Instadock: A Single-Click Graphical User Interface For Molecular Docking-Based Virtual High-Throughput Screening

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Briefings in Bioinformatics, 22(4), 2021, 1–8
Problem Solving Protocol

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InstaDock: A single-click graphical user interface
for molecular docking-based virtual high-throughput
Taj Mohammad †, Yash Mathur† and Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan
Corresponding author: Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan, PhD, FRSB, FRSC, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar,
New Delhi 110025, India. E-mail:
† These authors contributed equally to this work.

Exploring protein–ligand interactions is a subject of immense interest, as it provides deeper insights into molecular
recognition, mechanism of interaction and subsequent functions. Predicting an accurate model for a protein–ligand
interaction is a challenging task. Molecular docking is a computational method used for predicting the preferred orientation,
binding conformations and the binding affinity of a ligand to a macromolecular target, especially protein. It has been
applied in ‘virtual high-throughput screening’ of chemical libraries containing millions of compounds to find potential
leads in drug design and discovery. Here, we have developed InstaDock, a free and open access Graphical User Interface
(GUI) program that performs molecular docking and high-throughput virtual screening efficiently. InstaDock is a single-click
GUI that uses QuickVina-W, a modified version of AutoDock Vina for docking calculations, made especially for the
convenience of non-bioinformaticians and for people who are not experts in using computers. InstaDock facilitates onboard
analysis of docking and visual results in just a single click. To sum up, InstaDock is the easiest and more interactive
interface than ever existing GUIs for molecular docking and high-throughput virtual screening. InstaDock is freely available
for academic and industrial research purposes via

Key words: InstaDock; docking tool; protein–ligand interaction; virtual screening; virtual high-throughput screening; drug
discovery; AutoDock Vina; QuickVina-W; docking GUI

Introduction Molecular docking is used to find the most favorable orienta-

Studying protein–ligand interactions using molecular docking is tions, binding conformations, strength and binding affinities of
one of the most widely used approaches in drug development small molecules to a particular target [2]. On one hand, docking
and discovery [1]. Classically, the process starts with three- a single molecule is useful in exploring the mechanism of action
dimensional structures of the known biological target of of the target and its molecular functions. On the other hand,
therapeutic interest and small molecules of medicinal interest. virtual screening is used to identify potential molecules by

Taj Mohammad is doctoral candidate working as a senior research fellow at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia,
New Delhi, India. His research interests lie in genomic and proteomic analysis over complex diseases, disease modeling, structure-based drug discovery
and NGS analytics.
Yash Mathur is an avid programmer at the Department of Computer Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India. He codes with Python, Perl, Java and
C++. His areas of interest include computational biology, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan is working as an assistant professor having the distinction of being a fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, UK, and fellow of Royal
Society of Chemistry, UK. He has a vast experience in the area of structure-based drug design and discovery.
Submitted: 14 July 2020; Received (in revised form): 21 September 2020

© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

2 Mohammad et al.

searching and ranking them in certain chemical libraries that

may effectively bind to the target, used in the drug development
process [3] Figure S1.
Several free and commercial docking and virtual screening
programs as Graphical User Interface (GUI) exist [4]. Most of
these programs not only require multiple complementary tools
for each and every task but also require advanced skills in
computers and program handling. In addition, most of the

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docking tools do not provide multiple parameters such as
binding affinity, pKi, torsional energy and ligand efficiency in
a single run. It is quite challenging for the non-expert users to
perform molecular docking-based virtual screening directly at
a universal platform, as the process involves a large number of
steps, limiting available GUIs.
InstaDock is a Windows-based platform for docking simu-
lations and virtual screening. It has been developed with the
purpose to resolve the above-mentioned hitches and to make
the GUI user-friendly. It is a single-click executable file that
uses QuickVina-W [5], a modified version of AutoDock Vina for Figure 1. The home window of InstaDock.
the docking process [6], and Open Babel for the conversion of
different molecular file formats and coordinates preparation [7].
It uses RasMol version 2.7.5 for visualization purposes [8, 9] based on their binding affinity values and fetches the num-
and several custom-made InstaDock algorithms and programs ber of required hits. It can be used to identify the top hits
written in Python for processing and execution. from the docking result by just clicking the ‘Hit Identifier’
InstaDock automizes the entire process of molecular docking option in the Additional Tools section under the Tools menu
and virtual screening procedure in just a single click. It is a versa- and entering a reasonable number of hits. It creates a sub-
tile application that can be used on several different file formats directory after the user prompt which contains ‘docked out
of receptors and ligands as input. When the ‘start button’ is files’ of the user-supplied hits.
clicked, InstaDock automatically detects the receptor and pro- (vi) Vina Splitter (Vina Out-files): It can be used to split all pos-
cesses it for docking. It generates a search space configuration sible docked conformers from the ‘out files’ generated by
(grid) parameter file and subsequently detects the ligands and QuickVina-W/AutoDock Vina. If the user wants to split the
processes them to PDBQT format and assigns appropriate atom Vina-resultant ‘out file’ into possible conformers, one only
types if necessary, in just one go. After docking calculations, has to click on the ‘Vina Splitter’ option in the Additional
it creates a ‘result folder’ in the working directory, which con- Tools section under the Tools menu. This leads to a popup
tains docking results in the form of docked files, affinity scores, that allows the user to browse the ligand as per requirement
directed top hits and their splitted conformers. It also contains and then split it into multiple conformers and store them to
a brief write-up of the procedure and results for further analysis a new subdirectory.
and subsequent publication. (vii) Library Splitter: This tool splits a library of ligands into mul-
Additionally, InstaDock contains different standalone pro- tiple files. If the user wants to split a combined library,
grams that can be employed for ‘user-directed docking’, virtual he/she just has to click on the ‘Library Splitter’ option in
screening and various other individual tasks (Figure 3B). The the Additional Tools section under the Tools menu to split
tools section of the GUI gives the user the freedom to execute it into separate ligand files.
individual programs, which InstaDock does automatically. Such (viii) Inspect PDB: It can be used to examine the receptor PDB file
as: for any inconsistencies that might affect the docking result.
(i) Prepare Receptor: It prepares the receptor file from the input (ix) Visualizer and Complex Maker: It can be used to visualize
protein found in the working directory. the protein–ligand interactions in a three-dimensional view.
(ii) Generate Config: It generates a grid parameter file ‘conf.txt’ This also creates a protein–ligand complex for the job being
for the given receptor. If the user wants to create a grid visualized, under a subdirectory named ‘Selected Docked
parameter file for a receptor, he/she just has to go to the Complex(es)’.
‘Tools’ menu and click the ‘Generate Config’. InstaDock suite is a front-end GUI written in Python to
(iii) Prepare Ligand(s): It prepares the ligand files for all the perform docking experiments in Windows-based computers.
ligands detected in the working directory. It automizes the continuous docking of a large library of small
(iv) File Converter: It converts different file formats into PDBQT molecules against a particular target. All predictive and analytic
files. If the user wants to convert different files into functions in InstaDock are automated, and the results are
AutoDock standard format, that is PDBQT, it can be done obtained interactively through a user-friendly interface. The
by just clicking on ‘File Converter’ in the ‘Additional Tools’ home window of InstaDock is illustrated in Figure 1.
section under the Tools menu and it automatically converts
any standard format (‘.pdb’, ‘.sdf’, ‘.mol’, ‘.mol2’) into
‘.pdbqt’ files. Comparisons with other GUIs
(v) Hit Identifier: This tool searches for the ‘docked out files’ Several docking and virtual screening programs have been devel-
generated by QuickVina-W/AutoDock Vina and sorts them oped and released as GUIs, such as Raccoon [10], PaDEL-ADV
InstaDock: A single-click molecular docking suite 3

Table 1. A comparison of InstaDock with the common docking GUI programs employing AutoDock Vina

Program Feature∗
Automation ADT Multiple QuickVina-W Visualization OS Write-up
dependency parameters

InstaDock  No    W 
Raccoon × Yes × ×  M ×
PaDEL-ADV × Yes × × × M ×

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PyRx × Yes × ×  M ×
AUDocker LE × Yes  × × W ×
DockingApp × Yes  ×  M ×
EasyDockVina × Yes × × × W ×
MOLA × Yes × × × L ×
DockoMatic × Yes × ×  L ×
VSDK × Yes × × × W ×

Automation: single-click execution; ADT dependency: dependency on AutoDock tools for input file preparation; multiple parameters: generating multiple docking
parameters, such as binding affinity, pKi, torsional energy and ligand efficiency; QuickVina-W: using QuickVina-W for docking calculation; visualization: facilitating
onboard visualization of protein–ligand docked complex; OS: operating system, W—Windows, M—Multiple OS and L—Linux-based OS; write-up: the result summary
of the generated output.

[11], PyRx [12], AUDocker LE [13], VSDocker [14], DockingApp [15], Experimental design
MOLA [16], DockoMatic [17], etc. Most of these programs have
AutoDock Vina and molecular docking
serious limitations as they require multiple complementary
tools for different tasks, such as receptor preparation, generating AutoDock Vina is a freely available turnkey docking method that
grid parameters, converting different molecular file formats, has been utilized for protein–ligand docking. It is a fast and effec-
ligand preprocessing and visualization. In addition, they are tive method designed for generic docking. It works by accepting
generally overcomplicated and uninteresting for non-experts. receptor and ligand coordinate files for predicting optimally
These programs are restrictive in many aspects with tedious docked conformations for most systems [6]. Here, in InstaDock,
applications that demand the user to understand the command we have used QuickVina-W, which is created by modifying the
prompt and to follow many steps. Typically, they require receptor search strategy of AutoDock Vina without modifying the scoring
and ligand files in AutoDock standard file format, that is PDBQT function nor the interface (input parameters and output format)
to be created through MGL AutoDock Tools (ADT) (https://ccsb. and is dedicated to blind docking [5]. [18]. They also require grid parameter
file that contains the search space configuration for a receptor,
to be created using ADT or additional program. InstaDock on
the other hand presents itself as a single-click executable file InstaDock and virtual screening
that automizes the conventional way of molecular docking
Virtual screening is one of the primary applications of molecular
and high-throughput virtual screening. Additionally, it pro-
docking. It has numerous accomplishments in the lead discovery
vides multiple docking parameters such as binding affinity,
of various therapeutic developments [21]. Virtual screening is
pKi, torsional energy and ligand efficiency for a compound
used to screen a large library of compounds in the identification
[19]. A comparison of InstaDock with the common docking
of high-affinity binding partners of a target receptor for experi-
GUI programs employing AutoDock Vina has been shown
mental evaluation [22]. InstaDock is a front-end GUI, designed to
in Table 1.
simplify the virtual screening steps and analyze the resultant
output. InstaDock uses novel methods created to automatize
Applications of InstaDock the process of computational docking and virtual screening. It
has the capability of docking n number of ligands in an orderly
InstaDock aims to be as popular or even go beyond the scope of
fashion. Some of the key features of InstaDock consist of the
available docking programs based on AutoDock Vina. InstaDock
shall be widely used in the modern drug discovery pipeline as
AutoDock Vina is a popular docking program used worldwide (i) Executable docking program of QuickVina-W
with over 12,000 citations [6]. AutoDock Vina has the highest (ii) Automated detection of target receptor and ligand(s) based
binding affinity estimation power (scoring power) among 10 on their content (amino acid and heteroatoms composition)
commonly used docking programs [20]. It has higher binding (iii) Receptor preprocessing, ADT-like coordinates preparation
pose prediction accuracy power (sampling power) than most and config generation
of these applications [20]. We have employed QuickVina-W, a (iv) Preprocessing of ligands and management of their large
program based on AutoDock Vina, in such a manner that it collection
can be used for molecular docking and high-throughput virtual (v) Receptor inspection for possible discrepancies that might
screening by even non-bioinformaticians and people with very affect docking result and provide suggestions
little knowledge of computers. This greatly enhances its scope (vi) User choice to provide input files and docking parameters
of usefulness. We are presenting InstaDock as a tool for docking- (vii) Graphical management of jobs and real-time progress bar
based virtual screening of thousands of ligands against a target (shows screening progress and alerts on pop-up windows)
receptor, making it the easiest tool to be used in a structure- (viii) Automated retrieval and preprocessing of results
based drug discovery process. (ix) User-friendly filtering of virtual screening results
4 Mohammad et al.

(x) Onboard visualization and the complex making of receptor–

ligand interactions
(xi) Exportation of filtered results and post-docking analysis
(facilitates filtering and scoring of ligands and visualization
for protein–ligand interaction analysis)
(xii) A brief write-up of the procedure and result output

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Coordinate preparation for receptor and ligands
Molecular docking needs the user to pay attention to the quality
of the coordinates of the receptor and ligand. InstaDock uses
AutoDock standard Protein Data Bank (PDB) file refined format
termed ‘PDBQT’ that follows united atom representation and a
simplified typing of atoms. InstaDock preprocesses input files
and prepares ADT-like coordinates for the receptor and the
ligands while utilizing Open Babel and a set of custom-made
Python scripts. During ligand preparation, InstaDock considers
ligands to be fully flexible for docking by default; however, users
can supply their ADT-prepared files or even inactive or specify
the torsional degrees of freedom for a molecule.

Search space
InstaDock uses a dynamic custom-made ‘autogrid’ algorithm to
generate grid parameters covering the receptor’s whole space
with an additional margin for blind docking. This algorithm
generates a ‘config file’, which contains the center, and the size
of the grid box for a receptor, calculated using the supplied
coordinates. However, the user can supply their ADT-prepared
grid parameter file ‘conf.txt’ defining the box configuration to Figure 2. Workflow of the InstaDock program that is divided into three major
be searched for site-specific docking. Users can also specify the steps: (i) input of receptor and ligand(s), (ii) docking simulations of the receptor–
ligand system using QuickVina-W and (iii) output containing docking result.
‘maximum number of poses’ to be produced for a ligand and
other parameters in the ‘conf.txt’ file.
InstaDock uses automated scripts for batch processing
of compounds library and receptor. As receptor coordinates
deposited in the PDB often have various issues that need QuickVina-W for protein–ligand docking, Open Babel for
attention. Making sure that only one set of coordinates out molecular conversion and RasMol for molecular visualization.
of the available alternate conformations is selected, including For docking, to predict the protein–ligand interactions and
only the crucial cofactors, is an essential step before docking. their binding affinities, the program first prepares the receptor
Users are also recommended to check that essential residues and ligand files. It then performs the grid-accelerated dock-
or loops are not missing from the coordinates; otherwise, it ing based on a hybrid scoring function and search algorithm
needs remodeling the receptor before going for computational employed in QuickVina-W, originally adopted from AutoDock
docking or virtual screening [18]. InstaDock facilitates the ‘PDB Vina. The program prepared a grid box having blind search
inspection’ function for examining receptor files for possible space parameters with spacing 1.0 Å for the receptor. However,
discrepancies that might affect docking results and suggesting InstaDock can also incorporate the spatial constraints and other
their solutions. parameters provided by the users. Thereafter, the best conform-
ers for every ligand generated by the program are clustered and
ranked by their affinity score. In the virtual screening process,
while extracting the top hits, InstaDock identifies top-ranked lig-
Materials and methods ands based on their binding affinity toward the receptor. Finally,
Hardware, software and start data the top-scoring compounds are separately available for users
in the subdirectory of the ‘results folder’ for further analysis.
(i) Computer: Windows operating system version ‘8’ or ‘higher’
In addition, the docking result can be analyzed by the inbuilt
(ii) Integrated standard programs: QuickVina-W, Open Babel
visualizer available in the Tools menu to identify the key residues
3.3.1 and RasMol 2.7.5
in the protein–ligand binding interface. A typical pipeline for
(iii) Several standalone InstaDock programs written in Python
InstaDock is shown in Figure 2.
(iv) Coordinate files for receptor and ligand (in any standard
format, including PDB, SDF, MOL and MOL2)

Workflow of InstaDock The user is required to put the receptor and ligand files in the
same directory of InstaDock as follows.
InstaDock is a tool that integrates several Python programs
developed by us for integration, execution and analysis of (i) Coordinate file for the receptor (in a variety of formats,
the docking. It uses a few third-party programs, namely including PDB, MOL, MOL2 and SDF)
InstaDock: A single-click molecular docking suite 5

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Figure 3. Post-docking windows of InstaDock. (A) A userprompt after the virtual screening to identify hit molecules. (B) Tools menu consisting of different
standalone programs for individual tasks. (C) Ligand and receptor browser for visualization purposes. (D) A molecular visualization interface for receptor–ligand
interaction analysis.

(ii) Coordinate file for ligand(s) (in a variety of formats, includ- InstaDock under the Additional Tools section in the Tools menu
ing PDB, MOL, MOL2 and SDF) (Figure 3B).
(iii) Grid parameter file (optional) for user-defined spatial con-
straints and other parameters
Single docking experiment
Place the receptor and ligand files in the same directory as
As the user hits the ‘START’ button, the program starts running, InstaDock. The receptor and ligand files can be of any standard
and the job status information is displayed on the ‘progress chemical format, such as PDB, SDF, MOL, MOL2 or PDBQT. First-
bar’ of the ‘home window’ of InstaDock (Figure 1). InstaDock time users are required to install Open Babel 3.3.1 from the ‘Help’
performs the following tasks immediately after initialization: section for file conversion purposes. Hit the START button to
(i) Receptor preparation initiate the automatic docking process and wait for the output.
(ii) Generation of grid parameters for search space InstaDock performs blind docking by-default for typical lig-
(iii) Ligand(s) preparation and–protein systems. However, the users can perform docking
(iv) Docking calculation and scoring as desired by doing several refinement, and defining parameters
in the input files before proceeding for automated docking. To
perform ‘user-directed docking’ as described in this paper, we
recommend users to perform the required steps for a particular
task where they can choose ‘Prepare receptor’, ‘Prepare ligand’
Once the docking calculations are finished, InstaDock prompts and ‘Generate Config’ options under the Tools menu to create
the user to identify the number of the hits (Figure 3A) and creates input files and modify before hitting the START button. If in any
a ‘result folder’ containing the following output: case, a warning pop-up window appears, read the instructions
there and restart the process.
(i) The ‘out-file’ and ‘log-file’ for each ligand in the working
After completion, InstaDock creates a ‘result folder’ in
the working directory containing the docking output and a
(ii) A ‘CSV’ file containing the binding affinities, pKi, torsional
brief write-up. It will write a docked coordinate file ‘Ligand-
energy and ligand efficiency for each compound
Name_out.pdbqt’ containing possible docked conformations
(iii) Hit(s) and their docked conformers
and ‘LigandName_log.log’ containing affinity values toward
(iv) A brief write-up for the job
the target receptor. The docking program gives multiple docked
Users can further visualize and analyze the resultant files poses flipped end to end, with highest to lower affinity, based
while using the inbuilt ‘Visualizer and Complex Maker’ of on the defined number of maximum poses to be produced.
6 Mohammad et al.

To visualize the results from InstaDock, the inbuilt RasMol ligands first from the Tools menu of InstaDock by clicking ‘Tools
program can be used by just choosing the docked ‘out file’ → Prepare Ligands’. Edit the ligand ‘PDBQT’ in any ‘text editor’ by
and the receptor PDB. This will also create a docked complex specifying active torsions, ‘A’ for Active and ‘I’ for Inactive, before
of the receptor and the selected ligand. Users can access clicking the START button for docking.
this program by clicking the ‘Visualizer and Complex Maker’ InstaDock automatically removes all co-crystallized ligand(s),
tab in the Additional Tools section under the Tools menu water and cofactors from the receptor before docking. The user
(Figure 3B–D). The protein–ligand complex file can then be found can deal with cofactors and/or co-crystallized ligand(s) sepa-
in a subdirectory named ‘Selected Docked Complex(es)’. rately by preparing the receptor from the Tools menu of Insta-

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Dock by clicking ‘Additional Tools → File Converter’. This tool
Virtual screening with InstaDock converts the receptor file into ‘.pdbqt’ without removing cofac-
tors and co-crystallized ligands. Edit the receptor ‘.pdbqt’ in any
The process of virtual screening using InstaDock is just the same
text editor and click the START button for docking.
as the docking of a single ligand; it is done by placing InstaDock
For receptor flexibility or docking with flexible side chains,
in the same directory of receptor and ligands and clicking the
users need to specify the residue(s) in the receptor to be treated
START button. If the user provides a single combined library
as flexible. It will need ADT for the preparation of the input files
file of grouped ligands, InstaDock will automatically split the
of the receptor. These files can be supplied in InstaDock for dock-
library into individual ligands and directly uses them for virtual
ing with flexible side chains before hitting the START button. A
screening. This also uses the default set of docking parameters
step-by-step protocol for customizing ‘conf.txt’ and preparing
including the grid box with blind configuration. If users want to
input files for performing AutoDock Vina-based docking with
screen ligands in a site-specific manner, or defining parameters
flexible side chains are described elsewhere [18].
in the input files, then they can follow the process described in
the ‘User-directed docking with InstaDock’ section below.
After clicking the START button, the virtual screening process
starts running with real-time status in the progress bar. Once the
virtual screening is finished, it will prompt the user to fetch the Possible troubleshooting that may come to users while using
number of hits to be separated and it makes a subfolder under InstaDock is discussed in Table 2.
the ‘Result folder’, containing the top hits and their docked
conformers (Figure 3A). The user can input an integer that rea-
sonably signifies the number of hits to be selected based on the Result of InstaDock run
binding affinity scores, and it will create a subfolder containing After completion, InstaDock provides coordinates for one or
the ‘out files’ of the resultant hit molecules and their splitted more optimized poses and their binding affinities for the lig-
conformers. If the users do not want this process to be executed, and(s). The detailed calculated values of all docking terms are
they can just close the window. Users can use this step anytime summarized into a ‘CSV’ file. Virtual screening with InstaDock
in the future to fetch the top hits from the ‘result directory’. allows the docking and ranking of thousands of ligands against a
The users can visualize the receptor–ligand interactions by target receptor. Filtering and analyzing is one of the most impor-
selecting any docked ligand and the receptor from the directory tant steps in virtual screening to identify promising leads from
and make a docked complex (Figure 3D). The users just have a large library of chemical compounds [23]. InstaDock facilitates
to choose the docked conformer of the ligand from the results obtaining effective docking results by filtering compounds based
and the receptor ‘.pdb’ from the working directory and click on their binding affinity with the macromolecular target. The
‘Visualize’ (Figure 3C). obtained hits can be further analyzed based on their specific
interactions with the critical sites on the receptor and their
User-directed docking with InstaDock drug-like properties. Comprehensive detail on docking analysis
is presented elsewhere [18].
InstaDock uses the AutoDock Vina default approach for dock-
ing typical ligand–protein systems [18]. However, one can per-
form ‘user-directed docking’ by doing several refinements and
defining parameters in the input files before proceeding for
Summary and outlook
docking through InstaDock. For site-specific docking, InstaDock Here, we have developed a user-friendly GUI program named
will require to customize the ‘conf.txt’ by the user to specify InstaDock for molecular docking and virtual screening of pro-
a docking box using ADT covering the receptor binding site tein–ligand systems. InstaDock aims to provide a simple and
that will be searched. To do this, open ADT and click ‘Grid → interactive platform to perform molecular docking and virtual
Macromolecule → Open’. ‘Open’ the receptor PDBQT file pre- screening using AutoDock Vina-based program QuickVina-W,
pared through InstaDock, and click ‘Yes’ to preserve the existing which in itself is a quite difficult task for a non-expert. The fields
charges and ‘OK’ to accept. If a warning window appears alerting of molecular docking and virtual screening are the much-needed
some charges irregularities, just click ‘OK’ to proceed. Go to ‘Grid areas of drug discovery, and thus, deployment of InstaDock is
→ Grid Box’ to set the size (number of points in x, y and z bound to greatly enhance the pre-existing procedures. It is a
dimensions) and center of the search space after defining the novel method that may give users the freedom and efficiency
Spacing to 1 Å. Edit ‘conf.txt’ and save in the working directory that is not provided by existing programs. The integration of
and hit the START button of InstaDock to proceed for docking. various standard programs makes it much more efficient to
For rigid docking or to define ligand flexibility, the user can perform docking calculation and virtual screening by non-expert
supply the ADT-prepared ligand files by specifying the torsional users too. The InstaDock is an on-going project and further
degrees of freedom in molecules. Users can also inactive or developments will focus on the integration of additional tools
specify the torsional degrees of freedom in molecules while for calculating physicochemical, ADMET and other drug-like
using any text editor and opening the ligand files prepared properties of chemical compounds, QSAR and pharmacophore
through InstaDock. To do this, we recommend users to prepare mapping with automatic molecular modeling.
InstaDock: A single-click molecular docking suite 7

Table 2. Possible problems and their troubleshooting

S. No. Problem Possible reason Solution

1. InstaDock does not run or InstaDock path setting is Place your working directory in
terminates restricted by the admin account the unrestricted user account (C:
of the system drive) or change your admin
account setting in the system
2. Re-docking do not reproduce the Ligand has too many degrees of Use longer search protocols (by

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affinity and the pose freedom for conformational increasing the maximum
search number of binding modes to be
produced using ‘num_modes’ in
the ‘conf.txt’ file) and compare
or simply use the same random
seed as the previous run
3. InstaDock shows a popup of Multiple receptors or Delete or relocate the extra
multiple receptors receptor–ligand complex(s) in protein files
the working directory
4. InstaDock runs fine but the results There might be multiple reasons Use the ‘Inspect PDB’ tool (under
are not as expected for this issue: ‘Additional Tools’ section of the
There might be multiple chains in ‘Tools’ menu) to check for
the PDB file provided inconsistencies in the PDB file
There might be missing residues provided
in the PDB file provided Check for ligand coordinates and
The ligand file provided may also provide three-dimensional
give unexpected results. This coordinates, if needed
could be due to two-dimensional
coordinates in the given file

Availability Authorship
InstaDock is available through the website: https://www.hassa Conception and study design: T.M., Y.M. and M.I.H. Coding and logical programming: T.M. and Y.M.
Data acquisition: T.M. and Y.M.
Writing–original draft: T.M. and Y.M.
Writing–review and editing: T.M. and M.I.H.
Key Points Final approval of the manuscript: T.M., Y.M. and M.I.H.
• The available GUIs employing AutoDock Vina to
perform molecular docking and virtual screening Acknowledgment
are tedious applications having several serious lim-
T.M. is thankful to the University Grants Commission, India,
itations. They are also quite complex for non-
bioinformatician and people with less knowledge of
for the award of Senior Research Fellowship.
computers and program handling.
• InstaDock has been developed as a front-end GUI plat-
form that performs docking simulations and virtual Funding
screening using AutoDock Vina-based QuickVina-W in
Indian Council of Medical Research (BIC/12(01)/2015).
just a single click.
• It provides users a straightforward single-click inter-
active platform to perform automated continuous Ethical statement
docking of a database of compounds against prede-
fined protein targets. Not applicable.
• It also provides users the onboard analysis and visu-
alization of the results to identify promising lead
molecules for drug discovery.
• InstaDock calculates multiple parameters for the pro- 1. Naqvi AA, Mohammad T, Hasan GM, et al. Advancements
tein–ligand system under study, such as free energy of in docking and molecular dynamics simulations towards
binding, pKi, torsional energy and ligand efficiency. ligand-receptor interactions and structure-function rela-
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