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Young At Heart

A Sports Drama Storygame

By Fraser Simons
* baseball * nostalgia * rolepl
* story game aying g
gam e
y ing *
p la sto

Fraser Simons’
o l e
r g

YOUNG AT HEART pitched your heart out. Always believing that
win or lose, putting everything you’ve got into
something is what really matters.

And now, standing on what sometimes feels like

the loneliest place in the world, you’re at a pivotal
crossroads in your life. Maybe the most important
decisions you’ll ever make will be made here and
now, during this baseball game, on the pitching
mound of Yankee Stadium.

It’s time to lift that tired old arm of yours one

more time in order to really give this game, maybe
your last game, everything you have left.

In this roleplaying game you and some friends are

going to work semi-cooperatively to get an all-
star ball player through the most difficult, and
maybe the most defining day of their life.

Young at Heart does not concern itself with

simulating the game of baseball. Instead, it
focuses on getting into the headspace of the
pitcher and what they are going through on the
mound in order to keep throwing that ball, and
throwing it well. What do they think about? How
Introduction does it feel? Where does their inner strength come
from? How does the act of committing to playing
You’re not young anymore. Now, young a game their whole life affect the rest of their life?
children buy baseball cards of you. You’ve
come far; once a rookie, now you’re going to As you experience the inner struggles of this
be in the hall of fame. One of the greatest individual, know that you’ll also be carving out
still playing a game steeped in a history a future for them as well as creating their past
you’ve always loved. Getting paid to live out memories. Collaboratively, you’ll be defining the
your dreams has always felt like a privilege, moments of a person who has given their life to a
not a job. game they’ve played ever since they first put on a
glove and began to play catch. All in order to see
For what has seemed like countless years where they end up after one of the hardest days
you’ve given everything you had to the game. of their lives.
Game after game, you put on your glove and
Playing Young
at Heart
At its heart, this game aims to touch on
tropes associated with 90’s drama flicks.
First and foremost, For Love of the Game,
but other films fit as well. As examples,
movies like Bull Durham, Rookie of the Year,
The Natural, A League of their Own and The
Rookie come to mind.

Most people have seen these types of movies

before, but if you or the other players haven’t,
you should be able to draw on your own
experiences when you play. We all love or
care about something passionately, and we
have all experienced our pride getting in
the way of our lives, and I’m sure, had some Most of the scenes will be memories. As such,
drama too. they tend to be quick and fleeting, never lingering
on the minutia or the unimportant. This is what
You can use your own story to add to this makes for a quick and compelling story. By
one, sharing some of yourself with the other striving to only talk about what is interesting
players, or use your consumed knowledge in and cutting out the rest, we do our best to make
order to do so, both should serve you just the game as fast as possible and as memorable as
fine. possible.

Hitting the Physical

right tone components
The game plays best with two to four people. To play, you’ll need some index cards to be used
The more people that play the game, the less to write pertinent information about the cast
play time each individual person will get, so members who will be characters you portray
keeping to smaller numbers allows for more in the collaborative story you will be telling
engaging play. Young at heart typically also with one another. You’ll also need some pens or
plays fairly quickly, usually ending in around pencils to write on the cards with and at least
two hours depending on how long you like two six-sided dice. Ideally, two dice that can be
to linger on the details and cut your overall distinguished between in some way, whether by
scenes. colour, shape, or size. Finally, you’ll need some
type of counter to keep track of the resources
Earlier I mentioned movies, in particular you’ll be managing in the game.
drama flicks, because, just like a movie,
scenes should feel cinematic. You can use more six-sided dice, poker chips,
beads, or even just keep track with a pen or
They should strive to carry a particular pencil, though a physical, visual aid is always
point and undercurrent of a dramatic nature best. If you’ve got a ton of dice, the easiest thing
that helps fuel the story and the others to do is to have around twenty-five six-sided dice.
playing the game with you. This may take A lot of people won’t have this many six-sided
some practice to get the hang of but is very dice! In this instance use anything you like in
rewarding. order to keep track of what you need.
Overview Getting started
A typical game of Young at Heart follows In this game, you and your friends take turns
this procedure in order to create the story: framing scenes around the main character, the
Pitcher. When it’s not your turn and you do not
Players first setup the main cast of the have narrative control you will be portraying
game, followed by dividing themselves into the other characters in the scenes. So first
teams that complete for a specific resource. things first, you need to set up each character
At the end of scenes teams always pass collaboratively and should be able to do it in ten
narrative control to one another. The goal minutes or less, bringing character creation for
of these scenes initially is to establish the all three to a maximum of thirty minutes. You’ll
tone of the story and pose the overarching notice that the opening paragraphs for each are
questions that frame what the game is going read out loud by whomever so chooses, in order to
to be about, these are called opening scenes. get all players on the same page.

Once this is established, scenes transition

into short flashbacks or montages that the The Pitcher
Pitcher has while actually pitching in a game.
These flashback scenes are they are named, [Read out loud] The Pitcher is about to be put
tell the backstory of the Pitcher while at the in the hall of fame and has had an outstanding
same time, drive toward an answer to the career. They’ve devoted themselves to the game,
overarching questions posed as well. their team, and the mound of every field they’ve
played in. New players don’t understand the
Once everyone on each team is satisfied with fundamental aspects that came with the life the
the answers to the overarching questions, Pitcher has led; the heart they have for this game,
scenes move from flashback sequences into the sacrifices they’ve made to become a hall of
real time again to create very specific kinds fame legend, and the special kind of pride only
of scenes that lead to the end of the story. the old guard in the game have.
Players first share narrative control to create
the final pitch of the game, dictating the • Approximately how old is the Pitcher and
final score of the game being pitched and any where were they born?
other details players want cemented into the • What is their name and primary physical
present day of the story. characteristics people notice about them right
Then, to completely wrap up, teams will each
do an epilogue scene after that final pitch, • What are their gender pronouns?
tying off any loose plot threads particularly • Who taught them how to play baseball?
targeting the overarching questions from the
opening scenes. • The next game is the last game in the season
for their team; how long have they been playing
baseball and is the team doing well or poorly?
• What is the name of the baseball team?
• What about them drives a wedge between
themselves and new players?
• In which ways in their life are they still a child
at heart, other than playing baseball?
• They’ve given baseball everything they’ve got,
but what did they have to neglect to have such
an amazing career?
Going around the table, describe how the Between their career and the Pitcher’s, they’ve
Pitcher looks. Add at least one characteristic always been proud of their life and achievements,
you see in a fellow player or yourself. even when they are gone. Life so far, has only
Anything will do, from being tall or well allowed them the solace of one another between
built, hair or eye colour to a nervous tick or the spaces of both of their other commitments in
quirk of personality. Whether it’s a physical life.
characteristic or a character trait is up to
you. The end goal is to have the Pitcher • What is their name and primary physical
reflect, at least in part, all the players at the characteristics people notice about them right
table. away?
• What are their gender pronouns?
The Best Friend • What career are they successful in?
[Read out loud] They’ve never been the star • What have they given up in in the past
athlete like their best friend, but they’ve or present in order to make room for this
always been there for the Pitcher. Their complicated relationship?
success in the game though, is intertwined,
because they are also the catcher for the • Just how serious is their relationship with the
Pitcher. They tell them how they should Pitcher right now, given the nature of both of
throw the ball, how hard, and other details their careers?
that come with pitching in a game in order to Going around the table, add at least one
win. They’ve been the catcher to one of the characteristic the Lover has for each person
greatest pitchers of all time. Unfortunately, playing in order to complete your main cast.
that doesn’t come with the same notoriety
but they are playing the game they’ve always
loved with their best friend, it could be Picking a team
After the main cast is set up, divide yourselves
• What is their name and primary physical into teams. Pick either Heart or Pride, bearing
characteristics people notice about them in mind what type of scenes you’ll be working
right away? towards should you choose one or the other.
• What are their gender pronouns? If you pick Heart, you’ll be looking to feed the
• What have they had to sacrifice along the Pitcher’s interests that aren’t typically considered
way to support the Pitcher? masculine.

• What do they know about the Pitcher that

no one else does?
Going around the table, add at least one
characteristic the best friend has for each
person playing to help each person personify

The Lover
[Read out loud] They have never allowed
themselves to be defined by the fact that
they’ve been romantically entangled with the
Pitcher for quite some time now.
The desire to be intimate and speak
sincerely despite possible judgement from
fellow baseball players, friends, or society, Resources
stems from Heart. It’s also their childish
hopes and dreams in relation to their lover, At the start of play, everyone begins with a
their parents, hobbies, interests, etc. Heart is communal five Talent and no other resources.
also what probably sparked the Pitcher’s love You can never gain more Talent, but you will
of the baseball in the first place. be increasing your Heart or Pride in scenes,
depending on the scene. The two main types of
Pride is the armor one has that shields them scenes you’ll be using to play out your story are
when they should stumble and fall. The opening scenes and flashback scenes.
Pitcher is admired and loved for the things
they have accomplished and could not have
had them had they not been strong, confident Outline of Play
and unyielding at times.
A session of Young at Heart can be broken
They have a gift that they use in the spirit down into the following steps and each step
of the game they love, which gives them the is further detailed on page 8:
confidence they need to test themselves
against the very best in the game.
Opening scenes outline:
It’s important to note that both are
• Create the main cast of the story
absolutely essential to the Pitcher’s life and
are very subjective, this is on purpose. • Divide yourselves into teams representing
either Heart or Pride
Part of Young at Heart is seeing what other
player’s interpretation of Pride and Heart for • Choose someone to frame the first scene or the
the Pitcher is, and just how intertwined one youngest person is selected to do so
really is to the other despite them initially • They frame a scene in which one question from
feeling so disparate. And, without either, they the opening scene list must be answered and
arguably would not have had a such a prolific events in said scene also lead up to the Pitcher
baseball career or played baseball at all. actually pitching in the game

They are two sides of a coin that are both • At the end of the scene each team rolls a
integral, which means neither is good or bad. single six-sided dice and the team with the
Both are the root of the Pitcher, so you are highest die result increases their resource by
not choosing who is good and who is bad, one
rather what is most interesting to you or,
• If it is a tie, both teams increase their
possibly what you identify the most with.
resources by one
Just as important within a scene, the two • Narrative control passes to the team that
will create diverging and interesting paths hasn’t gone yet
in the story. Young at Heart uses the struggle
for each resource in order to have no player • Once all the questions are answered the next
know what will happen next — that way scene will be a flashback scene
everyone is playing to find out what happens
Flashback scenes outline: • If you can, narrative control goes to the team
who did not start with narrative control last
• Each team now frames scenes with scene and begins the new scene. Regardless
the Pitcher being on the mound of the of who ended with narrative control, it always
stadium, pitching a game and recalling passes from who began with narrative control
their life in short flashback scenes that to the team that did not
are defining moments in the Pitcher’s
backstory • Flashback scenes end when both teams have
solidified their answers to the overarching
• Whomever has narrative control starts questions in the opening scenes
linearly in the Pitcher’s past and always
leads the scene to a point called a Fork. The final pitch scene outline:
This is when the player with narrative
control wants the Pitcher to do or say • All players from both teams count how many
something that would increase their team resources they have without mixing them
resource together

• When this point is reached the scene is • For each resource from both teams, players
work together to create a blow by blow account
paused and each team rolls their six-sided
of what happens in this scene by adding a
die with the highest number deciding
Moment for each total resource
which team both gets narrative control of
the scene moving forward, but also • This last scene is a slow motion, dramatic
increases their resource by one finale to the baseball game that is both used to
• Play then resumes and the team with establish the final score of the game, as well
narrative control completes the scene, as end the game in the most spectacular and
having the scene reflect which resource dramatic way possible
was increased • Once this scene is over, proceed to the epilogue
• Decrease your Talent by one at the end scenes
of each flashback scene and when you The epilogue scenes outline:
no longer have any, the next scene is the
pushing through scene found in detailed • Whichever team with the most resources
play frames a final scene in which the Pitcher acts
out their desired outcome for their overarching
• When all the Talent resource is gone, at
questions in opening scenes
the end of each flashback scene, consume
one Pride and one Heart, if you cannot do • The player currently
so, instead go to the epilogue scenes narrating for said team
will bring the scene up to
a point when the Pitcher
would do or say something
to result in the answer of
that team’s question, which
results in the scene being
paused so that team's die
can be rolled
• The team rolls their six-
sided die and, in order to
succeed, the result
of the die must not be
greater than the number of
resource tokens the team
If it matches, the team remains in • Why do you have to decide whether or not to
control, if the die result is greater than retire or be traded at the end of this game?
the team’s resources, the other team takes
over narrative control of the epilogue • Why does your Best Friend have to catch for
you this game and who is proposing they don’t
• The next team does the same process for and for what reason?
their overarching question and the game
is over when narration of the final scene These opening scenes are also what will
stops introduce the Pitcher, the Best Friend and the
Lover. So, treat each scene like that of a movie,
Purview of all scenes: and also work in answering a question. Show
where these people are and what they are like.
• No matter what scene you have The type of chemistry they have or don’t have
narrative control in and are narrating or with each other, the uniforms they may wear, their
participating in, you can never dictate demeanor, mannerisms, and even so much as the
the score of the game until the final pitch music you think might be playing if this story
scene. From the circumstances happening were actually a real movie or TV show, are all
during the game the Pitcher is playing in great things to contribute. Anything you think is
that cause a flashback scene to occur, to pertinent to your own vision of what would make
who is in the stands, it’s all yours to do for a great story should be touched on in every
with as you like. But who gets on base, scene you have narrative control over.
who scores, if a ball is caught or not, etc.,
Is not within the purview of the players At the end of each opening scene, both teams
until the final pitch mechanics allow you roll one six-sided die and generate either Heart
that purview. or Pride depending on who has the highest die
result. If there is a tie, both teams increase their
Detailed play resources by one. Once that’s done, regardless of
who ends the scene with narrative control, the
team that did not start the current scene with it
Opening scenes always gets it next.

Play always starts with opening scenes, and Once all of these opening questions are
during the first one players choose whomever answered, the next person to frame a scene
has an idea of what they want an opening begins with flashback scenes.
scene to be, or whoever is the youngest if
there is no volunteer.
Flashback scenes
This player narrates a scene, with a very
specific purpose in mind. Chiefly, to answer The focus of these flashback scenes now shifts
one of the following questions to create the focus towards making a cohesive timeline for the
overarching questions the Pitcher needs to Pitcher’s backstory while they are pitching the
answer during the course of their flashbacks game. This means that after the opening scenes,
detailed after this. Just know, these as time passes in the flashback scenes, so too is
questions mold your story so treat them as time passing in the baseball game, we just do not
such. focus on the game.

With every opening scene, one question must Weaving in and out of this game into flashback
be answered. These questions are: scenes is completely fine and adds a lot of great
flavor. However, always remember that you do
• Why and how did your Lover tell you they not have purview as a player to decide any of the
were leaving tonight and where are they score of the game, everything else however, is fair
going? game.
From when the Pitcher began learning
baseball, until the events that led up to the Pushing through scene
game the Pitcher now finds themselves in,
can and should be used in flashback scenes When all your Talent has been consumed, the
to encapsulate the backstory. Making it so next player to portray the Pitcher answers both of
these scenes progress in a linear fashion to these questions with their next scene. This scene
current events is also best practice and temporarily shifts focus from the flashbacks to
a very satisfying way to tie a bow on your the present ball game. Remember, your Talent is
story, though invariably sometimes this won’t your golden arm, your raw natural ability, and
be possible when players have specific scenes right now it’s gone! What does that look like for
they want to have happen, and that’s fine. the Pitcher?

Each scene should also strive to figure out • Why is it so hard to continue to pitch right
what each team will do about the overarching now? Is it a past injury, old age, etc.?
questions they must deal with at the end of • What is it that makes you push through
the game, which is finalized in the epilogue whatever this problem is, in order to finish the
scenes. These questions are: game?

• Do you retire or allow yourself to be At the end of the scene once both questions are
traded to another team? answered, both teams roll their six-sided dice
and the winner increases their resources by one.
• What, if anything, are you going to do Narrative control passes as normal and flashback
about your Lover? scenes continue.
Always try to drive exploration of the
Pitcher’s past while trying to eventually But, at the end of each flashback scene going
come to a conclusion as to what the Pitcher forward, you must decrease both your Pride and
will do about either problem they face as is your Heart resources in order to keep pitching. If
revealed by their backstory you now create. you cannot do that at any time, you immediately
move to the epilogue scenes.
At the end of each flashback scene, you also
must decrease your Talent. You always begin
with five Talent, and at the end of each
The Last Pitch scene
flashback scene, decrease it by one until you
It’s the last pitch of the game. Both teams work
have none left. When you no longer have any,
together to add Moments to this special finale
the pushing through scene takes place with
scene. Think of it as a slow motion dramatic pitch
the next person who has narrative control,
in a movie. Each die either team has, is used as a
not another flashback scene. As long as you
currency you spend in order to detail a play by
still have Talent though, flashback scenes
play description of everything in this scene
proceed as normal.
focusing on the finale of the game.

While the dice should remain in separate teams

still and should not be actually taken away as
they are spent on Moments, everyone should work
together to spend all of the accumulated dice
from both teams. Who is at the stadium, what
kind of pitch do you throw, does the batter hit
the ball, what is the final score of the game?

These are all questions that can be answered in

this scene with Moments.
For instance, if both teams count their dice
and all of them add up to six, everyone Epilogue scenes
working together could add the following
Moments to their final pitch scene: After the final pitch scene is complete, both
teams now use their separate die pools to finish
1. An incredible silence fills the stadium story threads off that still linger. Alternatively,
as the Pitcher strains himself to throw a this scene is used for what happens if you cannot
curveball that visibly hurts them. continue to pitch due to not having enough
resources. You simply explain in the story why
2. The ball slows down and the camera pans they could not continue and still try to get your
into the point of view of the ball as the desired outcome, bearing in mind you could not
batter swings and we see the bat connect finish the baseball game.
with the ball.
These scenes are specifically meant to adequately
3. The ball swings up and out and the satisfy the questions: will the Pitcher do something
scoreboard shows a perfect game so far. about their circumstances with their Lover? And,
will the Pitcher choose to retire or be traded?
4. The ball touches down mid field and Either team can choose to answer a question if
bounces off a random teammate’s glove. they think it falls within their narrative control.

5. Another teammate slides in and throws Each team decides on a final scene for either
the ball to first base. Heart or Pride respectively, building up to a fork
in the story like a flashback scene, with the end
6. The ball travels into the glove of the goal being to answer what the Pitcher is going to
first baseman just a few seconds before do about that specific question. This time though,
the runner gets there and it’s declared a that team rolls their own die in order to see if
strike. it a success or not. They count their resources
and when they roll they must meet that number
Once everyone is happy with the outcome of exactly or get below it in order to succeed.
the final pitch scene (and however many
Moments you have corresponding to the For instance, if you have 3 Heart and roll, to
number of dice each team has are spent) succeed you need to roll a 1, 2, or a 3 in order get
proceed to the epilogue scenes to see what the complete success you hope for. If you do not,
happens next. instead narrative control goes to the other team,
Pride in this case.

Just like normal they describe

what may have happened instead,
still making an interesting story
and tying it to Pride. Always keep
in mind that all players can help
one another to come
up with what that might be. A
failure does not dictate that the
opposite happens, it only means
that team does not get their
desired perfect outcome. If you’re
going after the love of your life,
for instance, and the fork is that
you see them with someone else –
let’s say Heart decides they want
to win them back and they fail!
Maybe when Pride takes over what actually
happens is they can’t bring themselves to Ties
go over and talk to the Lover, who seems
happy without them now. Or, possibly the Just in case of a tie, in a normal scene, both
Pitcher does go and talks to them, but only teams work together to narrate something in
to say goodbye. Whatever makes for the sort which the Pitcher would plausibly generate both
of ending that seems in keeping with the resources in the scene if it is a flashback. This
backstory of the Pitcher, as well as what all does not mean the reaction of the Pitcher at the
players think would make for a good ending fork in the story when dice are rolled should
to your story! generate both, as sometimes that just won’t be
possible. Instead complete the scene from that
point forward hitting on both as would befit the
Advice on story, not with the goal in mind to have both
happen at the same time but with telling a good,
playing Young interesting story. If it is an opening scene, both
at Heart teams are simply awarded one of each resource
with nothing else needing to be handled in the
Playing with an odd
number of players Making new characters
If you do not have an equal number of Sometimes you’ll introduce new characters that
players for both teams, each time a player aren’t cast members to the story as you narrate
frames a scene and is the Pitcher, there the Pitcher’s past. Simply take an index card,
needs to be a way to know if they are write down their name, what occupation they
framing a scene towards Heart or Pride. have, and how they know the Pitcher and proceed
with play. When the scene ends, return the index
You can have the teams solidified with two card to the table so that anyone can play them in
players and have the last one swing back and a future scene, from that point on they are up for
forth from team to team, or perhaps have the grabs just as the main cast members are.
teams alternate with every player each turn.
If neither appeals to you, another option is to
have the player whose turn it is simply Flashback scene advice
decide their team while playing out a scene,
based on how they want the Pitcher to act Just like our own memories, as well as in the
and have the other players rolling to oppose movies this game emulates, these flashbacks are
them. memories and are very often quite quick. Just
Conventional equal teams have a natural as often in media, they are shown as a montage,
tendency to want to one up one another, a series of quick scenes used to get across a lot
lending itself well to this kind of story. That of information in a short amount of time. In
said, I have had wonderfully successful and this game, scenes will obviously take longer than
great games using the described methods for montages and flashback sequences in other media,
odd numbers of players as well. but you should always keep in mind that scenes
shouldn’t linger longer then they need to. As soon
Best practice is to decide what mode of play as they have the essential elements conveyed, and
is most appealing to everyone involved, and the players are satisfied, cut out and move to the
go with whatever you think would be the next player so they can play the Pitcher and keep
most fun for everyone. the momentum going.
Everyone is trying to make the best story questions, which naturally will lead to different
they can. Because all players personify epilogue questions, and you have a very different
the Pitcher at some point, both teams are kind of story. Sports related, or otherwise.
invested in creating the best story possible.
That means if you feel you have great idea Something that may be of interest as well is to
for the next scene, by all means share it in lower the stakes of the questions posed at the
the spirit of telling the best possible story, beginning and make each game a smaller chunk
even if it’s an idea that benefits the other of an overall narrative. If you wanted to simulate
team! a woman making history and pitching in the
MLB, like in the show Pitch, for example, you
It is important to note that in flashback could have opening questions that were episodic
scenes the duality between Heart and Pride in nature. Each gunning towards a specific theme
is being highlighted, the intent is not to each time, while feeding into the overarching
comment on either being bad. Both are story as well.
ultimately needed. Don’t try to make one
side clearly the desired outcome. Instead,
use Pride and Heart as context dictated by
Intentions of
the die result to colour your scene and let
the story take shape with both forks in the
Young at Heart
story being interesting and how the story The kind of story engrained in this game is
was ultimately meant to go anyways. Both derived from a specific story, one that means a
ways in which the Pitcher will act will be lot to me. Ever since I was a young boy and I first
compelling and because we don’t know which read For Love of the Game, I’ve taken away a lot
team will have narrative control until the of different things from such a simple story. There
result, there is no way to predict what will have been a lot of times in my life where the
happen next. This means both teams come duality of heart and pride have caused conflict.
up with creative and interesting ideas for the From people I loved being lost due to the things
plot and an unpredictable story. I wish I could say but never did, to moments that
mean a lot to me still, all because my heart told
Dice rolls are not meant to ever be me to do something and I acquiesced. All of
punishing, they foster creativity to come up them I feel are integral to who I am, painful or
with something interesting and hopefully otherwise.
also help to avoid defaultism in regards to
typical sports narratives. It can be really fun There has always been what felt like a precarious
to be forced to come up with something that balancing act that sometimes ends up being a
subverts the common tropes, so try it out! lesson or truth for myself that changes me. These
precarious choices are in lots of aspects of life

The Long Game and certainly not just the romantic. They bleed
into my overall outlook and choices that go into
how I end up treating all people on a daily basis.
This game lends itself well to one shot play, All I can speak to is my own perspective of
however, going forward after playing this course, but I posited that a lot of people struggle
scenario, it would be very easy to adapt similarly, as do the heroes we place on pedestals.
to long term play as well. Do away with
the current overarching questions in the Athletes, and often all heroes, make it look so
opening scenes for completely new ones or, easy when we watch them from afar. But what
replace only some of them with others to tell really goes on in their heads? Our heroes are just
a different story–retaining only what you as fallible as us and in drawing parallels between
yourself liked about it. This template can be the two we might realize that we too, are capable
applied to many different kinds of stories, of just as amazing feats, physical or otherwise. In
all you would need to do is tweak the main the end, everyone is built up of these
cast questions, swap the opening scenes
imperfect moments that constitute their
past. There is something moving I found
in the realization that there is something
profoundly human in the failures of even
those we hold in high regard.
Game design & writing
My goal for this game was giving complete Fraser Simons
strangers and friends a window into some
of my own struggles via a story I care
about deeply. I think sometimes people just
need a good excuse to start to speak to one
another, at least I do. Why not let the
developmental editing
common ground be a sport that has always
fostered a great deal of love in its fans Jason Cordova
coupled with a story that means a lot to me?
I find myself feeling lucky after playing this
game, as a part of me I don’t usually let out
always manages to find its way into the story,
no matter how many times I play. I think
layout & image manipulation
doing it in this manner makes it easy for me,
this safe buffer between characters, no Oli Jeffery
matter how small the veneer, is often enough
pretense to start telling some of my own
story. As such, a story I recalled from my
past, rooted in a sport that is known for its
simplicity, symmetry, and a primal duality playtesters
between pitcher and batter– is where you
may well end up finding me should you listen. Richard J. Rogers, Jeff Stormer,
Kyle Simons, YG Mitchell, David
All these things and more I hope you find in LaFreniere
Young at Heart.

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