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Lesson 1
Look at the photograph below and, in pairs
or group answer the questions.
1. What is the woman in picture 1 doing?
She is giving
explanation/consultation about
2. What is the woman in picture 2 doing?
Give healty menu to client / she
giving the old woman a
3. Where do you think these activities take
Hospital, clinic, healt care
4. Who are the women?
Nutritionis and dietitian


b Read the text very carefully.

What is the Difference between a Nutritionist

and a Dietitian?
Two career paths that deal exclusively with diet,
food, and nutrition – dietitians and nutritionists –
are certainly similar, but not quite interchangeable.
So what are the differences? Dietitians and
nutritionists are both experts in food and diet.
They’ve studied how diet, nutrition, and
supplements affect your body and your health. Both
are considered to be healthcare professions.
Dietitians are considered to be nutritionists, but not
all nutritionists are dietitians.

Generally speaking, the role of dietitian is more

regulated than that of a nutritionist. While anyone
can go to school to study health and nutrition,
depending on where a person wants to practice,
there are certain licensures and certifications a
dietitian has to earn to be able to work.

After learning a bachelor’s degree at an accredited

university in a field like nutrition science, a dietitian
usually has to complete an internship or practice
program at a health care facility, food service
company, hospital, or other organization where their
health advice and research can be monitored and
supervised. After completing an internship, students
can sit for their national examination; once they
pass, they are free to practice as an R.D, or
registered dietitian.

Dietitians organize food and nutrition plan and

promote healthy eating habits to prevent and treat
illness. They find work in food service businesses, or
working with patients in hospitals, clinics and other
healthcare facilities. Dietitians also work at colleges
and universities, where they may teach nutrition and
health classes, do research or focus on public health
issues. Other dietitians choose to go into private
practice allows practitioners more creative options
for helping others and to develop their knowledge
The title “nutritionist” is not as regulated as
“dietitian,” and tends to have a broader, more
general meaning. The title is not generally protected,
meaning that it can be used by anyone, unlike
“doctor”, for instance, which requires proof of
qualifications. Nutritionists typically do not have any
professional training, and therefore, should not be
involved in the diagnosis and treatment of any

However, most nutritionists do know what nutrition

science is because they have studied it, and may
have a graduate degree or even a PhD. There are
nutritionist certification boards, which require
applicants to have an advanced degree along with
practical experience before taking their certification
exam. Nutritionists who pass this test may refer to
themselves as certified nutrition specialists, or C.N.S,
which is a protected title.

One of the major differences between the work of a

nutritionist and dietitian, though, is that a dietitian
can help to diagnose eating disorders or help plan
meals for the managing of symptoms of health
problems. While nutritionists can certainly offer
support in these areas, most of their work is done
with behavioral issues, as well as teach clients about
the general nutrition and health properties in food
and offer nutrition supervision.” Overall, the
difference lies in the depth, scope, length, and type
of education and training.
c Answer these following questions based on
the text above.

1. Is dietitian the same with a nutritionist?

No, it is not

2. What do you think is the meaning of the

sentence, “Dietitians are considered to be
nutritionists, but not all nutritionists are
Before taking a dietitian
certification, someone has to be
a nutritionist
With the background knowledge
se/he got while learning nutrition,
she/he can have sertification to
become a dietitian.
3. Where can a dietitian have the internship
Hospital, clinic, healthcare

4. What are the title of certified dietitian

and certified nutritionist?
Registered dietitian certified
nutritioinis specialist

5. What are the major differences between the

work of a nutritionist and dietitian?
A dietitian can help to diagnose cating
disorders or help plan meals for the
managing of symptoms of health
problems. While nutririonist can
certainly offer support in these areas
d Fill in the table with ‘YES’, ‘NO’ or ‘NOT
MENTIONED’. You can find the information
from the text above.

Dietitian Nutritionist
Has certified title Y Y
Internship required
Dominated by female
Must finish bachelor degree Y
Professional training Y N
Offer nutrition supervision Y N
Diagnose eating disorders N

e Find the main idea of each paragraph in the

box below, then, rearrange them into a good
sequenced paragraph. Number 1 has been
done for you.
a. Nutritionist has more general meaning and can be
used by anyone.
b. The job description of a dietitian
c. The differences of dietitian and nutritionist
d. The role of dietitian is more regulated
One of the major differences between C
the work of a nutritionist and dietitian,
though, is that a dietitian can help to
diagnose eating disorders or help plan
meals for the managing of symptoms of
health problems. While nutritionists can
certainly offer support in these areas,
most of their work is done with
behavioral issues, as well as teach clients
about the general nutrition and health
properties in food and offer nutrition
supervision.” Overall, the difference lies
in the depth, scope, length, and type of
education and training.

1 Generally speaking, the role of dietitian is D

more regulated than that of a
nutritionist. While anyone can go to
school to study health and nutrition,
depending on where a person wants to
practice, there are certain licensures and
certifications a dietitian has to earn to be
able to work.
Dietitians organize food and nutrition B
plan and promote healthy eating habits
to prevent and treat illness. They find
work in food service businesses, or
working with patients in hospitals, clinics
and other healthcare facilities. Dietitians
also work at colleges and universities,
where they may teach nutrition and
health classes, do research or focus on
public health issues. Other dietitians
choose to go into private practice allows
practitioners more creative options for
helping others and to develop their
knowledge base.
The title “nutritionist” is not as regulated A
as “dietitian,” and tends to have a
broader, more general meaning. The title
is not generally protected, meaning that
it can be used by anyone, unlike
“doctor”, for instance, which requires
proof of qualifications. Nutritionists
typically do not have any professional
training, and therefore, should not be
involved in the diagnosis and treatment
of any diseases.
Lesson 2
a Read the bubbles of questions below and
match them with the diet suggestions provided
in the box

I usually cook with
My husband and I have a lot of herbs and
snack before bedtime. He spices. Do I need to cut
usually has a bowl of ice down or watch what I
cream. What can I eat use now that I have
that won’t cause my blood diabetes?
sugar to go too high?

I really love eating out C
during weekend. How Why should one eat
can I stay healthy every 2-3 hours even if
during my eating out not hungry? Won’t
habit? eating so often cause
weight gain?
Is it okay to skip meals
if I have a heavy breakfast?I hate milk, can I take a calcium
supplement instead?

Not at all. You can keep using most of your favorite

herbs and spices. However, if you need to lower the
amount of salt and sodium in your diet, be careful with
seasonings that contain these ingredients. A wonderful
a way to flavor food without adding salt is to use flavoring
extracts, garlic, and fresh or dried spices and herbs.

For many people, eating out is a way to relax and

socialize. But if you are watching your weight or just are
concerned with healthy eating, dining out can be a

b challenge. The good news is that usually there are

healthier options at every restaurant, even at fast-food
places. By following some simple guidelines, you can
enjoy eating out and still have a
healthy diet.
c ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner
like a pauper’ goes the old saying. However, our lifestyles
have become much more sedentary since the feudal
times. Eating a large breakfast if you are just going to be
sitting at your desk the entire day isn’t recommended. It
also doesn’t mean skipping lunch if you’ve eaten a lot in
the morning. Instead, spread your calorie intake through
the day. Large gaps between meals might lead to acidity.

d Taking a calcium citrate or calcium carbonate supplement

is okay. However, your body is better at absorbing
minerals from foods than from supplements. If you don’t
like milk, you can try other sources of calcium such as
broccoli, spinach, sardines, and fortified soy milk. Vitamin
D is required for appropriate absorption of calcium too,
so ensure you check vitamin D levels in your body if you
do not get at least 10 – 15 minutes of exposure to the sun
every day.

e If you wait until you are hungry, you will eat more than
you should be eating. Eating wholesome, balanced meals
and snacks every 2 – 3 hours helps keep your metabolism
high [which is the key to fat loss], blood sugar levels
stable, and energy levels high. It is important to spread
your overall calorie intake through the day and include all
six food groups [starch, fruits, vegetables, meat/protein,
dairy, and fats] in your daily meal plan.

f Eat a snack that's a combination of carbohydrate and

protein. For example, try a few whole-grain crackers
with a small amount of low-fat cheese or peanut butter.
The protein will slow the rise in blood sugar levels and
help you feel satisfied.

b Complete tips and tricks from Denise Boozell, a

registered dietitian, about how to translate the
science nutrition into solutions that fits people
lifestyle with the provided words in each box.
Then find the headline of each tips and tricks.
Don’t cut out Use healthier
temptation dressings and
completely dips

Eat right Utilize herbs

portion of and spices to
snack please your

Use pre cooked Make your own

protein for your pasta from
daily meal healthy
fulfilling tempting more cutting

I don’t know about you, but when I’m told I can’t

have something, it makes me want it that much 1)
Fullfilly So instead of 2)………………….out
…………….. More your
favorite temptation foods completely, shoot for
once or twice a week, and try to find healthier
alternatives to those 3).................foods. If you have
a sweet tooth, try 4)……………………….your cravings
with fresh fruit or smoothies, make your own ice
cream out of bananas.
Don’t cut out
Temptation Use healthier
completely dressings and dips

yogurt sandwiches dressings stack

It’s amazing how fast calories, fat and sodium can 5)

……………………up when using the wrong dips or 6)
………………………….. Choose dressings that are oil-
based like vinaigrettes or brands that are 7)
………………………-based. Also, utilize healthier dips
such as hummus or guacamole in place of mayo and
butter on 8)…........................or to add flavor to raw
veggies like carrots, celery and bell peppers.

hard-boiled portions baggies boost

Snacking may help 9)…………………….energy between
meals and, if done right, can be a great way to
supply your body with more vitamins and minerals.
Another way to snack smart is being mindful of 10)
……………………………... Purchase “snack-sized”
foods thatportions
are pre-portioned for you or buy in bulk
and portion into 11)……………………….right away at
baggiessuch as nuts, string
home. Choose between options
cheese, yogurt, 12)…………………………………eggs, fresh
fruit. hard-boiled

Eat right
portion of snack
Make your own
pasta from

load side noodles creative

Pasta can be part of a healthy diet as long as you get

a little 13)……………………………….. Instead of your
traditional boxed white pasta, use a spiralizer to
make your own side
zucchini. Or try using pastas made from beans, peas
or lentils from brands including Banza and Explore
Cuisine. Lastly, 15)………………………up on veggies
including mushrooms, spinach and broccoli, or add a
16)..........................salad to your meal and cut down
on the portion of pasta you eat.

canned versatile toppings simple

Rotisserie chicken is a quick and 17)

simple to dinner. It is extremely
18)…………………….and can be used as a base for

sandwiches, wraps, pastas, enchiladas, quesadillas,
pizza 19)…………………………..and more. Have 20)
canned salmon, tuna and chicken on hand to
add to salads and entrees.

Utilize herbs
Use pre cooked and spices to please
protein for your your
daily meal plate

affecting bland flavor

Life’s too short to eat 21)…… bland…food, and there

are so many ways to add 22) flavor … your foods
without 23) affecting….your fat or sodium intake.
Fresh herbs are a great option.

c As a dietitian and nutritionist going to be, advise

your partner what food or nutrient she or he
needs to take to keep her or him healthy.
In order to live always healthy, she/he can consume
foods with balanced nutrition. Fulfillment of balanced
nutrition can be describe by “Isi Piringku”. The rules for the
distribution of food in Isi Piringku are 1/3 of half plate of
fruit, 1/3 of half plate of side dishes, 2/3 of half plate of
vegetable, 2/3 of half plate of staple food. This diet is
important for us so we don’t get sick easily.
As people age, a person’s nutritional needs will also change
1. pregnant women = 300 calories and 15 gr protein
2. breastfeeding mothers = 500 calories
3. 0-6 month = the child can be given ASI Exclusive
4. 6-12 month = the child can be given complementary foods
as a MPAS
5. 1 year old = can really eat family foods (rice, bread)
6. teenager = protein about 0,8-1,2 gr
7. adult = carbohydrates 55-70%, protein 15-20%, fat 25-30%
8. 50 years old = maintain a diet to prevent chronic diseases.
Eat low-fat foods saturated, low in salt and los in sugar, and
consumption of foods high calcium and potassium.


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