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AAW Mini Dungeon #22 For 4 Characters Levels 7-8

pleasure den
an mini dungeon by Rachel Ventura

1. Foyer 3. Library

Mahogany wood stairs descend into a candlelit room. The high wooden ceilings are carved with grapes
Velvet couches adorn the walls. Pillows with little tassels vines. The mahogany is well oiled and has clearly been
are scattered throughout the room. The smell of incense fills maintained with great care. Along the walls are
your nostrils. In the corner of the room is a small fountain bookcases that reach up to the ornate ceiling. Leather
creating a peaceful and relaxing water sound. The northern books of all shapes and sizes fill the bookcases. Several
wooden door is closed while the southern door is made of wooden chairs surround a long table. On the table are two
a tinted glass and is partially open. Two strikingly beautiful oil lamps.
veiled women welcome you to the house of pleasure. They
ask each of you to remove your footwear and relax. If either of the lamps are rubbed, a chain devil appears and
offers each player 1 wish. If the wishes are within reason to
If the PCs comply, the two vampire spawn reward the the GM they are granted. If outrageous and not within the
party with foot massages and a healing potion of healing. capability of the devil, he becomes enraged and scolds the
If the PCs refuse, the spawn become angry at the blatant party before attacking.
disregard of their hospitality and attack.
4. Den
2. Hall

At the end of the narrow hall is another wooden door with A short hall opens into a slightly messier well lit room.
two golden rings, resembling wristbands or bracelets, Against the south wall is a desk made of oak wood. It has
hanging from hooks. a roll top that closes while the user is away. The desk is
locked. Inside the desk is a scroll and spell book.
If the rings are removed, the chain devil in Room 3
materializes and attacks without warning.

David Fernandez (Order Copyright

#22100293) © 2016 AAW Games LLC. OGL available at:
AAW Mini Dungeon #22 For 4 Characters Levels 7-8

pleasure den
an mini dungeon by Rachel Ventura

The spell book is trapped with a glyph of warding (spell 9. Bedroom

glyph, cloudkill).
In the center of the room is a four-post
5. Parlor bed with scarves hanging down. Three
gorgeous women, all with voluptuous breasts, lie
The walls are a well-oiled dark mahogany wood. Red and beneath the red silk sheets. Each beckons
gold tapestries hang from the walls. A long wooden table sits you to join her.
in the middle of the room with twelve armchairs surrounding
it. The table has rosewood, oak, pine, and cedar inlays that If the PCs engage in activities with the
are designed in the shape of a dragon. Wine glasses and succubi they… and then attack. If refused,
small plates are set at each seat. Lit candelabras sit atop the fiends immediately attack. A chest
the table. A beautiful woman sits at one end of the table with beneath the bed contains 1,000 gp, an
a box of cigars and a wine bottle. She offers you to partake. emerald, and an ivory-handled dagger.

If you accept this assassin spends some time flirting and 10. Kitchen
talking. A successful Charisma (Persuasion) check (DC
20) will persuade her to produce a key to the hall of the This kitchen is warm and smells delicious. An oven on
kitchen. If the offer is refused she attacks. the north wall is ablaze. A row of sinks lines the southern
wall. Several crates and shelves fill the eastern wall. There
6. Hall are tables with cutting boards and knives everywhere. An
apple pie sits on the edge of one of the tables.
Candles line both walls and the hall is very well lit but even
still something seems to make your neck hairs stand on end. Eating the pie reveals the secret door, as does a
A beautiful elven female stands in front of the door at the end successful Wisdom (Perception) check DC 20 or
of the hall. She turns to look at you and you catch her fiery Intelligence (Investigation) check DC 18. Triggering the
gaze. Her eyes are intense with beauty and anger. As she glyph of warding trap (spell glyph, fireball) also releases
turns back toward the art she seems to grow translucent. the fire elemental in the oven, as does opening the oven.

If you speak with her she tells of a tale of love and loss. 11. Hall
She will allow passage if you listen and show sympathy or a
successful Charisma (Persuasion) check (DC 20). If not, A few realistic statues adorn the hallway. A woman with a
she reveals herself as a spirit naga and attacks. veil stands in the middle of the hall. She seems distracted;
however, her veil appears to be moving on its own.
7. Cellar
Encounter: Medusa
This small room houses several barrels and crates. Opening
the crates reveals spoiled food and turned wine. Only the ale 12. Secret Room
seems to have held its quality.
An open coffin is in the middle of the room. Several
One barrel is filled with a swarm of poisonous snakes that treasure chests line the walls.
attack. In this barrel is the inner hall kitchen key.
Trap: Hidden, locking spiked pit trap (20’ deep). The
8. Hall coffin contains a skeleton in a dark winding sheet
(actually, a cloaker). The chests contain various gems and
This short hall is very dark and many spider webs adorn the gold totaling 2,500 gp.
corners. At the end is a closed door that does not appear to
have been opened in quite a while.
Artist: Bruno Balixa
Trap: Hidden, locking spiked pit trap (20’ deep).
5E conversion by Kyle Crider

David Fernandez (Order Copyright

#22100293) © 2016 AAW Games LLC. OGL available at:

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