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Synaptic delay:
a) is the time needed for release of neurotransmitter from synaptic vesicles
b) the minimal delay time in the central nervous system is about 0.5
c) is determined by the type of the neurotransmitter
d) is determined by the number of postsynaptic receptors
2. The electrical synapses are:
a) Ligand gated
b) Voltage gated
c) Elicited by gap junctions
d) Always inhibitory
3. All the following neurotransmitters are excitatory EXCEPT:
a) Nonepinephrine
b) Glycine
c) Epinephrine
d) Glutamate
4. About the synaptic delay, all the following are true EXCEPT:
a) It is due to discharge of transmitter from presynaptic terminal
b) It is due to Na + diffusion in both excitatory & inhibitory synapses
c) It equals at least 0.5 ms
d) It is due to action of transmitter on postsynaptic receptors

5-The rate of discharge of nerve impulses from a receptor is directly

proportional to the intensity of the stimulus.
a- True b- False
6-When the receptors are stimulated, the frequency of their discharge is
directly proportional to logarithm the intensity of the stimulus.
a- True b- False
-7-Thermal receptors are slowly adapted receptor.
a- True b- False
8-The taste and smell receptors are moderately adapted receptor
a- True b- False
-9 The area of cortical representation of each part is related to its function
& not to its size.
a- True b- False
10- The thalamus is the great sensory relay station
a- True b- False
11- Thalamic syndrome is caused by occlusion of thalamogeneculate artery.
a- True b- False
12- Partial recovery of voluntary movement in hemiplegic patient is due to
crossed corticospinal tract.
a- True b- False
13- The representation of the body in sensory cortex, The face at the top
and the feet at the bottom (but the face is not inverted).
a- True b- False
14- in spinal cord lesion. The higher the level of the lesion, the lower the
a- True b- False
15-In complete transection of the spinal cord. Loss of sensation is above
and below the level of the lesion on both sides.
a- True b- False
16- poliomyelitis is one cause of UMNL.
a- True b- False
17-Most excitatory neurotransmission in the brainis believed to be
mediated by:
A. Glutamate B. glycine C. GABA D. GnRH.
18-Synaptic conduction is mostly (one way conduction) because:
a. dendrites cannot be depolarized.
b. once repolarized, an area cannot be depolarized.
c. the strength of antidromic impulses is less.
d. the neurotransmitter is in the presynaptic terminal.
19- Concerning synapsis which of the following is correct?
a. The electrical synapses are more common in CNS.
b. Amphetamine decreases synaptic transmission.
c. Acidosis increases synaptic transmission.
d. Hypoxia decreases synaptic transmission.
20-Which of the following is the best example ofa polysynaptic
a. Stretch reflex
b. Axon reflex
c. Inverse stretch reflex
d. Withdrawal reflex.
21- At chemical synapses, excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) can
be produced by:
a. Opening of Na+ channels
b. Opening of K+ channels
c. Opening of Cl− channels
d. Closure of Ca+ channels.
22-- Opening of ligand-gated Cl- channels causes :
a. inhibition of the postsynaptic neuron
b. depolarization of the postsynaptic neuron
c. initiation of an action potential
d. block of ligand-gated cation channels.

23- Temporal summation

a. Occurs when several presynaptic fibers are stimulated simultaneously.
b. Occurs when presynaptic fiber is repeatedly stimulated.
c. Is due to overlap of the discharging zone.
d. None of the above is correct.
24- Presynaptic inhibition:
a. Is produced as a result of GABA release.
b. Leads to decreasd release of excitatory transmitter.
c. Is involved in gate theory of pain control.
d. All of the above.
25-All of the following reflexes are monosynaptic EXCEPT:
a. The knee jerk.
b. The biceps jerk .
c. The triceps jerk .
d. d- The abdominal reflex
26-The following is true regarding the muscle spindle:
a. Acts as a receptor for only monosynaptic reflexes
b. Has gamma nerve fibers as afferents.
c. Has Beta B fibers as efferents.
d. Is stimulated by touching the muscle fibers.
27-Which of the following is a characteristic of nuclear bag fibers?
a. They are one type of extrafusal muscle fiber
b. They detect dynamic changes in muscle length
c. They detect static changes in muscle length
d. They are innervated by alpha motor neuron ‫دي أقرب إجابة‬

28-Which reflexes property of the following describe the spreading of the

impulses to wider areas?
a. Recruitment
b. Reverberating
c. Divergence
d. Convergence.
29-Patient with alkalosis developed epileptic seizures , what is the
protective way that lead to cessation of the seizures?
a. Increase in the hydrogen ion in the blood
b. Fatigue of the synaptic transmission
c. Increase in sleep neurotransmitters
d. Decrease in arousal neurotransmitter.

30-The main function of muscle spindles is to

a. enable contraction of the muscles.

b. pass neural information evenly to all parts of the muscle.
c. act as stretch receptors.
d. bind myofibrils together in bundles.
31-The knee jerk reflex is otherwise known as:
a. flexion reflex.
b. crossed extensor reflex.
c. polysynaptic stretch refle
d. patellar tendon reflex.
32-The patellar tendon reflex is sometimes known as a
a. polysynaptic stretch reflex.
b. monosynaptic stretch reflex.
c. Autonomic reflex.
d. Superficial reflex.

33-If the big toe extends upward and the other toes fan out in response
to stroking the lateral aspect of the sole of the foot, this is documented
as which of the following?
a. Hyporeflexia.
b. Normal plantar reflex.
c. Cushing response.
d. Babinski sign.

34-A 26-year-old man was in a motor vehicle accident and suffered a

complete spinal cord injury to L3. The neurologist assesses the patient for
loss of motor function in the:
a. Legs.
b. Abdomen.
c. Chest.
d. Arms.

35-About stretch reflex:

a. The nuclear bag stimulation leads to dynamic stretch reflex
b. The gamma neuron is the center of the reflex
c. The nuclear chain afferent is of type II fibers only
d. None of the above.

36-Regarding Primary hyperalgesia, all of the following are true

a. Localized to the injured area.
b. Pain threshold is lowered.
c. Doesn’t extend beyond the area of redness.
d. Explained by convergence facilitation theory.
37-Synaptic delay:
a. is the time needed for release of neurotransmitter from synaptic vesicles
b. the minimal delay time in the central nervous system is about 0.5
c. is determined by the type of the neurotransmitter
d. is determined by the number of postsynaptic receptors
38--The electrical synapses are:
a. Ligand gated
b. Voltage gated
c. Elicited by gap junctions
d. Always inhibitory

39--In synaptic transmission:

a. Fatigue may occur due to Progressive inactivation of postsynaptic
b. The response may be depolarization or hyperpolarization of post-
synaptic membrane
c. Alkalosis depresses the transmission
d. Both A & B

40-When a skeletal muscle is suddenly stretched- :

a. it relaxes suddenly
b. it develops a static stretch reflex
c. it develops a dynamic stretch reflex
d. it develops clonic contractions
41-A tendon jerk- :
a. is a dynamic stretch reflex
b. is a static stretch reflex
c. is evoked by gradually stretching the muscle
d. is evoked by stimulation of tendon receptors
-42-Neurotransmitters are often stored in
a. synaptic buttons
b. microtubules
c. vesicles
d. endoplasmic reticulum

43----------is responsible for maintenance of balance and equilibrium:

a. Thalamus.
b. Hypothalamus.
c. Cerebellum.
d. Basal ganglia.
44-- Babiniski sign during spinal shock stage after complete section of
spinal cord shows
a. Planter flexion of all toes.
b. Dorsiflexion of the big toe.
c. Fanning of the lateral toes.
d. None of the above.
45-All of the following are functions of hypothalamus EXCEPT:
a. Regulation of body temperature.
b. Regulation of body water content.
c. Control of voluntary movements.
d. Control of endocrine glands.
46-Cardiovascular and respiratory centers are located in.……
a. Cerebral cortex.
b. Medulla oblongata and pons.
c. Cerebellum.
d. Hypothalamus.
47- Micturition during the stage of recovery of reflexes is in the form
a. Retention with overflow.
b. Automatic micturition.
c. Normal micturition.
d. Interrupted

48--Micturition during the stage of shock, is in the form of..………

a. Retention with overflow.
b. Automatic micturition.
c. Normal micturition.
d. Interrupted.
49-Is rhythmic contractions occurring on sudden maintained stretch
applied to a muscle.
a. Motor tetanus.
b. Reflex tetanus.
c. Recruitment.
d. Clonus.
50-Which of the following statements about synaptic potentials is
A- They are propagated down the post synapticneuron.
B- They are analogous to generator potentials and end-plate potentials.
C- IPSP hyperpolarize the postsynaptic neuron.
D- They are proportional to the amount of transmitter released by
the presynaptic neuron.
51-Synaptic conduction is mostly orthodromic (one way conduction)
a-dendrites cannot be depolarized.
B. Once repolarized, an area cannot be depolarized.
C. the strength of antidromic impulses is less.
D-the neurotransmitter is in the presynaptic terminal.
52-Concerning synapsis which of the following is correct?
A- The electrical synapses are more common in CNS.
B- Amphetamine decreases synaptic transmission.
C- Acidosis increases synaptic transmission.
D- Hypoxia decreases synaptic transmission.
53-Which of the following is the best example ofa polysynaptic
A. Stretch reflex
B. Axon reflex
C. Inverse stretch reflex
D. Withdrawal reflex.
54-Opening of ligand-gated Cl- channels causes :

A. inhibition of the postsynaptic neuron

B. depolarization of the postsynaptic neuron
C. initiation of an action potential
block of ligand-gated cation channels.
55-Temporal summation
A - Occurs when several presynaptic fibers are stimulated
B- Occurs when presynaptic fiber is repeatedly stimulated.
C- Is due to overlap of the discharging zone.
D- None of the above is correct.
56- Presynaptic inhibition:

A. Is produced as a result of GABA release.

B. Leads to decrease of excitatory transmitter.
C. Is involved in gate theory of pain control.
D-All of the above

57-Which of the following is a tonic receptor:

a) Pacinian corpuscle.
b) Pain receptors.
c) Meissener ꞌ s corpuscle.
d) Thermoreceptors.

58…………… is abnormal condition in which pain receptors become

sensitive to non-painful stimuli.

a) Stress analgesia.
b) Referred pain.
c) Migraine.
d) Hyperalgesia.
59-Convergence-facilitation theory explains …………..
a) Primary hyperalgesia.
b) Secondary hyperalgesia.
c) Referred pain.
d) Adaptation of receptors.

60- Synaptic transmission is inhibited by all the following, EXCEPT:

a. oxygen lacks
b. alkalosis
c. acidosis
d. prolonged activity of synapse

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