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VERBS Ser or Estar

Let’s review the differences between “ser” (to be) and “estar” (to be).

Ser is used... Estar is used...

To describe a permanent quality To describe location
To tell the time or date To describe a temporary condition
To tell place of origin To describe a temporary feeling
To tell nationality
To show possession

Practice using “ser” or “estar” in the following sentences.

Ben ________________cansado.
estar Ellos________________amables.
Ben is tired. They are nice.

Tú _____________interesante. Ella________________mi
ser madre.
You are interesting. She is my mom.

estar Mi abuela ___________en
estar la recamara.
Sara is happy. My grandmother is in the bedroom.

Los lápices ___________míos.

ser Maria y Juan ___________en
estar el estadio.
The pencils are mine. Maria and Juan are in the stadium.

Nosotros ________________mojados.
estar Bela _______________caniñosa.
We are wet. Bela is sweet.

Susana ________________alta.
ser Tomás _______________nadando.
Susana is tall. Thomas is swimming.

Yo _______________de
ser Chile. Tú___________________en
estar la biblioteca.
I am from Chile. You are in the library.

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