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Mar 14, 2007 SERVICE NOTES Page 1 of 10

FILE TITLE CT/e SW 3.13&3.14 Installation Procedure GEHW-SN110613B

Restricted to General Electric Medical Systems

(GEMS) personnel only.

Permission to use this Restricted Service Software and related documentation

(hereinafter called the ”Material”) by persons other than GE Medical Systems
employees is prohibited. This Material is the property of GEMS and contains
information that is restricted to use by GEMS Manufacturing, Engineering and
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Neither this material nor any information contained herein shall be disclosed to
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Mar 14, 2007 SERVICE NOTES Page 2 of 10
FILE TITLE CT/e S/W 3.13&3.14 Installation Procedure GEHW-SN110613B

CT/e S/W 3.13&3.14 Installation Procedure


CT/e (Linux), ProSpeed AI/FI with system software V/R 3.0x (Linux OS 1.8.12
+Application 3.0 +Patch3.0x).


The purpose of this service note is to instruct FE how to install Software

Version3.14 for CT/e, ProSpeed AI/FI (Linux OS) on the basis of S/W V/R3.0x.

Note: After the application 3.12 installed, all the old options (Both MOD
options and options in the systemstate) will become disable for the Host ID
changed. And some protocols related with the options only could be opened
after the new options installed. So you need to apply for the new options or
e-licenses for the sites.

Necessary Tools for installation:

Software V/R3.14 upgrade kit for Global (5213369)

Item Part NO. Qty Description Comments
1 5172692 1.0 CTe SCSI DVD-RAM Driver Contains Adaptor
and a Power Cable
2 5144980 1.0 CTT 4.5.1, OS SW

3 5165531 1.0 Application Software V/R3.12

4 5179533 1.0 Patch Software V/R3.13
5 5197830 1.0 Patch Software V/R3.14
6 5212458- 1.0 Software V/R3.14 Upgrade Instruction
100 (This Manual)

Software V/R3.14 upgrade kit for China (5212790)

Item Part NO. Qty Description Comments
1 5172692 1.0 CTe SCSI DVD-RAM Driver Contains Adaptor
and a Power Cable
2 5144980 1.0 CTT 4.5.1, OS SW

3 5170371 1.0 Application Software V/R3.12t

4 5179533 1.0 Patch Software V/R3.13
5 5197830 1.0 Patch Software V/R3.14
6 5212458- 1.0 Software V/R3.14 Upgrade Instruction
100 (This Manual)

Copyright© 2007 General Electric co.

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FILE TITLE CT/e S/W 3.13&3.14 Installation Procedure GEHW-SN110613B

Note: All the items except the instruction (5212458-100, which could be
downloaded on Beijing TP website) are FRU, and could be ordered

Bug Fixed List:

Function and Improvement Description Type DDts Item

V/R 3.13&3.14 Software Fixed Bug List
The DAS performance test can not pass bug GEBct02752
Initialize MOD in rawdata function can not work bug GEBct02750
Power on test should be able to work on two types of SCSI card bug GEBct02769

DCP Firmware need update enhancement
Bad Image when the Recon Range is out of the ScanRange bug GEBct02767

Image disk 20000 /40000 option can not be installed by MOD bug GEBct02928
MDAS autopost recon JIG can not be used in GDAS OC on 3.12, image
quality on 3.12. bug
After plug off the 5# or 3# MOD, the system could't start up bug GEBct02787

Screen save should be disabled bug GEBct02929

PTO function can't auto-run from cdrom in CTT4.5.1 bug GEBct02939

Service manual can not auto run on OC in 4.5.1 bug GEBct02945

Rawdisk can not mount after changing SCSI card bug GEBct02946

3"MOD and 5"MOD can not be detected after changing SCSI card bug GEBct02947
RawLoad should be able to work on two kinds of DAS. MDAS image
recon should be performed on GDAS bug
scanRx crash when click ScanType if SmartAddtion group, system
shutdown. bug
Clock Issue, DateSetting enhancement. bug GEBct02944

SmartAddition RetroRecon failed, no image created. bug GEBct02927

ColorSave image can't be transferred with CTT4.5.1 bug GEBct02991

DAS linearity test bug GEBct03632

Error occured in Alpha cal in a helical scan protocol GEBct03410

Firmware file update to fix GDAS DCP FPGA firmware bug which lead to
EMC problem. GEBct03793
Software cannot apply to different DVD model GEBct03794
ISP bug of SW in file length calculation GEBct03795

Copyright© 2007 General Electric co.

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FILE TITLE CT/e S/W 3.13&3.14 Installation Procedure GEHW-SN110613B

Installation procedure:

1. Flowchart
The Illustration below shows the main flow of the conversion procedures.

2. Procedures
2.1 Preparation
1) Save Patient Data.
2) Save System State Data.
NOTE: IF 3.5" MOD Drive is failed, Save/Restore System State to Laptop.
How to save state: (Don't insert MOD)
i. Open a shell
ii. Type: savestate -nomod (This will save states to /MOD on harddisk.)
iii. Type: tar czvf xxx.tgz /MOD (Compress states to xxx.tgz)
iv. ftp xxx.tgz to laptop
How to restore state:
i. ftp xxx.tgz from laptop to /usr/g/ctuser in OC
ii. open a linux shell
iii. cd /MOD
create /MOD path if it doesnot exist as below:
su -
cd /
mkdir /MOD
chmod 777 /MOD
cd /MOD
iv. cp /usr/g/ctuser/xxx.tgz /MOD
v. tar xvzf xxx.tgz
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FILE TITLE CT/e S/W 3.13&3.14 Installation Procedure GEHW-SN110613B

vi. savestate -r -nomod

3) Record Option Information.
NOTE: FE MUST get eOption Key from OLC Support Center, then restore the Software
Options with eOption Key.

2.2 Determine Software

Check software version and select correct action according to table as below.
Software Version Action
V/R2.32 or later Skip to 2.4 Shut Down System and follow steps
V/R2.32 early Follow all steps below

2.3 Software Upgrade (For V/R2.32 previous)

Upgrade software to Version 2.32 by performing FMI 22808.
See FMI Instruction from links below: (For CT/e, CT ProSpeed AI/FI Series)

2.4 Shut Down System

1) Shut down the system.
2) Power OFF the console at the front panel switch when 'System Halted' message displays.
3) Remove the console front and right side covers.
4) Turn off CB1, CB2 at right side of the console.

2.5 Hardware Installation

2.5.1 Remove the CD-ROM Drive

1) Remove the six (6) screws at the front of the SCSI Bay and the two (2) screws at the rear
of the SCSI Bay that fasten the SCSI Bay.
2) Remove the SCSI Bay right dust cover by unscrewing its four (4) screws.

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FILE TITLE CT/e S/W 3.13&3.14 Installation Procedure GEHW-SN110613B

3) (For 845 PC) Disconnect Power Cable, Audio Cable and Signal Cable from CD-ROM
(For 865 PC) Disconnect Power Cable, Audio Cable and IDE-USB Signal Cable from CD-
ROM Drive, disconnect IDE-USB Signal Cable from Host Computer and remove it.
4) Slide the CD-ROM out of the OC.
2.5.2 Install the DVD-RAM Drive
1) Check the jumper settings of the SCSI DVD-RAM Drive.

2) Respectively connect the two Power Cable connectors to the DVD-RAM Drive and the
3) Install the DVD-RAM Drive in the place of CD-ROM Drive by securing four screws.
4) Connect the Audio Cable.
5) Connect the DVD-RAM Drive Power Cable to the Power Cable connector that originally
connected to CD-ROM Drive.
6) Connect the SCSI Signal Cable to the DVD-RAM Drive.

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FILE TITLE CT/e S/W 3.13&3.14 Installation Procedure GEHW-SN110613B

2.6 BOIS Setting

1) Turn on B1, CB2.
2) Power ON the Operator Console.
3) Hit Meas Dist on the OC keyboard during the system booting up to enter BIOS setting
4) Enter password "linux".
5) Select Set User Password, click "Enter" three times to cancel original password. Then
"Save & Exit Setup". Reboot the system, enter BIOS again.
6) Select "Standard CMOS Features", check if two harddisks are detected in IDE devices list.
7) Press Esc.
8) Select "Advanced BIOS Features", select boot devices as below:

System First Boot Device Second Boot Device Third Boot Device
For system with 845PC CDROM SCSI HDD-0
For system with 865PC USB-CDROM CDROM Harddisk

NOTE: For more information about BIOS Setting refer to Advanced Diagnostics manual of
the system.
9) Press Esc.
10) Select "Integrated Peripherals Features", BIOS setting as below (For 865PC only):

System Level 1 Level 2 Config Info.

system with 865PC On-Chip IDE Device On-Chip Primary PCI IDE Disabled
On-Chip Secondary PCI IDE Disabled
On-Chip Serial ATA Enhanced Mode

11) Re-set the original password (the password is "linux").

NOTE: BIOS Setting Password MUST be set. Only trained service personnel can enter BIOS
12) Save & Exit Setup.
13) Then the system continues to boot up and begins detecting SCSI Devices. Make sure
DVD-RAM is shown in the list of SCSI Device.

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FILE TITLE CT/e S/W 3.13&3.14 Installation Procedure GEHW-SN110613B

2.7 Software Installation

2.7.1 LFC Procedure – OS Installation

Prerequisite: OS software CTT4.5.1
1) Insert the OS software disk into the DVD-RAM drive of the OC.
2) Verify that the LED of the DVD-RAM drive is ON, then OFF again.
3) OS installation will begin automatically.
4) Type the following responses to the indicated prompts:
boot: iGEHC <Enter>
(The installation program runs.)
NOTE: Click on OK to keep the default settings (for Keyboard Type, etc) and proceed the

5) About 10 minutes later, the “Complete” window appears, press “enter “ to reboot. System
will be rebooted and then the drive tray is pop-up, remove the disk from the drive tray. The
drive tray can go back automatically.

2.7.2 LFC Procedure – Application Installation

Prerequisite: Application software V/R3.12 or V/R3.12t
1) After system reboot, close a Linux dialog box popped up, press DVD-RAM drive button to
insert the application software disk into the DVD-RAM drive, and the disk will be auto
mounted, a dialog will be popped up: “Do you wish to run/mnt/cdrom/autorun?”, click on
Yes. Then wait for several minutes for the initialization of installation.
2) A message window will appear. Two Modes are provided. Select Normal.
3) Two minutes later, a dialog will appear: “Install Utility”, click on Load to begin loading the
4) After the reboot completes and the Xwindow starts, a shell window will display, wait for
about 3 minutes (for few sites, possibly wait for over 20 minutes) and a menu window of
“Select Product” will appear, click on the product name to select, then click on Yes.
5) A message window will appear. Two Modes are provided. Select MOD.
6) 3 to 5 minutes later, a message window will appear to prompt inserting MOD to restore
system configuration of system state then click on Confirm.
i. If the SaveState MOD exists, click on Confirm, and click on OK to keep the default settings
and proceed the procedure.
ii. If the SaveState MOD does not exist, click on Cancel.
NOTE: Restoring system state in this step just restore system configuration section.
A window of “Install Utility” will appear and disappear automatically.
7) 3 to 5 minutes later, a system configuration window appears.

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FILE TITLE CT/e S/W 3.13&3.14 Installation Procedure GEHW-SN110613B

8) Set system configuration information then click the ACCEPT button.

For Hardware setting shown as below.

9) A time setup window will display, set the date and time of the system and click on set, then
click on quit.
10) Wait for about 3 to 5 minutes, a message window will appear to prompt restoring state,
“Restore System State data” (click on No if no saved data exist).
Click on Cancel if there is no Saved Data MOD. Go to next step.
Click on Yes if there is Saved Data MOD. A message window will appear to prompt
inserting MOD and pressing Confirm. Then insert the MOD containing saved state and
click on Confirm or click on Cancel.
11) Restore options with eOption key.
12) A message window appears. “ The system needs to be rebooted for the changes to take
effect. Do you wish to reboot now ”. Click Yes to restart.
13) Save system state.

2.7.3 Patch Installation

Prerequisite: Application Patch Software V/R3.13 and V/R3.14
1) Insert the application patch software disk into the DVD-RAM drive of the OC.
2) On the desktop menu, click on Install Software located on the upper right of the screen.
3) “Do you install software from DVD?” window appears. Click on Yes.
4) “Following software will be installed” window appears. Click on Yes.
The patch installation procedures are automatically started.
5) Click on OK in response to “Installation Successful.” window.

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FILE TITLE CT/e S/W 3.13&3.14 Installation Procedure GEHW-SN110613B

NOTE: Some patch softwares might require reboot (shown below). If it does, when clicking
on OK, the system automatically reboots and pauses at the desktop menu.

2.8 Finalization
1) Save system state again using MOD.
2) Start up Application.
3) Perform a test scan and verify that the image is normal.
4) Shut down the OC and reassemble the OC front cover and side cover.


DVD RAM function is available
3” MOD function is configured by CT/Be1 GDAS version 3.13 at Reconfiguration page during
manufacturing. In case of field need, service engineers can change the configuration from 3” MOD
to DVD at Reconfiguration tab, re-startup system, DVD can work in stead of 3” MOD, in this case,
3” MOD doesn’t work. Any way, either of DVD or 3” MOD can work.
Improved DCP firmware has been packaged into patch V/R 3.13
This is only for GDAS systems.
The latest DCP firmware in patch 3.13 gets enhancement improvement common for different. After
upgrade of GDAS software from V/R 3.12 to V/R 3.13, please download improved DCP firmware by
performing "Generator test --> FW Code Download" to download latest DCP firmware from OC
software to DCP.


This Service Note is NOT intended as a handout to customers. NEVER GIVE


Du Ning

China MI & CT Engineering

Copyright© 2007 General Electric co.

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