Academic Dishonesty

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MODULE 201 1

Research Question

While technology may have many positive associations, such as researching and

connecting with others, Rabahi indicates that its overuse has ravaged academic honesty with

students; therefore, leading to an increase in cheating (Rabahi, 2019). The study was conducted

at two universities in Algeria. The researcher aimed to explore motives that encourage academic

misconduct and analyze students’ knowledge of information and communication technologies.

The goal of the research was to supply the field of academic research with implications for how

students can use technologies correctly to harness integrity in research (Rabahi, 2019).


The researcher selected subjects from second-year master’s level courses from Mascara

and Saida Universities, which contained a total of one hundred and twenty students. Students

were then given a structured questionnaire that Rabahi used to collect quantitative and qualitative

data. Fifteen teachers were interviewed as well using a series of four different questions. The

student questionnaires contained three sections. Section one involved personal information,

section two tested their ideas about the importance of technology in research, and section three

raised awareness about using information and communication technologies to achieve academic

integrity (Rabahi, 2019). All subjects were presented with the following questions and were

given specific answer choices to select according to the question. This study had five research

questions: (1) Is the use of information and communication technologies important in education?

(2) How do you take information? Do you depend on information and communication

technologies? (3) Do you consider copying information from the Internet without referencing a

type of academic misconduct? (4) Did you conduct any unethical practices in your studies? If
MODULE 201 2

yes, is it cheating or plagiarism? (5) Information and communication technologies can be

employed effectively to realize academic honesty and integrity.


95% believe information and communication technologies are important to education.

67.7% take down information from information and communication technologies by copying it

exactly how it is into assignments. 56.67% consider copying information from the Internet

without referencing as a type of academic misconduct, while 43.33% noted that copying is not

bad. 80.83% reported cheating during their studies, while 19.17% admitted to plagiarizing.

Lastly, in terms of effectively employing information and communication technologies with

honesty and integrity, 26.67% strongly agreed, 44.67% agreed, 17.5% strongly disagreed, and

11.67% disagreed (Rabahi, 2019). The researcher concludes that schools play crucial roles in

raising awareness towards honesty in academics and that information and communication

technologies encourage e-cheating and plagiarism (Rabahi, 2019).


The study shows that students lack knowledge for how to appropriately use technology

when conducting research or completing assignments. However, the results also show that if

teachers raise awareness from an early onset about the dangers that can lead to academic

dishonesty, there is hope. Copying and pasting have added to an already complex digital world

that entices students to take preexisting thoughts and ideas as their own. I plan on thoroughly

teaching how to cite information and paraphrase ideas next year with my new students,

especially in our informational report writing unit.

MODULE 201 3


Rabahi, H. (2019). The use of information and communication technology in academic

research: Is it possible to realize academic integrity? Arab World English Journal, 10(4),

88–100. Retrieved from


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