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Advanced physiological roles of

guanidinoacetic acid

Article in European Journal of Nutrition · September 2015

DOI: 10.1007/s00394-015-1050-7


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1 author:

Sergej Ostojic
University of Novi Sad


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Advanced physiological roles of
guanidinoacetic acid

Sergej M. Ostojic

European Journal of Nutrition

ISSN 1436-6207
Volume 54
Number 8

Eur J Nutr (2015) 54:1211-1215

DOI 10.1007/s00394-015-1050-7

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Author's personal copy
Eur J Nutr (2015) 54:1211–1215
DOI 10.1007/s00394-015-1050-7


Advanced physiological roles of guanidinoacetic acid

Sergej M. Ostojic1,2 

Received: 30 July 2015 / Accepted: 16 September 2015 / Published online: 28 September 2015
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract  Dietary guanidinoacetic acid (GAA) seems to In the past decade or so, GAA has redrawn attention as
improve cellular bioenergetics by stimulating creatine bio- an experimental dietary additive in human nutrition. Die-
synthesis. However, GAA could have other biological func- tary GAA improved clinical outcomes and prevented mus-
tions that might affect its possible use as a food ingredient cle mass loss in patients with chronic renal failure [4]. Sup-
in human nutrition. In this paper, we identified several alter- plemental GAA also enhanced muscular performance in
native physiological roles of supplemental GAA, including healthy volunteers [5] and improved health-related quality
the stimulation of hormonal release and neuromodulation, of life in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome [6]. Above
an alteration of metabolic utilization of arginine, and an trials suggested that GAA could stimulate cellular bioen-
adjustment of oxidant–antioxidant status. A better knowl- ergetics through enhanced creatine biosynthesis, with con-
edge of how GAA affects human physiology may facilitate firmed amplified creatine availability in the skeletal muscle
its use as an experimental nutritional intervention for novel after GAA ingestion in young pigs [7] and humans (Ostojic
purposes and conditions. et al. unpublished data). However, GAA could have other
physiological roles in the human body that might be rel-
Keywords  Guanidinoacetic acid · Creatine · Insulin · evant for its possible use as a novel dietary supplement in
Arginine · Pro-oxidant human nutrition. In this paper, we will advance new pos-
sibilities for GAA actions in vivo.

Alternative mechanisms for GAA action
Guanidinoacetic acid (GAA; chemical formula C3H7N3O2)
is a naturally occurring amino acid derivative that acts as Historical clinical studies from the 1950s were the first
a direct precursor of creatine, an essential compound in to report a significant capacity of dietary GAA to affect
the energy metabolism of muscle and nerve tissue. GAA human physiology. Dispensed as a creatine precursor, die-
has been identified as a component of human metabolism tary GAA improved work tolerance and functional abilities
approximately 80 years ago [1], with fundamental meta- in patients with cardiac decompensation and acute anterior
bolic pathways of GAA biotransformation well described poliomyelitis [8, 9]. Interestingly, authors suggested that
[2, 3] (Fig. 1). GAA might have additional physiological effects besides
creatine biosynthesis, yet no other mechanisms of action
have been evaluated or proposed. Our group recently nomi-
* Sergej M. Ostojic nated a number of mechanisms that might be related with
performance-enhancing capacity of dietary GAA [5], with
Biomedical Sciences Department, Faculty of Sport the net effect of GAA yet to be revealed. Now, we identi-
and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Lovcenska fied several alternative physiological roles of supplemental
16, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia GAA, including possible stimulation of hormonal release
University of Belgrade School of Medicine, Belgrade, Serbia and neuromodulation, alteration of metabolic utilization

Author's personal copy

1212 Eur J Nutr (2015) 54:1211–1215

immediate increase in plasma insulin (up to 150 µU/ml)

that persisted for approximately 20 min [10]. This GAA-
driven insulin release appears to be more potent as com-
pared to creatine or arginine [11, 12], with the presence of
positive charge on the side chain of the compound possi-
bly responsible for a difference in response [13]. Although
highly speculative, this polarity of GAA molecule might
affect membrane depolarization in pancreatic islets cells
that stimulates insulin secretion through protein kinase A-
and C-sensitive mechanisms. In addition, exogenous GAA
decreases plasma glucose [14], with improved insulin
sensitivity seen as another insulin-related mechanism of
GAA action. This effect might be also due to GAA poten-
tiation of protein kinases that modulate the insulin recep-
tor activity on target cells. Having all this in mind, dietary
GAA might be approached as an insulinotropic compound
that affects insulin homeostasis and ameliorates hypergly-
Fig. 1  Guanidinoacetic acid (GAA) biotransformation. GAA is cemia, with GAA possibly used as an anti-diabetic and/or
synthesized from non-essential amino acids glycine and l-arginine,
with this reaction catalyzed by the enzyme l-arginine–glycine ami-
anabolic agent. However, no human study so far evaluated
dinotransferase (AGAT; EC number AGAT is located mainly possible clinical potential of GAA-induced insulin stimu-
in the kidneys and pancreas. The uptake of GAA through the diet is lation neither its underlying mechanisms. Furthermore, it
considered negligible (e.g., meat GAA content >10 mg/kg); however, seems that GAA can act as a moderate glucagon secreta-
no reliable data tables for GAA content in various foods are avail-
able. After being transported to the liver (also pancreas, reproductive
gogue [12], yet the net effect of GAA intake on hormones
organs), GAA is methylated to yield creatine. This reaction is cata- regulating glucose metabolism is currently unknown.
lyzed by the enzyme guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase (GAMT; Second, dietary GAA can be used as an efficacious
EC number and requires transfer of a methyl group from replacement for arginine in animal nutrition [15]; the
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) to GAA, to form creatine and S-adeno-
sylhomocysteine (SAH). Black boxes indicate enzymes AGAT (1) and
arginine-sparing effect of GAA might facilitate the use of
GAMT (2) more arginine for other physiological functions, includ-
ing protein anabolism, cellular signaling, and hormonal
release. Recent studies [16–18] reported that supplemental
of arginine, and oxidant–antioxidant status adjustment GAA could increase growth performance and weight gain
(Fig. 2). in broilers, suggesting more arginine is available for pro-
Previous studies suggested that exogenous GAA stimu- tein synthesis and breast meat yield. So far, no human stud-
lates insulin secretion in rodents, with GAA causing an ies evaluated arginine sparing or its utilization for protein

Fig. 2  Advanced physiological
roles of guanidinoacetic acid.
Abbr. GABA—γ-aminobutyric

Author's personal copy
Eur J Nutr (2015) 54:1211–1215 1213

synthesis during GAA supplementation. Furthermore, since replenishment of cellular energy seems inferior as com-
more arginine could drive growth hormone (GH) produc- pared to creatine. Anyhow, no data are currently available
tion and nitric oxide (NO) synthesis [19], dietary GAA to evaluate possible capacity of dietary GAA as an alterna-
might additionally affect growth and NO-mediated func- tive energy donor in human physiology or pathophysiology.
tions by making extra arginine theoretically available for Fifth, previous animal studies reported that exogenous
above functions after GAA intervention. This hypothesis GAA might affect oxidant–antioxidant system, acting
has not been tested in vivo so far. either as a pro-oxidant or an antioxidant compound. GAA
Third, GAA acts as a possible activator of gamma- induces oxidative stress after experimental intrastriatal
amino butyric acid (GABA) receptors in the brain and infusion [28], or excessive accumulation in pathological
peripheral tissues [20]. Since GABA is the chief inhibi- conditions [29], while dietary GAA improves antioxida-
tory neurotransmitter in the nervous system, exogenous tive status by elevating total antioxidant capacity and the
GAA might act as a neuromodulator and affect neuronal activities of several antioxidant enzymes [30]. Contrasting
excitability, muscular tone, and/or brain development. Neu results of the previous studies are accompanied with dif-
and co-workers [21] reported the interaction of GAA with ferent levels of GAA achieved after GAA administration/
neuronal GABAA receptors as a candidate mechanism accumulation. Pro-oxidant effects are noticed after intrac-
explaining neurological dysfunction in guanidinoacetate erebral accumulation and highly elevated brain GAA con-
methyltransferase (GAMT) deficiency, an autosomal reces- centrations (~100 µmol/L), while antioxidant effects seem
sively inherited disorder of creatine biosynthesis. Due to to appear after GAA ingestion and relatively low post-
its structural similarity with GABA, GAA activates neu- administration serum levels of GAA (~5 µmol/L). Chemi-
ronal voltage-gated or ligand-gated chloride channels and cally, GAA yields reactive oxygen species since it donates
impairs spontaneous activity of neurons. This probably an electron from its conjugate base and generates superox-
happens when GAA accumulates in high concentrations in ide, a strong free radical [31]. Therefore, pure GAA serves
the brain and plasma (~10–30 μM) in GAMT deficiency. as a direct pro-oxidant. On the other hand, GAA-related
However, whether dietary GAA acts as GABAA agonist metabolites (creatine and arginine) might be able to quench
and affects neuromodulation in physiological conditions is free radicals after GAA ingestion [30], suggesting indi-
currently unknown. Our group recently reported that GAA rect antioxidant effect of GAA utilization. Theoretically,
loading (3 g/day) decreases plasma GABA levels after if GAA metabolism remains undisturbed and/or low-to-
3 weeks of intervention in healthy men [22], suggesting modest quantities of exogenous GAA have been provided,
possible GABAergic action of dietary GAA although the a cumulative effect of the intervention might be neutral
exact mechanism of GAA action remained undisclosed. No or antioxidant protection through creatine- and arginine-
effects of dietary GAA were evaluated regarding GABA- driven medium. Nevertheless, as long as GAA metabolism
mediated neuronal or muscular excitability of the interven- is irregular or the compound accumulates in high amounts,
tion. The theory of GABA-mediated mechanism of dietary GAA behaves as a strong pro-oxidant and can induce oxi-
GAA action requires further investigation. dative stress. However, an explicit exposure–response rela-
Fourth, GAA might behave as a direct substrate for cre- tionship concerning oxidant–antioxidant status of dietary
atine kinase (CK) and compensatory phosphagen [23], with GAA remains unknown.
phosphorylated GAA serving as a phosphocreatine mimetic Finally, GAA might act as a moderate vasodilation agent
and an alternative energy donor, at least when the availabil- that increases the blood flow due to a decrease in vascu-
ity of creatine is reduced. During normal conditions, when lar resistance. Researchers from the University of Kansas
availability of creatine is normal, the potential of GAA to School of Medicine were the first to report a vasodilation
act as a substrate for CK is probably negligible. GAA com- and lowering of blood pressure in clinical patients medi-
petes with creatine, with the flux through the CK reaction cated with GAA, when the compound was administered
~100 times lower for GAA as compared to creatine [24]. intravenously (1 % GAA solution) or orally (1–20 mg/kg)
However, in creatine-deficient conditions, GAA might [32–34]. Likewise, coronary blood flow increased with a
completely saturate CK and act as a substitutional phos- small dose of GAA in dogs, while higher doses induced
phagen. This is confirmed in GAMT-knockout mice, where a more sustained drop in blood pressure [35]. While cre-
resting metabolite level of phospho-GAA (not normally atine has no characteristic effect upon the blood pressure,
present) did not differ from the phosphocreatine peak in GAA was described as a powerful depressor substance.
wild-type mice [25], implying a notable utilization of GAA This effect might be due to GAA-driven inhibited methyla-
by CK. Creatine-deficient mice are able to cope with ener- tion of norepinephrine that affects its half-life and sympa-
getically compromised conditions by using phospho-GAA thetic effects [36]. Chalier [37] suggested that GAA prob-
[26, 27]. This suggests that GAA might act as a possible ably causes vascular dilation by an alternative mechanism.
proxy for creatine in creatine deficiency, yet its ability for Hypothetically, GAA may indirectly lead to vasodilation

Author's personal copy

1214 Eur J Nutr (2015) 54:1211–1215

through arginine sparing and arginine-mediated NO pro- (a) insufficient knowledge on dietary GAA pharmacoki-
duction, with NO acting as an endothelium-derived relax- netics and pharmacodynamics, (b) underdeveloped dose–
ing factor [38]. However, no recent human studies evalu- response models for supplemental GAA, (c) limited infor-
ated possible anti-hypertensive effects of GAA or its mation about GAA interaction with other nutrients and/or
direct or indirect mechanisms of action in the clinical pharmacological agents, (d) poorly addressed safety issues
environment. of GAA ingestion, (e) missing information on the effects
of dietary GAA in specific populations, and (f) unresolved
regulatory status of supplemental GAA in the USA and
Challenges and barriers in GAA research Europe. In particular, more randomized controlled trials
are needed to quantify practical biomedical significance of
Before one substantiates each of the possible alternative supplemental GAA as compared to analogous compounds
functions of GAA in the human body, several issues con- in both healthy population and clinical patients. A better
cerning GAA research need to be addressed as well. GAA knowledge of how GAA affects human physiology may
is usually recognized as a pathophysiological substrate facilitate its use as an experimental nutritional intervention
of GAMT deficiency, and accumulated GAA in the brain for novel purposes and conditions.
and serum accompanies pathophysiological outcomes of
this disorder [39]. A number of studies advancing GAA
roles originate from case reports in patients with GAMT Conclusion
deficiency, or experimental models of GAMT deficiency,
where GAA was administered exogenously (typically by Besides serving as an immediate precursor for creatine, it
intracerebral or intravenous injection) to mimic brain GAA seems that GAA has other physiological roles that might
levels found in clinical patients. Those studies are charac- be relevant for its possible use as a food additive in human
terized by two general features: (a) GAA levels in body nutrition. GAA might stimulate insulin secretion and insu-
fluids are 60–1000 times higher than in normal controls, lin sensitivity, spare dietary arginine and facilitate its use
while creatine pool is depleted, and (b) neurological dys- in protein synthesis, hormonal release, and vasodilation,
function is mainly attributed to the increase in GAA levels. modulate GABA utilization and function, serve as an alter-
GAA seems to be an active key metabolite causing neuro- native energy donor during creatine deficiency, and affect
logical effects in such research models, yet the lack of cre- oxidant–antioxidant balance. Characterization of advanced
atine is highly neurotoxic by itself as evidenced by other roles of dietary GAA requires further studies.
neurological disorders in which there is no accumulation
of GAA [40]. Having this in mind, the mechanism lead- Acknowledgments  Supported by the Serbian Ministry of Science
(Grant No. 175037).
ing to neurological effects in such studies initially attrib-
uted to GAA could be a result of GAA abundance, lack Compliance with ethical standards 
of creatine, or a combination of both. In addition, above
models are of modest practical significance since clinically Conflict of interest  There is no conflict of interest in this study.
relevant high concentrations of GAA (5–10 µM in cer-
ebrospinal fluid) are highly unlikely to happen in normal
population where GAA concentration in human cerebrospi- References
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