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American and English court systems

follow the adversarial system of justice.
Each client is represented by an attorney
although a client is allowed to represent
herself (called “pro-se”).
Chapter 3
The American Court system follows
Court Procedures procedural rules that ensure due

§1: Procedural Rules §2: Consulting an Attorney

Court systems developed around the Generally, the first step in litigation is
common law concept of “due process” contacting any attorney to seek qualified
which requires adequate notice and a fair legal advice.
and impartial hearing. Legal Fees (hourly vs. contingent fee).
For example, all federal trials are Settlement Considerations.
governed by the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure and Federal Rules of
3 4

§3: Pre-Trial Procedures

Litigation- Pleadings
(Stages of Litigation)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Pre-Trial. Pleadings // Discovery // Pre-Trial // Trial // Post

5 6

1st Stage:
Prepare Pleadings Defendant served with Complaint and
File Petition/Complaint.
• Court acquires jurisdiction over subject matter and
Court acquires Personal Jurisdiction over
Plaintiff. Defendant (person or corporation).
• Facts: what happened. Corporate Defendants served via Registered
• Prayer: Court relief. Agent.
If the Defendant is out-of-state, Court can
acquire jurisdiction by “long-arm” statutes.

7 8
Pleadings-Answer Pleadings-Answer
The Answer is the Defendant’s response Defendant’s Answer:
to the allegations stated in the Plaintiff’s States General Denial.
Move for Change of Venue.
In the Answer, the Defendant must
specifically admit or deny each allegation Allege Affirmative Defenses.
in the Complaint. Counter Claim against Plaintiff.

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Answer-Affirmative Defense Answer- Affirmative Defense

Defenses in which the defendant Fraud is an example of an affirmative
essentially claims that even if all of the defense that might be asserted in a
plaintiff’s allegations are true, the breach of contract case.
plaintiff cannot win because there is a Burden of proof is on the Defendant to
more powerful law on the defendant’s show fraud actually took place.
side that will allow the defendant to win.

11 12

Answer-Motion to Dismiss
Counter or Cross Claims
A counterclaim is a lawsuit filed by the Defendant can move the Court to dismiss
Defendant against the Plaintiff, in response the Action for various reasons, such as:
to the original complaint. A cross-claim is The Court lacks jurisdiction.
against a co-Plaintiff or co-Defendant. The Plaintiff has failed to make all of the
allegations, in his Complaint, that the law
requires (i.e., the plaintiff has failed to state a
D1 Cross- cause of action).
13 14

Pleadings-Answer Litigation- Discovery

Move to Dismiss.
Motion for Judgment on Pleadings.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Motion for Summary Judgment. Pleadings // Discovery // Pre-Trial // Trial // Post

15 16
2nd Stage: Discovery Litigation- Pre-Trial
Discovery is the process by which parties
obtain information from the opposing
party prior to trial. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Pleadings // Discovery // Pre-Trial // Trial // Post
Depositions & Interrogatories.
Requests for Admissions.
Requests for Production Of Documents, Object
and Entry.

17 18

3rd Stage:
Litigation- Trial
Disposition Without Trial.
Default Judgments. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Pleadings // Discovery // Pre-Trial // Trial // Post
Dismissals (With/Without Prejudice).
Summary Judgment.
Pre-Trial Orders (ex:TRO, In Limine).

19 20

§4: The Trial The Trial [2]

Trial is fundamentally an evidence The Defendant will “object” to Plaintiff’s

presentation and authentication evidence and the judge will rule on each
procedure. objection. If the judge “overrules” the
To prevail in a civil trial, Plaintiff must objection, the evidence is admitted for the
introduce a preponderance of competent jury to consider. If the judge “sustains”
evidence with respect to each disputed the objection, the evidence is not
allegation in order to prove it. admitted into the trial.

21 22

The Trial [3] The Trial [4]

Bench Trial (no jury). Opening Statements.
Jury Selection. Plaintiff’s Case--Evidence:
Voire Dire. Witnesses- Direct examination vs. Cross X.
Challenges/Pick the Jury. Admissibility of evidence decided by judge.
Impanel Jury. Parties object to admission of evidence and
Alternate Jurors. judge decides, as a matter of law, whether
evidence may be admitted into the trial.

23 24
The Trial [5] The Trial [6]
Plaintiff’s Case (cont’d). Criminal case--burden of proof is “beyond a reasonable
Party may impeach the testimony or credibility doubt” and the verdict (for guilty or acquittal) must be
unanimous. If not, mistrial/hung jury.
of opposing witness by showing prior
Civil Cases—generally, burden of proof is by
inconsistent statements and/or Perjury.
“preponderance” of the evidence and a majority of
Defendant’s Case. jurors must agree on verdict. If not, then mistrial/ hung
Closing Arguments.
Judgment is the Court’s acceptance and
Jury Instructions and Deliberations. recording of the jury’s verdict.

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Litigation- Post Trial § 5: Post Trial Motions

Once the trial is concluded, a dissatisfied
party may:
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th File a Motion for a New Trial.
Pleadings // Discovery // Pre-Trial // Trial // Post
Ask that the judge enter a judgment contrary to the
verdict (JNOV) rendered by the jury.

27 28

§6: The Appeal §7: Enforcing the Judgment

A party may appeal the jury’s verdict or any legal
issue, motion or court ruling during the trial. Once a judgment becomes final (i.e.,
The party filing the appeal (Appellant) files a brief subject to no further judicial review) the
that contains a short statement of the facts, issues, defendant is legally required to comply
rulings by the trial court, grounds to reverse the with its terms.
judgment, applicable law and arguments on
Defendants who will not voluntarily
Appellant’s behalf.
comply with a judgment can be
Appeals court can affirm (agree with) or reverse
compelled to do so by seizure and sale of
(disagree with) the lower court’s decision.
the Defendant’s assets.
29 30

Case 3.1: Ausely v Bishop Case 3.1: Ausely v Bishop

FACTS (cont’d)
Ausley, a certified real estate appraiser, hired
Bryan Bishop as an apprentice. Bishop filed a counterclaim, charging Ausley with
slander. Ausley filed a motion for summary
After Bishop obtained his license, Ausley judgment, which the court granted. Bishop
proposed renegotiating their contract with a term
for reduced pay.
 Bishop refused and left to open his own appraisal HELD: FOR BISHOP. REVERSED. Court of
office. Appeals of North Carolina held that Bishop had
enough proof of his claim for it to go to trial. The
Ausley made false statements to lenders and court reversed the lower court’s grant of summary
others, including the police, making Bishop appear judgment on this issue and remanded for trial. The
to be unethical and criminal. court explained that “[p]laintiff admitted in his
Finally, Ausley filed suit in North Carolina court deposition that he made statements that impeached
alleging that Biship breached his contract.
defendant in his trade.” 32
Case 3.2: LeBlanc v. American Case 3.2: LeBlanc v. American
Honda Motor Co. Honda Motor Co.
FACTS: FACTS (cont’d)
LeBlanc was injured when his snowmobile collided Jury returned a verdict in favor of LeBlanc.
with an off-road vehicle manufactured by Honda (a Honda’s motion for a new trial was denied and
subsidiary of a Japanese corporation). Honda appealed.
LeBlanc sued Honda and the driver in a New Honda argued that LeBlanc’s remarks so tainted
Hampshire state court. the proceedings as to deprive Honda of a fair trial.
LeBlanc’s lawyer, during closing, told the jury the HELD: FOR HONDA. REVERSED.
case was not about “Pearl Harbor or the Japanese
prime minister saying Americans are lazy and A new trial is warranted “where counsel attempts
stupid. * * * What this case is about is not to appeal to the sympathies, passions, and
American xenophobia; it’s about corporate greed.” prejudices of jurors grounded in race or
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