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nitially formed by ecopreneurs in 201 Early 2019 with a final design completed
to de elop and engineer an eco friendly and an assembly and locking
solution to the myriad of road access mechanism patented this unique
issues facing the mining energy ci il solution has successfully been tested
sector. under an extreme condition in mines in
he concept to pro ide a solution for
hea y haul access issues while in parallel EC pro ide engineered high
promoting a C sink from a renewable performance bamboo matting for all of
har est in the form of a rapid your ci il construction tasks. apid
deployment Bamboo access mat. deployment eco friendly matting for
temporary or permanent access roads
reduction of operational costs construction sites within the energy ci il
associated with trucking and utility power and mining sectors
subsequently boosting a mine or energy
pro ects commercial model is eminently
achie able howe er to combine this
commercial boost with an Eco friendly
renewable product presented a
considerable design and engineering

The main material for the access mat is e harvest on a year cycle focusing
bamboo and ECOMATPRO harvest only on the most pliable dense stoc n
A1 grade Bamboo, the most durable return capturing T CO per hectare
sustainable fastest growing renewable over the growth cycle magine, a crop
resource on the planet which actually responds to a regular
harvest cycle, thrives from sustainable
The Bamboo forest absorb forestry cropping techni ues and
appro imately T hectare per year of delivers as a signi cant CO sin
CO emissions hile capturing the CO
emissions the bamboo also releases Every crop we harvest and engineer into
more o ygen than an e uivalent our eco friendly access mat contributes
grove of trees to our global well being

t is possible to bring Cradle to Cradle

C C philosophy to the energy mining
and civil sectors imiting decimation of
hardwood crops, which typically re uire
years to maturity, no regrowth and
signi cant irreparable deforestation

rE mod lar engineering Each mat is interlocked with its adjacent
design provides e i ility on m ltiple mats via a patented “4 point” positive
levels. locking mechanism. With a mat weight
of 460 kg, a high density of 1150kgs m
ervice commences with a detailed site and a tensile strength e ivalent to mild
review, identify where we can foc s o r steel we tr st o r access mats to
prod ct to deliver the ltimate ene t to contin ally o t perform any other
yo r project and keep yo r operation prod ct in the market.
moving e ciently.
We recogni e many sites operate in
he asic cost e ective standard mat remote environments, where
provides 4 access and t rning with transportation of e ipment is a
hard standing for all medi m level signi cant overhead. at ral wear and
gro nd areas. tear of o r mod lar design is a simple
replacement of only the worn section.
o keep yo moving over wet Entry or his repair is carried o t at site. o
E it ramps inclines the e cl sive facilitate this on site repair we o er a
“ ripper” with gro nd anchor system service container stocked with
keep operators moving. replacement am oo and patented 4
point linkage mechanisms.
he E access mat does not
create “wave e ing ” in front of tr ck inally o r “ espoke” design application.
tires d ring heavy load movements over f space is a premi m, or yo re ire a
nconsolidated gro nd, typical with speci c application we design mod lar
E prod cts. signi cant cost saving nits to t yo r re irements.
can e reali ed y improving “roll on”
and associated f el e ciency.

COM T O product and service is The products are suitable for:
mainly the standard lat Mat and • Temporary road access ranging
Gripper Mat. Our unique construction from General Civil Maintenance
process can accommodate a bespo e equipment to Heavy Mining
design tailored to meet yourspecific Operations.
requirements area soil conditions • Hard standing for turning tipping
inclines budget fill or wash down areas.
• apid deployment Oil Gas
ith a density e ceeding gs m
location construction including to
and a tensile strength e ceeding mild
provide access for disaster
steel we can outperform any other
operation .
temporary relocatable access mat.
pplicable for all civil Oil Gas Mining • elocatable helicopter landing
and utility power suppliers. pads for remote regions.
• nchored traction matting for
access e it ramp in mining areas.

ECOMATPRO owns the ex s e
tents o the o ow n es ns
n t ons

IPONZ The design and manufacture of the

Patent PT ECOMATPRO high density strand woven
Patent PT bamboo access mat is the exclusive
amboo access mat pine loc ed property of ECOMATPRO Pte Ltd.
multiple interloc ed connection
amboo access mat our point nauthori ed reproduction of the
interconnection lin age design and the processed bamboo
amboo access mat ripper material application with patented
enhanced tread lin age and spine loc ing mechanisms
shall be deemed a irect infringement of
WIPO the patent owners exclusive rights.
Patent A EE
Patent A A irect infringement of the applicable
amboo access mat pine loc ed patents shall include the following but
multiple interloc ed connection are not limited to commercial or private
amboo access mat our point use o er for rental direct sale
interconnection lin age assemble or import of a high density
amboo access mat ripper bamboo access mat protected by the
enhanced tread patented invention s irrespective if the
infringer is aware a patent exists.
ECOMATPRO design is also patented
by the ndonesian irectorate eneral
of ntellectual Property Rights .

ECOMATPRO Pte Ltd is the owner of

the registered trade mar .



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