Problem Set 02

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AER 373: Problem Set 2

Due: 16 February 2011

1. (20 points) (a) Consider the infinitesimal strains in a two dimensional coordinate system:

ǫ11 = ex1 sin x2

ǫ22 = ex2 cos x1

2ǫ12 = ex1 cos x2 − ex2 sin x1

Demonstrate that this strain field is or is not compatible.

(b) Is is known that two Cartesian coordinate displacements are related by u1 = f (x1 , x2 ) and
u2 = −c f (x1 , x2 ) (that is, u2 = −cu1 ), where c is a known constant. Find a simple algebraic
equation in the strains which must be true for compatibility of strains.

2. (20 points) Given the cantilever beam shown below, which is loaded with concentrated force P
at a position three-fourths of the distance along the entire beam length L and supported by a linear
spring with constant k at position L, calculate the total deflection of the beam at positions 41 L, 43 L
and L.

0.75 L

3. (15 points) Imagine that you are discussing your solid mechanics course with an aged relative
who knows almost nothing about mathematics, and that you are trying to explain to them the dif-
ference between Lagrangian and Eulerian coordinate systems, and the difference between material
and spatial derivatives. What would you say?

AER373 - Problem Set 2 p. 1

4. (15 points) An linearly elastic material is bonded between two very stiff plates, which can be
assumed to be rigid (ie zero deformation in all directions). The layer is compressed between the
plates, so that the direct stress is σ33 . If the lateral expansion of the sandwiched elastic material is
prevented, so that ǫ11 = ǫ22 = 0, calculate the effective Young’s modulus (that is, σ33 /ǫ33 ) of the
elastic layer in terms of the Young’s modulus and the Poisson’s ratio of the unconfined material.
What happens if the Poisson’s ratio is large, approaching 0.5?

5. (15 points) (a) If you know that Young’s modulus E = 200 GPa and Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.25,
what are Lamé’s constants λ and G and the bulk modulus K?

(b) At a given point and in a particular set Cartesian coordinates, it is known that an isotropic,
Hookean material has the infinitesimal strain state:
 
 a d f 
ǫi j =  d b e 
 
f e c
 

In this same set of Cartesian coordinates, what are the components of stress, in terms of some given
elastic constants K, the bulk modulus and ν, Poisson’s ratio?

6. (15 points) If you have an orthotropic solid - that is, it has three internal planes of symmetry
- a full description of the fourth order tensor of elastic constants Ci jkl requires nine independent
constants. Draw the elastic tensor in the form of a three-by-three matrix of three-by-three matri-
ces, and fill in all the terms using the constants A1 to A9 . Here’s a hint: calculate the relations
between the stresses and strain using a simplified form of Hooke’s Law, then compare with the
fully expanded tensor equation.

AER373 - Problem Set 2 p. 2

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