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UTS Bahasa Inggris II


NPM : 19640288
Kelas : Reguler Siang BJM


Jawablah Pertanyaan dibawah ini berdasarkan teks bacaan!

1. What is Grader specifrcally?

Answer : A grader is a construction machine with a long blade that is used to create a flat surface.
2. What is Grader's popular name?
Answer: lt is variously known as a road grader, a blade, a maintainer, and a motor grader.
3. Descfibe the most frequent uses of graders!
Answer : Graders are primarily used in road construction to build and rnaintain dirt and gravel
4. Describe a grading machine with three axles!
Answer : The grader usually has three axles, with the engine and cab on top, the rear axles at one
end of the vehlclg and a third axle at the front end, with the blade in'betwen.
5. Could you describe fte various classifications of Graders?
Answer : They are used in the construction of paved roads to pleFare the base eour$e, which
creates a wide flat surface for the asphalt to be phcd cn. Ttey are also used to lanel native soil
foundation pads prior to the construetion of large buildings.
6. Whatfunction do graden perform during the paving of roads?
Answer : Mstor graders are moct often used for rmd maintenanee. It is usd to spread the soil and
then hvel the greund. Prior tc road pavement, r,ntor graders uere used for a uniform ffat surface so
that the asphaE was wenly dhhibuted over tha entire surface.
7. Why are graders used to install foundation bearings in native soil?
Answer : Because they are also used to level native soil feundatien pds prior to the constructlon of
hrge huildings.
8. ls a grader used exclusively in lndonesia to grade prior to asphalt installation?
Answer: Yes.
9. Classify graders according to their function!
Answer : Graders, too, come in a variety of styles; some have a large fo* front, while others have a
flat blade front that comes in a variety of sizes.
10. ln lndonesia, how valuable is a grader?
Answer : lt is very valuable, because the motor grader is very important as a machine with a long
blade that is usod to level the surface in the grading process and also has some large fork fronts
while others have flat blade fronts of various sizes.

Tulistah T (TRUEljika kata yang digaris bawahi benar pada kalimat di bawah ini dan perbaikalah kata
tersebut pada kotak yang tersedia di sebelah kanan bila kata itu salah!

NO Statements Answer (True/Word Fixed)

1 ln the construction of paved roads they ln the construction of paved roads they are
was used to prepare the base course to used to prepare the base course to create a
create a wide flat surface for the asphalt wide flat surface for the asphalt to be placed
to be placed on on
2 They were also used to setnative True
soilfoundation pads to finish grade priorto
the conshuction of large buildings
3 Many counkies used grader for the flatting True
process that is done before the placing of
4 A grader was a mnstruction machine with Graders are a construction machine with a
a long blade used to create a flat surface. long blade used to create a flat surface.

5 It were commonly called in names such as It is commonly called in names such as road
road grader, a blade, a maintainer and grader, a blade, a maintainer and motor
motorgrader grader


lsilah bagian yang kosong dengan kata-kata yang benar!

1. Road gradel a blade, a maintainer and motor grader.

2. The engine and cab on top, the rear axles at one end of the vehicle.
3. ln the construction of paved roads they are used to prepare the base course to create a wide flat
surface for the asphalt to be placed on.
4. They are also used to set native soil foundation pads to finish grade prior to the construction of
large buildings.
5. Many countries use grader for flatten the ground that is done before the placing of Asphalt.


Atur ulang kalimat di bawah ini kedalam susunan yang benar hingga menghasilkan terlemahan
Bahasa lndonesiyang baik sepertiyang tertera pada setiap kalimat di bawah ini!
1. are graders widely used in road construction for the construction and maintenance of dirt roads
and gravel roads?
Answer : Apakah Grader banyak digunakan pada konstruksijalan untuk memelihara jalan tanah
dan jalan kerikil?
2. does the leveler usually consist of three axes ?
Answer : Apakah alat perata biasanya terdiridari tiga sumbu?
3. ls there tool used to prepare a leveling plinth path to create a wide flat surfuce for laying the
Answer : Apakah ada alat perata yang digunakan untuk menyiapkan jalur landasan saat
membuat permukaan datar yang lebar untuk peletakan aspal?
4. are graders also used to installoriginalground foundation pads for finishing slopes prior to hrge
building constnrction?
Answer : Apakah grader juga digunakan untuk meratakan pondasitanah untuk meratakan
lereng pada konskuksi bangunan besar?
5. ls it true that many countries use graders for the assessrnent process?
Answer : Benarkah banyak negara rnenggunakan grader untuk pross asesmen?
6. do Graders also have various types?
Answer : Apakah Grader juga memiliki berbagai tipe?
7. doesthe Grader consist of a largefrontfork?
Answer : Apakah Graderterdiridari Earpu depan yang besar?
8. Why do graders use people to install origlnat ground foundation pads?
Answer : Mengapa grader yang digunakan orang untuk memasang bantalan pondasi tanah asli?

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