of Natural Resources and n Bộ trưởng Bộ Tài nguyên Môi trường
11. assign sb v phân công ai đó làm gì đó
I. Conditional sentences type 1. (Câu điều kiện loại 1)
1. Form
IF CLAUSE ( Mệnh đề If ) MAIN CLAUSE ( Mệnh đề chính )
Simple Present ( Thì hiện tại đơn ) Simple Future ( Thì tương lai đơn )
If + S + V (s/es) S + will/ won’t + V ( bare infinitive )
S+ can/must/ may/ might+ V( bare infinitive )
Eg 1 If I have enough money, I will buy a big house.
( Nếu tôi có đủ tiền , tôi sẽ mua một ngôi nhà lớn ).
Eg 2 If you want to pass the exam, you must study harder.
( Nếu bạn muốn thi đỗ , bạn phải học hành chăm chỉ hơn ).
Eg 3 If she doesn’t want to be late, She must get up early.
( Nếu cô ấy không muốn bị muộn thì cô ấy phải dậy sớm ).
2. Usage
- Câu điều kiện loại 1 là câu điều kiện diễn tả tình trạng có thật ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
Eg If you learn hard, you will pass the exam. Nếu bạn học chăm chỉ , bạn sẽ đỗ kỳ thi.
- Trong câu điều kiện loại 1, thì hiện tại đơn dùng trong mệnh đề If, còn thì tương lai đơn được dùng
trong mệnh đề chính.
If the factory continues dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will die
Nếu nhà máy tiếp tục thải chất độc xuống hồ, thì tất cảloài cá và các sinh vật dưới nước sẽ chết.
Chú ý Thì hiện tại đơn có thể được dùng trong mệnh đề chính để diễn tả một điều kiện luôn
II. Conditional sentences type 2. (Câu điều kiện loại 2)
IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If ) MAIN CLAUSE ( Mệnh đề chính )
S + would / could/might + V(infinitive)
If +S + V-ed/2
If + S + were S + wouldn’t / couldn’t +V (infinitive)

Eg 1 If I became rich , I would spend all my time travelling.

Nếu tôi giàu, tôi sẽ dành tất cả thời gian để đi du lịch.
- Câu điều kiện loại 2 là câu điều kiện không có thật thường dùng để nói lên sự tưởng tượng của
người nói. ( Điều kiện không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai ).
If I were you, I would buy that bike.
Nếu tôi là bạn tôi sẽ mua chiếc xe đạp đó.
Chú ý Trong mệnh đề không có thật ở hiện tại, chúng ta có thể dùng were thay cho was trong
tất cả các ngôi trong mệnh đề If.
Eg If I were you, I would study English hard.
Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ học Tiếng Anh chăm chỉ hơn.
Question I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. wanted B. washed C. danced D. played
2. A. goes B. watches C. misses D. brushes
3. A. come B. mother C. open D. some
4. A. mention B. question C. action D. education
5. A. who B. when C. where D. what
Question II. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. sun B. fun C. put D. unhappy
2. A. mind B. bike C. tradition D. tidy
3. A. my B. happy C. hobby D. factory
4. A. health B. team C. tea D. beach
5. A. listened B. opened C. wanted D. lived
Question III. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. person B. father C. teacher D. enjoy
2. A. prefer B. enjoy C. mother D. agree
3. A. doctor B. father C. carreer D. wonder
4. A. pollution B. visit C. listen D. open
5. A. depend B. advise C. affect D. listen
Question IV. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. affect B. father C. teacher D. picture
2. A. prefer B. enjoy C. mother D. affect
3. A. affect B. happen C. pollution D. fancy
4. A. pollution B. picture C. village D. factory
5. A. illustrate B. believe C. affect D. concern
Question V. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. artistic B. historic C. dramatic D. scientific
2. A. medical B. national C. chemical D. historical
3.A. athletic B. dramatic C. scientific D. heroic
4.A. medical B. hospital C. politic D. electric
5.A. chemical B. physical C. environmental D. medical
Question VI. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. athletic B. historic C. dramatic D. scientific
2. A. medical B. national C. chemical D. informal
3.A. athletic B. dramatic C. scientific D. heroic
4.A. medical B. hospital C. politic D. electric
5.A. energy B. physical C. environmental D. medical


Question I. Choose the best answer. (A,B, C or D )
1. I like ______________ back my home village on holiday.
A. comes B. come C. came D. coming
2. If the factory ________________ dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic
animals will die.
A. continues B. to continue C. continued D. will continue
3.Water ________________ in the lake has made the fish die.
A. pollution B. pollute C. polluted D. polluting
4. Mi and Nick like ______________ back Mi’s home village on holiday.
A. comes B. come C. came D. coming
5. If the factory continues dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals _____.
A. die B. to die C. dead D. will die
6. Water pollution is the ________________ in the lake making the fish die.
A. contaminating B. contaminate C. contaminated D. contamination
7. If we ______________ water carefully, more people will have fresh water.
A. will use B. would use C. using D. use
8. If the factory continues dumping poison ___ the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will die.
A. into B. to C. about D. in

Question II. Choose the best answer. (A,B, C or D )

1. Mi and Nick like ______________ back Mi’s home village on holiday.
A. comes B. come C. came D. coming
2. If the factory ________ dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will die.
A. continues B. to continue C. continued D. will continue
3. Water ________________ in the lake has made the fish die.
A. pollution B. pollute C. polluted D. polluting
4. If the air weren’t dirty, I ________________ so much.
A. wouldn’t sneeze B. sneeze C. would sneeze D. to sneeze
5. If the factory continues dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals ______.
A. die B. to died C. dead D. will die
6. If the company continue to ________________ the water, all the fish will die.
A. contaminating B. contaminate C. contaminated D. contamination
7. If I were you, I ______________ that car.
A. would buy B. buy C. bought D. buying
8. If we recycle more, we ________________ the Earth.
A. help B. would help C. helping D. will help

Conditional Sentence Type I : Câu điều kiện loại 1

Question I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
(Chia những động từ trong ngoặc đơn vào đúng hình thức).
1.If we (recycle) ___recycle_____ more, we will help the Earth.
2. Factories (not dump) ____will not dump__________waste into rivers if the government fine them
3. If people travel to work by bus, there (be) __________will be____fewer car fumes.
4. We (save) _____will save___________thousands of trees if we don’t waste paper.
5. If we use water carefully, more people (have) _______will ahve_______fresh water.
6. If the factory ( continue) _________continues_______ dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and
other aquatic animals will die.
7.If we recycle more, we (help) _______will help_________ the Earth.
8. If people (travel)_________travel_______to work by bus, there will be fewer car fumes.
9. We save thousands of trees if we (not waste) don’t waste paper.
10. Factories don’t dump waste into rivers if the government ( fine) ____fines______ them heavily.

Question II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
(Chia những động từ trong ngoặc đơn vào đúng hình thức).
1. If he (study) _______studies_________ harder, he can pass an exam.
2. She may be late if she (not hurry) _______doesn’t hurry_________.
3.If you study harder, you (pass) ______will pass__________ the exam.
4. If you are kind to me, I (be) ___will be____________ good to you.
5.If he (give) ____gives_____ up smoking, as his doctor orders, he will be soon well again.
6. You (not pass) ____won’t pass______ your driving test unless you drive more carefully.
7. He’ll be ill if he (not stop) ___doesn’t stop______ worrying so much.
8. We’ll go to the beach tomorrow if it ( be) ___is______ nice.

Question III.Combine each pair of sentences to make a conditional sentence type 1.

(Kết hợp mỗi cặp câu sau để tạo thành câu điều kiện loại 1)
1.Students are more aware of protecting the environment. Teachers teach environmental issues at
If Teachers teach environmental issues at school, students will be more aware of protecting the
2.Light pollution happens. Animals change their behaviour patterns.
If light pollution happens, animals will change their behaviour patterns.
3.The levels of radioactive polluion decrease.We switch from nuclear power to renewable energy
If The levels of radioactive polluion decrease, we will switch from nuclear power to renewable energy
4.The water temperature increases. Some aquatic creatures are unable to reproduces.
If The water temperature increases, Some aquatic creatures will be unable to reproduces
5.People get more diseases.The water is contaminated.
If The water is contaminated, people will get more diseases.

Conditional Sentence Type II : Câu điều kiện loại 2

Question IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
(Chia những động từ trong ngoặc đơn vào đúng hình thức).
1. If I were you, I (look) ________would look________ for a new place to live.
2. If Lan weren’t ill, she ( join) ____would join____________ out tree planting activity.
3.If there were fewer cars on the road, there (be) ______would be__________ less pollution.
4.If people really cared about the environment, they ( not dump ) _____would not dump_____ waste
into the lake.
5.If there were no fresh water in the world, what (happen) ____would happen___.
6.If you (be) ___were_________ the president, what would you do to help the environment ?
7.They get sick so often.If they exercised more, they (be) __would be________ heathier.
8.If I (have) ___had_______ one million US dollars , I would build more parks in our city.
9.Quan’s mother is unhappy.If Quan tided his room every day, his mother (not be) __would not be__
so upset.
10.There isn’t a garden at house .If there were, we (grow) ____would grow____ vegetables.

Question V.Write a conditional sentence type 2 for each situation, as in the example.
Viết loại câu điều kiện loại 2 cho mỗi tình huống , như trong ví dụ.
1.People throw rubbish in the street.The street doesn’t look attractive.
If people didn’t throw rubbish in the street, it would look attractive.
2.There are so many billboards in our city. People can not enjoy the view.
If there were not so many billboards in our city, people could enjoy the view.
3.There is so much light in the cityat night.We can not see the stars clearly.
If there were not so much light in the city at night, we could see the stars clearly.
4.We turn on the heater all the time. We have to pay three million dong for electricity a month.
If we did not turn on the heater all the time, we would not have to pay three million dong for electricity
a month.
5.The karaoke bar makes so much noise almost every night. The residents complain to its owner.
If the karaoke bar did not make so much noise almost every night, the residents would not complain to
its owner.
6.She has a headache after work every day.She works in a noisy office.
If she did not work in a noisy office, she would not have a headache after work every day.

Question VI. Rewrite the sentences below without changing their original meaning.
1. Radioactive pollution is very dangerous. It can cause abnormal growth. [since]
Radioactive pollution is very dangerous since tt can cause abnormal growth
2. Leaves are damaged. The tree cannot get enough food energy to stay healthy. [because]
The tree cannot get enough food energy to stay healthy because leaves are damaged.
3. I don’t have much money now, but I want to buy a house in PhuCuong.
If I had much money now, I would buy a house in Phu Cuong.
4. Light pollution happens. There is a change in animals’ living patterns.
If light pollution did not happen, there would not be a change in animals’ living patterns.

Question I. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow
Alaska is perhaps the most amazing state in the USA. It has coastlines facing both the Arctic
Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This state has an incredible three million lakes. That’s four lakes per
person living there.
Many cities in Alaska cannot be reached by road, sea, or river. The only way to get in and out is
by air, on foot, or by dogsled. That’s why Alaska has the busiest sea airport in the world, Lake Hood
Seaplane Base. Nearly two hundred floatplanes take off and land on the water of this airport every day.
It is a really fun scene to watch.
Alaska is called the land of Midnight Sun because in summer, the sun does not set for nearly
three months. But in winter the sun stays almost unseen.
All Alaskans take special pride in their beautiful and unique state.
1. Alaska ___________.
A. is another name for the USA
B. is an island in the Pacific Ocean
C. has coastlines facing both the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean
2. Which statement below is NOT CORRECT?
A. In Alaska, the number of lakes is bigger than that of people.
B. There is one lake for each person living there.
C. Alaska has an incredibly high number of lakes.
3. Which method below can always be used to reach a place in Alaska?
A. by air B. by road C. by river
4. In Alaska we can always see the sun ___________.
A. in winter B. in summer C. every month of the year

Question II Read the passage and answer the questions.

Visual pollution has a greater effect on people than you may think. I remember when I went to a big
city, I was really scared because so much graffiti on the buildings' wall. Then I looked up, and I saw a
lot of power lines over my head. Although they were not dangerous, I still felt unsafe since I thought
they might fall down. These things prevented me from enjoying the beautiful sights of the city.
I also remember the time when I was a student at a university. Once I was so busy with my
assignments that I did not tidy my room for two weeks. Looking at the messy room caused me so much
stress that I did not want to study. Then I decided to clean the room and put my thing in their proper
places. I also bought a small plants and placed it in a corner of the room. These simple actions
increased my motivation and helped me to focus on my learning.
1.How did the author feel when she saw the power lines?
……She still felt insecure…………….
2.Why did she have that feeling?
………Because since she thought they might fall down.………
3. What was she busy with?
……Once she was so busy with her assignments that she did not tidy her room for two weeks.
4. What happened when she looked the messy room?
……looking at the messy room caused her so much stress that she did not want to study.……………
5. What did she do for her room?
……She decided to clean the room………………………………………
1. International summer camp n Cắm trại hè Quốc tế

2. An official language n Quốc ngữ

3. English speaking countries n Các quốc gia nói Tiếng Anh
4. Have difficulty doing sth v Gặp khó khan khi làm gì đó
5. Accent n Giọng (nói)
6. Native speakers n Người bản xứ
7. Look forward to doing sth v Mong đợi làm chuyện gì đó
8. Mother tongue n Tiếng mẹ đẻ
= first language
9. Be able to do sth v Có thể làm gì đó
# unable to so sth
10. Improve (my English) v Cải thiện Tiếng Anh
Improvement n Sự cải thiện
11. A substance n Chất (hóa học)
1. Monument n Tháp, tượng đài, công trình lớn
2. Famous for sth adj Nổi tiếng về cái gì đó
3. Beauty n adj Sắc đẹp, vẻ đẹp Đẹp
4. Celebrate n Đón mừng (năm mới) Lễ hội
5. A refugee n Người tị nạn
6. Trainee n thực tập sinh
7. A guarantee n Sự bảo hành
8. Symbol nv Biểu tượng
9. Increase # decrease v Tượng# trưng
Tăng Giảm cho …
10. Form sth v Hình thành nên …
1. Icon n adj Biểu tượng
2. Provide v (Côngcấp
Cung viên giải trí) hàng đầu
3. A parade = match n Đoàn diễu hành
4. Well-known = famous adj Nổi tiếng
5. Characters n Nhân vật
6. Pose for photos n Tạo dáng chụp ảnh
7. Debating completion n Cuộc thi hùng biện
Debate v Phản biện, hung biện
8. Public speaking n nói chuyện trước công chúng
9. Promote v Đẫy mạnh, xúc tiến
10. Journalism (club) n CLB báo chí
1. Exhibition n Cuộc triển lãm
2. Spectacular = wonderful adj Tuyệt vời
3. Touch v Chạm
4. Garment n quần áo
5. North Pole n Cực Bắc
6. Territory n Lãnh thổ
7. Arctic Circle n Vòng Bắc Cực
8. Vote (for sth) v Bình chọn cho cái gì đó
9. Endless days n Những ngày bất tận
10. Rich culture n Giàu văn hóa
1. Haunt v Hay lui tới
2. Play the piping v Chơi kèn túi
3. Pasture n Cánh đồng cỏ
4. Invent v Phát minh
Inventions n Các phát minh
5. Female medical student n Sinh viên y khoa nữ
6. Fire brigade n Xe cứu hỏa
7. Explore, exploring v Khám phá
8. Legend, Legendary n,adj Truyền thuyết, tính truyền thuyết
9. Continent n Châu lục
10. Schedule n Lịch trình
1. Head for A v Thẳng tiến tới A
2. Destination n Điểm đến
3. Leaning Tower n Tháp nghiên
4. Spacious adj Rộng rãi
5. Illusion n Ảo ảnh
6. Paradise n Thiên đường
7. 3D hologram n Chụp ảnh tạo ra hình ảnh 3 chiều bằng ánh
8. Hop-on hop-off trolley n sángđiện
Xe tia lazer
nhảy lên, nhảy xuống
9. Accent n Giọng (nói)
10. Spectacular Spectacle adj n Đẹp tuyệt Cảnh đẹp
I. Conditional sentences type 1. (Câu điều kiện loại 1)
1. Form
IF CLAUSE ( Mệnh đề If ) MAIN CLAUSE ( Mệnh đề chính )
Simple Present ( Thì hiện tại đơn ) Simple Future ( Thì tương lai đơn )
If + S + V (s/es) S + will/ won’t + V ( bare infinitive )
S+ can/must/ may/ might+ V( bare infinitive )
Eg 1 If I have enough money, I will buy a big house.
( Nếu tôi có đủ tiền , tôi sẽ mua một ngôi nhà lớn ).
Eg 2 If you want to pass the exam, you must study harder.
( Nếu bạn muốn thi đỗ , bạn phải học hành chăm chỉ hơn ).
Eg 3 If she doesn’t want to be late, She must get up early.
( Nếu cô ấy không muốn bị muộn thì cô ấy phải dậy sớm ).
2. Usage
- Câu điều kiện loại 1 là câu điều kiện diễn tả tình trạng có thật ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
Eg If you learn hard, you will pass the exam. Nếu bạn học chăm chỉ , bạn sẽ đỗ kỳ thi.
- Trong câu điều kiện loại 1, thì hiện tại đơn dùng trong mệnh đề If, còn thì tương lai đơn được dùng
trong mệnh đề chính.
If the factory continues dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will die
Nếu nhà máy tiếp tục thải chất độc xuống hồ, thì tất cảloài cá và các sinh vật dưới nước sẽ chết.
Chú ý Thì hiện tại đơn có thể được dùng trong mệnh đề chính để diễn tả một điều kiện luôn
II. Conditional sentences type 2. (Câu điều kiện loại 2)

IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If ) MAIN CLAUSE ( Mệnh đề chính )

S + would / could/might + V(infinitive)
If +S + V-ed/2
If + S + were S + wouldn’t / couldn’t +V (infinitive)

Eg 1 If I became rich , I would spend all my time travelling.

Nếu tôi giàu, tôi sẽ dành tất cả thời gian để đi du lịch.
- Câu điều kiện loại 2 là câu điều kiện không có thật thường dùng để nói lên sự tưởng tượng của
người nói. ( Điều kiện không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai ).
If I were you, I would buy that bike.
Nếu tôi là bạn tôi sẽ mua chiếc xe đạp đó.
Chú ý Trong mệnh đề không có thật ở hiện tại, chúng ta có thể dùng were thay cho was trong
tất cả các ngôi trong mệnh đề If.
Eg If I were you, I would study English hard.
Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ học Tiếng Anh chăm chỉ hơn.
III. The Present Simple (Thì Hiện tại đơn )
1. Form. (Cấu trúc)
a. Positive (Câu Khẳng định)
 I / We / You / They    + V (nguyên mẫu)
 He/ She / It + V (s, es)  

Eg I go to school every day.

My father often watches TV at 7 p.m
b. Negative (Câu Phủ định)
 I / We / You / They    don't (do not)+ V (nguyên mẫu)
 He/ She / It  doesn't (does not) + V (nguyên mẫu)  
Eg I don’t go to school on Sundays.
He doesn’t play games on Saturdays.
c. Question (Câu nghi vấn)
 Do       I / We / You / They      + V (nguyên mẫu)
 Does       He/ She / It + V (nguyên mẫu)
Eg Do you go to school every day ?
Does he play football every afternoon?
2. Usage (Cách dùng)
- Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả thói quen hằng ngày.
Eg He gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning.
-Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả sự việc hay sự thật hiển nhiên.
Eg We have two children.
-Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả sự việc xảy ra trong tương lai theo thời gian biểu hay lịch trình.
Eg The plane takes off at 5.00 tomorrow morning.

+ Các trạng từ đi kèm với thì hiện tại đơn

- Every day / week / month…..(Hằng ngày / tuần / tháng...)
- Always : luôn luôn
- Usually : thường xuyên
- Often : thường
- Sometimes : thỉnh thoảng
- Seldom : hiếm khi
- Never : không bao giờ
- Những động từ tận cùng là : o, s , ch , sh, x, z , ta thêm es
Eg go -> goes
watch -> watches
wash -> washes
fix -> fixes
 - Những động từ tận cùng là y mà đằng trước là nguyên âm ( u, e ,o , a, i) ta để nguyên y rồi thêm s
Eg play -> plays
say -> says
- Những động từ tận cùng là y mà đằng trước là phụ âm ta đổi y thành i rồi thêm es
Eg study -> studies
fly -> flies
IV. The Present Continuous (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)
1. Form (Cấu trúc)
a. Câu khẳng định
 I + am + V-ing
 He / She / It + is + V-ing
We / You / They   + are + V-ing

Eg I am learning English at the moment.

He is playing football now.
We are listening to music at this time.

b. Câu phủ định

 I + am + not + V-ing
 He / She / It + is + not + V-ing
We / You / They   + are + not + V-ing
Eg I am not learning English at the moment.
He is not playing football now.
c. Câu nghi vấn.
  Am + I + V-ing
Is + He / She / It + V-ing
Are + You / We / They + V-ing
Are you learning English at the moment?
Is He playing football now ?
2. Usage. (Cách dùng)
-Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói trong hiện tại.
Eg She is talking to her teacher about that plan.
- Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn đề cập đến những thói quen xấu gây khó chịu cho người khác, thường đi cùng
trạng từ “ always “ hoặc “constantly”.
Eg He is always leaving his dirty socks on the floor.
- Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả những tình huống đang thay đổi.
Eg Her son is getting better.
-Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn diễn tả một kế hoạch chắc chắn sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai (thường đi cùng với
trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong tương lai).
Eg. I am studying English next summer.
Các trạng từ đi kèm với thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.
- Now : bây giờ - At the moment : ngay bây giờ
- At this time : vào lúc này - Today : hôm nay
- Be quiet : Hãy yên lặng - Listen : Nghe này
V. The Present Perfect (Hiện tại hoàn thành)
1. Form (Cấu trúc)
a. Câu khẳng định
I /You/ We/ They + have + Ved / Vpp
 He / She / It + has + Ved /Vpp
Eg I have lived in Thanh Hoa city since 1987
He has bought a new car for 2 weeks.
b. Câu phủ định
I /You/ We/ They + have + not + Ved / Vpp
 He / She / It + has + not + Ved /Vpp
Eg I haven’t lived in Thanh Hoa city since 1987
He hasn’t bought a new car for 2 weeks.
c. Câu nghi vấn
Have + I /You/ We/ They + Ved / Vpp
  Has + He / She / It + Ved /Vpp
Eg Have you been to England ?
Has Ba gone to Sam Son beach?

2. Usage (Cách dùng).

- Thì hiện tại hoàn thành diễn tả sự việc xảy ra trong quá khứ và kéo dài đến hiện tại.
Eg I have learnt English for 15 years.
She has lived here since 2016
- Thì hiện tại hoàn thành diễn tả sự việc vừa mới xảy ra nhưng không đề cập đến thời gian ,thường
dùng với các từ như “ just, already hay yet.
 Eg She has just come.
They haven’t arrived yet.
-Thì hiện tại hoàn thành dùng để nói về các sự việc vừa mới xảy ra và hậu quả của nó vẫn còn ảnh
hưởng đến hiện tại.
Eg He has just washed his car, so it looks very clean now.
-Thì hiện tại hoàn thành khi nói về trải nghiệm hay kinh nghiệm , thường đi kèm với ever/ never.
Eg Have you ever been to London ?
I have never seen that movie before.
Những trạng từ chỉ thời gian đi kèm với thì hiện tại hoàn thành:
- Ever : bao giờ
- Never : không bao giờ
- So far : cho đến bây giờ / nay
- Serveral times : vài lần rồi
- Just : vừa mới’
- Already : rồi
- Yet : chưa
I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. wanted B. washed C. needed D. decided
2. A. ago B. boring C. explore D. story
3. A. come B. month C. other D. cold
4. A. mention B. question C. action D. education
5. A. who B. when C. where D. what

II. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. coffee B. rupee C. trainee D. agree
2. A. symbolise B. Taiwanese C. guarantee D. kangaroo
3. A. Maltese B. festival C. degree D. unique
4.A. government B. celebrate C. nominee D. popular
5.A. Canadian B. introduce C. Guyanese D. absentee

III. Find one word that does not belong to each group.
1. A. Chinese B.computerese C. Japanese D. Portuguese
2. A. international B. local C. national D. natural
3. A. Awesome B. Great C. Fantastic D. Sure
4.A. scenery B. landscape C. culture D. view
5.A. desert B. haunted castle C. loch D. puzzling world

IV. Complete the sentences with words/ phrases above

native speaker the USA official language summer camp
English speaking countries accents
1. Last year I had a wonderfull time at a ........summer camp......... in Britain
2. The USA, the United Kingdom and New Zealand are all ........English speaking countries...........
3. Australia are.........native speaker.......... of English because they use it as their mother tongue.
4. ......The USA........... is in the mid-north of America.
5. Usually, poeple from different parts of a country speak their language with different......accents.............
6. English is an..........official language............... in countries like India, Malaysia, and Singapore.

V. Supply the correct tense of the words given in each blanket.

1. Four countries ___have been visited______ (visit) by John so far.
2. London ____has_____ (have) a population of eight million people.
3. The Statue of Liberty in New York is a monument which _symbolizes__ (symbolize) freedom.
4. Vietnam’s Independence Day ____is celebrated______ (celebrate) on September 09 th.
5. We ___have visited______ (visit) Sydney Opera House for several times.
6. Some activities ____are being prepared_ (prepare) to celebrate the lunar new year now.

VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C to complete each of the sentences.

1.Alaska is perhaps the most …………… state in the USA. It has over three million lakes.
A. puzzling B. festive C. amazing
2.The old tradition of first- footing is still practiced today in ……………………..
A. Scottish B. Scots C. Scotland
3. In Canada, the serving of coffee at the end of an evening is a signal that it is time for ………..
A. visitors B. tourists C holiday makers
4.The Maori in New Zealand greet each other by ……………………….. their noses.
A. punching B. touching C. blowing
5. Australia is composed of seven …………………..
A. nations B. countries C. states
6.There is a red maple leaf on the ………………… of Canada.
A. flag B. banner C. money

VII. Read the passage and answer these questions below:

England is not a large country. No town in England is very far from the sea, and many English families
spend their summer holidays at the seaside. There are no high mountains in England, no very long
rivers and very large forests.
There are many towns in England. No town is very far from another. The English countryside between
the towns is like a carpets of many colors. In Spring and summer, the fields, meadows and forests are
light green or dark green, and the gardens are green , red, blue, yellow and white with flowers.


1. Is England a large country?

.......No, it isn’t.................................................
2. Where do many English families spend their summer holidays?
.......They spend their summer holidays at the seaside.........................
3. Are there many towns in England?
.........YES, there are...........................................
4. What is the English countryside like?
............It is like a carpets of many colors...................................

VI. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow

Alaska is perhaps the most amazing state in the USA. It has coastlines facing both the Arctic
Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This state has an incredible three million lakes. That’s four lakes per
person living there.
Many cities in Alaska cannot be reached by road, sea, or river. The only way to get in and out is
by air, on foot, or by dogsled. That’s why Alaska has the busiest sea airport in the world, Lake Hood
Seaplane Base. Nearly two hundred floatplanes take off and land on the water of this airport every day.
It is a really fun scene to watch.
Alaska is called the land of Midnight Sun because in summer, the sun does not set for nearly
three months. But in winter the sun stays almost unseen.
All Alaskans take special pride in their beautiful and unique state.
1. Alaska ___________.
A. is another name for the USA
B. is an island in the Pacific Ocean
C. has coastlines facing both the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean
2. Which statement below is NOT CORRECT?
A. In Alaska, the number of lakes is bigger than that of people.
B. There is one lake for each person living there.
C. Alaska has an incredibly high number of lakes.
3.Which method below can always be used to reach a place in Alaska?
A. by air B. by road C. by river
4. In Alaska we can always see the sun ___________.
A. in winter B. in summer C. every month of the year

VIII. Rewrite the sentences below without changing their original meaning.
1. Radioactive pollution is very dangerous. It can cause abnormal growth. [since]
2. Leaves are damaged. The tree cannot get enough food energy to stay healthy. [because]
3. I don’t have much money now, but I want to buy a house in PhuCuong.
If _______________________________________________________________________
4. Light pollution happens. There is a change in animals’ living patterns.
If _______________________________________________________________________
5. Acid rain is dangerous. Trees’ leaves are damaged. [because of]
6. The Walt Disney Studios, the famous movie company, has produced hundreds of cartoons for
Hundreds of cartoons for children _____________________________________________
1. Typhoon = hurricane n Bão (thông thường 120km/h)
= cyclone = tropical storm
2. Severe = extensive adj khốc liệt, dữ dội
3. Hit – Hit – Hit (the area) v Tấn công (vào khu vực này)
4. Injure v Làm bị thương
(minor) injury [injuries] n Sự bị thương (nhẹ)
5. A relief n Cứu trợ
6. Destroy v Phá hủy
Destruction n Sự phá hủy
Destructive (damage) adj (Thiệt hại) mang tính phá hủy
7. (People were left homeless v Người ta bị rơi vào cảnh không nhà
8. (Modern) technology n Công nghệ (hiện đại)
9. Helpless adj Vô ích
10. Rescue (workers) n Nhân viên cứu hộ
11. Trap (in the earthquake) v Bị kẹt trong (động đất)
1. Debris n Đống đổ nát
2. (medical) supply [supplies] n Sự cung cấp (thuốc men)
3. Temporary # Permanently adj Tạm thời # Lâu dài
4. (temporary) n Chỗ ở tạm thời
5. Property n Tài sản
6. (rescue) equipment n Thiết bị (cứu hộ)
7. Manage (to do sth) v Nỗ lực (làm gì đó)
8. Volcanic eruption n Sự phun trào núi lửa
9. Tidal waves = tsunami n Sóng thần
10. Tornado [tornadoes] n Lốc xoáy
1. Mudslide n Sạt lỡ bùn
2. Flood n Lũ lụt
3. Drought n Hạn hán
4. Forest fire n Cháy rừng
5. Rage v Cơn thịnh nộ, (hỏa hoạn) cháy dữ dội
6. Bury, burried v Chôn vùi
7. Shake – Shook - Shaken v Rung lắc
8. Strike – Struck – Struck v Tấn công
9. Rush into (somewhere) v Chạy đổ xô vào…
10. Public shelter n Chỗ trú ẩn công cộng
1. Set up (a camp) v Dựng (liều trại)
2. Scatter (debris) v Làm rơi vãi (những mãnh vỡ vụn)
3. Evacuate Evacuation vn Sơ tán
4. Put out (the fire) v Sự sơtắttán
Dập (lửa)
5. To deal with sth v Ứng phó với cái gì đó.
6. Affect, affected v Ảnh hưởng
7. Climate change n Vòng Bắc Cực
8. Global warming n Sự ấm lên toàn cầu
9. Victims n Nạn nhân
10. In charge prep Chịu trách nhiệm
1. Wreak havoc v Trút xuống sự tàn phá
2. Risks n Các mối hiểm họa, nguy cơ
3. Emergency n Khẩn cấp
4. (emergency) contact n Số liên lạc khẩn cấp
5. An emergency supply kit n Bộ cung cấp đồ dùng trong tình huống khẩn
6. Medications n cấp men
7. Personal hygiene items n Đồ dùng vệ sinh cá nhân
8. Force v Bắc buộc
9. Familiar with adj Quen với
10. Issue an early warning v Đưa ra lời vảnh báo sớm
1. Advanced (warning adj (Hệ thống cảnh báo) tân tiến
2. Lava n Dung nham
3. Rescue operations n Các hoạt động cứu trợ
4. Violent = severe adj Dữ dội
5. Steal – Stole – Stolen v Ăn cắp
6. Suffer v Hứng chịu, gánh lấy (hậu quả)
7. Tremendous = huge adj To lớn
8. Distinctive adj Độc đáo, riêng biệt
9. Locate vn Đặ ở vị trí, tọa lạc Địa điểm
10. A levee system n Hệ thống đê điều
1. Drainage canals n Kênh thoát nước
2. Desperate (for sth) v Rất cần cái gì đó
A. CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG (Passive sentences): Câu bị động là câu trong đó chủ ngữ là người hay vật nhận
hoặc chịu tác động của hành động.
Ví dụ 1: (A) I asked a question.
→(P) : A question was asked by me. Một câu hỏi được hỏi bởi tôi.
B. Cách chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động:

*  Thể khẳng định (Affirmative form) S + be + p.p (Past Participle) + (by + 0)
Ex: The picture was painted by Tom.
               S be + p.p                  O
*  Thể phủ định (Negative form) S + be not + p.p + (by + 0)
Ex: The picture was not painted by Tom.
       s be + p.p                                 o
* Thể nghi vấn (Interrogative form) Be + S + p.p + (by + 0)?
Ex: Was the picture painted by Tom?
Be S             p.p          o
Động từ be ở đây phải phù hợp với chủ ngữ cũng phải thể hiện được thì cuar câu. Khi dịch nghĩa câu
bị động, ta dịch là “bị, được” tùy vào câu, ngữ cảnh mà ta chọn nghĩa cho phù hợp.

C. CÁCH DÙNG: Câu bị động thường dùng trong các trường hợp sau:
1)  Chúng ta không biết người gây ra hành động, hoặc không cần thiết phải nói. Trường hợp này
không cần cụm từ với by.
Ex: Her legs were broken in the accident yesterday. Chân của cô ấy bị gãy trong vụ tai nạn hôm qua.
The house is swept every day. Ngôi nhà được quét mỗi ngày.
The pen has been put into the box. Cây viết được đặt vào hộp.

2)    Để nhấn mạnh người bị tác động bởi hành động. Nếu muốn đồng thời chỉ ra người gây ra
hành động thì có thể thêm cụm từ by.
Ex: This letter must be written by his sister.
The house next-door/nextdoor has been bought by Mr. Tung. 

3)   Khi người nói đưa ra phép lịch sự, kế hoạch, chính sách, nhưng không cần phải nói hoặc
tránh nói ra hành dộng.
Ex: It is generally considered impolite to interrupt others' conversation.
It's hoped that such things would not happen again. Hi vọng việc như vậy sẽ không xảy ra lần
Your proposal is generally considered impractical. Đề xuất của bạn nhìn chung bị coi/đánh giá là
thiếu thực tế.

4)   Thông báo, bố cáo trang trọng hoặc mô tả sự việc khách quan thường dùng thể bị động.
Ex: The applicant is required to fill in this form first. Người xin việc đầu tiên được yêu cầu điền vào
mẫu đơn.
Four engineers were killed in England. Bốn kĩ sư đã bị giết ở Anh.

5)   Để hành ván lưu loát hoặc theo tình huống cụ thể và để tránh lặp lại chủ từ.
Ex: The famous star appeared and was warmly welcomed by the people..

D.) Câu bị động có thể dùng với các loại thì sau:
TENSES (Các loại thì) PASSIVES STRUCTURE(Cấu trúc bị động)
Present simple is/ are/ am + p.p
I learn English. English is learned (by me).
Present progressive is/ are/ am + being + p.p
She is reading the book. The book is being read (by her).
Past simple was / were + p.p
The little boy broke the glass. The glass was broken by the little boy.
Past progressive was/ were + being + p.p
The police were interrogating him. He was being interrogated by the police.
Present perfect have/ has been + p.p
She has cooked the food. The food has been cooked (by her).
Future simple will be + p.p
They will cover the road with a red carpet The road will be covered with a red carpet
tomorrow. tomorrow.
Future progressive will be being + p.p
I will be holding the wedding party ưi Ha. Noi My wedding party will be being held in Ha Noi next
next month. month.
Ex 1: Write the words
Word Type Pronunciation Meaning
accommodation (n) /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn/ chỗ ở
2 bury (v) /ˈberi/ chôn vùi, vùi lấp
3 Collapse (v) /kəˈlæps/ đổ, sập, sụp, đổ sập
4 Damage (n) /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ sự thiệt hại, sự hư hại
5 Disaster (n) /dɪˈzɑːstə/ tai họa, thảm họa
6 Drought (n) /draʊt/ hạn hán
7 Earthquake (n) /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ trận động đất
8 Erupt (v) /ɪˈrʌpt/ phun (núi lửa)
9 Eruption (n) /ɪˈrʌpʃn/ sự phun (núi lửa)
10 Evacuate (v) /ɪˈvækjueɪt/ sơ tán
11 Forest fire (n) /ˈfɒrɪst faɪər/ cháy rừng
12 Homeless (adj) /ˈhəʊmləs/ không có nhà cửa, vô gia cư
13 Mudland (n) /ˈmʌdslaɪd/ lũ bùn
14 Put out (v) /pʊt aʊt/ dập tắt (lửa..)
15 Rage (v) /reɪdʒ/ diễn ra ác liệt, hung dữ
16 Rescue worker (n) /ˈreskjuː ˈwɜːkə/ nhân viên cứu hộ
17 Scatter (v) /ˈskætə/ tung, rải, rắc
18 Shake (v) /ʃeɪk/ rung, lắc, làm rung, lúc lắc
19 Tonardo (n) /tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/ lốc xoáy
20 Trap (v) /træp/ làm cho mắc kẹt
21 Tsunami (n) /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ sóng thần
22 Typhoon (n) /taɪˈfuːn/ bão nhiệt đới
23 Victim (n) /ˈvɪktɪm/ nạn nhân
24 Volcanic (adj) /vɒlˈkænɪk/ thuộc núi lửa
25 Volcano (n) /vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ/ núi lửa

Ex 2. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. wanted B. washed C. worked D. stopped
2. A. cycled B. stayed C. decided D. played
3. A. who B. when C. where D. what
4. A. watched B. danced C. walked D. bored
5. A. needed B. decided C. played D. wanted
6. A. provided B. started C. worked D. decided
7. A. closed B. played C. stopped D. stayed
8. A. whole B. why C. what D. when
9. A. called B. waited C. played D. loved
10. A. looked B. lived C. laughed D. watched
11. A. started B. decided C. worked D. waited
12. A. played B. stopped C. watched D. liked
13. A. whom B. when C. where D. what
14. A. watched B. missed C. walked D. played
15. A. collected B. decided C. played D. wanted
16. A. naked B. watched C. worked D. stopped
17. A. lived B. played C. stayed D. dogged
18. A. looked B. worked C. naked D. liked
19. A. wanted B. waited C. played D. beloved
20. A. missed B. stopped C. wanted D. watched

Ex 3. Put the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1.Nam often ( play) ______plays____________ soccer in the afternoon.
2.My father used to (go) _______go______________swimming when he was a child.
3.She (learn ) ____________has learned_________ English since 1987.
4.What about ( go) _____________going_______ to the zoo on Sunday evening ?
5. Tien Dung goalkeeper ( live ) _______has lived______________ Thanh Hoa city since 1997.
6.I used to ( go) ____________go________ to the zoo on Sundays when I was a child.
7.Quang Hai footballer ( play) _____played___________________ soccer beautifully last Saturday.
8.Nam used to (go) _____________go________fishing when he was a child.
9.They (learn ) ______________have learned_______ English for five years.
10.How about ( go) ____________going________ to the zoo on Sunday evening ?

Ex 4.Put the verbs into correct form: Past progressive or past simple.
1.My mother _____was waiting_______ for me when I ____came____ home.(wait / come)
2.The door bell __rang______ while Tom ___was watching______ television.(ring / watch)
3.It suddenly ___began___ to rain while Laura __was sitting___ in the garden.(begin/sit)
4.Duyen __was having______ dinner when Tan __arrived_______. (have / arrive)
5.Thanh ___was listening____ to music while her sister __was reading_____ a book.(listen/ read)
6.He ___had____ bad fall while he _____was repairing_____ his roof. (have / repair)
7.I ____was taking_____ a shower when the electricity ____went___ out.(take / go)
8.When Mr. Tuan ___was looking__ for his passport, he __found__ this old photograph. (look / find)
9.Nhan ____was watching___ TV when the phone ____rang____. (watch / ring)
10.What ______were___ you ____doing____ between 7 and 8 last night? (do)
Ex 5.Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D:
1. When we were in Italy, we spent a few days ______________ Venice.
A. at B. on C. in D. for
2. They are good friends. They ______________ each other for a long time.
A. know B. have known C. knew D. were knowing
3. How about ______________ to Dong Xuan Market?
A. go B. going C. to go D. went
4. Can you tell me where ______________?
A. she does B. does she C. she is D. is she
5. I was reading ______________ my sister was playing with her dolls.
A. while B. when C. at time D. what
6. At nine o’clock yesterday we ______________ on the beach.
A. are lying B. have lain C. were lying D. lay
7. The baby ______________ his food on the floor and making his mother angry.
A. always throws B. is always throwing C. always threw D. has thrown
8.______________ is a building or room where people can go to look at paintings
A. Gallery B. Library C. University D. Post office
9. While Angela was cleaning her room, she ______________ her lost earring.
A. found B. is finding C. was finding D. has found
10. Will you pick me ______________ after the party?
A. on B. to C. with D. up
11. I’ll call you ______________ soon as I get home from work.
A. so B. as C. like D. too
12. We can’t stay with you because we’re coming on a trip ______________.
A. trip B. tour C. journey D. lava
13. Why don’t you come ______________ for dinner?
A. over B. on C. from D. at
14. Thanh has a meeting ______________Wednesday evening.
A. on B. at C. in D. from
15. It’s very kind ______________ you when you help them.
A. on B. since C. of D. out
Ex 6. Change these sentences into passive voice:
1.People speak English all over the world.
English is spoken all over the world
2.They don’t use this house very often.
This house is not used very often
3.Nam will clean the floor tonight.
The floor will be cleaned tonight
4.Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
1. Wait for ages v Đợi rất lâu rồi
2. Oversleep v Ngủ quá giờ, quá giấc
3. Get through = reach v nối máy được, gọi được
4. Show up = arrive v Đến
5. The battery was flat n Pin hết
6. Are you kidding? Bạn đùa đấy à?
7. Social medias n Phương tiện truyền thông xã hội
8. Face-to-face adv Trực tiếp (mặt đối mặt)
9. A video conference n Cuộc họp quan video
10. Telegraph n Điện tín
11. A mean of … n Một phương tiện, một cách
1. Communicate vn Liên lạc, giao tiếp Sự liên lạc, giao tiếp
2. Instant(ly) adj Ngây lập tức
3. Be able to … v Có thể
4. Non-verbally n không dùng lời nói
5. Code n Mật mã
6. Signs n Tín hiệu
7. Multimedia n Đa phương tiện
8. A digital camera n Máy ánh (kỹ thuật) số
9. GPS device n Thiết bị GPS
10. Discuss vn Thảo luận Sự thảo luận
1. Transmit vn Truyền tải (dữ liệu) Sự truyền dẫn
2. Visible adj Có thể nhìn thấy
3. Non-competitive adj Không mang tính cạnh tranh
4. Landline telephone n Điện thoại cố định
5. Interact v adj n Tương tác
6. (language) barrier n Mang
Rào cảntính tương
ngôn ngữtác Sự tương tác
7. (communication) channel n Kênh (giao tiếp)
8. Shrug (shoulders) v Nhúng (vai)
9. Glance v Liếc nhìn
10. Lack sth v Thiếu (cái gì đó)
A lack of (respect) n Sự thiếu hụt (tôn trọng)
1. Network signal n tín hiệu mạng
2. Separate v chia ly, chia cắt
Separation n Sự chia ly, chia cắt
3. Automatically translate v Dịch tự động
4. Holography n Ảnh 3D
5. Three-dimension n 3 chiều
6. In real time pre Ngay lập tức
7. Cyberworld n Thế giới số
8. Meaningful adj Ý nghĩa
9. Mention v Đề cập
10. Keep in touch with A v Giữ liên lạc với A
1. Netiquette n Nghi thức mạng
2. Content n Nội dung
3. Pay attention to B v Chú ý vào B
4. Attach vn Đính kèm (cái gì đó) Tiệp đính kèm
5. Informal # formal adj (Văn phong) bình thường # trang trọng
6. Effective adj Hiệu quả
7. As long as … Miễn là
8. Breakdown v Thất bại
9. Colleague n Đồng nghiệp
10. Express (feelings) v Thể hiện (cảm xúc)
Thì tương lai tiếp diễn (Future Continuous):
Công thức:
Khẳng định: S + shall/will + be + V-ing+ O
Phủ định: S + shall/will + not + be + V-ing
Nghi vấn: Shall/Will+S + be + V-ing ?
Dấu hiệu: Trong câu thường có các cụm từ: next year, next week, next time, in the future, and
Cách dùng :
+ Dùng để nói về một hành động xảy ra trong tương lai tại thời điểm xác định. (EX: At 10 o’clock
tomorrow, my friends and I will be going to the museum.)
+ Dùng nói về một hành động đang xảy ra trong tương lai thì có hành động khác chen vào. (EX:When
you come tomorrow, they will be playing football.)
2. Những động từ theo sau là "to V"
Có 2 trường hợp:
a. [Công thức: S + V + to V]
Afford, appear, ask, bear, begin, choose, decide, expect, forget, hate, hesitate, intend, like, manage,
neglect, prefer, pretend, propose, regret, seem, swear, try, wish, agree, arrange, attempt, beg, care,
consent, determine, fail, happend, help, hope, learn, love, mean, offer, prepare, promise, refuse,
remember, start, trouble, want, would like prefer.
b. [Công thức: S + V + O + to V]
Advise, ask, be, command, encourage, forbid, get, help, intend, leave, mean, oblige, permit, prefer,
recommend, remind, tell, allow, bear, cause, compel, expect, force, hate, instruct, invite, like, need,
order, persuade, press, request, teach, tempt, trouble, warn, want, wish.
Ex 1. Write the words
Word Type Pronunciation Meaning
(n) /ˈbɒdi ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/ ngôn ngữ cơ thể, cử chỉ
(v) /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ giao tiếp
(n) /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn giao tiếp không thành công, không
ˈbreɪkdaʊn/ hiểu nhau, ngưng trệ giao tiếp
(n) /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn ˈtʃænl/ kênh giao tiếp

(n) /ˈkʌltʃərəl ˈdɪfrəns/ khác biệt văn hoá

(n) /ˈsaɪbə wɜːld/ thế giới ảo, thế giới mạng

(n) /tʃæt ruːm/ phòng chat (trên mạng)
(adj, /feɪs tʊ feɪs/ trực diện (trái nghĩa với trên
ad) mạng)
(v) /ˌɪntərˈækt/ tương tác
(n) /ˈlændlaɪn fəʊn/ điện thoại bàn
(n) /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ˈbæriə/ rào cản ngôn ngữ

(n) /ˈmesɪdʒ bɔːd/ diễn đàn trên mạng

(n) /ˌmʌltiˈmiːdiə/ đa phương tiện
(n) /ˈnetɪket/ phép lịch sự khi giao tiếp trên
(n) /nɒn-vɜːbl ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/ ngôn ngữ không dùng lời nó

(n) /smɑːt fəʊn/ điện thoại thông minh

(n) /sneɪl meɪl/ thư gửi qua đường bưu điện, thư
(n) /ˈsəʊʃl ˈmiːdiə mạng xã hội
(n) /təˈlepəθi/ thần giao cách cảm
(n, v) /tekst/ tin nhắn, nhắn tin
(n) /ˈvɜːbl ˈlæŋɡwɪ ngôn ngữ dùng lời nói
(n, v) /ˈvɪdiəʊ ˈkɒnfərəns/ hội thảo, hội họp qua mạng có
hình ảnh

Ex 2. Choose the best answer.

1. If you pass your examination we _____________ a celebration.
A. have B. will have C. would have had D. would have
2. If I had time, I _____ to the beach with you this weekend.
A. will go B. will have gone C. would go D. would have gone
3. If she_________ late again, she'll lose her job.
A. came B. comes C. had come D. come
4. If I had enough money, _____ that house.
A. I am buy B. I could buy C. I can buy D. I will buy
5. If you had told me earlier, I _____________ it to you.
A. would give B. will give C. would have given D. gave
6. If it ____________, I will come to see you.
A. didn't rain B. doesn't rain C. don't rain D. not rain
7. I __________to work if I had a car.
A. drove B. will drive C. would drive D. would have driven
8. If he ___________to me, he wouldn't have failed in the exams.
A. had listened B. has listened C. listens D. listened
9. Had he come earlier, he __________her.
A. would meet B. would have met C. might meet D. will meet
10. If I were you, I _________ a new car.
A. buy B. will buy C. would buy D. bought
11. If there were no gravity, everything ________.
A. would float B. floated C. would be floating D. will float
12. You______ if you take a map.
A. will get lost B. would get lost
C. won't get lost D. would have got lost
13. We would save thousands of lives if we ______out the remedy for the flu.
A. had not found B. found C. find D. will find
14. If I________ ten years younger, I would do yoga everyday.
A. are B. were C. have been D. am
15. Unless you go now, you __________late for school.
A. will be B. would have been C. would be D. are
16. I wish I ________ a trip to London last year.
A. took B. will take C. take D. had taken
17. She wishes she __________ a lot of money now.
A. will have B. had C. had had D. has
18. The weather was terrible. I wish it _____ warmer.
A. has been B. was C. were D. had been
19. I'd rather you __________ in here.
A. don't smoke B. won't smoke C. didn't smoke D. not smoked
Ex 3. Give the correct of verb form.
1. They (come) …went ………….. back home after they (finish) …had finished…… their work.
2. She said that she ( meet) ……had met………………. Mr. Bean before.
3. Before he (go) ……went……………….. to bed, he (read) ……had read……… a novel.
4. He told me he (not/wear) ……he hadn’t worn…………………… such kind of clothes before.
5. When I came to the stadium, the match (start) ………had started………………………….
6. Before she (listen) ……listened ….. to music, she (do)…had done ………. homework.
7. Last night, Peter (go) …had gone…….. to the supermarket before he (go) ……went…… home.

Ex 4. Rewrite the sentences.

1. David had gone home before we arrived.
- After ……David had gone home, he arrived…………………………………….
2. We had lunch then we took a look around the shops.
- Before ……we took a look around the shops, we had had lunch…………………
3. The light had gone out before we got out of the office.
- When………we got out of the office, the light had gone out…………………….
4. After she had explained everything clearly, we started our work.
- By the time ……we started our work, she had explained everything clearly………….
5. My father had watered all the plants in the garden by the time my mother came home.
- Before ………my mother came home, my father had watered all the plants in the garden…………

Ex 5. Put the verb in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Perfect:

1. Before she (watch) ……watched…….. TV, she (do)…had done………. homework.
2. What he (do) …did he do …….. when he (be) ……was……. young?
3. After they (go) ……had gone……, I (sit) ……sat …….. down and (rest) …rested…………
4. Yesterday, John (go) ……had done………. to the store before he (go) ……went…………… home.
5. She (win) ………won………. the gold medal in 1986.
1. Develop v Phát triển
Development (in sth) n Sự phát triển (trong lĩnh vực nào đó)
2. (enormous) effect (on sth) n Sự ảnh hưởng (to lớn lên cái gì đó)
3. Spaceships n Tàu không gian
4. Field n Lĩnh vực
5. Benefits # Drawbacks n Lợi ích # Bất lợi
6. A subject n (1) Chủ đề - (2) Môn học
7. Affect v Gây ảnh hưởng
8. Success adv Sự thành công
Successful(ly) adj Thành công
9. Solve (a problem) v Giải quyết (vấn đề)
10. Science (subjects) n (Các môn) khoa học tự nhiên
Scientific (progress) adj (Tiến bộ) khoa học
11. Advances (in sth) n Các tiến bộ
1. Cancer (researchers) n (Các nhà nghiên cứu) ung thư
2. Keep up with sth v Theo kịp với cài gì đó
3. Realistic # Unrealistic adj Hiện thực # Không thực tế
4. Non-verbally n không dùng lời nói
5. Accurate measurement n Sự đo lường chính xác
6. Chemist n Nhà hóa học
7. Software developer n Nhà phát triển phần mềm
8. Physicist n nhà vật lý học
9. Conservationist n Nhà bảo tồn học
10. Experiment n Thí nghiệm
1. Identify vn Xác định
2. Support v adj sự
giúp xác nhận
đỡ ủng hộ cgđ
3. Invent Invention Inventor vnn Phát minh
4. The deaf-mute n Sự phátcâm-điếc
Người minh Nhà phát minh
5. Become a reality v Trở thành sự thật
6. Predict / prediction v/n Đoán / Sự tuyên đoán
7. Anti-aging adj Chống lão hóa
8. Average n Trung bình
9. Advanced energy-saving n Thiết bị tiết kiệm năng lượng tiên tiến
10. High yield n Sản lượng cao
11. Nutrition pills n Viên uống dinh dưỡng
12. To do chores v Làm công chuyện nhà
13. Solar panels n Tấm pin mặt trời
14. Negative (effects) n (Những ảnh hưởng) tiêu cực
15. Quality n Chất lượng
16. Laboratory n Phòng thí nghiệm
17. Responsible (for sth) adj Chịu trách nhiệm (cho cái gì đó)
18. Set up (sth) v Thành lập (cái gì đó)
19. Turn out (minor inventions) v Cho ra (những phát minh nhỏ)
20. Science fiction n Khoa học viễn tưởng
1. Home security protection n Bảo vệ an ninh gia đình
2. Fond of = interested in =like v Hứng thú, Thích …
3. Patent sth v Đăng ký bản quyền cái gì đó
Conditional sentences type 2. (Câu điều kiện loại 2)
IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If ) MAIN CLAUSE ( Mệnh đề chính )

If +S + V-ed/2 S + would / could/might + V(infinitive)

If + S + were S + wouldn’t / couldn’t +V (infinitive)

Eg 1 If I became rich , I would spend all my time travelling.

Nếu tôi giàu, tôi sẽ dành tất cả thời gian để đi du lịch.
- Câu điều kiện loại 2 là câu điều kiện không có thật thường dùng để nói lên sự tưởng
tượng của người nói. ( Điều kiện không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai ).
If I were you, I would buy that bike.
Nếu tôi là bạn tôi sẽ mua chiếc xe đạp đó.
Chú ý Trong mệnh đề không có thật ở hiện tại, chúng ta có thể dùng were thay cho was
trong tất cả các ngôi trong mệnh đề If.
Eg If I were you, I would study English hard.
Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ học Tiếng Anh chăm chỉ hơn.
1. adventure n sự phiêu lưu
adventurer n người phiêu lưu
adventurous (tourists) adj (người du lịch) mạo hiểm
adventurously adv một cách mạo hiểm
2. (fight) a dangerous terrorist n (chiến đấu với) 1 kẻ khủng bố nguy
terrorism n chủ nghĩa khủng bố
3. aliens n người ngoài hành tinh
4. the captain (of the spaceship) n thuyền trưởng (cùa phi thuyền)
5. a crew n phi hành đoàn
6. control sth v,n kiểm soát cgđ
controllable ; controllably adj có thể kiểm soát được
uncontrollable adv không thể kiểm soát
7. solar system n thái dương hệ
8. galaxy n thiên hà
9. space buggy n xe thám hiểm không gian
10. weigh sth v cân cgđ
weight n cân nặng; trọng lượng
weightless adj không trọng lượng
weightlessness n sự không trọng lượng
11. Mercury n Sao Thủy
1. Venus n Sao Kim
2. Saturn n Sao Thổ
3. Neptune n Sao Hải Vương
4. Jupiter n Sao Mộc
5. Mars n Sao hỏa
6. fast-flying messenger n người bay truyền tin nhanh
7. thunder and lightning n sấm sét
8. agriculture agricultural (nation) n adj nông nghiệp
9. grass grassy land (quốc gia) nông nghiệp
n adj cỏ
10. UFO = Unidentified Flying Objects n đồng
Vật thểcỏBay Không xác định
11. (be) close to sth adj gần kề cgđ
1. food tablets n thức ăn dạng viên
2. space suit n bộ đồ không gian
3. oxygen tank n bình ô-xy
4. glove, boots n gang tay, giày cổ cao
5. (reddish) surface n bề mặt (đỏ)
6. accommodate (human life) nn tìm chổ ở (cho sự sống con người)
7. major reason n chỗ
lý doở chính
8. lack (oxygen) vn thiếu (ô-xy)
9. (find) traces n sự thiếu
(tìm (ô-xy)
ra) dấu vết
10. NASA = National Aeronautics n Cơ quan Quản lý Không gian Hàng
11. essential conditions n không
các điềuQuốc
thiết yếu
1. incident n sự cố
2. witness sth a witness vn chứng kiến cgđ nhân chứng
3. post-war adj hậu chiến
4. space shuttle n tàu [vũ trụ] con thoi
5. ambition n adj tham vọng; hoài bão
6. press a button v (người)
nhấn núttham vọng; hoài bão lớn
7. replace sth replacement vn thay thế cgđ sự thay thế
8. language barrier n rào cản ngôn ngữ
9. get a clash of meaning v hiểu lộn nghĩa
10. (lead to) misunderstanding v (dẫn đến) hiểu nhầm
11. enrich = widen (knowledge) v mở rộng, làm giàu (kiến thức)
1. out of battery phr hết pin
2. weak signals n tín hiệu yếu
3. connect to sth (no) connection vn kết nối với cgđ (không có) sự kết nối
4. time-consuming adj đã kết
tốn thờinối
The past perfect .( Thì quá khứ hoàn thành )
a) Thể khẳng định (Affirmative form)       S + had + p.p
Eg: I had left my wallet at home.
b)  Thể phủ định (Negative form) s + hadn’t + p.p
Eg: The house was dirty. They hadn’t cleaned it for weeks.
c)  Thể nghi vấn (Interrogative form} Had + s + p.p?
Eg: Where had he put his wallet?
2. Cách dùng: Thì quá khứ hoàn thành được dùng để diễn tả:
a)    Hành động hoặc trạng thái đã xảy ra và đã kết thúc trước một thời điểm trong quá khứ.
By the end of last semester, we had finished Book IV.
Cuối học kỳ trước, chúng ta đã hoàn thành quyển 4.
Before his mother came back, he had tidied up the whole room.
b)   Hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trước một hành động quá khứ khác (hành động xảy ra
trước dùng quá khứ hoàn thành, hành động xảy ra sau dùng quá khứ đơn).
I had seen him before he saw me.
c) Hành động đã xảy ra và kéo dài đến một thời điểm nào đó trong quá khứ.
Ex: By nine o'clock, we had studied for three hours in the classroom.
Chúng tôi đã học 3 tiếng đồng hồ trong lớp từ lúc 9 giờ.
I had worked for several hours when he called. She told me that she had walked for two
*** LƯU Ý:
Dấu hiệu nhận biết:
Trong câu thường có các từ: before(TRƯỚC KHI ), after(sau khi), when(khi), by the time(vào thời
điểm), by the end of + time in the past …
Ex: *When I got up this morning, my father had already left.
* By the time S. Past, Past Perfect.
       By the time I met you, I had worked in that company for five years.
* S. Past After Past Perfect
They went home after they had eaten a big roasted chicken.
(Họ về nhà sau khi đã ăn một con gà quay lớn.)
After I had bought a new pen, I found my pen
* Past Perfect Before S.past
She had done her homework before her mother asked her to do so.
Before he arrived his office, his secretary had gone out
Question I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. washed B. walked C. stopped D. played
2. A. character B. chapter C. school D. chemistry
3. A. naked B. worked C. needed D. wanted
4. A. study B. music C. fun D. subject
5. A. happy B. house C. here D. hour
6. A. maps B. papers C. cats D. books
7. A. pollution B. question C. education D. communication
8. A. wants B. books C. meets D. televisions
9. A. those B. there C. that D. thanks
10. A. fixed B. opened C. stopped D. watched
11. A. sound B. cloud C. found D. favourite
12. A. tool B. noon C. door D. school
13. A. problems B. months C. streets D. stamps
14. A. mention B. question C. action D. education
15. A. community B. computer C. museum D. custom
16. A. impolite B. night C. tradition D. slight
17. A. education B. question C. pollution D. collection
18. A. populated B. loaded C. wanted D. lived
19. A. fields B. flowers C. seasons D. desks
20. A. energy B. flying C. chemistry D. technology.
21. A. wanted B. washed C. worked D. stopped
22. A. goes B. watches C. misses D. brushes
23. A. come B. mother C. open D. some
24. A. mention B. question C. action D. education
25. A. who B. when C. where D. what
Question II. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.
1.A. person B. father C. teacher D. enjoy
2. A. prefer B. enjoy C. mother D. agree
3.A. doctor B. father C. picture D. fancy
4.A. pollution B. visit C. listen D. open
5.A. depend B. advise C. affect D. listen
6.A. affect B. father C. teacher D. picture
7. A. prefer B. enjoy C. mother D. affect
8.A. affect B. happen C. pollution D. fancy
9.A. pollution B. picture C. village D. factory
10.A. illustrate B. believe C. affect D. village
11. A. artistic B. historic C. dramatic D. scientific
12. A. medical B. national C. chemical D. historical
13.A. athletic B. dramatic C. scientific D. heroic
14.A. medical B. hospital C. politic D. electric
15.A. chemical B. physical C. environmental D. medical
21. A. athletic B. historic C. dramatic D. scientific
22. A. medical B. national C. chemical D. informal
23.A. athletic B. dramatic C. scientific D. heroic
24.A. medical B. hospital C. politic D. electric
25.A. dramatic B. physical C. environmental D. medical
Question III. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others:
1. A. unaffected B. undrinkable C. uncountable D. unsuitable
2. A. unpopular B. unorganized C. unfortunate D. unambitious
3. A. imperfect B. immature C. immobile D. immoral
4. A. translator B. director C. editor/edit/ D. spectator
5. A. consumer B. performer C. shopkeeper D. believe
6. A. impair B. unhurt C. effect D. insect
7. A. explorer B. accurate C. unhealthy D. mature
8. A. unnatural B. engineering C. impossible D. environment
9. A. unhelpful B. unlikely C. unforeseen D. unusual
10. A. imprecise B. imperfect C. impartial D. impassive
11. A. unkind B. kindness C. impure D. machine
12. A. imbalance B. unable C. unhealthy D. impolite
13. A. unexplored B. unforeseen C. untidy D. immature
14. A. impossible B. unnatural C. unrelated D. unbearable
15. A. unlimited B. undeveloped C. unsuccessful D. unaffected


Question I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. Facebook was built on the ………of earlier social network sites like MySpace and Bebo.
A. succeed B. successful C. successfully D. success
2. It is thought that driverless cars will transform the way we move………cities in the future.
A. around B. away C. along D. ahead
3. Little Pascal ……a mechanical calculator which could do additions or subtractions very quickly.
A. discovered B. found C. found out D. invented
4. Robots save workers from ………dangerous tasks.
A. making B. having C. performing D. carrying
5. Many people believe that robots have made workers jobless………that is not necessarily true.
A. but B. and C. so D. or
6. Recent ………developments have made robots more user-friendly and intelligent.
A. science B. scientist C. scientific D. scientifically
7. Teenagers spend most of their time playing computer games, ………they lost their interests in daily
activities. A. moreover B. so C. however D. as a result
8. Science and technology have ………the life safe, secure and comfortable.
A. transformed B. made C. done D. changed
9. Terrorists are using modern technology ………their destructive work.
A. about B. at C. for D. with
10. With the advance of the science and technology, our life changes greatly in various………
A. scenes B. fields C. sights D. regions

Question II. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.
1.The ___contamination_____ of lakes, rivers, oceans or underwater CONTAMINATE
water pollution.
2. The street doesn’t look___attractive______ because it has a lot of rubbish. ATTRACT
3. The music club made so much noise that the__residence________ complained to RESIDE
its owner.
4. Are all types of pollution____harmful______ to the health of humans and animals? HARM
5. The____environmentalists_________ are concerned about the oil spills in East Sea.
6. Dumping _____industrial______waste into the lakes and rivers has caused INDUSTRY
Serious water pollution.
7. Many people in this area have cholera because they drink ____treated_____water. TREAT
8.Examples of primary_______pollutions_________are exhaust fumes from cars, POLLUTE
soot from smoke and ash from volcanic eruption.
9. If we use water______carefully______ , more people will have fresh water. CARE
10. The polluted water results in the __death_______of many aquatic animals DIE

Question III. Use the correct form of words in brackets.

1. There is still room for your (improve) ……improvement…………in your work.
2. Today scientific progress is mostly defined in terms of (technology)……techonological……
3. The first experience was (succeed)……unsuccessful…………, so we need to do another one.
4. A (geology) …geologist………is a scientist who studies the solid and liquid matter that constitutes
the Earth.
5. The US (explore) ……exploration…………………of the Moon began with the Ranger 4 impactor
in 1962.
6. A nuclear power reactor (operate) ………operation………………could provide assistance with the
loading and unloading of nuclear fuel.
7. The study point out that many people’s health has been affected from bathing or drinking (pure)
8. Thousands of (chemistry) ………chemicals………are used in everyday products –in our water, our
food and in the air we breathe.
9. (Research)…………Researcher……………in Japan have found that human ageing may be able to
be delayed or even reserved.
10. Here are several (science) …scientific…………proven studies that describe how to keep fit.

Question I Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Environmental pollution is a term that (1)___refers___ to all the ways by which man pollutes his
surroundings. Man dirties the air with (2)___exhaust___ gases and smoke, (3)___poisons__ the water
with chemicals and other substances, and damages the (4)_soil____ with too many fertilizers and
pesticides. Man also pollutes his surroundings (5)__in___ various other ways. For example, people
ruin natural beauty by (6)__scattering___ junk and litter on the land and in the water.
Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today. Air, water and
soil are necessary to the (7)___survival__ of all living things. Badly polluted air can cause illness, and
(8)___even__ death. Polluted water kills fish and other (9)___marine__ life. Pollution of soil reduces
the amount of land that is available for growing food. Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to
man’s (10)_natural____ beautiful world.
1. A. means B. refers C. provides D. reduces
2. A. thick B. natural C. exhaust D. influent
3. A. purifies B. pumps C. sprays D. poisons
4. A. soil B. forests C. streets D. beaches
5. A. on B. in C. by D. with
6. A. spoiling B. leaving C. scattering D. gathering
7. A. survival B. environment C. development D. growth
8. A. so B. ever C. too D. even
9. A. animal B. marine C. human D. plant
10. A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. natured

Question II Read the passage and answer the questions.

Visual pollution has a greater effect on people than you may think. I remember when I went to a big
city, I was really scared because so much graffiti on the buildings' wall. Then I looked up, and I saw a
lot of power lines over my head. Although they were not dangerous, I still felt unsafe since I thought
they might fall down. These things prevented me from enjoying the beautiful sights of the city.
I also remember the time when I was a student at a university. Once I was so busy with my
assignments that I did not tidy my room for two weeks. Looking at the messy room caused me so much
stress that I did not want to study. Then I decided to clean the room and put my thing in their proper
places. I also bought a small plants and placed it in a corner of the room. These simple actions
increased my motivation and helped me to focus on my learning.
1.How did the author feel when she saw the power lines?
…She felt unsafe………….
2.Why did she have that feeling?
……Because she thought they might fall down.…………………
3. What was she busy with?
……She was busy with her assignments.…………………
4. What happened when she looked the messy room?
……it caused her so much sress.…………
5. What did she do for her room?
………She decided to clean the room and put her thing in their proper places. She also bought a small
plant and placed it in a corner of the room.…………………

Question III. Choose the correct answer for each gap to complete the following passage.
Rivers are ____(1) _one___ of the world’s most important natural resources. Many cities are on
large rivers, and____ (2)__almost__ every country has at least one river that ___(3)_plays__ an
important part in the lives of its people.
Besides transportation, rivers ___(4)_provide__ food, water for crops, water to drink, and
opportunities for recreation for people who live along their ____(5)_banks___. And in order to get
water for crops, engineers sometimes build a dam (đập, đê) across a river and let the water become a
lake ____(6)__behind__ the dam. Then people can use their water not only to ___(7)__irrigate_ fields
but also to make electricity for homes and industries.
____(8)_However__, the water often becomes polluted when cities on river banks grow
____(9)__in__ size and the number of industries increases. We are learning that it is necessary to
____(10)__keep___ rivers clean if we want to enjoy the benefits of the natural resources.
1. A. one B. ones C. among D. those
2. A. most B. mostly C. almost D. about
3. A. takes B. makes C. occupies D. plays
4. A. supply B. provide C. distribute D. bring
5. A. banks B. shores C. sides D. beaches
6. A. behind B. on C. below D. under
7. A. take B. irrigate C. drain D. give
8. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Thus D. However
9. A. of B. about C. in D. for
10. A. keep B. get C. hold D. maintain

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