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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2018) 57, 2755–2761

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


A study of the basic parameters describing the

dynamical analysis of the slub yarn geometrical
Magdi ElMessiry, Rania El Deeb *

Textile Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt

Received 10 July 2017; revised 22 October 2017; accepted 15 January 2018

Available online 19 November 2018

KEYWORDS Abstract Slub yarns are frequently used for fabric production. Due to the nature of these yarns,
Slub yarn; the difference between the base yarn and slub diameter is very high, leading to high variation in the
Slub length; fabric thickness, which gives fabric look and also influences the fabric mechanical properties. The
Slub pattern; slub geometry affects the twist distribution on its length consequently the strength of the slub yarn
Multi slub yarn; influence both stress and strain distribution of the fabric. The dynamical response of the slub form-
Slub distance; ing mechanism has a consequence on both slub length and diameter. In this work theoretical study
Base yarn of the diameter distribution and the twist distribution along the slub length were established. The
effects of the dynamical characteristics of the slub forming mechanism on both of slub diameter and
twist distribution were investigated.
Ó 2018 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction and slub fabric, and the measurement of the slub shape. Slub
yarns contain many structural parameters such as the slub
Originality slub yarns can be produced that are devoid of pat- length, slub distance, base yarn count, slub count, and the total
terning and then weaved into a fabric. Slub yarns may have a length of slub patterns which can vary from small to long [1].
random distribution of slubs formed by changing the yarn The twists distribution in the slub-yarn has been investigated,
count over a certain length. Moreover, slub yarns present the results of the analysis [3] showed that twists in every section
designed, decorative continuous or programmed effects of col- of the slub-yarn are in inverse proportion to the square of the
our form to generate selected variation in the appearance of a linear density of the corresponding section. Slub length is a key
fabric. Several investigations [1–17] were concerned about the factor to the twist in the base yarn and the increase of the slub
methods of its formation, the models of the slub shape, the length will increase the twist level; the twist of the slub is
twist distribution, the mechanical properties of the slub yarns always less than designed while the twist of basic yarn is always
more than the designed.
* Corresponding author. Generally, the strength of the yarn is influenced more by the
E-mail addresses:, rania_eldeeb@yahoo.
increased fiber quantity in the yarn than by the decrease of the
com (R. El Deeb). slub twist. Therefore, the strength of the slub is higher than
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria that of the basic yarn [4]. The characteristic of yarn twisting
University. requires studying of - kinematic and kinetic relationship in
1110-0168 Ó 2018 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2756 M. ElMessiry, R. El Deeb

the twisting zone [5]. For the yarn count of ring-spun slub 2. Analysis of slub yarn structure
yarn, a mathematical model was established to predict the yarn
profile based on process parameters such as the fiber length, The slub yarn can be divided into normal slub yarn and nega-
the feeding roller’s velocity, and the time of the over-feeding tive one where the diameter of the yarn is reduced by the exis-
[6]. The difference in the slub yarn diameter and variation of tence of the slub. The slub also may have the same diameter or
twist along the yarn affects the slub yarn strength and the of different diameters along the yarn length with periodical
breaking elongation [7]. This reflected on the strain distribu- equal distance or it may be variable, depending on the slub dis-
tion in the slub fabric and was found to be more irregular in tribution desired pattern for the final fabric, either woven or
comparison to the regular fabric [8]. Considering the shearing knitted. A simple slub yarn structure is composed of two parts
modulus and the polar moment of inertia of the yarn, it was - the base part and the slub part. Fig. 1 represents the geomet-
established that the twist distribution of the slub yarn could rical parameters of the two parts. The appearance of slub yarn
be deduced applying the bar torsion model and was inversely is influenced by the length and linear density of each con-
related to the square of the linear density of the corresponding stituent part [14]. Ring spinning machine drafting system con-
section [9]. The effect of descriptive parameters of slub yarn on sisted of two zones: the back-mid zone and the front zone,
the strength and elongation properties using the full factorial driven separately and controlled by a computer controlled ser-
design method has been investigated [10]. The most significant vomotor. The motor, which drives of the front roller, is used
parameters affecting the breaking force of the slub yarn sam- for the twist level determination while the other servomotor
ples were the slub length, slub distance, and the base yarn controls the back-mid roller speed. These characteristics of
count. The numerical analysis of the slub yarn breaking slub yarn are produced via a program controlled drafting sys-
strength has been made by using (FEM) for calculate the slub tem which varies speed of back and middle rollers. At the same
yarn breaking strength. The measurement of slub yarn shape time, the front roller of the Ring spinning is maintained at a
has been having the great attention of the several researchers constant speed. This controlled acceleration produces varia-
[11–18], either by providing a means to measure slub yarn with tion in slub count (Neslub), slub distance (lb), and base yarn
the Uster laboratory system [11,12,16] or developing a method count (Neyarn). The slub yarn configuration is the number of
for the determination of parameters based on a pulse wave sig- slubs per meter (No.slub) and the ratio of pause count by yarn
nal of slub yarn to obtained the reliable results [13]. Visual count (Neslub/Neyarn). Fig. 1 illustrates the slub yarn
methods and analysis of slub yarn apparent parameters were appearance.
carried out by the several investigators [14,15]. An automatic
method for characterizing the parameters of ring slub yarn is
2.1. Mathematical model
presented, using a capacitance-type sensor. Another method
based on an Amended Similarity-based Clustering for deter-
2.1.1. Slub yarn geometry
mining the main parameters of ring slub yarns, including slub
length and slub distance, was proposed [14]. In this work, the- The base diameter of the yarn ‘‘d” can be determined knowing
oretical model of the diameter and the twist distribution along the base yarn count N1. The slub count Ns will be:
the slub length was developed. The effects of the dynamical V1
NsðtÞ ¼ N0 ð1Þ
characteristics of the slub forming mechanism on both the slub VO ðtÞ
diameter and twist distributions were investigated.

Fig. 1 Slub yarn shape.

A study of the basic parameters 2757

where N0 is fed roving count after break drafting, VO ðtÞ is system which prevent the speed of the back-mid roller to reach
back-mid roller speed as a function of the time. its maximum value instantaneously, the value of aðtÞ will be a
A slub can be created through the change of VO ðtÞ for a cer- function of time that required reaching its maximum value,
tain period of time Ti. The yarn diameter for cotton yarns can hence the value of VO ðtÞ ¼ fðtÞ; as shown in Fig. 2b, depends
be calculated from the equation: on the transfer function of the slub forming system.
0:907 In general, modeling the processes of roller drafting is per-
dðtÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi mm: ð2Þ haps the most difficult area [18]. Several researchers tried to
Ns ðtÞ
drive a model for the process of roller drafting. The transfor-
mation process is described by its transfer function. Simplified
form of the equation that represents the slub formation system
¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi mm: ð3Þ in Laplace transform can be taken as [19,20]:
V1 N0
VO ðtÞ
T1 S2 þ T2 S þ T3 ¼ RðsÞ: ð6Þ
Assuming, In case of step function, R(S) = 1/S.
VO ðtÞ ¼ VO ð1 þ aðtÞÞ m=min: ð4Þ Knowing of transfer function makes it is possible to inves-
tigate the time response of the system. Then transfer function
aðtÞ ¼ percentage increase of VO ðtÞ with the time during slub formation of the system is:

So: 1
GðsÞ ¼ : ð7Þ
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi T1 s3 þ T2 s2 þ T3 s
dðtÞ ¼ d ð1 þ aðtÞÞ: ð5Þ
The time response can be given by:
The velocity of the back-mid roller VO ðtÞ might be constant
i.e.aðtÞ is constant during the build of the slub along its FðtÞ ¼ eat coshðbtÞ  ceat sinhðbtÞ þ 1: ð8Þ
length, as illustrated in Fig. 2a. where a, b, c are the constants depending on the values of T1,
Taking into consideration the dynamical response of the T2, T3. The value of aðtÞ is varied as given in Fig. 3 (for slub
drafting process together with the dynamical of the drafting lengthls 3 cm, V1 25 m/sec, T1 = 0.2, T2 = 200 and T3 = 0).

Fig. 2 Geometry of slub yarn.

Fig. 3 Step function time response of slub forming system.

2758 M. ElMessiry, R. El Deeb

Table 1. The time response for various values of T1, T2, and
Table 1 Values of T1, T2, T3 for different slub forming
T3 is illustrated in Fig. 4. The value of the constants T1, T2,
T3 affects the step function time response and indicates the
System no. T1 T2 T3 slub system should have a low value of T1 and high value of
6 1 4 5 T2. The rise time of the slub system should be short enough
7 1 4 1 to reach the final value ofVO slub. The rise time of system 16
8 1 5 1 is equal to 0.008 sec. The slub length is 0.33 cm, representing
9 1 6 1 11% of the slub length, while it will increase to 25% for system
10 1 10 1 15 and 50% for system 11.
11 1 20 1 Assuming the time for slub formation ts , the slub length will
12 2 20 1
be ls :
13 0.2 20 1
14 0.2 50 1 ls ðtÞ ¼ V1 dt: ð9Þ
15 0.2 100 1
16 0.2 200 1 And the total slub length will be:
ls ¼ ts V1 : ð10Þ
The diameter of the slub can be changed through the
In order to investigate the influence of slub forming system change of the max velocity value of the back-mid rollers VO .
dynamical on the geometry of the slub, several transfer func- Assuming,
tions were proposed with the different constants as given in Vos ¼ VO ð1 þ baðts ÞÞ: ð11Þ

Fig. 4 Step function time response of slub forming system.

Fig. 5 Change of slub diameter along its length.

A study of the basic parameters 2759

Fig. 6 (Output slub diameter/Theoretical slub diameter) ratio.

where Vos is the maximum velocity of the back-mid rollers for formation systems under investigation in the case of the differ-
slub formation, Vo is the back-mid rollers velocity of the reg- ent values of the slub length 2 cm and 10 cm. The results indi-
ular yarn, and b = VosVV o
. cate the fact that the both systems have a high value of (Output
The change of b will produce the slubs of the different slub diameter/Theoretical slub diameter) ratio, while system
diameters as illustrated in Fig. 5. Theoretically, maximum slub No. 11 failed to form the designed slub diameter for the differ-
diameter can be calculated as: ent values of b.
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Based on the above results, a several slub formation sys-
ds max ¼ dy ð1 þ bÞ: ð12Þ tems with the different constants T1, T2, and T3, presented
where in Table 1, were investigated. Due to the values of the con-
stants in the step function time response (Output slub diame-
dy : is base yarn diameter. ter/Theoretical slub diameter) ratio is expected to vary as
illustrated in Fig. 7 and was found a function of the slub
Fig. 6 gives the value of the calculated (Output slub diam- length. The longer the slub length, the higher gain is the gain
eter/Theoretical slub diameter) ratio, taking into consideration of the different systems. Slub forming systems No. 14, 15
the dynamical response of the slub forming system for two slub and 16 satisfy the design condition for all slub lengths.

Fig. 7 (Output slub diameter/Theoretical slub diameter) ratio.

2760 M. ElMessiry, R. El Deeb

Fig. 8 Twist angle versus the yarn diameter.

2.1.2. Multi slub yarn 2.2. Twist variation over the slub length
The regular slub yarn may be formed from one slub repeated
in fixed of variable length on the base yarn or irregular slub The value of the slub diameter along the slub length changes
yarn with different size and space length. Multi slub yarn according to the value of b and the dynamical response of
can also have short slubs of different count. The slubs might the system a (t) so will vary the twist. The problem of determi-
be positive or negative and they may be over lapped. Gener- nation of the twist variation is rather complicated since the
ally, any slub form can be generated using computer pro- value of packing density of the yarn will differ corresponding
grammable servomotors to drive the back-mid rollers, so a to the twist variation [22–24]. The twist angle is found to be
great variety of the different types of slub yarns can be a function of the fiber density, the fiber-volume fraction Vf,
designed [21]. The final shape will depend on the dynamical and the twist/m [23,24].
parameter of the slub forming system, especially when the slub The twist angle c can be calculated from the following
length is too short or the slub design consists of several diam- equation:
eters forming single slub. The slub formation computer pro-
c ¼ arctgðpdðtÞTÞ: ð13Þ
gram should take into consideration the dynamical of the
slub forming system in order to reach the exact form of the On the other hand, the value of c can be calculated from the
desired slub. equation [25]:

Fig. 9 Distribution of twist angle along slub yarn & basic yarn.
A study of the basic parameters 2761

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