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Robbie Lewis

Period 6

Mrs. Watanabe

20 December, 2021

Victor Frankenstein

Victor Frankenstein was a scientist that was born in Naples to wealthy parents, Alphonse

and Caroline. The family then moved to Geneva from Naples where he was born. He had two

siblings, William and Elizabeth, an orphan. Victor soon met who would be his best friend, Henry

Clerval, the son of a merchant. Victor was very fascinated with the secrets of heaven and earth,

as this was all he wanted to learn about. Victor was set to go to college in Ingolstadt and then his

sister Elizabeth contracted scarlet fever. His mother, who was caregiving for Elizabeth died of

scarlet fever after Elizabeth was better. After the death of Caroline when Victor was 17, he

proceeded to go to college. Victor spent time studying and wanted to create life out of body parts

of the deceased. He was trying to create this creature, a new life, for over two years when one

rainy night he finally got the creature to come to life. “It was already one in the morning; the rain

pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer

of the half extinguished light, i saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and

a convulsive motion agitated his limbs” (Shelley, 58). Once the creature finally came to life

Victor was very scared of it as it was big and very muscular and ugly. Victor had a troubled time

sleeping then went out the next day, after he came back he discovered that the creature was gone.

It had escaped. Victor was happy that he would no longer have to deal with him at first. Later,
Victor became very ill. In a letter, it wrote, “ You have been ill, very ill” (Shelley, 65). He was

very ill and later learned that his brother, William, had been killed from a letter he had received

from his father. “About five in the morning i had discovered my lovely boy, whom the night

before I had seen blooming and active in health, stretched on the grass livid and motionless: the

print of the murderer's finger was on his neck”(Shelley, 74). Victor kept having bad things

happen to him as he was emotionally tortured. His dream was to create this creature and now it is

out killing people. Victor then set out to find and kill his creation. I think that Victor could be

seen as a sympathetic character and also not as one that people would feel sympathy for. I,

personally, do not feel sympathy for Victor as he put himself through this. At the end of the day

it was his decision to create this creature and he didn't take proper precautions to make sure it

didn't get out and didn't go looking for it right away. There were things that Victor could have

done differently but he did not. Therefore, I do not feel sympathetic towards Victor in any way.

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