تعديلPractical MCQ Neuro 2020

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Ahmed Talat



NEURO- Anatomy


Prof. Ahmed Talat

Partation Of CNS

Prof. Ahmed Talat


Prof. Ahmed Talat


1Central part of the lateral ventricle 2 Interventricular foramen of Monro

6 Third ventricle 9 Infundibular recess. 10 Inferior horn with amygdaloid body
11 Lateral recess & lateral aperture of Luschka. 12 Suprapineal recess
13 Pineal recess. 14 Notch for posterior commissure. 15 Posterior horn of lateral
ventricle. 16 Cerebral aqueduct. 17 Fourth ventricle. 18 Median aperture of
Magendie 19 Cerebello-medullary cistern. 20 Superior sagittal sinus
21 Inferior sagittal & 24 Straight sinus. 22 Intervaginal space of optic nerve
23 Arachnoid granulations.

Prof. Ahmed Talat



Prof. Ahmed Talat

Prof. Ahmed Talat



Prof. Ahmed Talat

Prof. Ahmed Talat



Prof. Ahmed Talat

Prof. Ahmed Talat



Prof. Ahmed Talat

Brain Stem



Prof. Ahmed Talat

Draw a Diagram of Cortical Brain Centers

Prof. Ahmed Talat


Prof. Ahmed Talat



Prof. Ahmed Talat


1 Anterior cerebral artery 2 Anterior communicating artery

3 Internal carotid artery 4 Medial cerebral artery
5 Posterior communicating artery 6 Posterior cerebral artery
7 Superior cerebellar artery 8 Basilar artery.
9 Anterior inferior cerebellar 10 Vertebral artery 11 Posterior inferior
cerebellar 12 Anterior spinal artery 20 Ophthalmic artery within orbit.
21 Internal carotid artery (within carotid canal) 22 Posterior spinal artery.

Prof. Ahmed Talat


Prof. Ahmed Talat

7.1 Which of followings about cerebral hemispheres is correct?
_ a. They occupy the anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossae.
_ b. They are joined by the falx cerebri.
_ c. Grey matter covers the entire surface of each hemisphere.
_ d. The central sulcus separates them.
_ e. The lateral sulcus separates the frontal and parietal lobes.
7.2 Which of followings regarding cerebral cortex is true?
_ a. The primary motor cortex lies in the frontal lobe.
_ b. The primary somatosensory cortex lies in the frontal lobe.
_ c. The primary auditory cortex lies in the parietal lobe.
_ d. The primary visual cortex lies in the frontal lobe.
_ e. Broca’s speech area lies in the parietal lobe.
7.3 Which statement regarding the cerebellum is correct?
_ a. The cerebellum occupies the posterior cranial fossa.
_ b. It is attached to the pons by the superior cerebellar peduncle.
_ c. It is divided into anterior & posterior lobes by horizontal fissure.
_ d. The cerebellar tonsil is found on its superior surface.
_ e. It derives part of its blood supply from the circles of Willis.
7.4 Regarding the ventricular system and cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) production, which of the following statements is true?
a. CSF is exclusively produced in choroid plexus of lateral ventricles.
_ b. CSF passes from the 3rd to the 4th ventricle via the inter-
ventricular foramen.
c. The 4th ventricle communicates directly with subarachnoid space.
_ d. The total daily production of CSF is approximately 150 ml.
_ e. CSF is reabsorbed mainly through the arachnoid granulations in
the inferior sagittal sinus.
7.5 Which statement about the meninges is most accurate?
_ a. The dura mater has two distinct layers surrounding the brain
and spinal cord.
_ b. The major venous sinuses lie in the subdural space.
_ c. Rupture of the middle meningeal artery causes a subarachnoid
_ d. Dura mater is thickened either side of the spinal cord to form the
denticulate ligaments.
e. Pia mater pierces the distal extreme of dura as filum terminale.
7.7 Which of the followings best describes the circle of Willis?
_ a. It is formed by the terminal branches of the external carotid and
basilar arteries.
_ b. The ophthalmic artery is a branch of the circle.

Prof. Ahmed Talat

_ c. The middle cerebral artery forms part of the anterior circulation.

_ d. The middle cerebral artery supplies majority of occipital lobe.
_ e. The cerebellum is supplied by the circle.
7.21 Consider the spinal cord, which statement is most accurate?
_ a. It tapers into the conus medullaris at level of 2nd sacral vertebra.
_ b. It is supplied exclusively by anterior & posterior spinal arteries.
_ c. There are three symmetrical enlargements of the cord.
d. The nerve roots emerging from cord become progressively longer.
_ e. The spinal nerve roots exit through the vertebral foramina.
7.22 Which statement about the spinal nerves is incorrect?
_ a. There are 31 pairs.
_ b. Their posterior root contains sensory afferent fibres.
_ c. The spinal nerve forms at the intervertebral foramen.
_ d. The anterior primary ramus carries purely motor fibres.
_ e. The posterior primary rami never contribute to any innervation
of a limb.
7.25 Which statement about the tracts of the spinal cord is accurate?
_ a. The majority of motor fibres descend in anterior part of cord.
_ b. The gracile tract lies lateral to the cuneate tract.
_ c. The spinothalamic tract carries first order sensory neurones.
_ d. The spinothalamic tract subserves pain sensation.
_ e. The dorsal columns carry decussated fibres.
1) Arachnoid granulations is a prolongation from:
a- Cerebral Pia mater.
b- Cerebral Dura mater.
c- Cerebral Arachnoid mater.
d- Spinal Arachnoid mater.
2) Formation of C.S.F. starts from:
a- Choroid plexus in the wall of lateral, 3rd & 4th ventricles.
b- Choroid plexus in Sub-arachnoid space.
c- Choroid plexus in Sub-dural space.
d- Choroid plexus in Exra-dural space.
3) Sample from S.C.F.(spinal tap)is always taken at level of:
a- Spines between L.1 & L.2.
b- Spines between L.4 & L.5.
c- Spines between S.1 & S.2.
d- Spines between L.5 & S.1.
4) Filum terminals is continuation of spinal pia mater ends at:
a- Base of sacrum.
b- Back of coccyx.
c- Level of S.2.
d- Sub- arachnoid space.
5) Spinal cord ends at one of these levels except:

Prof. Ahmed Talat

a- Upper border of L.1.

b- Lower border of L.1.
c- Upper border of L.2.
d- Disc between L.1 & L.2.
6) Which of the followings is not a branches of basilar artery:
a-Posterior cerebral artery.
b-Middle cerebral artery.
c-Pontine arteries.
d-Superior cerebellar artery.
7) Main blood supply of lateral surface of cerebral hemisphere
is from:
a-Posterior cerebral artery.
b-Middle cerebral artery.
c-Anterior cerebral artery.
d-Basilar artery.
8) Blood supply of occipital lobe of cerebral hemisphere
coming from:
a-Posterior cerebral artery.
b-Middle cerebral artery.
c-Anterior cerebral artery.
d-Basilar artery.
9) Superior cerebellar artery is a branch from:
a-Posterior cerebral artery.
b-Middle cerebral artery.
c-Anterior cerebral artery.
d-Basilar artery.
10) Concerning vertebral artery the followings are wrong
a- It passes through all transverse foramina.
b- It is a branch from 2nd part of subclavian artery.
c- It gives two posterior spinal arteries.
d- It meets its fellow to form basilar artery.
11) Which of the followings not sharing in formation of
Circle of Willis:
a- Posterior cerebral artery.
b- Middle cerebral artery.
c- Anterior communicating artery.
d- Vertebral artery.
12) The inter-pedunclar fossa contains the following
structures except:
a- Optic chiasma .
b- Mammillarey bodies.
c- Roots of trigeminal nerve.

Prof. Ahmed Talat

d- Roots of occulomotor nerve.

13) Roots of hypoglossal nerve attached at one of the
followings sites:
a- Fissure between pyramid & olive of medulla.
b- Fissure between pyramid & pons.
c- Fissure between olive & pons.
d- Angle between pons & medulla.
14) All cranial nerves attached to ventral aspect of brain
stem except:
a- Abducent nerve.
b- Trochlar nerve.
c- Vagus nerve.
d- Facial nerve.
15) Peduncle contains pure afferent fibers in cerebellum is:
a- Middle cerebellar peduncle.
b- Superior cerebellar peduncle.
c- Inferior cerebellar peduncle.
d- Both superior & inferior peduncles.
16) The followings are inter-lobar sulci except:
e- Central sulcus.
f- Lateral sulcus.
g- Post-central sulcus.
h- Paraito-occipital slcus.
17) Concerning the motor area the following statements are
true except:
e- It is called area 4.
f- It lies in the pre-central gyrus.
g- In it the body is represented in upside-down manner.
h- Its lesion leads to ipsilateral hemiplegia.
18) Lose the ability of talking results from lesion of :
e- Main motor area.
f- Area of motor eye movements.
g- Motor speech area.
h- Extra-pyramidal area.
19) Main center of hearing is present in:
a-Post-central gyrus.
b-Pre- central gyrus.
c-superior temporal gyrus.
d-Inferior temporal gyrus.
20) Lesion of main sensory center (area 3,1,2) lead to:
a-Loss of sensations of the opposite side of the body.
b-Loss of sensations of the same side of the body.
c-Loss of sensations of both sides of the body.

Prof. Ahmed Talat

d-Loss of hearing of both ears.

21) The followings are examples of white commissural fibers
a-Corpus callosum.
b-Superior longitudinal fibers.
d-Anterior & posterior commissure.
22) Blood supply of spinal cord are the followings except:
a- Basilar artery.
b- Anterior spinal artery.
c- Posterior spinal arteries.
d- Radicular branches from inter-costal arteries.
23) Arachnoid granulations is a prolongation from:
i- Pia mater.
j- Dura mater.
k- Arachnoid mater.
l- Sub-arachnoid space.
24) Formation of C.S.F. starts from:
i- Choroid plexus in the wall of lateral & 4th ventricles.
j- Sub-arachnoid space.
k- Sub-dural space.
l- Exra-dural space.
25) Sample from S.C.F. is always taken at the level of:
i- Spines between L.1 & L.2.
j- Spines between L.4 & L.5.
k- Spines between S.1 & S.2.
l- Spines between L.5 & S.1.
26) Filum terminals is a continuation of spinal:
e- Pia mater.
f- Dura mater.
g- Arachnoid mater.
d-Sub- arachnoid space.
27) Spinal cord ends at one of these levels except:
e- Upper border of L.1.
f- Lower border of L.1.
g- Upper border of L.2.
h- Disc between L.1 & L.2.
28) All the followings arteries are branches of basilar
artery except:
a-Posterior cerebral artery.
b-Middle cerebral artery.
c-Pontine arteries.
d-Superior cerebellar artery.

Prof. Ahmed Talat

29) Main blood supply of lateral surface of cerebral

hemisphere is from:
a-Posterior cerebral artery.
b-Middle cerebral artery.
c-Anterior cerebral artery.
d-Basilar artery.
30) Blood supply of occipital lobe of cerebral
hemisphere coming from:
a-Posterior cerebral artery.
b-Middle cerebral artery.
c-Anterior cerebral artery.
d-Basilar artery.
31) Superior cerebellar artery is a branch from:
a-Posterior cerebral artery.
b-Middle cerebral artery.
c-Anterior cerebral artery.
d-Basilar artery.
32) Concerning vertebral artery the following
sentences are true except:
e- It passes through all transverse foramina .
f- It is a branch from subclavian artery.
g- It gives posterior spinal artery.
h- It meets its fellow to form basilar artery.
33) Circle of Willis is formed from the following
branches except:
e- Posterior cerebral artery.
f- Middle cerebral artery.
g- Anterior cerebral artery.
h- Vertebral artery.
34) The followings are inter-lobar sulci except:
m- Central sulcus.
n- Lateral sulcus.
o- Post-central sulcus.
p- Paraito-occipital slcus.
35) Concerning the motor area the following
statements are true except:
m- It is called area 4.
n- It lies in the pre-central gyrus.
o- In it body is represented in upside-down manner.
p- Its lesion lead to ipsilateral hemiplegia.
36) Lose the ability of talking results from lesion of :
m- Main motor area.
n- Area of motor eye movements.

Prof. Ahmed Talat

o- Motor speech area.

p- Extra-pyramidal area.
37) Filum terminals is a continuation of spinal:
h- Pia mater.
i- Dura mater.
j- Arachnoid mater.
d-Sub- arachnoid space.
38) Spinal cord ends at one of following levels except:
i- Level of upper border of L.1.
j- Level of lower border of L.1.
k- Level of upper border of L.2.
l- Level at the disc between L.1 & L.2.
39) Main center of hearing is present in:
a-Post-central gyrus.
b-Pre- central gyrus.
c-superior temporal gyrus.
d-Inferior temporal gyrus.
40) Lesion of main sensory center (area 3,1,2) lead to:
a-Loss of sensations of the opposite side of body.
b-Loss of sensations of the same side of the body.
c-Loss of sensations of both sides of the body.
d-Loss of hearing of both ears.
41) Concerning visual pathway the following
statements are true except:
a-It starts by receptors of light present in retina.
b-Optic tract contains crossed nasal & uncrossed
temporal fibers.
c-Optic nerve contains nasal and temporal fibers of
the same eye.
d-It ends in motor eye field.
42) The followings are examples of white commissural
fibers except:
a-Corpus callosum.
b-Superior longitudinal fibers.
d-Anterior & posterior commissure.
43) Concerning lateral ventricle the following
sentences are true except:
i- It contains choroid plexus that secrets C.S.F.
j- It is the largest ventricle in the brain .
k- There are two in number, one in each hemisphere .
l- It is connected with 3rd ventricle by cerebral

Prof. Ahmed Talat

44) Circle of Willis is formed from the following

branches except:
i- Posterior cerebral artery.
j- Middle cerebral artery.
k- Anterior cerebral artery.
l- Vertebral artery.
45) The inter-pedunclar fossa contains the following
structures except:
e- Optic chiasma .
f- Mammillary bodies.
g- Roots of trigeminal nerve.
h- Roots of occulomotor nerve.
46) Roots of hypoglossal nerve attached at one of the
followings sites:
e- Fissure between pyramid & olive of medulla.
f- Fissure between pyramid & pons.
g- Fissure between olive & pons.
h- Angle between pons & medulla.
47) All cranial nerves attached to ventral aspect of
brain stem except:
e- Abducent nerve.
f- Trochlar nerve.
g- Vagus nerve.
h- Facial nerve.
48) The dermatome over the shoulder is derived from :
e- C.4.
f- C.6.
g- C.8.
h- T.1.
49) Relay stations of lateral spino-thalamic tract are
the followings except::
a- Nuclei in brain stem.
b- Dorsal root ganglia (DRG).
c- Postro-lateral ventral nucleus of thalamus (PLVNT).
d- Nuclei in posterior horn of spinal cord.
50) Nuclei of hypoglossal nerve is present in:
a- Mid brain at level of superior colliculus.
b- Pons.
c- Mid brain at level of inferior colliculus.
d- Medulla oblongata.
51) Muscles of the tongue are supplied by:
a- Vagus nerve.
b- Abducent nerve.

Prof. Ahmed Talat

c- Hypoglossal nerve.
d- Facial nerve.
52) Taste sensation from anterior two thirds of the
tongue is carried by:
a- Vagus nerve.
b- Abducent nerve.
c- Hypoglossal nerve.
d- Facial nerve.
53) Blood supply of spinal cord from the followings
branches except:
e- Basilar artery.
f- Anterior spinal artery.
g- Posterior spinal arteries.
d- Radicular branches from inter-costal arteries.
Write (T) against true statement and (F) against false one:
54) Center of vision lies in middle of superior temporal
gyrus……………………………………………....( )
55) Central sulcus lies between area 4 and area 3,1,2… .( )
56) Corpus callosum is an example of projection fibers..( )
57) Internal capsule contains all ascending & descending
tracts except olfaction……………….……………..…….( )
58) Spinal cord in newborn ends at level of L.1……. ... ( )
59) Ventral root of spinal nerve contains dorsal root
ganglia…………………………………….……...( )
60) Spinal dura mater ends at level of L.1………………( )
61) Concerning the medulla oblongata:
a- It is divided into upper closed & lower open medulla.( )
b- It contains the nuclei of lower 4 cranial nerves…....( )
62) Concerning the facial nerve:
a- It is a pure motor nerve….……….............................. ( )
b- Its injury lead to paralysis of facial muscles (Belli‘s
palsy)....................................................................( )
63) Concerning the cerebellum:
a- It is connected with mid brain by crus cerebri.…...( )
b- It takes blood supply from middle cerebral artery ....( )
64) Concerning accessory nerve:
a- It has spinal and cranial parts……………………..( )
b- Spinal part supplying trapezius & deltoid muscles( )
65) Concerning the trigeminal nerve:
a- It is a pure motor nerve…………………………….( )
b- Its nuclei are present in midbrain………………. .( )
66) Center of vision lies in middle of superior temporal
gyrus...( )

Prof. Ahmed Talat

22) Central sulcus lies between area 4 and area

3,1,2………… .( )
23) Corpus callosum is an example of projection
fibers……......( )
24) Internal capsule contains all ascending & descending
tracts except
olfaction……………….……………………………..…….( )
25) Spinal cord in newborn ends at level of L.1……. ... ( )
26) Dorsal root of spinal nerve contains dorsal root
ganglia…..( )
27) Spinal dura mater ends at level of
L.1…………………………( )
28) Lateral spino-thalamic tract carries pain
sensation….……..( )
29) In motor decussation 80% of fibers crossed to other
side..( )
30) Receptors of light lie in visual center of occipital
lobe…….( )


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