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BusinessObjects Encyclopedia

Installation and User Guide

BusinessObjects Encyclopedia XI

Patents Business Objects owns the following U.S. patents, which may cover products that are offered
and sold by Business Objects: 5,555,403, 6,247,008 B1, 6,578,027 B2, 6,490,593 and

Trademarks Business Objects, the Business Objects logo, Crystal Reports, and Crystal Enterprise are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects SA or its affiliated companies in the
United States and other countries. All other names mentioned herein may be trademarks of
their respective owners.

Copyright Copyright © 2005 Business Objects. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1 About This Guide 5
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Who should read this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Business Objects information resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Chapter 2 Installing Encyclopedia 7

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Pre-installation checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Installing Encyclopedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Completing the configuration (Java only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Maintaining Encyclopedia access rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Chapter 3 Introduction 17
What is Encyclopedia? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Accessing Encyclopedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Creating and maintaining Encyclopedia information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Overview page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Editing overview information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Chapter 4 Creating and Maintaining Business Questions 23

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Creating a question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Associating questions with a report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Editing a question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Deleting a question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Chapter 5 Creating and Maintaining Glossary Terms 29

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Creating a term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 3


Associating a glossary term with a report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Editing a term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Deleting a term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Chapter 6 Creating and Maintaining Guided Analysis 35

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Following a storyline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Creating a storyline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Editing a storyline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Deleting a storyline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Appendix A Business Objects Information Resources 41

Documentation and information services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
What’s in the documentation set? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Where is the documentation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Send us your feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Customer support, consulting and training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
How can we support you? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Looking for the best deployment solution for your company? . . . . . . . . 44
Looking for training options? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Useful addresses at a glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Index 47

4 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

About This Guide

1 About This Guide

This guide describes the following:
• what Encyclopedia is
• how Encyclopedia can help you understand and use reports in InfoView
• how to install Encyclopedia
• how to create Encyclopedia entries
• how to maintain the report overview, business questions, glossary terms,
and guided analysis that are associated with a report

Who should read this guide

This guide is intended for:
• system administrators who are responsible for installing Encyclopedia
• Encyclopedia administrators who are responsible for maintaining access
rights of InfoView users
• InfoView users who create and maintain Encyclopedia content
• InfoView users who view reports and want to know more about them

Business Objects information resources

For more information and assistance, see Appendix A: Business Objects
Information Resources. This appendix describes Business Objects
documentation, customer support, training, and consulting services, with links
to online resources.

6 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Installing Encyclopedia

2 Installing Encyclopedia

This chapter include the following topics:
• Pre-installation checklist
• Installing Encyclopedia
• Completing the configuration (Java only)
• Maintaining Encyclopedia access rights

Pre-installation checklist
Before you install Encyclopedia:
❏ Check that your operating system, database, middleware, application
and web servers are supported by Business Objects.
To do so, check the Products Availability Report (PAR) for the list of
currently supported platform configurations. This is available on
❏ Ensure that you have BusinessObjects Enterprise XI installed on your
server, and that you have a Business Objects Premium keycode.
❏ Ensure that you have installed any necessary HotFixes and CSPs.
See the Release Notes for more information.
❏ Ensure that you have access to an administrator account on
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI.
The default administrator account is:
• User name: Administrator
• No password
❏ Ensure that .NET and IIS 5 or 6 are installed and configured.
These are required for the installer, and can optionally be used for other
servers as well.
❏ If you want to use the Java version of Encyclopedia, ensure that the
following are installed and configured:
• JDK or later
• an Application Server (such as Tomcat)
• a Web Server (such as Apache)

8 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Installing Encyclopedia
Pre-installation checklist 2
If your Java web application server does not install the Java SDK as part
of its installation process, you must install the J2SE SDK first, before
installing Encyclopedia. You can download the J2SE SDK from
Read the documentation on the Sun web site, and select a version of the
J2SE SDK that is compatible both with your Java application server and
with the BusinessObjects Enterprise Java SDK.

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 9

2 Installing Encyclopedia
Installing Encyclopedia

Installing Encyclopedia
To install Encyclopedia:
1. Extract the Encyclopedia zip file to a local machine.
2. Double-click setup.exe to launch the Encyclopedia XI Setup wizard.
3. Follow the instructions in the wizard to:
• enter your name and organization
• set access rights
• define the installation folder
This must be the Business Objects folder in which your Business
Objects Enterprise 11 installation folder resides.
Note: If you have installed Business Objects Enterprise XI to a
location other than the default, you must change the Encyclopedia
installation location to the same folder.
Click Next on each screen to advance to the next step.
When you click Next after defining the installation folder, the Select
Features window appears.

This window lists the Encyclopedia features that are available for you to
install. When you click a feature’s name, the right panel displays a
description of the feature, and indicates the amount of space it needs
when you install it.

10 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Installing Encyclopedia
Installing Encyclopedia 2
• You must install the plug-ins on the same machine as your CMS.
• You must install your web components on the same machine as your
InfoView server.
4. Select the Encyclopedia features you want to install.
Each one offers the following installation options:

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 11

2 Installing Encyclopedia
Installing Encyclopedia

The icon next to each feature changes to indicate your selection. For
example, if you decide not to install the Java component, the window
appears as follows:

A red X indicates that a component

will not be installed

Note: You can also use this window to change the installation location
you specified earlier, if required.
5. Click Next.
A message informs you that the wizard is ready to begin installation.
6. Click Next.
The installation wizard installs the features you selected.
During the installation process, the Encyclopedia Framework Builder
window appears.

12 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Installing Encyclopedia
Installing Encyclopedia 2

7. Complete the information in this window as described in the table below.

Field Description
System The name of the system on which to install the
Encyclopedia framework.
User Name A user name on the system on which you are
installing the Encyclopedia framework. This user
must have Business Objects administrator rights.
Password The password for this user.
Authentication Lists all the authentication methods that the
Encyclopedia framework supports. Select one that is
supported by your system.

8. Click OK.
The tool installs the framework objects for Encyclopedia.
Note: This tool does not install any Encyclopedia content. It provides an
empty framework that you can populate:
• by installing BusinessObjects Performance Management
See the BusinessObjects Performance Management Applications
Installation Guide for more information.
• by creating your own content appropriate to your data
Once it has finished, the OK button changes to Close.
9. Click Close to exit the tool.
10. When the installation finishes, click Finish to exit the wizard.

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 13

2 Installing Encyclopedia
Completing the configuration (Java only)

Completing the configuration (Java only)

To complete configuration of Encyclopedia for use on Java:
1. Create a backup of your current versions of desktop.war and
If you kept the default folder location during installation, these are in:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects
Enterprise 11\java\applications
For your backup, Business Objects recommends you:
• create a backups folder (if it does not already exist) under
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects
Enterprise 11\java\applications
• name the backup files desktop-enc11.war and jsfadmin-
• copy it to the folder you have just created
2. Copy the original files to your Java Web Components folder.
If you kept the default folder location during installation, this is in:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects
Enterprise 11\Encyclopedia
3. Run runENC_Integrator.bat.
If you kept the default folder location during installation, this is in:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects
Enterprise 11\Encyclopedia\Java Web Components
This batch file copies files from the webapp and adminlaunch folders
into your war files, and makes changes to some XML files.
Note: This may take several minutes.
4. Stop the Apache Tomcat service (or your web server, if not Apache
5. Copy the updated versions of desktop.war and jsfadmin.war into:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects
Enterprise 11\java\applications
These files overwrite the original files that you backed up in step 1.
6. Deploy your war files.
Note: If you are using Apache Tomcat, the files are deployed
7. If you are using Apache Tomcat, delete the following folders:

14 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Installing Encyclopedia
Maintaining Encyclopedia access rights 2
• C:\Program Files\Business
• C:\Program Files\Business
• C:\Program Files\Business
• C:\Program Files\Business
8. Restart the Apache Tomcat service (or your web server, if not Apache

Maintaining Encyclopedia access rights

When you have installed Encyclopedia, be sure to have an administrator with
a General Supervisor profile give appropriate access to all users who will
need to use Encyclopedia.
You use the Central Management Console to set and manage Encyclopedia
users’ access rights. This becomes possible only after Encyclopedia is
installed. Only users with a Business Objects profile of General Supervisor
can control access rights in the Central Management Console.
There are two different levels of access available:
• Edit
Edit access lets users edit data in Encyclopedia.
• Read Only
Read Only is the default access level for all users.
To set access rights:
1. Log into the Central Management Console as a General Supervisor.
2. Click BusinessObjects Enterprise Applications.
3. Click Encyclopedia Admin.
The Encyclopedia Admin page appears, showing which users and
groups have edit access to Encyclopedia.
4. Edit access rights for your users and groups as follows:
• Click Add users/groups to grant edit rights to others.

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 15

2 Installing Encyclopedia
Maintaining Encyclopedia access rights

• Select a name from the list then click Remove edit right to change
the rights for a user or group to read only.
• Click Refresh to refresh the list on screen.

16 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide


3 Introduction
What is Encyclopedia?

What is Encyclopedia?
Encyclopedia provides business intelligence users with essential information
about their reports. It enables users to answer questions such as:
• What is the purpose of the report?
• What business questions does it help answer?
• How is it best viewed?
• What terms are used in the report and what do they mean?
• What other reports are related to this one?
• What analysis has been used in the report, and how does it work?
Encyclopedia is designed for use by business users within InfoView. It can
apply to any object in the Business Objects Central Management System,
such as Web Intelligence reports, OLAP Intelligence reports, plus PDF and
Excel documents, and so on.
Encyclopedia contains the following information:
• Overview—describes the report, its purpose and how to use it.
See “The Overview page” on page 20 for more information.
• Business Questions—lists the business questions that the report helps
See “Creating and Maintaining Business Questions” on page 23 for more
• Glossary—describes the key terms in the report.
See “Creating and Maintaining Glossary Terms” on page 29 for more
• Guided Analysis—suggests other reports that might be useful to view in
addition to the current report.
See “Creating and Maintaining Guided Analysis” on page 35 for more
Note: In Encyclopedia, the words analytic and report are synonymous.

18 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Accessing Encyclopedia 3
Accessing Encyclopedia
You access Encyclopedia through InfoView. When you open a report to view
its contents, you can display Encyclopedia alongside the report to help you
understand and interpret the report’s content.
By default, Encyclopedia is not displayed when you open a report. To toggle
the display, click the Toggle Information Pane icon in the InfoView toolbar.
Encyclopedia appears on the right of the screen.

Tip: If a Prompts panel or a Search panel appears instead, use the list box to
select Encyclopedia, as shown below.

Click this arrow...

... then click Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 19

3 Introduction
Creating and maintaining Encyclopedia information

Creating and maintaining Encyclopedia

If you have the necessary rights, you can make changes to any of the four
main parts of Encyclopedia: Overview, Glossary Terms, Business Questions,
and Guided Analysis.
If you do not have the necessary rights, contact your system administrator.

The Overview page

The Encyclopedia Overview page is the first page that is displayed on your
screen when you open Encyclopedia.
When you first open Encyclopedia for a report, the title and description are
taken from the report object’s title and description, as defined in the Central
Management System.
These are illustrated below.

Click here to create and edit the information

in Encyclopedia about this report
Indicates the Encyclopedia page currently
on display

Summary information for this report

Tabs that provide access to the rest of the

information in Encyclopedia that is specific
to this report

20 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

The Overview page 3
Editing overview information
To edit overview information:
1. Click Edit.
2. Click the Overview tab.
Tip: Resize the Encyclopedia panel to view all of the edit options by
dragging the left side of the panel towards the center of your screen.
3. Enter information into the Overview fields as follows:

Field Description
Title The title of the report.
Description Brief summary of the report. This should contain
enough information for readers to decide whether or
not the report will be useful to them.
Purpose A more detailed description of the report and what
purpose it serves.
Usage Explains how to use the report. This information can
include explanations of:
• any terms used in the report
• how to interpret charts, tables, and measures
• the prompts in the report and how to use them
• how to use any guided analysis associated with
the report

4. Click OK.
Example: Overview information for a report
The following information is taken from a report available through
BusinessObjects Performance Management Applications:

Field Description
Title Enterprise KPI Tracker
Description Highlights the performance change, over time, of a
choice of measures that are important to your business.

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 21

3 Introduction
The Overview page

Field Description
Purpose It highlights the performance change, over time, of a
choice of measures that are important to your business.
The measures are profit, number of baskets
(transactions) and number of order lines. This gives you
a high level view of your business.
Usage The goal of the Enterprise KPI Tracker is to provide you
with a comprehensive view of your business, with
immediate impact. The Enterprise KPI Tracker enables
you to view any desired metrics for the current full year
versus a year ago. The change in value is presented in
absolute and percentage terms together with a
graphical display. Clicking on the magnifying glass will
present you with a more detailed display of the chart.
The name of each metric is also a hyperlink, enabling
you to see the value of the metric trended through time.

22 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Creating and Maintaining

Business Questions

4 Creating and Maintaining Business Questions

A business question is a business-oriented query that is answered by one or
more reports in InfoView. Business questions are linked to relevant reports,
so by selecting a question, the user is given the choice of one or more reports
that will help answer that question.
This chapter describes how to maintain the business questions that are
stored in and used by Encyclopedia.
An example of the Business Questions tab is shown below.

From here you can:

• Click + next to a business question to display the list of reports that are
associated with it.
• Click Edit to maintain the business questions associated with this report.
You do this report by:
• Creating a question
• Associating questions with a report

24 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Creating and Maintaining Business Questions
Creating a question 4
• Editing a question
• Deleting a question
Once you have finished maintaining the business questions, click OK to
return to the Encyclopedia summary page.

Creating a question
To create a question:
1. Click the Business Questions tab.
2. Enter a new question in the Business Question box at the bottom of the
3. Click New.
Encyclopedia adds the question to the Available pane.
Note: For this question to be useful to Encyclopedia users, you must
now associate it with one or more reports. See “Associating questions
with a report” on page 25 for more information.
4. Click OK.

Associating questions with a report

To associate a business question with a report:
1. Open the report with which you want to associate a question.
2. Click Edit.
3. Click the Business Questions tab in Encyclopedia.
The Edit page appears.

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 25

4 Creating and Maintaining Business Questions
Associating questions with a report

The Selected pane displays the questions that are already associated
with the report.
4. Search for the questions you want to associate with the report:
• Type some text in the text box above the Available pane and click the
Search arrow. Encyclopedia displays a list of all the questions
containing the text you entered.
• Click the Search arrow without entering any text to display a list of all
available questions.
5. Add or remove questions associated with the report as follows:

To... Click... In... Then click...

Associate a question The question The Available >
with the report pane
Associate all >>
available questions
with the report

26 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Creating and Maintaining Business Questions
Editing a question 4
To... Click... In... Then click...
Remove an The question The Selected <
association for the pane
Remove all <<
associations for the
6. Click OK to confirm your actions.

Editing a question
To edit a question:
1. Select the question you want to update in the Available pane.
The question is displayed in the Business Question text box.
Note: You cannot update a question from the Selected pane.
2. Make your changes to the question.
3. Click Update.

Deleting a question
To delete a question:
1. If the question you want to delete is currently selected for the report on
display, remove the association as described in “Associating questions
with a report” on page 25.
2. In the Available pane, select the question you want to delete from
3. Click Delete.
Encyclopedia deletes the business question.
This action deletes the question completely, so it is no longer available for any
other reports with which it may have been associated. Do not delete a
question from Encyclopedia unless you are sure there is no need for it to be
associated with any reports.

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 27

4 Creating and Maintaining Business Questions
Deleting a question

28 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Creating and Maintaining

Glossary Terms

5 Creating and Maintaining Glossary Terms

A glossary term is a definition of a term used in a report. These definitions are
maintained in Encyclopedia, and are available to all users as they view
reports and navigate around related reports. Glossary terms are linked to
relevant reports.
This chapter describes how to maintain these glossary terms in Encyclopedia.
An example of the Glossary Terms tab is shown below.

From here you can:

• Point your mouse at a glossary term to display its description as a tool tip.
• Click + next to a glossary term to display the list of reports that are
associated with the term.
• Click Edit to maintain the glossary terms associated with this report.
You do this by:
• Creating a term
• Associating a glossary term with a report

30 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Creating and Maintaining Glossary Terms
Creating a term 5
• Editing a term
• Deleting a term
Once you have finished maintaining the glossary terms, click OK to return to
the Encyclopedia summary page.

Creating a term
To create a term:
1. Click the Glossary Terms tab.
2. Enter a new term in the Glossary Term box at the bottom of the pane.
3. Enter a description for the term in the Description box.
4. Click New.
Encyclopedia adds the term to the Available pane.
Note: For this term to be useful to Encyclopedia users, you must now
associate it with one or more reports. See “Associating a glossary term
with a report” on page 31 for more information.
5. Click OK.

Associating a glossary term with a report

To associate a glossary term with a report:
1. Open the report with which you want to associate a term.
2. Click Edit.
3. Click the Glossary Terms tab in Encyclopedia.
The Edit page appears.

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 31

5 Creating and Maintaining Glossary Terms
Associating a glossary term with a report

The Selected pane displays the terms that are already associated with it.
4. Search for the terms you want to associate with the report:
• Type some text in the text box above the Available pane and click the
Search arrow. Encyclopedia displays a list of all the terms containing
the text you entered.
• Click the Search arrow without entering any text to display a list of all
available terms.
5. Add or remove terms associated with the report as follows:

To... Click... In... Then click...

Associate a term with The term The Available >
the report pane
Associate all available >>
terms with the report

32 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Creating and Maintaining Glossary Terms
Editing a term 5
To... Click... In... Then click...
Remove an The term The Selected <
association for the pane
Remove all <<
associations for the
6. Click OK to confirm your actions.

Editing a term
To edit a term:
1. Select the term you want to update in the Available pane.
The term is displayed in the Glossary Term text box.
Note: You cannot update a term from the Selected pane.
2. Make your changes to the term.
3. Click Update.

Deleting a term
To delete a term:
1. If the term you want to delete is currently selected for the report on
display, remove the association as described in “Associating a glossary
term with a report” on page 31.
2. In the Available pane, select the term you want to delete from
3. Click Delete.
Encyclopedia deletes the glossary term.
This action deletes the term completely, so it is no longer available for any
other reports with which it may have been associated. Do not delete a
glossary term from Encyclopedia unless you are sure there is no need for it to
be associated with any reports.

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 33

5 Creating and Maintaining Glossary Terms
Deleting a term

34 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Creating and Maintaining

Guided Analysis

6 Creating and Maintaining Guided Analysis

Guided Analysis provides you with suggested navigation paths—or
storylines—through reports in InfoView. A storyline suggests, for the currently
selected report, other reports you might like to go to next, and ones you might
want to go back to that lead to the current report.
An example of the Guided Analysis tab is shown below.

From here you can:

• Follow any existing storylines by clicking the links displayed.
See “Following a storyline” on page 37 for more information.
• Click Edit to maintain the guided analysis associated with this report.
You do this by:
• Creating a storyline
• Editing a storyline
• Deleting a storyline

36 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Creating and Maintaining Guided Analysis
Following a storyline 6
Once you have finished maintaining the storylines, click OK to return to the
Encyclopedia summary page.

Following a storyline
The Guided Analysis tab allows you to choose and follow storylines that
include the current report. To do so:
1. Select the storyline you want to follow from the list at the top.
The Guided Analysis panel displays all the reports in the storyline in the
order in which they occur, with the current report clearly indicated.
2. Click the name of the report you want to view.
The report appears in the main InfoView panel.
If the report you select uses prompts, you must complete them before the
report is shown.

Creating a storyline
To create a storyline:
1. Open the report for which you want to create a storyline.
2. Click the Guided Analysis tab.
The Edit page appears.

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 37

6 Creating and Maintaining Guided Analysis
Creating a storyline

3. Enter a title for the storyline in the Storyline Name box.

4. Click New.
Encyclopedia adds the storyline to the list.
5. Search for the reports you want to add to the storyline:
• Type some text in the text box above the Available pane and click the
Search arrow. Encyclopedia displays a list of all the reports whose
titles contain the text you entered.
• Click the Search arrow without entering any text to display a list of all
available reports.

38 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Creating and Maintaining Guided Analysis
Editing a storyline 6
6. Add or remove source reports associated with the current storyline as

To... Click... In... Then click...

Add a source report to The report title The Source >
the storyline Analytics Available
Add all available >>
source reports to the
Remove a source The report title The Source <
report from the Analytics Selected
storyline pane
Remove all source <<
reports from the

Note: A source analytic is a report that links to the current report in the
storyline; it occurs earlier in the storyline. A target analytic is a report to
which the current report links; it occurs later in the storyline.
7. Add or remove target reports in the same way, using the Target Analytics
8. Click OK to confirm your actions.

Editing a storyline
To edit a storyline:
1. Select the storyline you want to update in the Available pane.
The storyline’s name is displayed in the Storyline Name text box and the
reports associated with the storyline are displayed in the Selected panes.
2. Make your changes to the storyline name.
3. Click Update.
4. Change the reports associated with the storyline if required, as described
in “Creating a storyline” on page 37.
5. Click OK.

Deleting a storyline
To delete a storyline:

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 39

6 Creating and Maintaining Guided Analysis
Deleting a storyline

1. Select the storyline you want to delete from the list.

2. Click Delete.
Encyclopedia deletes the storyline.
This action deletes the storyline completely, so it is no longer available from
any of the other reports that formed part of the storyline. The reports
themselves are not deleted.

40 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Business Objects
Information Resources

A Documentation and information services

Documentation and information services

Business Objects offers a full documentation set covering its products and
their deployment. Additional support and services are also available to help
maximize the return on your business intelligence investment. The following
sections detail where to get Business Objects documentation and how to use
the resources at Business Objects to meet your needs for technical support,
education, and consulting.

You can find answers to your questions on how to install, configure, deploy,
and use Business Objects products from the documentation.

What’s in the documentation set?

View or download the Business Objects Documentation Roadmap, available
with the product documentation at
The Documentation Roadmap references all Business Objects guides and
lets you see at a glance what information is available, from where, and in
what format.

Where is the documentation?

You can access electronic documentation at any time from the product
interface or the web.

Documentation from the products

Online help and guides in Adobe PDF format are available from the product
Help menus. Where only online help is provided, the online help file contains
the entire contents of the PDF version of the guide.

Documentation on the web

The full electronic documentation set is available to customers on the web
from support web site at:

Documentation on the product CD

Look in the Documentation directory of your product CD or zip file for versions
of guides in Adobe PDF format.

42 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Customer support, consulting and training A
Send us your feedback
Do you have a suggestion on how we can improve our documentation? Is
there something you particularly like or have found useful? Drop us a line,
and we will do our best to ensure that your suggestion is included in the next
release of our documentation:
Note: If your issue concerns a Business Objects product and not the
documentation, please contact our Customer Support experts. For
information about Customer Support visit:

Customer support, consulting and training

A global network of Business Objects technology experts provides customer
support, education, and consulting to ensure maximum business intelligence
benefit to your business.

How can we support you?

Business Objects offers customer support plans to best suit the size and
requirements of your deployment. We operate customer support centers in
the following countries:
• United Kingdom
• Australia
• Canada
• Japan

Online Customer Support

The Business Objects Customer Support web site contains information about
Customer Support programs and services. It also has links to a wide range of
technical information including knowledge base articles, downloads, and
support forums.

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 43

A Customer support, consulting and training

Looking for the best deployment solution for your

Business Objects consultants can accompany you from the initial analysis
stage to the delivery of your deployment project. Expertise is available in
relational and multidimensional databases, in connectivities, database design
tools, customized embedding technology, and more.
For more information, contact your local sales office, or contact us at:

Looking for training options?

From traditional classroom learning to targeted e-learning seminars, we can
offer a training package to suit your learning needs and preferred learning
style. Find more information on the Business Objects Education web site:

44 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

Useful addresses at a glance A
Useful addresses at a glance

Address Content
Business Objects product Information about the full range of
information Business Objects products.
Product documentation Business Objects product documentation, including the
support Business Objects Documentation
Business Objects Documentation Send us feedback or questions
mailbox about documentation.
Online Customer Support Information on Customer Support programs, as well as links to
support/ technical articles, downloads, and
online forums.
Business Objects Consulting Information on how Business
Services Objects can help maximize your business intelligence investment.
Business Objects Education Information on Business Objects
Services training options and modules.

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 45

A Useful addresses at a glance

46 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

A showing associated reports 24
access BusinessObjects Enterprise
through InfoView 19 administrator account 8
access rights
maintaining 15 C
administrator Central Management Console
default account 8 setting rights 15
analytic configuration
use of term 18 Java 14
Apache Tomcat 14 configurations
Application Server supported 8
as pre-requisite 8 consultants, Business Objects 44
audience CSPs 8
this guide 6 customer support 43

backup files desktop.war file
naming conventions 14 deploying 14
business intelligence display
using Encyclopedia for 18 resizing 21
Business Objects toggling Encyclopedia 19
consulting services 44, 45 displaying Encyclopedia
support services 43 alongside report 19
training services 44, 45, 45 documentation
Business Objects Enterprise XI feedback on 43
installation folder 10 on product CD 42
business questions on the web 42
answered by Encyclopedia 18 roadmap 42
associating with reports 25
available 26
creating 25 E
deleting 27 education. See training
editing 27 Encyclopedia
introduction 24 introduction 18
removing 26 resizing display 21
searching for 26 Encyclopedia features
selected 26 installing 10
selecting 26 Encyclopedia framework

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 47


authentication 13 deploying 14
example Encyclopedia entry 21
feedback, on documentation 43 as pre-requisite 8
Framework Builder
using 12 O
Online Customer Support 43
G Overview page
glossary terms contents 20
associating with reports 31 editing 21
available 32
creating 31 P
deleting 33
editing 33
where to install 11
introduction 30
prompts 19
removing 32
searching for 32
selected 32 Q
selecting 32 questions See business questions
showing associated reports 30
viewing as tool tips 30 R
guided analysis
associated with a report 36
use of term 18
introduction 36
report description 21
report purpose 21
H report title 21
HotFixes 8 report use 21
associated with business questions 24
associated with glossary terms 30
information resources 42
searching for 38
resources 42
accessing Encyclopedia through 19
runENC_Integrator.bat file
using 14
HotFixes and CSPs 8
pre-requisites 8
installation folder S
pre-requisite 10 sample Encyclopedia entry 21
search 19
source reports
for guided analysis 39
as pre-requisite 8
explanation of 36
jsfadmin.war file

48 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide


creating 37
deleting 39
editing 39
following 37
customer 43
locations 43
technical 43
web site 43
supported configurations 8

target reports
for guided analysis 39
technical support 43
terms See glossary terms
training, on Business Objects products 44

customer support 43
getting documentation via 42
useful addresses 45
web components
where to install 11
Web Server
as pre-requisite 8
web sites
support 43
training 44

Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide 49


50 Encyclopedia Installation and User Guide

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