DR William Brooke O'shaughnessy

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The scene is Britain in 1831. MEDICAL BACKGROUND stopping as short a time as possible ..."
Princess Victoria is 12 years All manner of physical, chemical and

s arrived, with its nidus in

Carbolic acid fumigation of railway passengers against cholera.

universal was blood-letting. An authority alone with its tone of reason and science. a tenacious sweat moistened her bosom.
wrote: "In commencing the treatment of This was Dr. William Brooke O'Shaugh- In short, Sir, that face and form I can
cholera, no time is to be lost in endeav- nessy, a recent Edinburgh graduate, born never forget, were I to live beyond the
ouring to bleed the patient ... the effect of in Limerick and aged 22 years at this period of man's natural age".
blood-letting would appear to be almost time."' In his first paper on cholera, read O'Shaughnessy used this description to
miraculous ...". Of the other treatments, before the Westminster Medical Society support his view that the cholera in
emesis was aimed at ridding the body of on 3 December, 1831, he wondered Sunderland was a different disease from
poisons, and vomiting was considered whether "the habit of practical chemistry that which occurred in England before:
"the best of restoratives for torpidity of which I have occasionally pursued might
"Would to God I could bring the sceptics
the blood". Calomel was almost univer- lead to the application of chemistry to its
here and show them the girl ...". In half-
sally used, as a means of "unlocking the cure". So engrossed was he in the cause
answer to his prayer The Lancet of 4
secretions". Other treatments included a and cure of cholera that he travelled to February, 1832, had a full-page, 3-colour
large fraction of the pharmacopoeia of Sunderland a few davs later. "for the sketch of such a patient (figure) - surely a
the time, mostly based on empiricism purpose of making myself practically
landmark in medical illustration.
and superstition. The Lancet viewed this acquainted with the celebrated disease". On 20 December, 1831, O'Shaugh-
therapeutic miscellany with some Within 3 days he was writing to The nessy wrote: "I have been so busily
scepticism when it declared. "All have Lancet: "I have lost no time in confined in my laboratory that I have
the& seasons of celebrity and subsequent endeavouring to obtain conviction on
had little time for additional enquiries".
neglect". some points, and evidence on others ...".
Nine days later he wrote from London,
He reportea the appearance of two
asking The Lancet to publish the
GLIMMERINGS OF SCIENCE patients - clinical descriptions of cholera
"outlines" of his results, as follows:
that have probably never been bettered: "The blood drawn in the worst cases ... is
A few doctors showed an inkling of " O n the bed lay an expiring woman ... unchanged in its anatomical or globular
scientific understanding. One thought presenting an attitude of death which ... I
structure ... It has lost a large proportion
that loss of water from the blood never saw paralleled in terror ... O n the of its water ... It has lost also a great
rendered it "difficult to circulation" and floor, extended on a palliasse ... lay a girl proportion of its neutral saline ingred-
proposed that "distilled water be of slender make and juvenile height, but ients ... Of the free alkali contained in
liberally poured into the stomach. Dr. with the face of a superannuated hag. She healthy serum, not a particle is present ...
Clanny of Sunderland analysed the uttered no moan, gave expression of no
Urea exists i n those cases where
blood of cholera patients and began his pain, but she languidly flung herself from
suppression of urine has been a marked
report with: "This blood, on applying the side to side ... T h e colour of her symptom ... All the salts deficient in the
tongue to it, had no taste nor any countenance was that of lead - a silver
particular smell ...". He found that the
blood, especially the carbonate of soda, are
blue, ghastly tint; her eyes were sunk present in large quantities in the peculiar
amount of water was decreased and the deep into the sockets, as though they had
"colouring matter" increased, but he white dejected matters".
been driven an inch behind their natural
gave no specific advice about a remedy. position; her mouth was squared; her These observations can hardly be faulted
In clear contrast to the ignorance, features flattened; her eyelids black; her 150 years later.
superstition, and empiricism that largely fingers shrunk, bent, and inky i n their All the while the disease was spread-
prevailed, one voice was heard, almost hue. All pulse was gone at the wrist, and ing through England and Scotland,
Famine in India,in the 1870s.

appearing in London in January, 1832. its natural specific gravity; 2nd to restore THE FIRST
There were reports of the "terrified its deficient saline matters ... The first of
populace" and the "dreadful distress these can only be effected by absorption, INTRAVENOUS
which prevails in the neighbourhood of by imbibition, or b y the injection of INFUSION
the various cases". O'Shaughnessy made aqueous fluid into the veins. The same The first practical application of
a further, more detailed, report to the remarks, w i t h sufficiently obvious O'Shaughnessy's advice was reported by
Central Board of Health, in which he modifications, apply to the second ... Dr. Robert Lewins, MD, FRCP, of Leith in
confirmed his previous findings. Further When absorption is entirely suspended ... a letter dated, 15 May, 1832. He described
he reported on the chemistry of the in those desperate cases ... the author witnessing the intravenous injection of a
excreta and found that "the ingredients recommends the injection into the veins saline solution in a cholera patient. He
deficient in the blood were detected in of tepid water holding a solution of the wrote:
the dejections or in other words, the normal salts of the blood". "To Dr. Thomas Latta, o f this place, is
addition of the dejection to the blood, in due due the merit of first hav& recourse to
proportion, would have restored the latter to ' In his final remarks O'Shaughnessy this practice. He has tried it in six cases ...
its normal constitution" [original em- wrote: The most wonderful and satisfactory
phasis]. He stressed that the changes "I am therefore entitled to conclude that effect is the immediate result of the
"should not be regarded as primary the exudation of the colourless part of the injection ... a large quantity must be
causes" but rather as the "result of an blood constitutes one of the chief injected, from 5 to 10 lbs. in an adult,
external impression ... we still remain in diagnostic characteristics of the malig- and repeated at longer or shorter intewals
darkness as to the mode in which that nant cholera ... in thefluidity, alkalesence as the state of the pulse and other
impression is communicated ...". and albuminous nature of the dejections symptoms may indicate".
Pursuing his theme logically to the we have the means of forming a certain
"therapeutic conclusions", he wrote: and chemical diagnosis between this A more detailed and formal report was
"... the indications of cure ... are two in disease and others with which ... it may be sent by Dr. Latta to the Central Board of
number - viz. 1st to restore the blood to confounded". Health, and published in The Lancet of 2
June, 1832. He wrote: "So soon as I learnt the general merits of the practice". severely dehydrated patients can no
the result of Dr. O'Shaughnessy's While O'Shaughnessy did not longer lose fluid, it was felt by some that
analysis I attempted to restore the blood personally treat patients, he wrote to The rehydration provoked more purging.
to its natural state ...". The first patient Lancet: Secondly, the treatment was not repeated
was -an aged woman on whom all the "... the results of the practice described by sufficiently to maintain fluid balance.
usual remedies had been tried without Drs. Latta and Lewins exceed m y most Thirdly, the fluid was not only unsterile
success: sanguine expectations. When we consider but also chemically impure and very
"She had apparently reached the last that no practitioner would dare to try so hypotonic. So, the more fluid that was
moment of her earthly existence, and now novel a n experiment, except i n cases given, even with good intentions, the
nothing could injure her - indeed so beyond hope of relief by an ordina y mode greater was the chance of bafteraemia,
entirely was she reduced that I feared I of treatment, and consequently desperate pyrogen reactions, and haell~olysis.
would not be able to get m y apparatus to the last degree, even a solitary instance However sound the rationa1e:'fhe idea
ready ere she expired. Having inserted a of recovery affords matter for congrat- was much ahead of contemporary
tube into the basilic vein, cautiously - ulation". knowledge of physiological chemistry
anxiously, I watched the effects; ounce and microbiology. Another reason for
after ounce was injected but no visible He emphasised that "although by the lack of persistence with the concept was
change was produced. Still persevering, I injection of water and salts ... we may that, after the epidemic subsided in
thought she began to breathe less restore the deficient fluids of the body, Britain, the main protagonists were no
laboriously, soon the sharpened features, and bring back the blood to its normal longer on the scene when the disease
and sunken eye, and fallen jaw, pale and state, ... we must still remember that the struck again."' Latta died in 1833. In that
cold, bearing the manifest impress of unknown remote cause, and other year, O'Shaughnessy joined the East
death's signet, began to glow w i t h agents, ... still are in operation, a n d India Company and went to India. There
returning animation; the pulse, which require to be remedied before a perfect he interested himself, not with cholera,
had long ceased, returned to the wrist' at cure can be performed". The Lancet of 2 but with chemistry, electricity, and
first small and quick, by degrees it became June, 1832, carried a leading article in telegraph^.'^' He was knighted in 1856,
more and more distinct, fuller, slower and which the history of intravenous not for work in medicine, but for
firmer, and in tke short space of half an injections was reviewed. The intravenous establishing a telegraph service between
hour, when six pints had been injected, saline treatment of a cholera patient was the main centres of India which was said
she expressed in a firm voice that she was described as "more like the workings of a to have influenced the result of the
free from all uneasiness, actually became miraculous and supernatural agent ...". It Indian mutiny.'" William O'Shaugh-
jocular, and fancied all she needed was a seems there was no previous record of nessy's third claim to fame was that, on
little sleep; her extremities were warm, water and salts being given deliberately returning from India, he introduced
and every feature bore the aspect of to restore constituents lacking in thk cannabis to England and Europe as a
comfort and health. This being m y first blood, though there is record of blood potent medication and analgesic for the
case, I fancied m y patient secure, and transfusion, and of the injection of 6 treatment of tetanus, rheumatism, and
from m y great need of a little repose, left ounces of water into a Russian cholera epilep~y.'~'He died in 1889, but obituary
her in charge of the hospital surgeon; but patient, with death in 2 hours. Over the notices make no mention of his
I had not been long gone, ere the vomiting ensuing months there was a flurry of pioneering re~earch'~' - his analyses of the
and purging recurring, soon reduced her reports of cases treated with intravenous blood and excreta of cholera patients, his
to her former state of disability ... and she saline in Britain. Almost all reported deduction of the mechanism of the
sunk in five and a half hours after I had dramatic, but often temporary, improve- changes in composition, and his proposal
left her ... I have no doubt the case would ment, but relapse was frequent as the of rational treatment, which was put into
have issued in complete reaction, had the purging continued. Various modifica- practice by Thomas Latta and Robert
remedy, which had already produced such tions of the intravenous fluid were tried, Lewins of Leith. All this when O'Shaugh-
effect,-been repeated. even "milk, boiled once, skimmed and nessy was 22 and 23 years old, and when
strained". Some patients were reported chemical pathology was an embryonic
Dr. Latta prepared the intravenous fluid to have rigors or laboured respiration science. Dr. Lewins, in reporting Latta's
as follows: "I dissolved from two to three after the saline injections. Of the first 25 second case, wrote to The Lancet on 18
drachms of muriate of soda and two reported cases so treated, 8 recovered. May, 1832: "Verily, Sir, this is an
scruples of the subcarbonate of soda in There was much severe criticism, often astonishing method of medication, and I
six pints of water, and injected it at outside medical journals. This provoked predict will lead to wonderful changes
temperature 112" F a h . (This is approxi- Dr. Latta to defend his treatment against and improvements in the practice of
mately 58 m e q / l sodium; 49 m e q / l "members of the medical profession medicine". He was right. Yet the names
chloride; 9 meq/l bicarbonate."') Latta guilty of scribbling on medical matters in of O'Shaughnessy, Latta, and Lewins
emphasised that "the watery diarrhoea the news-papers of the day". cannot be found in any major work on
may return with violence ... therefore so general medical history.
soon as the pulse fails, and the features " THE
again shrink, the venous injections must TREATMENT REFERENCES
be repeated ... The injection should be FAILS 1. van Heyningen WE, Seal J.R.
carried on very slowly ... it should not Cholera: T h e A m e r i c a n Scientific
exceed 2 or 3 ounces per minute". He TO PROSPER E x p e r i e n c e 1947-1980. Boulder,
described the apparatus as "a small silver This pandemic subsided in Britain Colorado: Westview Press, 1983:
tube" attached by a flexible tube to during 1832 but it continued across 1-25.
"Read's patent syringe". He cautioned America. Despite further pandemics in 2. Ibid.
against accidental injection of air, and 1852 and 1863 the use of intravenous 3. Ibid.
advised that phlebitis could be prevented saline was not accepted. Why did the
by "treating the vein with much treatment not prosper when it had the 4. Ibid.
delicacy". In subsequent letters Latta and foundations of rational therapy, support- 5. Nahas GG. Marihuana - Deceptive
several colleagues from Leith described ed by many reports of its successful Weed. New York: Raven Press, 1973:
further cases, some with dramatic application? Firstly, it was only applied 7.
response to injections. In reply to a query in patients who were deemed moribund; 6. van Heyningen WE, Seal J.R.
from the Board of Health, Lewins so, while the proponents were satisfied Cholera: T h e A m e r i c a n Scientific
admitted that ten of the fifteen who had that lives were saved, others, and the E x p e r i e n c e 1947-1980. Boulder
been injected died, but "under such public, thought that deaths were hast- Colorado: Westview Press, 1983:
circumstances that do not detract from ened by the treatment. Not realising that 1-25.

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