Mini-Dungeon Monthly 2

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AAW Games Presents

March '19

(Order #18242631)
March '19

Product Identity: The following

items are hereby identified as
Product Identity, as defined in
the Open Game License version Considering Bees  3
1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not
Open Content: All trademarks, An adventure for four characters of 2nd level by
registered trademarks, proper Thomas Baumbach.
names (characters, deities,
etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, Umbravania: The Tirade of Doctor Livingstone 5
locations, characters, artwork,
and trade dress. (Elements that An adventure for four characters of 3rd to 5th
have previously been designated level by Justin Andrew Mason.
as Open Game Content or are
in the public domain are not Roots of Yggdrasil  9
included in this declaration.) An adventure for four characters of 5th to 8th
Open Content: Except for level by Jonathan G. Nelson.
material designated as Product
Identity (see above), the game Malice on Jade Mountain  11
mechanics of this AAW Games
LLC game product are Open An adventure for four characters of 10th to 12th
Game Content, as defined level by Jonathan G. Nelson.
in the Open Game License
version 1.0a Section 1(d). No Carnival of the Clown King  15
portion of this work other
than the material designated An adventure for any number of characters of any
as Open Game Content may level by Justin Andrew Mason.
be reproduced in any form
without written permission.

Cartography Layout
Justin Andrew Mason Thomas Baumbach

Art Editing
Jonathan G Nelson Mates Laurentiu Endzeitgeist Sigurðr
PO Box #92 | Snoqualmie, WA 98065
© 2019 AAW Games Jonathan G. Nelson

(Order #18242631)
Considering Bees

• Mini-Dungeon Monthly #1
An adventure for four characters of 2nd level by Thomas Baumbach.

M eixiu the Honey Queen

was known far and wide
to have the sweetest honey in all
2. Shrine to Wai’du
Meixiu kept a shrine to the former
the empire. The Emperor himself Emperor here, complete with charcoal
would visit her village to purchase portrait, candles, and incense.
honey, and spend an afternoon Burning the incense pacifies a
with the widow. When the Emperor swarm of angry bees.
passed, Meixiu’s villa displayed
a white banner, even long after
the new boy Emperor had been
3. Potting Room
crowned. Rows of stacked and sealed clay
pots fill this chamber. Curiously, a
Though the placid boy took no number of bees work together to drag
notice of the slight, his advisors did. a honeycomb into a jar.
And knowing the influence a secret
lover of the former Emperor might A character who succeeds on a
wield, they took action. Before long, DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
Meixiu was found dead, seemingly check discovers that Meixiu once
from mishandling her bees. carefully harvested her bees’ honey
here. Now, it seems the bees have
Weeks later, the hillside village near continued her process of placing
Meixiu’s home is now abandoned, entire honeycombs in oblong pots
from swarms of bees having chased and sealing them with wax. The
out the inhabitants. Meixiu’s bees, pots are carefully stacked along the
it appears, have gone feral. The walls. Few empty pots remain. If
boy Emperor has put out a call: the heroes disturb the pots, the few
Enter the cave where Meixiu kept lingering bees in this room coalesce
her bees and burn out the hive. into a swarm with half hit points.
Those responsible for clearing
out this pestilence will receive the
Emperor’s favor, along with two
4. Hive Chamber
hundred gold dragons. A successful DC 5 Intelligence
(Investigation) check reveals why
1. A New Hive Meixiu kept her bees in a cave.

The walls of this cave are covered This room, deep within the hillside,
in new-made hives, buzzing with is protected from cold weather, yet
activity. tiny pockholes allow the bees to
enter and exit the cave from above,
Entering this room earns the ire of granting them access to the entire
this swarm of bees, who’ve never hillside unobstructed. Hive boxes
known the care of a beekeeper. of white bamboo sit in neat rows,
filling the room. The hives within

(Order #18242631) Considering Bees • 3

have grown wild, spilling out of 6. The Queen’s Chamber
the boxes, in some cases linking
This unadorned room has a sleeping
together to form enormous hives. The
mat and lantern on the floor. An aged
echo of thousands of buzzing bees
woman sits on a stool, contemplating
reverberates in through the chamber.
a bee as it dances across her fingers.
Several extraordinarily large bees
“The hive has grown strong, has it
emerge from the conglomeratic hives.
not? It shall grow stronger still! And
Three giant bees (as giant wasps) the boy who did this will pay!” With
move quickly to attack the heroes. that, a swarm of bees pours from
As long as the heroes inflict no Meixiu’s mouth.
damage to the hive itself, the other
The swarm of bees she conjures has
bees here continue to work, ignoring
only half hit points. Meixiu fights
the fight. However, should the hives
as a cult fanatic, with a katana [4
take damage, a bee swarm with
(1d8) slashing damage] in place of
maximum hit points forms here.
a dagger. Additionally, Meixiu has
Careful and intrepid characters can no spellcasting, but instead has this
collect three jars of royal jelly here reaction:
with a successful DC 16 Dexterity Swarm Form. As a reaction to taking
check. On a failure, the bees damage, Meixiu can assume the form
consider their hive threatened, as of a fully healed swarm of bees with
above. Royal jelly works as a potion maximum hit points. If the swarm is
of healing. defeated, she reforms in her humanoid
form, retaining her hit points prior to
5. Hive Box Storage transformation into a
Hive boxes in various stages of swarm. Meixiu can use
disrepair are stacked against the this feature again after
walls here. Only a few bees buzz in she completes a short or
this circular chamber. long rest.

Handfuls of bees have begun to

use these boxes for their hives, but
no swarm forms here if the boxes
are disturbed. Instead, a character
disturbing these small hives must
succeed on a DC 10 Charisma
saving throw, taking 1 (1d2)
piercing damage on a failure,
as the bees express their
displeasure at the rough

• Mini-Dungeon Monthly #1
An adventure for four characters of 3rd to 5th level by Justin Andrew Mason.

T he graveyards in Darkbriar are

being harvested for corpses.
The adventurers have been hired to
breast needs to be refilled before
the golomous creation can enter
hyperstate again.
stop the culprit.
Golomous Hounds
The bodies are being stolen for
the mad scientist, Dr. Livingstone Treat as a lesser flesh golem with
who occupies a dilapidated hilltop 12 hp without Multiattack and a
mansion near the city. The remains single Bite instead of a Slam attack.
are used in his experiments to Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
create animated living-dead reach ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3)
servants. piercing damage.
When staking out a graveyard, two Early experiments, they are made
humanoids digging up a grave are up of parts from various breeds of
discovered; two of Dr. Livingstone’s attack dogs.
golomous prototypes. One attacks,
the other flees to the mansion. Golomous Prototype
Treat as a lesser flesh golemm
Golomous Creations of Dr. Livingstone with 25 hp. The groundwork for
All three types of golomous humanoids, prototypes are an
creations are treated as modified amalgam of parts from various
flesh golems sans damage races and genders.
The blood of the creatures has been
Golomous Masterpiece
replaced by a glowing green fluid Treat as a flesh golem. The
which is pumped by mechanical first fully cognitive creature Dr.
hearts that require daily charging. Livingstone has created. Her body
Protruding wires and tubing hint was fashioned from the remains
that their animation is scientific of identical twin sisters whose
rather than arcane in nature. They memories have merged to create
have the following feature: a unique personality. She is
unwilling to do the doctor’s bidding.
Hyperstate. On the turn after
a golomous creation has taken
a total of 10 or more damage,
Livingstone Mansion
its mechanical heart releases The mansion is in disrepair and the
adrenaline, and it enters a windows have been boarded. The
hyperstate. This increases the interior is illuminated by electric
golomous creation’s Strength and incandescent bulbs.
Dexterity score by 5 each for one When the adventurers arrive at
hour, but also doubles all damage the mansion a dozen glowing green
the golomous creation takes. Once eyes glare from the shadows as five
used, the adrenaline injector in the golomous hounds attack.

(Order #18242631) Umbravania: The Tirade of Doctor Livingstone • 5

Umbravania: The Tirade of Doctor Livingstone

• Mini-Dungeon Monthly #1
The wind begins to pick up followed #5. Spring-sealed iron doors can
by dark rolling clouds in the sky and be pried open with a combined
the distant rumble of thunder. Strength of 20. Inside is a
laboratory, a battery that seems to
#1. A large double door provides
be harnessing lightning strikes to
entry. Inside the adventures are charge, and a crystalline tube filled
greeted with the sickening aroma of with glowing green fluid which
rotting flesh and cankered blood. suspends a golomous masterpiece.
A downpour of rain begins outside. The doctor scorns the creature
#2. An open-air courtyard encircled for being too willful, and sates
within the mansion. A fountain is that he will “adjust” her behavior.
filled with algae-tainted water that He throws a switch which causes
dances as rain plummets down the masterpiece within to writhe
from above. in agony as she is electrocuted.
When the doctor notices the party,
There is a blindingly bright flash he grabs his electroshot, a coil-
accompanied by a loud crackle of mounted crossbow, and begins
thunder. shooting.
#3 & #4. Whatever purpose these Electroshot. Ranged Weapon Attack:
rooms once served, they now house +2 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one target.
refuse and scattered coffins. Various Hit: 7 (2d6) lightning damage. If the
body parts litter the floor and target is a creature, it must succeed on
swarms of flies buzz about. a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On
a failure, the target is stunned for 1d4
The roar of rain becomes louder. rounds. The electroshot has 6 charges
Lighting erratically flashes and the and each shot consumes 1 charge.
floor trembles from thunder.
If 5 or more of the machines in
Rooms A-H. Each room contains
Rooms A-H have their switches
two occupied charging bays for
set to 9, then the battery is drained
prototypes and a machine with two
before the shock treatment drives
switches. One switch is numbered
the masterpiece insane. When
3/9. The other is labeled 6/9.
released she will become a potential
The sum of the switch settings
ally. However, if the battery is not
determines how much electricity
drained, the shock treatment drives
is being drawn from the battery in
her insane and she busts from the
room #5 and channeled into the
glass tube and attacks.
bays. If the total of both switches is
more than 10, then the prototypes Six syringes of adrenaline can be
are awake and attack if they see found on the tables. In addition to
the party. If changed from below refilling a golomous creation, an
10 to above 10, the bulbs in the adrenaline syringe can be injected
room dim. To determine the default with a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine)
settings of a room roll 1d4 for each check into the heart of a living
switch. 1-2 = low number, 3-4 = target who has failed their final
high number. Death saving throw to gain one
extra chance.

(Order #18242631) Umbravania: The Tirade of Doctor Livingstone • 7

Roots of Yggdrasil

• Mini-Dungeon Monthly #1
An adventure for four characters of 5th to 8th level by Jonathan G. Nelson.

T he Yggdrasil, a tree so immense

that its trunk crosses planar
boundaries, roots so deep, they bury
and obtain entry for the party. If
the party attempts to force their
way in, the wood woad will attack
themselves in the fog-filled realm and 1d4+2 twig blights will attack
of Niflheim. The roots of Yggdrasil the party from behind. The wood
are eternally gnawed by the great woad treats the roots as individual
wyrm Níðhöggr and her voracious trees when using its Tree Stride
offspring. feature.
Plot Hook. A person important to 2. Engulfed Roots. Roots dangle
the party has been kidnapped and from the ceiling here; a successful
is being held deep in the roots of DC 18 Intelligence (Nature) or
Yggdrasil. DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
check reveals the roots are
Entering the roots of Yggdrasil
actually some kind of creature,
is no easy task as the great wyrm
the wandering roots of Yggdrasil
Níðhöggr gnaws a huge section of
(shambling mound). If the creature
the roots, thus creating entrances
is not detected, it drops directly
similar to caves. Adventurers will
onto a random member of the party
have to come up with a foolproof
(roll 1d4), who must succeed on a
plan in order to sneak past (with
DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be
a successful DC 15 Dexterity
grappled and affected by its Engulf
(Stealth) check) and enter these
feature. If a greater challenge is
natural root caves.
needed, 1d4 vine blights may
Respect your Roots. Dryads emerge from nearby passages and
fervently protect the roots of attack the party.
Yggdrasil, should the party cause
3. Dead Ends. The entrance to each
any harm to the roots 1d4+4 dryads
of the dead ends in this area has
will show up and attack the party.
one piercer hiding above, waiting
The dryads can traverse the roots
for prey to fall upon. At the end of
just like individual trees by using
each root passage is a small pool
their Tree Stride feature. If the GM
of liquid. If consumed by a party
wants to increase the challenge,
member or enemy (occupants know
they may add 1d2 green hags and
of the beneficial effects), they are
1d4 twig blights.
affected as if drinking one of the
1. Hole in the Roots. The strong following magic potions. Only one
smell of earth assaults one's liquid may be in effect per target at
senses. Four shriekers scream out any given time, and each pool only
as the group enters. One wood has enough doses for a single target.
woad stands guard just inside the If the liquid is bottled or otherwise
entrance and won’t allow anyone transported, it becomes normal
to pass. A character who reveres water.
nature may make a successful DC
15 Charisma (Persuasion) check

(Order #18242631) Roots of Yggdrasil • 9

1d12 Color Similar to Potion of...
1 Brown, silver, and grey layers Climbing
2 Red, glimmering Healing
3 Red, glimmering Greater Healing
4 Red, glimmering Superior Healing
5 Yellow Clairvoyance
6 Red with tiny beads of silver Diminution
7 Blue, bubbles and steams as if hot Heroism
8 Purple with streaks of pink Mind Reading
9 Clear with cloudy white impurities Flying
10 Amber Longevity
11 Yellow with black swirls Speed
12 Crimson Vitality

4. Root Randomness. Roll 1d4 each 8. The Kidnapped. The person the
time the party passes this spot. 1 party seeks is held here, bound with
= 1d2 wood woads, 2 = 1d2 green roots and gagged.
hags, 3 = one earth elemental, 4 =
one wood woad & one green hag.
5. Slaves for Styx. A mezzoloth
entered the roots through a two-
way gate in order to gather new
slaves for her ship on the River
Styx. As soon as she sees or
hears the party coming, she casts
darkness followed by cloudkill, after
which she moves in and attempts
to overpower the weakest character
and drag them down a dead-end
passage, through a gate to her ship
on the River Styx.
6. Portal to Olympus. A
shimmering two-way permanent
portal here leads to the plane of
7. The Kidnapper. The kidnapper
awaits the arrival of the party here.
As a GM you may use an existing
enemy of the party or a drow
priestess or blackguard.
Treasure. The enemy has 1d4
magic items or potions, left up to
the GM.
(Order10 • Mini-Dungeon Monthly #1
An adventure for four characters of 10th to 12th level by Jonathan G. Nelson.

O ne-thousand years ago, the

tunnels of Jade Mountain were
used to mine the namesake stone.
2. Ynis, the elven priest kneels
before the fire in this room, praying
to her goddess. She will welcome
Once dark, fraught with danger, the characters into the temple
and frequented by accidental so long as they do no harm. The
death and murder, haunted spirits cursed mining pick rests upon the
now cling to the area. After the grey stones surrounding the fire.
mines closed, Ynis, a wealthy, yet If touched by a character, they will
incredibly spiritual elven cleric feel uneasy and have disadvantage
came from the nearby province on all rolls made within the
on a pilgrimage and had what she dungeon. If the mining pick is
thought was a vision (actually a carried by a character, they have
ghost). She took this as a sign from to succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom
her goddess and came to construct saving throw every 1d6 rounds or
a lavish compound, bringing many be affected by confusion until the
from her province. pick is dropped. Ynis is immune
to the effects of the pick thanks to
Just moments before the party
the protection of her goddess, but
arrives, a mining pick is discovered
remains praying in this location or
by Ynis under some rocks outside
cowering with the worshipers in
the cave and brought inside,
Area 3.
causing the spirits of the slain to
awaken (see Areas 5, 6, 7). This 3. A group of 20 worshippers cower
cursed mining pick was used long here and are completely vulnerable
ago by a horrific and unsavory to attacks from roaming undead.
individual who murdered many in Treat each worshipper as AC 10, hp
cold blood. 1, no attacks. Each character will
obtain 50 XP per worshiper that
Curse of the Slain. Until this curse
survives the module.
is lifted, all living beings roll a d4
and subtract the result from all 4. This room has the temple’s
saving throws in the complex. treasure stores. The door is
magically locked and can only be
1. Two fires burn brightly in this
opened by answering the riddle
room. There are nine pillars here,
carved in elvish “Many ask for me,
each of which has a word carved
but when I’m given, most don’t
upon it in elvish. These words
take me”. Answer: Advice. Inside
combine to form a riddle, the
the room are hundreds of religious
answer of which must be given in
manuscripts worth over 2,500
order to enter either of the double
gp to any major temple, and two
doors to the west. “A push with
chests filled with gold and gems
no arms, whistle with no breath.”
totaling over 4,500 gp in value. This
Answer: Wind
treasure is the property of a good-
aligned religion/church.

(Order #18242631) Malice on Jade Mountain • 11

Malic on Jade Mountain

(Order12 • Mini-Dungeon Monthly #1

5. This door is locked and requires a the final mummy lord is killed,
successful DC 16 Dexterity (thieves’ maniacal laughter will be heard in
tools) check to unlock. Originally Area 7.
thought to be statues, the three
6. Once the mining pick enters the
monuments are actually upright
room, three ghosts float through
sarcophagi, and each of these holds
the wall and two ghasts push
a mummy lord. One mummy lord is
out old stones and emerge from
released the moment the priest first
embedded space within the walls.
carries the mining pick into Area 2,
Roll 1d10, 1-2: undead remain
which also coincides with the party
here, 3-4: Roam N, 5-6: Roam N
entering Area 1. The first mummy
& E, 7-8: Roam W, 9-10: Roam W
lord breaks down the room’s door
& N.
in 1d4+4 rounds (pounding can be
heard throughout the temple) and 7. This room contains different
will attack and kill all living beings undead each time it is entered. The
on sight, continuing this activity undead rejuvenate if destroyed
in a random direction. Roll 1d4, within one hour. Roll 1d4. 1 =
1: N, 2: S, 3: E, 4: W. The next two three ghosts, two ghasts, 2 =
mummy lords do the same once the three revenants, 3 = two wraiths,
previous lord has been slain. Once two ghosts, two ghasts, 4 = six
banshees. The skeleton of the
murderer is embedded in the wall
of this room behind some loose
stones which are spotted with a
DC 18 (or DC 12 if laughter has
started) Wisdom (Perception) or
Intelligence (Investigation) check.
If the skeleton and the associated
cursed mining pick are removed
from the complex, or destroyed
entirely (by striking the bones with
the pick), the curse will be lifted,
all undead crumble to dust, and the
characters obtain 1,000 XP each, as
well as the praise and endorsement
of the church.

(Order #18242631) Malice on Jade Mountain • 13

Carnival of the Clown King

(Order14 • Mini-Dungeon Monthly #1

An adventure for any number of characters of any level by Justin Andrew Mason.

T he party has been hired to

escort a merchant caravan
through a mountain pass. The
The base-jumping figure lands a
stretch ahead of the adventurers,
releasing the cords from its
narrow ravine is dwarfed on either parachute. It is a gnarly and an
side by towering cliffs, and despite aged goblin sporting a knee-length,
rumors of a bandit chokepoint, it silvery fu manchu.
is the only route for the caravan to
Speaking in broken common, the
goblin says:
This adventure is scaled for
“Hail trav’lerz! I’ze Smallz, first
difficulty based on the level of the
hand ofz the Clown King, Bigz. Youz
characters. The goblins in this
adventure were born in servitude, be’n robbed, but if you leavez da
and trained as carnival performers. wagons, wez let you pass a’livin.”
They escaped when the Clown He finishes with a friendly gesture
King, Bigz (ogre chieftain), towards the pass.
slaughtered the ringmasters and led
his goblin friends to freedom in the If the characters do anything other
mountains. than agree, Smallz will attempt
to throw two explosive vials he is
Goblins. If the characters are levels holding at or near the front wagon
1-5, then there are 20 goblins in the before fleeing.
troupe; 50 goblins for levels 6-10, Explosive Vials. Ranged Weapon
and 75 goblins for levels 11+. Attack: +4 to hit; range 30/60 ft., one
target. Hit: 1 (1d2) slashing damage.
1. Dancing Dead Additionally, the vial detonates, and
As the group nears the mountain all targets within a 30-ft.-sphere must
pass, the steep ascent on either succeed on a DC 10 [levels 1-5], DC
side forces the caravan to maintain 15 [levels 6-10] or DC 18 [levels 11+]
a linear configuration. On either Dexterity saving throw or take 10
side of the narrow entrance two (3d6) points of fire damage, or half as
rotting human corpses have been much on a successful save.
suspended against the cliffs. Each
pair is posed as a dancing couple. Otherwise, they are allowed to
enter the pass, but are still attacked
2. Special Delivery later.
As the caravan nears the pass
entrance, a figure dives off a cliff 3. Colorful Rain
edge nearly five hundred feet high. As the adventurers traverse the
As it falls, a pyramidal parachute pass, they notice dozens of goblins
deploys and it begins to glide watching their advance from the
directly towards the caravan. cliffs 100 ft. above the road. When

(Order #18242631) Carnival of the Clown King • 15

the caravan reaches this narrowest supporting web latticework where
point, a hailstorm of sling stones they will plummet and attack again
plummets down from above. the following round. If a goblin’s
attack misses its target, the target
Each exposed creature is subject
may use its reaction to make an
to 2 sling attacks from the goblins
opportunity attack against the
above, which are made with
goblin. A successful attack that
deals acid, fire, piercing, or slashing
Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to damage will also sever the goblin’s
hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 2 cord, leaving it prone. The number
(1d4) bludgeoning damage. The sling of bobbing goblins is equal to one
stones have all been brightly painted fourth the size of the troupe.
with festive face designs.

The maximum number of goblin

6. King of Clowns
attacks is equal to half of the troupe Nearing the exit of the pass, a
size. massive figure obstructs the road:
an extremely large and bulbously
fat ogre chieftain dressed entirely
4. Roly-Poly Goblins in clown regalia. His face is
Suddenly, several large leather brightly painted, and he wears an
patchwork spheres roll down the oversized papier-mâché crown.
reclined cliffs. The balls come to The Clown King, Bigz, and all
rest, blocking the roadway, and remaining goblins advance upon
the top halves pop off. From each the characters.
rises a goblin armed with a sling
and six small acid-filled glass In addition to individual monster
bullets. As Sling attack above, treasure, if the cliffs are searched,
save that the attacks are not made the characters will find several large
with disadvantage, and the bullets stashes of common trade goods with
shatter upon impact, dealing an a total market value of 1,000 gp, +
additional 2 (1d4) acid damage on 25 gp for each goblin in the troupe.
a hit. After unloading their bullets,
the goblins charge into combat
wielding scimitars. The number of
these roly-poly goblins is equal to
one fourth the size of the troupe.

5. Bobbing Goblins
As the caravan continues, ropes are
slung from one cliff to the other,
forming a makeshift web overhead.
Goblins, secured by elastic sinew
cords, dive off the cliffs. The cords
allow them to plummet to mere
feet above the ground before
bouncing them back up towards the

(Order16 • Mini-Dungeon Monthly #1

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abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other with every copy of the Open Game Content You distribute.
trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the
identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You
excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to
identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with
to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the
“Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental
and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so
“You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. affected.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to termination of this License.
or subtracted from this License except as described by the License 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
Content distributed using this License. necessary to make it enforceable.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
Open Game License v 1.0a, © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; .
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty- System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the
free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
the Open Game Content. Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient Mini-Dungeon Monthly ©2019, AAW Games.
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. End of License

(Order #18242631)
(Order #18242631)
(Order #18242631)

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