RSC Biden One Year Memo

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TO: Republican Study Committee members

FROM: Chairman Jim Banks

DATE: January 14, 2021
RE: Biden Year 1: A Presidency in Crisis

Biden’s Failures vs RSC Solutions

TOPLINE: As we approach the one-year anniversary of Biden’s inauguration, we will of course reflect on the
policy failures of this administration. And there are a lot of them. Biden’s policies directly caused the border
crisis, the inflation crisis, the education crisis, the supply chain crisis, the crime crisis, the Big Tech crisis, the
China crisis, the Middle East crisis and the crisis in the faith of our elections.

These self-made crises have Democrats paying at the polls. Biden recently dropped to a remarkably low 33%
approval rating, lower than any president at the end of his first year in office in U.S. history.

But it’s not enough to be against Democrat policies. We need to show the American people what we’re for and
how our policies will solve these crises.

Americans need to know that Republicans have a plan. And we do. The RSC has been working on a roadmap
agenda for over a year now.

So, on the one-year anniversary of Biden’s inauguration, let’s use this opportunity to show it to them.

• On day one in office, Biden ad- • The RSC endorsed an immigration

vertised the border is wide open by framework organized by the follow-
sending a sweeping immigration bill ing principle: That U.S. immigration
to Congress and halting border wall policy should be designed to primar-
construction. ily serve the interest of American
BORDER CRISIS • Biden resumed catch-and-release, citizens, families and workers.
turning the Border Patrol into a con- • Specifically, RSC’s framework
veyor belt for the resettlement of ille- considers: National security, the
gal migrants across the United States. rule of law, cultural assimilation and
• Biden suspended cooperation be- American workers’ wages.
tween ICE and local communities,
thus allowing criminals to live here
• The very 1st significant piece of • The RSC introduced a House rule
legislation Democrats passed was a that would force committees to
$1.9T spending package that Dem- measure the inflationary impact of
ocrat economist Larry Summers spending legislation in addition to
INFLATION warned would cause higher infla- the CBO score so the public knows
CRISIS tion. It did. the real cost of legislation before it’s
• Biden’s “green energy” policies passed.
have caused the cost of fuel to rise, • The RSC also introduced our sig-
a burden passed onto consumers nature annual budget that balances
at the pump and higher prices for our budget in 5 years and cuts $14
goods/services. trillion in wasteful spending over a

• By putting the interest of teachers • After Glenn Youngkin’s victory in

unions over our children, the Biden Virginia, the RSC unveiled a policy
administration has encouraged framework to defend the rights of
school closures and other misguided parents, including measures to em-
COVID policies that distract our power school choice, protect girls’
children from learning. sports, promote fair and accurate
• The Biden admin also promoted historical curriculum and ban feder-
EDUCATION anti-American Critical Race Theory al funding of CRT.
CRISIS in our schools. • Together with Leader McCarthy,
• As a result, a study found “more Ed and Labor Committee Ranking
students are two or more grade lev- Member Rep. Foxx, and Rep. Julia
els below their actual grade level.” Letlow, the RSC unveiled a Parents’
Bill of Rights that ensures parents’
primary role in their children’s edu-

• After embracing BLM/Antifa ri- • Conservatives support the Qual-

oting and anti-police rhetoric in the ified Immunity Act to shield good
summer of 2020, Democrats made cops from unjust penalties when
clear they’re the party of crime. The things go wrong on the job and the
Biden administration has done noth- Support Peaceful Protest Act that
ing to reverse their anti-law enforce- would increase penalties on rioters.
ment stance and the stigmatizing of
police officers.

• Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine • Various RSC members have

SUPPLY CHAIN mandates have spurred businesses to drafted proposals to block Biden’s
CRISIS comply and shut countless workers vaccine mandates, including a bill
out of the workforce, leading to a la- introduced by Rep. Tenney and
bor shortage that disrupts our supply Chairman Banks that would clarify
chains. that OSHA does not have the au-
thority to enforce Biden’s mandate.
• The Biden administration said • The RSC already introduced the
they’re coordinating with Big Tech Stop Shielding Culpable Platforms
companies to censor “disinforma- Act to reform Section 230 and yank
tion,” showing they are two sides of special legal protections from com-
the same coin. panies.
BIG TECH • The denial rate for H-1B em- • The RSC introduced the No Social
CRISIS ployment petitions dropped to 4%, Media Accounts for Terrorists or
allowing Big Tech to give lucrative State Sponsors of Terrorism Act that
and valuable career opportunities to would stop social media companies
cheap foreign guest workers instead from allowing sanctioned terrorists
of Americans. on their platforms.
• Conservatives support the Ameri-
can Tech Workforce Act that would
stop Big Tech’s exploitation of the
U.S. immigration system to disad-
vantage American workers.

• The Biden administration has • The RSC introduced the Counter-

made no effort to hold China ac- ing Communist China Act, the most
countable for its intellectual proper- serious and comprehensive effort to
ty theft, forced technology transfer, combat the China threat ever intro-
CHINA cyber hacking, predatory state- duced in Congress. It would crack
CRISIS owned business practices, currency down on the CCP’s efforts to sub-
manipulation or distribution of vert U.S. institutions, stop the CCP
deadly fentanyl. from stealing from us, and hold the
• An emboldened China now says CCP accountable for unleashing the
U.S. will pay an ‘unbearable price’ COVID-19 virus on the world.
for backing Taiwan.

• The Biden administration is • The RSC introduced the Maximum

desperately and weakly trying to Pressure Act, a bill that continues
re-enter the failed Iran Deal, which the Trump administration’s success-
MIDDLE EAST is emboldening Iran’s pursuit of ful Middle East policies designed to
CRISIS nuclear weapons and support for support our ally Israel and prevent
terrorism. Iran from obtaining a nuclear weap-
• Iran has become so emboldened, on and destabilizing the region via
they’ve begun issuing death threats the sponsoring of terrorists.
to former U.S. officials on Twitter.

• Biden chose to withdrawal from • The RSC has introduced a leg-

Afghanistan in the worst way pos- islative amendment to designate
sible, evacuating our troops before the Taliban as a foreign terrorist
evacuating all our citizens. organization, which would prohibit
• Many Americans are still trapped Biden from sending them any more
in the Taliban-controlled country. funding.
The State Department estimated • The RSC helped introduce another
late last year that ~300 U.S. citizens legislative amendment prohibiting
remain. arms sales from Russia and China to
• The Biden admin has sent the the Taliban.
Taliban $782 in foreign aid.
• Over the past year, the amount of • The RSC introduced the Save Our
voters who say they’re “very confi- Democracy Act which would enact
dent” in the security of our elections common sense guardrails on fed-
CRISIS OF dropped from 37% to 20%. eral elections like requiring voters
FAITH IN OUR • Democrats have responded to this provide an ID to vote, banning
ELECTIONS crisis by aggressively pushing their ballot harvesting and ensuring fair
radical election takeover bill that poll watching occurs.
helps make permanent the decreased
election safeguards that caused so
many problems in 2020.

CONCLUSION: I have no doubt Year 2 will be even worse than Year 1. The Biden administration isn’t slow-
ing down. They continue to turn the screws on American families, and I’ve seen no signal they’re about to let

The contrast can’t be more stark between what they offer and what we offer. The American people deserve to
know we have the plan that can help them. It’s a time for us to be bold in offering our solutions.

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