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Route and Attractions Worksheet (submit to course for grading)

Directions: Download this word document to print out/or type in your answers. Save it to your “Algebra
Project” folder. When completed, SUBMIT THIS WORKSHEET TO THE COURSE!
**To get help on this worksheet, log into your Desmos Account and view “Project: Route and Attractions

For safety and liability purposes, NOTFlicks says you cannot drive more than 10 hours a
day. Remember:

● you will remain in the United States

● your stops must be places that you can drive to (this is a ROAD trip, after all).
● you will START and FINISH at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in California.
● you must visit at least 3 different cities
● you must visit at least 3 major attractions (that costs money) to help support the tourism industry
○ Add a day to your trip for each attraction you visit so you can spend time there. Example: if
you visit 4 major attractions on your trip, you will need to add 4 days in addition to your driving
● you have up to 31 days, no less than 1 week, to do some really cool things!
○ Need some inspiration? GOOGLE it! Search for “must see places in the United States.”

How many people are going on your trip (including yourself): __2_______

*1) Write down your ideas for stops and attractions here. Include your reasons for why you think each of
these attractions will be good for the reality show as well as contribute to boosting tourism. *Copy this to
your powerpoint presentation*

Tour of some of the best zoos and wildlife attractions in the country

Destination reason
Living Desert Zoo and Gardens, Palm Springs Living Desert Zoo and Gardens has a unique
collection of animals
Botanical Gardens and Sedona, Phoenix Botanical Gardens and Sedona
Denver Zoo It’s a really good zoo
Cincinnati Zoo View of the mountains
Monterey Aquarium Monterey Aquarium

Once you have an idea of where you might want to go, create a map for your trip using Google Maps.
Click here for directions on using Google Maps (more help found in the Desmos Lesson for this worksheet):
To make your map:
1. Go the website
2. Enter your starting destination: Los Angeles International Aiport (LAX) in California
3. Enter your first destination (example: San Diego Zoo)
4. In the Table below, complete the information for this destination
5. Continue adding stops and attractions until you have at least 3 different cities and 3 different attractions.
6. Don’t forget to include your last destination at Los Angeles International Aiport (LAX)

(more directions for this found in the Desmos Lesson for this worksheet)

*2) *Copy this to your powerpoint presentation*

Destinations Number of Miles, Number of hours Number of driving Is this a major

rounded to the (round to nearest days needed tourist
nearest whole whole hour) (no more than 10 attraction**?
(from previous hours per day)
destination) If yes, put “1”
Leave blank if not

1. LAX

2. Palm 122 2 1 1

3. Phoenix 269 4 1 2

4. Cincinnati 1805 27 3 1

5. Denver 1191 17 2 1

6. Monterey 1252 18 2 1

7. LAX 326 5 1

Total Number of Total Miles Total Hours Spent Total Number of Total Number of
Cities visited Driving Days Driving Attractions

4 4965 73 10 6

Look at your table above. Does this meet the requirements of your road trip being between 7 and 31 days? How about
the number of cities required to visit as well as the number of attractions? Did you remember to add in extra days for
each attraction you visit? If not, make adjustments to your trip itinerary. *Copy this answer into your powerpoint

Remember, you will spend one day at each major attraction, and will need to add these days to your total number of
days driving. At this point, how many days do you think your trip will be? Please note: As we move through the project,
you MAY need to adjust your stops, attractions, and map to keep your costs between $8500 and $10,000! *Copy this
answer into your powerpoint presentation*
Estimated number of days spent on the Road Trip: _____16__________

*3) *Copy this to your powerpoint presentation* Paste the link to your trip on Google Maps (directions below):
4) **Attractions COSTS
In Microsoft Excel, create a table (see example below) that organizes the attractions you will visit, cost per person to
enter the attraction, as well as parking fees. Paste your table here in this document. (get help for this in the Desmos
Lesson for this worksheet) *Copy this to your powerpoint presentation*

Name of Attraction Cost for admission Cost for parking

Living Desert Zoo and Gardens $27.95
Desert Botanical Garden $39.95
Sedona Jeep Ride $129.00
Denver Zoo $20.00
Cincinatti $22.00 $10.00
Monterey Bay Aquarium $5.00 $12.00

Total cost of admissions per

person $243.90
Number of people 2
Total cost of admissions $487.80
Total cost for parking $22.00
Grand total $509.80

Your table should include:

● Name of each attraction.

● Cost per person for admission.
● Cost for parking.
● Links to the websites where you got the pricing information.
● Total cost per person for all the attractions.
● The total cost of admissions for your entire trip.
● The total cost for parking for your entire trip.

5) How did you calculate the total cost per person for all the attractions ? *Copy this to your powerpoint

I added the individual attraction costs: 27.95+39.95+129+20+22+5=243.90

6) How did you calculate the total cost of admissions for your entire trip? *Copy this to your powerpoint

I multiplied the total cost per person by the number of people: 243.90 (2) = 487.80
7) What is the Final Combined Total Costs for visiting ALL attractions? *Copy this to your powerpoint

487.80 + 22.00 = $509.80

Show what you know!

Answer the following questions and show all work for full credit. (do NOT copy this to you presentation)

On day 1 of your road trip, you travel x miles. On Day 2, you travel 25 more than twice as many miles as you did on Day
1. On Day 3, you travel 10 fewer miles than you did on Day 1.

a) Write an expression that represents the miles traveled for Day 1 + Day 2 + Day 3, then simplify the expression.

b) If you traveled 300 miles on Day 1, how many total miles did you travel after 3 days?


1) SUBMIT this completed worksheet to the course for grading

a) Be sure to save this worksheet to your computer for later! You will revisit it throughout
the project!


a) Copy Parts 1-7 from above into your Project Powerpoint on the slide: “ROUTES AND
ATTRACTIONS.” Do not just include numbers here! Include what the answer
represents! (restate the question)
b) Save your presentation often!
i) You are not turning the Powerpoint Presentation in until later in the semester.

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