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RO, @ LM0 et norm: FEIRG XEfel, Tuheds Lanao do}. Norte 123522-91-78 Felis) Wales ‘ieee tach eto sae ‘80s TARO, Tuboiy Lense dol Karte ak Ghby to WER Adwindstontay ede Reis 90, 000990, deepened St tes ee ae ieee cana ALI A Bart pEnr/ Officer fn Papin, Tubedy lene dol lioete PREFE PF ap Seateinns an aren of MORTY WHOA SIX MUD oI aRReY sewer 0678) 5 Kaa wana. AQ2 cocnara wind Pass ond ed Bile! aro CYle Gnce Hones) 15 xX 60 cme Bouniod on thy liday rons Mino Ta? by Lot £29% Fog «x tik ile & titay Rico onGe by Lot m tho along Yor sen toads ead oo ‘inp cdene Rte Gol by 16k POO eae Bearings trusy Tite dot vss surveyed dn ceoartencs with the exlatin: rutog ami regule tiene geen sted thereunto Sunmel By Sze Bederto Gomtotte nAoct', om Merch 7, 1963 xt approved on septembre 26, 1990, NdBiy Mido Jot 40 ddontdend to LOCYERYRY, FLonI3 ond cowed by Faia Ce Sipe @ be subject to the approvel of the luman Sebtlamont STI couacrs PLDLITO My SaTOLAE Shs?, leglannl surveys Biviadon Bie warpae cama ine ™ Mcwaree Anvostietor X =e ; sicial Form Serial No. 238999 so Patent Application fidgl Y29522—6X yepplicant FBLISA MAGLINTS ORDEP: _APPROVSY oON TEE RECORDS OF THIS 1 e mn citizen of the te acquire public lands through free patent; That the land applied for has heen classifi tbr subject to disposition under the Public Land Law: That upon investietion conducted ty Land Investipation/Inspeetor/Peputy Public Land Jopecien Bagge Be Maoneampet ose report was duly ondotsed by Mala, COR TE was found Ehet the lund epplied for har been 0 ceupied ane, cul~ tivated ty the erpifesne hinéelffherself and or through his/ her predecessors-in~interest since June 12, 1£___, or prigr thereto 4, That the notice of the acquisition of the Lar hag been published in accordance with law, that no adverse claim to the land is pending determination in- this Office, and that no other person has proven a b he thereto; 5. That the claim of the ete there is no recdrd in this Office of cant is, in all other respects 2y obstacle to the issuance’ of rhe patent. applied for as described in the ca pereby entered in the records of this LREFOPE, the occupation and cultivation of the 2 horeof is hereby confirmed, and this applicati 123522=91-76 whe’ adpiaait'hhen dlendiy womtles och ol Che xenidiremente OF theta’ do the patent to the land, it is'h ordered that the neccessary patent te prepared end fx Sao. af ela apphiunt, ued ° GRDERED. Tubéd, Innse del tg aut Ae BARE poay Officer Patent No. issued by the Teate of title e patentee be require T have the honor to forward herewith Fre pursuant to R.A, 6516 for registration and issuance of © 103, TB, 152° with the request that before title is rele er Section to [ono Pram BOVEE a oe a FROM CLAINS aYD CONFLICT: Paik Offteor (li * COPY FURNISHED: x The Director of Lands, The Provincial Assessor ‘The Regional Land Pirector, cDO 4 . 5 L. Form No, 26-9 core . Republic cf the. Pa! Departrent of Agricultura « aturst Resomees SIRPAU OF LANDS a ani PREPTT NOPICE Of APPLICATT Hotice is hereby givon chat ____Folisa sioas of CHAPIFR VIT Yiled with the Director of tands, an epplication, uw of Commonwealth Act No. 141 as amended by Republic for a free patent to a tract of land situated in the barra OaNlifio dpaiity of __Tubod Province of Tarlac del ilorte Fhitippines, desexitne : He are 12-00,918-D_ containing en area of __ ventezes ‘All adverse claims to the tr: land above described mugf be filed in the Bureau of Lands on or before the ral dey of October _ a Any claim not so filed will be forever barred, Direotor of- Lands REPUBLIC OF TH? PEILIPPIES } : FROVIICE OF LANAO DRL WORTE 7 MUNICIPALITY OF KOLAMBUGAN, ) Folisa Maglinte married to __Waleriaylo Maglint< being duly sworn, dejfose ard say: thet he is the same person who made an’ application for the above described land, uous place on the land applied for, on 4! shat 2 sopy of the above notise wes posted in a conspi- bulletin board of the barrig/where the land ip ipcated end at the door of the manicipal vuildiny on cop’ dey of October 19.90 aud remained 30 vossee untit the _ T9th/” ‘ay of Ootebor 19,90 Svase2TurD AND SHORE 10 AEF issued at the jiunicipality on the fay of __Merch. DENR FORM No, 280 (11) Republic of the Philippines Department of Envirormert and Natural Resources OFFICE OF THE COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES OFFICER OBNEO I~ 1nf5y ALaplagan, Lena0 del torte oa FS iat oso Se NRO as peels A oe Si 8. ‘“ T have the horbtoveertify that on _/An examined the land applied for by _Fo! umier Free Patent Application No.’ Z “= 5 Barrio of _ Stas Nifto, PRovinge of Tanio del Norte, gain conformity, clroul 1, That the occupation and cultivation/of-the applicant as far as I have been able to aséertained date from 9 and said occupation and cultiva- tion have been open, cont: 2, That the said land was first occupied pie from his/her not_relat Thegres SF relationship) (if right are claimed through inheritance and there are two or mre of the immediate predecessor the applicant, the names of all heirs their addresses should be mentioned. Tf any of the heirs have rélinguished whatever rights he or they may have, sworn statement to that effect should be secured and aptached to the report. 3. That the applicant died on still lin and survied by = TTState mane of hire and of the person to represent them in transaction) Se who are his =~ . / (State degree of relationship) in the Bureau $f Lands. je That Lhe dard is claimed ty Evelyn/Q. Tamla whose post effice address is Poblacion, /Tubed, Ianacd el. Norte a : ‘ a the area of “3, 0578, Tectares applied for _ 3.06787 hectares are under/cultivation ene hectares are cleared Ul and jeotares are still untouched. cog nono © 3 ee Wenerk OF fhe Land consist of the following: senut trees and/other fruit, re Z for is inside the SuPAL_gno Test zone, cultural zone) /_, The land applied for was claimed during the S, = "fe has been surveyed ard it corresponds to Lot No, _I25i Cade 3B which was declared __publi Jand (State whether public Tand om private property) by that Court of First Instance, Bea ed in a decision ordered on _not c aan 9. That the applicant is mt the owner of nore than hectares of Land in the Philippine: a ‘twelve 0. That the lar applied for is declared for taxation purposes under Tax Decl. Wo, _to be revises » valued at P : Ti. The Sketch of the land applied for is reproduced herein below or attached hero- to, mthing thereon the dimensions and area thereof and the improvements thereon. J 12. REMARKS: Tho applicant is a natural bern citizon oft ho Philippines; bad a ; i Page = 2- ALL, FORM Nb, 280 (11) R Republic of the Philipy{nes) Province of Lanao deV Norte) $.S, Municipality of City of oi after having been duly sworn to according to iaw, Zeps person who has prepared and ae eee the foregoire, ret of “of invedigation ana that I have ready the reports ani all, equtrents tbemsbfere tme ahd-carrect,, thet 1 unter bend “all the conbents thereof, ani to the best. of my Se belief and’ informations, is ou eae atte Jopasake- set. ny hand this day of _jugust’ > Iamo de. Rospectfuliy forwarded te tho Provincial Environmont & Natural Resources O@ficor,’ PINRO XIInI, Tubod, Lenco del Norte, rocemonding thet the ontry of the applicant. be confirmed and patnet ‘be dissuade! Coline oe 0) mo [ee aa! Note: THIS COT IS Puy PLANTED WITH COCOUUT TREES AD = OTHER. FRUIT TREES . BURTAU OP LAN hereby make application Sor 1 Froe Patent to tho following desoribld tract of agriculture public land undar the ;rovision of Chapter VII, Commonwealth Act No. 14) a9 anended by Republic Act Ho. 67 “0 wit: Give an accurate description as possible showing the boundaries of the lan:., having refere.ce to ngtural objects, accidents of the ground and permanent meuum ats, if any. If tho land applied for has been sub= divided into Lots, meution the nunber’ of the lot corresponding to the tract, and give information on what plo or Alans the lot may be identified, (Lot HEPOB Cate 00 TED) situated in the sitio of — == Barrio of Sto.7iits ——_ Mimieipality of ‘Pubod / Vovinee of Tanio/del Norte Philippines, containing © an area of _ 3 z. _ sctares “O / Ware and 8 contare: 2, I submit the following stateme: this application. t of facts to show that J en eutitled to make 38 yeare olds I was born in S: Philippines Birth ce) c. Ship and residonce-eddress of spouse Vi born at Siguijor, Nogs Qricntal & presontly nosiding st Pinping Dubod, and Tam not the omer of mere than 24 hectares of Land. The following are uy neerest relatives (state their ~amea aud relations to the applicant such as hus ages and nanes, CHILUN: Liza cS ee old; Albert. _ = ai noc ia dngclinewié yore old ond ranéisces youre 4, The land deccribed and applied for is not claimed or occupied by any other persons but is a puolic land. I entepéd the lend and vegan cultivation of the sane on the ==th of somotimo on 197%/ end since then cr that date I have continously cultivated the lan have made thereon the following improvemetits, vizr Fully planted with coconut trecg’ ‘nd som_othor fruit trecg/ 5+ The lend lesoribed and applied for is not cleimed or ccoupied by eny other . person but is a yuhlic land, It was first occupied ad entered upon, cultivated and Occupied or abou: the == thdayof 2. 19 by / =a. __> ly said anc:stor died %n the th day ob = i9_ =--- and. was burried on == ra ey NOM: The above paragraph should be filled up if the applicant claims thru ancestor. Fvidonce of relationship, death, burial and heirahip is hereto attached and consist of not applicable ~ The following are the namea and addregs af the heirs of my said ancestor. Hane Post Office Address the heirs of eed hin accoi and, (only Heir) the representative of entitled to suce ppines. ‘the Phi Ty Sinog the death of sy said aucuster, 1 hgyo cultivated sai laud, the improvenont now on the land consist of the foldowing : fa. 8, The Land has been continously occupied and cultivated ty me/us or my said ancestor, since the date of entry thereos ag/abovs stated, except curing the following named periods, when the land was not accepted fof the reasona stated, vic: ny 9. The land applied for 13 now occupied and cultivates by me/us and to the best of ay knowledge, information and belief. itis otherwise unreserved and unappropriated and is nonmineral, agricultural public land, contains no valuabl2 deposits of guano, coal or galt, and 18 wore valuable for acricultural than fer fores‘zy purposes. 10. The following named witnesses will tebtify that the following allegations in this application are true. apt toatts oa guapare APPIDAVI? REPUBLIC OF THE PHILTPPOI3) PROVINCE OF LANAO DEL NORTE: ‘MUNICIPALITY OF KOLEBUGAN) s, the person making the foregoing application 1. I, Zoldsa Maglinte first being duly sworn upormy oath, depose and say: That I have read, or have had read to me, and thoroughly understand the foregoing application;tha: I aigned the same and this affidavit at the presence of the officer who administered the oath, that each and every statement in seit application is true and correct. £0 HELP MP GOD. Appricant' of Ootobor_~“_ 1990. ously and rom to m8 to cation and in my presence affidavit. 12. Bofore ne, at she place Sforesaid, on this y/th ax personally appoared Folisa Yglinte 6 me ver: de the sane person whose vané appears in the foLLowi: signed the said application and subscribed and sworn B. L. Form fio. Application No. Applicant __ Felisa Maglinte Manuo: Surveyed By “Date of Survey March 7% 1988 “RIE LINE : _ Se 8613 Wis 692448 me Fre BLD No. 153, Fis-15" @ Now T250-By CodnI2-0049T8D Sto Nifioy Tubod, LDN t _ Apeig 26, 1990 a __ 30,678 - SQ. Me aE, an ae DISTANCE ie 1 Nel 4n3h Bey 23 536-35, Bole 1 Nei 95h Hey 451 5059-05 Hey 3, 5.6310 BL, 6 1) 5e25—26 We, Researehed fy : —ferified By : Checked By : CERTIFIED CORREC: eft ain (cineer III Repudlio cf the Philippines Department of Keviraimors and Natural Ressurces TIP RMIRERIENT fe NATURAL Q@rIcE OF TH cairo x11-1 Yrgs: Foligs MagLint f Pinpin, fubods Lamao dol Norte. Lanae del verte Sir/Wadams iy lato del. Norte rorsber 2/9 I beg to acknowledge receipt of your application the follewing tract ef land: Date Filed Location co Land Barrio of Mundoipality of Province of brea Deseriptions and Boundaries October 2/1990 Stoe Nifio / boy Lanao del Norte 3.0576 Hogtares Lot "125043, Sk yep / / ‘3 os ~Bulacon/ Crooks LSD 3 SCLLSDCS & ‘Your application hae been’ given the number shom above. In all fubure correrpondence regarding said applicat: you should refer to the number giver to it and you saculd signed your mame as it ejpears in your application - 221 Copy: furnished ‘The Director of Lands Manila File Very Traly Yours, For and by authority of the Director of Landa: yy ‘AVECNI Me GAR “Of ficong| ar” Be Ly Fors te, 2 REPUBLIC 0: 7 PROVINGE OF Lu ‘MUNICIPALITY covering Lo the barrio of » yy diferea nother exvi, Zonted as pris 2 + been tha mar ke found urtrue or and/or criminal vate property ~ issued and for on; false and ‘That I execute this affidevit, frecky ant vob stand the contoins lisroot, IN uytemss » T have herounto dol Ni this 2a _Spocial, Invostigator I Republic of the PhiZippinog vopartment of snvironment and Natural sosources GPFICE GF WHE COMUNITY HWIRGNMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES OF LIGRR CHRO X1I-I-B, Kolambugen, inna del Norte IN THE MATER OF; F.Pede) 17-7213 PRIRO BACUS ) W2y031 TAUIE PAMKE (ReJsi) ) F.R.Ae 17365 iAUIE. OE 2 Int 1250, Pls-I3 T7222 JUAN CAPOIE 7 St0e.Nifio, ‘ubod, ano del Norte 6467-8 EVELIN QUIBRAN ZA } Area: 7.8815 Hoctares 2a ER In on investigation conducted by a ropresentative of this office, it yng ascortainod nd found out that the ectual occupants and cultivators ovor Lot 1250, Pls-I3 wore rodro Bacus, Juan Grpole and rclisa Maglinto, who nectdred her rights over a portion of the samo Lot from Hvolyn quib= range Tumula, por affidavit of waiver, dated Juno 23, 1984, omcuted betre Notary Public Domingo As Garilios that applicants Yaute Pamko, w hose app= ‘Meation shows rojocted and Tawle Ote had nover occupied oven an dnch ovr tho samo lot nor ind acouirod it in any concopt and their whoresbout are not known to tho looxlity where the land involvad is lncateds WHEREFORE, it is ordorod thet HV29031 of ‘Thute Pamko shall af firma rojocted; and f'.F.A.| 17365 of Taule, 9ye and F.P.Ne! 16469-B filod by Eveyn Guibranca Tamia, covering only end portions ot Lot 1250, Pls-I3, be as it is horeby rejected, fospectively forfeiting in favor of the government whnt- ever amount has bocn paid to cover administrative expenses.) ‘vYho F.PsA. Tb 7233 or Podro Bacus, FFA. 17-7212 of Juan Capole and free pate nt (now) application of rolisa Haglinte, covering all portions of Let 1250, Pls-1}, ‘ag indicated on tho approved plan under Usd-I2-00,918-D, are givon due courses 50 GRUERED, August 6, I99Z, Kolambugan, Lanzo dol Norte. For and by authority of tho Scoretary of Yopartment ot ‘end Natural Resources: ANTONTO Me CNR OFT UOPY FURNISHED ‘The Lend Manegement vivision DENR=UB, Rogion WII, Cot. City ‘Tho PENR Ofticor PENRO XII-I, Tubod, Innao del Norte Evolyn Q. Tamla Pedro Bacus Jun Capole Folisa Haglinte ALL of ‘Yubod, Lenao dol Norte File * Bagi 18 1 ist CERTIFY THar enue :HIETeP Ines) 8 OODUMENTE Was paeve a REPUBLIC OF SHE | WILTEPInes)"! S PRESENTED, zy * PROVINCE OP LAWAG DEL iat ae SAME AS THE BATHRULL RePscouCTION BE NUNIGIPALITY OF UE oO LYE OaiGinac 1ON OF ia eo nie ease i oe i APPIDAVIT OP BAIVER That I EVELYN Q. TANI LA, of Logol ege, Filipino, warried aod with residence and postal adcress ot Fablecion, Tubod, La- peo del Norte, Fhilippioes, after having beea duly ororn to ao oath in eccordance with lew, @eposed and say ¢ That I em tdecticel Evelyn Tecule, tue cleivant of Lot 1250-B (portion of Lot 1250, Ple-13), situated at Sto. Niffo, Tubod, Lanso del Norte, which I bave been io ectusl possencion for alwost ten years, sore perticularly described ee follove: on the KX,, by Lot 1249, Ple-13; on the North Capules on the M., by Gergoa Bacues oo the §E,, by Bulacon Creeks; oo the Bouth by Lot 3184, Pis- 13, conteining as area of 3.0670 Hecteres, coro or eas. Toat as the busa above-described portion is actually in pooseasion of PELISA MAGLENTE, who iv revponsible for the pre- seat isprovecents, I do hereby by these provente, do weive, relinquished, trenofer and coovey all sy right: interest and ovnership of the seid portion in FELISA MAGLINTL, who 1 Likewise of lecal are, Filipino, warrid to Valeriano Haglinte. &, That the seid lot ie free from any claims aed conflict and r cont covered by any petente, to any persons but purkty a public Lend; Tost the records of mine in tne Purceu of Lands be used in the perpetuation of the own jaip of Pli C. Haglinte end be furthered redorded that what 1 sm claiming now is the portion of Lot 1250, Ple-135 : Ih WITHESS HEREOF, I have hereunto affixed wy eignature this 23rd dey of June, 1984, at Paroy, Lenoo del Norte, Philig— pin fo, © Cote | (affiest) Reo, Certs L41T1L34=C, 08 1-16-84 et Tubod, Lenso del Nort: SUBSCRIPED AND SWORN TO BEFORE KB eve pase day June, 2984, ) at Baroy, Lanao del Korte, Philippines. Doce Noe Page Woo Book Noe 7 Series o: Repubjic of the Philippines. Dopartment cf Environment and Natiral Resources Q@ilue OF THE COMMUNITY HVVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES OF rIUER- CENRO XII-I-B, fohkesipugen, Lanao del Norte SUBJECT? Supplementary Jnvos jon Ro Juan_vapole+/ Lot 250A, Css-12-004918-D Arcat 0,907 Hectare Folisa Maj ic Lot 1250-8, ‘Osd+12-00,918-D / Aroat 3.0678 Hectares . Ali situated at sto, Nifio, ‘tubod, IDN August 6, T99t Tho PMR Ofticor FINO IAL, Tubed, enzo dol Norte ‘Thru Proper Channel sirt In connection with the above-noted subject, I have the honor te submit horexdith my roport and findings, as follows: That applicant over lot 1250-Ay Csd=12~00,918-D is Juan Capolo, who acquimd it with na rea or one (I) hectare, gore or less from tho heirs of santiago Maghanpy thru extre Judicial vottlomont and sale, dated Jue 25, 1960, oxcuted belb re. le tary Public Viconte u. Hodriguoz, which the latter (Santiago Maghanoy) puchsai ‘the’ sam: from Juliana Poroz, sometime on July 13, 195T; (Dodd Of Salos haeto attded) That ‘Lot 250.0 coini2-004918'0, which was applicd and occupicd by volisa Nag inte was acquired by htm from avclyh y.’ Tamila,/who started hor (Felisa Magli= nte) cultivation, scmotime on 197 and the othor portion, kniow as Lot 1250-C, Cad=12-00;918-D belongs: to Pedro Bacus; (docummt hereto attachod) that other applicants over Lot E25-, Pls-I3} particularly Panke, iaute whee application w as already rejected and Tale Ota wore not Inow tot he locality whore tho lend involved 1s located and wore novor occupied any portion oftijec same land; That applicants, Juan Uapole ond relisa Mnglinte are all mtural born citizms of tho Mhilippinos; thoy are not tho gwmors of marc than I2 hoctares of Imd; that the lots applied for are not within any civil or military roscrvetiay not covored by any pxtont decree; not tonanted and ZKKEK froo from élaims and con= Lictss| In viow of tho foregoing, it respectfully recommended that patent to the lots applied for be issued tothe subject applicants. WikTiToatTION . T, Alincgar ¥. Mecarampat, of logel ago, filipino, marricd and with resi- dence and postal adaress at Belo-i, 1amo del norte, aftor having boon duly sworn to in accordance with lav, do hereby depose and sa: that 1 am the same person wha chis report of investigation; and that all contents horcof are truo and éorrect to the bost of my Imowledgo, beliof and inform=tion. IN WIMWESS SHERSOF, I horounte sot my he 6th Jay of august 1991, Kolambugan, Lamas del Norte. fie, eS R Pe} MACASAUEAT (athient) SUBSGLIERD AN SHOR te bofore mo this “th, day cx august 91, at Kolambugan, ianao dol iiorta,,

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