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CHNG Date:01/14/2022
Program: BSCE_CE_1G Score

Activity 5.5.1 Linear Programming Formulation

Direction. Formulate the following as LP Models.

1. BranCo company produces two products that are processed on two production lines. Production
line 1 has 90 available hours, and production line 2 has 40 available hours. Each product requires
10 hours of processing time on line 1, while on line 2 product 1 requires 7 hours and product 2
requires 3 hours. The profit for product 1 is 50 pesos per unit and the profit for product 2 is 45
pesos per unit.
BranCo wants to determine the amount of product 1 and product 2 to produce to
maximize the company’s profit.

Line 1 Line 2 Profit

x 10 hours 7 hours 50 pesos
y 10 hours 9 hours 45 pesos

10x + 7y ≤ 50
10x + 3y ≤ 45
For the production line restrains:
10x + 10y ≤ 90
7x + 3y ≤ 40y ≤ 40

Maximize Z= 50x + 45y + 50x + 45y

To: 10x + 7y ≤ 50 + 7y ≤ 50
≤ 45
10x + 10y ≤ 90
7x + 3y ≤ 40

2. RAN Department Store aims to increase its popularity by hiring an advertise firm. Three types of
advertising are available, namely, television and radio commercial ads. The store aims to
determine the number of each type of advertisement it should purchase in order to maximize
exposure. The table below shows the estimated potential audience and cost of the three
advertising options.

Potential Audience Exposure Cost (in pesos)

Television 20,000 15,000
Radio 12,000 6,000

The department store requires that only at most 8 commercial ads should be availed and that their
budget is only 75,000 pesos.
Determine how many ads of each type should the department store availed in order to maximize
audience exposure.
Maximize: Z= 20,000x = 12.000y = 20.000 = 12.000y
15.000 +6.000y ≤ 75.000
x.y ≤ 0


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