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Summary Of The Article

“Paul Calandra”

The article describes the elections of Oak Ridges and Markham which
were won by Paul Calandra who had 545 votes towards his name. Paul began
his ‘stay on course’ campaign and described there plans by saying that they
need to focus more on the economy, jobs, taxes, and not to forget about the
people. As well Paul talked about immigration. He said that 90 percent of
there resources are focused on the immigrant population. Paul’s campaign
includes improving their transit so people can get around without always
using cars. Paul also helped the community with job opportunities within the
field of small businesses like restaurants. Paul also helped in the agricultural
field like farming and guaranteeing farmers rights. Paul also works towards
helping Canada’s Economic Plan. In 2008 he won his campaigning by 500
votes. He quoted “I have never felt that I was overly secure in my seat but I
think it’s a pretty good record over the last 2 and half years. I am thankful
they gave me an opportunity to do it, but we’ve accomplished a lot of really
good things.

“Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see

This article relates to the Beatitude I have chosen because In the article
Paul Calandra talks about how he always sided the better ideas and plans
that help towards the economy like helping immigration, jobs, farmers,
environment. He was being meek by helping lives get better. He wouldn’t
get stressed if someone got mad at him because of something he is heavily
worked up on. He wouldn’t get mad if there was a mistake made in his

Paul Calandra’s actions are important in today’s world because our

economy is corrupt. By Mr. Calandra doing the right thing, even though it
is costing the governments money he knows that it will eventually help out
the cities and people in the long run.

This article has a positive impact on the world because by helping the
economy and lowering taxes it is increasing the jobs and the lifestyle of the
Summary Of The Article
“Daraa Protest”

The article is about the corrupt government in Syria. On the first day
seven people were killed by the military because of protesting. Another story
talks of 25 people being killed, Syrian activists reported that 5 military
officers and 9 soldiers refused to shoot and had joined the side of the
opposition and began protesting. 3000 military men of Bashar Assad had
marched into Daraa. Snipers began firing on the streets of Daraa, while
shooting anything that was moving including activists and journalists. There
are pictures of protesters throwing rocks at military tanks and protesters
burning homes, buildings and cars. Already one month through the
protesting in Syria and 300 demonstrators have been killed.

Blessed are those who are Persecuted for

Righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of

This article relates to the beatitude I has chosen because people are staying
strong towards there beliefs even when people are being killed for opposing
the government.

Daraa Protesters actions are important in today’s world because the article
shows how people are trying to keep the peace between each other by ending
the war and ending the multiple murders of innocent people.
This article has a negative impact on the world because the article is about
war and violence that is making the country of Syria corrupt. This splitting
country has reports of 25 innocent people being killed by the government and
is getting worse.
Summary Of The Article
“Shanghai Truck Drivers”

The article is about the rising prices on oil in Shanghai where 2000 car and
truck Drivers protested and fought against police officers demanding that the
government lower the oil costs. Truck drivers blocked the road with there
trucks. A 33 year old truck driver named Chen told the press “I want the
government to stand up to solve our problems because we cannot take this
anymore; we are unable to bear the cost of operating now” In March Chinas
inflation rate was 5.4 percent, causing officials to renew vows to use all
available means to contain price rises for oil. Police arrested 6 people and
injured 3. Chen told the press that his disposable income has fallen from 7000
Yuan to 4000 Yuan. China said in April they will increase gasoline and diesel
prices from 5 to 5.5 per cent.

This article relates to the Beatitude I have chosen because it shows that if you
fight for something hard enough in the end you will always achieve that goal,
if you keep your mind set on something you will always reach the end.

The Shanghai truck drivers’ actions are important in today’s world because
the truck drivers are fighting for their right and what is fair for them, they
are showing that they will not be taken advantage of.

This article has a negative impact on the world today because the more chaos
we here about in the news today leads to worse problems within the
government like war.

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