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Circumstances affecting criminal liability If there is no complete self-defense we know that it becomes a mitigating

Distinction: 11 and 12: affect whether liability will attach or arise circumstance
13, 14, and 15 – circumstances affecting the penalty
Incomplete self-defense: if a majority but not all of the elements are
Article 11: justifying circumstances present.
If proven -> lawful
Indispensable elements: unlawful aggression (if absent =/= justifying
The person does not have criminal intent. The act under the circumstances circumstance)
is considered lawful because the circumstance substitutes for the intent.
Person is considered exempt from liability Disproportionate means taken. Incomplete justifying circumstance. It
becomes a mitigating circumstance.
There is no liability because there is no crime.
You can use under the second element. Does a person need to wait for an
Person is considered incapable of forming an intent. injury to happen? Defense is not limited to the person. It also covers rights.

Self-defense, defense of relative and defense of relative are taken together Self-defense may not be only limited to felonies against persons. It may also
because they have related elements felonies against property.
Unlawful aggression: not a crime. Aggression is unprovoked.
Unjustified. Act of defense is a reaction, a response to the aggression. Principle of self-help. If a person’s property is being invaded (unlawful
aggression). The owner may take measures to repel.
Self-defense 11(1) – if there was unlawful aggression, the person must show
that there was no provocation on his part. Can a person take steps to prevent or repel the libel?
2nd element: the means taken are considered reasonable.
Circumstances to prevent or repel the aggressor. Jurisprudence recognizes counter libel as a means of self-defense when
Accused: person making the defense there has been a previous libel that…disseminated.
Defense consistent with the circumsntances of the aggression
No one to one correspondence Criminal procedure. Remedial law. When a person during arraignment and
If the aggression was done by means of fists, it does not mean that pre-trial is asked to plead and the person admits but interposes a lawful
the response must be equal. The circumsntaces must be considered. Under defense. That is the situation of self-defense.
the circumstnaces, if the response was met by virtue of a weapon, the judge Consequence: the order of presentation of trial is reversed because
must see if the use of weapon was reasonable under the circumstances. the burden of proof on the part of the prosecution is satisfied by the
Inequality of strength, ability of means to repel the aggression.
If self-defense is not proven, the judge may render judgment
Hitting a with a rock then that may be considered reasonable under the because of admission
11(2) defense of relatives
(1) Unlawful aggression (3) Indemnification
(2) Reasonableness of the means used to prevent/repel aggression
(3) Even if the relative had given provocation, the person making the Restitution – property itself
defense had taken no part in the provocation. Reparation – the accused must pay and
Indemnification - in any event, any consequential damages must be born by
Enumeration is exclusive. the person who is liable
11(5) anyone who acts in the fulfillment of a duty or the lawful exercise of a
Art. 20 – accessories who are not liable by reason of relationship right or office. Pretty straightforward. The act that may have caused an
USES THE WORD EXEMPT. Not an exempting circumstance. Because injury or damage is pursuant to a duty, justified act.
not listed in article 12. The proper term is absolutory. It absolves the person
of criminal liability. The judge must look at whether there was criminal intent.

The relatives covered by article 11 (2). IF the person is not covered by that (6) any person who acts…obedience to lawful superior.
list, then automatically the person becomes a stranger under Article 3.
2 relationships: there must be a relationship of obedience. Hierarchy where
The third element is different. the person who acts and is charging a felony has the duty of obedience.

Third element – person defending is not motivated by revenge, resentment, There must be a superior subordinate relationship.
hate or other evil motive. Common in the military, police, armed forced.
Or even in the civil service.
Might also be present in the private enterprise where there is a clear
Act causing damage to another if. First that there is an evil sought to be superior-subordinate relationship
(2) not only must the one who gives the authorized be authorized to give
(1) That the evil sought to be avoided actually exists; the order. The order must have been given for some lawful purpose.
(2) That the injury feared be greater than that done to avoid it;
(3) That there be no other practical and less harmful means of preventing it. Even if with authority and not w/ lawful purpose – can he claim the
justifying circumstance? No.
Under Article 11 – no civil liability
Article 11(4) – THERE IS CIVIL LIABILITY which is borne by those who
benefitted from the act of the accused. Law enforcement. One outranks another is lawful because that person is
authorized to give that order.
Civil liability – 3 items
(1) Restitution Accused obeys or complies with the order. Criminal intent that was
(2) Reparation informed. Voluntary act of taking the criminal intent.
Judges of the Sandigabayan were clearly partial. 12.1 – Imbecility or insanity
Went beyond the pale of clarificatory questions. They took on the The insane person is qualified by lucid interval. Not exempt if under
tone of an adversarial prosecutorial interrogation the law, he has acted during a lucid interval

Tabuena v Sandiganbayan DOES NOT DEFINE who is an imbecile or an insane person. Leaves
1 separate opinion said it was wrong because no question of good case law to define that
faith required here. Because the accused were not charge with crimes
requiring criminal intent. Malversation through negligence (Romero) CRIM LAW: insanity in some form in family law. Succession, sound
mind is also defined very specifically. The same way with insanity for
Addressed that point directly instead of resulting to due process criminal law.

Under international law, Nuremberg trial. We were obeying orders of Hitler Exempting circumstance. Insanity – ACTED WITH COMPLETE
Lawful purpose – cannot be a justifying circumstance if not DEPRIVATION OF FREEDOM, INTELLIGENCE, and WILL.

Justifying circumstance = acquittal. Because no criminal intent can be Unaware of the rightness or wrongness of his act.
Deemed incapable of forming a criminal intent.
Can justifying circumstance be raised if the felony that is charged is a
culpable felony – The Court limits insanity as having occurred only at the time of the act. Not
Article 11 – take the place of criminal intent before. Not after. According to the Court, at the time of the crime or the
felony, the person must have acted with complete deprivation of freedom,
An incomplete justification under Article 13 intelligence or will
(1) Mitigating circumstance – privileged mitigating circumstance
If the person understood the consequences of his action then he cannot
Which ones can become incomplete? have been considered to have been completely deprived of freedom
Self defense intelligence or will.
Defense of relatives
Defense of stranger Postponing a pre-trial and the fitness of the person to undergo trial
Avoidance of a greater evil? (if 2nd element is not present: pwede) - 2 different things: person may not have been insane when he
State of Necessity? NO CANNOT BE INCOMPLETE performed the act constituting a felony.
Lawful order issued for a lawful purpose? Possible.
He may be considered as incapable of standing trial. Mental condition may
Only if he had not been charged with a culpable felony but an intentional have prevented him from understanding what is going on. The court will not
felony proceed with trial. May remand him to the appropriate

Article 12 – felony still exists but there is no criminal liability

At the time of the commission of the felony, and insanity is shown very
specifically by a complete deprivation of freedom, intelligence, and will. 2nd exempting circumstance deals with minority
NOT a medical condition/psychiatric condition. IT IS A LEGAL condition. Age of minority for purposes of exeption:
Is it possible for a person to be insane under Article 12 and not have a 15-18: QUALIFIEDLY
mental organic condition? Yes. If w/ discernment, that person is liable.
While not exempt, privileged mitigating
All you need to do is prove that at the time of the act, the accused was circumstance
completely deprived of freedom, I , w Above 18: NO EXEMPTION

When could the accused have acted under a lucid interval? What does lucid 12(4) ACCIDENT – only instance where there is no civil liability
interval mean? He had will, I, f. not insane. i. Why? Act was lawful

You don’t really need to say How different from Article 4(1)
He was the cause of the cause of the evil cause. Civil law concept of
He was not completely deprived of freedom, intelligence, will. proximate cause. (Bataclan)

For imbecility, the court defines imbecility…complete DEPRIVATION Even if the result is injury, it will not give rise to criminal liability

Feeblemindedness or slowness… Article 12(4) it is a lawful act. No civil liability to be born

Ability, capacity to comprehend the consequences of the act that was done. 12(5)/12(6)
Related concepts
Test for insanity is broaded than the test from which it was taken: In re Irresistible force/ Uncontrollable fear
M’Naghten Deprived of free will.
Incapable of doing anything else
Person is not in a position to do anything else
Irresistible force? Physical force? Will a threat be sufficient? Or will
IS there such a thing as temporary insanity? threat fall under uncontrollable fear?
Actually, no. Can a person act under the impulse of an uncontrollable
Art. 12 actually contemplates a very relative period. It doesn’t fear even if there was no threat?
matter what his condition is. At the time of the act, he must not have had
freedom, will, intelligence Uncontrollable fear of unequal or greater injury
Violence that is exerted would be an irresistible force.
Imbecility and insanity are the same
They exempt the person from criminal liability although there is civil 12(7) felony is a felony by omission. When does a felony by omission arise?
liability that needs to be paid When there is a duty imposed by law.
Not in first act -> nothing to do with relationship.
List of actionable omissions in the outline :D
Instigation. Which is always distinguished from entrapment.
Omission can be intentional or culpable. Many times people tink Entrapment is a situation where a person has decided to commit a
that it is always just culpable. But an omission can also be intentional. felony or a crime and the authorities allow the person to commit te crime so
that the person may be arrested
What are some of the omissions?
Instigation the criminal intent does not originate from the accused
275 – abandonment of person in danger but it orginates from the authorities. The authorities instigate the person to
commit the crime
Failure to perform an act required by law. If the failure to perform the act is
due to some lawful or insuperable cause Entrapment – not absolutory. From the very start he has decided to commit
Insuperable – incapable of being overcome the crime

What’s an example? Under Article 125, Instigation – ABSOLUTORY

Needs to waive Article 125.
Article 12(7) – failure to perform a duty required by law. Duty to file fDIRECT PARTICIPATION
or have inquested within the period.
Article 13 – circumstances that affect the penalty
Unable to deliver the person to the inquest prosecutor.

Possible to prove both as having been present? Possible.

Aside from justifying and exempting circumstances. Other circumstances

resulting in no criminal liability being present. Relationship would relieve the
person of criminal liability (accessory) for the 2 nd and the 3rd act of the
Art. 19
(1) Act of profiting
(2) Act of concealing
(3) Act of harboring

Relationship translates into an absolutory cause for (2) and (3). Why?
Because it is natural and exempted that if the offender is a relative.
Specifically defined. It is presumed that this person would want to protect
the relative.

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