Inappropriate Teacher Behaviors

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 3B38D80D-8DF3-426A-8902-36195858D04A


As a cultural exchange representative of EPI, my school, and my country, I will do all in my power to avoid the following
situations (personal, procedural, and regarding students). I understand that these behaviors can jeopardize my
reputation and, in some cases, lead to termination from my teaching position.


_____ Improper dress

_____ Failure to practice healthy hygiene (deodorant, appropriate clothing, etc.)

_____ Inappropriate behavior either in the class, school or community

_____ Bringing alcohol or illegal drugs to school – even in my car

_____ Drinking to excess

_____ Possession or use of illegal drugs


_____ Poor attendance

_____ Habitual tardiness

_____ Non-compliance with established work schedules

_____ Unwillingness to sign in and out as required by the school

_____ Failure to obtain permission to leave the school’s campus during school hours

_____ Failure to call the principal or designee to report your absence from school
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3B38D80D-8DF3-426A-8902-36195858D04A

_____ Lack of firm but fair classroom management rules, procedures, and consequences

_____ Failure to write and turn in lesson plans

_____ Failure to follow individual or student safety procedures (laboratory, fire, etc.)

_____ Failure to follow state/district curriculum guidelines and pacing suggestions

_____ Lack of documentation of discipline issues or parental contacts

_____ Failure to follow directives from principal, assistant principal, or as contained in the school/faculty handbook

_____ Failure to follow local Board of Education policies

Regarding Students:

_____ Using physical force as a means of discipline (grabbing or hitting students, or other means of restraining students,
i.e. tape, etc.)

_____ Physical contact with a student (Any touching of a student may be misinterpreted by the student and/or his/her

_____ Washing a student’s face as a means to control behavior

_____ Socializing with students outside of a school-sanctioned activity

_____ Being alone with just one student in any environment, especially with the door shut

_____ Leaving students alone in the classroom

_____ Transporting a student or students in your car

_____ Participation in any type of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Vine, etc.) referring to
or using any image of a student, the school, or your job as a teacher

I have received a copy of this Inappropriate Teacher Behaviors document. I have reviewed and understand all of the
information contained.

Jose Javier Puerto Benito 3/18/2021 | 3:13 PM EDT

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ __________________
Signature Name Date

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