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Problems and Prospects of career in Bangladesh during the Covid-

19 Pandemic: A Personal Observations

1. Introduction
Employment generation has been a problem for the past decade. Employment elasticity of
growth has been declining and remained low. If we look at the sectorial allocation of labor in the
country, employment in agricultural declined but remained high. Manufacturing employment
grew with RMG, but in recent years, it is falling. Services sector jobs are mostly informal and
low paid. Also, there is a very high degree of informality in the labor market. We have seen low
job creation even in the informal sector. Furthermore, working conditions and lack of decent jobs
are important issues. We have seen growing rural-urban migration and international migration,
which are important contributors to poverty reduction and growth

Covid-19 has put additional pressure on the labor market in Bangladesh. Due to shut down or
slowdown of economic activities, many have lost their jobs. Many have shifted to inferior jobs.
Recent graduates and students close to graduation are understandably experiencing lots of panic
and more challenging time as COVID-19 fallout has turned world economy and job market
upside down. ILO forecasts that equivalent of 190 million jobs might be disappeared all over the
world owing to global economic downturn. Bangladesh is not immune from the alarming
scenario coming to the future of workplace

The crisis in employment and income can, therefore, prolong even after the infection is under
control. Thus it is crucial to understand the extent of employment crisis from both short and long
term perspective (we may assume short term being three months from now, the medium-term
being one year and long-term being two years).

In the short term, while the focus should be more towards meeting the basic necessities, in the
medium to long run, from a macro point of view, employment generation can be considered too
closely related to economic growth.
2. Objectives
The main objective of this study is to know and have a clear view of Problems and Prospects of
Career in Bangladesh during the Covid-19 Pandemic

3. Methodology
Mainly the secondary information is used in this assignment. The sources are listed below:

 Articles from the various local and foreign Authors

 Journals of various newspapers

4. Analysis- Problems and Prospects of career in Bangladesh

during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Personal Observations
Shamim Ahasan, a Dhaka University graduate who will soon cross the government job age limit,
is suffering from depression as he is finding it very hard to secure employment in a Covid-19
ravaged economy.

Expressing his frustration, he said: “Since I am 29 now, the pressure and responsibility of
looking after my family comes naturally.

“My family, which is poor, had spent a lot of money on my studies. And for this, they don’t have
any savings. So, now it is my turn to return the favor.”

“I just need a job to make me feel confident. But I have been trying since April and am yet to
find a job circular, let it be from a private company or a government organization, that suits me
and is convenient.”

Meanwhile, Amanullah, a private university graduate, told this correspondent that he had been
interviewed by a company before March. “I was scheduled to join in April,” he said, adding:
“But that company did not recruit me showing the Covid-19 crisis as the reason.”

Similarly, most of the unemployed population, especially the country’s educated youth, are
going through similar hardships, moving towards an uncertain future forced by a global crisis
that is far from over
Thousands of job seekers face uncertainty at least for next two years as the job market crisis in
Bangladesh continues to collapse amid the corona emergency.

Recent university graduates are facing immense challenges in finding jobs amid the global as
well as national coronavirus economic crisis.

People are facing a lot of problems in their career due to Covid-19. Those who are already
employed and those who are searching jobs are facing lots of difficulties. It has impacted badly
on the career of a person. The problems of career in Bangladesh during Covid-19 pandemic
situation is given below-

Problems of Career During Covid-19

Career shocks- A career shock is defined as a disruptive and extraordinary event that is, at least
to some degree, caused by factors outside the focal individual’s control and that triggers a
deliberate thought process concerning one’s career. The occurrence of a career shock can vary in
terms of predictability, and can be either positively or negatively valence. The key elements in
this definition are often referred to as: frequency, intensity, controllability and predictability,
valence, and duration.

Each of those factors are relevant to COVID-19. The concepts of frequency and intensity are
evident in the ‘infrequent and extraordinary”. In its global scope and voracity, COVID-19 has
proven to be strikingly different from health-related events in recent memory. Bringing some
workplaces to a standstill while pushing others to the limits of their capacity, it has significantly
altered the work environment and profoundly affected employees in multiple industries. It also
meets the criteria of being both largely unpredictable and outside the control of the general
population, who were surprised and unprepared for the impact this event would have on careers
in the present and potentially in the future. As a result, some jobs and career plans will disappear
and others will likely be revised to accommodate new ways of working. The personal, systemic,
and global effects of this pandemic are certainly contextually-dependent, unanticipated by many,
requiring some to re-consider their work lives, and substantive in outcome. While often
addressed from the perspective of the employee, the ramifications of career shocks have ripple
effects within organizations. That is particularly so when an unexpected and paradigm-crashing
event, like this pandemic, has a global reach, making the shock itself and its aftermath a shared
experience. So, while career shocks are defined from an individual perspective; the concepts are
apt for organizations as they reconsider their own futures and that of their employees.

Facing Challenges in Small Business- Small businesses are facing multiple challenges. Many
are at risk of being completely wiped out. Market demand has fallen, employees have left cities
to return home, and limited connectivity and digital skills are making moving operations online
very challenging. As a result, many business owners are struggling to meet daily costs and are in
urgent need of emergency support. Government support to date has been inadequate. So those
wanted to start their career as entrepreneurs are not getting enough assurance of start

Age Limitations- In Bangladesh the age limit for any government job is 30 years old, and for the
child of freedom fighters is 32 years old. Because of Covid-19 pandemic, many job seekers age
requirements for jobs have ended and going to end soon. This is a huge problem for the careers
of many job seekers. Age limit in a government job has remained a debatable issue for a long.
Along with more than 150 countries, India and some other south Asian countries have raised the
limit to 35 years for the entrance in government service. The authorities have, however, assured
that they would consider relaxing the age limit for applicants, who cross the threshold during the

Late in completion of Education- The academic life of the students will be a prolonged one.
Though educational institutions have started online classes, the students are going to face acute
session jam due to Covid-19. The deadly virus is now killing the age of many youth aspirants to
build their career in government jobs, including the BCS. This is a huge problem for them.

Job loss- Around 68 percent of the people who had to stop working in urban areas of Dhaka and
Chattogram due to the pandemic have lost their jobs, according to a World Bank report. The rate
of the job losses was 76 percent in the capital while it was 59 percent in the port city, said the
report, titled "Losing Livelihoods: The labor market impacts of Covid-19 in Bangladesh". Slum
areas witnessed higher -- 71 percent -- job losses than non-slum areas where it was 61 percent, it
said, adding that some of the people expecting to resume their previous jobs may not be able to
do so, thus the actual job losses may have been even higher. Those who have lost their jobs
during covid-19 pandemic will face a great problem in their career. Many of them had been
settled in their previous jobs. But this pandemic has changed their life. They have to find job in
new career which will cause great loss in their career. They may not find mental peace in new
job or in the workplace. They may have to do jobs which is not perfect for them or less
appropriate according to their qualification. But they will do it for their livelihood.

Salary Reduction- During Covid-19 Pandemic, many companies are reducing the salary of the
employees for cut off the expenditure of the company. Which is disturbing the employees
mentally. Many Employees are doing jobs for the security of their career. Employees are not able
to maintain their previous life standard. It is reducing their social reputation. They are not getting
enough remuneration for their hard work. This will not help their career to build up. So this is
also a huge and critical problems of career during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Prospects of Career During Covid-19-

Given the job crisis posed by the novel coronavirus, it is evident that the job market will be
fiercer than ever before. Admittedly, this is not something that humans have control over;
therefore, concrete plans and pro-active actions are essential to turn potential impediments
around. Chance favors the prepared mind.

During the COVID-19 pandemic and for the time ahead in the new normal environment, it will
be an effective and efficient strategy to introduce and arrange school-to-work transition
modality, career counseling at the institution level and start-up and entrepreneurship for self-
employment. Employers can be engaged in this process to determine and assess the need from
employers’ side and accordingly include and modify curriculum which will help students to be
better prepared and the employers eventually will get skilled workers.

These strategies could substantially help 2020 graduates or employers to navigate this
unfavorable situation

Employment opportunities - Employment opportunities should be created soon after the

pandemic is over. Opportunities should be inclusive in nature, such as: gender-balanced,
available to under-employed and for vulnerable population groups. Note that, 83% of the
revenue that Bangladesh makes through exports are linked to the garments industries, a total of
more than $32 billion USD each year. For instance, bring people back in work and create more
jobs in this sector will be the first priority for the Government.

Support the entrepreneurs- The Government of Bangladesh should support the new
entrepreneurs to build their business. Entrepreneurs are now focusing more on E-Business. So
the rules and regulations regarding E-business should be more flexible and the security of e-
business should be strict. It will encourage the entrepreneurs and it will help to improve the
economy of our country.
Add Value- As soon as we graduate, we tend to apply for jobs with unbridled ambitions. Being
ambitious is certainly admirable, but when it becomes excessive, we are susceptible to end up
with counterproductive outcomes. For the sake of Covid-19, we are allowed to take part in
classes from home, which does not necessitate going through heavy traffic or spending extra
time on campus. This eventually saves a significant amount of time. This time can be utilized for
expanding skills. Online courses on IT and communications, or other professional courses, for
example, could be of great value to recent graduates. This might maximize your chances of
securing a better job.

Take care of yourself -Taking care of yourself amidst this critical time could lead you to be
more confident and prepared. At a time when many people are infected or dying of Covid-19, it
is challenging to maintain your mental health. As a consequence, keeping in touch with near and
dear ones is highly likely to cheer you up. The payoff is obvious -- you will be more confident
while facing job interviews. Ensuring sound mental health is of paramount importance.

Accept what you find Joining a job or grabbing an internship opportunity despite finding it
outside your preferred area can set you apart from other contemporary graduates who are likely
to spend time dilly-dallying. This job or internship experience could lay the groundwork for
subsequent career progressions. This in turn will not only provide financial stability but also a
sense of professionalism, punctuality, and an understanding of work-life balance.

Mock job interviews-Even if it seems whimsical, it will substantially boost your likelihood of
being hired by your preferred organizations. Interviews are being taken online for the foreseeable
future, and it is quite pragmatic to practice with mock job interviews with others to expose you to
the difficulties encountered during them and, thereby, enable you to discover strategies to

Develop patience-Patience often brings about better outcomes than you expect. With being
confident, diligent, and hardworking, patience is necessary for gaining success no matter what
area you are applying for. That you are surviving under circumstances that humans have not
faced in the last 50 years is a great strength you are attaining implicitly. Remember, there is a
light at the end of the tunnel. Keep trusting in your ability and be patient.

Build Support- Success rarely happens without assistance. Think about the different types of
support networks you can build in your career and personal life. Take time to develop positive
relationships and expand your professional network. Identifying and connecting with a mentor
while you are in college can improve your undergraduate experience and aid you with the
transition from school to work.

Keep your options and interests open- Explore job opportunities that may not have previously
considered – especially opportunities in areas of the legal profession that are likely to see growth
during and flowing from this crisis. This may include traditional legal positions or positions
where having law degree is preferred or an advantage but may not be required. Seek work
experience that help to develop skills that are transferable to the work one hope to do.

5. Conclusion
It is human nature to want to know, to seek answers, even to look into that crystal ball for a
glimpse to the future. Times of uncertainty increase that need. COVID-19 has prompted a global
sense of uncertainty, but its legacy remains to be seen. So, the questions posed in our
introduction remain rhetorical, because we do not yet know the full impact of the pandemic on
careers. The data regarding increasing unemployment numbers and relative gains and losses
change as the pandemic progresses. Although there is some consensus that the most vulnerable
workers during this crisis have been those already in insecure positions, in the informal
economy, or in low wage, or part-time work, and that many of those jobs are not likely to be
reinstated. Historically, careers and work are always in a state of change, with some jobs
becoming obsolete and others emerging to meet the needs of each new era (e.g. the first
industrial revolution, the information age, and now the fourth industrial revolution). So, while
COVID-19 has been a wrenching experience, and, as noted earlier, has thrust choices about the
future of work into the present, we can recover; but it will take time and effort.

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