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Te ea Ee Students from Botswana take third prize in Huawei'’s Sub-Saharan Africa ICT Competition OOOE ‘The Botswana team of three student emerged as one of the winners in this year's Sub Saharan regional finals of Huawels global ICT Competition. he competition covered latest ICT technologies such as cloud computing artificial inteligence, mobile HEE ronan vores wetworks and big data, Almost 20 thousand students from over 100 universities in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, ganda, Tanzania, Angola, South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, Botswana and Mauritius participated. At the nals, held last week in Johannesburg it came down to 42 students in 14 teams. They sat fr theory and Dingake taks about gay rights in ractical examinations at the finals at Huawel's regional headquarters in Woodmead, Johannesburg. ‘tribute to Kirby feams from Nigeria and Tanzania won the champion and the team from Botswana secured the third prize. Electricity prices could go up ontse Basupl a3: year student fom UnWeraty of Botswana, who was representing his county inte contest ai the competition has elevated his ski in terms of the ICT and networking industry, Renta cine meee gained alot. This journey has been an eye openes | gained the priviege to compete with industry experts rom ner countries and got a sense of where my skills. fel thatthe certificate received from Huawei will give me hae startin the corporate world and open new opportunites forme. Huawel ls expanding inthe networking istry, especialy with the introduction of Safe City Project in Botswan, which Uses Huawe technology. Tis ertfiction wil hopefully help inthe competveness of jobs as Huawei continues to integrate in Botswana” Said ents Minister Kwapeis ying to you ~ Baaitse's eter to UN TAWU threatens to strike over NFTRC transfer In 2018, Botswana Open University established Huawei Authorized Information and Network Academy (HAINA) n orde to deliver Huawei Certification courses to thelr students and worked with Batho University as a testing entre, Te student were accompanied by their promatrc testing Centr instructor Mr Mr Turugare Ranganai rom Batho Universit. ir Turugare Ranganai, an instructor from Botho University sald Botswana is aiming at producing youth eneration that is employable locally, regionally and globally which matches Huawels main alm to Botswana and he Africa continent which isto develop talents with practical skils for the ICT industry and the community Huawei courses focus on theoretical knowledge that is buld practical lab activities which are helpful in roducing a well skilled youth capable of solving problems both as a an employee or entrepreneurial youth, The ertification serves students with confidence in dealing with physical network devices and also bridging the theory acquired during ther bachelor studles withthe practical experienced which they gain doing Huawel ertification, Most ofthe companies are also using Huawei product hence creating employment forthe ertification holders” Sald Mr Turugare Ranganal jn as much asthe county Is striving to equip its youth with ICT innovation there i stil a challenge in stablishing infrastructure to support reseatch and new innovation for development. Encouraging collaboration tween industry and academia is very important for university students to build entrepreneurial skill and fevelop an innovative culture whichis usable in industy. peaking a the final award giving presentation, Mr. Xue Man, Vice President of Huawei, said Huawei understands he value ofa good talent ecosystem which isthe foundation for @ smart future for human society. This ICT ;ompetition Is part of our innovative initiatives to support that and promote ICT sklls. We belove that this event ill nspire more students’ quest in ICT learning in Atica;t provides them with a world-class stage to showcase themselves and consolidate the vital ICT needed for Africa's development” Said Xue, is year, Huawel will sponsor another 10 Batswana students: ICT talents to China through its Seeds forthe Future ICT talents training program. The students willbe articpating in various forms of ICT trainings in ine with the Chinese cuttre lessons in their 3-week stay in jeling and Shenzhen. The Huawel ICT Competition isa global ICT talent competition exchange event, which is med at the Huawei Authorized information and Network Technology College (Huawei ICT Academy) and elated universities, ince the first Huawei ICT Contest held in 2015, the numberof participants inthe competition has grown exponentially and has become one of the largest ICT events inthe world. The 2018/19 event has attracted more than 1,000 universities in more than 50 countries around the world under the slogan “Connection, Glory and uture", The total number of students participating global was 80,000 students, including 28 000 students from southern Affica {ELATED TOPICS: Pressure drives progress for women in Another second hand jet ready to land senior leadership ‘on Air Botswana shores YOU MAY LIKE Mining production rebounds to pre- Covid-19 levels ‘The local mining industry ison the rise again, emerging out ofthe COVID-19 pandemic induced headwinds. |. 2020 mining operations had to curtall thelr production in response to plummeting demand across ‘commadity markets. 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Though it registered a decinein export figures, the Diamonds group still remained Botswana's biggest exported commodity accounted fo 87.6 percent (P4, 243.6 millon) of total exports, followed by Copper and Machinery & Flecrical Equipment with 3.1 percent (P152.2 milion) and 2.6 percent (131.3 millon) respectively ‘CONTINUE READING Debswana receives African award from bsa for its CEE policy ee Debswana Diamond Company, Botswana's flagship mining business recently received an award from ‘Absa Bank Group in recognition of its commitment to economle empowerment across the supply chain ‘The 4th Annual Absa Business Day Supplier Development Awards were held in Johannesburg, South Africa on the 18th November 2021 “The awards celebrate companies that are working towards a better African continent through Innovative and impactful supplier development initiatives. ‘The selection process acknowledges and recognizes corporates wino go beyond the scorecard to ‘open access, empower SMEs, fester learning, build a community of best practice and encourage a collaborative sprit within thelr industries and within the communities in which they operate. oad > News > Business eons aa roaria) ean Preorcaty Creer ey Sereioy PST Saad Cees Pera oes bee Ree ere ean

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