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Health and Happiness

Grammar: hard, hardly
Topic: Health and happiness
1 Read the words with their translation and write them down in your vocabularies. Pronounce
difficult words orthographically.

1. to feel – felt – чувствовать

1. to be (get) tired – быть уставшим, уставать
3. hardly – едва, вряд ли
4. to take a nap - вздремнуть
5. to be in a good (bad) mood – быть в хорошем (плохом) настроении
6. to be (get) stressed – быть в стрессе
7. a century - столетие, век
8. to move – двигаться, переезжать
a movement – движение
9. to develop – развивать
a development – развитие
10. to improve – улучшать
an improvement – улучшение
11. to inspire – вдохновлять
an inspiration – вдохновение
12. a survey – опрос, анкетирование
13. to measure – измерять
14. to add – добавлять
15. available – доступный
16. currently – теперь, в настоящее время

2. Give the definition to the new words or use them in the situation of your own.

3. Read the sentences changing the words in brackets into their English equivalents. Write the
sentences down.
1. Sorry, Mrs. Salvatore is not (доступен) at the moment. Try again later. 2. If you want to cook
(очень вкусный бифштекс), (добавь) this spices. 3. He insisted on (измерить) the whole room
before buying new furniture. 4. This (политическое движение) kept the country in stress in
twentieth of the last (столетия). 5. – (Как ты?) – (Я чувствую себя плохо). May I be free? 6. Let’s
(передвинем) the table closer to the window. 7. – Mrs. Gilbert, what gives you inspiration for
writing your books? – My beloves children. 8. They knew (развитие) of industry would go for the
country. 9. (- Вы в хорошем настроении?) – No, I am (в стрессовом состоянии). 10. They (в
настоящее время) try (развивать) both education and art. 11. (Вы устали) yesterday after such a
long walking to the mountains? – Yes, I was, but it was still worth (пробовать).

4. Read and remember

5. a) Read the sentences, translate them into Russian. b) Make up as many sentences of the kind
as you can and write them down.

I can hardly improve her mood.

He can hardly take a nap if you are singing.
We can hardly make a reservation in advance.
He is not the children's relative. He hardly ever saw them.
You can hardly feel how I felt that moment.
They will hardly give the results of the survey tomorrow.
These people could hardly live in the last century.
He was hardly available at that moment.
The woman could hardly carry the heavy bags to the left- luggage office by herself.
They are not friends. They hardly ever speak with one another.

6. Cover the left side of the page and translate the word combination and sentences in 2 min and
write them down.

7. Write ex. 6 in the form of dictation. Before the dictation pronounce orthographically the difficult
words offered by your teacher and write them down.

8. Reading and speaking

1. How well do you sleep?
Do you feel tired today? Why\Why not?
What time do people normally get up in your country? How late do they stay up? Do they ever
take nap in the afternoon?
How does this change during the year? Do people sleep longer in summer or in winter?

2. Look at the position of adverbs and expressions of frequency in the example sentences in the
grammar box. Then choose the correct options to complete the rules (a-b).

a) An adverb of frequency goes after\before the verb to be but it normally goes after\before the
main verb.
b) An expression of frequency usually goes at the beginning\in the middle or at the end of the

3. Let’s talk using these expressions. Use an adverb or an expression of frequency in your answers.

Do exercise take public transport eat out in restaurants

Do gardening play board games check your emails
Be late for work read a novel in the bath be in a bad mood

Go on holiday be busy at weekend be stressed at work

1. The secrets of long life

Who is the oldest person you know? How old are they? How healthy is their life style?

2. Read the article below and answer the questions.

1. Why are the people of Okinawa famous?

2. What are the reasons for their good health?

3. Let’s talk. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous in your answers.

What’s your typical working day? Are you working at anything new at the moment?
How do spend your free time? Are you getting much exercise?
Do you often read novels? Are you reading anything interesting at the moment?
Where do you normally go on holidays? Are you planning your holidays for this year?
Do you speak any other language? Are you learning any new language?

1. Health and Happiness

Which of these things make you feel happy? Order them from 1 to 5 (1=most happy).
- Sleeping for a long time
- Having money
- Relaxing on holiday
- Going out with friends
- Doing exercise

2. Read the article. Which of the sentences (1-3) is the best summary of the main argument?
1. Happiness improves our health.
2. Denmark is the happiest country in the world.
3. There are different ways to measure happiness.

3. Choose the correct answer (a-c) for the questions, according to the information in the article.

4. Discuss the questions

1. In paragraph 1, the King of Bhutan talks about «Gross National Happiness». How happy do you
think your country is? Give reasons for your answers.
2. In paragraph 2, a doctor said «Happy people generally don’t get sick». How much go you agree
with this opinion?
3. In paragraph 3 and 4, there are different questions in the categories for measuring happiness.
Which do you think are useful for measuring happiness? Which are not very useful?

5. Word focus feel

Look at the sentences (1-4) from the article. Match feel in each sentence with the uses (a-d).
1. It’s also easy to measure how many people feel ill or unhealthy in a country.
2. Denmark feels happier than other countries.
3. Krikortz feels thar there are other ways of measuring happiness.
4. The coloured lights are also useful if you feel like visiting the city.

a to give an opinion
b to talk about an emotion
c to talk about physical illness
d to talk about wanting something or wanting to do something

Ex. 1. Read the words with their translation. Write down the words into your vocabularies.

1. headache – головная боль

To have a headache – страдать от головной боли
2. a stomach-ache – боль в животе
To have a stomach-ache – страдать от боли в животе
3. ear-ache – боль в ухе

To have an ear-ache – страдать от боли в ухе
4. toothache – зубная боль
To have a toothache – страдать от зубной боли
5. a dentist – стоматолог
6. medicine – лекарство
7. to prescribe a medicine – прописать, выписать лекарство
Prescription - рецепт
To have a prescription made up – заказать лекарство (по рецепту)
8. to consult a specialist – обратиться за консультацией к специалисту
9. to have a tooth pulled out – вырвать зуб
10. pain – боль
To have a pain in the side (in the back, leg etc.) – болеть в боку (спине, него и т.д.)
11. to hurt (hurt, hurt) – болеть
12. to call in a doctor – вызвать врача
13. to be running a temperature – иметь повышенную температуру
To take one’s temperature with a thermometer – измерять температуру термометром
14. to cough – кашлять
15. to sneeze – чихать
16. a cold in the head – насморк
17. a chemist, a pharmacy – аптека
18. a tea (-table) spoonful (of) – чайная (столовая) ложка (чего л.)
19. a tablet – таблетка
20. to treat – лечить
21. a patient – пациент
22. to take a treatment (for** an illness) – проходить курс лечения (от какого- то заболевания)
23. to recover – выздороветь
24. to lag behind – отставать от кого-л.
25. virus infection – вирусная инфекция
26. influenza (flu) – грипп

27. injection -укол
To give smb an injection (of) – сделать кому-л. укол (вливание какого-л. лекарства)
28. illness – болезнь
29. throat – горло
To have a sore throat – страдать от боли в горле
30. What’s the matter (with you)? – что случилось (с тобой)? Что такое?
31. medical aid for – медицинская помощь от ( с названием болезни)

Ex. 2. Read the word-combinations and sentences. Translate them into Russian. Make up as many
sentences as possible with the words in bold type.

a terrible headache - a terrible stomach-ache, terrible ear-ache - terrible toothache; to have a

headache , - to have a stomach-ache, to have an ear-ache, to have a toothache .- Good morning,
Tanya! -Good morning Dr. Smith. - What's the matter with you? - I feel bad. I have a headache, a
terrible stomach-ache and an ear-ache, and l'm afraid I have a toothache. - I see that you don't
look well. - You have a bad cold, Tanya. You must stay in bed for a few days until you are in good
health. - Oh, no! I hate being ill and staying in bed! - You must be careful. And now l'll prescribe
you some medicine for headache and stomach-ache. And what shall I take for ear-ache? I'm
prescribing you ear-drops (капли). - And for toothache? You must consult a dentist. - Get well,
Tanya! - Thank you, doctor, and good-bye.
to have a toothache - to consult a specialist - to have a tooth pulled out - to have no pain any
more. Excuse me, Mrs. Forbes I have a bad toothache. May I go home? - Well, is your mother in? -
Yes, probably. - So, go home and ask your mother to go to the dentist with you. - Ok, thanks. Good
afternoon, doctor. - Good afternoon. What's the trouble? - I have a very bad toothache, but I don't
know which tooth it is. -Take a seat in the chair and open your mouth, don't be afraid! I'll have to
examine your teeth first. Oh, here is the bad tooth. Nothing will help you. You must have this tooth
pulled out. - Oh, no! I am afraid to have teeth pulled out. That is just what I was afraid of. - Yes, I
know, but if you have your bad tooth pulled out, it will stop hurting. There won't be any tooth to
hurt you. The pain will stop at the moment the tooth is pulled out. - All right. That's all over!
Thanks a lot and good-bye.
To call in a doctor - to be running a temperature - to take one's temperature with a
thermometer; to have a sore throat - to have a cold in the head - to cough and to sneeze. Mother
called in a doctor for her daughter. - Good morning, doctor. - Good morning, who is ill here? - My
daughter Helen. - Hello, Helen. What's the matter with you? - I feel bad. I cough, sneeze and l'm
afraid, I'm running a temperature. - Well, here is the thermometer to take your temperature. -
Besides I have a sore throat and a cold in the head. - What's your temperature? - Thirty-seven and
five. Now let's have a look at your throat. (The doctor is examining her throat and listening to her

heart and lungs (легкие).- You have a bad cold, Helen. Stay in bed for a few days until your
temperature is normal and you stop coughing. l'll prescribe some medicine. Ask your mother go to
the chemist's and have the prescription made up. Take a table-spoonful of this medicine three
times a day. I'll give you a tablet for a sore throat. If you don't feel better, call me in again. - Get
well! - Thank you very much.
To treat a patient – to take a treatment for an illness – to recover soon, but to lag behind
classmates in the lessons; to treat people - to take a treatment in hospital - to be eager to recover -
to do one's best in order not to lag at school. -May I come in? - Is that you, Olga? Come in. It's very
nice of you to come and see me. - I came before but you were too ill to see anybody. Did you get
the flowers? - Certainly I did. Thank you. How are you now? - Oh, much better. The doctor says I
can go out in a few days. But| won't be able to go to school for another week: I'll take a treatment
at the polyclinic.- Do you miss (скучать) school? - Very much. I am afraid I'll lag behind you in my
lessons now. - Don't think about it. We will all help you. I know you had a very bad time in hospital.
-The doctor gave me some injections of penicillin. -Did it hurt? - Rather. Then I had a pain in the
The doctor thought it was appendicitis ([ə’pendiks]). But don't let's speak about it. I'm glad that it's
all over. -The main thing that you feel a lot better and will recover soon.

Ex. 3.Read the sentences changing the words in brackets for their English equivalents. Write the
sentences down.
1. My mother (вызвала врача) because (y меня была повышенная температура). 2. As far as I
remember (y меня была сильная головная боль и насморк). I was to (принимать столовую
ложку лекарства) for the grippe. 4. Ask your mother to go (B аптеку и заказать лекарство по
рецепту). 5. The doctor says I can go out in a few days. I shan't be able to to school for another
week, I (буду проходить курс лечения) in thee bood polyclinic. 6. Did you miss school? - Very
much. I'm afraid of (что буду отставать) in my lessons now. - Don't think about it. We'll help you
gladly. 7.Thank you very much for coming. Your visit helped me a lot better than all the (лкарствa)
they are giving me. - Good-bye. And (выздоравливай) soon. 8. Oh, here is the bad tooth. You
must (вырвать ero). - Will the tooth stop (болеть)? - What a funny thing to say! There won't be
any tooth to (причинять боль). 9. I (кашляю, чихаю) and everything is swimming before my eyes.
It means that l'll have to stay in bed for some days, and you know how I hate being ill! I don't want
(отставать в школе) in my studies. - I'll come to see you every day and let you know the
homework.That will be very nice of you. As they say "A friend in need is a friend indeed). 10.
Where do you study? -At the Medical University and I am going to become a doctor. - Can you call
at least five kinds of (болезней)? - Yes and even more. 11. Are you afraid of injections? - Yes, very.
When I was in hospital, the doctor (делал мне несколько уколов от) pneumonia ([nu:'mevnje].

Ex. 4. Read the word combinations and sentences with the translation. Cover the left side of the
page and translate them in 1.40

Ex. 5. Read the text. Answer the questions to it. Retell the text using the questions as a plan.

Ex. 6. Translate into English and write down.
болезнь, лекарство, головная боль, боль в животе, боль ухе, зубная боль, стоматолог,
вырвать зуб, страдать от боли в горле, прописать, рецепт, заказать лекарство (по рецепту),
аптека, болеть в боку, кашлять, болеть, чихать, насморк, иметь повышенную температуру,
измерять температуру термометром, пациент, обратиться за консультацией к специалисту,
чайная ложка, проходить курс лечения, выздороветь, лечить, таблетки.

Ex. 7. Read the text and write down all the words and expressions in bold type.


Ex. 8. Read the questions and answer them. Cover one side and translate them. Use these
questions as a plan and write a composition «Health and Happiness».

Grammar: The forms of modal verbs can, may, must in Present, Past and Future.

Ex. 1. Read the words with their translation. Write down the words into your vocabularies.
1. to win (won) – 1) победить, выиграть; 2) достичь, заслужить, снискать, добиться, завоевать;
3) убедить, уговорить, склонить на свою сторону, расположить к себе
2. to lose (lost) – 1) терять что-л.; 2) утрачивать, лишаться (чего-то); 3) проигрывать, уступать
3. to hit (hit) – ударять по чему-л.; поражать
4. to throw (threw) – бросать, кидать, метать; броситься, кинуться (куда-л. на кого-л.) lie (lay) – лежать
Lying – лежащий
6. to spin (span) – 1) крутить (ся), вертеть (ся); 2) кружиться (о голове), чувствовать
7. to fight (fought) – драться, сражаться, воевать
8. to compete in – 1) состязаться, соревноваться; 2) конкурировать, соперничать
A competition – 1) соревнование, состязание; 2) конкурс, конкурсное испытание,
конкурсный экзамен
A competitor – 1) соперник, конкурент; 2) участник состязания, турнира, конкурса
Competitive – соперничающий, соревнующийся, конкурирующий
9. to excite – побуждать, волновать
An excitement – возбуждение, волнение
Exciting – волнующий, захватывающий, увлекательный
10. a spectator – зритель; посетитель (театра, стадиона)
11. annual – ежегодный, годичный, годовой
12. a team – команда (обычно спортивная)
13. to be good at – быть способным к
14. audience – публика, аудитория, зрители
15. to perform – выступать, исполнять, совершать, представлять
A performance – выступление, исполнение, выполнение
A performer – исполнитель

16. to allow – разрешать, позволять
To be allowed to do smth – иметь разрешение
It is allowed – это разрешено
17. to advertise – рекламировать
An advertisement – объявление, реклама, анонс
To place\publish\run an advertisement for smth -опубликовать рекламное объявление о
18. behaviour – образ действий, поступки; манеры; поведение
19. appearance – внешность
20. similar – похожий

2. Give definition to the new words and use them in the situations of your own.

Modal verbs and their meaning


9. Read the article and express your opinion on it.
Five reasons to work out
I’m sure we all know by now that exercise is great for you. But let’s be honest, sometimes finding
that motivation to work out can be a little difficult. So, in this post, I am going to share my top five
reasons for working out.
1. Exercise can completely change your mood!
When you work out, your body produces endorphins, which will give you a rush of euphoria and
happiness. You will feel better after a workout than you did before it. Next time you’re having a
bad day, try going for a fast-paced run or taking a spinning class, and the day won’t seem so bad
after all.
2. Exercising is sociable.
Whenever I move to a new city to study or work, I look for exercise classes to do. You meet like-
minded people, you can support each other during a difficult workout and you all share a collective
feeling of euphoria when the class finishes!
3. Exercise makes you feel confident.
We all know the physical effects of exercise on our bodies but we don’t always talk about the
mental effects. Exercise might give you a feeling of confidence from being comfortable with your
body and appearance. This new confidence might even help in your social or work life.
4. It helps to relieve stress.
Focusing on lifting weights or going for a run can help you forget the problems and stress of daily
life, studies or work. During exams, I always spend an hour a day in the gym. It makes me feel less
anxious and it also helps me to sleep those important eight hours the night before a big exam.
5. Finally, exercise makes us feel strong, fit and healthy!
Every day, the 20 minutes on the treadmill get easier, the weights feel lighter and you feel a great
sense of achievement. It's a great feeling doing something you couldn’t do before and knowing it’s
a result of your hard work.
So, next time you’re feeling down, put your trainers on and get sweating. It might not be easy but I
promise you will feel so much better once you have finished!
Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb. Use must, mustn't, or don't have to.
I _________________ (1) go to school from Monday to Friday. We ___________________ (2) wear
a uniform, so I normally wear sports clothes. We ___________________ (3) arrive late, and
we ___________________ (4)   go to every class. In class, we __________________ (5)  shout, play
or sing. We _____________________ (6)  have lunch at school, so I sometimes go home. When
school finishes, I ___________________ (7)  look after my little sister. When my parents come
home I ______________________ (8) stay in, so I usually go out with my friends.


Ex. 1. Read the words with their translation. Write down the words into your vocabularies.
1. a vehicle – транспортное средство
2. underground (the underground) – метрополитен
3. fuel – топливо
4. a pedestrian – пешеход
5. a traffic jam – затор, транспортная пробка на дороге
6. a fare – стоимость проезда или перевоза багажа, тариф, плата за проезд
7. receipt – квитанция
8. a staff – штат служащих, служебный персонал, личный состав, кадры, штаты
9. to survive – 1) пережить (по времени); 2) а) выдержать, пережить, перенести б) продолжать
существовать; сохраняться
A survival – выживание, выживаемость
A survivor – 1. оставшийся в живых, уцелевший; 2. Преодолевающий любые трудности (о
10. to charge – 1) заряжать (оружие; аккумулятор) 2) нагружать; загружать (уголь в топку) 3)
насыщать, наполнять (воду минеральными веществами, воздух парами) 4) заполнять,
наполнять, пронизывать; обременять.
11. to commute – добирать; ездить ежедневно на работу из пригорода в город
12. to suggest – предлагать, советовать
A suggestion – 1) предложение, совет, 2) намек, указание, 3) внушение
13. to predict – предсказывать, прогнозировать; пророчить
A prediction – предсказание
14. to offer – предлагать
An offer - предложение
15. an income – доход, приход, прибыль; заработок
16. to pollute – загрязнять, пачкать
A pollution – загрязнение
17. to employ – нанимать (на работу)

An employment – работа (по найму), служба
An unemployment – безработица
An employer – наниматель; работодатель
An employee – работающий по найму, служащий
18. approximately – приблизительно, почти, примерно

2. Give the definition to the words and use them in the situations of your own.

3. Read the words in brackets changing the words in brackets to their English equivalents, write
the sentences down.

1.His (ежегодны доход) was (приблизительно) the same as mine 2.- How do you (добираетесь)
to work? -Only (на метро).3. It's rather difficult to (вести это транспортное средство). 4.- Waiter!
What can you (предложить) us for (обед)?-We can (предложить) a wide choice of dishes such as
(борщ, грибной суп, говяжьи и свиные бифштексы) and many others. You will see everything is
(очень вкусно).5. It is not allowed (нанимать на работу) children here. Otherwise, the
(работодатель) will have to (заплатить штраф).6. He stopped (чтобы сосчитать деньги). That
was not enough. He thought nobody would (возражать) that (плата за проезд) was very high.7.
Every (наемный работник) can consult a dentist (бесплатно). The management takes care of
(служебный персонал) at this factorv. 8.-Can you (предсказать развитие) of actions in this
drama? -From my point of view, nobody can. This (исполнение) is (волнующее) and
unpredictable. 9. This (предложение) is worth taking. It will (улучшит) the situation. 10. Air
(загрязнение) is a great problem in many highly- populated cities. 11.I am sorry I am stuck in
(пробке). I am going to (опоздать на пол часа). 12. I'd like to get (квитанцию) stating my buying
this (топливо). 13. The (движение) is heavy today. (Пешеходы) should be more careful. 14, These
arctic animals can hardly (пережить) global warming.15. (социологическое исследование)
showed the rate (безработицы) in this region was low.

5. Read the extract and translate it into Russian. Write down the words in bold type into your
vocabulary and make up your own situations with them.

6. Which of these models of transport would you use for activities (1-10)? Explain your reasons
By bicycle, by bus, in my car, on a ferry, on foot, by lorry, on a motorbike, on a plane,
On a ship, in a taxi, by train.
1. visit relatives
2. move house and furniture
3 get to the airport
4 see the countryside for pleasure
5 cross a river
6 get to the railway station
7 go out in the evening to a party or restaurant
8 take children to school
9 cross the sea
10 go shopping
What’s your favourite way to travel?

1. Look at the photo of the rickshaw in the article on the previous page. Why do you think people
choose this kind of transport? Are there any advantages with a rickshaw compared with other
types of transport?

2. Read the first paragraph of the article. Which of these words and expressions describe Kolkata?
Busy highly-populated noisy polluted quiet safe for pedestrians

3. Read the second and third paragraph of the article. Which of these arguments in favour of
rickshaw does the article mention?

Rickshaws are useful because…

1 they are better in traffic jams
2 they can travel down small streets
3 they don’t produce pollution
4 they are good for shopping
5 they are cheaper than other public transport
6 they always travel during the monsoons

4 Read the last paragraph. Why don’t local officials and politicians ban rickshaw? Choose the
correct reason (1-3).

1 There isn’t much other employment for the drivers

2 The tourists want them
3 The drivers don’t want to go back to the countryside

Vocabulary transport
5 Find these verbs in the article. Underline them and the noun which follows.
Example: catch a train
Catch, take, pick up, miss, drop off, get on\off, go by.

6 Replace the verbs in bold in the sentences with a verb of similar meaning from ex.5

1 Do you want me to collect the children from school?

Pick up
2 We need to leave train at the next station.
3 I was late and I nearly didn’t get my flight.
4 You’d better leave now. You don’t want to not catch your flight.
5 I should travel by a taxi. It’s much quicker.
6 Ask the driver to leave the children outside their school.

7 Look at these pairs of words. Match them with the correct definition.
1 stop\rank
A where you can get a taxi
B where you can get a bus
2 fare\price
A the money you pay for a journey by bus, train or taxi
B the amount of money something costs
3 change\receipt
A the money you receive when you pay more than the price because you don’t have the correct
B the piece of paper you receive to show you paid for something
4 gate\platform
A where you get on a plane
B where you get on a train
5 book\check in
A when you buy a ticket in advance
B when you arrive at the airport and leave your bags


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