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Development of education in the era of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as the ability of computer-controlled devices to do tasks

like human beings. In the evolution of artificial intelligence, amazing developments are
made that have played a significant role in human lives. There are real examples of Artificial
intelligence applications which are capable of learning the human thinking pattern. Similarly,
using AI in the education sector has brought remarkable success in both practice and theory
in the new millennium. Deep Learning has appeared as a breakthrough methodology for
executing machine learning through neural networks to accomplish extremely complex
thinking duties. (Goksel & Bozkurt, 2019, pp. 225–227, 232)
Neural networks give evidence of concept that aid in addressing difficult questions like the
extent to which visual object identification needs repeated processing. The neural network
model comprises linked units, each unit adding a weighted sum of inputs & passing it via a
non-linear activation function. Such unit networks can implement randomly complicated
functions among inputs (Such as photographs) & outputs (for instance, main object name in
every photograph), like compositions of liner or nonlinear sub-functions. Neural network
models outshine at pattern identification and pattern generation task, no matter the
patterns are dynamic or static. However, they are still far behind the humans like the ability
to learn novel concepts from one time experience, to make wide-ranging inferences from
the minute details, and generalize successfully to entirely new domains. Similar to biological
neural networks, models do not step into the world with the knowledge about everything,
about their surroundings or about ways to accomplish activities that will be needed from
them. Rather than this, they learn. There are three major types of learning algorithms;
supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement. Currently, deep neural networks are the top
not artificial intelligence (AI) and considered to the most influential predictive models,
however, discovered for single-neuron activity, large scale cortical tasks and various
behavioural aspects. (Storrs & Kriegeskorte, 2019, p. 2-3, 17)

Currently, the educational researcher is implementing deep learning techniques for

improving student modelling. One of the educational researcher utilized Recursive Neural
Networks for knowledge tracing problem to get improved predictive capability and to model
student learning over the Bayesian knowledge tracing model. It was concluded that deep
learning models cannot be neglected in terms of the benefit they offer. With these models,
human expert annotations are not needed and the benefit of any student input can be
obtained which can be vectorised. (Peterson & Pardos, 2016, 9. p. 322)
Classroom Engagement Systems (CESs), a novice technology to enhance student and
teacher interaction, permits all students in the classrooms to respond to free-response
questions, thereby, all students are engaged at the same time. Pavia et al. introduced
Comprehension SEEDING comprising of three goals with the purpose of student
engagement; Inquiry generation increased discussion and self-explanation. It was an over-
simplified approach. It was concluded that available educational applications are weak in a
way or other. Hence, next-generation applications are required that can offer a thorough
and finer-grained evaluation of two responses with enhanced feedback. Minimal meaningful
Propositions have been introduced lately, performs such finer-grained evaluation of student
Responses. Two methods were employed for the detection of entailment relation among
MMP reference answer and student response. One method is utilizing pre-trained word
embedding as input for DNN (deep neural network), and the second is SVM classifier by
employing hand-engineered features. In this, a Modified Version of the dataset was utilized.
However, these methods surpassed the frequent class baseline performance by 31% and
alternative approaches and past systems by 15 %. (Nielsen & Bulgarov, 2018, p. 5045 -5051)
In a study, five instruction types were compared, three types of computer-based tutoring,
human tutoring and no tutoring. Out of three types of computer-based tutoring, an answer-
based system poses some issues as it requires more reasoning among interactions and has
huge granulation of interaction. The second type is a step-based tutoring system, it is
designed in a way to allow users to enter the stages which they will cover while solving
issues normally, without tutoring. Step based tutoring systems have a comparatively smaller
size of granulation than answer based tutoring system. Sub-step based tutoring system can
provide scaffolding as well as feedback at such a detail level that is quite finer as compared
to steps students will usually enter while resolving a problem. (VanLEHN, 2011, p. 197-198)
However, above all step-up tutoring system exhibit direct and indirect advantages. Direct
advantage includes scaffolding and feedback that helps students to bridge gaps in the right
way aiding them to self-repair or construct their knowledge. An indirect advantage is that
students come across many learning opportunities because they continue working on
figuring out a solution rather than giving up. Contrarily, Answer based or no tutoring
systems will lead students towards guessing and ultimately quitting due to weak scaffolding
and feedback. It was concluded that increasing effectiveness from 0.31 (answer based
tutoring system) to 0.76 (step-based tutoring system) indicate that currently available
Intelligent Tutoring Systems are as effective as the human tutoring system. ( VanLEHN, 2011,
p. 203, 213-214)

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